SAP - BS 7 Questions-1

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MOCK TEST - C_THR12_64 SAP Certified Application Associate H!

"an Capital Mana#e"ent $it% SAP ERP 6&' EHP4

1. A customer wants to store pay scale data on IT0008 (Basic Pay) for their employees. Which confi uration steps are necessary! Please choose the correct answer.



#efine a pay scale type and pay scale area$ a personnel su%area roupin for collecti&e a reement pro&ision$ and a pay scale roup for the employees. #efine a pay scale roup and an employee su% roup roupin for collecti&e a reement pro&ision$ and the feature '()*T. #efine a pay scale type and pay scale area$ an employee su% roup roupin for collecti&e a reement pro&ision$ and a pay scale roup for the employees. #efine a pay scale roup$ pay scale le&el$ and %asic pay wa e type with the module &ariant A for A+BP'.







,. A fi-ed %onus of 1./ of annual salary is paid to all salaried employees. 0ow would you confi ure the automatic calculation of the amount! Please choose the correct answer.



Assi n indirect &aluation module P+12T in ta%le T.11 (Wa e Type 3haracteristics) and confi ure ta%le T.456 (Base Wa e Type 7aluation). Assi n indirect &aluation module *8))9 in ta%le T.11 (Wa e Type 3haracteristics) and confi ure ta%le T.456 (Base Wa e Type 7aluation). 3onfi ure ta%le T.45A (#efault Wa e Type )odel) and confi ure feature '()*T to default the correct indirect amount. 3onfi ure ta%le T.11:B (Wa e Type Permissi%ility) and confi ure feature AB;+* to default the correct indirect amount.







4. A customer wants to enerate a%sence <uotas %ased on seniority$ and also reduce for any inacti&e employment periods. Where do you confi ure this! Please choose the correct answer.

a) %)

" "

*chema T=TA ((enerate A%sence =uotas) Ta%le T..5' (=uota confi uration > *election +ules)

c) d)

" "

?eature =8")" (#etermination of <uota type selection rule roup) +eport +PT=TA00 ((enerate A%sence =uotas)

@. *ome employees lea&e early on ?ridays and are re<uired to enter their a%sence time. 0ow can you ensure that <uotas are not reduced for these types of a%sences! 2oteA There are , correct answers to this <uestion. Please choose the correct answers.

a) %) c) d)

" " " "

*et the countin rule conditions to <uery the period worB schedule &ariant *et the countin rule conditions to full day a%sences *et the countin rule conditions to <uery certain days *et the countin rule conditions for partial day a%sences

.. Which are the main elements of the +oadmap structure screen! Please choose the correct answer.

a) %) c) d)

" " " "

+oadmap structure Blueprint area (oCli&e Area +oadmap structure Blueprint area Attachments Area +oadmap structure 7iewin DTe-t area (oCli&e Area +oadmap structure 7iewin DTe-t area Attachments Area

E. Which component of *AP 2etWea&er realiFes crossCsystem application processes! Please choose the correct answer.

a) %) c) d)

" " " "

*AP )aster #ata )ana ement (*AP )#)) *AP 9-chan e Infrastructure (*AP GI) *AP Business Warehouse (*AP BW) *AP 9nterprise Portal (*AP 9P)

H. What does the *AP We% A* pro&ide!

Please choose the correct answer.

a) %) c) d)

" " " "

*tora e of all transactional documents in one sin le data%ase )aster data harmoniFation across *AP 2etWea&er 6,99 and ABAP in a sin le en&ironment +ealCtime data e-chan e with all *AP systems

8. A customer needs a report which com%ines time wa e types enerated from time e&aluation with employeesI pay data from IT0008 (Basic Pay). What do you propose! Please choose the correct answer.

a) %) c) d)

" " " "

3reate an indi&idual report %ased on the lo ical data%ase P2P39 8se standard report +PTAB*,0 (A%sence and Attendance #ata "&er&iew) 3reate an indi&idual cluster report 8se standard report +PTBA'00 (3umulated Time 9&aluation +esults)

5. In order to load a custom report to the *AP 9asy Access )enu you must determine the technical name of the <uery. 0ow do you find the technical name of an Ad 0oc =uery! Please choose the correct answer



