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US History Projected/Diary Map Month Sample


Mon Oct

Unit Name/ Essential Questions


Skills USII.1 The student will demonstrate skills for historical analysis including the ability to

Assessments Standards

Week One: Students Justice/Injustice: will Begin study of Introduction of Modernity Progressive Era by Progressive Era Understanding the Essential Questions; problems that existed 1. What are the rights during the gilded age. and responsibilities Students should of citizens in a understand the need democracy? for the Progressive 2. We can be Movement. Students influenced to will also do a Miniidentify with or to Unit on Bias and identify against. How has this been Commentary
manipulated historically? 3. How do political, social, and cultural factors provide incentives and disincentives that influence economic choices? 4. Everyday life: How did the progressive movement make life better for the lower classes of society?

Vocabulary Terms: - Mucrackers - Progressive - Graft - Corruption - Federal Drug Administration

Week Two: Students will continue work on progressive Unit by focusing on the Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, and what his presidency meant for the nation. Students should synthesize Teddy Roosevelts Purpose for enacting the reforms that he did during his time in office. Students will also begin a Mini-Unit on Political Cartoons. Week Three:

Students will be assessed on their a) analyze and interpret primary and secondary understanding source documents to increase of both MiniUnits through a understanding of events and life in United reading States history from 1896 to the present; assessment students b) make connections between past and should be able present; to recognize Editorial writing c) sequence events in United States history from news from 1896 to the present; writing. Students d) interpret ideas and events from different should also historical perspectives. know how to analyze USII.3 The student will demonstrate knowledge political of how life changed after the Civil cartoons, as both Mini Units War by will be a significant part a) identifying the reasons for westward of their final expansion; assessment. Cumulative b) explaining the reasons for the increase in Assessment for immigration, growth of cities, new the Unit will include an inventions, and challenges arising from this exam with 60 expansion; percent multiple choice c) describing racial segregation, the rise of Jim questions and

WHST 68.2 RH 6-8.2 SL8.2 Text depende nt questions will provide students will the evidence needed to develop their informatio n writing skills. CCSS.ELA Literacy.R H.6-8.1 CCSS.ELA Literacy.R H.6-8. CCSS.ELA Literacy.R


Unit Name/ Essential Questions Enduring Understandings:


Skills Crow, and other constraints faced by African Americans in the post-Reconstruction South; d) explaining the rise of big business, the growth of industry, and life on American farms; e) describing the impact of the Progressive Movement on child labor, working conditions, the rise of organized labor, womens suffrage, and the temperance

Assessments Standards 40 percent essay/ analysis. : H.6-8.5

Students will continue Study of 1. Civics: What are the Political climate of responsibilities of the progressive era citizens in a by understanding the democracy? corruption and graft 2. Identity: The that was going on Interactions of during this time identities, and period in our major cultures produce varied perspectives cities. Students should take on the challenges, and opportunities within role of muckrakers and look for problems and among societies. in todays culture and 3. Economics: Various political climate.
Social and political issues impact and are impacted by the global economy

Week Four: Students movement. will complete their study of the progressive era by examining the transition of power from Teddy Roosevelt to William Howard Taft. Students will also examine the impact or lack thereof of the progressive movement on Minority groups.

US History Consensus (Core) Map Month Sample


Mon Oct

Unit Name/ Essential Question



Assessments Standards

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