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1. Describe the importance of not discriminating against clients with illnesses and disabilities and why? A. The importance of not discriminating against clients with illnesses and disabilities is that everyone is equal and they have rights as well. Because of their illnesses and disabilities they may feel wounded in side so its important not too mistreated or treat them unfairly because they may reflect on the business. 2. Explain why it is important, when treating minors under 16 years of age, to have parent or guardian present. A. It is important to have the present of a guardian or a parent as the minor is still under the responsibility of the guardian or parent in the eye of the law. If anything were to happen during the treatment to the minor we as a business may held responsibility as he or she may not have parental or guardian consent. 3. Explain the importance of the correct storage of client record in relation to the Data Protection Act. A. The importance of correct storage is that first of all, the client entrust the business with their personal details such as address to personal problems, so without consent it is against the law to leak this information, and under the Data protection act the business could be prosecuted if storage of personal details of client were leaked or misplaced. 4. Describe why it is important to maintain standards of hygiene and the principles for avoiding cross-infection. A. As the business is about beauty and treatments many people come to pay for their treatment to be done so equipment and work station must be cleaned, contamination free and sterilise after every client to prevent bacteria from spreading or contagious disease from one spread to another. Staff must also wash their hand by disinfectant soap or wear latex gloves during, before and after a treatment. 5. Describe why it is important to use personal protective equipment. A. It is important to use personal protection when carrying out a treatment because cross infection may occur as contagious illnesses or diseases get pass on. Also as personal protection, members of staff may not want to be infected. 6. Describe what contact dermatitis is and how to avoid developing it when carrying out nail services.



A. Contact dermatitis is a type of eczema that cause red, itchy and scaly skin, and sometimes burning and stinging. It leads to your skin becoming blistered, dry and cracked. When a client have contact dermatitis during the treatment staff would need to know which substance may cause further irritation and avoid as much chemicals as possible also make sure that staff are wearing appropriate personal protection such as gloves, regular contact to this disease may cause cross infection from client to staff and from staff to clients, and they pass it on to others. 7. Describe the types of conditions and disorders that may restrict the service and why. A. The types of condition and disorder which may restrict the service is allergies, as some may have an allergic reaction to the chemicals that will be used in the service provided. Some disorder such as harsh dermatitis may advise to go and see a doctor rather than carrying on with the service as this my bring discomfort to the client. 8. Describe the possible contra-actions which may occur during or after the manicure service. A. A possible contra-action which may occur during a manicure service is that clients may be allergic to the oil which are used, and in that case possible actions could take place, rinse with water, apply cold compress and advise to consult G.P if condition does not ease within 24 hours. 9. Describe the blood circulation in the lower arm and the hand. A. The flow of oxygenated blood flow to and simultaneously remove deoxygenated blood from the shoulders, arms, hands and fingers. Sufficient blood flow to these tissues is critical to the health, as it helps regulate body temperature, and reduces the risk of frostbite of the fingers in extreme weather conditions. 10. Describe the structure of nail unit. A. The structure of the nail unit consist of: - Nail wall which is the folding of the skin to hold the nail in place and protects the nail plate. - The matrix is where the new cells at the cuticle push the nail plates out, it also contain nervous system so if the matrix were to be damage the nail would grow out deform. - The lunula is where the meeting point of the matrix is and the shape of the lunula is form by - lots of cells packed together tightly.



- The nail plate is the nail which lay on top of the nail bed, and the nail plate is made up of dead cells and minimum amount of moisture. The nail is also semi-transparent so it show the colour of the blood follow underneath which explains the pink colour of the nail. - The nail bed is where the nail lay on top. Its a continuation of the matrix it also contains loads of blood vessels. - Free edge is the extension of the nail plate. And this part of the nail can be filed and shape. - The cuticle is the overlapping of epidermis which surrounds the nail to prevent bacteria from getting in, the cuticle forms the base (eponychium) and the sides (peronychium ). -Hyponichium is the skin which is underneath the free edge of the nails. - The nail groves are at the side of the nail which is the guide lines for the nail to follow and grow out. 11. Describe how to adapt manicure service to suit a male client. As the manicure consist of cleaning the nail, cuticles and massages, so to adapt this service to a male clients the staff would provide him deep massages as his arms and hands are more rigid due to the tensed muscles. Also he may not want to have colour on his nails so as a salon they may wish to offer him treatment for the nail.

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