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What is The Weiss Institute ? The Weiss Institute is primarily involved in providing therapy on an outpatient basis.

It also presents one or two workshops a year and one or two professional training courses. One of the goals is to facilitate experiences on a 1 1 basis or in large groups or workshops.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&Is it possible to schedule an appointment with 'r. Weiss ? (ecause I am not accepting any new patients at this time) I have expanded my practice to include 'r. *ata +onpal) a well$ trained and highly$experienced psychologist who also uses regression therapy in her practice. Working together as a team) we hope to be able to help many more people. If you are interested in an appointment with 'r. +onpal) please call the office at ,-.$//1$//1- for more information and to schedule a time. I often recommend that someone from out of town sees a therapist closer to home because it is not possible to know beforehand whether therapy will take only a few sessions or whether it will necessitate sessions over a longer period of time. 0ypnosis and regression therapy can often achieve remarkable success in a brief period) but certain conditions re1uire extended support and reinforcement. If you would like a !referral.htm& to a psychotherapist in your area who has incorporated techni1ues of past life therapy into his or her practice) please send us a business$si2ed) stamped) self$ addressed envelope and indicate the geographical area for the referral. We will mail you a list of referrals provided that we know of someone in your locality.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&I have 1uestions about a specific problem. Will 'r. Weiss give me some advice? Without seeing someone as a patient in a therapeutic setting) it would not be ethical for me to comment on individual problems) symptoms) therapeutic issues) medications) etc. 3ou might want to schedule an appointment with a psychotherapist to discuss your concerns.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&'o you see patients when you are lecturing outside of 4iami ? I do not see patients outside of my office in 4iami. 0owever) in my workshops) I lead the group through meditations and regressions. Often the energy of the group working together allows extremely powerful experiences to be evoked.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&Where is your next workshop ? 4y !schedule.htm& is listed on the website) and it is always updated as soon as new appearances are planned. 3ou might want to check it periodically as it is the source of the most up$to$date information. The charges and all the logistics are arranged by the sponsors) and you should contact them for more information.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&What should I look for in a therapist ? Is it safe to see a hypnotherapist ? I suggest that people choose a 1ualified) licensed mental health professional since most people can learn how to hypnoti2e but it takes a trained therapist to know how to use it in a helpful way. There are many talented people who are not credentialed therapists who can regress others. The problem arises if highly emotional material is produced and the hypnotist cannot help the patient get resolution and closure in a therapeutic manner.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&Is it necessary to see a therapist in order to discover one5s past lives ? It is not always necessary to see a therapist in order to discover one5s past lives. 4editation on your own or by using audiotapes can help you to have your own experiences. (oth Through Time Into 0ealing and my new book) 4essages from the 4asters) contain scripts for relaxation and regression. 3ou can read one of the scripts into a tape recorder and later play it back or you can have someone read it to you. 6lso) I have recorded a series of three audio tapes in which I help you discover and learn techni1ues of meditation) healing) deep relaxation) and regression. 7ach tape is two$sided with a meditation on one side and a regression on the

