Final 5-24 1 - 52pm - My Edited Version - Thuan

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Nieedit Post-Campaign Report

Executive Summary Campaign Overview. Nieedit is an American arts and crafts business that sells its products through their website Originally, our goal was to increase Nieedits sales by 10%. Although we did not meet the sales quota, we managed to conduct a strong primary study for our business client. We split our Adwords strategy into three campaigns, each having different ad groups pertaining to their respective products. The primary locations that we wanted to geo-target were the city of Los Angeles and the entire United States. To improve our campaigns we used match types for negative keywords to improve the ROI (return on investment), the Keyword Tool, and AdWords Editor. Our budget distribution changed accordingly to maximize the effectiveness of each campaign. Metric CTR Cost/Click Conversion Rate $ Goals 1.00% 0.25 2.00% $ Results 0.39% 0.30 1.27% Key Results. The table to the left shows the result of our campaigns. Out of the three campaigns, Search and Display Sewing was the most successful with the highest impression-to-click ratio, generating the majority of the conversions. The GeoTargeting LA campaign has the best CTR and the lowest CPC, while the Display Sewing campaign was the weakest with a low CTR and a high CPC. Conclusion. Based on the results across the three campaigns we ran, Search and

Display was the best-performing campaign, well-surpassing the latter two campaigns across all metrics. Therefore, the importance of combining hand-picked display ads and paid ads on Google search results is indicative of our success in spreading out our clients brand awareness. Recommendations. Nieedit as a company should continue to use Google Adwords and

Analytics in order to continue gaining traffic and sales to their online store. Furthermore, they should continue to focus on running the Search and Display Sewing campaign, if not running a similar campaign to it. The display ads combined with paid ads displayed on Google searches

proved to garner the most traffic to their website, so running similar campaigns for their other products and services should follow suit to the Search and Display Sewing campaign.

Industry Component Campaign Overview. We learned a lot from running the Google Adwords for three weeks. Aside from increasing sales by 10%, our primary goals for this campaign were to achieve a CTR ranging from 1-3%, achieve high impressions, and have an average CPC of $0.25. By the end of our campaign, we achieved a CTR of 1.26% mostly from our Search and Display Sewing campaign, an average CPC of $0.18, and 475 impressions. In order to reach our targeted CTR, we had to make sure that the keywords of our campaigns had high quality scores. For our Display Sewing campaign, we paused ineffective website that had low CTRs and no real connection to our campaign, while relevant and negative keywords as well. We used the placement tool for our Display campaign to provide a list of sewing-related websites to reach our targeted demographics. Being limited to only three weeks in running the campaign, we divided the budget into three sections; one section for each week, putting most of our budget into the first campaign then split the other campaigns equally. We made changes based on the campaigns performance over time and the number of campaigns was determined by finding the optimal solution in distributing our budget. We checked our account often to improve its performance by pausing ads that were not performing well. We used the Adwords Editor to move items between our ad groups and add keywords. The Opportunities Tab gave us helpful tips to improve our campaign and the key changes in the campaigns were all decided on as a group. Evolution of Campaign Strategy. The changes we made to the campaign were

focusing our efforts into our last campaign, the Search and Display Sewing. Throughout the three-week run of our campaign, the Search and Display Sewing campaign generated the most clicks among the three campaigns, accumulating more than fifty percent of the total campaign with 330 clicks at a CTR of 0.30%. Initially, we set our campaigns to have equal budgeting throughout the three-week run with a daily budget of $3.97 per campaign, but since the Search and Display Sewing campaign garnered more than half of the clicks, we decided to increase the budget to $8.00 by the end of the first week, thus offsetting the increase in the Search and 2

