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Rebecca Traficante Content Area: Math Grade: 3rd Date: 11/4/13 Time: 10:30am-11:30am Big or Essential Question: Can

the student recognize, describe and extend patterns? Curriculum Standard: Assessment Anchor: M3.D.1.1: Recognize, describe, or extend a variety of patterns.

Lesson Objective: The student will be able to extend or find a missing element in a pattern of numbers or shapes by participating in classroom movement activities and by completing practice worksheets. The student will complete the practice worksheet (homework) with 80% accuracy to meet objective.

Lesson Assessment: Formative Assessment: The teacher will assess the students ability to extend or find a missing element in a pattern of numbers or shapes by observation and by collecting and grading the homework practice sheet.

Vocabulary: Repeating pattern- core set of elements that occur over and over.

Materials and Resources: Sentence strip movement patterns for anticipatory set Fruit Loops and worksheet Different colored dry-erase markers Whiteboard Practice worksheet 9.1 Reteaching worksheet 9.1

Anticipatory Set: Teacher will prepare repeating patterns on strips of paper that will be shown on the front board. For each picture of the pattern, the student will have to do a different movement. Example is shown below. Ask the students, What did we just create?

Procedures: 1. Students should be in the front of the classroom 2. Anticipatory set 3. Have the students go back to their seats 4. Create a shape pattern on the whiteboard, using different colored dry erase markers, and the shapes square, triangle, and circle. Pattern should be: square, triangle, circle, triangle, square, triangle. Label each shape with a number below 5. Discuss the pattern as a class. What shape comes after the 6th shape? What is the set of shapes that repeats in this pattern? 6. So what is the 10th shape in the pattern? 7. Talk about the vocabulary word. Ask what the word repeat means and then what a repeating pattern is. 8. Have students work with a partner 9. Pass out Fruit Loops and worksheet to each group of students 10. Have students work in their pairs to create patterns. One student will create a pattern and the second student will have to extend the pattern correctly 11. Once the student has completed the pattern, the students will record their pattern on the worksheet using their coloring tools to represent the Fruit Loops. 12. When students complete the Fruit Loops activity, allow students to eat the Fruit Loops.

13. Pass out practice worksheet for students to complete for the remainder of the class time. If the student does not finish this worksheet in class, it is homework. 14. Pass out reteaching worksheet for homework. 15. Closure

Adaptations: 1. Adam- Extra prompting for participation. Incorporate his ideas into the lesson in order to get him to participate. (Adam, what do you think?) 2. Adam- Allow for socialization opportunities. When students are able to pick partners, allow for Adam to choose first. 3. Provide visuals throughout the lesson to reinforce patterns. 4. Write directions on the board

Closure: 1. Have students as a class create a movement pattern (like the anticipatory set).

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