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Under the FCCs rules, Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI) is defined as: Information that relates to the quantity, technical configuration, type, destination and amount of use of a telecommunications service subscribed to by any customer of a telecommunications Carrier and that is made available to the Carrier by the customer solely by virtue of the Carrier-customer relationship; and information contained in the bills pertaining to telephone exchange or toll service received by a customer of a Carrier. CPNI is, in short, information about how, when, where and how often a ustomer makes use of tele ommuni ations ser!i es" It is information a Carrier possesses solely due to the ustomer#Carrier relationship" CPNI does not in lude information that is in the publi domain or a!ailable from other, non# Company sour es" For e$ample, ensus data, subs riber list information and published dire tory information is publi data" %ubs riber list information means any information identifyin& the listed names of subs ribers of a Carrier and su h subs ribers telephone numbers, addresses, or primary ad!ertisin& lassifi ations (as su h lassifi ations are assi&ned at the time of the establishment of su h ser!i e), or any ombination of su h listed names, numbers, addresses, or lassifi ations' and that the Carrier or an affiliate has published, aused to be published or a epted for publi ation in any dire tory format" Non-Restricted Use of CPNI Carrier may use CPNI for the followin& purposes: ( to initiate, render, bill and olle t for tele ommuni ations ser!i es' ( to prote t the ri&hts or property of the Carrier, or to prote t users of those ser!i es and other Carriers from fraudulent, abusi!e, or unlawful use of, or subs ription to, su h ser!i es' ( in the pro!isionin& of inside wire installation, maintenan e, or repair ser!i es" ) wireless pro!ider may use CPNI deri!ed from its pro!ision of Commer ial *obile +adio %er!i e (C*+%) without appro!al for the pro!ision of CP, and information ser!i es" ) C*+% Carrier may also use CPNI for the purpose of ondu tin& resear h on the health effe ts of C*+%" In addition, C*+% Carriers are permitted to dis lose CPNI without e$press, prior appro!al in three emer&en y# related situations: ( to a publi safety answerin& point, emer&en y medi al ser!i e pro!ider or emer&en y dispat h pro!ider, publi safety, fire ser!i e, or law enfor ement offi ial, or hospital emer&en y or trauma are fa ility, in order to respond to the users all for emer&en y ser!i es' ( to inform the users le&al &uardian or members of the users immediate family of the users lo ation in an emer&en y situation that in!ol!es the risk of death or serious physi al harm' or ( to pro!iders of information or database mana&ement ser!i es solely for purposes of assistin& in the deli!ery of emer&en y ser!i es in response to an emer&en y" -,Cs, C*+% pro!iders and inter onne ted .oIP pro!iders may use CPNI to market ser!i es formerly known as ad/un t#to#basi ser!i es, su h as, but not limited to, speed dialin&, omputer#pro!ided dire tory assistan e, all monitorin&, all tra in&, all blo kin&, all return, repeat dialin&, all tra kin&, all waitin&, aller I0, all forwardin&, and ertain Centre$ features" Carrier may use CPNI for the purpose of pro!idin& or marketin& ser!i e offerin&s amon& the ate&ories of ser!i e to whi h the ustomer already subs ribers from the same Carrier" If a Carrier pro!ides different ate&ories of ser!i e and a ustomer subs ribes to more than one ate&ory of ser!i e offered by the Carrier, the Carrier is permitted to share CPNI amon& the Carriers affiliated entities that pro!ide a ser!i e offerin& to the ustomer" )ffiliate means a person that (dire tly or indire tly) owns or ontrols, is owned or ontrolled by, or is under ommon ownership or ontrol with, another person" For purposes of this para&raph, the term 1own2 means to own an e3uity interest (or e3ui!alent thereof) of more than 45 per ent" Restrictions on the Use of CPNI If a Carrier pro!ides different ate&ories of ser!i e, but a ustomer does not subs ribe to more than one offerin& by the Carrier, the Carrier is not permitted to share CPNI with its affiliates e$ ept pursuant to opt#in appro!al" ) Carrier may not use CPNI to identify or tra k a ustomer that alls ompetin& ser!i e pro!iders


