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Nicks Proppa Warpath



The army list has three categories, Core, Support and Attachments. Infantry units consist of one or more fireteams (usually groups of 4 models) A player may take as many Core units as they like Up to one Support choice may be taken for every two fireteams in a unit (tanks, artillery etc) Every fireteam may take one attachment (heroes, medic, spotter drone etc)

Note: Rng of M means melee only, otherwise it is a ranged weapon.

Suppression Points
Suppression Points measure a units morale and cohesion. If a units Suppression Points exceed the number of models + Command stat of the unit then the unit is Suppressed, otherwise the unit is Active. A unit can gain Suppression several ways, including taking casualties, overwhelming fire etc. A unit can lose Suppression by special rule or by regrouping.

You can measure any distance at any time. The distance between two models is the distance between the two closest points, and the distance between two units is the distance between the two closest models. Dice rolls are made using D8s, not D6s. Players roll off at the start of the game to determine initiative. The winner decides whether to have it or give it to their opponent for the entire game.

Use the term Line of Fire instead of line of sight Look from behind the models head or behind weapon for a vehicle Infantry models never block LOF Vehicles block LOF, unless either model is tall enough to see or be seen over the top. Tall area terrain (ruins, forests etc) always blocks LOF to models completely behind. If all of an infantry model can be seen, including the base then they are Clearly Visible, except when in area terrain. If at least 50% of a vehicle can be seen then it is Clearly Visible For a unit to be Clearly Visible, at least half of it must be Clearly Visible to the active unit leader.

All units have a single Unit Leader. If that unit leader is killed then the controlling player must nominate a replacement At Activation. To be in formation, all models in a unit must be within 5 of the unit leader. This is called the Command Radius. If any models in the unit are further away, then the unit formation is broken. Both At Activation and Post Activation, if the unit formation is broken then it receives D4 suppression

One objective marker is placed in the centre of the board. The players then each place one objective marker outside their normal deployment zones, and one objective marker inside their own deployment zone. Objectives are determined by drawing two cards at the start of the game, each with a Primary and Secondary objective. The player uses one card for their Primary objective and the other for their Secondary. They must reveal their Primary objective, but do not have to reveal their Secondary until the end of the game. Provide a 2D8 table for players to roll on if they dont have a deck of cards. Both objectives must be revealed in this case. Players deploy their units in ASCENDING order of Command. The player with the Initiative deploys theirs last in case of a tie. 1

Unit Statline
Spd Mel Acc Def Hit Cmd Spd Speed How fast the unit moves Mel Melee Score needed to hit in melee Acc Accuracy Score needed to hit with ranged Def Defence Score needed to wound this unit Hit Hit Points Wounds needed to kill a model Cmd Command Unit morale Rng Dam ROF Special Rng Range How far the weapon can shoot Dam Damage A bonus when rolling to wound ROF Rate of Fire How many shots Special Special rules which apply to this weapon

Weapon Statline

Players activate their units in descending order of Command stat, starting with the highest (semialternating activations). If both players have a unit with the same Cmd then the player with the Initiative goes first and activates all of their units with that Cmd. If players have multiple units with the same Cmd then they decide which order to activate them in. If a player forgets to activate a unit at the right time and that unit is Active then it is considered to have carried out an Overwatch order.

Vehicles may move backwards at speed (movement through terrain is speed when going backwards) If the unit formation is broken then they must move back into formation. If they are unable to do so then they must carry out a Retreat order instead and move as close to formation as possible.

Sustained Order
The units Speed is doubled for the duration of the Order

May only be carried out by suppressed units The unit may carry out a Move order, but must end it further away from enemy units than where it started. The units speed is doubled for the duration of the Order

1. Player declares which unit they are activating 2. Resolve any effects which take place At Activation. These can be done in any order the controlling player wishes. 3. Check whether the unit is Active or Suppressed: a. An Active unit can be given two orders, or one sustained order b. A Suppressed unit can be given one order. 4. Once the order(s) have been resolved then resolve any effects which take place Post Activation.

Sustained Order
N/A may only be carried out by a suppressed unit who cant do a sustained order

The unit removes half of its Suppression (rounding down)

The basic orders are: o Move o Retreat (Suppressed units only) o Regroup o Overwatch (sustained order only) o Shoot o Charge Units may not carry out the same order twice, but all orders have a Sustained option (e.g. sustained move doubles the units Speed for the duration of the order) A unit which has broken formation may only be given Move or Retreat orders.

Sustained Order
All of the units Suppression is removed

The unit receives an Overwatch counter and does nothing else for their activation. At any point before this unit is next activated then the controlling player may state that this unit will reactive. Any orders currently being carried out must be resolved and then this unit may carry out a single order. Once this order has been resolved then the overwatch counter is removed and the unit may not be reactivated again. Play continues where it left off. The unit may not reactivate if it is suppressed.

Each mode in the unit advances forwards up to its speed in inches Infantry models may pivot freely as they move, vehicles may pivot once to face any direction. Movement through area terrain is at speed Vehicles may not enter tall area terrain

1. Cannot be issued to a unit with a Disrupted counter. 2. Pick a target unit: a. The unit leader must have LOF to at least one model in the target unit. b. The unit must be able to wound the target unit in the following Shoot order 3. Determine firing models 4. Roll to hit 5. Roll to wound 6. Remove casualties 7. Add suppression

Remove casualties
If the target unit has a Hit of 1 then their controlling player removes as many models as there are wounds Only models in LOF from at least one model in the Active Unit may be removed as casualties If the target unit has a Hit of 2 or more: o 1 infantry model is removed for every x wounds caused, where x is the units Hit stat. E.g. 5 wounds caused to a unit with a Hit of 2 will remove 2 models. Excess wounds are lost. o Vehicles must record the number of wounds taken, and must be allocated to vehicles in LOF. A vehicle is wrecked once it reaches the units Hit stat in wounds. Leave the model where it was as terrain.

