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The following rubrics were designed to be used with adult learners in an online professional development course for fellow

teachers. Module 1 Glog Design Rubric Excellent 90 - 100% Glog Additions 40 points Question Criteria 40 points Conventions 20 points At least four additions (text, graphics, audio, or video) are added to glog. All specified questions are answered through text, video, or audio on the glog. All text used is free of grammatical and punctuation errors. Adequate 70 - 89% Three additions (text, graphics, audio, or video) are added to glog. Three specified questions are answered through text, video, or audio on the glog. Insufficient 0 - 69% Two or fewer additions (text, graphics, audio, or video) are added to glog. Two or fewer specified questions are answered through text, video, or audio on the glog.

A few grammatical Many grammatical and and punctuation errors. punctuation errors.

Module 2 Cartoon Design Rubric Excellent 90 - 100% Toon Design 40 points Every block of the template has a background image, at least one character, and at least one dialogue or thought bubble. At least 2-3 currently used writing activities are illustrated in the toon. All text used is free of grammatical and punctuation errors. Adequate 70 - 89% One block of the template is missing background image, character, or dialogue or thought bubble. Insufficient 0 - 69% Multiple items missing from block or multiple blocks with at least one item missing.

Question Criteria 40 points Conventions 20 points

Only one currently No currently used used writing activity is writing activities are illustrated in the toon. illustrated in the toon. A few grammatical Many grammatical and and punctuation errors. punctuation errors.

Module 3 Storybird Design Rubric Excellent 90 - 100% Book Design 40 points Book is at least 4-5 pages and all pages include both text and illustration(s). All pages include relevant text and illustrations identifying the topic of study or big idea being discussed. Adequate 70 - 89% Book is at least 4-5 pages and most pages include text and illustration(s). Some pages include relevant text and illustrations identifying the topic of study or big idea being discussed. Insufficient 0 - 69% Book is less than 4 pages and/or most pages have only text or illustrations, but not both. No pages include relevant text and illustrations identifying the topic of study or big idea being discussed.

Inclusion Criteria 40 points

Conventions 20 points

All text used is free of A few grammatical Many grammatical and grammatical and and punctuation errors. punctuation errors. punctuation errors.

Module 4 Design Rubric Excellent 90 - 100% Mind map/ Flow chart Design 40 points Inclusion Criteria 40 points Mind map or flow chart is obviously based on current topic of study and includes relevant points. Mind map or flow chart has at least 10 bubbles. Adequate 70 - 89% Mind map or flow chart has at least 7 bubbles, but less than 10. Mind map or flow chart includes some relevant points, but topic of study is not clear. Insufficient 0 - 69% Mind map or flow chart has less than 7 bubbles. Mind map or flow chart is based on something other than current topic of study.

Conventions 20 points

All text used is free of A few grammatical Many grammatical and grammatical and and punctuation errors. punctuation errors. punctuation errors.

Module 5 Prezi Design Rubric Excellent 90 - 100% Prezi Design 40 points Inclusion Criteria 40 points Prezi has at least 6 slides with information. All slides contain a brief description of two lesson ideas with associated standards. Adequate 70 - 89% Insufficient 0 - 69%

Prezi has 5 slides with Prezi has less than 5 information. slides with information. One or two slides contain a brief description only one lesson idea with associated standards or two lesson ideas without standards. Two or more slides are missing lesson ideas, standards, or both.

Conventions 20 points

All text used is free of A few grammatical Many grammatical and grammatical and and punctuation errors. punctuation errors. punctuation errors.

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