(i"e", a lo al e$ han&e Carrier may not use lo al ser!i e CPNI to tra k all ustomers that all lo al ser!i e ompetitors") Carrier may not release CPNI to a third party without the written onsent of the ustomer" )ll marketin& plans de!eloped by Carriers employees or on behalf of Carrier must address the use of CPNI and be appro!ed by the offi er or employee responsible for CPNI omplian e (1CPNI Complian e 6ffi er2)" Carriers policy dictates that failure to abide by these policies and procedures could result in disciplinary action or termination. Use of CPNI 1)uthori7ed2 CPNI is CPNI that Carrier has provided customer notification and obtained opt-in authorization prior to its use for marketin& purposes" Under the FCCs rules, for Carrier to market ommuni ations#related ser!i es outside of the ustomers subs ribed ser!i e (outside the total ser!i e approa h), Carrier must pro!ide notifi ation to the ustomer and obtain opt#in authori7ation from the ustomer for the use of su h CPNI to market other ser!i es" Carrier may obtain authori7ation for the use of CPNI throu&h written, oral or ele troni methods" ) Carrier relyin& on oral appro!al bears the burden of demonstratin& that su h appro!al has been &i!en" Customer appro!al or disappro!al remains in effe t until the ustomer re!okes or limits su h appro!al or disappro!al" Carrier must maintain re ords of appro!al or disappro!al by oral, written or ele troni means, for at least one year" Carrier may, sub/e t to ustomer throu&h opt#out appro!al or opt#in appro!al, use its ustomers indi!idually identifiable CPNI for the purpose of marketin& ommuni ations#related ser!i es to that ustomer" Carrier may, sub/e t to opt#out appro!al or opt#in appro!al, dis lose its ustomers indi!idually identifiable CPNI for the purpose of marketin& ommuni ations#related ser!i es to that ustomer, to its a&ents and its affiliates that pro!ide ommuni ations#related ser!i es" ) tele ommuni ations Carrier may also permit su h persons or entities to obtain a ess to su h CPNI for su h purposes" ,$ ept for use and dis losure of CPNI that is permitted without ustomer appro!al under se tion 89:";55<, or that is des ribed in this para&raph, or as otherwise pro!ided in se tion ;;; of the Communi ations ) t of 4=>:, as amended, a tele ommuni ations Carrier may only use, dis lose, or permit a ess to its ustomers indi!idually identifiable CPNI sub/e t to opt#in appro!al" Joint Venture/Contractors Safeguards Carrier must obtain opt#in appro!al prior to sharin& ustomers CPNI with Carriers /oint !enture partners or independent ontra tors for the purposes of marketin& ommuni ations#related ser!i es to that ustomer" ?o the e$tent that Carrier !oluntarily obtained opt#in appro!al from their ustomers for the dis losure of ustomers CPNI to /oint !enture partners or independent ontra tor for the purposes of marketin& ommuni ations# related ser!i es to a ustomer prior to the adoption of the new CPNI rules, Carrier an ontinue to use those appro!als" If Carrier dis loses or pro!ides a ess to CPNI to its /oint !enture partners or independent ontra tors they must enter into onfidentiality a&reements that state su h /oint !enture or ontra tor will use the CPNI only for the purpose of marketin& or pro!idin& the ommuni ations#related ser!i e for whi h that CPNI has been pro!ided" ?he a&reement must also state that the independent ontra tor or /oint !enture partner will not use, allow a ess to, or dis lose the CPNI to any other party, unless re3uired to make su h dis losure under for e of law" %u h /oint !enture partner or ontra tor must implement appropriate safe&uards to ensure the on&oin& onfidentiality of CPNI" Notice Required for Use of CPNI Prior to any soli itation for ustomer appro!al, Carrier must pro!ide notifi ation to the ustomer of the ustomers ri&ht to restri t the use of, dis losure of, and a ess to that ustomers CPNI" Carrier must maintain written re ord of the notifi ation for at least one year" Indi!idual noti e to ustomers must be pro!ided when soli itin& appro!al to use, dis lose or permit a ess to a ustomers CPNI"


?he noti e must in lude suffi ient information to enable the ustomer to make an informed de ision as to whether to permit a Carrier to use, dis lose, or permit a ess to, its CPNI" ?he notifi ation must state that the ustomer has a ri&ht, and the Carrier has a duty under federal law to prote t the onfidentiality of CPNI" ?he notifi ation must spe ify the types of information that onstitute CPNI and the spe ifi entities that will re ei!e the CPNI, des ribe the purposes for whi h CPNI will be used, and inform the ustomer of his or her ri&ht to disappro!e those uses, and deny or withdraw a ess to CPNI at any time" ?he notifi ation must ad!ise the ustomer of the pre ise steps the ustomer must take to &rant or deny a ess to CPNI, and must learly state that a denial of appro!al will not affe t the pro!ision of any ser!i es to whi h the ustomer subs ribes" Carriers may pro!ide a brief statement in lear and neutral lan&ua&e, des ribin& the onse3uen es dire tly resultin& from the la k of a ess" ?he notifi ation must be lear and not misleadin&" ?he notifi ation may state that the ustomers appro!al of the use of CPNI may enhan e the Carriers ability to offer produ ts and ser!i es tailored to the ustomers needs" ?he notifi ation may also state that Carrier may be ompelled to dis lose CPNI to any person upon affirmati!e written re3uest by the ustomer" Carrier may not in lude in the notifi ation any statement attemptin& to en oura&e a ustomer to free7e third#party a ess to CPNI" ?he notifi ation must state that any appro!al or denial of appro!al for the use of CPNI outside of the ser!i e to whi h the ustomer already subs ribes from that Carrier is !alid until the ustomer affirmati!ely re!okes or limits su h appro!al or denial" Carriers soli itation for appro!al must be pro$imate to the notifi ation of a ustomers CPNI ri&hts" Notice Requirements Specific to Opt-in Carrier may pro!ide notifi ation to obtain opt#in appro!al throu&h oral, written or ele troni methods" ?he noti e must omply with the noti e re3uirements listed abo!e" Notice Requirement Specific to One-Time Use of CPNI Carrier may use oral noti e to obtain limited, one#time use of CPNI for inbound and out#bound ustomer telephone onta ts for the duration of the all, re&ardless of whether the Carrier uses opt#in appro!al based on the nature of the onta t" ?he ontents of su h notifi ation must omply e$ ept that Carrier may omit any of the followin& noti e pro!ision if not rele!ant to the limited use for whi h the Carrier seeks CPNI" Carrier need not ad!ise ustomers that if they ha!e opted#out pre!iously, no a tion is needed to maintain the opt#out ele tion" Carrier need not ad!ise ustomers that they may share CPNI with their affiliates or third parties and need not name those entities, if the limited CPNI usa&e will not result in use by or dis losure to, an affiliate or third party" Carrier need not dis lose the means by whi h a ustomer may deny or withdraw future a ess to CPNI so lon& as Carrier e$plains to ustomers that the s ope of the appro!al it seeks is limited to one time use" Carrier may omit dis losure of the pre ise steps a ustomer must take to &rant or deny a ess to CPNI as lon& as Carrier learly ommuni ates that the ustomer an deny a ess to his CPNI for the all" Compan CPNI Safeguards Carrier must maintain a system whereby the status of a ustomers CPNI appro!al status an learly be established prior to the use of CPNI" )ll personnel of Carrier with a ess to CPNI must be edu ated and trained as to when CPNI may be used and when it may not be used" )ll personnel with a ess to CPNI must fully understand the FCCs rules re&ardin& CPNI" Carrier has an e$press dis iplinary pro ess in pla e for employees that do not follow Carriers CPNI poli ies and pro edures and su h pro ess ould result in employment termination" Carrier maintains re ords of all its marketin& ampai&ns and its affiliates marketin& ampai&ns that use their ustomers CPNI" ?he re ord in ludes a des ription of the marketin& ampai&n, the spe ifi CPNI used, and the produ ts and ser!i es that were part of the ampai&n" Carrier maintains re ords of instan es where CPNI was dis losed or pro!ided to third parties, or where third parties were &i!en a ess to CPNI" )ll re ords are maintained for at least one year" Carrier has implemented a super!isory re!iew pro ess re&ardin& its omplian e with the FCCs rules for outbound marketin& situations and maintains re ords of Carriers omplian e for a minimum of one year" !nnua" CPNI Certification# Carrier has appointed an offi er, as an a&ent of the Carrier, to annually ertify that he or she has personal knowled&e that Carrier has established operatin& pro edures that are ade3uate to ensure omplian e with the