Determine firing models

Check which models in the active unit have LOF to at least one model in the target unit. This should be fairly obvious since what will block LOF to one model will usually block it for all. Check how many models are within their weapons range of at least one model in the target unit. Melee weapons may not be used. Vehicles may fire all their weapons in a single shoot order.

Add Suppression
Versus Infantry: o The target unit takes 1 Suppression point for every model removed o If the active unit was shooting with more models than in the target unit then the target unit takes another Suppression Point. 2 if outnumbered 2:1, 3 for 3:1 etc. Versus vehicles: o The target unit takes 1 Suppression point for every wound caused

Roll to hit
Total ROF of the weapons used = how many dice are rolled (may need to roll heavy weapons separately if they have different Dam or Special) Any dice which equal or beat the active units Accuracy stat have hit Modifiers: o +1 for a Sustained Order o +2 if the target unit is Clearly Visible to the unit leader A roll of 1 will automatically miss

Sustained Order
The unit gets the +1 to hit modifier The unit leader may pick a second valid target unit, and any models with LOF to it may opt to shoot at the second unit instead. Only the first unit will take Suppression for being outnumbered.

Roll to wound
Roll any dice which hit Any dice which equal or beat the target units Defence stat have wounded Modifiers: o +n where n is the weapons Dam stat o +1 if the firing model is in the target vehicles flank o +2 if the firing model is in the target vehicles rear o -1 the target model is in area terrain Rolling to wound vehicles uses exploding 8s (roll another dice to wound if you roll a natural 8). Any roll of a 1 will fail to wound 3

1. Infantry only 2. Pick a target unit: a. The unit leader must have LOF to at least one model in the target unit b. At least one model in the active unit must be able to reach melee range and wound the enemy unit in the ensuing melee 3. Move chargers 4. Roll to hit 5. Roll to wound 6. Remove casualties 7. Add suppression 8. Consolidate

Remove Casualties
If the target unit has a Hit of 1 then their controlling player removes as many models as there are wounds (their choice) Models in melee range of at least one model in the active unit must be removed first, then the controlling player may choose for any remaining wounds. If the target unit has a Hit of 2 or more: o 1 infantry model is removed for every x wounds caused, where x is the units Hit stat. E.g. 5 wounds caused to a unit with a Hit of 2 will remove 2 models. Excess wounds are lost. o Vehicles must record the number of wounds taken, and must be allocated to vehicles in LOF. A vehicle is wrecked once it reaches the units Hit stat in wounds. Leave the model where it was (still considered removed) as terrain.

Move Charges
Models in the active unit move in the same way as a move order, directly towards a model in the target unit. At least one model must end within 2 of a model in the target unit.

Add Suppression
Versus Infantry: o The target unit takes 1 Suppression point for every model removed o If the active unit was shooting with more models than in the target unit then the target unit takes another Suppression Point. 2 if outnumbered 2:1, 3 for 3:1 etc. o The target unit receives a Disrupted counter. This is removed during the target units next Post Activation. Versus vehicles: o The target unit takes 1 Suppression point for every wound caused

Roll to hit
All models within 2 of a model in the target unit may make a melee attack Each model making a melee attack rolls one dice to hit. If they have a melee weapon then they may roll extra dice equal to that melee weapons ROF If they have multiple melee weapons then they choose one to fight with. All their attacks are done using that weapons stats and rules. Any dice which equal or beat the active units Melee stat have hit the target.

Roll to wound
Roll any dice which hit Any dice which equal or beat the target units Defence stat have wounded Modifiers: o +n where n is the weapons Dam stat o +1 if the firing model is in the target vehicles flank o +2 if the firing model is in the target vehicles rear Rolling to wound vehicles uses exploding 8s (roll another dice to wound if you roll a natural 8). Any roll of a 1 will fail to wound

If any models in the target unit remain then all models in the active unit must move directly towards a model in the target unit, following the normal rules for a move order. If all models were removed then the Active unit may make a single move as per the move order. Overrun, see sustained order

Sustained Order
When declaring the order, the controlling player decides whether to do a long charge or overrun. If they decide to do a long charge then the active units Speed is doubled for the duration of the order. If they decide to overrun and the target unit is destroyed, then they may carry out a second charge order against a different unit. 4

The above rules are for games up to 2k in 40k terms. For larger games, use the following rules modifications. The Command Radius (for unit formation) is increased by 1 for every 1k of points over 2k. When rolling for the Initiative, players roll a dice and add their highest Cmd stat. The winner gets to activate all of their units first (IGOUGO) each turn.

For infantry, measure the distance that the Unit Leader moves. Place all other models in the unit in formation around the unit leader.

Same as move.

Only check LOF from the unit leader. All models in the unit have the same LOF as the unit leader. All models in the target unit are considered to be in LOF (so can be taken as casualties). Ranges are only measured from the unit leader.

Same as move All models in the active unit may make melee attacks, not just those in melee range

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