In Ad 0oc =uery select <uery and choose =uery J )ore ?unctions J *how report name. In Ad 0oc =uery choose =uery J *a&e as and enter a report name in the allowed name space.. After sa&in the Ad 0oc =uery$ choose *ettin s J *how technical name. In the *AP =uery select <uery and choose =uery J )ore ?unctions J *how report name.



c) d)

" "

10. 0ow can you distin uish a BW report from an *AP 9+P 03) report! 2oteA There are 4 correct answers to this <uestion. Please choose the correct answers.

a) %) c) d) e)

" " " " "

The foundation for the BW data has to %e Infoset =uery. BW reportin data could come from multiple systems. The BW reports include sets of characteristics and Bey fi ures. The BW reports allow for time series comparisons. The BW reports are %ased on the lo ical data%ases P2P39 and P30.

11. Kou need to understand the concepts of "r aniFational )ana ement. What are the functions of "r aniFational )ana ement! 2oteA There are 4 correct answers to this <uestion. Please choose the correct answers.

a) %) c) d) e)

" " " " "

To depict structures such as or aniFational and reportin To %uild the %asis for the %usiness worBflow To allow for plannin or aniFational chan es To create hierarchical linBs to the 03) 9nterprise structure To transfer controllin information on cost to ?I

1,. A customer pays a &acation %onus for each day of lea&e$ dependin on the employeeIs or aniFational assi nment. What are rele&ant confi uration steps to accomplish this!



Include a constant$ daily &acation %onus in the payroll run and assi n rele&ant wa e types in IT0@1E (=uota 3ompensation) 3opy and adLust personnel calculation rule G)"# (employee roupin for payroll accountin ) and include a constant$ daily &acation %onus in the payroll run )aintain countin class information for the a%sence and assi n rele&ant wa e types in IT001@ (+ecurrin PaymentsD#eductions) )aintain countin class information for the a%sence and adLust a copy of personnel calculation rule G01H (rele&ancy test for &aluation of a&era es)







14. #urin a payroll run$ or aniFational data and planned worBin time are not %ein imported. Which schema function or functions in transaction P901 need to %e ena%led to fi- this issue! Please choose the correct answer.

a) %) c) d)

" " " "

P000H WPBP P0001 and P000H P0001

1@. Which of the followin modules inte rates with *AP 'earnin *olution! 2oteA There are 4 correct answers to this <uestion. Please choose the correct answers

a) %) c) d) e)

" " " " "

*ales M #istri%ution 3ontrollin Personnel 3ost Planin Business Intelli ence Tra&el )ana ement

1.. A customer re<uires a user to run certain reports (such as a %irthday list) for employees who are not included in their eneral authoriFation profile. Which is the %est solution!! Please choose the correct answer.



8se the P:ABAP authoriFation o%Lect to allow the user to run the reports.



8se the P:+9P" authoriFation o%Lect to include all employees in the userIs profile.



8se the P:P9+2+ authoriFation o%Lect to include all employees in the userIs profile.



Write a custom report without a lo ical data%ase and e-clude the authoriFation checB.

1E. A customer re<uests a headcount report to analyFe the attrition within each sales and marBetin department for all sales offices$ %y Lo% class$ durin each of the past . years. Which reportin tool do you choose!

Please choose the correct answer.



Ad 0oc =uery



Business Warehouse (BW)



*AP =uery



0uman +esource Information *ystems (0I*)

1H. Which is a set of recommended standard time entry methods in the conte-t of 9+P E.0! Please choose the correct answer.



#uet Time )ana ement 3AT* We%(8I



#uet Time )ana ement Time )ana er WorBplace 3AT*



IT* %ased 9** Time 9ntry *er&ice 3AT* We%(8I



IT* %ased 9** Time 9ntry *er&ice Time )ana er WorBplace 3AT*

18. Which 03) process has direct inte ration with Time )ana ement! Please choose the correct answer.



Trainin M 9&ents )ana ement



9nterprise 3ompensation )ana ement



Personnel 3ost Plannin



Performance )ana ement

15. A customer considers implementin 3oncurrent 9mployment. Which areas re<uire direct confi uration chan es! Please choose the correct answer.