FCCs CPNI rules" )lon& with this ertifi ation, Carrier must pro!ide a statement e$plainin& how Carriers operatin& pro edures ensure that it is in omplian e with the FCCs rules re&ardin& use of CPNI" In addition, Carrier must in lude an e$planation of any a tions taken a&ainst data brokers and a summary of all ustomer omplaints re ei!ed in the past year on ernin& the unauthori7ed release of CPNI" @y 1any a tion2, Carrier must report on pro eedin&s instituted or petitions filed by a Carrier at either state ommissions, the ourt system, or at the FCC a&ainst data brokers" For the summary of ustomer omplaints, Carrier must report on the number of ustomer omplaints it re ei!ed related to unauthori7ed a ess to CPNI, or unauthori7ed dis losure of CPNI, broken down by ate&ory of omplaint (e"&", instan es of improper a ess by employees, instan es of improper dis losure to indi!iduals not authori7ed to re ei!e the information, or instan es of improper a ess to online information by unauthori7ed indi!iduals)" )dditionally, Carriers must report on information that they ha!e with respe t to the pro esses prete$ters are usin& to attempt to a ess CPNI and steps taken to prote t CPNI" Carrier must file this ertifi ation and a ompanyin& statement annually with the ,nfor ement @ureau of the FCC on or before *ar h 4 for data pertainin& to the pre!ious alendar year" Safeguards on the $isc"osure of CPNI Carrier must take reasonable measures to dis o!er and prote t a&ainst attempts to &ain unauthori7ed a ess to CPNI" Carrier must properly authenti ate a ustomer prior to dis losin& CPNI based on ustomer initiated telephone onta t, online a ount a ess, or an in#offi e !isit" Carrier may only dis lose all detail information o!er the telephone, based on ustomer#initiated telephone onta t, if the ustomer first pro!ides a password that is not prompted by the Carrier askin& for readily a!ailable bio&raphi al information or a ount information" If the ustomer does not remember their password, Carrier always asks the ba kup 3uestion" If a ustomer does not pro!ide a password or the orre t answer to the ba kup 3uestion, Carrier may only dis lose all detail information by sendin& it to an address of re ord or by allin& the ustomer at the telephone of re ord" If the ustomer is able to pro!ide all detail information durin& a ustomer#initiated all without Carriers assistan e, then Carrier is permitted to dis uss the all detail information pro!ided by the ustomer" Call detail or call records in ludes any information that pertains to the transmission of spe ifi telephone alls, in ludin&, for outbound alls, the number alled, and the time, lo ation, or duration of any all and, for inbound alls, the number from whi h the all was pla ed, and the time, lo ation or duration of any all" Ahile a ustomers remainin& minutes is N6? all detail' it is still CPNI" + eadily available biographical information is information drawn from the ustomers life history and in ludes su h thin&s as the ustomers so ial se urity number, or the last four di&its of that number, the ustomers mothers maiden name, a home address or a date of birth" Account information is information spe ifi ally onne ted to the ustomers ser!i e relationship and in ludes su h thin&s as an a ount number or any omponent, the telephone number asso iated with the a ount or the amount of the last bill" )n address of re ord, whether postal or ele troni , means an address that the Carrier has asso iated with the ustomers a ount for at least >5 days" Address of record is, whether postal or ele troni , an address that the Carrier has asso iated with the ustomers a ount for at least >5 days" ?he telephone number of record means the telephone number asso iated with the underlyin& ser!i e, rather than some other number supplied as a ustomers onta t information" C)++I,+ may dis lose non# all detail CPNI to a ustomer after Carrier authenti ates the ustomer (i"e", no password is re3uired for non# all detail)' howe!er, Carrier is still sub/e t to %e tion ;;;s duty to prote t CPNI and thus must authenti ate a ustomer prior to dis losin& non# all detail" %sta&"ishment of Pass'ord Protection# For a new ustomer (a ustomer that establishes ser!i e on or after 0e ember B, ;55C, the effe ti!e date of the new CPNI rules), Carrier must re3uest that the ustomer establish a password at the time of ser!i e initiation" For e$istin& ustomers to establish a password, Carrier must first authenti ate the ustomer without the use of readily a!ailable bio&raphi al information or a ount information" Carriers must authenti ate a ustomer usin& non#publi information" For e$ample, a Carrier ould all the ustomer at the telephone number of re ord" Carrier may use a Personal Identifi ation Number (PIN) method to authenti ate a ustomer" ) randomly &enerated PIN may be supplied to ustomer, not based on readily a!ailable bio&raphi al information or a ount information, whi h the ustomer would then pro!ide to the Carrier prior to establishin& a password" Carrier ould supply a PIN to the ustomer by a Carrier#ori&inated !oi email or te$t messa&e to the telephone number of re ord, or by sendin& it an address of re ord to ensure that it is deli!ered to the intended party"


