Fanfic 11

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The Unpopular One

01 - Upper and Lower Class Mapo District Seoul, Korea Choi Residence Sulli's POV "Ouch!" I squirmed in pain when my older sister Yoona digged hard on my toe nail using tweezers. "Can you do it gently unnie" Yoona hit my arm. "Stop moving or I'll murder your toe" she threatened and proceeded on cleaning my nails. I scowled at her and grabbed the bag of doritos. I opened it and begun eating the potato chips. "Ya Ssul! you're eating junk food again!" the loud voice of my omma said. I pout my sexy lips and annoyingly hide the doritos behind my back. "Choi Yoona and Choi SullI stand up and help me in the kitchen, your appa will arrive any moment" omma's hands in akimbo. Yoona's face turned sour and stood up, she walked towards the kitchen, stomping her feet. "Ya unnie! you're not finish with my left foot!"I shouted. Omma step closer and pulled my ear. "Get your lazy butt off the chair and help me in the kitchen" she nagged "Ahhh. . . allright"I said while caressing my red ear Omma retreat and I was left sulking in the livingroom. I looked down at my semi cleaned left foot and sighed. The class will start tomorrow and I asked my unnie to give me some beauty pampering today, I wanted to arrived at school looking like a goddess. Well that is my ultimate dream but I know its too far from reality. I" m an eighteen year old senior student of Namsan High in Seoul and sadly I belong to the so called unpopular group in our school. When you say unpopular group, it consist of the weirdest students, the nerd, the not so good looking, the fatty, the introvert and the average students who barely socialize to the popular group---and that is me Choi Sulli. The popular group consist of the campus crush, the varsity players, the richest students and the average students who love to socialize and participate to school's activities. The difference between the popular and unpopular groups were like upper and lower class of society. Popular groups were like the elite class, in Hindu caste system, they're equivalent to brahmins-the sufreme self while the unpopular groups were like the lower class, in Hindu caste, they're equivalent to outcaste-the poorest of all poorest. And I belong to the outcaste group and being in a school that was ruled by the richest and the famous is really tough. My fellow unpopular classmates were victims of bullies and harrassment. Thank god in my case, since I remained low profile, those

heartless bullies see me as nothing. When it comes to academics, I'm not in the higher rank and not in lower rank, I'm just in the middle. Literature and History are two of my favorite subjects on the other hand the least favorite subject of mine is Math---I think fifty percent of students hate math right? I lost counts on how many times I cursed and swear the man who invented Math, like seriously I can endure addition and subtraction but multiplication, division, algebra and trigonometry. . . Oh my God! my brain is bleeding non stop everytime my math teacher called me to solve a problem. Although I've never been an honor student, I was so lucky for having a loving and supportive family. Choi Seunghoon is a police officer and Choi Minhee is a plain housewife, they have two beautiful daughter, namely Choi Yoona and the youngest and the prettiest among the two--Choi Sulli, okay I'm being bias with myself. "Ya! Ssul! why are you still there? !" omma cut off my reverie. I gritted my teeth and stood up. "Coming!"

Namsam High First day of class, most students happily said hi and hello's to their friends, telling stories of their experienced and adventure during summer vacation. Some stories were half truthhalf lies and the others completely fabricated. I quietly sits down on my chair on the last row and I opened my new jansport backpack. I reached out for the literature book and put it down on the desk. "Ssul, how's your summer vacation?"Luna asked. She's my seatmate since first year. "Great, I spend the whole summer in Busan"I answered and started reading chapter one of the book. I was busy reading Shakespeare's sonnet when my nose caught the familiar lemon scent, and I knew right away where it came from. Choi Minho entered the classroom holding the air freshener in one hand and the other grasping the hand sanitizer. He walked to his chair on the front row. He sprayed the 99. 9% percent antibacterial air freshener to his chair then he pulled out a white cloth and 99. 9% alcohol inside of his bag, he poured a large amount of alcohol in the cloth and begun wiping the chair. After securing that the chair is 99. 9% germ free, a satisfied smile broke his lips and then he sits down. His four friends immediately approached him and started chatting with him. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Choi Minho was the most annoying person that I've ever met. He's a control freak, super duper cocky, self confessed genius, filthy rich and he belong to the popular group. He was diagnosed with myosphobia---a type of germ phobia. He feared germs and frequently go to the sink or bathroom to wash his hands. My classmates totally understand and sympathize with his condition but I just find it hilarious. We live in a world full of viruses and bacterias and our body have live microorganism inside but to Choi Minho germs were like death

threats for him. Before he use an object, he will poured a hand sanitizer or alcohol in his hands, and it has to be 99. 9% otherwise he'll go ballistic. Aside from germ phobia, the guy is pompeous, he always talked about his 149 IQ as if he's the only person in the planet who have it. I have no soft spot towards him since he treats me like I'm nothing---we've been classmates since first year but we never had a conversation together, its as if he's not interested to get to know me and that is totally fine with me because I dont like his personality. I secretly gave him nicknames: Mr. Clean, Mr. Tornado, Mr Bombastic etch etch etch. . . . I gazes down at my wristwatch. "Mrs. Song is late again"I said to myself. "Guys look at this"Minho boastfully showed a piece of paper to his friends. "I am now a member of the royal club. And I'm proud to say that out of all the students here in Namsam High, Choi Minho is the only member of that elite club" he tilted his chin. "Wow, that is so daebak bro"Key said. Minho was swinging the piece of paper when all of the sudden a gush of wind passes through the window. The piece of paper flew to the air and landed on top of my book. "Royal club?" Minho dash to my chair to retrieve the paper. "Ya! give me the paper" he ordered. Our classmates remain in their seat and did not bother to interfere. My blood boils because of his arrogant approached. "I will only give you this paper if you will say the word " please"I emphasized the last word. He smirked. "Please" is not in my vocabulary Miss Whoever-You-Are" he smugly said. My eyes narrows. "Goddammit! he is such a jerk! I'm gonna teach you a lesson you cocky germ phobia!"I said to myself then a silly thought pop in my mind. "Give me that paper!" he move forward and tried to snatch the paper in my hand. I stood up and made a step backward and then I licked the paper with my wet tounge to Minho's horror. "No! ! !" he screamed. His handsome face falls from shocked. My heart is dancing in triumph upon seeing his reaction. He hasn't recover yet from shocked when I slammed the wet paper on his face. I hurriedly walk outside of the classroom laughing so hard. Minho's face turned red as he threw the paper on the floor. "Ewww. . . yuck!" he begun stomping the paper, completely disgusted. After five minutes of stomping, he step outside of the room and went straight to the restroom to wash his hands and face. "I will make your life a living hell you disgusting nameless girl!" he angrily said while looking at his reflection on the mirror.

02 - Vacuum Sealed Namsam High Cafeteria A mist of lemon scent floated across the cafeteria, Minho keeps on spraying the 99. 9% air freshener as his shining black shoes made an entrance inside the cafeteria. Onew, Key, Teamin and Jonghyun amusingly looked at him as they were so used to his germ phobia syndrome. They all sits down to the table that specially reserve for their group. The four student put down their food tray on the table except Minho. Since his freshman year, he never eat any food that came from the school's canteen. He always bring his vacuum sealed food and drinks. He opened his bag and pulled out a vacuum sealed breast chicken and salad, vacuum sealed spoonfork, plate, and purified mineral water. He gracefullly put the white handkerchief in his lap and poured a 99. 9% sanitizer in his hands before touching the spoon and fork. "Minho, do you want an apple"Onew said and gave him a green apple. "Dont worry I washed it throughly" Minho looked down at the apple using his microscopic eyes afterward he reached out something in his bag. "What is that?"Taemin asked totally curious to the gun shape equipment that he's holding in his left hand. Minho smiled. "This is a bacteria sensor detector. It can accurately detect the pecentage and kind of bacteria in an object or food. " he said. "And mind you guys, this gadget cost thousand of dollars. I think I'm the only one in Seoul who have this gadget" he bragged "Show us how it works"Jongyun said. He pointed the gadget to the green apple and after one minute the result was revealed. "The result said that it has 54% of bacteria" he said cringing. "Onew put that apple away from me" Onew picked up the apple and then took a bite. "See that Minho, I did not die" he said chewing. Minho felt the sudden recoil on his stomach upon seeing Onew's biting to the apple. "Oh my god I think I'm gonna vomit" he covered his mouth with his palm as he was trying to control on throwing up. The four men looked at each other and shrugged. "Guys, do you know the name of the disgusting unpopular girl that I encountered this morning?"Minho said after recovering from the sickening sight he witnessed. "Her name is Choi Sulli, she used to be my lab partner in our chemistry subject last year"Taemin answered. "She's been our classmate since first year" Minho nod then a mischievous smile broke his lips. "Choi Sulli" his thumb finger rubbing his chin as bright idea crosses his mind. "Your happy days are over"

Sulli's POV The bell rung, signaling that the last class ended. I gathered my history textbook, ballpen and notebook and put it all inside of my backpack. My classmates excitedly scrambles in a hurry and I was left all alone in the room. I applied a lipbalm in my chapped lips and fixed my pony tail before stepping out of the room. I was about to close the door when a bucket of cold water was thrown at me. My face and body were soaking wet and chills traveled all over my body. "How does it feel Miss Choi Sulli? I bet your freezing cold right now"Minho said while folding his arms across his chest. The coldness that I felt was quickly replaced by fire. My whole body igniting fire---from anger. I make a fists and begun marching towards him. My eyes in blazing fury when I stop in front of him. "Thank you for splashing a bucket of cold water at me Choi Minho!"I said sarcastically. "You just gave me the permission to do this!" I reached out for the white handkerchief on my pocket and started blowing the yellow mucus inside of my nose. I just had a nasty cold two days ago and some mucus got stucked inside. Minho was completely mortified, its as if he's watching a gory scene from a horror movie. "Ya! w-what are you doing!" he move a few step away. "Yuck! that is completely and utterly disgusting!" he said squirming in aversion. i let out a sighed of relief after I poured all of the yellow mucus in the handkerchief. "Ahhh. . . it feels so good"I said smiling. He shook his head. "You are the worst person that I've---" Minho's ranting was cut off when I step closer to him, I grabbed his hand and victoriously rubbed the mucus filled handkerchief in his palm. "There you go" my eyes is shining from so much happiness"I hope my yellow mucus taught you a lesson that being rude to others may lead you to trouble and in your case its a very sticky trouble" I gave him a salute before walking away. His whole body were shaking as he slowly raised his palm. All the blood on his face drained out as his big eyes rested on the yellow mucus. "I will kill you Choi Sulli! ! ! !" his voice echoed from all corners of the school. I laughed out loud after hearing his angry shout. "Two points Choi Sulli"

03 - Math Subject Gone Wild Choi Residence Sulli's POV "Aish! nobody can solve this stupid math problem!"I said, totally pissed. I'm having a hard time doing my math assignment and worst we have a quiz tomorrow. I put down my pen and looked at my unnie who is lying on the bed with mudpack in her face. "Unnie, can you please help me with my math assignment?" Yoona took a glance at me then she returned her face in her lap top. "You can ask me anything except math, I suck with numbers" she said. "Just copy your classmates assignment" I scowled at her. "Thanks a lot, you're such a big help unnie" my hand grabbed the pen again and tried to solve the math problem again. After thirty minutes, I gave up and closed my textbook and notebook. I joined Yoona unnie in bed and laid beside her. "Unnie, who's that?"I asked while looking at the handsome man in the computer monitor. Yoona's eyes shines. "He's Choi Siwon, my classmate in polsci and we started going out last month" "He's handsome, did you tell appa and omma about him" She shook her head. "You know appa is so strict when it comes to dating boys. Im sure appa will hang Siwon in a tree once he find out that I'm going out with him" she turned her gaze at me. "Are you dating someone right now? ' I laughed. "No, I'm too young to think about love" "Aigoo, my dongsaeng is still a baby" she begun tickling my armpits. I pushed her. "Get away from me"I said giggling. Yoona stop and laughed. "Don't you have any crush at school? like a cute classmate?" I scratched my head. "I havent met someone that can make my heart flutter like with Wonbin and Shinee"I answered. "That's odd, you know when I'm at your age, I dated two of the hottest boys in our school" she proudly shared. "Hottest boys?" my mind momentarily travel to our classroom. According to my female classmates, the hottest boys in our school were Lee Taemin and Choi Minho. My face turned sour upon remembering the cocky germ phobia Choi Minho.

Namsam High The students straightened their back when the teacher from hell Mrs Bae entered the classroom, she's an old widow well known for her authoritarian and strict attitude. The atmosphere inside the classroom turned silent and everbody become tensed except Choi Minho. Mrs Bae stood behind her table, her face alone bring terror to the students. "Goodmorning class" The students stood up in unison. "Goodmorning Mrs. Bae" Mrs. Bae smiled. "Sit down" They all sit down. Mrs Bae slightly adjust her thick glasses. "Hmm. . . I dont like your sitting arrangement boys and girls" her eyes wandered around. She changed the sitting arrangement base on alphabetical order. "Bye Ssul"Luna sadly said to Sulli. Sulli gave her a flying kiss and with a heavy heart she sit on the front row beside germ phobia Minho. The latter glare at her and poured a sanitizer in his hands. He open his notebook and begun answering the math problems to their assignment. "Tch, this is the first time that I regret being my appa's daughter. Why of all the surname in the world it has to be Choi" she said to herself and started tapping her pen on the desk. Minho annoyingly look at her. "Ya, stop tapping your pen, I can't concentrate here" he showed her the math solutions that he's working on. She ignored him and continued tapping her pen. Minho gritted his teeth. "Ya are you deaf? do you wanna die huh?" he threatened, his eyes as big as a saucer. "Oh are you talking to me Mr. Tornado? !" she fake a surprised voice and laughed mockingly. Her pen slipped out of her hand and fell on the floor. Minho's eyes move down as she picked up the pen on the floor. After picking up the pen, she leaned her back on the chair and unconciously bite the pen. Minho's face become pale upon seeing the sickening view. "Yuck! you are so disgusting" he said cringing inwardly. "Awful, obnoxious and dirty" he added completely turned off. She gave him a sneer. "You can call me names but atleast I'm living a normal life unlike you" He was about to open his mouth to say something when Mrs. Bae's wooden stick landed on top of his head. "Ouch!" he exclaimed. "Stop talking or I'll kick you out of my class!"Mrs Bae shouted afterwards she tapped Sulli's head. "Ouch!" she caressed her head. Mrs Bae walked towards the blackboard and started her lesson. Minho attentively listened to the lecture while Sulli suffered the whole time since she's not good at numbers.

"Get one piece of paper, we have a short quiz"Mrs Bae announce. She took a deep breath and opened her bag to get a piece of paper. Mrs Bae wrote down five math problems on the blackboard. "Class, I will only give you thirty minutes to answer all five problems" The students groaned out loud in protest. Mrs. Bae glare at them. "Why? do you have a problem with thirty minutes? okay I'll make it twenty minutes" "Aish! she has no mercy!"Jonghyun blurted out in irritation. Mrs. Bae heard Jonghyun's remark and threw the eraser straight n his face. "I will only give you ten minutes to answer all of the question understand!" Jonghyun turned down his head and begun solving the problems. Sulli was in full concentration writing down her solution when out of nowhere a small crumpled paper landed on top of hee desk. She frowned and picked up the crumpled paper. "What is this?" she asked in puzzlement. "Omo! this is the formula for question number three" "Teacher! teacher!"Minho called Mrs. Bae's attention. "Choi Sulli is cheating!" Sulli keep on shaking her head. 'No. . No. . teacher, I'm not cheating" she appealed. "Someone just threw me this piece of paper" she showed Mrs. Bae the small piece of paper. Mrs. Bae's hands in akimbo as she stop in front of her desk. "I want you to stand at the back in a squatting position while reciting the phrase "I will never cheat again" for 100 times!" she ordered. Minho supressed himself for laughing while watching Sulli doing her punishment. "You deserve it"Minho mouthed the word at her and mockingly laughed in silence. "I'll make you pay you cocky bastard" she said to herself as plan for revenge formed into her mind.

Sulli's POV "Ya Choi Minho!"I called. Minho and his four friends stop from walking and turned to looked at me. "Oh no here comes trouble again"Key said smiling. I stop just a few inches away from Mr. Tornado. "You did it right? you're the one who threw the crumple paper on my desk"I accused. My hands on my hips.

Minho raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me Miss Disgusting but you're barking at a wrong tree" he smirked. "And stop accusing me coz from the looks of it you really did cheat coz you're a no brainer girl. I glance at you while were taking the quiz and your struggling to answer the math problems that is why you resorted into cheating" My anger erupted upon hearing his insult. I moved closer and stepped on his right and left shoes to his surprised. "Ya! why did you do that? !" he said, completely mad. His four friends remained standing in one coner, enjoying our bickering drama. "You deserve it"I mimic his line and laughed out loud. Minho's expression is like an angry wolf ready to pounce anytime. He immediately removed the dirty shoes and threw it at a near by trashcan. "Wow, you're really flthy rich huh, throwing shoes as if it doesnt cost anything at all" Minho did not say a word and pulled out something inside of his bag, I was taken by surprised when my eyes caught a vacuum sealed shoes. He opened it, sprayed an air freshener before wearing the shoes. "Wow"I blurted out in amazement. Choi Minho hold the title of the weirdest person in the planet. Like seriously, a spare of shoes inside of his bag. He tilted his chin. "Just give up Choi Sulli because you cannot beat me, I'm the smartest student in this school, handsome, neat and popular on the other hand you suck in academics, you're awful, obnoxious, ugly and disgusting like maggots and poops. . is there anything that you're good at?" Minho's hurtful insult fueled my boiling anger. My eyes were filled with animosity as I looked at him. "To answer your question, yes there is something that I'm good at" and before he could react, I made one huge step towards him and gave him a headbutt in the face. I hurriedly flee from the scene wearing my victorious smile again. "Three points Choi Sulli"I jumped out in happiness. Minho was left in a state of shocked. "Minho, are you allright?"Taemin asked in a worried tone. "Huh?" blood suddenly came out from his nose "Omo!"Onew said. "Bro, dont pass out okay. . . "Jonghyun said. They knew that Minho have a phobia with blood. Minho touched his nose and made a soundless gasped as he saw the fresh blood on his finger. "B-blood. . . this is b-blood" Key and Taemin held his arms. "Minho relax, it just blood. Your not gonna die"Jonghyun reassured.

He shook his head. "I-I'm scared of b-blood" his big brown eyes crossed and then he passed out. "Ya, wake up!"Key said as he keep on shaking Minho's body. 04 - Lactose Intolerance Mapo District, Seoul Choi Residence "Appa!"Sulli leaped over from excitement upon seeing Detective Choi Seokwan waiting in front of their house. "How's your day sunshine?" he sweetly said and embraced his younger daughter. She gave him an okay sign although at the back of her mind she's still mad at Choi Minho. "Appa, what are you doing here? are you waiting for someone?" "I'm waiting for your unnie" She frowned. "Why are you waiting for her?" she asked. Detective Choi looked at her. "Do you know the name of your unnie's boyfriend?" he asked. Sulii's mouth hang open from shocked. How did her appa knew about Yoona unnie's boyfriend? "A-appa, how did you know. . . " "I saw your unnie smiling and talking to a tall guy at Cheomdang-dong avenue" his jaws tightened. "I'm gonna break that guy's bone if I saw him again" She bite her nails as she frantically tries to think of a better plan to convice her appa not to scold Yoona. "Appa, please dont get mad at unnie, she's old enough to have a boyfriend" she reasoned out. Detective Choi's eyes grew a fraction. "Your unnie is only twenty years old, you are both not allow to date until you finish your studies" She rolled her eyes. Geez his father is like Hitler's reincarnation, he is so strict and scary when it comes to boys. "Dont you trust unnie?" He took a deep breath. "I trust your unnie, its the guy I dont trust" he answered and glanced at her. "You go inside and help your omma in the kitchen" She annoyingly pouted her lips and went inside of their house.

Namsam High

Sulli's POV I walked down the hallway feeling excited for today's lecture, my favorite english teacher Mr. Kim JiHoon finally came back after a long hiatus due to appendicitis. While walking, I noticed the weird looked that my schoolmates were throwing at me, some laughed mockingly and others accusingly glare at me. My heart started pounding strongly against my chest as I saw flocks of students in absolute chaos while staring at the bulletin board. A jumbled mess of voices can be heard from afar. "I'm not surprised at all, she seems like a dumb chick" one female from section B said. "Stupid girl, why of all subject she decided to cheat on Mrs Bae's subject and worst she got caught" one male student from section C said. I bolted towards the bulletin board after my ears caught their harsh comments. The student's parted like red sea when my two feet stop in front of the bulletin board. Complete shocked registered into my face as I looked at the paper on the cork board , my picture was attached inside with a caption of: "CHOI SULLI THE CHEATER" and below the said caption, the yesterday's cheating incident's were written. I grabbed and crumpled it angrily. "Ssul"Luna gently patted my shoulder sympathetically. My whole body is shaking from raging pandemonium, there is only one person on my mind that can do this black propaganda against me---Choi Minho. Wearing dark expression on my face, I rallied down towards our classroom to kick Minho's butt. "Ya Choi Minho!"I shouted as my raging filled eyes saw the germ phobia relaxingly sitting on his chair. Minho coolly turned his head and smirked. "It is early in the morning and your loud obnoxious mouth is shattering this room" he said and poured a sanitizer in his palms. I threw the crumpled paper at him. "You're the one who posted that paper at the bulletin board to vilify and embarassed me to the students here!" my hands on akimbo. He cocks his head and laughed mockingly. "I will repeat what I've said yesterday, you're barking at the wrong tree Miss Disgusting. I wouldn't waste my time to an ignorant waste of carbon like you" he lashed out I leaned forward near his face as my color turned red from anger. "Listen to me weirdo, I wont let you---" My litany was cut off on mid sentence due to the air freshener that goes inside of my mouth. The cocky bastard sprayed 99. 9% lemon scent straight through my open mouth. I coughed out loud as I tasted the lemon scent chemical. "Your breath smells like garbage Choi Sulli" he insulted.

I was about to punch him on the face when teacher Kim Ji Hoon step inside of the room. "What's going on here?" teacher Kim asked, his eyes keeps on bouncing between me and Minho. We both shook our head and I sit down on my chair beside Mr. Tornado's chair. Teacher Kim put down his books on the table and began the lecture.

The students happily marches outside of the classroom when the clock strikes at tweve noon---lunchbreak. Sulli confidently strut down the hallway dismissing the odd look from the students she come acrossed. Luna walked with her and smiled. "Let's eat lunch together"Luna said. She smiled back. "Sure" They entered the cafeteria and sits down on the third table beside Minho and his comrades table. The latter was unaware that Sulli was sitting near them. "Minho, I bought this for you"Taemin gave him a bottle of milk. "Its 99. 9% sterilized" Minho looked down at the content of the milk and squirmingly shook his head. "I cant drink this, it has 4. 7% lactose from cow's milk" he said and put down the bottle of milk. Onew frowned. "You dont drink milk?" "I have lactose intolerance, I'm allergic to any dairy products, my stomach will gurgled and diarrhea follows once I drank or ate any food containing milk" he pulled out a bottle of soya milk. "This drink is plant base milk and lactose-free" he wipe the mouth of the bottle with tissue paper before taking a sipped of the milk. His four friends looked at him as if he's an alien. Fortunately for Choi Sulli she heard the whole conversation, a hilarious karmic revenge is currently playing on her mind.