PA$ B2$ PK and T)



PA$ P#$ PK and T)



PA$ PK$ )**$ T)



PK$ T)$ B2$ '*"

,0. A custom ") o%Lect type will %e added to the e-istin structure. "nce created$ itIs characteristics should %e &erified immediately %y a Time Administrator. Which areas are needed in this %usiness process! 2oteA There are , correct answers to this <uestion.



"r aniFational )ana ement













,1. A customer wants to implement a lean selfCser&ice scenario with only necessary functionality in order to pay employee attendance M a%sence hours. What is the minimal confi uration for this!

Please choose the correct answer.



PA$ 3AT*$ 9**$ Payroll$ Time +ecordin .



PA$ 3AT*$ 9**$ Payroll.



PA$ 9**$ Payroll$ Time 9&aluation.



PA$ 3AT*$ 9**$ Payroll$ Time +ecordin $ Time 9&aluation.

,,. A customer would liBe to e-plore the option of utiliFin (lo%al 9mployment in *AP 9+P E.0. What are the main acti&ities of the lo%al employee life cycle! Please choose the correct answer.



Plan the (lo%al Assi nment. Prepare for +elocation. Transfer to lo%al assi nment. Transfer durin the assi nment. +epatriate to the home country.



3reate the new position in the host country. ?ill the new position. +emo&e the employee from the old position. 0ire into the new host country. Terminate the old position.



3reate the new position. 0ire the person into that same position creatin a second I#. 'inB the two idIs in IT004,. 3han e the %asic pay record in the old country. 3reate the %asic pay record in the host country.



3reate an action N3ross 3ountry Assi nment > lea&in N. +un the action to terminate the home country record. 3reate an action N3ross 3ountry Assi nment > enterin N. +un the action to hire the employee into the host country. 3reate an action NTerminate ?orei n Assi nmentN. +un the action to Terminate that I#.

,4. Kou try to con&ince a customer to use #ynamic Actions. Which ad&anta es of #ynamic Actions do you hi hli ht in your presentation!

2oteA There are 4 correct answers to this <uestion.



Kou can tri

er additional actions when you create or chan e an infotype.



Kou can read the data %ein processed for one employee and create an infotype record for another employee.



Kou can state whether the action is to %e carried out for N3han eN$ N3reateN andDor N#eleteN record.



Kou can compare old and new &alues of a field to dri&e functionality and you can specify default &alues for a record to %e created.

,@. A customer has multiple 0+ Administrators who routinely process the same Personnel Actions &ia transaction PA@0. A new administrator is hired and complains that their actions menu does not display the correct action types. Which settin would you in&esti ate first! Please choose the correct answer.



+eference 8ser (roup Parameter (T.883:))



Priority 'ist for Action Types (T.,5A)



)enu #ependent 8ser (roup (T.883:I)



Parameter 8(+ (8ser (roup > 0+ )aster #ata)

,.. Which structure must %e declared in the ta%leIs statement to use the P2P(39) lo ical data%ase for a custom PA report! Please choose the correct answer.













,E. 0ow can you control usin different a%sences and attendances for separate roups in an or aniFation! Please choose the correct answer.



7ia personnel su%area roupin s for a%sences and attendances



7ia roundin rules for a%sences and attendances



7ia time constraint classes for a%sence and attendance infotypes



By roupin personnel su%areas for worB schedules

,H. A customer is usin time clocBs from &arious time clocB &endors to capture worB and %reaB times for hourly worBers. 0ow should they import this data into 03) Time )ana ement! Please choose the correct answer.



3om%ine the clocB entries into the appropriate time pairs and interface the data to 3AT*.



Interface the indi&idual time clocB entries into ta%le T9792.



3om%ine the clocB entries into the total hours worBed and interface the data to Attendance Infotype ,00,.



Interface the data into a custom infotype since it is comin from a nonC*AP time entry source.

,8. The secondary wa e type$ Incomin wa e types from pre&ious period$ is identified %y a name startin with which of these strin s! Please choose the correct answer.













,5. Which function pro&ides the payroll dri&er with data on the type of pro ram that the schema uses! Please choose the correct answer.













40. Which of these e-pressions transfers the wa e type to the output ta%le "T as per the personnel calculation rule G014! Please choose the correct answer.



+T9 O T*#I7P



#I7I# A++



19+" O A




41. Which of the followin characters is used to depict the total worBin time in terms of calendar days! Please choose the correct answer.