Use of Pass'ord Protection# For a ounts that are password prote ted, Carrier annot obtain the password by askin& for readily a!ailable bio&raphi al information or a ount information to prompt the ustomer for his password" Carrier uses a ba kup 3uestionDresponse if the password is for&otten" ) ustomer may also a ess all detail information by establishin& an online a ount or by !isitin& a Carriers lo ation" If a password is for&otten or lost, Carrier may reate ba k#up ustomer authenti ation methods that are not based on readily a!ailable bio&raphi al information or a ount information" If a ustomer annot pro!ide the orre t password or the orre t response for the ba k#up ustomer authenti ation method, the ustomer must establish a new password as des ribed in this para&raph" !"ternati(e !ccess to Ca"" $etai" Information" If a ustomer does not want to establish a password, the ustomer may still a ess all detail based on a ustomer#initiated telephone all, by askin& Carrier to send the all detail information to an address of re ord or by the Carrier allin& the telephone number of re ord" In addition, if a ustomer is able to pro!ide to the Carrier, durin& a ustomer initiated telephone all, all of the all detail information ne essary to address a ustomer ser!i e issue (i"e", the telephone number alled, when it was alled, and if appli able, the amount har&ed for the all) then Carrier is permitted to pro eed with its routine ustomer are pro edures" Under these ir umstan es, Carrier may not dis lose to the ustomer any all detail information about the ustomer a ount other than the all detail information that the ustomer pro!ides without the ustomer first pro!idin& a password" On"ine !ccount !ccess# Carrier must password#prote t online a ess to all CPNI, all detail and non# all detail" 6nline a ount a ess allows a ustomer to !iew and han&e personal information easily, in ludin& online passwords, addresses of re ord and billin& information without Carrier assistan e" ?he online a ount a ess rules in lude the dis losure of all CPNI to prote t pri!a y" Carrier may not rely on readily a!ailable bio&raphi al information or a ount information to authenti ate a ustomers identity before a ustomer a esses CPNI online" Carrier must authenti ate both new and e$istin& ustomers seekin& a ess to CPNI online" Carrier may re3uest a ustomer establish an online password at the time of ser!i e initiation" )lternati!ely, for all ustomers, Carrier ould use a PIN method to authenti ate ustomers" If a ustomer annot pro!ide a password or the proper response for the ba kup authenti ation method to a ess an online#a ount, Carrier must re#authenti ate the ustomer based on the authenti ation methods des ribed abo!e" Carrier )ocation !ccount !ccess# Carrier may pro!ide ustomers with a ess to CPNI at Carriers lo ation if the ustomer presents a !alid photo I0 and the !alid photo I0 mat hes the name on the a ount" .alid photo I0 means a &o!ernment issued personal identifi ation with photo&raph su h as a urrent dri!ers li ense, passport or omparable I0" Notice to Customer of !ccount Changes# Carrier must notify a ustomer immediately when a password, ustomer response to a ba k#up means of authenti ation for lost or for&otten passwords, online a ount, or address of re ord is reated or han&ed" ?his notifi ation is not re3uired when the ustomer initiates ser!i e, in ludin& the sele tion of a password at ser!i e initiation" ?his notifi ation may be throu&h a Carrier ori&inated !oi email or te$t messa&e to the telephone number of re ord, or by mail to the address of re ord, so as to reasonably ensure that the ustomer re ei!es this notifi ation, and must not re!eal the han&ed information or be sent to the new a ount information" *usiness Customer %+ception# If Carriers ontra t with a business ustomer is ser!i ed by a dedi ated a ount representati!e as the primary onta t, and spe ifi ally addresses the Carriers prote tion of CPNI, the Carrier authenti ation rules do not apply to these business ustomers be ause businesses are typi ally able to ne&otiate appropriate prote tion of CPNI in their ser!i e a&reements" Eowe!er, all CPNI rules apply" If the business customer must go