Display campaign with the decreases in the other two less-successful campaigns, Display Sewing and Geo-Targeting Los Angeles. Another change we made to our campaign was adding more keywords across the three campaigns. Since the other two campaigns were not generating as many clicks as Search and Display, a mass addition of keywords would help generate more clicks to those two campaigns as well as further strengthening the Search and Display Sewing campaign. At the beginning of the second week, we added a total of 81 keywords across the three campaigns on top of the 15 we started with in the beginning of the campaign. By the end of the second week, we removed 31 of the keywords due to inactivity (no clicks). Overall, most of the 81 keywords we added after the first week of the campaign generated minimal clicks in comparison to our initial 15 keywords in the beginning of the campaign, although some of the new keywords generated the highest CTR such as sewing supplies with a CTR of 2.47% and fabrics online with a score of 11.11%. The keywords that generated the most clicks were mostly our initial keywords, such as sewing supplies with a total click amount of 181 and sewing notions with a total of 88 clicks, further strengthening our Search and Display Sewing campaign. (Jullien you talked about 1st and 2nd week but about the 3rd week??) Key Results. Based on our table below, we did not accomplish our expectations. We analyzed our campaigns to test the performance of different keywords, ad groups, and ads. After carefully observing the results, we still got a lower CTR and a higher CPC, insufficiently satisfying our goals. As the weeks progressed, our campaigns showed improvement with the CTR increasing at a steady rate and the CPC decreasing to our goal of $0.25. We increased the budget of the Search and Display campaign by $8.00 by adding relevant keywords, pausing ineffective website placements, and focusing on the amount of clicks produced. Metric CTR Cost/Click Total Conversions Goals 1.00% $0.25 n/a Week 1 0.26% $0.42 2 Week 2 0.42% $0.29 15 Week 3 0.49% $0.25 21 Total 0.39% $0.32 38

Ave. Cost/Conv.






We created three unique campaigns tailored to Nieedits goals. After the first week, we paused the Display Sewing and Geo-Targeting Los Angeles campaigns since they were not generating conversions. The Search and Display Sewing campaign showed the most potential in comparison to the others. It may have had a more expensive CPC and a lower CTR than the Geo-Targeting Los Angeles campaign, but it actually earned conversions and a cost per conversion. The table below shows the performance of each campaign: Campaign Display Sewing Geo-Targeting Los Angeles Search and Display Sewing CTR 0.03 0.06 0.3 CPC $0.41 $0.23 $0.26 Conv. 0 0 38 $ Cost/Conv. 0 0 2.37

We created five ad groups, with two receiving clicks and CTRs, and three receiving impressions. The Search and Display Sewing campaign achieved a CTR of 0.39% with 38 conversions. We decided to pause two ad groups because they were not generating enough clicks. The Sewing Supplies and Fabrics ad groups had many impressions but not as many clicks as we hoped for, which overall was essential to our campaigns performance. Initially, we created five ads for Nieedit to market its products. By the end of the third week, ads that used the placement tool had lower CTRs and clicks. Ads that used call-to-action words like one-stop and save big in their headlines were more effective compared to other ads, and any ads that had the words sewing supplies and fabrics online had higher CTRs compared to other ads. In the beginning of our campaign, we had many keywords but many were obsolete. Once we experimented with the keywords, we removed keywords with low quality scores such as fabric and sewing crafts and omitted keywords with high impressions but no clicks. The more effective keywords were applied to different ad groups with a combination of phrase match keywords. Towards the end of the campaign, the AdWords Analysis indicated that broad match 4

keywords outperformed the phrase matched keywords, resulting in higher CTR and conversions. The most successful keywords are presented in the table below:

AdGroup Sewing Supplies Sewing Supplies (Search & Display) (Search & Display)

Keywords sewing supplies sewing notions sewing supplies online online fabric store fashion fabrics

CTR 1.30% 0.19% 1.61% 1.03% 0.12%

Conv. 5 3 2 2 1

Sewing Supplies (Search & Display) Fabrics (Search & Display) Fabrics (Search & Display)


Over the course of the three-week campaign, the AdWords that remained

active garnered high impressions-to-clicks ratios, such as sewing supplies with 13,379 impressions with 181 clicks and sewing notions with 40,273 impressions with 88 clicks. All of our conversions came from the Search and Display Sewing campaign which achieved a total of 38 conversions. Our goal with this campaign was not only to raise our client Nieedits sales by 10%, but also to conduct a strong primary study on which Adgroups performed best with the companys target audience. Based off our results, Search and Display campaign worked best in targeting consumers with keywords such as sewing accessories, sewing supplies, and sewing notions. Therefore, the company should continue to implement the use of paid advertisements on sewing-related websites. In terms of the other two campaigns, Geo-Targeting Los Angeles and Display Sewing, there are numerous possibilities as to why they did not perform as well as the Search and Display campaign. Throughout the entire campaign, the Geo-Targeting Los Angeles Adgroup garnered only 162 impressions, while the display sewing campaign captured only 97 impressions. Initially, we thought that Geo-Targeting Los Angeles as a campaign would generate the most traffic due to the high keyword competition based off using Googles Keyword Tool, but our