4,. Which option imports shift su%stitutions to PW*! Please choose the correct answer.













44. Which of the followin applications is not inte rated with "r aniFational )ana ement!

Please choose the correct answer.



Personnel Administration



WorBflow )ana ement



Time )ana ement



Personnel 3ost Plannin



3apacity Plannin

4@. Which of the followin ") infotypes are the main properties for an o%Lect type! Please choose the correct answer.



Account Assi nment ?eatures (IT1008)



+elationships (IT1001)



Planned 3ompensation (IT100.)



=uota Plannin (IT1015)



"%Lect (IT1000)

4.. Which of the followin reports is only concerned with o%Lects! Please choose the correct answer.













4E. The Personnel *u%area Please choose the correct answer.



3ontains control features of the company structure Is a selfCcontained unit within the system$ in le al and


" or aniFational terms +e<uires a new personnel num%er to %e created for an employee


" transfer.



Is a unit whose accounts are %alanced independently.

4H. A &acancy

Please choose the correct answer.

Is a Lo% that is not occupied. a) "



Is a position that has multiple holders.



Is a position that needs to %e filled.

48. Where is an employee's work schedule stored?

Please choose the correct answer.



In the Optional Working Time infotype.



In the Planned Working Time infotype.



In the Normal Working Time infotype.



In the Monitoring of Tasks infotype.

45. =ualifications

Please choose the correct answer.



Are stored as re<uirements for an or aniFational unit.



Are assi ned to a person as actual <ualifications.



Are used as the %asis for a profile matchup. 3an %e ac<uired throu h %usiness e&ents and de&elopment measures.



@0. +eportin is used to ...

Please choose the correct answer.



*tore reports in the system.



Transfer employees.



Perform data e&aluations and analyses.

@1. A worB schedule in the *AP system contains the followin elementsA Please choose the @ correct answer(s).



WeeBly schedule



BreaB schedule



WorB schedule rule



#aily worB schedule

2i ht worB schedule e) " Period worB schedule f) "

42. What is the su%Coperation for callin o&ertime compensation type in P3+! Please choose the correct answer.

ABTKP a) " 3'TKP %) " A3TKP c) " P9+*( d) "

@4. What is the function for callin Wa e type enerations in a schema Please choose the correct answer.

+T a) " 3+T %) " (WT c) " *A'#" d) "

@@. Infotype 000H consist of followin field Please choose the correct answer.

Attendance hours a) "

A%sence hours %) "

Additional Time I# indicator c) "

=uota 2um%ers d) "

@.. )andatory infotype for Time without clocB times. Please 3hoose , answers

a) a) "


%) %) "


c) c) "


d) d) "


@E. Infotype H0E will ha&e an impact on the followin infotypes

Please choose the correct answer.













@H. ") infotype to maintain e-emptDnon e-empt characteristics Please choose the correct answer.

1E10 a) "

1E1, %) "

1E1. c) "

1E11 d) "

@8. )atri- relationship for reportin structure Please choose the correct answer.



A00, M A00.



A00, M A00,



A004 M A004



A00, M A00H

@5. Which field types can %e accessed &ia Ad 0oc =uery! Please choose 4 answers

*tandard additional fields a) " 'ocal fields %) " Infotype fields c) " 3ustomerCdefined additional fields d) " ?unctional fields e) "

.0. To create a report usin Ad 0oc <uery$ which se<uence of steps should %e followed! Please choose the correct answer.



3hoose the selection fields$ choose the output format$ choose the selection &alues$ run output



3hoose the output fields$ restrict the reportin set$ access the hit list$ define the output &ariant$ run output



3hoose the fields used in the report$ restrict the reportin set$ run the hit list$ run output$ reformat output



3hoose the selection fields$ choose the output fields$ choose the selection &alues$ format the output$ run output



3hoose the selection fields$ choose the output fields$ choose the selection &alues$ run the hit list$ format the output$ run output

.1. Which tools can %e used to access standard *AP reports! Please choose @ answers The reference method a) "

)ana ersQ #esBtop ()#T) %) " 0uman +esources Information *ystem (0I*) c) " Info systems d) " Area menus e) "

.,. *AP =uery must %e used to meet the followin reportin re<uirements! Please choose the correct answer. . The report shares information from master data and time data a) " "utput must %e in an interacti&e list format %) " The report re<uires a calculation field which can %e created from other data elements in the report



A statistical report is re<uired d) "

.4. Which of the followin items are re<uired to %e a%le to run Ad 0oc and *AP =uery! Please choose 4 answers #efined user roups a) " Infosets %) " AuthoriFation to access the data and tools c) " 'ocal field definitions d) "

Transports from the lo%al area e) "

.@. Which reportin tool uses the raphical <uery painter! Please choose the correct answer.