Sulli agitatingly gazes down at her wristwatch, their history teacher Miss Song is late again. She took a glance at Minho who is busy on reading the textbook, after flipping some pages, he reached out for the bottle of soya milk and began drinking. She secretly smiled and texted Luna: Chingoo, talk to him now Luna stood up and approached Minho. "Minho, I forgot to tell you, principal Noh wanted to talk with you now on his office" she said. "Right now?" he asked, totally clueless.

Luna nodded. He deeply sighed and stood up, he closed the lid of the soya milk and returned it inside of his bag. When Minho vanished to Sulli's sight, she stood up and looked behind her back, luckily her classmates were all busy chatting to each other. She simply and quietly opened Minho's bag and pulled out the bottle of soya milk, she grabbed the bottle of cow's milk from her skirt pocket and hastily mixes the cows milk to the soya milk. She secretly pray that Minho will not noticed that she mixed something on his drink. Her hand slid the bottle back into his bag and smilingly went back to her chair. After twenty minutes, Minho returned and sit down on his chair. He obliviously took the soya milk outside of his bag and started drinking it. Sulli's face in triumph as she watches his adam's apple move on every gulp he made. After five minutes, Miss Song walked inside of the room and began her lecture. Minho suddenly felt the rumbling on his stomach, sweats appeared on his forehead then he let out a loud fart. "Pppprrrrrtttt" The whole class burst into laughter upon hearing and smelling his fart. Minho immediately stood up and ran outside of the room and went straight to the bathroom. "Oh my god, am dying of laughter"Sulli said as tears keeps on falling down her cheeks, tears of joy. Minho's butt remained sitting on the toilet bowl for almost one hour as he suffered from loose bowel movement. 05 - Biology and Cockroach Mapo District, Seoul Sulli's POV I open my eyes after hearing the rooster sound on my alarm clock. I tried to get up only to laid my back again to the bed as I felt the heaviness of my head. I placed my palm on my forehead and sighed----I have a fever. I closed my eyes for a minute or two and then open it again as I remember our long quiz in Biology. I have to go to school today, its a very important quiz and I studied last night for the said quiz. Feeling down and weak, I rises and stretched my limbs and scram out of bed. Before taking a shower, I took a paracetamol and silently prayed that my fever will subside immediately. Wearing my white and navy blue school uniform, I marches downstairs and went to the dining area to eat breakfast with my parents. "Goodmorning appa, omma"I greeted and kissed my parents then settled on my seat.

"Wow, vegetable omelette"I held the metal chopsticks and picked two pieces of omelette, three pieces of tofu, some kaktugi(radish kimchi) and a bowl of rice with red and black beans. I have to eat a lot to regain my energy. "Where's your unnie? did she went to school already?" appa asked I nodded. "Appa, she's been crying last night, I think she broke up with her boyfriend yesterday"I said. "That's good, she should prioritize her study first than her lovelife" "You're being unreasonable appa, unnie is not a minor anymore plus they seemed to be so inlove with each other" Appa leaned forward. "And what do you know about love young lady? are you secretly dating someone right now?" he asked suspiciously. I pouted my lips. "Of course not! I'm too young for love" "School first before dating understand" he reminded. "Dont let me down Ssul like what your unnie did to me" "Araso"I murmured

Namsam High I grabbed my biology textbook inside of the locker and closed it. I blink twice when I felt the sudden blurring of my vision due to my fever. The paracetamol that I took earlier didnt help to wavered my fever. With slow faltering steps, I walked towards our biology class only to stumble and fall on the floor when someone intentionally tripped me. I almost kiss the cold marble floor if only I did not leaned my palms first in avoidance of hitting my pretty face on the floor. The mean students down the hall all laughed mockingly upon seeing my dramatic fall. I lifted my head and anger surges through my bloodstream as my two eyes saw cocky bastard standing cooly and laughing to his hearts content. "Goodmorning Miss Disgusting!" he greeted teasingly. "I guess this day is full of fun and adventure for both us" I gritted my teeth. This germ phobia is looking for adventure today huh, well your in for loads of surprises Choi Minho! Taemin annoyingly glance at Minho then bend down and help me to get up from the floor. Minho frowned and gave Taemin an odd stare for helping me. "T-thank you"I said . "You look so pale, do you want me to take you to the school's clinic?"Taemin said, worried and concerned. I shook my head and smiled"Thanks Tae for helping me, I-I'm fine"I said wearily. 'I'll go ahead"

I headed to the classroom thinking of a revenge plot against Mr. Tornado. Bio Lab After bio lecture, the third year section A students went straight to bio lab located at the third floor. Sulli eyes wandered around the room, she saw five long tables, high stools, microscopes and other laboratory apparatus inside. Some student's curiously looked at the jars inside of the glass cabinet. She joined her classmates and took a peek. Inside of the jars were animals in formalin preservation----frogs, snakes, cats and many more. There were some animals like turtles and bats that was preserved in taxidermy form. Minho keep on spraying the 99. 9% air freshener across the room and before he sit down on the high stool, he wiped and sprayed it with alcohol and air freshener. Sulli glare at him as he settled down beside her. The latter ignored her presence as if she doesnt exist on planet earth and continued on spraying the air freshener. Sulli open the lab manual to read their activity but she got annoyed by Minho's air freshener. The lemon scent made her nose numb and her sight started spinning from dizziness. For two minutes, she closed her eyes and then open it as her vision finally came back to normal. She turned and hit him hard on the arm. "Ya! can you please stop spraying that air freshener, its causing me headache and my sense of smell is now useless because of your constant spraying of that chemical!" He scowled at her. "Well sorry to say this but I will never stop Miss Disgusting and I dont care if your olfactory system is now useless. My health is more important than your wothless life" he scoffed. Sulli's cheeks burn a furious red, her temperature rose to a whooping forty degrees fahrenheit because of anger. She gripped her pen tighter as she is so tempted to stab him on the neck. Then her eyes move down to the floor and saw a cockroach crawling around her stool. A bright and silly idea flashes into her mind. She stood up and stepped on the cockroach, the insect died immediately with busted intestine. She threw a glance first on Minho who is busy reading the lab manual before bending down to pick up the dead cockroach. She had no phobia to any animals or insects so picking up the cockroach with her bare hand is just a piece of cake. She sits down again on the stool and without any warning she threw the dead cockroach to Minho. Minho squek like a chipmunk when the cockroach landed on his lap. Terrified and frightened, he jumped out of the stool and brushed off the dead insect away from him. "Shiiiit! ! !" he said completely mortified. Their classmates lifted their heads and looked at Sulli and Minho, most of them shrugged and shook their heads in unison. "What do you think will happen if we lock Sulli and Minho in one room?"Onew asked to Key "I'm one hundred percent sure, they will kill each other" he said. "Or they might fall in love. . . "Jonghyun butt in.

Taemin remained silent and tenderly gazes at Sulli. The truth is, he's been secretly harboring feelings for her since their freshman year, unfortunately he wasnt brave enough to confess his feelings coz of fear that he might get rejection from her. "I'll deal with you later Choi Sulli!"Minho furiously said and step outside of the room to wash his hands to the bathroom. Sulli stick her tounge out and then laughed victoriously.

The last subject ended at around five o'clock, students hurriedly abandoned the school and Sulli was left walking alone down the hall. Her whole body was in pain and she felt the weakling of her knees. She put her right palm on her belly when she felt the rambling of her stomach. "Oh god, I think I'm gonna throw up" she's sweating bullets and her whole body is shaking. "Ya! Miss Disgusting!"Minho called from behind. She slightly turned and weakly looked at him. Showing a dark expression on his face, he stop a few inches away from her then frowned when he noticed her pale color. "A-are you sick?" he asked frowning. Sulli stays mum and held into Minho's arms as her knees started to softened like jelly. "Y-Ya! what are you doing! get your hands off me!" he said, caught by surprise. He tried to remove her hands but her fingers gripped around his arms like ivy. Then to his horror, Sulli began thowing up to his shirt. He remained frozen like an ice statue after she poured all of her vomit into his clothes. "I-I'm so sorry. . . " she apologized before collapsing on the floor. Minho suddenly felt confused, he doesnt know what he will do first. . . will he wipe the disgusting vomit on his shirt or check Sulli who is laying unconciously on the floor. "Aish! I really really really hate you Choi Sulli!" he muttered angrily. He decided to check Sulli first, ignoring the faint whisper on his brain that he should wipe the vomit first. With slight hesitation on his part, he ducked and touched her forehead. "Omo! she's burning" he exclaimed. He took a deep breath and carried Sulli into his arms and then ran towards the school's clinic. When he arrived at the clinic, he gently laid her body to bed. Nurse Wang immediately checked her condition. She put the thermometer underneath

Sulli's armpit and get her blood pressure. Minho stood beside the bed, worried expression face. For the first time in his eighteen years the possibility that he might get contaminated have plus the obvious fact that he's wearing a can be seen on his of existence, he disregard with whatever virus Sulli vomit stain shirt.

Nurse Wang sighed. "Forty degree celcius, definitely a high grade fever" she said and reached for her phone. "I'll have to inform Sulli's parents about their daughter's condition" luckily, Nurse Wang is Sulli's omma's friend. He looked at Sulli and gently lifted some strands of hair away from her face. His eyes traveled to her semi parted lips and he felt the sudden thumping of his heart. "What the heck is wrong with me? !" he asked, totally perplexed. "I already called her omma, you can go now Minho"Nurse Wang said. He politely nodded and glance at Sulli before going out of the clinic. 06 - Pool of Mischief Namsan High Sulli's POV I breathe the morning air and smiled widely. . . . ahhh at last I'm back again to my beloved school after skipping classes for three days due to high grade fever. Hopping around towards the shool gate, I stop momentarily and kicked the small stone that I saw afterwards I continued hopping like an energizer bunny. I'm about to set my foot on the school's ground when a silver audi stop in front of me. The car door opened and Choi Minho got off from the car and wave to the driver. I had a chance to glance at the driver's face since the windshield is not tinted. I frowned as my eyes rested to the male driver. "He looks familiar. . . "I uttered to myself then lightbulb goes on to my head as I remember the man. "C-Choi Siwon! he's unnie's boyfriend!"I exclaimed. The car drove away and Minho began walking wearing a blank expression on his face. I immediately approached him as I am so curious about his relationship to my unnie's boyfriend. Yoona unnie told me last night that they finally reconciled and seems like their relationship will end up in wedding bells soon. "Ya! Choi Minho!"I called Minho turned. "Welcome back Miss Disgusting" he said smiling devilishly. We walked together to the school's pathway. "What is your relationship to Choi Siwon?"I asked, completely intrigued He arch an eyebrow. "How did you know my hyung?"

My eyes grew a fraction from surprise. "C-Choi Siwon is your brother?" Minho nodded. "Yes, my one and only brother why?" I bite my lower lip. Holy smoke of all freakin' smoke! why oh why of all the dongsaeng it has to be cocky bastard. What if Yoona unnie and his hyung got married? ! whether I hate the idea I have no choice but to accept that somehow germ phobia Minho and I will have a link to each other. I cleared my throat. "Well, your hyung is my unnie's boyfriend"I said in a dry tone. Minho smirked. "You gotta be kidding" he shook his head in disbelief. "I'm dead serious Choi Minho. My sister Yoona is dating your brother" "Oh no, that's impossible. I know my hyung's taste on woman. I'm sure he wont fall for your sister" I scowled at him. "What do mean?"I asked, rage starts to run into my system. He stop from walking and arogantly looked at me. "You're not pretty and a no brainer type of girl so I assumed that your unnie have a similar characteristic like you. My hyung likes beautiful, intelligent and dainty type of girl, definitely your exact opposite" he dissed. Goddammit! this nuisance from hell is really getting into my nerve! oh how I wish I have found a magic lamp, rubbed it and a genie will suddenly appear asking for my three wishes : first wish: Choi Minho will voluntarily jump on a pool of human feces and died, second wish: Choi Minho will go away and become oompa loompa then jump on a hot flaming lava and died, third wish: Choi Minho will intentionally drink all of his air freshener, sanitizers and alcohol and then died. Is that possible? guess only in my wildest dream. . . I put my hands on my waist. "Believe it or not, your brother is so inlove with my beautiful sister, that's the ugly truth so just accept it Mr. Tornado"I said He become mighty annoyed. "No way jose! I wil never believe you coz you're nothing but a waste of air!" he lashes out. My patience took its toll again, I step closer and kicked his leg then stomped my right shoe on his shining black leather shoe. "Ouch!" I quickly retreat while laughing in triumph. Minho was left seething with anger.

History Class "Tch! Mrs Song is late again"Sulli said. She's still feeling under the weather and decided to take a short nap while waiting for their always late History teacher. She grabbed her jansport backpack and put it on the desk. She bend her body and leaned her right cheek on the bag and closed

her eyes. Minutes later she drifted into deep sleep. Jonghyun entered the classroom. "Classmates, Mrs. Song told me that we need to go to fourth floor, room 401" he announced. The students gathered their stuff and step outside of the classroom. Taemin stood up and stared at Sulli, he is so tempted to wake her up and to have a long conversation with her. "Ya, let's go"Key said and held his arm. He reluctantly nod and took a deep breath. He was about to step closer to her desk when he abruptly went stilled. "Looks like Minho will wake her up" he thought and changed his mind. With a heavy heart, he walked towards the door. On the other hand Minho's mind is on the rift on whether he will wake her up or not. "Aish! this girl is really giving me a hard time" he is still mad at her for kicking and stomping his shoes but there's a part of him that melts everytime their eyes met. In the end his pride won over the undefine feelings for Choi Sulli. He walked out and abandoned her sleeping peacefully and alone inside of the room. Room 401 "Choi Minho"Mrs Song said. It is her daily routine to check the attendance first before her lecture. "Present!" he said "Choi Sulli" No answer. "Choi Sulli!"Mrs Song repeated. "Ya, I just saw her earlier in our room sleeping. You didnt wake her up?"Onew said to Minho. Minho stays silent, he felt guilty for not waking her up. Jonghyun shook his head. "Aigoo, you're so mean Choi Minho" he said in dissapointment. Mrs Song heard their conversation. "Choi Minho, go ahead and wake her up" she ordered. "Huh? !" "I'll wake her up"Taemin said and stood up but Key grabbed his arm "Let Minho fetch Sulli"Key said and pushed him down again into his seat. Onew elbow pushed Minho. "C'mon be a gentleman and wake your sleeping girlfriend up" he said teasingly. Minho flinched from his touched and annoyingly stood up. "All right"

History Classroom Minho's POV With uncertainty, I cautiously returned to our history room and my big brown eyes saw Miss Disgusting sleeping like a baby in her desk. Stepping closer, a silly revenge plot spontaneously pop into my mind. Slowly and quietly, I sit down on my chair and poured a sanitizer into my palms. Coincidentally, I have a black pentel pen inside of my pocket and so I've made a childish decision to draw horns, dots and other stuff to Sulli's face. Leaning forward, I pulled out the pen and carefully drew two horns on the opposite side of her forehead. I laughed silently and began putting some dots on her cheek. The pen freezes on the air when she wrinkled her nose and slightly moved her head. I let out a sighed of relief after learning that she did not wake up. I tightly gripped the pen around my hand and leaned more closer to her face to draw some whiskers when my eyes move to her lips. I swallowed hard and felt again the strong thumping of my heart. "Shiiittt! what's happening to me?" my eyes grew a fraction as the palpitation turned faster and louder. Sulli woke up and our eyes met. . . We both gasped as our faces an inches away from each other. . . . Dazed and confused, I stood up and immediately turned around. "I-I just came here t-to wake you up" my cheeks burn a furious pink. "O-our history class is in room 401" looking like an idiot, I dashed to the door leaving Sulli in a state of shocked.

Math Subject "Get one piece of paper, we have a quiz"Mrs Bae said and turned to write down the math problems on the blackboard. Sulli scratches her head as she secretly cursed again the inventor of Math, she's not prepared for today's exam. Her hands fumbled inside of her bag to get a piece of paper only to feel frustrated upon realizing that she forgot the pad paper at her room. She looked at her seatmate Kwanghee to ask for a piece of paper. "Kwanghee, do you have a spare of paper?" Kwanghee shook his head. "Damn! I have no choice but to ask germ phobia"I threw a glance of him and saw the pad paper on his desk. "Errr. . . Minho. . " she called softly.

Minho ignore her and looked straightly at the blackboard. "Minho. . . can I borrow a piece of paper from you, I will replace it tomorrow" He stares at her and grinned. "Sure, no problem" She smiled sweetly at him. "He's not that bad after all" she thought to herself. He handed her one piece of paper and then snatched it away to her astonishment. "Ooops, I changed my mind. . . sorry Sulli" he said teasingly. Sulli's face turned sour, she is so tempted of giving him a flying kick on the face. Taking a revengeful breath, she spit the bubble gum in her mouth and called Minho. "Ya Choi Minho!" "What?" he did not bothered to looked at her. "I have something to tell you" "I'm not interested" he said in a bored tone. "This is very important" she insisted. Completely pissed off, Minho jerked his head towards her. "Ya! what the heck is your----" His rant was cut off in mid sentence as Sulli threw the bubble gum directly into his open mouth. Her true intention was to throw it into his face but the gum accidentally went straight into his mouth. Minho spit the used gum while squirming inwardly. "Ewwww! ! ! yuckkkk! ! !" he screams and stood up. Sulli laughed mockingly. "How does it taste?" Mrs Bae marches angrily to them. "Choi Sulli and Choi Minho come with me!"

Namsam High Indoor Swimming Pool "Choi Sulli, you will recite the phrase"I will never fight again with Choi Minho" for one hundred times" she said then turned her head to Minho. "And you young man, you will recite the phrase "I will never fight again with Choi Sulli" for one hundred times in squatting position" she said. Minho gave Sulli a deadly glare, the latter also did the same to him. IU's song "It's First Love" is currently playing at the gymnasium how is that we, how is that now. . . how is that the two of us ended up here. . .

time passes by like the stars inside many people. . . inside my heart(my heart). . . filling my eyes(filling). . . is all of you( you). . . pilling up. . . it seems that without any sound. . . even our cold fingertips become warmer. . . even if we dont speak. . . we're filled in each other's eyes. . . now when you're sick. . . i will feel your forehead. . . let us not be afraid. . its an axciting first love. . . carefully day by day again. . . i will always love you. . . "You will never leave this place without my permission araso? !" The two student nodded in agreement and proceeded to the punishment. "I will never fight with Choi Minho again" "I will never fight with Choi Sulli again" After Mrs Bae left the gymnasium, Minho straightened his back and confronted Sulli. "This is all your fault! if you did not threw that dirty and used bubble gum to me things like this wont happen" he shouted. She also straightened her back and step closer to him, her eyes filled with fire. "My fault huh! if your cockiness did not gets in the way most likely we are still sitting in our chair while taking the math quiz!" Sulli keep on stepping forward while Minho making a step backward. "I'm gonna literally send you crashing back to Earth Choi Minho!" her index finger tap his chest. "Bring it on Choi Sulli" he said smirking and made another step backward. Minho did not noticed that he is standing on the edge of the pool. She make a fist and raised her arm to punch him on the face but Minho grabbed her arm and they both fell on the swimming pool. Their bodies plunges underneath the water, Sulli swims above and

resurface. She gets out dripping wet leaving Minho on the pool "Help! ! !" Her eyes widened upon seeing the drowning Choi Minho, apparently he doesnt know how to swim. Minho's body plummeted below after losing his conciousness. Sulli dived underneath and held the arms of Minho. She dragged him out of the water and laid his body on the marbled floor. "Ya! Minho! wake up!" she tapped and shaked his body. "Shit! !" she cursed underneath her breath. "I have no choice but to give him mouth to mouth resuscitation" Sulli kneeled at his side and started giving him thirty compression afterwards she pinched his nose and move her face closer to his face. She filled her lungs with air before bending down her head. Her never been kissed lips landed to his never been kissed lips. The first touched of their lips brought millions of electricty to Sulli's body as her mouth delivered oxygen into his mouth. Minho awakened only to be stunned as he saw and felt Sulli's lips on his lips. The thumping of his heart made a violent retaliation against his chest. . . So this is what they called first love. . . . like the delightful first snow. . . i want to have my first kiss. . . with you, who came to me. . . i can hear your heart. . . it seems like the two of us. . . are the only ones in the world. . . even if we dont speak. . . we're filled in each other's eyes. . . now when you're sick. . . i will feel you're forehead. . . let us not be afraid. . . its an exciting first love honey. . . carefully day by day again. . . i will always love you. . . you're my first love. . . . .

07 - Compact Mirror Namsam High Indoor Swimming Pool Minho was awakened only to be stunned as he saw and felt Sulli's lips on his lips. The thumping of his heart made a violent retaliation against his chest. Yonghwa's Banmal song is playing inside of the gymnasium the day when i first saw you. . . your bright smile full of shyness. . . we'll get closer after today. . . everyday, i have heart fluttering expectations. . . what to say to you. . . how to get you to laugh. . . i fear it'll get awakward when i try to hold your hand. . . all i can is to smile shyly. . . . hopefully we can speak banmal to each other. . . even though its still awkward and unfamiliar. . . instead of saying thank you. . . . talk to me in the friendlier way. . . . hopefully we can speak banmal to each other. . . . you walk towards me slowly, step by step. . . . now look at my two eyes and tell me. . . i love you. . . . Her soft warm lips feels so good that he embraces the moment and didnt stop her from giving his mouth her very own oxygen. Sulli's eyes lifted towards his eyes and saw that he's already concious and seems to be enjoying the moment. She quickly move her face as embarassment and anger flooded inside of her. Her hand slap his cheek hard to his surprised. "Ya! why did you slap me? !" he said and rise from the floor while caressing his injured cheek. Sulli stood and gave him a deadly glare. "You have the nerve to ask me why you jerk! You just pretended to be unconcious so that you can take advantage of me!" she yelled. Disbelief radiates through his face. "Take advantage of you? ! are you

talking to me or to yourself? ! you're the one who kiss me Miss Disgusting!" he accused. He was totally pissed but more to himself because she was right---he acted out unconciously coz her lips tasted so good. Her eyes slits. "Kiss you? ! that wasnt a kiss but a mouth to mouth resuscitation to save your nonsense life you cocky bastard!" Minho stood up and grinned. "Whether its a mouth to mouth resuscitation or a kiss, you cannot change the fact that you're the one who took advantage of me!" he retort. Sulli's cheek turned red from indescribable anger. "Damn this germ phobia! I should have just let him drown and die!" she thought to herself. Her two feet marches towards him to push him back to the pool when out of nowhere Mrs. Bae's voice echoes from all corners of the gymnasium. "What's going on here? ! are you still fighting with each other? !" The two student bend their heads and continued doing their punishment.