other side. The meditation and regression exercises involve different techni1ues) and the tapes can be used in any order. The exercises on tapes 8 and , are also available packaged together on a 9' set in 7nglish or +panish. 4ore information about the tapes and 9' and how to order !order--1.htm& them can be found on my website. Of course) working with a therapist) you can be directed more specifically to a time and place.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&0ow can I go :within: ? I suggest that you learn and practice meditation regularly. This has helped me a great deal) and now I meditate daily. 6fter a while) the answers to your 1uestions will come to you) but you must be persistent and patient and not get discouraged. This is a practice for a lifetime.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&0ow do you keep your left brain from interfering with the meditation or regression experience ? 4y advice when using a script or tape is to relax and let what happens happen and in a non"udgmental way. ;ust experience and let your superconscious wisdom come. 6fterwards you can analy2e the experience.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&I have used your tapes several times) but I haven5t had any past life memories ? +ome people have regression experiences the first time they use the tapes. Others need much more practice. It took me three months of daily meditation before I had my first regression experience. Try not to get frustrated.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&I have used your tapes) but I am unable to visuali2e anything ? I suggest that you keep practicing with the tapes and remember that the other senses count. The experience doesn5t have to be visual. +ome people relate knowing) feeling) a kinesthetic experience) etc.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&I fall asleep every time I use the tapes. What should I do ? 4y suggestion regarding your falling asleep when using the tapes is to try using them at a different time. <eople have been more successful using the tapes at a time when they are more awake #e.g.) morning%. 6lso) you might want to keep making yourself progressively less comfortable during your practice #changing positions $$ using a chair instead of a bed) etc.% until you can practice without going to sleep.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&9an everyone be hypnoti2ed ? 4any people are able to be hypnoti2ed easily and deeply the first time they try hypnosis. +ome need more experience and practice. =nfortunately there is a percentage of the population #up to 1.>% that can5t be hypnoti2ed at all. +ometimes non$ hypnotic techni1ues help those people to retrieve memories.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&'o you need to achieve a deep level of hypnosis to experience past life regression ? 7ven people with a moderate response to hypnosis can benefit greatly.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&I can recall "ust short moments of previous lives. Will that help me ? ;ust like in traditional psychotherapy) when traumas are remembered) symptoms are alleviated. The remembering of :"ust short moments of previous lives: is often enough to give the person insight into his or her present life and to open that person5s mind to the possibility of soul survival) reincarnation) etc. It can produce a change regarding serious therapeutic issues) but in those cases it is more common to explore the memory in more depth in order to effect change.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&6re all problems helped by past life therapy ? It is not always necessary to discover our past lives in order to live better lives in the present. ?ot all of our problems have their source in the past. 4any people have enough understanding about themselves without delving in the past so that they can live this life in a healthy fulfilling) way.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&In 4any *ives) 4any 4asters 9atherine remembered a lifetime in 1@/, (.9. 0ow could she know that it was (.9. when that was not yet a concept ? In Through Time Into 0ealing I explain the process of hypnotism in more detail. In answer to the 1uestion as to how 9atherine) as :6ronda: in a previous lifetime) could give a date of 1@/, (.9.) I refer you to pages 8.$8A. In hypnosis) the person is the observer as well as the person being observed. :3our conscious mind is always aware of what you are experiencing while you are hypnoti2ed. 'espite the deep subconscious contact) your mind can comment) critici2e) and censor. . . +ome people in hypnosis watch the past as if they are observing a movie. . . In hypnosis) your mind is always aware and observing. This is why people who may be deeply hypnoti2ed and actively involved in a childhood or past life se1uence of memories are able to answer the therapist5s 1uestions) speak their current life language) know the geographical places they are seeing) and even know the year) which usually flashes before their inner eyes or "ust appears in their minds. The hypnoti2ed mind) always retaining an awareness and knowledge of the present) puts the childhood or past life memories into context. If the year 1B-- flashes) and you find yourself building a pyramid in ancient 7gypt) you know that the year is (.9.) even if you don5t see those actual letters.:

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&Is it possible to go into future lives ? It is possible to go into the future) and some people in hypnosis spontaneously go off into the future) but for several reasons I don5t pursue that area. There may be possible futures and probable futures. There may be distortions of going into the future. 3ou might make decisions that you don5t need to make. The therapist has to be confident that there5s a maturity level in the person before you go into the future.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&Why do we reincarnate ? I think everybody reincarnates because we have many lessons to learn) lessons about love) compassion) charity) nonviolence) inner peace) patience) etc. It would be hard to learn them all in only one life. 6lso) some people come back voluntarily to help others.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&'o all souls reincarnate ? I think that sometimes you have to come back. If your learning is not finished) you find yourself being born into another lifetime. There may be some choices involved) however) but apparently there are limits to the choices. 0ighly evolved souls do not have to come back but often choose to reincarnate to help as teachers.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&'o souls reincarnate immediately ? Ceincarnation is not always and not usually immediate. The in$between state may last a long time. 6lso) our soul is far greater than our physical body. It5s not limited by our constructs of space and time.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&9an there still be communication with a loved one if that soul has reincarnated ? +ouls can reincarnate and often do. (ut their spirit also remains :available: in the spiritual world. Our soul is far greater than our physical bodyD it5s not limited by our constructs of space and time.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&9an souls :split: ? In rare circumstances a soul can split and have more than one experience at the same time in order to increase its learning opportunities.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&Where do the souls come from if there are more people on earth now than ever before ? I have posed this 1uestion to many patients and the answer is always the same This is not the only place where there are souls. There are many dimensions) many different levels of consciousness where there are souls. Why should we feel that we5re the only place ? There is no limit to energy. This is one school of many schools. 6lso) a few patients have told me that souls can split and have simultaneous experiences.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&What do you think about parallel lives ? Thinking of time as linear is really a construct of our three$dimensional world. It5s easier for most people to think of time as a longitudinal flow from past to present to future) but at some level time probably does not exist. 6ll lives might be occurring simultaneously. 3ou might find the +eth material in ;ane Coberts5s books interesting as she goes into this in detail.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&'o animals have souls ? I think that animals have souls. 6t least this comes up in my work from time to time. I5m not sure that their souls are as individuated as ours) and there may be more emphasis on their group soul. Ere1uently we become aware of a pet or loved animal when we cross to the other side. I5m not sure about animal reincarnation) but I5m open to the possibility. I5m also not sure about whether people reincarnate as animals or plants. <erhaps they do but we don5t retain the memory from those states.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&'o we have twin soulmates ? I do think we have a twin soulmate but soulmates are not always in body at the same time. This does not mean other relationships are not very important for learning.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&What if my soul mate is no longer in my life ? 0aving a soul mate connection does not mean that one is obligated to spend a lifetime together. One has many soul mates in one5s lifetime. Often when the lessons to be learned in the relationship are completed) the relationship has a natural ending and the two souls move on. 6lso) there are many types of love and many types of soul relationships. Comantic love is only one of these types.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&0ow do you view suicide ? We have forgotten our true natures and it is our task to reawaken and remember. When you do understand the importance of this school we call earth and when you are truly spiritual) you do not cut classes early.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&What is the role of physical health ? We have tasks to do and much to learn. The healthier the body) the easier it is and the more time and energy there are to do what we came here to do. 3our actions regarding your body can shorten your life and can thus limit your spiritual growth. 6lso) it5s one of our lessons to respect our bodies.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&What is the relationship between destiny and free will ? I think that destiny and choice both exist and keep interacting with each other. 6s you make a choice it changes the future. 4aybe the possibilities and probabilities change to an extent as you do that. We learn because of free choice) but we also have destiny.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&Is there a difference in the evolution of the soul and that of the body ? I think that there are at least two lines of evolution. The evolution of the soul is different from the evolution of the physical body. 6t which exact time souls entered bodies for the first time I5m not exactly sure. (ut it is important to remember that these evolutionary lines are separate and distinct.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&What is the relationship between dreams and past life memories ? Often dreams contain fragments of past life memories. 6lso) fre1uently the material elicited through past life regressions contains metaphors and symbols and can trigger dream experiences. 4y second book) Through Time Into 0ealing) is a more clinical book than the others and goes into more detail regarding the process.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&'o you train people in the techni1ues of past life therapy ? In my five$day professional training course I start with the basics of hypnosis and progress to theories and techni1ues of past life regression. It5s an experiential course) and everyone gets a chance to practice techni1ues and be supervised. The .$ day professional trainings are geared to therapists who want to learn the techni1ues of regression therapy. 0owever) because the course is primarily an experiential one with many large group) small group) and one$on$one exercises) it is open to anyone who wants this intensive experience of growth and self$exploration. In the past) at least 8-> of the attendees were not therapists. 6 certificate of completion is awarded at the end of the course.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&'o you have to be a therapist to take part in the professional training ? The workshops marked :<rofessional Training: are .$day intensive courses directed mainly at teaching those in the healing professions how to use this techni1ue. 0owever) there is no re1uisite background for attending the course. +ince the five days consist of mainly experiential work with large and small group exercises as well as one$to$one practice) some people without any background in therapy and without any interest in using this techni1ue as an occupation come to the trainings to take part in the intense experience.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&0ow do I find out about the next professional training course ? <lease send us your postal address if you would like to be notified of professional trainings by mail. We will not be able to notify people via individual e$mail messages. 6s soon as a training is planned) we will post the information on the schedule on the website.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&Is attending a professional training course the only was to learn the techni1ues ? Other than coming to one of my professional training courses) the best way is to read Through Time Into 0ealing as this is a more clinical book than the others. 4y meditationFregression tapes help you to have your own experiences and many of my students use them as models in their own practices.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&Where can I find information about 9hristianity and reincarnation ? The following books contain information about 9hristianity and reincarnation Ceincarnation The 4issing *ink in 9hristianity by 7li2abeth 9lare <rophet $ published by +ummit =niversity <ress)