0I* a) " )#T %) " *AP =uery c) " Ad 0oc =uery d) " *tandard reportin e) "

... *elect the feature which had W* rule in field for decision operation for return &alue optionC Please choose the correct answer.

*30;1 a) " T)*TA %) " =8")" c) " 3"2T+ d) "

.E. Which statement is pro&ides the most accurate definition of )(9!

Please choose the correct answer.



The HCM Management of Global Employees component pro&ides a mechanism for one of the Bey processes often left incomplete$ which is definin a new assi nment for the lo%al employee RpriorS to their current assi nments completion.



The HCM Management of Global Employees component is desi ned to streamline the processes in&ol&ed for the host and home countries in mo&in employees %etween countries The HCM Management of Global Employees component force companies CC and 0+ departments CC to thinB and act lo%allyT there%y resol&in the followin types of IssuesA 1. )ana in transfers and assi nments. ,. (lo%al reportin on the employee le&el. 4. Impro&in and ali nin ne otiation processes for international assi nments. *upportin eo raphically dispersed users with upCtoCtheCminute information.





All of the a%o&e.

.H. 3hoose the &aria%le which can %e used to determine the screen modifications for master data.

Please choose the correct answer.

8ser (roup a) "



"r aniFational ;ey



3ost 3entre.



Payroll Area



Personnel Administrator

.8. What are not re<uired infotypes associated with Time m mt

Please choose the correct answer.

IT 0004 a) "



IT 000H



IT 000,



IT 00.0



IT 0001

.5. Which selection area (Infotypes) can you search for o%Lects to %e displayed in record actual times!

Please choose the correct answer.

IT ,001$ IT ,00,$ IT ,011 a) "



IT ,00H$ IT ,00E$ IT ,001



IT ,011$ IT ,00E$ IT ,00@

E0. )arB the statements with correct relationship %etween the o%Lects typesCPlease 3hoose 4 3orrect answers P holds 3 a) " P holds * %) " * assi ned to ; c) " * defined %y 3 d) "

6 assi ned to " e) "

E1. )arB the correct statement a%out Lo% inde- > Please choose , answers A Lo% inde- is list of Lo%s maintained for an enterprise a) " When you create Lo%s$ they are automatically listed in Lo% inde%) " A Lo% inde- is list of default Lo%s that can %e created in sap system$ it is contained in std sap system





To include new Lo% into a Lo% inde-$ you ha&e to manually perform the correspondin function

E,. Which of the followin statement is not true$ re ardin worB schedule! Please choose the correct answer.

The WorB schedule is used as %asis for time data e&aluation a) " The worB schedule contains planned specification for employeeQs worBin time





The system assi ns worB schedule automatically to an employee in the IT 000H usin W* +ules



The worB schedule is holiday

enerated from period worB schedule and pu%lic

E4. Positions can %e occupied %y > Please choose , answers BP a) "

P %) " 3P c) " +D4(933 ) 8sers d) "

E@. The &arious sta es or phases of time mana ement are C Please choose 4 answers Time )aintenance a) " 8se of time data %) " Time recordin c) " Time e&aluation d) "

E.. )arB the correct statement re ardin o%Lect type ;C3"*T 392T9+ > Please choose 4 Answers ; linBed to " a) " ; assi nments are inherited alon "r *tructure %) " ; cannot %e linBed to * c) " ; are maintain in 3" d) " ; are maintained in 0+ e) "

EE. A method used %y employees to enter their own actual time is called Please choose the correct answer.

*hift Plannin a) "

Time e&aluation %) " Time data recordin and administration c) " 3AT* d) "

EH. )arB the correct statement Please choose the correct answer.