The following day. . . Minho excitedly walked while spraying 99. 9% of air freshener to the hallway. For some unknown reason, his heart started thumping again as Sulli's image lingers on his mind. He cant wait to see and bicker with her again. "Minho!" He stop in front of the classroom's doorway upon seeing his comrades Onew, Key and Jonghyun standing near the door. "What are you doing here?" he asked, wondering why the three of them is still not on their chairs. Jonghyun move closer and put his arm around his shoulders. He flinched and removed his arm"Ya! dont touch me!" he said annoyingly and poured a sanitizer into his hands. Odd but when Sulli touches him, he doesnt squirmed anymore in disgust. Jonghyun sheepishly grinned. "Bro, look at this" he showed him a small compact mirror that was attached on the sole of his right shoe. Minho frowned. "Why is your shoe have a compact mirror?" Key leaned forward. "You'll be shock on what that " thing" can do for us" he said Minho cock his head on one side, completely clueless. "Oh look, Uee is coming!"Onew happily said to them. The three boys flashes their most charming smile and wave to the approaching Uee. Minho stays quiet, observing his friends action. "Hi Uee!"Onew greeted and held her arm to stop her from going inside of the classroom. Jonghyun stood beside Onew and simply move his shoe forward near Uee. Minho looked at Key and Jonghyun, the two boys move

their eyes downward towards the compact mirror. He followed Key and Jonghyun's eyes and to his amazement, Uee's panties reflects on the mirror. "Hello Onew"Uee sweetly said. "Did you get a haircut? you look so pretty today"Onew flirted. The oblivious Uee softy laughed. "Your such a flirt Onew" she lightly hit his arm and then step inside of the room. The naughty boys smiles michieviously. "She's wearing a red undies"Jonghyun whispered to Onew. "Hmmm. . . she's wild huh"Key said. Minho grinned boyishly and decided to join the gang to their panty conquest. "Ya, Hyorin is coming"Key said. The boys positioned themselves, this time its Key's turn to talk to Hyorin. "Hi Hyorin!"Key said and held her arm. The three boys gazes down to the mirror and saw Hyorin's white underwear. Hyorin tucked some strands of hair behind her ear and smiled at Key. "Hello Key" "Did you get a haircut? you look so pretty today"Key flirted. Hyorin shook her head and tap him on the arm. "Aigoo, your such a flirt" she said and walk inside. "She's wearing white undies"Onew whispered to Key. "Hmmm. . . she's still pure"Jonghyun said. Two more girls became their victim; Luna wearing a winnie the pooh panties and Lizzy wearing a printed heart undies. "Ya, Choi Sulli is coming"Onew said to them. Suddenly, Minho felt uncomfortable. . . its as if he doesnt like the idea of seeing Suli's underwear with his friends. "I gotta do something. I wont allow Sulli to be their next victim" he said to himself and stood closely to Jonghyun. Sulli was just a few steps away from them when Minho's one foot stepped on the compact mirror to Jonghyun and Key's irritation. "Ya, why are you blocking the mirror? !"Jonghyun hissed and tried to push him away. Minho leaned his back on the door while his shoe keep on blocking the mirror. Sulli step closer and frowned upon witnessing their little commotion and then shrugged her shoulders and went straight to the room. He let out a sighed of relief after Sulli passed through them.

"Aish! your such a kill joy Choi Minho!"Onew said, completely annoyed. Minho secretly smiled and walk inside and sat down to his chair beside Sulli. The three men remained standing and waited for their next victim. "Wow, black thong"Key silently said while grinning. Onew and Jonghyun smiles michieviously. "Goodmorning boys" The three men lifted their eyes to see the owner of the black t-back. Onew, Jonghyun and Key's jaw drops as their eyes rested on Mrs. Bae's face. "I-I think I just crap on my pants"Jonghyun said nervously hopefully we can fall in love with each other. . . i'll never let go of your two hands from my grasp. . . . the light of your eyes gazing at me. . . . i hope their will only be joyful smiles. . . we can probably fall in love with each other. . . we can lean on one another and take care of each other. . . looking into your eyes, my two eyes. . . their talking to you. . . . i love you. . . . . 08 - Mad Egg Namsam High Bio Lab "Class, I want you to look for a partner for our next activity"Miss Song said. "Our experiment is called egg osmosis, we will be soaking the eggs in vinegar" The students began looking for their partner of choice. Onew and Jonghyun were partners while Luna's partner is Uee. Minho quietly move closer to Sulli to ask her to be his lab partner. Minho cleared his throat. "Sulli do you---" His words were freezed on air when Taemin suddenly approached Sulli. "Hi Sulli, can you be my partner for this activity?"Taemin asked and charmingly smiled at her. Sulli smiled back and nodded. "Sure"

Minho felt an aching sharp pain inside of his thumping heart. Its as if someone stabbed an ice pick on it and let it bleeding for days. Then the pain tranformed into anger and jealousy, hell yeah he is jealous with his friend and mad at Sulli! "Damn this girl! she betrayed me! I thought her whole attention was only meant for me!" he thought, totally irritated. His mighty pride and cockiness cant accept the fact that an unpopular girl like Choi Sulli is capable of making him feel confuse, excited, jealous, mad and happy at the same time. "Have you tried this experiment before?"Taemin said to Sulli while preparing the materials on the table. "No, this is the first time"Sulli softly answered. Minho scowled at her. He doesnt like the way she's using soft and sweet voice to Taemin while with him, she's always using an angry tone. Key stood beside Minho. "Lets be partners Minho, Amber refused my request to be her partner" he said and held Minho's arm. Minho's irritation towards Sulli and Taemin was moved to Key. "Aish! dont touch me! I dont want you as a partner! I can do this experiment alone!" he shouted and poured a sanitizer in his palms. The whole class looked at Minho. Sulli stared at him frowning and that pisses him more. Key was shocked by his sudden outburst and walk to the other table to ask Kwanghee to be his partner. Minho felt guilty afterwards, he decided to apologize to Key later. He glances at Sulli and Taemin who seems to be enjoying the activity together, his blood started boiling. "I cant take this anymore, I need her attention" he said to himself. A silly plot entered into his mind. Sulli picked up one egg and was about to crack it on the glass bowl when all of the sudden Minho intentionally bumped his body to her body. The egg slipped out in her grasp and fell on her black shoe. "Ooops. . sorry Miss Disgusting" he said grinning. His eyes filled with playful mischief. Sulli's face turned red as anger and hostility pumping alternately into her heart. Taemin shook his head in dissapointment. "Sorry? I dont accept apology especially if it came from a jerk named Choi Minho!" she hissed. Minho's broken heart was replaced with giddy feelings. Finally, he manage to caught her whole attention. . . its as if he's walking on cloud nine because of happiness. "Aish, they are fighting again"Onew said to Jonghyun. Sulli's hands grabbed two eggs and threw it to him. "You're the most

despicable person that I've ever met! I really really hate you!" she said before marching outside of the room to clean her dirty shoe. Minho's was left speechless. He pulled out his white handkerchief and began wiping his stained uniform. "Yuck. . . this is so disgusting!" he blurted, squirming in aversion. "You're so mean to her"Taemin said. "Please stop being a pest and leave her alone" He lifted his gaze as his jaws tightened. "And why are you defending her? do you like her?" Taemin tilted Choi Sulli. I breath. "As a have plans of his chin and stood straight as if taunting him. "Yes I like like her eversince our freshman year" he took a deep dear friend of mine, I am asking you to be nice to her coz I asking her out soon"

Minho stilled and stays passive for a longer period of time. He is trying to deny to himself that he just misheard Taemin's confession's towards Sulli. The pain that he felt earlier tripled, its as if someone threw a huge rock on his heart and smashed it into pieces. Suddenly, the situation turned complicated now because he is torn between his friendship to Taemin and his growing feelings for Sulli. "Should I stay away from her for the sake of friendship?" he asked himself. The thought that he will not be able to share bickering moments with Sulli ripped his heart in two.

Mapo District, Seoul Choi Residence Sulli's POV "Omma! I'm home!"I said and wore my indoor slippers. My eyes roamed around the livingroom searching for my mother and then found nothing. "Omma!"I called again and went to the master's bedroom. I opened the door and saw my appa sitting on the edge of the bed while omma is laying down in bed. "Omma, are you sick?"I asked and sat down beside her. I noticed her red nose and puffy eyes. "Why are you crying?" my head motioned to appa, waiting for an answer. Appa sadly looked at me. "You're unnie left this morning with Siwon" his expression turned grim upon remembering Unnie's boyfriend. "I swear to god, I will roast that guy alive once I caught him" I was completely stunned. Yoona unnie and Minho's hyung ranaway together! oh sweet Jesus, Mary and Joseph! this is absolute nightmare! "Yeobo, please find our daughter. I might die of loneliness if I will never see her again"Omma said while crying

"I will yeobo, please stop crying" appa wipe her tears. I stood up and walk towards the door. I must find Yoona unnie and the only person that can help me is none other than Siwon's brother--- my arch nemesis Choi Minho! I reach for my phone and search for Minho's number on my phonebook list. A little smile broke in my lips after discovering his number. My thumb finger quickly dialed his number.

Itaewon Seoul Burger King Sulli fixed the pink flower clip in her outfit, she's wearing a white comme des white sneakers. She looked at her wrist foot while waiting for Minho outside of hair and gazes down at her garcon's shirt, blue jeans and watch annoyingly and stomped her the burger shop.

"Damn! where the hell is that germ phobia? ! I've been waiting here for almost thirty minutes" TTBY soundrack's In Your Eyes is currently playing inside of the fast food chain. i've never said this before. . . to tell you the truth. . . i felt my heart beating on that day. . . since that day, i knew. . . i wasnt sure but i felt like. . . our fate was already decided. . . love is coming to me. . . it leads me toward you. . . it feels like a dream that. . . i'll never wake up from. . . it really seems like a dream. . . An hour has passed and Sulli's temper is beginning to rise because of anger. After five minutes, Minho arrived wearing a white comme des garcons white shirt, blue jeans, black cap and white sneakers, his left hand keep on spraying the air freshener to the surroundings. Sulli gritted her teeth upon seeing his attire. "What the heck! why do we have similar clothes? !" she said to herself. "Aish, people might misunderstood that were a couple because of our matching outfit" Minho smirked at her. "Wow. . . couple shirt, jeans and shoes. Are you going to ask me out that is why you called me?" he said teasingly. "Sorry to

dissapoint you Miss Choi, but I dont eat burger. Maybe we can have dinner at my house, what do you think?" Her hands in akimbo. "Dinner at your house? are you out of your mind Choi Minho! I called you because my unnie ranaway with your brother Siwon!" Minho felt upset, he's expectation of their first date was shattered after hearing her real reason for calling him earlier. "Where's your hyung?" He scratches his head. "I haven't seen him since yesterday" Sulli took a deep breath. "Try calling your hyung and ask him where on earth are they now?" Minho obliged and began dialling his hyung's number after two rings the phone went off. "Looks like hyung turned off his phone" he said while shooking his head. She let out a frustrated sighed. "Do you know where we can find them? I desperately needed to find my unnie, omma got sick from worrying too much for my sister'" her eyes pooled with tears. His expression softens while looking at her face. "I know a place where we can find them" he offered his hand to her. "Ya, why are offering your hand to me? ! I thought your allergic to germs?" she asked in confusion. He grinned and before Sulli could react he held her hand tightly. "Yes, I'm allergic to bacteria and germs but your germs are exempted" he wink at her and they started walking to Itaewon avenue holding each others hand. Sulli stares at him with puzzlement in her eyes. . . . her heart skips a beat from the warm tingling sensation she felt for the first time. . . i hope a place where love lingers. . . can be somewhere we can be together. . . it feels like a dream. . . that i'll never wake up from. . . it really seems like a dream. . . i remember the day we first met. . . you came to me on a dazzling bright day. . . thank you so much for coming to me. . . . 09 - LED Light Itaewon, Seoul Minho's first skin contact with an opposite sex that is not related to

him brought shocked waves of emotions through his heart. Its as if he's been flying on cloud nine and have not come down yet. He glances at her while entwining his long fingers into her soft candle shape like fingers as they strolled in Itaewon avenue. Sulli looked up at him in blushing pink cheeks. Her heart keep on beating so fast from unexplainable reason. Minho's cheeks also turned pink when their eyes got stucked to each other. Their ears caught J-Rabbit's song "Talkin' bout Love" while walking to array's of fast food chain and restaurant at Itaewon. its such a strange thing, how did you come to me? . . . my shrunken heart dreams of a new love once more. . . its such a funny thing, how can my heart rush like this? . . . . i dont know why but old song linger around me without knowing. . . with your warm touch. . . . a whole different world co me to me. . . yes, you're my love love love. . . . i think i'm in love. . . . how i give love just for you. . . talkin' bout love love love. . . i carefully look at you. . . i smile and walk on this street. . . . can't you feel my love is for you. . . talkin' bout love love love. . . without anyone knowing, my heart trembles. . . finally, love has come to me. . . . Sulli tried to release her hand from his hand as her innocent heart began pounding so strong against her chest but Minho did not let it go. "Ya, do we really have to hold hands while walking? its kind of awkward and people are staring at us as if were a couple" she said and shyly looked at the people they come across. Minho took a deep breath and let go of her hand. "Aish, she doesnt like to hold hands with me" he said to himself, completely upset. He started spraying his 99. 9% air freshener around them to people's annoyance. Sulli brows furrow. "Stop spraying that air freshener! people are starting to get mad at us" He stop spraying and put down the air freshener. Called it odd, but he is

becoming Choi Sulli's slave, he obliged in everything she said like a junior policeman to his superior. Its as if Sulli have his neck around her hands and death will come to him in just one wrong move. "Where are we going? we've been walking for more than thirty minutes" she said, cutting off his reverie. "Hyung had a pad here in Itaewon, I think they're staying there" he answered and warmly smiled at her. Sulli's heart melted like butter from his smile. Called it weird but fireworks suddenly exploded above the sky upon seeing his sweet smile. They crossed on the next lane and walked at 25th street. After five minutes of walking, they step inside of Siwon's apartment building. Minutes later, they are both standing in front of Siwon's door. Minho poured a sanitizer in his hands before pushing the buzzer button by his index finger. Siwon opened the door only to be surprise when he saw his dongsaeng and Yoona's dongsaeng. "Hyung!" "W-what are you doing here?"Siwon asked. His eyes keep on bouncing between Minho and Sulli. Sulli moved forward. "Where's my unnie? I need to see and talk to her" her hands on her waist. Siwon looked from behind. "C-Chagiya. . . . y-your sister is here" Yoona bolted towards the door. "Ssul!" "Unnie!"Sulli hugged her sister. "Why did you ranaway? ! appa and omma are so worried for you" Yoona hugged her back and cried. "I'm so sorry Ssul for making you and our parents worried" She held Yoona's arm and tried dragging her outside of the unit. "Lets go home now unnie, omma got sick due to stress and loneliness. She's been crying non stop after you left" Yoona shook her head and removed her hand. "I will only go back to our house if appa will approve my relationship with Siwon" she wrapped her arms around Siwon's waist. Siwon kissed the top of her head. Sulli's tears sprilling down her cheeks. "But unnie. . . " Minho held her hand and squeezes her palm, comforting her. "Please Ssul, tell omma and appa to stop worrying about me. I'm so happy right now and Siwon loves me so much" Sulli bend her head and turned around while crying, Minho followed her from behind like a dog. . . still gripping her hand.

They strolled back to Itaewon avenue in companionable silence, both still holding each others hand. Minho peers down at her and gave her his brightest smile. They passes through LED neon light signs from the restaurants. The glowing lights illuminates to their skin and clothes. "Stop crying Miss Disgusting, your starting to look like Mrs Bae" he said then boyishly grinned. He wanted to make her laugh and erase the sadness in her face. Sulli wipe her tears and glances down at her wrist watch to check the time: 7:05 PM. She must go home immediately before her appa notice her absence. "I'll go ahead. Thank you for---" "Watch out!"Minho saw an idiot cyclist riding on the wrong way and was about to bump into Sulli's body fortunately he roughly pulled her in his arms before she crash into the cyclist. Everything happens so fast---one minute she's crying , the next she's in his arms and holding her tightly against his chest. "You okay?" he whispered. His one arm around her waist, while the fingers of his free hand softly and gently probing in her face---carefully examining if she sustain any bruises or injury. She lifted her gaze and their eyes met. He's staring into her eyes, drawing her full attention to his handsome face. The world stop revolving when Minho's thumb brushes at her lower lip, she held her breath as live electricity travels from her lips and down to her two feet. For some enigmatic reason, the strange thumping and skipping of their hearts turned wild as they slowly leaning their lips to each other. The afterglow from the LED sign hide Sulli's pinkish cheeks as Minho's face just an inches away from hers. "Ya Choi Sulli! I thought you hate germaphobic Choi Minho? how come you want to feel his lips on your lips? !" said by her logical brain He close his eyes and successfully dive his lips to her soft pinkish lips. The kissed was a perfection. . . . gentle and sweet. . . like a drop of morning dew to a roses petal. The kissed wash away the series of bickering like waves against the sand. . . . Love has taken root in the heart of germ phobia Choi Minho and unpopular girl Choi Sulli. . . its such an amazing thing, its the moment i've been waiting for. . . . with my remaining courage, i'll go to you step by step. . . . with your warm touch. . . a whole different world has come to me. . . . yes, you're my love love love. . . . i think i'm in love. . . . . how i give love just for you. . .

talkin' bout love love love. . . . i carefully look at you. . . i smile and walk on the street. . . cant you feel my love is for you. . . . 10 - Baked Cookies Namsam High Taemin pulled out the box of baked cookies from his bag that his omma had made yesterday. He put down the box in his desk and smiled. A RA. D song titled "I'm in love" is playing on his IPAD to be honest, when i first met saying i like you was difficult for me to say. . . . if i dont approach first i was afraid i would loose you. . . so i wrote a letter and prepared a small gift for you. . . if my love for you gets deeper i knew it would only hurt me more. . . . it true that my mind is full of fears. . . with my anxious heart, i prayed and hoped. . . i believe that person is you. . . i'm in love i fall in love. . . i cant help it i cant hide my heart. . . you're so beautiful. . . "Wow, those cookies looks delicious. Can I have some?"Onew said totally salivating. He held the box tightly in fear that Onew might snatch it into his hand. "Sorry bro but this cookies is for Sulli" Onew frowned. "Sulli?" he thought he just misheard what Taemin had said. He nodded and looked at the doorway, waiting for Sulli's arrival. Onew stared at him for a prolonged period of time then he blinks. "Do you like her?" Taemin looked into his eyes. "Yes, I like Choi Sulli and I am planning of asking her out" he answered and stood up when he saw Sulli's figure at the doorway. Onew remained mum as he observe his friend's action. Taemin flashes his most charming smile and began walking towards her carrying the box of cookies then he stop half way when Minho stood up

and assissted Sulli to her seat. Minho wipe her desk with alcohol and then sat down beside her. "Goodmorning Ssul"Minho sweetly greeted. His eyes shines with admiration while looking at her. Sulli's eyes also shines as her mind keep on replying the sweet kissed they shared last night. The butterflies in her stomach went nuts when Minho grabbed and held her hand. "Ya, our classmates are staring at us" she said and tried pulling her hand. Minho did not let go of her hand, instead he put it in his lips and kissed it. "I love your germs Ssul, they're like my antidote against harmful germs and viruses" She heart started pounding violently. . . . Choi Minho is so romantic and so sweet! Taemin witnessed everything and his heart has been crushed into pieces. With drooping shoulders, he went back to his seat and returned the box inside of his bag. He wanted to cry because its too painful, its as if someone had punched and kicked his heart and abandoned it under the storm. "Why? Why it has to be my friend?"Taemin said bitterly as tears started pooling at the corner of his eyes. Onew saw his painful expression and become alarmed, he put his arm around his shoulders. "Tae. . . are you----" His words were cut off in mid sentence because Taemin suddenly stood up and ran outside of the room. Key and Jonghyun saw Taemin's dramatic exit and motioned towards Onew seat. "What happened to Tae? why is he crying?"Jonghyun asked to Onew. Onew's face saddened and pointed out the newly born couple Choi Sulli and Choi Minho. "Guys, we need to talk to Minho"Key said. "I'm not liking this at all"

Math Subject Sulli crumpled the scratch paper due to frustration, no matter how hard she tried to solve the problem her brain neurons refuses to give an answer. "Shit! I hate you math! I hate you algebra and trigonometry! just go to hell!" she muttered to herself and annoyingly pulled out some strands of hair. She decided to accept the painful reality that she'll get zero score to their long quiz today. Minho glances at Sulli and saw her dilemma then he looked at Mrs Bae who is so engaged with her phone. Stretching his arm, he snatched her test paper and started answering it. Sulli's mouth was hang open from schocked. "Y-Ya, give me my test paper" she barely whispered to him and cautiously gazes at Mrs Bae. "Minho. . .

" Minho just wink at her and continues on answering her test paper. She felt embarrassed and at the same time flattered because Minho cares for her a lot. After fifteen minutes, he simply returned the test paper to her. "Wow. . . this is so daebak" her eyes widened while staring at her test paper, every problem has solutions and answer. Lunchbreak "Do you want me to be your personal tutor in math? I am willing to help you Ssul"Minho offered. They are walking together to the school's cafeteria for their lunch. She happily agreed and smiled at him. Minho smiled back and grasped her hand again. "So which do you prefer? my house or your house?" he asked as they both step inside of the cafeteria. Sulli bite her lower lips. . . Detective Choi will definitely hang Minho in the tree once he saw him in their house and so the only option is Minho's house. "Your house" she said. "Okay" he said. "Minho!"Jonghyun said from behind. The young couple turned around upon hearing Jonghyun's voice. "Can I talk with you for a second, this is very important"Jonghyun said. Minho stares at Sulli, asking for permission. "Go ahead, I'll just eat with Luna and Uee" she said

The three musketeer Onew, Key and Jonghyun surrounded Minho as if he is planning of escaping from them. They all been standing at the school's rooftop. "Tell us the truth bro, do you like Choi Sulli?"Key asked At first Minho was tounge tied, he dont know how to answer Key's unexpected question. Then the sweet kissed he and Sulli shared last night flashes through his mind. Yes, he like Choi Sulli. . . this is the first time he experienced this so called first love, the fluttering of heart, the overhyped feelings, the cute smile, the feeling of walking in cloud nine. . . . it sounds mushy and sweet but it feels so damn good! Aaaah he cant wait to confess to her his feelings! ! ! "Yes, I like her" he answered without blinking an eye.

The three musketeer breathe sharply after hearing his confession. "Minho, are you aware that Taemin also likes Sulli?"Onew said. "He was so heartbroken this morning after witnessing your sweet moment with her" Minho froze as he felt something painful in his heart. Its as if a lightning struck him and wake him up from his dream. He love Teamin like a real brother, they've been friends for more than fifteen years and he valued his friendship with him more than anything else in this world. He owe his life to him. . . "Taemin. . . w-where is Tae? . . . " he need to talk to him and explain his side . Key held his arm. "We love you Minho and your happiness is all also our happiness but if that girl will only cause trouble to our group then we have--" Minho's face turned red from anger, he roughly removed Key's hand. "Leave Sulli alone, this is between me and Taemin" he said dangerously. "Give her up Minho. . . for Taemin"Jonghyun said calmly. "He's been there for you long before Choi Sulli came into your life and if it wasnt for him you're probably dead by now, you owe your life to him. Taemin never left you during those tough times and its painful to see that your beautiful relationship with him will only be destroyed because of one particular girl. Please give her up. . . " his voice pleading The autumn breeze settled in, bringing chills with the scent of dried leaves and flowers. Minho closed his eyes, giving himself a moment to absorbed everything that Jonghyun had said to him. His mind and heart in complete chaos. Sulli or Taemin? "Do I really have to choose?" i thought i was never gonna fall in love but i'm in love, cause i wanna love you baby. . . . to be honest, when i first met you, somewhere in my heart. . . you crashed in like a strong wave, you're the only one i think about all day. . . i can be a good lover, wannabe your four leafed clover. . . i'll make you the happiest woman in this world. . . you gotta believe me make me never gonna leave me. . . i dont want to make promises i'll show it to you. . . i'm in love i fall in love. . . i cant help it i cant hide my heart. . . . you're so beautiful. . . i'm in love , i'm so deep in love i fall in love. . . .

i cant help it, i cant hide my heart. . . you're so beautiful. . . . you're so beautiful. . . . 11 - Friendship over Bracelet 10 Years Ago. . . . "Ya Choi Minho!" Eight year old Minho stop from walking at the school's gate after hearing Heechul's voice. A chilling feeling possessed his young body because of fear. For years, he's been a constant target of bullying by his classmates due to his condition---he was diagnosed with myosphobia--a certain kind of phobia to germs, bacteria and viruses. Some mean students made fun of his situation almost everyday. They started throwing him garbage and dirty stuffs, other bullies regularly stepped on his clean and polished shoes. And just last year, a bully pushed him to the pool, he lost conciousness because he doesnt know how to swim good thing though his friend Taemin save his life from the near drowning. Lee Taemin is his savior against prejudice and discrimation, he always defended him to the bullies to the point that he got himself beaten three times just to shield him from those mean students. Heechul smugly step closer to him. "Where do you think you're going weirdo? are you trying to escape from us" he looked from behind and called his comrades. Minho's knees shakes as two additional bullies appeared. He already forseen the next scene, either they will beat him or lock him inside of a dirty comfort room and switch off the light. He gripped the air freshener and hand sanitizer in his hands as sweats formed in his forehead. "If Heechul made one huge step, you should run fast"Taemin's voice echoes into his ears. Heechul flexes his fingers and started cracking his knuckles. "Shall we begin guys" he said grinning devishly. The two bullies nodded in agreement. Minho made a step backward. "P-please dont hurt me" his whole body is trembling from fright. Heechul was about to take one huge step to attack him when out of nowhere Taemin showed up and block his body to protect him. "Minho, run" he whispered. Minho ran fast, leaving his friend dealing with the three bullies. His two feet crossed the next lane only to stop in the middle when he heard Taemin calling his name. "Minho!"Taemin said as he keep on running towards him. Minho smilingly waved his one hand, waiting for him. "Minho watch out!"Taemin shouted as he saw an approaching car that was about to hit Minho.

