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Richmond College Student Government Association 2013-2014 Meeting Agenda for Saturday, February 15, 2014 To create and

ensure the highest quality of life for Richmond College. I. Roll Call II. Call to Order III. S ecial Guests I!. Re orts a. President i. 6 more meetings together ii. Networking event through the Deans Office 1. Hopefully starting a tradition . !arch "th iii. #ednesday after $pring %reak $&'ND'( woman is coming on campus 1. Ne)t #ed. at * . +&$,' meeting will -e at 6 that day iv. !et with Dr. 'yers and other mem-ers last .riday a-out the %oard of /rustees Proposal 1. ,ot positive feed-ack . Over weekend of the %oarding !eeting0 Pat and !imi will meet separately with 1 or 2 -oard mem-ers a-out the proposal v. New space on the 1rd floor of the &ommons 1. Open to students . Has ta-les and chairs vi. Dr. %issessi is providing funding for a 3irginia meeting for $tudent ,overnment Organi4ations 1. !arch 1st from 15 '! to " P! . 6ncludes various 3irginia $chools 1. 't +andolph7!acon 2. Pat must know -y ne)t .riday whos interested in going ". Nominating 8uality of (ife $taff0 'dministrator of the 9ear 'ward0 and .aculty !em-er of the 9ear 'ward vii. $hout outs -. 3P 'cademic 'ffairs i. 'cademic 'ffairs survey was sent out 1. ""5 responses

. goal of 1555 1. /ell your friends 2. #orking on argument for getting credit for a la". #ill -e meeting and reporting results on .e-ruary 6 c. 3P 'dministration i. !eeting with #&,' counterpart and committee a-out %ellis .est ii. Possi-le speakers for senate iii. /rivia night and community service for senate d. 3P .inance i. (aramie Pro:ect people reached out and thanked for funding for the show ii. 'ddressing $;;Ds funding re<uest in closed meeting iii. /reasurer=President meeting a-out $O%'& !onday > P! at the &ommons 1 rd floor e. 3P $tudent ;)perience i. /odays -asket-all game is a pink7out 1. ?15 each going towards -reast cancer research ii. /.@. 1. /alked to +andy !oran in facilities with a #&,' senate mem-er a. /here are phone num-ers and email address in the laundry room -. #ants to hear feed-ack c. (ooking to send out large email regarding tips on how to do laundry correctly f. 3P $tudent $ervices i. .ood /rucks will -e here 'pril *th ii. (ooking at who will -e at the event 1. Pro-a-ly same vendors0 plus one or two mores iii. %lake #idowson 1. ;mailed him twice regarding using dining dollars at -asket-all events iv. Aach ,i-erson 1. $et date for go7kart event a. .rom 176 P! on !arch 1 on -ack half of B7lot -. Ne)t step is working on funding i. &olla-oration with $pider %oardC ii. 'lumni helpC iii. @unior &lass has availa-le a-out ?10555 g. &lass &hairs i. %o--y !c&urdy 1. /here was a student smoking an e7cig in the li-rary

a. is this okC ii. !att (ogan 1. /rying to set up meeting with Dean .a-ian and /onya Dawson a. &ould -e easier to do this if every-ody had Outlook or some type of email system similar iii. %rad ,roves 1. (ooking for possi-le event for :unior class +& men h. +& Dean i. +owdies +undown i. %asket-all game tonight against .ordham 1. %ig game /uesday against ,# /uesday :. l. ;)ecutive $ecretary Open .loor i. Aach ,i-erson 1. $ome way to communicate with &ampus (oop more efficiently ii. Diego (eal 1. #ill -e :oining us as much as he can -ecause senate is very important to him . Do first7years know they can apply to internships and summer fellowshipsC iii. Harry (am-ert 1. #orking on improving iPhone tracking 'PP for the &ampus (oop iv. Den 'nderson 1. $peaker series to enlighten the +&$,' a-out the figures we hear a-out -ut never actually see a. $uch as Dr. 'yers -. Possi-ly even some community leaders v. Hank +uff 1. $enate could potentially get involved with Ha-itat for Humanity . Possi-le trash pick7up around campus vi. %rad ,roves 1. #ent to student activities meeting with 'nthony &renshaw a. Only one group that wants to -ecome an official clui. +oad7wrecked !. Closed "usiness !I. #unding Re$uests a. Provided $;;D$ ?1>6E k. $enator of the #eek

!II. Student Concerns !III. Ad%ourn meeting

The purpose of this organization shall be to address areas that are of concern to the student body, to bring about cooperation among the various student organizations, and otherwise act to promote the welfare of the student body.

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