through a call center to reach a customer service representative than this exemption does not apply to that customer. Notice of Unauthori,ed $isc"osure of CPNI# In the e!ent of a CPNI brea h (a 1brea h2 has o urred when a person, without authori7ation or e$ eedin& authori7ation, has intentionally &ained a ess to, used, or dis losed CPNI), Carrier shall not notify its ustomers or dis lose the brea h publi ly, whether !oluntarily or under state or lo al law or these rules, until it has ompleted the pro ess of notifyin& law enfor ement pursuant to para&raph" %pe ifi ally, Carrier must notify law enfor ement of a brea h of its ustomers CPNI no later than se!en (C) business days after makin& a reasonable determination of a brea h by sendin& ele troni notifi ation throu&h a entral reportin& fa ility to the United %tates %e ret %er!i e (U%%%) and the F@I" ?he Carrier shall ooperate with the rele!ant in!esti&atin& a&en ys re3uest to minimi7e any ad!erse effe ts of su h ustomer notifi ation" Notwithstandin& any state law to the ontrary, Carrier may notify the ustomer andDor dis lose the brea h publi ly after se!en (C) business days followin& notifi ation to the U%%% and F@I, if the U%%% and the F@I ha!e not re3uested that the Carrier ontinue to postpone dis losure" If the rele!ant in!esti&atin& a&en y determines that publi dis losure or noti e to ustomers would impede or ompromise an on&oin& or potential riminal in!esti&ation or national se urity, that a&en y may dire t Carrier not to dis lose the brea h for an initial >5#day period" ?his >5#day period may be e$tended by the law enfor ement a&en y as reasonably ne essary" If su h dire tion is &i!en, the a&en y shall notify the Carrier when it appears that publi dis losure or noti e to affe ted ustomers will no lon&er impede or ompromise a riminal in!esti&ation or national se urity ?he law enfor ement a&en y must pro!ide in writin& to Carrier its initial dire tion and any subse3uent dire tionDe$tension, and any notifi ation that noti e will no lon&er impede or ompromise a riminal in!esti&ation or national se urity and su h writin&s shall be ontemporaneously lo&&ed on the same reportin& fa ility that ontains re ords of notifi ations filed by Carriers" Carrier, howe!er, may immediately notify a ustomer or dis lose the brea h publi ly after onsultation with the rele!ant in!esti&ati!e a&en y, if Carrier belie!es there is an e$traordinarily ur&ent need to notify a ustomer or lass of ustomers to a!oid immediate and irreparable harm" )dditionally, Carrier must maintain a re ord of any dis o!ered brea hes and notifi ations to the ustomers, the U%%% and the F@I re&ardin& those brea hes, as well as the U%%% and the F@I response to the notifi ations for a period of at least two year" ?his re ord must in lude, if a!ailable, the date that Carrier dis o!ered the brea h, the date Carrier notified the U%%% and the F@I, a detailed des ription of the CPNI that was brea hed, and the ir umstan es of the brea h" ?he FCC maintains a link to the reportin& fa ility at www"f "&o!DebD pni"


%)*P-, CU%?6*,+ N6?IC, # *U%? @, C-,)+ )N0 IN -)+F, ?GP, Important Customer Notice Federal law prote ts your pri!a y ri&hts as a ustomer of Conne t?o Communi ations, In " ?hese ri&hts are in addition to the e$istin& safe&uards that Carrier already has in pla e to ensure your pri!a y ri&hts" ?he Federal Communi ations Commission (FCC) re3uires Carrier to notify you as a subs riber of your ri&ht to restri t the use of, dis losure of, and a ess to your Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI)" -ou ha(e the right. and Carrier has a dut . under /edera" "a'. to protect the confidentia"it of our CPNI# CPNI0 CPNI is information you mi&ht onsider pri!ate and therefore wish for Carrier to prote t it from use for marketin& purposes" CPNI is information Carrier possesses solely due to the ustomer#Carrier relationship that is ne essary for Carrier to ser!e your tele ommuni ations needs" CPNI is defined by the FCC as information that relates to the 3uantity, te hni al onfi&uration, type, destination and amount of use of a tele ommuni ations ser!i e subs ribed to by any ustomer of a tele ommuni ations Carrier and that is made a!ailable to the Carrier by the ustomer solely by !irtue of the Carrier# ustomer relationship' and information ontained in the bills pertainin& to telephone e$ han&e or toll ser!i e re ei!ed by a ustomer of a Carrier" CPNI does not in lude information that is in the publi domain or a!ailable from other, non#Carrier sour es" For e$ample, ensus data, subs riber list information and published dire tory information is publi data" %1!2P)%S O/ CPNI0 ,$amples of CPNI in lude Carrier knowled&e of the types of ser!i es to whi h you subs ribe su h as Caller I0, the 3uantity of your alls or the amount of your lon& distan e bill or a list of phone numbers you ha!e alled" In other words, CPNI is information about when, where and how often a ustomer makes use of tele ommuni ations ser!i es" P%R2ITT%$ US% O/ CPNI *- CO2P!N- 3IT4OUT -OUR P%R2ISSION CPNI an be used by Carrier for ertain purposes without your permission" Carrier may use CPNI to offer you new or enhan ed ser!i es that are related to the ate&ory of ser!i es to whi h you urrently subs ribe" Carrier may also use CPNI to respond to your in3uiry re&ardin& ser!i es you urrently use or related ser!i es Carrier offers" In addition, Carrier may use CPNI in onne tion with repair and maintenan e ser!i es, billin& and olle tion, to prote t ompany property and to pre!ent fraud" PRO4I*IT%$ US% O/ CPNI UN)%SS !UT4ORI5%$ *- -OU Unless you spe ifi ally authori7e its use, Carrier may not use CPNI to market its ser!i es that are unrelated to the ser!i es to whi h you urrently subs ribe" For e$ample, Carrier may not use CPNI to offer you any type of lon& distan e or wireless ser!i e unless you urrently subs ribe to su h lon& distan e or wireless ser!i es" Carrier may not share CPNI with any other ompany, in ludin& affiliate ompanies unless you are also a ustomer of the affiliate" !$$ITION!) IN/OR2!TION R%6!R$IN6 -OUR CPNI RI64TS Gou ha!e the ri&ht to deny or withdraw a ess to CPNI at any time or to instru t Carrier to dis lose CPNI to unaffiliated third parties upon the submission of a written re3uest" )ny appro!al or denial for the use of CPNI outside of the ser!i e to whi h you subs ribe to from Carrier is !alid until you affirmati!ely re!oke or limit su h appro!al or denial" ) denial of your appro!al will not affe t the pro!ision of any ser!i es to whi h you subs ribe"