Minho's feet freezes because of shocked, Taemin dash like a lightning to save his friend from getting hit by the car. He pushed Minho away and shielded his body Minho saw with his own very eyes as Taemin's body flew in the air due to the strong impact from the car--he was hit. Then Taemin's young body fell like a leaf to the ground. Fresh blood keep on flowing from his forehead. Minho held his breath and crawled towards Taemin's almost lifeless body. "Tae. . . " tears springs at the corner of his eyes. He touched Taemin's face and gasped when he saw and felt the fresh blood. "B-blood. . . this is b-blood" he said, completely terrified.

Present Day. . . "Minho"Sulli called Minho pretended not to hear Sulli's voice and continued on walking down the hallway. The class already ended and only a few students can be seen inside of the school. The song "Without Words" is playing at the nearby classroom. . . i shouldn't have done that. . . . i should have pretended not to know. . . . like i didnt see it, like i couldnt see it. . . . i shouldnt have looked at you in the first place. . . . i should have ran away. . . i should have pretended i wasnt listening, like i didnt hear it. . . . i should have heard your love in the first place. . . . without a word, you made me know what love is. . . without a word you gave me your love. . . made me fill myself with your every breath. . . . then you ran away. . . . without a word love leaves me. . . without a word love abandons me. . . wondering what to say next. . . my lips were surprised. . . it came out without word. . .

why does it hurt so much? She quizzically looked at him. "What is wrong with him? he's been ignoring me the whole afternoon" she said. Then she smiled widely when her brain remembered the rainbow friendship bracelet that she personally made for Minho. She marches towards him and caught his one hand. "Gotcha!"Sulli playfully said. "You're under arrest Mr. Choi Minho" her free hand slipped inside of her skirt's pocket to pull out the bracelet. Minho tried his very best to show a cold expression at her despite the fact that his heart is bleeding from agony. "I made this bracelet for you" she said cutely while putting the bracelet around his right wrist. "Dont take it off okay" A bitter smile broke his lips. "How can I let go of this sweet girl over my friendship to Taemin?" his mind is on the rift. Sulli noticed that something is troubling him. "Ya, do you have a problem? your acting kind of cold the whole afternoon?" she asked in a concerned tone He made a fists as he is trying not to break down in front of her, with a heavy heart he removed the bracelet and threw it away to Sulli's astonishment. "Ya! why did you threw the bracelet that I gave to you!" she shouted. Anger and pain registered through her face. Minho gave her an icy cold stared. "Are you stupid? ! what made you think that I will wear that cheap and ugly bracelet? ! what if its infested with bacteria and germs? ! what will you do huh?" She was left speechless after witnessing his sudden outburst, her chest started burning from the painful first heartbreak. "Y-You told me that y-you love my germs. . . " He avoided her eyes and swallowed hard. "I-I'm just kidding. . . the truth is I hate your germs and I-I hate you" he said wearily. Sulli blinked, seemingly unaware of tears spilling down her cheeks. "I thought you like me. . . " she whispered and made no move to wipe her tears. Minho saw the pain and bitterness in her eyes that the pain in his heart tripled. Its as if a sharp knife stabbed his wounded heart multiple times . Drawing the last straw of sanity, he fought the pain and gazes at her with animosity. "Like you? ! I cant believe you fell in my bluff" he fake a mocking smile. "You're delutional Choi Sulli. I will never like you because your ugly, obnoxious and disgusting. The kissed that we shared last night means nothing to me, everything is just an act. . . a bluff" he shrugged his shoulders and turned around to hide the threatening tears. Without a word, Sulli walk away carrying her broken heart. . . walking away from his life forever. . . Minho leaned his back on the wall and began weeping. He poured all of the

tears like rain drops from a heavy storm. His chest in so much pain. . . His conversation with Taemin ealier keep on replaying in his mind like a broken record. . . "Please forgive me Tae but I cannot give up Sulli. . . . I like her so much. . . . " "Can you make her happy Minho? does she know that you have so many restriction. Does she know that aside from germ phobia, lactose intolerance, you also have blood phobia, clausthrophobia, phobia to bugs and insects and many more. Your allergic to sea food and certain fruits and vegetables. You have low immune system and cannot be exposed to pollution and rain plus you cannot see at night if there is no light. Do you really think you can make her happy with your condition? Can you grant her wish and join her if she wanted to eat sea food or if she wanted to go to a crowded place? can you grant her wish if she wanted you to join her under the rain? can you join her if she wanted to watch the stars at night? You're different from us Minho. . . you have so many fears and limitations. . . Minho covered his mouth by his palms as he keep on weeping. Indeed. . . love comes first and pain is next. . . eyes full of tears. . . heart full of tears. . . its painful. . . . without a word, tears start falling down. . . without a word, my heart is broken. . . without a word, i waited for love. . . without a word love hurts me. . . . i've become transparent. . . i've become a fool. . . . and i cry just by looking at the sky. . . . without a word, separation finds me. . . without a word, the end comes to me. . . . it took my heart by surprise. . . tos end you away unexpectedly. . . it came without a word. . . without a word love appears. . . without a word love vanishes. . . like a fever i had, maybe all i have to do is hurt for a while. . . . because in the end, the only thing that remains are scars. . . . 12 - Soccer Ball and Loneliness Gangnam District

Choi Mansion Minho slept fitfully that night, his slumber punctuated by a series of vivid dreams---Choi Sulli. By the time he woken up, its six o'clock on Monday morning, his white pillow was damp, he had been sweating profusely into it all night. He was groggy and tired. He felt as if he'd hardly slept at all. Hesitantly, he dragged himself out of bed and got up to joined her omma for breakfast. Sitting on the long table, his eyes moved down to the food. Boiled chicken breast and soya milk. The same old boring food he used to eat for years, Doctors prohibited him to eat any greasy food because his stomach refuses to accept any food made of milk, butter and oil. "Goodmorning son" Yeongmi greeted. "Morning" he murmured and quietly start chowing down. Yeongmi put down the spoon and fork after noticing her son's depressed facial expression. "Son, is there something bothering you? you can share with omma your problem" she said in a worried tone. Minho lifted his saddened gaze and tears began spilling down his cheeks. "Omma, am I really different from other kids my age? why cant I do the same things that normal people do? I wanted to play soccer but doctors told me that I might die because my body is too weak. I wanted to eat burger, spaghetti and pizza but they warned me that I might get diarrhea. I wanted to watch the stars but my sight is blind at night. I wanted t play under the pouring rain but you said that my immune system is too low I might get pneumonia. I envy those kids my age who have a healthy mind and body, how I wish I was like them" Yeongmi stood up and hugged her son. "Oh my poor baby. . . " she said crying while softly patting his back. Minho was born as a premature baby, only seven month old. He was so small, cyanotic and frail. For two months, he stays at Neonatal Intensive Care Unit breathing with the help of a ventilator. Doctors called him a miracle baby because due to so many complications, he was able to survive. However, he was prone to diseases and allergies because of his low immune system and sensitive condition. Dust, germs, bacteria's, sea foods, milk and certain fruits and vegetables are forbidden. He grew up fearing death, psychologically, he developed phobia---from germs, insects, bugs, purry animals, crowded places and swimming pool. Minho covered his imperfections by being cocky and arrogant to others, but deep down inside he was a lonely eighteen year old kid . And he was tired of being lonely. . . . .

Namsam High It was seven o'clock on Monday morning. Sulli was thinking about Choi Minho, trying unsuccessfully to forget him. It wasnt the first time she'd

thought about him this morning---in fact eversince she'd walked out of his life last friday, she had been unable to get him out of her head. Her broken heart was filled with mixed emotions: pain, anger, sadness and love. . . . "Ugh! have you gone crazy? ! Choi Minho is nothing but a worthless freak from hell! you should hate him" she said to herself. As her foot step inside of the classroom, her eyes quickly caught Minho who is sitting silently at his chair. He looked at her and their eyes met. Both of their heart started thumping and skipping upon seeing each other. She broke the eye contact and showed a blank expression in her face. She sat down at her chair and pulled out the math text book in her bag. Today is the start of their prelim exam, although she study hard last night, she wasnt confident enough that she will pass the exam. Minho glances at her and sighed. He was so tempted to talk with her but decided to held himself. "God! this is killing me! 'he said to himself. Sulli's coldness was like a sharp dagger in his heart. Taemin approached Sulli from behind. "Hi Sulli!" She turned her head and frowned. "Yes?" Taemin flashes his brightest smile and handed her a box of cookies. "For you" he said, referring to the cookies. Minho gazes to Taemin and his heart bleed more, from jealousy and agony. Reluctantly, she accepted the box of cookies and forced a smile. "T-Thank you. . " Taemin's eyes shines from happiness then he looked at Minho. Guilt feeling tugged in his heart but he immediately brushes it off and returned his eyes to Sulli. "I hope we can be friends Ssul" She threw a glance at Minho to see his reaction apparently the latter seems not to care at all. He was busy flipping the pages of the book and that alone hurt her feelings. "He's really a jerk" she thought. "Sure, lets be friends Tae" she fake a smile. Math Subject "Ya, look at this"Kwanghee proudly showed Jokwon a small piece of paper with math formulas. Jokwon's eyes widened. "Ya Kwanghee, are you going to cheat in our math exam?" "Yes, you know I suck at math and my mind cant memorize any single formulas and so I decided to cheat" he said. Jokwon scratches his head. "Aish, you are so dead if Mrs evil Bae caught you"

Kwanghee smirked at him then stared at his seat mate Choi Sulli. "Okay class, kindly put all your reviewers inside of your bag"Mrs Bae said and started distributing the test paper to the students. "Oh by the way, I'll check your calculators and pockets just to make sure that no one here will try to cheat on my exam" she then began inspecting the calculators and pockets of the students. Kwanghee panic and threw the small piece of paper to Sulli's desk. The paper landed on Sulli's lap and she innocently picked up the paper. "What is th---" Her words were hang in air because Mrs Bae snatched the paper out of her hand. "What is the meaning of this?" Sulli open her mouth to say something but no words came out. "Your trying to cheat again Miss Choi Sulli!"Mirs Bae's angry face brought nightmares to the students"Stand up!" "T-Teacher. . . that wasnt mine. . . " she said in a trembling voice. Mrs Bae gripped her wooden stick and tap hard her desk, enough to make the whole class shakes from fear. "I said stand up!" Feeling weak from terror and humiliation, she stood up and bend her head. "I will only allow you to take my exam if you'll bring your parents tomorow understand!" Sulli nodded while sobbing. "Get out of my room now!"Mrs Bae shouted. Sulli was about to grabbed her bag when all of the sudden Minho stood up. "Mrs Bae, that piece of paper belongs to me"Minho said. "Sulli is innocent, I am the one who deserve the punishment" he added A loud gasp escape from Minho and Sulli's classmates. Everybody was completely shocked. The high and mighty Choi Minho tried to cheat on Mrs. Bae's exam! Sulli frozed, unable to comprehend everything that Minho had said. "Why? why did he do that?" "I am so dissapointed with you Mr. Choi Minho. You are the class top notcher and the brightest student of Namsam High" she shook her head. "I cant belive you resorted into cheating just to pass my exam" Minho bend his head, grabbed his bag and step outside of the classroom.

Namsam High Soccer Field Sulli spend the whole afternoon searching for Minho. She had plenty of

questions in her mind that only Minho can answer. Stepping on the grassy field, she saw some varsity player playing soccer. As she hurried along the field, her eyes caught Minho walking to the bench. "Minho!" she called and trudged towards him. Minho slightly turned his head then sighed deeply. "Go away Choi Sulli! 'he said and continues on stepping his two feet to the green grass. "Why did you do that? why did you covered up for me?"Sulli asked while following him from behind. A bitter smile formed into Minho's lips. "Because I care for you" he said to himself "Ya Choi Minho! can you please stop and------ahhh" a soccer ball hit Sulli in the head and knocked her out. Minho turned around and saw the girl that he love laying unconciously on the grass. "Ssul" he ran to her and kneeled in front of her. "Ssul!" he keep on shaking her body. Panic strikes inside of him when Sulli did not wake up. "Oh god this is all my fault" he scoop her in his arms and marches towards the school's clinic. His eyes got misty when he felt the painful squeezing of his heart. Whe he got to the bottom of the school clinics, he saw Taemin near the doorway. "What happened?"Taemin asked in a concerned tone. "She was hit by a ball in the head" he said then handed Sulli toTaemin's arms" "Please take care of her Tae. . . . she's a very special girl" With droopy shoulders, he turned around and walk away with tears in his eyes. . . . "I wish nothing but the best for you Ssul. You deserve to be happy and I know you will be in time. I'm sorry I wasnt the one for you and I hope you can forgive me someday. . . " 13 - Ice Cream Cone Namsam High Sulli's POV I open my eyes and blink twice. I saw bright lights and white ceilings. . . where am I? "Nurse Wang, she's awake" said by a mysterious voice I jerk my head to the right side and saw Lee Taemin, leaning down at

me. For a fleeting moment, everything flashes back---I was following Minho at t the soccer field then a ball hit me on the head and I blacked out. "W-where's Minho?" my eyes moved around the clinic, searching for him. I need to talk to him. . . I want to see him. . . I have to tell him that. . . that. . . I like him. . . a lot. . . Taemin looked at me with pain in his eyes. Pain? ! He stood straight and forced a smile. "He. . . he left. . . " "I see. . . " my heart sunk down below the clinic's bed due to dissapointment and unbearable pain in my heart. "Do you want me to call Minho and tell him that you're looking for him?" he said and placed his hand inside of his pants pocket to pull out the phone. I gripped his wrist to stop him. "I dont wanna talk to him, please dont call him"I rised and climbed out of bed. He held my arm to help me but I gently removed his hand. "Thank you for bringing me here" Nurse Wang stared at me. "How are you feeling Sulli? how's your head? does it hurt?" I gave her a half hearted smile. "I'm perfectly fine Nurse Wang" She let out a sighed of relief. "Happy to hear that" "I'll take you home Ssul"Taemin said. "I would like to go home alone Tae"I said softly, refusing his offer. "Please Ssul let me take you home" he insisted I reluctantly nodded and smiled at him but behind my smile----my heart is gradually ripping apart. . . .

Mapo District, Seoul As they neared to Choi's residence, Taemin saw some kids scurrying across the ice cream stall. He glances at her and sweetly smiled. "Do you want to eat ice cream?" Sulli open her mouth to decline but before she could speak he grabbed her wrist. "C'mon Ssul, lets eat ice cream" he gleefully said and dragged her to the ice cream stall. Taemin bought one vanilla flavored ice cream cone and one chocolate ice cream cone.

"Which one do you like?" he asked while holding the two ice cream cone Sulli chose the vanilla flavored and he smilingly handed her the said icecream. Her tounge started licking the ice cream and smiled at him. "Hmmm. . . its delicious" "Mine wasnt that good" he said and made a displeasure facial expression to the ice cream vendor. She laughed out loud while looking at Taemin's funny face. For a short time, Minho's face vanished into her mind as she shared one late afternoon of laughter with Lee Taemin. . . her newly found friend.

Namsam High As seven o'clock struck, a torrent of students began marching inside of the school's building. Taking her time, Sulli walked into the hallway thinking of the best solution to forget Minho. "Solution number one: separate yourself to Minho by telling your teachers that you cannot take the smell of his lemon scent air freshener anymore, it always causing you headache. If they refused then tell them that you'll gonna sue Choi Minho for rendering your olfactory system useless and paralyzed. Solution number two:meet some new people example Lee Taemin, making new friends might distract you from your current misery to germ phobia. Solution number three: get yourself busy with school's activity like joining a glee club, book club, drama club etch etch. . . Minho isnt a member of any club so you'll never had a chance to interact with him outside of the classroom unless a group of student formed a germaphobic club which is impossibe right? Solution number four: think of Mr Torando as satan's disciple. If you will look at his face, imagine two long horn at the side of his head and a tail in his butt. In that way it will be easy for you to forget your unrequitted love for him coz you'll feel turned off just by staring at his demon's face" She cock her head in one side. "I kinda like number four. . . Devil Choi Minho. . . not bad" she said grinning. "Ssul!" a familiar female voice made her stop from stepping into the classroom. She turned only to be stunned upon seeing the owner of the familiar female voice. "Soojung!" Soojung squels with joy and hugged her tightly. "Gosh! I miss you so much friend!" Sulli freed herself after hugging each other for two minutes. "Ya, what are you doing here?" her eyes moved up and down to Soojung's attire. She's

wearing Namsam's school uniform. "Are you. . . " "Yes, I am the new transfer student here"Soojung happily announced"We moved here in Seoul last week from Busan" Sulli blinked like hundred times. "OMG this is daebak!" her heart flooded with so much joy. Finally, after being separated for many years, they are reunited again. Best of friends Choi Sulli and Jung Soojung.

"Goodmorning classmates, my name is Jung Soojung, eighteen years old and I just moved here in Seoul last week. I hope we become friends"Soojung bowed her head and smile warmly to her new classmates. Miss Song roamed her eyes, searching for Soojung's temporary seat. "Teacher, can I sit beside him" she pointed out the vacant seat beside Minho's chair. "Okay, you sit beside Mr. Choi"Miss Song said. Soojung's eyes glued to Minho's face as she slumped in her chair. Minho gazes at her, totally annoyed by way she looked at him. "Hi! may I know your name?"Soojung asked while flipping her long eyelashes. "Minho" he said in a bored tone. "Lets be friends Minho " Minho gave her a cold stared before turning his head to Sulli. Sulli heard the whole conversation and she felt a painful tugging in heart. "Oh no Soojung, you can have all the man in the world except Choi Minho" she said to herself, completely hurt. 14 - Lily of the Valley vs Jung Soojung Bio Lab "Class, next week we will go to Botanical Garden at Incheon to study the different species of plants and flowers. I will assign you into pairs and you will give me a written report of the flower's scientific name, description and taxonomy"Mrs Song said and started pairing the students. "Lee Taemin, your partner is Jung Soojung and your subject is everlasting" Soojung's face fall due to dissapointment, she was hoping that Choi Minho will be her biology partner. "Onew's partner is Luna and your subject is sun flower" Onew grinned in satisfaction, he's been crushing Luna recently.

"Jonghyun's partner is Key and your flower is birds of the paradise" Jonghyun annoyingly looked at Key. "Aish! you again. I was hoping for Uee" he shook his head in frustration. Key scowled at him. Sulli's chest in drumrolls as she's anticipating and praying that Minho will be her partner. "Choi Minho, your partner is Choi Sulli and your subject is lily of the valley" Sulli and Minho's eyes locked into each other, both heart started kicking and jumping out of joy. Its as if Psy's Gentleman is playing inside of their chest. The butterfies in Sulli's stomach is doing some gymnastic move while Minho's butterflies were doing some krumping and air chair freeze hip hop move. Soojung pulled Sulli's arm and dragged her in one corner. "Ssul, lets switch partners, you will be Taemin's partner and I will be Minho's partner. What do you think?"Soojung said, smiling. Sulli felt irritated by her bestfriend's suggestion. She love Soojung like a real sister but hell will freeze first before she agree to her friend's idea. "Sorry but I cannot trade Minho to Taemin" she said, declining Soojung's suggestion. Soojung's eyebrow arch. "And why?" She suddenly lost her tounge to speak. "Should I tell her the truth that I like Minho?" her brain in utter confusion. Soojung's eyes filled with skepticism while looking at her then she shrugged her shoulders, brushing off her doubts. "Oh well its all right Ssul if you dont wanna switch partner with me. I still have tons of ideas to woo him"Soojung turned her back at Sulli. Sulli followed her behind, totally perplexed. "What do you mean?" "What Soojung want, Soojung get" she laughed. "I'll do everything to capture his heart" Sulli's face turned pale after hearing her bestfriend's statement, suddenly things got complicated.

Lunchbreak "Minho do you wanna join us later, Onew and I will play pool at my

house"Key said. Minho vaguedly raise his right hand, expressing his refusal. Onew and Key sadly looked at each other, lately they been noticing Minho's change of attitude: always sad, bored, not interested into discussions and quiet. On the other hand, Taemin seems very happy and inspired because of his friendship with Sulli. "I feel so guilty Key, if we did not intervine with Taemin and Minho's business, things like this wont happen"Onew said Key sighed. "Yeah, that is exactly my sentiments" Minho put his one hand inside of his pocket as his mind keep on replaying the kissed that he and Sulli had shared at Itaewon. "Oh god, I missed her so much" his wounded heart starts to bleed again. Then out of nowhere a female hand held his free hand. Minho almost scream from shocked. "Hi!"Soojung said and leaned her head to Minho's shoulder. "Get your filthy hands off me!" he glare at her and hurriedly removed his hand to her hand as if she's a carrier of corona virus. Bewilderement can be seen in Soojung's face. "Minho is a strange man" she thought while staring at him doing his usual routine of spraying air freshener and pouring a hand sanitizer. "Let's have lunch together"Soojung step closer. Minho make a few step backward. "Stay away from me you crazy girl!" he shouted. "That Soojung girl is really crazy"Onew said to Key. "Yeah, I think so too"Key said. "Let's call her cookoo girl"Onew said grinning.