4arch 1BBA Ceincarnation 6 ?ew 0ori2on in +cience) Celigion) and +ociety by +ylvia 9ranston) 9arey Williams $ <ublished by Theosophical =niv. <ress) 'ecember 1BB, Ceincarnation in 9hristianity by Geddes 4acGregor $ published by Theosophical <ublishing 0ouse) 6pril 1B@B

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&9an visiting a psychic help me with my symptoms ? 6lthough information from a psychic is interesting and sometimes informative) it usually doesn5t remove symptoms. The person often has to experience the memory herself and thus get resolution. The psychic might be picking up on a past life) but the root of the problem might go even further back. That is why going to a reputable psychotherapist who has incorporated past life therapy into his or her practice is a good choice for significant problems.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&0ow do I find a good psychic andFor medium ? I personally don5t know of any psychics or mediums who are doing private readings. (ill and ;udy Guggenheim are the authors of 0ello Erom 0eaven) a book about after death communications #6'9% and have founded the 6'9 pro"ect. +ome of my readers have told me that there are links to mediums) psychics) mediumship and spiritualism on the Guggenheim5s website #http FFwww.6fter$'eath.9omFlinksFmediums.htm%. This seems like a good way to start your search.

!"avascript history.go#$1%& !"avascript history.go#$1%&0ow can I obtain your books in +panish ? 4y books in +panish are distributed online by 'OW?TOW? (OOH 97?T7C attn Ca1uel Co1ue 8IA +7 1 +t. 4iami) E* ,,1,1 Tel ,-.$,AA$BBI1F 1$@--$.BB$@A18 #only in =.+.% Eax ,-.$,A1$.B8/ e$mail infoJlibros$ http FFlibros$direct.comFstore1Findex.cfm ?shopidKLhvt1/./-

I?'7M ... 9lick on +T6C

What is The Weiss Institute ? Is it possible to schedule an appointment with 'r. Weiss ? I have 1uestions about a specific problem. Will 'r. Weiss give me some advice? 'o you see patients when you are lecturing outside of 4iami ? Where is your next workshop ?

What should I look for in a therapist ? Is it necessary to see a therapist in order to discover one5s past lives ? 0ow can I go :within: ? 0ow do you keep your left brain from interfering with the meditation or regression experience ? I have used your tapes several times) but I haven5t had any past life memories ? I have used your tapes) but I am unable to visuali2e anything ? I fall asleep every time I use the tapes. What should I do ? 9an everyone be hypnoti2ed ? 'o you need to achieve a deep level of hypnosis to experience past life regression ? I can recall "ust short moments of previous lives. Will that help me ? 6re all problems helped by past life therapy ? ... 0ow could she know that it was (.9. when that was not yet a concept ? Is it possible to go into future lives ? Why do we reincarnate ? 'o all souls reincarnate ? 'o souls reincarnate immediately ? 9an there still be communication with a loved one if that soul has reincarnated ? 9an souls :split: ? Where do the souls come from if there are more people on earth now than ever before ? What do you think about parallel lives ?

'o animals have souls ? 'o we have twin soulmates ? What if my soul mate is no longer in my life ? 0ow do you view suicide ? What is the role of physical health ? What is the relationship between destiny and free will ? Is there a difference in the evolution of the soul and that of the body ? What is the relationship between dreams and past life memories ? 'o you train people in the techni1ues of past life therapy ? 'o you have to be a therapist to take part in the professional training ? 0ow do I find out about the next professional training course ? Is attending a professional training course the only was to learn the techni1ues ? Where can I find information about 9hristianity and reincarnation ? 9an visiting a psychic help me with my symptoms ? 0ow do I find a good psychic andFor medium ? 0ow can I obtain your books in +panish ?

One of the annoying things about believing in free will and individual responsibility is the difficulty of finding somebody to blame your problems on. 6nd when you do find somebody) it5s remarkable how often his picture turns up on your driver5s license. <.;. O5Courke) =.+. "ournalist The energy of love is a basic building block of the spiritual universe.

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