results post-campaign proved otherwise. Perhaps a stronger-based, differentiated keyword set should have been utilized to keep the campaign strong. Future Recommendations. Nieedit as a company should continue to implement Google Adwords and Analytics to their marketing strategy, as it has proved to garner traffic to their online store, along with 38 conversions over the past three weeks. Nieedit should focus most on continuing the Search and Display Sewing campaign, since all of their conversions came from this campaign. Much more experimental work is needed in order to make progress on the GeoTargeting Los Angeles campaign and the Display Sewing campaign, since it didnt garner much traffic. Nieedit should keep manually selecting sites in which they display their paid advertisements. Automatic ad placement is a great method in finding which types of websites capture the most clicks for Nieedit, but in the long run manual ad placement is essential in achieving cost reduction. In closing, Nieedit should keep using Google Adwords to strengthen their brand awareness through using the Search and Display Sewing campaign while manually selecting the sites in which they place their paid ads so that they can capture more conversions in the future.

Learning Component Learning Objectives and Outcomes. It was a privilege to participate in the Google Marketing Online Challenge with a $250 budget provided by Google. We were thrilled because this provided us an opportunity to develop our skills by directly learning through experience. This campaign helped us gain real-world experience in managing search engines, marketing campaigns, and web analytics. We know there is a growing trend with internet marketing and we want to learn new marketing strategies and take advantage of the new technology and its benefits. The Google AdWords interface was intimidating to use at first because the platform required expertise, and our team had no prior online advertising experience when we first started. Initially, we were confused and overwhelmed with the amount of information that was presented to us on how to use Google AdWords and Analytics, so we took it one step at a time by reading the information in the AdWords help center and watching numerous videos in preparation for running the campaign. The extensive research on Google Analytics and AdWords helped us gain 6

a better understanding of how the AdWords system worked and tracking conversions using Google Analytics. Google AdWords has proven to be a very useful and powerful tool in quickly researching the targeted demographics. AdWords is very flexible and user-friendly; the systems flexibility provided us with many options in creating extremely specific ads that connected us to the targeted audience. We also learned that it is critical to use negative keywords to weed out untargeted visitors. The match types interface also works with negative keywords at the campaign level and the ad group level. By adding negative keywords to the campaigns, this can help reach the most appropriate visitors while reducing costs. The most notable campaign was the Search and Display campaign, which ran on the Google Search and Display Network. This campaign focused primarily on sewing enthusiasts searching for sewing supplies and fashion fabrics. This was the most successful campaign, generating the most clicks from start to finish resulting in 38 conversions. The success could be due to a growing trend in the fashion and textile industry, thus creating a higher demand for sewing supplies and fashion fabrics. Group Dynamics. Working in groups can be difficult, however, our group was able to

overcome many challenges. It was difficult for everyone to meet as a group due to our busy schedules and the lack of transportation, but we managed to find time to meet as a group on most occasions, just not as much as we anticipated. So, we addressed this issue by utilizing electronic communication such as instant messaging, phone link, via email, and Google hangout to communicate with each other. Client Dynamics. One of the problems we encountered with our client during the

course of this challenge was the communication process. We recognized that our client has busy and unpredictable schedules, so with that in mind, we communicated primarily through email. Unfortunately, our client was very slow in responding to emails, so it was frustrating, especially when deadlines were on hand. We were extremely patient with our client in this particular situation, but aside from that, we maintained a positive relationship with our client throughout the challenge. We assigned one person in the group to be the primary contact person with our client, who did a terrific job in updating our client about the progress of the campaigns and in making recommendations. Future Recommendations. 7

Client Dynamics: The key to success starts with choosing the right client. We recommend selecting a client who is cooperative, responsive, and sincerely appreciative of your help. It is essential to maintain professionalism and to maintain contact with your client in regards to the progress of the campaigns. Group Dynamics: Select your potential members thoughtfully and carefully. It helps to set the ground rules at the beginning, such as arriving to meetings in a timely fashion, coming to meetings prepared, and completing tasks on time. Everyone should be a team player by sharing responsibilities and contributing to the group work. Strategy: Having a well designed landing page can result in higher conversion rates and lower cost-per-clicks. Optimize the website by adding relevant keywords throughout the landing pages for better quality score. In addition, use match types for negative keywords to improve the ROI. Start small during the first week of the campaign to test the performance of different keywords, ad groups, and ads. After that, study the analysis report to make necessary adjustments by adding and deleting appropriate keywords, and remember that small changes lead to large impacts. Learning Experience: Be curious and dont be afraid to make mistakes. Learn from mistakes by seeing which targeted keywords result in conversions and which do not. Use mistakes as a cornerstone for improvement. The most successful campaigns take time and effort.

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