At six o'clock, the rest of the student packed up and goes home. Sulli and Soojung was left inside of the classroom, chatting and laughing, reminiscing the old days. Soojung gazes down at her wristwatch. "Omo! its already six o' clock" she said. "I promise omma that I will be going home before supper" she stood up and gathered her things. Sulli did the same thing and stood up. They are walking at the school's hallway when Soojung felt the fullness of her bladder. "Ssul, I'll just go to the bathroom to take a pee, just wait me at the school's gate araso"

"Okay" Looking at the marble floor, Sulli continued walking across the hallway wearing a lonely expression in her face. She missed Minho. . . . she cant stop thinking about him, every second, every minute and every hour. She pulled her iPod out of her bag at started playing Taeyeon's "Closer" there are so many things i couldn't say. . . you have never heard them before but. . . . i'm not someone who just loves anyone i see. . . because among the many people in this world. . . i only see you. . . i am standing here as i only see you. . . . after this love, i really dont know what will happen. . . just like child who is always this way. . . will you warmly hold me right now? . . . though someday your name might become strange. . . my heart will remember all the memories. . . even if a painful separation comes between us. . . lets not think about that today. . . . As her feet nearing halfway, Minho suddenly appeared at the opposite path. She slap her cheek, trying to convince herself that everything is just a pigment of her imagination. Minho's heart went ballistic upon seeing Sulli walking at the hallway. "Am I dreaming? I thought she went home already" he said to himself. She stop from walking and shut her eyes momentarily, trying her best to think of solution number four. "Think of devil Choi Minho. . . . think of devil Choi Minho" she said to herself . Minho thought Sulli is suffering from headache or something after she close her eyes. He panic and dashed towards her. "Ssul, are you all right?" he asked and cupped her face. His thumb fingers caressing her soft blushing cheeks. She open her eyes and lifted her face to him. As their eyes met, the world stop spinning once again. For the second time, the entire universe conspire its magic to reunite their young heart. Their eyes says it all. . . yearning. . . longing. . . love. . . .

Sulli raised her hands and held his warm hands that are cupping her face, drawing him closer. She smiled. . . he smiled back. . . they absorbed the warm sensation inside of each other's heart. . . . the feeling of being in love. . . "Ssul. . I. . I. . " he stammered. "Ssul!"Soojung's voice echoes from all corners of the school. . . . The magical spell was broken. . . . because among the many people in this world. . . i could only see you. . . i am standing here as i only see you. . . after this love i really dont know what will happen. . . . just like child who is always this way. . . will you warmly hold me closer? . . . now i'm not alone. . . only you who has come to me from that place. . . . only you are my everything. . . after this love i really dont know what will happen. . . just like child who is always this way. . . will you warmly hold me closer. . . . closer. . warmer. . . will you hold me? . . . .

15 - A Box Full of Stars, Fireflies, Kimbap and Rain Drops Incheon, Seoul Botanical Garden The sun was still high when Namsam tour bus stop in front of the botanical garden. The students climbed down of the bus with excitement and anticipation. Minho step out with blank expression in his face, as usual he keep himself busy by spraying 99. 9% of air freshener to the air and surroundings. Behind Minho was Soojung, who looks like his shadow, the girl followed him everywhere which he find so annoying. Sulli was the last one to get out of the bus, Taemin held her hand as her feet step on the

ground. Minho saw it and quickly turned around to hide the pain in his eyes. "Thank you" she said awkwardly and briskly freed her hand. Taemin smiled and walked beside her. While walking into the botanical garden, Sulli cant help but to feel jealous and irritated to her bestfriend Soojung. She's been sticking like a gum to Minho since last week. Good thing though, Minho doesnt like her and he keep on pushing her away. The veins in her forehead visibly pop out when Soojung tried to cling her arm to his arm. "Damn you Soojung! leave him alone! he doesnt like to be touch!" she muttered to herself while giving Soojung a dagger stare from behind. "Please, let's walk together like real lovers"Soojung sweetly said to Minho and attempted to touch him again. Minho gritted his teeth as anger rises inside of him. "Lover my ass! get away from me you crazy girl!" he barked and pushed her away from him. "Okay! I cant take this anymore! I have to do something!"Sulli said, determination written all over her face. She started walking swiftly to Taemin's puzzelement. Minho keep on spraying the air freshener when all of the sudden Sulli grabbed his hand and dragged him away to the path of botanical garden. "Ya, Choi Sulli! where are we going?" he asked, completely surprise by her action. Soojung and Taemin were following them from behind. "To paradise!"Sulli shortly said. He frowned. "What? !" Sulli ignored his reaction and ran towards a public bus in front of them. She hopped into the bus with clueless Minho. The public vehicle drove away leaving Soojung and Taemin heart broken. "Ssul!"Soojung shouted Teamin looked at her. "Where are they going?" Soojung shrugged. "I really dont know" she said, completely pissed off. Sulli smiled in satisfaction and sat down at the window seat near the front of the bus. Minho sat beside her while clutching his backpack and air freshener. He blinks at her. "Where are we going?" his heart keep on thumping like crazy. Her eyes filled with happiness, its as if she just won a lottery. "I knew a place where lily of the valley grows abundantly. I called that place as paradise" her heart flutters while gazing at him. She and Soojung used to go to that so called paradise when they were young. Minho saw the happiness in her eyes and it made him calmed. Called it odd but he will go even to the farthest places on earth just to be with her. He held her hand and tenderly stared at her lovely face. "Then lets go to

paradise and fly way" he said softly, entwining his long fingers into her candle shape fingers.

The so called "Paradise" , Incheon Seoul "Ya Choi Sulli! are you sure this is the place? 'Minho asked, full of doubt. All he can see was green grass, bushes and tall trees into the vast unknown land. His big brown eyes moved down to the semi muddy soil and saw a cow's poop. He felt the sudden recoil of his stomach upon seeing the disgusting view. Completely horrified, he pulled out the air freshener outside of his bag and started spraying into the air and around him. Sulli rolled her eyes and turned. "Will you please stop spraying that chemical! the smell is causing me massive headache!" she said. Minho shook his head. "I'm sorry Ssul but I cant---" She did not let him finished his sentence, her hands grabbed the air freshener and back pack and then threw it into a pond of mud. Minho thought he just died at that moment as his eyes watches his precious things gradually sinking down into the dirty mud. "No! ! ! !" his whole world crushed. He cannot live without his air freshener, sanitizer and vacuum sealed food, he will die! ! !"What have you done? ! What have you done Choi Sulli!" Sulli smirked and folded her arms. "C'mon lets go" she said cooly, ignoring his tantrums. Minho's eyes turned a shade darker because of anger"Why did you that? this is the end for me! I'm gonna die!" he keep on tugging his hair like a lunatic person. "Oh god! this germaphobic is getting into my nerves again" she said to herself and step closer to him. "Die? ! you'll gonna die if cursed. "You've been living infested air and walking in viruses but how come you're are a part of our existence should be scared of" you expose yourself to germs? ! bullshit!" she for more than eighteen years inhaling a germ an environment with lots of bacteria's and still alive?" her hands in her waist. "Germs Choi Minho, it is not something that you

He gave her a deadly glare. "Its is easy for you to say that because you're not in my situation Miss Choi, germs, bacterias and viruses can lead me to death once I got myself expose to them due to my low immune system. Doctors advised me to keep myself clean all the time and I should stay away from dirty things and dirty places" She tilted her chin and smugly looked at him. "Well, I'll prove them wrong, you will get out of this place alive and dirty. Who knows you might thank me later for saving your life from years of misery" "Saving my life? more like ending my life!" he said sarcastically and turned his back on her. "Why are you doing this to me Ssul? why?" his voice

in so much pain. "Because I care for you. . . "Sulli confessed. "And to care for someone you must have strong faith and belief" she swallowed hard. "I strongly believe that your not really a germaphobic person like what those doctors have told you. For me, Choi Minho is just an ordinary teen ager who wanted a normal life and wanted to see the world without any limitation and restriction, you're just like one of us" A single tear fell into Minho's cheek upon hearing her words. Everything that she said were spot on, its as if a big heavy load has been lifted into his chest and now he felt so light and free! Sulli grasped his hand. "I wont give you up Minho, not in a million years" her eyes got misty. Minho pulled her in his arms and hugged her tightly. "Thank you Ssul, thank you for believing me" he said while sobbing. Her encouraging words, enough to cure his fear of death.

"Scientific name: Convallaria Majalis, also known as lily of the valley. It is sweetly scented flowering plant that is native throughout Northern Hemisphere in Asia, Europe and USA. "Minho said and ducked down to looked at the flower more closely. Sulli join him and bend her knees beside him. He touched the petal of the flower and looked at her. "Description: white petals, bell shaped, 5-10 mm diameter and sweetly scented" Sulli was amazed by Minho's knowledge about everything, no wonder he is Namsam High's brightest student. "How did you know all of that?" He shrugged. 'Stock knowledge, remember I have an IQ of 149" "Ladies and Gentlemen, Minho the cocky bastard is back" she thought to herself and stood up. Her eyes wandered around the paradise. The whole place was surrounded by lily of the valley, all were exquisitely beautiful and alluring. Its as if they landed into angel's paradise with bloosoming flowers, cool wind and green field. Her stomach started doing some back flipped, signalling that she's starving. She returned to her position, sat down again afterward she open her backpack and pulled out her lunch box. "Wow kimbap!"Sulli spat out, kimbap is her favorite food of all time. "Thanks omma" she picked one kimbap and put it inside of her mouth. Minho amusingly looked at her then he felt the moon walk moves of his stomach signalling the need for food. Sulli move closer and offered him one piece of kimbap, he immediately shook his head. "I-I dont eat kimbap sorry" She raised an eyebrow and pushed the kimbap in his mouth. "Eat!" her voice firm and authoritive.

Minho sealed his mouth and shook his head again. Drawing more closer, Sulli's one hand gripped his jaw to open his mouth, she grinned devishly when he slightly parted his mouth. Without words, she shoved the kimbap inside and then closed his lips. "Chew and swallow!" she ordered. Minho's eyes pooled with tears as he slowly chewed and swallowed the kimbap. "It is good right?" she asked, contentment radiates through her face. He blinked like one hundred times before opening his empty mouth. "It is delicious!" he said, smiling from ear to ear. Sulli gave him one more kimbap and he happily accepted it.

The sun went down around six thirty in the evening. Minho's sight is starting to disappear as the dark night finally arrived. He seized Sulli's hand for guidance. Sulli's head keep on tossing and turning to the left and right side, searching for shelter. After walking for more than forty five minutes, Sulli discovered an abandoned old native house near a running river. "I found a house!" she excitedly announce and turned to him. "Is there something wrong?" she asked out of curiousity after observing his lack of interest and discomfort. "I-I cant see anything at night" he barely whispered and sadly bend his head. Sulli felt a painful stabbing in her heart after learning his condition. Tears springs at the corner of her eyes because of pity and compassion to this sweet young man that she like so much. She squeezes his hand, reasurring him that she's not going anywhere. "Then, let me be your eyes for tonight Mr Choi Minho" He became emotional once again, Sulli was the only person aside from his family that made him feel like a normal person. No discrimination and indifference, she did not only healed his fear of death, she also healed his insecurities and low self esteem. "T-thank you Ssul. . . " She adoringly wipe his tears. "Your welcome. . . "

Sulli strode over to the wooden floor while holding Minho's hand. "The door is locked!" she said after turning the door's knob. "We have no choice but to sleep here" referring to the porch. Minho let out a frustrated sighed. "I cant sleep here, its cold and I dont have any blanket" he shuddered as the cold breeze of air passes through them. She paused in silence for a few second and then her one hand reach out a jacket inside of her backpack.

"Wear this jacket" she wrapped the jacket around his body. Minho touched the jacket. "Ya, you should be the one to wear this" he tried taking off the jacket but she stop him. "My body can take the cold weather Minho. As you said ealier, you have low immune system you're the one who need my jacket" she said and lead him to sit down on the floor. He hesitated at first but decided to sit down beside her. Sulli gazes up to the amazing dark sky filled with shining stars and a blue moon. "Do you wanna see stars?" she asked him. Minho laughed. "You know I'm blind at night so how am I suppose to see stars" She amusingly stares at him. "I told you earlier that I will be your eyes for tonight" she said softly and returned into star gazing. "I see many bright blue stars and a few white stars in the sky. The brightest and biggest star are the one near the full moon" "Maybe its Sirius star, the brightest and biggest star after the sun. The others were neutron stars and dwarf stars as astronomers called them" Sulli was totally impressed by his knowledge despite the fact that he had never seen real star in his entire life. Then her eyes caught some firelies flying around near them. "Firelies!" she exclaimed and stood up to catch a firefly. Minho panic when he felt the absence of her warm skin against his skin. "Don't go" he pleaded. "It's cold without you" She leaned down and gently touched his cheek. "I'm not going anywhere. . . promise" Her two feet leaped on the floor and she managed to catched one firefly. She imprisoned it inside of her palms and sat down again beside him. "Give me your hand" she said. "I am afraid of insect" he said bitterly. "Oh no you're not" she snatched his one hand and put the firefly inside of his palm. Minho froze as he felt the insect crawling and flying inside of his palm. "P-please. . . remove it. . " he said in a shaking voice. Sulli softly laughed. "Dont worry, it wont bite you. Firelies are beautiful creatures and harmless" After two minutes, Minho's tensed body became relaxed. "It is indeed beautiful and harmless"

The following day. . . The sound of raindrops coming from the rain pipe and down to the wet soil awakened Minho. He open his eyes and saw the morning rain--pouring non stop. He filled his lungs with fresh air and turned to the left side to look for Sulli---she's nowhere in sight. With roaming eyes, he stood up to look for her. "Ssul!" he called. "I'm here!" His gaze captured Sulli, smiling, jumping and dancing under the falling rain. From head to toe, she's soaking wet, her pink above the knee dress dreanched in water and mud. She's been playing like a little kid, savoring every moment while the rain is still pouring endlessly. "Come and join me!" she said, bright smile flashes into her lips. He trudge towards her direction but avoided the rain. "I cant Ssul, I might get pneumonia later" But she isnt buying his reason. "Oh please, stop being a kill joy!" she pulled his arms and started splashing mud into him using her feet. "Ya! stop it! 'he said and resisted from her gripped apparently, she did not let him go. "Lets play Choi Minho!" her hands went down to his hands and held it tightly. Stretching her arms, she started spinning around while laughing to Minho's delight. Then he pulled and enfolded her in his arms. Her chest against his chest. . . her heart beating strongly against his thumping heart. . . . their eyes locking into each other. . . for the third time the world stop its circular motion. . . . everything remained frozen. . . . . "I like you Ssul and thank you for making me a real human" his one arm snaked around her waist and the other hand, brushing away the strands to her lovely face. "I want to continue to soar through the clouds with you. I want to experience life with you. . . free from pain and fear" She wrapped her arms around his neck and nodded. "I like you too. . . I like everything about you Choi Minho. From your perfection to your imperfection. I accept and adore you with all my heart" Minho smiled and claimed her lips. They shared a perfect kissed under the rain. Soojung and Taemin turned into an ice statue while looking at the kissing couple. . . their young heart flooded with pain and jealousy. . . .

16 - Tears and Denial Incheon, Seoul Soojung glared at him. "You stepped on my foot jerk!" she shouted. Taemin looked absolutely pissed off towards her. They've been bickering with each since yesterday after Sulli and Minho ran away.

"Damn this cookoo girl! one more word Jung Soojung and I'll twist your neck and kick you out of planet earth" he said to himself. He decided to disregard her nonsense ranting and started to walk to the paradise in search of Sulli and Minho. Soojung cannot believe that Taemin just ignore her and did not even apologize for stepping on her precious foot. "Ya! comeback here jerk!"Soojung called. Taemin turned his head and gave her a you-will shut -your-mouth-or-i-will-buried-you-alive-look. She cock her head in one side and smirked. "I'm not scared of your stupid threat!" and before he could react, she kicked his legs and stomped her foot into his right foot. "Ouch!" he said, squirming in pain. His face turned livid. Soojung stick her tounge out before running away from him. "I'm gonna kill you cookoo girl!"

Lily of the Valley Paradise Soojung's eyes went up to the dark gray sky and omnibus clouds as rain drops began pouring down. Her gaze rested to the familiar place and a sweet smile broke into her lips upon remembering the happy moments she and Sulli shared every summer into this so called paradise. "Where are you Ssul?" she tried calling Sulli's cellphone again but it is still unreachable. Her mind turned paranoid as she started to think of possible scenarios why she cant contact her. "Maybe a group of bad guys kidnap Ssul and Minho or they got into an accident, hit their head really hard and eventually they developed amnesia" she said, speaking to herself like a crazy person. "Or maybe they are---" "I cant find them"Taemin said, cutting her words in midsentence. Soojung step closer to him and lightly tap his arm. "Ya, we should report them to the authorities coz I cant reach Ssul's phone since last night. Maybe a group of bad guys kidnap them or they got into a major accident and then developed amnesia just like in soap operas. It is possible right?" Taemin made a step backward and comtemptously stared into her face. "Kidnappping? amnesia? you are indeed mentally ill Jung Soojung! may I remind you that we are living in reality and not in fiction. There must be a more believable reason behind their sudden disappearance" "Like what?"

He took a deep breath, his eyes clouded with sadness. "They like each other" Denial radiates through Soojung's face. "Oh no, I dont think so Lee Taemin. Ssul's only reason for dragging Minho away was due to the obvious fact that this place has tons of different lily of the valley and that's it" she said. "Are sure bout your analysis Miss Jung?" he asked, skeptical. "Yes" she said confidently. "Ssul will never betrayed her bestfriend, she knew that I like Minho a lot. I'm one hundred percent sure there is nothing going on between those two" she said, trying to convince herself that Taemin's assumption was completely and utterly wrong although her gut feeling agreed with him. Taemin felt the rain drops into his bare skin. "Let's get out of here before the heavy rain falls" Soojung began searching for a temporary shed then her eyes caught an old house near the river. "Lets go there!" she pointed out the old house. They scrurried towards the house, totally clueless of the scene they were about to witnessed. "Is that Sulli?"Taemin said, unsure. The girl is facing the opposite direction. She is playing, dancing and jumping under the pouring rain. "Yeah, I think its Ssul"Soojung said and was about to call her name when all of the sudden Minho appeared from nowhere. Sulli pulled his arms and started splashing mud to him. They played like little kids under rain. Soojung glances at Taemin and she saw the unbearble pain in his face. . . the same pain in her face. Then Minho pulled and enfolded Sulli in his arms and declared their feelings for each other. Soojung and Taemin felt the slow, twisting and crushing of their heart. What makes matter worst, they witnessed the perfect kissed that Sulli and Minho shared under the rain. The combination of tears and rain drops fell on their cheeks. Taemin's facial expression turned grim as jealousy consumed him. Soojung turned around and ran away. . . her heart cant handle anymore the sweet moment between Sulli and Minho. . . . . . . . . truth really hurts. . . . 17 - Bus Stop Incheon, Seoul Bus Stop

What is love? Sulli used to wonder the real defintion of love. Before, the word love is only meant for her parents and sister but Minho introduced her to a profoundly tender and passionate affection called true love. People say that there is no true love exists in this world but she want to differ from them. With Minho, she realized just how beautiful the experience love can be. She simply cant stop loving him and the spirit of love cannot dampened by phobias and sickness. They will bravely face all odds together come hell or high water. Minho held her hand as they waited for the bus to arrived. Sulli felt his clummy and cold hand. John Park's Good Day is playing on her Ipod. are you really the person that i used to know. . . why am i getteing a rush again. . . . after seeing your face that i see everyday. . . . i'm on the smart side too. . . but why does it feel like the first time everytime i see you? . . . everytime, it feels like our first kiss. . . so my heart pound so much. . . everyday, i have my first love all over again alone. . . . in my head is a nice eraser. . . it only erases the feeling of being used to you. . . . have i told that i love you before? . . . these words that I'm saying over a hundred times. . . who says that the words, i love you are common? . . . dont say that its common please. . . "Minho, are you all right? your hand is so cold" she asked, totally concern. He looked so pale and cold sweats started forming in his forehead. He faintly smile. "I'm just tired from our little adventure ealier" his forefinger brushes her soft cheek. "Dont worry, I'll get better once I take a long rest" Sulli's worried heart slightly calmed down upon hearing his reasurring words. The public bus stop in front of them and they hopped inside gripping each others hand. She ushered Minho to sat down at the window seat and he obliged. "Ssul, I'll just take a nap. Wake me up once we reached Seoul" he said in a weak voice and then cough consecutively. "Minho, do you want me to take you to the hospital?" she asked as panic strikes inside of her. Her one hand began patting his back as her ears heard his shallow breathing.

"No, I'll be fine. . . " he placed his head to her shoulder and closed his eyes. She wipe the sweats on his forehead and discovered that he is having a slight fever. "Omo, he's sick" she open her bag searching for a paracetamol only to feel dissapointed as she found nothing. "What should I do?" fear starts to grow in her heart after recalling their conversation yesterday. "It is easy for you to say that because you're not in my situation Miss Choi, germs, bacterias and viruses can lead me to death once i got myself expose to them due to my low immune system. Doctors advised me to keep myself clean all the time and I should stay away from dirty food and dirty places" "Come and join me" "I cant Ssul, I might get pneumonia later" "Oh please God, dont let anything bad happen to him. " she said sobbing and held his hand tightly.

Mapo District, Seoul Choi Residence "Stop crying"Minho wipe her tears away. "I told you I'll get better once I take a long rest. " he hugged her. She hugged him back and released herself afterward as her Hitler reincarnated father entered into her mind. "I'll go ahead Ssul" he looked at his wristwatch. "Omma must be waiting for me" "Call me later araso? and please take care of yourself" she said like a worried wife to her husband. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "I will. . . get inside before your appa see us here" Sulli sadly smiled at him and turned around to open the gate. "Ssul" She turned and frowned. "Yes? ' Minho sweetly smiled at her. He put his hands on top of his head and make a heart shape sign. "Miss Choi Sulli, I like you so much and I'm obssessed with your germs" Sulli softly laughed. "I like you too Mr. Germaphobic Choi Minho"

He blew a flying kiss to her before walking away.