%)*P-, CU%?6*,+ CPNI )U?E6+IH)?I6N CPNI Customer !uthori,ation for Re"ease of CPNI to !ffi"iates of Compan . Joint Venture Partners or Independent Contractors or Third Part Te"ecommunications Carriers I, IIIIIIIII, hereby authori7e IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (1Carrier2) to release any information in its possession and prote ted under Federal CPNI rules to: (4) its affiliates for use in onne tion with the marketin& of ommuni ations#related ser!i es or tele ommuni ations ser!i es' JorK (;) its /oint !enture partners or independent ontra tors for the purposes of marketin& ommuni ations#related ser!i es to that ustomer' JorK IIIIIIIII (third party)" Carrier has pro!ided me lear notifi ation as to my ri&hts to restri t the use of, dis losure of, and a ess to my CPNI under Federal law" I fully understand my ri&hts to restri t the use of, dis losure of, and a ess to my CPNI" I also understand my ri&hts to limit or re!oke this authori7ation at any time upon proper noti e to Carrier" %i&ned IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 0ate IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII


%)*P-, CPNI C6+P6+)?, C,+?IFIC)?I6N

+,LUI+,0 ?6 @, )NNU)--G FI-,0 AI?E ?E, FCC @G *)+CE 4 Under ,@ 0o ket No" 59#>9

Annual 4 C!F!R! " #4!$%%&'e( CPNI Ce)ti*ication E+ ,oc-et %#./# E+ ,oc-et %#.TC.%#% Annual 64.2009(e) CPNI Certification for 2013 Date filed: Fe ruar! 1"# 2014 Connect$o Co%%unication&# Inc For% 499 Filer ID: '26243 Na%e of &i(nator!: Ara% $er)*artiro&!an $itle of &i(nator!: CI+ I# Ara% $er)*artiro&!an certif! t,at I a% an officer of t,e Co%-an! na%ed a o.e# and actin( a& an a(ent of t,e Co%-an!# t,at I ,a.e -er&onal /no0led(e t,at t,e Co%-an! ,a& e&ta li&,ed o-eratin( -rocedure& t,at are ade1uate to en&ure co%-liance 0it, t,e Co%%i&&ion2& CPNI rule&. See 4" C.F.3. 4 64.2001 et seq. Attac,ed to t,i& certification i& an acco%-an!in( &tate%ent e5-lainin( ,o0 t,e Co%-an!2& -rocedure& en&ure t,at t,e Co%-an! i& in co%-liance 0it, t,e re1uire%ent& &et fort, in &ection 64.2001 et seq. of t,e Co%%i&&ion2& rule&. $,e Co%-an! ,a& not ta/en an! action& (-roceedin(& in&tituted or -etition& filed ! a Co%-an! at eit,er &tate co%%i&&ion&# t,e court &!&te%# or at t,e Co%%i&&ion a(ain&t data ro/er&) a(ain&t data ro/er& in t,e -a&t !ear. Co%-anie& %u&t re-ort on an! infor%ation t,at t,e! ,a.e 0it, re&-ect to t,e -roce&&e& -rete5ter& are u&in( to atte%-t to acce&& CPNI # and 0,at &te-& Co%-anie& are ta/in( to -rotect CPNI. $,e Co%-an! ,a& not recei.ed an! cu&to%er co%-laint& in t,e -a&t !ear concernin( t,e unaut,ori6ed relea&e of CPNI (nu% er of cu&to%er co%-laint& a Co%-an! ,a& recei.ed related to unaut,ori6ed acce&& to CPNI# or unaut,ori6ed di&clo&ure of CPNI# ro/en do0n ! cate(or! or co%-laint# e.g.# in&tance& of i%-ro-er acce&& ! e%-lo!ee&# in&tance& of i%-ro-er di&clo&ure to indi.idual& not aut,ori6ed to recei.e t,e infor%ation# or in&tance& of i%-ro-er acce&& to online infor%ation ! indi.idual& not aut,ori6ed to .ie0 t,e infor%ation). 7i(ned: 88888888888888888888888888888


JCompany must in lude an e$planation of any a tions taken a&ainst data brokers and a summary of all ustomer omplaints re ei!ed in the past year on ernin& the unauthori7ed release of CPNI"K S!2P)% ST!T%2%NT O/ PROC%$UR%S