") ena%les you to depict the structure of your or aniFation in present and future

") ena%les you to depict the structure of your or aniFation in present only %) " ") ena%les you to depict the structure of your or aniFation in past$ present and future





") ena%les you to depict the structure of your or aniFation in past and present only

E8. )arB the Bey o%Lect types which are not applica%le to ") %ut to T9) thou h they are defined in same ta%les as ") "%Lects > Please choose 4 Answers = a) " ? %) "

# c) " B d) " 9 e) "

E5. When definin enterprise structure the followin consideration should %e taBen in account > Please choose , Answers 3ompany 3odes are defined in ?inancial Accountin $ must %e country specific and can %e used to help enerate default &alues in employee master records Personnel su%areas defined in 0+ $ are assi ned to one or more personnel Area only and used directly in definin authoriFation





3lient are defined at the hi hest le&el of 9nterprise structure c) "



Personnel Areas are defined in 0+ and assi ned to one or more company codes and used in definin authoriFations

H0. The wa e types formed durin time e&aluation are

Please choose the correct answer.

Transferred to personnel time e&ents a) " Transferred to payroll %) " Transferred to time e&aluation c) "

Transferred to Time recordin information d) "

H1. Ad&anta es of Process )odels > Please choose 4 answers 3an send notifications in all 3ircumstances a) " +epeat indi&idual process steps %) " +educe process run time %y runnin serial pro ram c) "

9asily controls the e-ecution of the pro ram d) "

H,. Which infotype does not ha&e B9(#A and 92##A Please choose the correct answer.

IT 001@ a) " IT 001. %) " IT 001@ M IT 001. c) "

IT ,010 d) "

H4. Which of the followin is Primary wa e type! Please choose the correct answer.

Technical Wa e types a) "

*tatement Wa e types %) " 8ser wa e types c) "



#ialo Wa e types

H@. 3orrect statement with Time )ana ement roupin > Please choose , answers If any time mana ement aspect within personnel su%area is different$ then each personnel su% area is assi ned to different roupin s 9mployee su% roup %) " Personnel su%area roupin for W*$ attendances type$ a%sences types$ su%stitution types$ a&aila%ility types $ attendance countin $ a%sences countin $ time <uotas and time recordin roupin for W*$ Time recordin





H.. ?or which information P2P is used Please choose the correct answer.

PA a) " ")D"r *tructure %) " Time )ana ement c) " +ecruitment d) "

HE. P90, refers to Please choose the correct answer.

Payroll )enu a) " 3alculation +ules %) " Payroll 3alendar c) "

HH. )arB the correct statement re ardin worB schedule Please choose the correct answer.



If "r aniFation impose *aturday as worBin day $ %oth pu%lic holiday class and day type O 1 Pu%lic 0oliday 3lass is one of the prere<uisite for definin selection +ules


" A daily worB schedule &ariant is an alternati&e &ersion of period worB schedule





BreaBs taBen after a certain num%er of hours are worBed in Bnown as &aria%le %reaBs

H8. What is the function of personnel 3ontrol record in payroll accountin ! Please choose 4 Answers #efines payroll past retroacti&e accountin reco nition a) " #etermines the e-act dates of the current payroll period %) " BlocBs )aster data and time data a ainst chan es durin the course of payroll run



9sta%lishes the earliest retroacti&e accountin period per 9*( d) "

H5. ?eatures used in Time )ana ement > Please choose 4 Answers

AB;+* a) " *30;1 %) " =8")" c) " 7TA+T d) " #AKTP e) "

80. 6o%s are used in > Please choose @ answers PA a) " ") %) " P3P c) " T) d) " *hift Plannin e) " 3areer and *uccession plannin f) "

The followin considerations should %e taBen in to account when definin the enterprise structure. 2oteA , are correct a) 3lient is defined at the hi hest le&el of the enterprise structure. %) Personnel su%areas are defined for human resources and are assi ned to one or more personnel area and can %e used in definin authoriFations. c) Personnel areas are defined in human resources and are assi ned to one or more company codes and can %e used in definin authoriFations. d) 3ompany codes are defined in financial accountin and must %e country specific and can %e used to help enerate default &alues in employee master records
Answers 1. c

2. 3. 4. 5. !. ". #. $. 1%. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1!. 1". 1#.

B B B and d B C B B& c ' d A& b ' c B C B&c'e C B A

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