"You're pregnant! ! ! !" Detective Choi's earth shattering voice awakened Sulli from her deep sleep. She rise from the bed while rubbing her sleepy eyes. "I'm gonna kill your boyfriend Yoona! ! !" A loud sound coming from the livingroom made Sulli to step outside of her room. Her sleepy eyes got bigger after witnessing the flipping of their couch table. Siwon and Yoona remained frozen in one corner, completely terrified by Detective Choi's anger. "Yeobo, please calm down"Minhee hugged her husband from behind. "Let me go yeobo! I will kill this punk right here right now!" he said furiously and managed to freed himself from her wife's embraced. "Appa!"Sulli and Yoona tried to stop Detective Choi when the latter grabbed Siwon's collar and roughtly pushed him on the wall. "I will give you two choices Choi Siwon, you wil marry my daughter or I'll chop your head now using my samurai"Detective Choi said in a dangerous tone. Siwon's face turned pale due to nervousness, he keep on swallowing hard. "I-I will. . . m-marry your daughter sir" he said, shaking from fear. Detective Choi abruptly let him go and gazes at Yoona. "You've broken my heart today Yoona" his eyes filled with raw pain. "I am so upset and dissapointed with you. You destroyed all of our dreams for you" he sighed and looked at Sulli. "I have high hopes for you Ssul, dont imitate what your unnie had done. Dont let me down araso" Sulli bit her lip, she felt guilty and scared at same time. "Geez, appa will definitely roast Minho alive once he found out that we are now an item"

Namsam High The clock strikes at exactly seven o'clock, students began settling down to their seats. Sulli was in complete mess as her thumb finger keep on dialling Minho's number. Panic started to build up inside of her as her phone failed to reach out him. "Minho. . . where are you? our math subject will start now"Sulli said while biting her nails due to agitation. She glances at Soojung and her heart ache upon seeing the hostilty in her bestfriend's eyes. She open her mouth to say something but decided to

closed it again as her mind is having a difficult time grasping for the right words to say to her. Mrs Bae stepped inside of the classroom wearing a sad expression in her face. "Class, earlier I received a call from Minho's omma" she said and paused for a few second. "Minho was rushed to the hospital last night due to pneumonia" Sulli shut her eyes as her whole world shattered into pieces after hearing Mrs Bae's sad news. Tears started spilling down her cheeks. "Oh please. . . no. . . this is not happening. . my poor Minho" her heart painfully slices in two Soojung accusingly stared at her. "That's right Ssul, you should cry and feel guilty. if you did not dragged him to play with you under the rain things like this wont happen. Now he's suffering and fighting for his life" she said bitterly. "You've just made his life miserable, I feel sorry for him" Soojung's harsh words added to the pain that she's feeling right now. Its as if Soojung stomped her foot into her already crushed heart. "God, please save Minho. . . . " so good days, after i met you i feel good. . . if only you're there. . . . i feel like i'm something. . . . everytime i see you, i like the feeling. . . . to me reality is better than dreaming. . . . everyday is a perfect day. . . everyday is so full of love. . . . no matter, whatever girl. . . 18 - A Can of Soda Worth Five Million Won Seoul National Hospital "Mrs Choi, I'm happy to tell you that your son is out of danger"Doctor Cha said. "The last x ray result shows major improvement to his lungs. We just need to continue the medication and fluid therapy" Yeongmi let out a sighed of relief. "Oh thank you Lord" she held Doctor Cha's hand. "Doc, thank you so much for saving my son's life" Doctor Cha smiled. "Actually Mrs Choi you should thank Minho for being a fighter and a brave young man. I've been his physician for more than ten years now and I was completely surprise by the sudden improvement of his health. He finally overcome his phobias and fear of death"

Yeongmi's eyes glows. "I guess love conquers all even phobias" she softly laughed. "My son is very much in love right now" "Wow, that's good news Mrs Choi. I'm happy for Minho" Yeongmi bid farewell to Doctor Cha after their conversation. She was about to turn the knob of the door when her cellphone rung. "Hi Omma!"Siwon said on the other line "Where are you Siwon? your brother is looking for you since last night" "I'll visit him later"Siwon said then paused after a few second. "Omma, there is something that I need to tell you" "What is it?" "Please dont get mad at me" his voice pleading. "Just tell me now" "Uhmm. . . I'm getting married and you will be a grandma soon" "Whaaaaattt! ! ! !"

Carrying a bag full of fresh fruits, Sulli walk down to the hospital hallway searching for Minho's room. "Room 605. . . 606. . . " her head keep on turning to left and right side. "Room 607" Her two feet stop in front of room 607's door. She blows out a deep breath before knocking on the door. After three consecutive knock, the door opened. A smiling middle aged woman appeared on the doorway. "She must be Minho's omma" she thought while staring at the woman. "G-good afternoon mam" she swallowed hard. "M-My name is Choi Sulli. . . Minho's---" "Girlfriend"Yeongmi said, happiness radiates through her beautiful face. "My son keep on talking about you since yesterday. " Sulli's heart is jumping from joy after hearing what Yeongmi had said. Yeongmi step closer and hugged her. "Thank you for helping my son to overcome all of his fears" Sulli eyes got misty and hugged Yeongmi back. "Mrs Choi, you're lucky for having a sweet son like Minho. Yeongmi warmly smiled. "And he's lucky for having a lovely girlfriend like you" she gently wipe Sulli's tears. "Thank you for accepting my son

and for loving him" Yeongmi lead her inside of the room. Sulli's eyes quickly rested on Minho: laying on the bed with an IV inserted into his vein. His bored expression lightened up upon seeing Sulli, standing near the hospital bed. "Ssul!" "Hi!" she greeted and sat on a chair beside his bed. "I miss you" Minho grasped her hand. "I miss you too" he said and kissed her hand. Yeongmi fake a cough. "I'll just go outside to buy something to eat" she glances down at her wristwatch. "I'll be back after thirty minutes" she added before going out of the room. "I brought you some fruits"Sulli said and showed him the paper bag with fruits. "Thanks Ssul" he said and pulled her in his arms. "Y-ya! what are you doing? !" "Lay down beside me" his one hand tap the empty space in his bed. Sulli flustered and shook her head. "No way!" "Please. . . I have something to tell you" he gave her puppy eyes stares. She pouts her lips. "Your omma might see us" "Omma's a cool mom. She wont get mad at us" he said in a reasurring voice. She took a deep breath and climbed in the bed and lay beside him. He guided her head towards his chest and kissed the top of her head. Sulli was totally fascinated when she heard the strong beat of his heart against her ear. "I can your hear the strong thumping of your heart" He grinned. "My heart keep on shouting Choi Sulli's name over and over again" She giggled and then became serious after a long silence. "Minho, how are you feeling right now?" she gazes up to him. "I'm in cloud right now because you are here beside me" he tightened his gripped around her. "I consider this hospital as my second home" his eyes saddened. "I was born as a premature baby and at a young age, I had gone through a lot pain. From needles, tubes and scrutiny from people who doesnt understand my condition. While growing up, I developed insecurities and envy to little boys my age coz they are free to eat whatever they want to eat, they can play sport, they were able to see stars at night and were able to play under the rain. Those were the things that I've been longing to do all through out my life" he paused and tenderly looked at

her. "And you made all of those things possible Ssul. Thank you so much" he kissed the inside of her palm. Sulli got teary eyed once again. "You're a wonderful person Choi Minho" "I know" he said and laughed. "Minho, is there something that you want to do that you havent done before?" Minho rubbed his thumb to his chin as if thinking. "Hmmm. . . probably to drink a can of soda" A flicker of surprise crossed her eyes. "You've never drink a soda before?" "Well I did drink a soda before and was rushed to the hospital afterwards. I still vivdly remember the story behind it. I saw my hyung in the living room drinking a can of soda. When I ask my appa to give me a can of soda he told me that I cant drink it coz I might get diarrhea later. I told him to let me take just a sip because I wanna know what it taste like but he refused. I went straight to my room carrying a broken heart. When midnight arrived, I secretly sneaked out of my room and went to the kitchen. I opened the ref and saw a can of coca cola. I lifted the pin of the can and took a sip of the soda. I feel like I won a lottery when my tounge tasted the cola. For me, that can of soda was worth five million won or more. I mean no amount of money can compensate to my happiness at that time. I feel like a normal and healthy person coz I was able to drink soda for the first time" Sulli's tears keep of rolling down her cheeks while listening to her boyfriend's story. Everyday, she heard stories from normal and healthy people complaining over trivials things like not being able to go shopping today or not able to eat their favorite food etch etch. But for him, a simple can of soda means a lot. Its priceless and precious. . . indeed Minho's happiness while drinking a can soda was worth five million won or more. . . . . With unshed tears, she place his hand on top of her chest and vowed to herself to make him happy for the rest of their lives. . . .

19 - Flying Kite of Love Namsam High Lunchbreak "Taemin catch!"Onew said and threw one green apple to him. Taemin made a step backward and happily catched the apple, unaware that he stepped on the foot of. . . . "Ouch!"Soojung loudly exclaimed, squirming in pain. Taemin glances at her and grinned. "Ooops sorry. . . . " he said in a mocking tone and turned around to join his comrade on the table. Soojung ferociously looked at him. The jerk stepped on her precious foot again and mockingly said sorry as if it was nothing!

She removed her black shoe and threw it to Taemin. . He was hit on the head. "Ouch!" Soojung beams, grinning from ear to ear in triumph. "Ya! why did threw your filthy shoe on my head? !" he said scowling while rubbing his injured head. She gave him an innocent looked. "Did I? ooops sorry. . . . " she said , imitating his mocking tone and picked up the shoe. "What the heck is your problem? why do you keep on pestering me? do you like me?" he said and folded his arms. Soojung's subconcious is cringing in disgust upon words. "Like you?" she shook her head, completely Taemin! even if your the last man on earth I will ever ever ever like you because you're ugly and a hearing Taemin's mortified. "Ya Lee never. . . I mean never jerk!"

Taemin step closer and glare at her. "Me? ugly? nobody calls me ugly you cookoo girl!" he growled and scoop her in his shoulder like a sack of rice. "Ya! put me down you jerk from the deepest hell!" she shouted while hitting his back with her fist hands. Their classmates amusingly stares at them as if they are watching a high school drama. "What do you think will happen if we lock cookoo girl and Taemin in one room?"Onew asked to Key and Jonghyun. "I'm one hundred percent sure, they will kill each other"Key said. "Or they might fall in love"Jonghyun said. "Hmmm. . . interesting opinion guys" a mischievous idea was playing on his mind. Taemin stop in front of an open trash bin and roughly put Soongjung there. Her butt sank down on the smelly and filthy trash bin. "Cookoo girl plus garbage suits very well" he said smiling before walking away. Soojung was left seething with anger. A revenge plot entered into her mind.

Namsam Boys Locker Room "Guys wait for me!"Taemin said as he step inside of the locker room. "We will wait for you at the pool okay"Jonghyun said. The three musketeer went outside of the locker room and walked towards the swimming pool. Taemin was left all alone in the locker room. He started to remove his

school uniform to change into swimming outfit. He hang the clothes to the metal railing and was about to grabbed the board short when a female hand appeared out of nowhere and snatched all of his clothes including his board short. "What the--" he open the door to retrieve his clothes only to be stunned when he realize that he was only wearing his birthsuit. Then a flash from a camera follows. His eyes went wild and quickly covered his winky with two hands. "Ya! give me back my clothesl!" his two feet remain frozen due to embarrassment. Soojung stick her tounge out and ran outside of the locker room jumping with joy. Taemin gritted his teeth because of anger"I'm gonna kill you for real cookoo girl!"

After two weeks. . . Sulli lie on the checkered picnic blanket and gaze up at the shining sun and clear blue sky. Its a beautiful day. The fragrance of the wild flowers mixed with the scent of the coming fall air brings serenity to her mind. Minho's eyes lightened from amusement and lie beside her. They both shut their eyes while absorbing the tranquility of the cool wind coming from the swaying of tall grass in the meadow. They savor the moment, a moment of pure and utter contentment. . . After a brief moment of serenity, she open her eyes and looked at her first love. He open his eyes and looked at his first love. . . They both smile like two idiot who's heart keep on beating so fast against their chest. The song "Sky" is playing on Sulli's Ipod tune you ears in---can't you hear the small whisper? . . . . wherever you hear it, i will be with you. . . . even if your farway the wind calls you. . . this heart rush that only we know touches the end of the blue sky. . . stay by my side, hold my hand. . . as you listen to the small whispers and what the wind says. . . . we just need to fly to the sky. . . . we can forget everything just for that moment. . . because everything is the same color as the sky. . . . tears scatter and the wind takes it all the way. . . . just for that moment you and i can be together for sure. . . .

Sulli rise and pulled out something inside of the picnic basket. "I have a surprise for you" "What is it?" he said, excitement and anticipation can be seen in his face. "Tadaaa! ! !" she showed him a can of soda. "Wow! you're so daebak!" his big eyes grew more bigger while looking at the can of soda in her hand. She gave him the soda. He took a sip and Sulli saw the little boy in him. The little Minho who were deprieved with a can of soda worth five million won. The happiness that radiates in Minho's face was so priceless and her heart goes out for him. Minho move closer and put both of his palms in between her cheeks, making her lips pouts in the process. She blinked at him, speechless. "Choi Sulli. . . I. . . " he leaned down and planted a peck in her lips. "Love. . . " he kissed her again. "You. . . " another peck in her lips. Sulli felt that all of the fireworks exploded in her eyes and the stars shines in the afternoon sky. Its pure bliss. . . its enchanting. . . its magical. . . . "I love you too" she confessed and lovingly smiled at him. They embraced each other for a longer period of time while some colorful kites were flying gracefully in the clear, blue and cloudless sky. . . . how do i look? do i seem at peace? . . . . whenever you want, fly higher like the clouds. . . . because everything is the same color as the sky. . . . tears scatter and the wind takes it all the way. . . . just for that moment you and i can be together for sure. . . . 20 - Itsy Bitsy Teeny Winky with Yellow Bikini Namsam High "Ya Choi Sulli!" Soojung's voice made Sulli stop from walking at the hallway. They havent talk for almost two weeks after Soojung had said some harsh words to her when Minho was rushed to the hospital. There are times that she was so tempted to approach her bestfriend and to bury the hatchet but everytime she tried Soojung distance herself as if telling her that she was not ready to talk with her. Although it hurt, she respect her bestfriend's decision.

Soojung had a blank expression in her face when she stop in front of Sulli. "W-what do you want from me?"Sulli asked with apprehension in her voice. Soojung stared at her for a couple of seconds, then to Sulli's surprise Soojung hugged her tightly. "I miss you Ssul"Soojung said in between sobs. "I'm sorry if I said some mean words against you. I was just consumed with jealousy that time. Please forgive me" Sulli smiled through misty eyes and hugged her back. "I miss you to Soojung" Soojung wipe her tears away and Sulli did the same thing, she wipe Soojung's tears. "Lets have lunch together"Soojung said and held her hand. "Okay"

Bio Lab "Guys, its my birthday tomorrow and all of you including our beloved teachers are all invited to my birthday celebration that will be held in our private beach in Incheon"Kwanghee announce. "Daebak!" the whole class in jubilation. After one week of grueling and tiring mid term exam, the students will finally have their relaxation time. "Guys lets drink beer tomorrow"Jonghyun suggested. "Woah, I like that"Key and Onew said. Minho shook his head in disagreement and glances at his girlfriend. Sulli lovingly stare at him and rested her head into his shoulder. He kissed the top of her head. "Ssul, omma told me that they will be going to your house on Sunday to talk about the wedding of hyung and your unnie with your parents" Sulli's heart suddenly flooded with inner turmoil after she heard what Minho had said. She straightened her back and looked at him, her eyes filled with fear. "Minho. . . I'm. . . I'm nervous" she said Minho frowned. "Nervous about what?" he asked. "With your appa?" he added. She nodded. "Appa will murder you with his samurai and machete once he finds out about our relationship" He chuckled. "You're kidding right?" Sulli tap him hard on the arm. "I'm not kidding! my appa is really scary. . . he's like a hybrid of hitler, great white shark, freedie krueger and a mob of yakuza" "Wow, he must be so damn scary" he gently wipe some sweats in his forehead

using his white handkerchief. She held his hand. "I am one hundred percent sure Detective Choi will forcefully separate us if he discover our relationship so we must hide it from him" His eyes became serious. "I dont agree with your suggestion of hiding our relationship Ssul, though your appa must be one hell of a scary person but I'm ready to face and tell him that I love his daughter so much and my intention for you is pure and sincere" his eyes softened at the last words. Sulli quickly shook her head. "Oh no, dont you ever dare tell him that Choi Minho! He almost shred your hyung's head because of anger when he learned that Yoona unnie is pregnant" Minho took a deep breath. "So how long are we going to hide our relationship? a year? two years? we cant hide forever. . . " "I-I will tell him after our graduation" she kissed his hand. "Please, all I need now is your patient and understanding" Minho pulled her in his arms and hugged her tightly, they ignore the odd look that their classmates were throwing at them. Soojung's eyes was filled with envy while looking at the sweet couple. "How I wish to have a sweet boyfriend like Minho" she said to herself afterward she open her bag to get the bio text book only to scream like a chipmunk upon seeing some live maggots and earthworms inside. All eyes were fixed on her. "Oh my god! who the hell put maggots and earthworms inside of my bag? ? ? ! ! !" she asked hysterically. No one confess to the crime. Soojung roamed around the whole classroom then stop when her eyes captured a smiling Lee Taemin. "All right! let the nuclear war begin! !" she said, taunting

Lunchbreak "I cant see anything" a girl from section B said while staring at the bulletin board. Students from section A-D chaotically flock towards the board, all were curious and intrigued. The three musketeer and Taemin decided to take a peek of the intriguing post on the board. "Oh my god, it is indeed an itsy bitsy teeny winky" a chubby girl from section C said and look maliciously at Taemin. Taemin scratches his head, completely unaware that the subject of humiliation is none other than him. The three musketeer let out a loud laughed after looking at the bulletin board.

"Aigoo! I cant believe it bro. . . "Jonghyun said, crying from laughter. "My stomach hurts"Onew said while laughing. Taemin tip toed and stared at the picture. He gape as his eyes caught his naked picture on the board! the picture that Soojung took at the locker room. His face turned red due to absolute embarrassment and anger. "Jung Soojung! ! ! !" he shouted

Incheon Beach The wave of the ocean hit the rocky clift and white sand of Incheon beach. The section A students happily ran to the blue ocean as if they have just found freedom for the first time. The tearchers strictly keep their eyes to the students. Minho admiringly gazes at Sulli. She look so lovely in white cotton short, pink top and braided hair. "You look so beautiful Ssul" he fondly said and lifted some strands of hair away from her pretty face. Sulli smiled at him and they started walking to the warm white sand holding each others hand and barefoot. On the other part of the beach, the three musketeer were busy ogling their naughty eyes to their female classmates in skimpy bikini. Key elbow pushed Onew. "Ya, look at Uee" he said salivating. Onew and Jonghyun both whistle while staring at Uee in her black bikini. Kwanghee approached them from behind. "What are you guys looking at?" "Uee in her bikini"Onew answer. Kwanghee smirked. "You three have bad taste in woman" he said and rolled his eyes. 'Seriously Uee? she's so ugly. There are tons of hot girls strolling around here beside her" "Where?"Key said, searching around. "Do you know supermodel Kim Jiwon? I just saw her five minutes ago"Kwanghee shared. The three musketeer's eyes got bigger upon hearing Kim Jiwon's name. "Ya! w-where is she?"Jonghyun asked. Kwanghee turned around and pointed the cottage near them. "She went inside of that cottage wearing a yellow skimpy bikini" "Really!" the three naughty boys said.

Kwanghee nodded. "I will give you boys five thousand won if you succeeded on stealing Kim Jiwon's yellow bikini" he challenged. The three young men looked at each other as if thinking. "Okay, we will do it"Jonghyun said. "But you must promise us that you will give the five thousand won once we showed you the bikini" "Promise and hope to die"Kwanghee raise his right palm. The three musketeer headed to the cottage with naughty smile in their lips. "You go first"Onew mouth to Key. Key carefully and quietly turn the knob of the cottage door and went inside tip toeing. The two boys follow him from behind. They began searching to the legendary yellow bikini. Key looked at the closet while Onew seeked on the hamper. "I found it guys!"Jonghyun excitedly said and dashed to the bed. He grabbed the bikini and started inhaling it. "It smell so good" he said. Onew and Key join him and they sniffed it. And then the bathroom door opened. . . "What are you doing here boys?" The three men startles after they heard the familiar voice. . . she is. . . . "Mrs Bae!"Onew blurted out. "Jonghyun! why are you holding my bikini?"Mrs Bae asked, her body was wrapped in white towel. "My eyes got burn"Key whispered Jonghyun returned the bikini to the bed, completely disgusted. "Lets drown Kwanghee to the ocean tonight"Onew said while gritting his teeth. 21 - Small Hole, Broken Knob and Detective Choi Incheon Beach At midnight, the three musketeers strolled down toward the shore to watch the fireworks. The other students gathered to Kwanghee's beach house with their teachers. The naughty boys sat on the white sand while gulping an ice cold beer. "Jjong, where's Minho and Taemin? I thought they're gonna join us here?"Key asked.

"Minho went back to Seoul with Sulli two hours ago"Jonghyun said then smiled mischieviously upon remembering Taemin. "Where's Tae?"Key asked. Onew boyishly grinned. "We locked him on a room with cookoo girl" Key laughed. "Seriously guys, that is the most daebak thing you did! those two were probably killing each other now" "More like kissing each other now"Jonghyun's eyes glimmer with mischief. "Guys, what are you doing here?"Kwanghee said from behind. The three musketeers turned around and started to hit Kwanghee. The latter ran for his life. "You tricked us Kwanghee!"Onew said while chasing him. "Lets drown him!"Key said "Guys! honestly I really dont know that it was Mrs Bae's cottage" he said. "Please dont drown me" The three naughty boys shook their heads and grabbed Kwanghee's collar. "G-guys, please listen to me. . . I have something to share with you, I'm sure you'll like this" "Spill it out before we throw you to the ocean!"Key said. Kwanghee smiled. "I made a small hole to the girls bathroom door at our rest house. I already saw Hyorin and Hara's naked body earlier. I heard that UEE will take a bubble bath later" The eyes of the naughty boys shines from amusement. "Ya! is that really true?"Jonghyun asked, skeptical. Kwanghee nodded. "Yes" The three boys felt a sudden rush of excitement. They cant wait to see UEE s naked body.

Kwanghee's Rest House Soojung keep on kicking and punching the door aside from the cry of help it but its useless. Nobody seems to care that they got stuck inside of a small room. "Goddammit! are they all deaf!" she clutched the knob and turned it. Taemin stays at one corner. He cannot believe that Onew and Jonghyun locked him inside of this room with cookoo girl. "Shit! I'm gonna kill those two monkeys once I get out of here!"Soojung said, completely annoyed then she turned her head to Taemin.

"Ya jerk! arent you going to do something? we cant be stuck here forever" Taemin step closer and held the doorknob. He began twisting it and then something unexpected happened. . . he broke the knob. . . Soojung's eyes grew wider. "Ya! what have done! you broke the knob!" she yelled. He scratches his head. "S-sorry. . . it was an accident I didnt mean to----" She kicked him twice on the leg due to irritation. "Ouch!" his anger erupted. "Ya! why did you kicked me!" She scowled at him. "Because you broke the knob you jerk! plus I cant stand your fugly face anymore!" Taemin's eyes in blazing fury after he heard the word " fugly" . "Nobody calls me fugly" He grabbed Soojung's arms and roughly pinned her on the wall. "Ya! let me go!" she tried to wriggle against him. He digged his fingers to her soft flesh and bend his head down to kiss her. She probably blinked like a hundred times when his lips landed to her lips. . . Her first kiss! Lee Taemin is her first kissed!

"Pali! !"Kwanghee whispered to the three musketeer. The three boys followed him from behind and without creating any sound they positioned themselves in front of the bathroom door. "Where's the hole?"Key mouth to Kwanghee. Kwanghee's index finger pointed out a small hole in the middle of the door. The three boys grinned mischievously. "Ya, are you sure UEE was inside?"Jonghyun asked with traces of doubt in his voice. "I'm one hundred percent sure"Kwanghee said confidently and walk away. Onew peep to the hole first. "I cant see anything" he whispered then widely smile when he saw a woman's body. "Guys its positive" Jonghyun pushed Onew and peep on the hole. "She's undressing her

clothes" he move his face closer. The woman removed her clothes and walk towards the bathtub. Jonghyun frowned. "Guys, UEE has wrinkled skin" The boys behind him frowned. "Are you sure? I thought she had flawless skin"Key said and pushed Jonghyun to the side. "Guys, UEE has saggy boobs"Key said. "Saggy boobs? like ajumma's boobs?"Onew said. Key nodded. "Her body looks like a bloated, shaved grizzly bear" he move away from the door, cringing in disgust Then the bathroom door opened. . . "Seriously! what the hell is wrong with you boys" "M-Mrs Bae"Jonghyun said. "I need to bleach my eyeballs now"Key whispered.