Statement Conce)nin0 t1e P)otection o* Custome) P)o2)ieta)3 Net4o)In*o)mation *o) t1e Annual Pe)io5 En5in0 ,ecem6e) /7, $%%
1. Connect$o Co%%unication&# Inc# (9Co%-an!9) i& a teleco%%unication& carrier &u :ect to t,e re1uire%ent& &et fort, in 7ection 64.2009 of t,e Federal Co%%unication& Co%%i&&ion2& (;FCC2&<) rule&. Co%-an! ,a& e&ta li&,ed -olicie& and -rocedure& to &ati&f! co%-liance 0it, t,e FCC2& rule& -ertainin( to u&e# di&clo&ure and acce&& to cu&to%er -ro-rietar! net0or/ infor%ation (;CPNI<) &et fort, in &ection& 64.201 et. &e1. 2. If a cu&to%er call& Co%-an! re1ue&tin( infor%ation t,at i& con&idered CPNI# Co%-an! doe& not relea&e &uc, infor%ation unle&& cu&to%er -ro.ide& a -re)e&ta li&,ed -a&&0ord# re1ue&t& t,at t,e infor%ation e &ent to t,e cu&to%er2& addre&& of record# or Co%-an! call& t,e tele-,one nu% er of record and di&cu&&e& t,e re1ue&ted infor%ation. 3. =it,out cu&to%er Co%-an! doe& not u&e# di&clo&e or -er%it acce&& to CPNI to -ro.ide or %ar/et & offerin(& 0it,in a cate(or! of & to 0,ic, t,e cu&to%er doe& not alread! &u &cri e# e5ce-t a& -er%itted ! t,e FCC rule&. 4. Infor%ation -rotected ! Co%-an! include& infor%ation t,at relate& to t,e 1uantit!# tec,nical confi(uration# t!-e# de&tination# location and a%ount of u&e of a teleco%%unication& & &u &cri ed to ! a cu&to%er and %ade a.aila le to Co%-an! ! t,e cu&to%er &olel! ! .irtue of t,e carrier)cu&to%er relation&,i-. Al&o -rotected i& infor%ation contained in t,e ill& -ertainin( to tele-,one e5c,an(e & or tele-,one toll & recei.ed ! a cu&to%er. >. Co%-an! doe& not u&e# di&clo&e or -er%it acce&& to CPNI to identif! or trac/ cu&to%er& t,at call co%-etin( & -ro.ider&. 6. Co%-an! ,a& e&ta li&,ed a &!&te% ! 0,ic, t,e! can deter%ine 0,et,er a cu&to%er ,a& a--ro.ed or di&a--ro.ed of Co%-an!2& relea&e or u&e of CPNI -rior to t,at infor%ation ein( u&ed or relea&ed. ". Co%-an! -er&onnel are trained a& to 0,en t,e! are and are not aut,ori6ed to relea&e or u&e CPNI# and .iolation of t,e&e rule& 0ill &u :ect -er&onnel to e5-re&& di&ci-linar! action. '. If and 0,en cu&to%er to u&e# di&clo&e# or -er%it acce&& to cu&to%er CPNI i& de&ired# Co%-an! o tain& &uc, cu&to%er t,rou(, 0ritten or oral %et,od& (, 0e onl! utili6e t,e oral aut,ori6ation to o tain li%ited# one)ti%e u&e of CPNI for in ound and out ound cu&to%er tele-,one contact&# and &uc, CPNI aut,orit!# if (ranted# la&t& onl! for t,e duration of t,at &-ecific call). Co%-an! ,onor& a cu&to%er2& or di& until t,e cu&to%er re.o/e& or li%it& &uc, or di&


9. Co%-an! ,a& e&ta li&,ed a -rocedure 0,ere ! all &ale& -er&onnel %u&t o tain &u-er.i&or! of an! -ro-o&ed out ound %ar/etin( re1ue&t for cu&to%er of t,e u&e of CPNI and record& reflectin( carrier co%-liance 0it, t,e Co%%i&&ion 3ule& are %aintained for a %ini%u% of one !ear. 10. Prior to an! &olicitation for cu&to%er Co%-an! -ro.ide& notification to cu&to%er& of t,eir ri(,t to re&trict u&e of# or di&clo&ure of# and acce&& to t,e cu&to%er2& CPNI. 3ecord& of t,e&e notification& are %aintained for a -eriod of at lea&t one !ear. 11. Co%-an!2& notification& -ro.ide infor%ation &ufficient to ena le our cu&to%er& to %a/e infor%ed deci&ion& a& to 0,et,er to -er%it t,e u&e or di&clo&ure of# or acce&& to# t,eir CPNI. Co%-an!2& notification& do: (1) contain a &tate%ent t,at t,e cu&to%er ,a& a ri(,t# and Co%-an! ,a& a dut! under federal la0# to -rotect t,e confidentialit! of CPNI? (2) &-ecif! t,e t!-e& of infor%ation t,at con&titute CPNI and t,e &-ecific entitie& t,at 0ill recei.e t,e CPNI? (3) de&cri e t,e -ur-o&e& for 0,ic, t,e CPNI %a! e u&ed? and (4) infor% t,e cu&to%er of t,e ri(,t to di&a--ro.e t,o&e u&e& and den! or 0it,dra0 acce&& to or u&e of CPNI at an! ti%e. 12. Co%-an!2& notification& infor% t,e cu&to%er t,at an! or denial of for t,e u&e of CPNI out&ide of t,e & to 0,ic, t,e cu&to%er alread! &u &cri e& i& .alid until t,e cu&to%er affir%ati.el! re.o/e& or li%it& &uc, or denial. 13. Co%-an! ad.i&e& it& cu&to%er& of t,e -reci&e &te-& t,e cu&to%er %u&t ta/e in order to (rant or den! acce&& to CPNI# and t,at denial of 0ill not affect t,e -ro.i&ion of an! & to 0,ic, t,e cu&to%er &u &cri e&. 14. Co%-an! %aintain& a record of it& &ale& and %ar/etin( ca%-ai(n& t,at u&e cu&to%er2& CPNI. Furt,er# a record of all in&tance& 0,ere CPNI 0a& di&clo&ed or -ro.ided to t,ird -artie& or 0,ere t,ird -artie& 0ere allo0ed acce&& to CPNI i& %aintained ! Co%-an!. $,e&e record& reflect a de&cri-tion of t,e ca%-ai(n&# t,e &-ecific CPNI u&ed in t,e ca%-ai(n and 0,at -roduct& or & 0ere offered a& -art of t,e ca%-ai(n. $,e&e record& are retained for a %ini%u% of one !ear. 1>. Co%-an! o tain& o-t)in con&ent fro% cu&to%er& efore di&clo&in( cu&to%er2& CPNI to an! :oint .enture -artner or inde-endent contractor. 16. If a reac, of CPNI occur&# Co%-an! 0ill -ro.ide electronic notification of t,e reac, to t,e @.7. 7ecret and t,e FAI 0it,in &e.en (") da!&. Co%-an! 0ill al&o notif! cu&to%er after &e.en (") %ore da!& unle&& t,ere i& a ri&/ of i%%ediate and irre-ara le ,ar% to t,e cu&to%er in 0,ic, ca&e Co%-an! 0ill notif! t,e cu&to%er i%%ediatel!. Co%-an! 0ill /ee- record& or di&co.ered reac,e& for at lea&t t0o (2) !ear&.