Mapo District, Seoul The black mercedez benz stop in front of the Choi Residence. Yeongmi, Siwon and Minho climbed out of car and walked towards the house. Sulli's omma warmly welcomed the Choi family while Detective Choi remained expressionless. Sulli and Minho exchanges sweet smile to each other. Siwon automatically held Yoona's hand. "Please to meet you Mrs Choi"Yeongmi said and kissed Sulli's mother on the cheek afterward she shake hands with Detective Choi. Detective Choi accepted her handshake but did not smile. "Where's your husband Mrs Choi?"Sulli's omma asked. "My husband is in the US right now but I already told him about the wedding"Yeongmi said. Sulli's parents ushered them to the dining area. The long dining table was filled with different variety of food:korean bbq, seasoned dried radish strips, fried snapper, abalone and rice porridge, fish cake soup and of course kimchi. They all settled on their chair. Yeongmi gazes at Sulli and then to her son. Minho told her not to tell anyone about his relationship to Sulli because of Detective Choi. The latter will definitely oppose to their relationhsip and she understood her son after meeting Detective Choi---the man was indeed scary.

"Me and my husband had talked about the wedding location and we both agreed that Siwon and Yoona should marry at Cheongdam-dong parish church"Yeongmi said after a long silence. Detective Choi put down his spoon and fork at the side. "I disagreed. Yoona and Siwon will get married at Busan, in my parents hometown and I demand a traditional wedding" Yeongmi deeply sighed. "But Mr Choi, Busan is too far from Seoul and I dont like your idea of traditional wedding" "My decision is final Mrs Choi"Detective Choi said in a stern voice. Yeongmi secretly cursed him. "You're future father in law has a bad attitude" she whispered near Siwon's ear. Minho and Sulli look at each, both are worried. He mouth the word "I love you" to Sulli and she also did the same thing. Unfortunately, Detective Choi caught the mouthing of words of the young couple. "Ssul, do you know each other?" he asked and gave Minho a dubious stare. Sulli froze, panic and fear possessed her whole body. "I-I. . . " "My son is Sulli's classmate"Yeongmi butt in, saving the young couple. "They are good friends" Minho let out a sighed of relief, sweats started to form in his forehead. Detective Choi nod but did not bought Yeongmi's answer. His fatherly instinct was telling him that there is something fishy going on with his younger daughter and Minho. And as a veteran detective, he knew right away if a person is hiding or lying about something. Detective Choi suspiciously looked at Minho. "You are now under surveillance young man" he said to himself. 22 - Birthday Cake Filled With Love and Kisses Namsam High Minho step ouside of the black mercedez benz wearing a thick jacket, blue scarf and gloves. Its the start of winter season and snow keep on falling down making the whole Seoul covered with ice. He looked up to the cherry blossom tree beside the school's gate and saw some beautiful snowflakes on the leaves and branches. He smile and brieftly close his eyes. Today is an important day for him---the day he was born. But unlike the previous year, this year is special since he got a new lease in life and inspiration---his lovely girlfriend Choi Sulli. Freezing cold and shivering, he started to walked towards the school premises. Minho was on the bottom of the school's pathway when his hawk eyes

caught something. He simply turned his head and saw a man in black trench coat standing at the school's gate. His brow creases while staring at the mystery man. "He looks familiar"Minho thought then his eyes grew a fraction as his brain neurons send a message to his medial temporal lobe. The message says that the man was the one he saw lurking in front of their house yesterday. "Minho!" His attention to the man momentarily turned to his girlfriend. "Goodmorning" she automatically held his hand but Minho removed it. Sulli frowned. "Why? dont you like to hold my hand anymore?" she said sulking. "Of course not!"Minho sighed then looked again to the mystery man. "Ssul, do you know that man" he pointed his index finger towards the gate. Sulli followed where his finger was pointing. "He looks like. . . " she gasp out loud and turn around. "Omo! he's detective Kim, appa's junior police officer" "He's you appa's subordinate?" She nodded. "I'm sure appa ordered him to follow and monitor your every movement" Minho became alarmed. "Ssul, we need to be extra careful from now on. We must avoid skin to skin contact if where not inside of the classroom and we must not go out together in public" Sadness crossed Sulli's face. "But its your birthday today. Me and your omma prepared something for you tonight" she pouted her lips. He took a deep breath. "I'll ask help to my friends and Soojung, maybe they can help us to sneak out later"

History Class "What is this?"Soojung asked Taemin while staring at a can of pineapple juice that he gave to her. Taemin smirk. "Are you blind? its pineapple juice cookoo girl" She scowled at him. "Ya jerk! I can see and read okay. What I mean is, why are you giving me a can of pineapple juice?" He blinks at her momentarily then sighed. "I -I. . . nothing" he shrugged. "If you dont like then I'll---" "I love pineapple juice and thank you jerk" she said smiling. He smiled back and goes back to his seat with his heart skipping with happiness.

Minho approached the three musketeers and Kwanghee. "Guys, I need your help" The naughty boys and Kwanghee smile at each other. A mischievous idea is playing on their mind.

After Class "What do you think guys? do I look like Sulli?"Kwanghee asked the three musketeers while swaying the long wig. Jonghyun and Onew squirmed in disgust. "Aish! you look like the hideous version of Sulli"Key said. "Seriously take off that wig!"Soojung said and grabbed the wig from Kwanghee then she turned her head to Taemin. "I think you look like Sulli" Taemin arch his eyebrow. "Here's my extra uniform"Sulli said and handed it to Soojung. "I just called appa, I told him that I'll drop to your house to do our assignment" "Wear this now"Soojung said and gave the uniform and wig to Taemin. "Huh?" Soojung tap him hard on the arm. "Pali! ! ! we dont have much time"

School's Gate Minho's black mercedez benz was park near the school's gate. Detective Kim remain standing under the cherry blossom tree waiting for Minho and Sulli. The young couple positioned themselves behind an old oak tree a few meters away from the gate, both were nervous. Meanwhile Soojung and the in disguise Taemin a. k. a. Choi Sulli walked to the school's pathway holding each others hand. "Ya, do we really have to hold hands?"Taemin asked tentatively. "Sulli and I used to hold hands while walking" she said and secretly smile as her heart keep on beating erratically. Taemin grinned and squeezes her palm. "Aigoo, its so freezing cold today" Soojung fixed his pink hoodie jacket. "Shhh. . be quiet. Detective Kim might hear your manly voice" she whispered near his ear.

Detective Kim saw Soojung and "Sulli's" approaching figure and quickly called his senior Detective Choi. "Sunbae, your daughter and Soojung were about to leave the school" he said. "Good, how bout Choi Minho?"Detective Choi asked in the other line. "I havent seen Minho, I'll call you later once I saw him" he said and pushed the end call button. The two " girls" succesfully step outside of the school gate without being noticed that it was Taemin and not Sulli. Detective Kim was about to puff a stick of cigarette in his mouth when someone bumped him from behind. "Ooops. . . sorry ajusshi"Onew apologize. Detective Kim's face turns red when he saw a stain of soda in his trench coat. "Omo! I'm really really sorry sir"Onew keep on wiping the stain on his coat. "Aish! you stupid kid!"Detective Kim shouted and started his long tirade of ranting to poor Onew. The young couple grabbed the opportunity and ran together to the school's gate. Jonghyun and Key used their back to blocked Detective Kim from seeing the sneaking couple. Minho and Sulli immediately hopped into the mercedenz benz.

Choi Mansion When they arrived to the mansion, a smiling Yeongmi welcomed them. "Happy birthday son"Yeongmi said and hugged Minho. Minho hugged her omma back and kissed her cheek. "Thanks omma" Yeongmi lead them to the dining area. Minho was in awe upon seeing a chocolate cake on the glass dining table. "I'm sure you both want some privacy so I'll leave you for a while"Yeongmi said before going out. Minho help Sulli to climbed on the huge glass dining table. Sulli's eyes shines with love as she gave him her gift, they are both sitting on the glass table, facing each other with the chocolate cake in the middle of them. He excitedly opened the wrapped gift. "Wow, a knitted red scarf!" he happily said. "Glad you like it" she said with satisfied smile in her lips.

"Thank you so much Ssul, this is the best gift that I've ever received in my eighteen years of existence" his eyes filled with so much love. Sulli started to lit the candles on the cake. "Thanks for coming to my birthday"Minho said. "Happy birthday Choi Minho" she said, her eyes stay's in locked with his eyes. "Make a wish" He tenderly gazes at her. "It already came true. . . . " They slowly leaned forward and shared a wonderful kiss together. . . .

23 - Traditional Wedding and Hidden Relationship Busan, South Korea In ancient time, there has been a saying all across Korea that men from South make the best looking grooms(shin lang)while women from North make the most beautiful brides(shin pu). The wedding day were held in the brides yard or house. The groom traveled by horse to the bride's house and after the wedding ceremony the groom took his wife in a palaquin(cart)to his parents house to live. The bride and groom wore formal court costumes for the wedding ceremony. Yoona look so lovely in her traditional wedding attire. A chigori(short jacket with long sleeves)with two long ribbon for the otkurom and a chima wrap around her waist as a skirt. She made some tiny steps wearing her boat shape shoes with white cotton socks. Siwon's eyes glows with admiration while staring at his blooming bride. He was wearing a chigori(jacket) and a paji (trousers). Minho, wearing a traditional attire steal some glances to his future bride to be. Sulli in traditional hanbok glances back and smiled at him. The young couple imagine themselves as the bride and groom. Siwon walked to the east side of the wedding table and Yoona walked to the west end. The bride and groom then faced each other across the wedding table. Sulli and her omma assissted Yoona when the latter took a bow to the floor. She bowed twice to Siwon and he bowed back once. She bowed two more times and Siwon bowed back once again. They finished by kneeling down and facing each other. The bowing represented the promise of commitment to each other. After the wedding ceremony, Yoona met her new parents-in law. Taewoong, Siwon's appa sat in the east side while Yeongmi sat in the west. Yoona bowed to them four times, showing respect to her husband's family and expressing loyalty. Yoona offered a cup to Taewoong and Siwon offered a cup to his mother. "Yoona, we now welcome you to our family. Both of you should be open. . . to compromise, to suggestions, to experiencing new things. Marriage must evolve to survive"Yeongmi said to the newly wed couple. "Be able to put your spouse first in your life before your parents, your

friends and co-workers. "Taewoong said. After the exchanges of marriage advices and wisdom, wedding feast follows. Bulgogi, Kalbi and a variety of kimchi was served at the reception. Minho was so tempted to sit beside Sulli but changed his mind when Detective Kim caught his eyes. Detective Choi was like a shadow of Sulli, he followed her anywhere and everywhere. He decided to text his girlfriend. "Ssul, lets meet outside near the river" She replied after two minutes. "Okay, wait me there. I'll just think of a believable excuse to appa"

Minho threw a small rock to the running stream. He screamed in delight when the stone bounces three times to the water. The sun brightly shines to the afternoon sky and cool wind passes by making the tall grass and trees synchronize in motion. Its the start of spring and the scent of wild blossoming flowers spread across the place. He inhaled deeply and close his eyes while swirling around. He savored the word " freedom" for the first time. Free from phobias and diseases. "Minho!" He open his eyes after he heard Sulli's voice. Bright smile shown in his face as he wave his one hand to her. Sulli sweetly smile and ran to him. He widely open his arms to welcome her. She wrapped her arms around his body and he tightly enfolded her in his arms while kissing the top of her head. "I miss you so much" she said. Minho grinned. "I miss you too" he said. "What excuses did you tell your appa?" "I told him that I'm having a migraine and excuses myself by telling him that I will go upstairs and sleep in halmoni's room" she said. He chuckled. "Seriously, your appa is really scary, he keep on looking at me as if I'm a fugitive" "Are you getting tired of our hidden relationship?" she asked with traces of concerned in her voice. Minho gently brushes his thumb finger to her blushing cheek. "Sometimes, eventually we will get caught no matter how careful we are. But since you promise me that you will confess to your appa after our graduation, I have no choice but to endure this kind of set up" he sighed. "Ssul, why dont we talk rationally to your appa and explain to him that we are just dating. If we talk to him about how we feel I'm sure he'll understand. Secrets between families are never been a good thing"

She looked at him with uncertainty in her eyes. "B-but I'm scared Minho. . . he might separate us and take me away from you" He placed his hands to her shoulders and lovingly stared in her eyes. "I love you Ssul and I wont go down without a fight. Nothing can get in our way because what we feel for each other is true love" "Ssul!" The young couple turned around upon hearing Detecive Choi's voice. "A-appa"Sulli whispered as all the breath leaves her body due to shocked. Minho swallowed hard and bravely met Detective Choi's accusing eyes. "What the hell are you doing here?" his eyes keep on bouncing between Sulli and Minho. Minho was about to open his mouth to confess when all of the sudden Soojung's voice vibrated across the surroundings. "Ssul! Minho Oppa!"Soojung shouted while running towards them, behind her is Taemin. Sulli and Minho looked at each other frowning. Soojung politely bowed to Detective Choi. "Good afternoon Mr. Choi" she said. "Soojung, what are you doing here?"Detective Choi asked. "Ssul texted me" she answered and held Minho's hand. Minho was completely surprise by Soojung's action. Soojung secretly wink at Sulli as if telling her that " she got their back" Sulli faintly smiled at her and glances at Taemin who shrugged his shoulders. Detective Choi fixed his prying eyes to Soojung and Minho then quietly turned his back on them. He decided to return to the wedding reception. They let out a sighed of relief after Detective Choi left them. "Oh my god, that was so close"Soojung said. Sulli gazes at Minho and she knew right away that he wasnt please by Soojung's intervention.

24 - Fountain of Love Namsam High Prom Night-one of the most important event in high school life. Boys usually attired to tuxedo with bowties or a formal suits. Girls wear formal gowns or dresses adorned with a corsage given by their date. Common prom activities include dining, dancing and socializing. At prom night, a prom queen and prom king may revealed. The king and queen may be given crowns to wear or a sash.

Looking like a dashing debonair, the three musketeers marches to the hallway wearing their best outfit "Tonights the night guys! lets paint the town red"Jonghyun said, looking dapper cool in his black tuxedo and black rayban sunglasses. "I wonder who will be held as prom king and queen?"Key said, looking chic and elegant in his red tuxedo jacket and black trousers. "Maybe its me and Luna"Onew said, looking splendid in his white tuxedo jacket and black trousers. "Guys! wait for me!"Kwanghee said from behind. The three boys stop from walking and turned around. "Ya! what the heck are you wearing? !"Onew blurted out upon seeing Kwanghee's attire. The latter was wearing a floral suits shorts. "Why? what's wrong with my attire?"Kwanghee said, wondering. The three young men laughed at him. Kwanghee shrugged and wickedly smiled at them. "Guys, I have a surprise to all of you" he opened his blazer and showed them a bottle of tequila. Their eyes got bigger after they saw Kwanghee's surprise. "Ya! are we going to drink inside? alcohol beverages are prohibited at prom"Key said. "Tch! your so stupid!"Kwanghee said while shaking his head. "This tequila is not for us" The boys frowned, totally clueless. Kwanghee leaned forward. "A reliable source told me that UEE tend to remove all of her clothes when she's drunk" he whispered. The naughty boys smiled mischieviously. "So what is our plan?" "We will mix this tequila to the drinks that will be serve at the party"Kwanghee answered. "Cool"Onew said, grinning from ear to ear. "I hope Luna gets drunk so I can kiss her" The four boys step inside of the school gymnasium with a naughty smile in their lips.

Meanwhile, Minho, looking like a handsome prince in black tuxedo and bowties. . . anxiously waiting for his date at the school gate. He glances at his wristwatch. "Aish, she's late again" he gently blows out a deep breath to ease the

apprehension. After ten minutes, a black toyota corolla car stop in front of the gate. Sulli and Soojung step outside of the car. Minho swallowed hard as his eyes rested to Sulli. She was wearing a strapless pink mini dress with black belt bow tie. "Dang! she looks like a goddess!" he said to himself. His heart started to thump violently against his chest. "Hi!"Sulli sweetly said. Minho held her hand. "Lets go" he ushered her to his black mercedez benz. Sulli frowned. "Where are we going?" she thought they will attend the prom night He boyishly grinned at her. "Secret" Sulli glances at Soojung and bid her goodbye. Soojung gave her a goodluck flying kiss and goes inside of the school premises.

"Pali! ! !"Kwanghee mouth to the three musketeers as he move closer to the buffet table. The three boys scurries towards him. Onew and Key stand as a look out and they blocked their bodies to hide Kwanghee from the eyes of their classmates and teachers. Jonghyun help Kwanghee to spill the tequila to the orange juice. "Done!"Kwanghee happily said. At around seven o'clock, the students lined up to get their food. Soojung smilingly grasped Taemin's hand while waiting in the line. Taemin blushed. "W-why are you holding my hand?" he asked, completely shy. "Because I like to hold your hand" she casually said. "D-Do you. . . do you like me?"Taemin asked. He avoided an eye contact with her. Soojung leaned her head to Taemin's shoulder. "Hmmm. . . maybe" His eyes glows after he heard her answer. "I-I. . I like you too" After getting their food, the students settled to their assigned tables and chairs. The three musketeers and Kwanghee quietly stood at one corner, waiting for the result of their plan. It took an hour before they saw the effect, some students began to sway while walking others keep on blabbering and slurring while talking. Onew saw Luna 's approaching figure and he grabbed the opportunity to

ask her to dance with him. He snaked his arms around Luna's waist. "Luna, can I kiss you?"Onew asked. Luna responded by giving him a drunk smile. Onew's heart started to flutter with happiness. He slowly leaned down and softly brushed his lips to her lips. "Ya, I thought UEE's gonna take off her clothes once she's drunk"Jonghyun asked Kwanghee. Their eyes glued to UEE who doesnt seemed drunk at all after drinking the juice with tequila. Kwanghee scratches his head. He doesnt know how to answer Jonghyun's question. "Aish! I will never ever trust you again Kwanghee"Key said while gritting his teeth. At the end of the prom night, Soojung and Taemin was hailed as the prom queen and prom king.

Gangnam Park Minho and Sulli's feet stop in front of the park's musical fountain of love. He lovingly gazes down at her as he pulled her closer to him. "Let's dance princess Ssul" he said. Sulli put her hands to his shoulders and starts to move. A Lee Seunggi song is playing at the musical fountain. will you marry me? . . . will you live for me forever? . . . while loving each other. . . i want to have a child that looks like me. . . another looks like you. . . and live unhurt for 1000 years or 10000 years. . . to be honest with you. . . . i like you more than you like me. . . . and people say that's better between a man and a woman. . . . i'll love you more, i'll take care of you. . . .

if you cry, if you're having a hard time. . . if you're hurt, i'll hurt with you. . . i'll love you forever, i'll protect you forever. . . i want to love only you everyday. . . . i'm thankful that i met someone like you. . . . The young couple grinned at each other like idiots as he whirled her around. "Ssul. . . will you marry me. . . . someday?" he asked seriously. "Yes"Sulli said without blinking an eyelash. Minho cant hide his happiness. He pulled out a tiffany box inside of his pocket and opened it. Sulli gape upon seeing the diamond ring. He slipped the ring in her right ring finger. "I love you Choi Sulli" "I love you too Choi Minho" she said and they shared a wonderful and perfect kiss in front of the fountain The fountain of love erupted with waters in the air, changing color through blue, red, orange and green. Fireworks exploded with sensational and sparkling glorious golden lights into the dark sky. "Ssul!" The young couple turned their heads to the left side after they heard the earth shattering voice of Detective Choi.

25 - Choi Minho vs Detective Choi Gangnam Park "Get inside of the car!"Detective Choi bark at Sulli. "Appa, please dont separate us" she pleaded, tears keep on spilling down her cheeks. Detective Choi jaws tightened due to anger, he roughly grabbed his daughter's arm and pushed her inside of the car. Minho step closer to Detective Choi and gently gripped his arm"Mr. Choi. . . I beg you. . . please allow us to date" he kneeled down in front of him. Detective Choi's eyes was filled with hostility towards him. He shove his hand. "I dont wanna see your face anymore young man. I will chop your head using my samurai if you approach my daughter again!" he shouted and goes to the driver's seat. He shut the door. Minho stood up and tapped the window of the car. "Ssul!" he said while

staring at Sulli. Sulli tried to open the door but it was locked. She placed her palms to the window. "Minho!" she said sobbing. "I'll get you back!"Minho said as he put his hands to the window. Placing his palms to her palms. Both of them were crying. Detective Choi started the ignition and tightly gripped the wheel. "I love you Ssul. I wont give up!"Minho said. "I love you too" she said. The car drove away but Minho never gave up. He ran faster to the road, chasing the car. But as he keep on chasing the receeding car he stumble and slumped down to the road. He groaned in pain as his left knee hit the concrete road. Frustrated and broken hearted, Minho stood up and decided to go to Sulli's house.

Mapo District, Seoul Minho's POV Storm signal number two is currently sweeping the whole town with strong wind, thunder and heavy rain. Mapo disrict was like a ghost town as all of the people hides inside of their home. But one determined soul chose to stay outside despite the non stop pouring of rain, flashes of thunder and cold wind. I Choi Minho bravely kneeled down in front of Sulli's house. . . hoping. . . waiting. . . believing. . . . I need to be strong for Sulli---for the girl who courageously fought for me and never gave up on me. I owe everything to her because she gave me a new life. She believe and accepted me inspite of my imperfection. She provided light to my dark life. The main door opened. Detective Choi step outside with animosity in his face. "What are you doing here?" his blazing eyes piercing through by body like a needle. He walk closer and closer to me. "Get out of here before I beat you to death!" he threatened and pushed me hard to the ground. My face and body hit the cold and wet ground but it did not wavered my spirit. I returned to my spot and kneeled down again. "Please sir. . . I love your daughter. My intention is pure and I respect her so much. I beg you kind hearted Detective Choi, allow me and Sulli to date"I said in between sobs.

"I will only allow my daughter to date you after she finished her education" he said in a cold voice. "Dont make things difficult. If you really love my daughter you will let her go and wait for the right time" He was about to turn around when I wrapped my arms around his right leg. "Please sir. . . I'll die without her in my life. . . . please dont separate us" tears and rain drops keeps on falling down my cheeks. Detective Choi's face turned red due to anger. He bend down and started hitting my back. "You're a crazy young man!" he shouted. I endured the pain and did not let go of his leg as if my whole life defended on him. Sulli's omma came out running and hugged his husband from behind. "Yeobo stop it! you might kill him!" she said. He stop and looked at his wife. "C'mon lets go inside" he said and roughly removed my hand. Detective Choi looked at me for a few seconds before going inside of the house. Mrs Choi help me to stand up. "Go home young man. . . you might get sick" she said in a worried tone. I shook my head. "I will only leave if Mr Choi changes his mind and approve our relationship"I said in a rasping voice. "I will call your omma and te---" I held her arm. "Please dont tell my omma about this. I want to prove to your husband that I am sincere to Sulli. Please let me stay Mrs Choi. . . " Mrs Choi took a deep breath and walk away with tears in her eyes. And I remained outside. . . kneeling and crying. . . . . under the pouring rain. . . . .

The following day. . . Detective Choi woke up at around six o'clock in the morning. The storm finally took its toll and the sun is slowly peeking behind the thick clouds. He climbed out of bed and walk towards the window. His hand shove the yellow curtain and stared outside. Detective Choi's eyes grew wider upon seeing Choi Minho outside of their house. He was rendered speechless for a long period of time. . . . he had never met a person as courageous and determined as Choi Minho. He was totally impressed! His two feet landed in front of Sulli's room. He unlocked the door and step inside. Detective Choi's heart bleed as he saw the unshed tears in her eyes. He gently wipe her tears and started to wake her up.

"Ssul" he started nudging his daughter's shoulder. Sulli stirred and moaned then she open her puffy eyes. "I am giving you my blessing to date Choi Minho" he seriously said. "He had gained my trust because of his bravery and determination. Your boyfriend loves you so much" Sulli's eyes got misty. She had a feeling that her chest will burst open anytime due to so much happiness. She hugged her father. "Thank you appa. We will never dissapoint you. . . . I promise" Detective Choi smile. "I know sunshine. . . . "

"Minho!" Minho lifted his head and looked at Sulli. He tried to stand up but failed when he felt the wobbling of his knees. Sulli kneeled down in front of him and embraced him tightly. "Oh I love you so much" she said while crying. A sweet smile broke in his pale lips. "I-I. . . I love you too. . . " Sulli cupped his face. "Minho. . . y-you're burning!" panic strikes inside of her when Minho collapsed to the ground. "N-No! Minho! wake up!"

Seoul Hospital Sulli ran to the hospital's corridor after receiving the bad news---Minho was gone. . . . He was confined to the ICU for the past three days, fighting for his life. Doctors were unable to give a definite answer on whether Minho will able to survive the severe pneumonia, dehydration and other complications. Yeongmi and Taewoong decided to transfer Minho to USA hoping that the doctors in John Hopkin's Hospital can save his life. Unfortunately, Sulli never had a chance to say goodbye to him. It was too late. . . . . And her young heart was shattared into pieces. . . . she will never be the same Choi Sulli again without him. . . Without her germaphobic first love. . . . . Choi Minho. . . .

Ten Years Later. . . . . Sulli's POV I woke up with a smile on my face. I yawned and began stretching my arms. . . . today is saturday. . . . a special day. . . Sitting up, I glance at the alarm clock. It's nine o'clock in the morning. I swung my legs out of bed and headed to the kitchen . In the fridge I found a carton of orange juice. . . . I grinned when I saw the sticky note that was attached to my favorite mug. I read the note: Don't be late tonight. . . its a reunion date. . . . . your husband 26 - Reunion Apujeong-dong, Seoul Apujeong did not look anything like it normally did on a saturday morning. There was no traffic on the streets despite the fact that many stores had opened earlier. As Minho walked to 21st street towards the place where he will meet Yeongmi, his wife's lovely face suddenly lingered in his mind. They have been married for five years and they have cherished every moment since the day they become a couple. He will forever be grateful that she came into his life and made all of his dreams come true. He is now a well respected microbiologist and hematologist aside from being a loving husband and doting father. Minho entered the toy shop and was greeted by a sales lady. He smiled and headed to the doll section. "Appa!" Minho's eyes shines upon seeing his four year old daughter. He scoop her in his arms and showered tiny kisses in her face. "I miss you sweetheart" he said in between kisses. Sooyeon wrapped her arms around his appa's neck. "I miss you too appa" Yeongmi happily stared at her son and granchild. "Where's your wife?" "At home" he shortly said. "We'll be attending our high school reunion tonight"

Itaewon, Seoul

Bonjour Restaurant Businessman and entrepreneur Lee Taemin step inside of the restaurant and was warmly welcomed by the three musketeers. Onew the dentist, Key the fashion designer and Jonghyun the architect. The three men hugged him. "You're looking good bro"Jonghyun said. Taemin grinned. "Where's your supermodel wife?"Jjong married supermodel Kim Jiwon Jonghyun smiled sheepishly. "She had a fashion show in Milan" "Such a lucky bastard"Key said, obviously jealous. Unfortunately, he is still single and havent found Miss Right. Taemin shifted his head to Onew. "I heard Luna gave birth last week to your second child. Congrats bro" Onew grinned"Thanks Tae" "Oh Kwanghee is here"Key said as his eyes captured Kwanghee's approaching figure. Kwanghee excitingly embraced the three musketeers who used to be victims of his pranks during their highschool days. Currently, Kwanghee is supervising his parents garment business. The five men joined their other classmates to the long table that was specially reserved to the section A class of 2013. Key shifted slightly in Taemin's chair. "By the way Tae, where's your new bride?" he asked. Taemin got married recently and the boys including their high school teacher's attended the wedding. "She's on her way"Taemin answered and pulled out his cellphone to call his wife.

As Sulli hurried along Itaewon street, her mind abruptly returned to her conversation with her students yesterday. She is a Math teacher at Sangwoo High School. "Teacher, tell us about your first love?" one of her student asked her. "Hmmm. . . where do I start?" she paused for a few seconds. "He was my classmate since first year but we only had a chance to get to know each other during our senior year. In my eyes he was perfect and I had fallen madly in love with him. And just like in soap opera's we experienced a lot of trials and obstacles together. At first I thought, we had a fairy tale romance but later I learned that reality was indeed painful. Love is not a bed of roses and not all fairy tales ended up in happy endings. " "Teacher, did you married you first love?"

She just smiled at her students and proceeded to the lecture. Sulli was about to cross the road when her phone rung. A sweet smile broke in her lips when she saw her husband's name. "Yeobo!" "Where are you?"Sulli's husband asked in the other line. "I'm already here at Itaewon" He sighed. "Okay, see you later. I love you Ssul. . . " "I love you too"

Bonjour Restaurant "Someone's coming"Onew said. They all looked at the glass door of the restaurant. "Its Minho and his daughter Sooyeon. . . . and Soojung"Jonghyun said frowning. Taemin stood up and smiled at Soojung then he hugged Minho. "I miss you Minho"Taemin said. "I miss you too Tae"Minho said. Happiness radiates through his face. "Hi Sooyeon!"Key sweetly said to four year old Sooyeon. "You're growing up so fast" he ruffles her hair. "And beautiful like her mother"Soojung proudly said and adoringly stared at Minho's daughter. They all settled to their chairs. Soojung was in the middle of Taemin and Minho while Sooyeon sat beside her father. "Oh here comes the ever so late Choi Sulli"Kwanghee said. Taemin stood up again and smiled at Sulli "Hi guys!" she greeted. Minho turned his head to look at her. . . . As their eyes met. . . . the world stop spinning around and time stood still. . . . . 27 - Germ Phobia Choi Minho and Unpopular Girl Choi Sulli Ten Years Ago. . . Gangnam Park

They say mornings were usually better than afternoon and night as your body was recharged with energy. But for Choi Sulli energy seems missing to her for the past three months as emptiness and longing slowly eating her healthy heart. Sulli ran to the shade of a tall tree as the temperature climbed to a whopping 35. 6 degree celcius. Its the start of summer and heat became stifling and uncomfortable. She started unzipping her backpack to get her clean white handkerchief to wipe the annoying sweats in her forehead. "Damn! where the hell did I put my hanky" she said as her eyes and hand keep on searching for the mysterious handkerchief. After five minutes, she surrendered and leaned her back to the tree. She shut her eyes as pain and yearning started drowning her lonely heart. How she wish theres a time machine so that she can go back to spring season. . . . the scent of blossoming flowers. . . . . the cloudless hue of blue sky. . . . the cool breeze of wind. . . . the green valley. . . . and Choi Minho. . . . her one and only tr ue love Choi Minho. . . . Tears flowing down her cheeks as her mind started reminiscing the sweet memories they shared together. . . . A song "You're My Spring" caught her ears. . . . I miss you. . . . I want to hold you. . . . I want to fall asleep by your side. . . . I miss you. . . . I 'm running to you. . . I'm knocking you're surprised and smiling. . . . Your round smile calms the whole world. . . . Dont cry. . . . Dont go. . . . Now linger by my side. . . . You're my warm spring. . . . A soft fine cloth touched Sulli's forehead that made her eyes open. God must have been listening to her sentiments and heartaches everynight as he finally granted her wish for the last three months. . . . the overwhelming feeling was too much to handle as bucket of tears escape from her eyes. . . . Choi Minho is in front of her! . . . wiping her sweats and tears. . . . "Miss me?"Minho sweetly asked as his eyes wandered around her beautiful face.

"So much. A day without you is like a day without sunshine, a day without air and a day without food" she said in between sobs. "I-I miss and love you so much that I cant handle it when I dont see or talk to you everyday. Y-you're like a germs that is already a part of my daily life" Minho chuckled. "You stole my line Miss Choi. . . and you're my healthy germs. . . . my antidote against harmful germs and viruses" he closed the scant distance between them and imprisoned her in his arms. "I fought my phobias and diseases and came out as a winner because of you. You are the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. And I know that you are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, the person I want to marry, the person I want to have dozens of babies with, and the person I want to grow old with" He kiss her forehead. "You make my life so amazing and I dont know how to repay you but to love you just as much as you love me" Sulli encircled her arms around his neck and tiptoed. "And you complete me" she said and kiss him in the lips. It was a one fine day for Germ Phobia Choi Minho and Unpopular Girl Choi Sulli. . .

Ten Years Later. . . Bonjour Restaurant "Omma!" Sulli kneeled down and open her arms to welcome her daughter. Minho stood up to join his wife and daughter. She kiss her daughter in the cheek and wrapped her arms around Sooyeon's tiny body. "Hi yeobo"Minho said and help Sulli to stand up, carrying Sooyeon in her arms. "Hello yeobo" she wink at him. Minho bent his head and gave Sulli a quick kiss in the lips. Taemin returned to his seat and held Soojung's hand. Soojung lovingly stared at him and mouth the word "I love you" "I love you more"Taemin replied. Minho pulled out a chair for his wife and daughter then he sat beside her. Jonghyun raised his wine glass. "Cheers classmates" Everybody raised their wine glass. "Cheers!"Namsam High's section A class of 2013 all said in unison.

28 - Minsul, Taestal and the Three Musketeers. . . Ten Years Ago. . . Namsam High Prom Night "Ya, I thought Uee's gonna take off her clothes once she's drunk"Jonghyun asked Kwanghee. Their eyes glued to Uee who doesnt seemed drunk at all after drinking the juice with tequila. Kwanghee scratched his head. He didnt know how to answer Jonghyun's question. "Aish! I will never ever trust you again Kwanghee"Key said while gritting his teeth. The dance floor became crowded with drunk students when the DJ started playing JLO's "On The Floor" "Guys, lets dance"Kwanghee said to Jonghyun and Key. They joined Onew and Luna on the floor. if you go hard gotta get on the floor. . . if you're a party freak, then step on the floor. . . if your an animal then tear up the floor. . . break a sweat on the floor, yeah we work on the floor. . . dont stop, keep it moving put your drinks up. . . pick your body up and drop it on the floor. . . let the rhytmn change your world on the floor. . . you know we're running shit tonight on the floor. . . Onew's arms enfolded around Luna's waist, she rested her head in his chest as they sway to the music. "Get a room!"Jonghyun shouted. Onew grinned and gave him a thumbs up. "Ya, It's Uee"Kwanghee said to the two single musketeers. A naughty smile broke in their lips as they watched and salivate with Uee, throwing herself around the dance floor, moving her rounded hips and perfect butt to the pulsing rhythm. "I think she's already wasted"Kwanghee whispered into Jonghyun's ear. His eyes grew wider. "You think so?" "One hundred percent sure"Kwanghee replied. "Yes, this is my chance" he grinned devilishly and dance his way to Uee The very jealous Key remained on his spot while watching Jonghyun and Uee grooving to the music. Jonghyun placed his two hands on Uee's hips. "Uee, do you wanna have some

fun tonight?" Uee twisted and arch her eyebrow. "Fun?" "Uhuh. . . . let's rock the night baby" he flashed a wicked smile, his eyes gleaming under the pulsing ultra violet lights. Uee stared at him for a few seconds then smiled. "Sure, your place or my place?" He stilled momentarily, his parents will kill if they found out that he let a girl sleep in his room. "Your place" "Okay, my girlfriends will sleep over in my house tonight"Uee said. "Perfect!"Jonghyun screamed over the pounding music, he gave Key and Kwanghee two thumbs up. The two naughty boys looked at each other and laughed. dance the night away. . . live your life and stay young on the floor. . . dance the night away. . . grab somebody, drink a little more. . . tonight we'gon be it on the floor. . . tonight we'gon be it on the floor. . . Suddenly, the student filled dance floor was divided in two when the very drunk Mrs Bae stepped into dance floor. She began dancing provocatively while slowly stripping off her clothes. The students squirmed in disgust "WTF? !"Onew spat out. "OMG my eyes! my eyes! my eyes are bleeding!"Key blurted Mrs Bae grind her hips then tossed her blouse to the crowd. "Damn you Kwanghee! this is all your fault! I'll never eat cottage cheese again!"Jonghyun yelled at Kwanghee. "The vein in my brain just burst, please call 911"Kwanghee said, sickened by the awful view.

Uee's House Jonghyun clicked the mouthwash spray in his mouth. "Ya! you've been spraying it for a hundred times"Key said. He grinned mischievously. "I must smell good since this will be my first time to. . . you know. . . " Kwanghee tapped his shoulder. "OMG you're still a virgin? !"

Jonghyun nodded. "Yup, well all of us are virgins right Key?" Key shrugged. Kwanghee laughed mockingly. "Such a pathetic group of friends" Jonghyun grabbed his collar and started strangling his neck"What did you say? do you wanna die huh? !" "Aaaarrrgh. . . " "Aish! stop it"Key said and removed his hands away from Kwanghee. He pulled out two foil condom inside his pocket and handed it to Jonghyun. "Good luck bro" "Thanks" he slipped the condoms in the pocket of his jacket. Jonghyun filled his lungs with air before turning the knob of Uee's door. The room was dark when he stepped inside. "Uee?" He almost scream due to shock when a female hand grabbed his arm and threw him on the bed. Jonghyun swallowed hard. "M-Mrs Bae? !"

Key wandered aimlessly into the living room when he bumped to Uee He frowned. "Uee, what are you doing here? I thought you and Jonghyun are. . . " Uee folded her arms. "I'm actually looking for him, I forgot to tell him that I switched room with my aunt" "Your aunt?" She nodded. "Mrs Bae is my aunt" Key chewed his bottom lip. "Holy shit!" Uee steps closer and winked at him. "Do you want to play in my room" He waggled his eyebrows. "Sure"

"You're Lee Taemin's girlfriend!"Mrs Lee declared as she welcomed her soon to be daughter in law in her arms. Soojung shyly smiled and hugged her back. Taemin peered over his mother's shoulder and smiled at his girlfriend. Mrs Lee turned to Taemin. "Your so lucky for having a pretty girlfriend. Take good care of her understand" she strictly reminded before

going inside the house. Taemin drew her closer to him. "My mom likes you" She wrapped her arms around his neck. "I like her too" she giggled when he started showering her face with tiny kisses. "I like you more" he whispered into her ear. Soojung lifted her chin and looked directly into his eyes. "I like you, too" she said in a sincere voice. He raised his pinky finger and entwined with her. "For keeps?" "For keeps" she replied solemnly.

Five Years Later. . . Outside, the sun was shining. After Minho had finished on the phone to his father-in law(Detective Choi), Sulli came in and joined him on the bed. She settled against his chest, and for a while they lay together in silence, gazing through the window at the tree outside. After a few minutes, Sulli lifted her head. "Minho, do you think we'll get bored of each other?" they got married last month. He shrugged. "I dont know. I hope not" "So you're not planning to trade me in for a pretty chick if we ever got bored of each other" "Not in a million years Mrs Choi" he turned to her. "No other woman can take your place. I breathe and live because of you. . . you're my healthy germs, my antidote against harmful germs and viruses" She rolled her eyes. "Right, I've heard it many times before" He laughed. They lay for a while in silence, gazing through the window once more. Eventually Sulli smiled and said. "Yeobo. . . do you want to hear some good news?" "Yes---what is it?" "I'm four weeks pregnant" He got up and stared at her, completely stunned . "Y-your pregnant?" Sulli nodded in confirmation. Minho leaped his two feet from the ground. "Yes! ! ! I'll be a daddy soon! ! !" he screamed. She laughed, happiness radiated her lovely face. Minho lay back down on the bed beside Sulli and encircled his arms around her waist. "I love you so much my Unpopular Girl"

"I love you, too my Germ Phobia husband" 29 - Caribbean Cruise with a Twist Ten Years Ago. . . Minho stood at the bow of the ferry while thinking of the girl of his dream, oblivious that the subject of his fantasy is just a few steps away from him. "Minho" He startled upon hearing her voice, he turned around and looked at her. "I change my mind"Sulli said as she approached him. He beamed, his eyes dancing in amusement. "They said you wi---" "Shhh. . . "Minho put his finger into his lips. "Give me your hand" he took her hand. Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On " started playing as a background music. every night in my dreams. . . i see you, i feel you. . . that is how i know you go on. . . far across the distance. . . and spaces between us. . . you have come to show you go on. . . "Close your eyes" Sulli hesitated for a second. "Go on" he encouraged. "Step up"Minho held her hand and waist as she moved closer to the ferry's bow. "Hold on to the railing" he instructed and guided her hands over the metal railings. "Keep your eyes close, dont peek" "I'm not" she replied, still eyes close. "Step up onto the railing" She lifted her feet and crept into the railing, Minho's hand securely holding her waist. "Hold on" he said and did the same thing. "Keep your eyes close"

Sulli let out a soft laugh. "Do you trust me?" he asked as he began spreading her arms. "I trust you" "Open your eyes" he whispered into her ears as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She opened her eyes and gasped in surprise. "I'm flying!" she absorbed the salty sea air. . . the way it felt against her face. . . the way it made her hair move in a wild way. . . He spread his arms and entwined his fingers to hers while murmuring some sweet words. With fingers interlace, he tugged their arms down and they looked into each other's eyes. Slowly, their lips crossed the distance and shared a very passionate kiss. "Oh please! that is so 90's!"Soojung voice made the couple stop from kissing each other. The two guilty teen agers whirled around and saw Soojung and Taemin. "Really Minho? Titanic parody"Taemin shook his head. "Very original" Minho and Sulli cant look straight in their friend's eyes. "Let's go back to the cabin" he said to Sulli. She nodded in agreement and they went back inside leaving the Taestal couple. "Thank God, they're gone"Soojung said. "Give me your hand"Taemin said, she obliged. "Close your eyes" She did and he guided her towards the metal railing. They too, did the Titanic parody.

Meanwhile in the other side of the ship, Kwanghee and the three musketeers were all busy ogling their pervy eyes to the hot sexy ladies in bikini. "This is heaven"Jonghyun said as his x-ray vision eyes glued to the four bikini clad ladies in front of them. Kwanghee elbowed Key. "Let's approach them" "You go first"Key said to him. Kwanghee scowled at them. "Aish! I'm not surprise why all of you are still virgins" he shook his head in dismay. "Ya! who's virgin"Jjong reacted then he quickly went dead silent when he

remembered his " unforgettable" night with Mrs Bae. "C'mon dude, you're a d-bag and no shame at all. You approach them first"Key said and started shoving him towards the direction of the smokin' hot girls. Onew and Jjong pushed him also, apparently Kwanghee's body accidentally bumped into the body of Taecyeon, Jongkook high's varsity player. Kwanghee blanched. "S-sorry" he said in a shaking voice. Four of Taecyeon's friends came to the rescue. The three musketeers stepped backward. "Shit, he's dead"Onew muttered. Jongkoo's High's varsity players were notorious for being a hardcore bullies. Taecyeon grabbed Kwanghee's shirt. "Sorry? I dont accept apology especially to losers" his friends laugh mockingly. "Let's help him"Key said to Jjong and Onew. "Are you nuts? do you want our ass to be kick out of this ship? !"Jjong said. "Look at them. . . look at their bodies" Wooyoung intervined. "Dude, let it pass okay" he tapped Taecyeon's shoulder. "We came here to party and not to create trouble" Taecyeon released the very frightened Kwanghee. "I'll whoop your ass next time I see you loser" he threatened. "Loser!" his friends said, laughing through their hearts content. "C'mon guys, let's have some drinks"Wooyoung said to his friends. "Girls, do you wanna join us"Taecyeon approached the four bikini babes. The sexy ladies gleefully nodded in agreement. Kwanghee was left clenching his teeth. A karmic revenge is currently playing on his mind. "Guys, I need your help" he said to the three musketeers. "Those bullies took our girls so we need to take revenge" "What kind of revenge?"Onew asked. Kwanghee's mouth twitch in one corner. "All we need is a plastic cup and playboy magazine" The three musketeers frowned at him, completely clueless by his revenge plan.

Minho stop in his tracks when he saw the three musketeers sitting at a leather couch near the comfort room. "What's up?" Jjong stood up and gave him a plastic cup. "You're next"

He scratched his head. "Next for what?" "Aish, stop asking question and just release it" he gently pushed him to the bathroom's door. "What will I release?" he asked, confusion were all over his face. Carrying a plastic cup, Kwanghee crack the bathroom door open. "I added my yellow urine and some boogers in here" he proudly said Minho almost choke in disgust. "WTF is going on here? !" Onew handed the playboy magazine to Minho. "Make it quick understand" Jjong and Key forcefully shoved Minho into the bathroom. "Just think of Sulli if you dont like to look at the playboy playmates" they close the door in his face. "Ya! open the door!"Minho shouted as he keeps on banging the door. "STFU and just do it!"Key yelled at him. "Ya! can you please cover your disgusting cup! the smell of your urine and sperm is giving me headache!"Onew said to Kwanghee. Minho looks like a lost cat inside the comfort room while holding the magazine and plastic cup. "Just think of Sulli. . . " Key's words keeps on replaying in his mind like a broken record. "Just think of Sulli. . . " Annoyingly, he tossed the playboy magazine in the garbage bin and went to the cubicle to start his business. "I'll think of Sulli's soft lips and. . . . " he took a deep breath and began unzipping his pants while thinking of his girlfriend.

"Where have you been?"Sulli asked when he entered the cabin. "I've been looking for you all over" Minho swallowed hard as his eyes marveled to Sulli's body. "I-I just. . . . " he couldnt finish his sentence as desire started to rise within hi m She wrinkled her forehead. "Something's wrong?" she steps closer. "D-dont. . . . come near me" he stepped backward and felt the wall against his back. "Why?" His adams apple move up and down multiple times. "I-Its dangerous. . . " Sulli's frown deepened. "I dont understand"

"I-Its a guy thing" She rolled her eyes. "Can you please paraphrase your explanation" uncounciously she licked her bottom lip. Her action sent Minho''s body in blazing desire. Without saying a word, he pulled her in his arms and before Sulli could react, he bent his head down and claimed her mouth.

"Be careful"Kwanghee reminded to the three musketeers. Carrying a semen filled plastic cup, the three naughty boys walked to the Jongkook High's table. The varsity players went to the buffet table to get their food. "Perfect!"Onew exclaimed when he saw a pitcher of beer. Wearing a devilish grin, the three musketeers poured the gooey liquid into the pitcher. "Stir it!"Key said. Jjong slid his hand inside his butt and then he dunked it to the pitcher. "Keep stirring"Onew said while laughing. "Let's go"Key tapped Jjong and Onew. The naughty boys dashed to their tables. After two minutes, Taecyeon and his friends went back to the table. "Cheers guys!" he raised his mug and began drinking the beer, bottoms-up The three musketeers and Kwanghee watched them with a victorious smile on their faces. "That's right! drink my boogers sucker!"Kwanghee muttered. Taecyeon felt a sudden itchiness in his throat. "Are you all right dude?"Junho asked worriedly. "Something's stuck in my throat" he said while coughing. "Ewww. . . wtf is this?"Chansung spit out a curly hair from his mouth. "Is that. . . is that a pubic hair? !"Wooyoung said, squirming in aversion. The varsity players began throwing up. "High five guys!"Jjong said to his friends. "Hi boys!" the four bikini clad girls greeted them. "Hello!"Key greeted back. "Do you wanna join us here?" "Sure"

"Let's bang tonight"Kwanghee whispered to Jjong.

The End

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