%)*P-, -,??,+ ?6 )F,N?% C6NC,+NINF N,A CPNI +,LUI+,*,N?%

?o: +e:

)ll )&ents of

, (1Carrier2)

)&ent Notifi ation of new CPNI +ules and Pro edures

New rules ha!e re ently been adopted by the FCC on ernin& the use of ustomer proprietary network information (1CPNI2)" ?he new rules are intended to better prote t and pre!ent unauthori7ed a ess and dis losure of CPNI" CPNI in ludes information su h as 3uantity, te hni al onfi&uration, type, destination, lo ation and amount of use of a tele ommuni ations ser!i e subs ribed to by a ustomer, alon& with billin& information pertainin& to that telephone ser!i e" In order for you to ontinue to a t of behalf of a ustomer of Carrier, you will be re3uired to pro!ide us with a ustomer si&ned )uthori7ation on ustomer letterhead" ) sample letter to ustomers and an authori7ation form are atta hed to this Notifi ation" Gou will not be pro!ided any ustomer information until we re ei!e properly e$e uted )uthori7ations from the ustomer" %hould a third party &ain unauthori7ed a ess to CPNI whi h has been released to you pursuant to a properly e$e uted )uthori7ation from a ustomer, you are re3uired to notify Carrier immediately in order for Carrier to fulfill the notifi ation re3uirements of the new rules" Gou are further notified that any prohibited dis losure by )&ent of CPNI that sub/e ts Carrier to assessment of any fines or penalties will be deemed a brea h of the Confidentiality and Non#0is losure pro!isions of your a&reement with Carrier and )&ent will be held responsible for all su h fines or penalties in ludin& osts of ontra t enfor ement" %hould you ha!e any 3uestions on ernin& these new rules and pro edures, please onta t us at " %in erely,


%)*P-, -,??,+ F+6* )F,N? ?6 CU%?6*,+

+e: New FCC *andated CPNI +e3uirements 0ear Customer: New FCC rules intended to better prote t and pre!ent unauthori7ed a ess and dis losure of CPNI ha!e re ently &one into effe t" ?hese rules prohibit the dis losure of CPNI to third parties unless the ustomer has spe ifi ally authori7ed the release of said information" CPNI in ludes information su h as 3uantity, te hni al onfi&uration, type, destination, lo ation and amount of use of a tele ommuni ations ser!i e subs ribed to by a ustomer, alon& with billin& information pertainin& to that telephone ser!i e" If you wish us to ontinue to represent you with (1Carrier2), please opy the atta hed )uthori7ation Form onto your ompany letterhead, si&n and return to me as soon as possible" Until re eipt of your si&ned authori7ation, we will not ha!e a ess to your CPNI and will be unable to ontinue to assist you with new ser!i e orderin&, trouble ti kets, billin& disputes or other ser!i es re3uirin& our a ess to your spe ifi information" %hould you ha!e any 3uestions on ernin& the new rules or the )uthori7ation Form, please onta t us at " %in erely,


%)*P-, )U?E6+IH)?I6N F6+* !UT4ORI5!TION /OR T4IR$-P!RT- !CCOUNT R%PR%S%NT!TION I, , hereby authori7e information in its possession and prote ted under Federal CPNI rules to (1)&ent2)" ?his letter of )uthori7ation applies to the followin&: Che k as appropriate: ?his ser!i e order only" ?he full term, in ludin& e$tensions, of the ontra t with Carrier unless Carrier is notified in writin& of the re!o ation of this )uthori7ation" Carrier may deal dire tly with )&ent with re&ards to all matters, in ludin& produ t and ser!i e han&es or additions, billin& dispute resolution, pro essin& of trouble ti kets, et " unless noted below: " ?his )uthori7ation does not pre lude Carrier from dealin& dire tly with me or employees of my ompany if spe ifi ally authori7ed by me, with re&ards to any matter in whi h they may also deal with )&ent pursuant to this )uthori7ation" CustomerD@usiness Name: )ddress: (1Carrier2) to release any

Printed Name of )uthori7ed +epresentati!e: )uthori7ed %i&nature: ?itle: 0ate:

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