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Why Did I fall?

Chapter 1: Where it all started I know I'm younger than you. I know you don't like me yet. But I will try my best to make you see the real me. I will try my best to make you appreciate who I am. I will change what you don't like about me. I will be a good wife to you. I will study everything there is to learn about SkyRock and we will pull it up again together . I will I will make you fall in love with me. Said Sulli almost breathless, her lungs almost out of air. Minho is frozen like a stone. His mind is blank, his heart is numb, he can't feel his arms from his legs. Oppa?...Please say something. Said Sulli Chapter 1: Where it all started 5 Years Ago Sulli has been nervous all day. From the time she woke up, to the time she went to the salon to get her hair done, up to now that shes inside her Uncles elegant car. She juts cant stop worrying about the party. She knows a lot of reknowned people will be attending the party, dignitaries and even celebrities will be there. Its only once a year that FlyAir Corporation is hosting an even as big as this. And her Uncle being the CEO, she certainly cant be absent.

"Youve been very quiet. Im not used to not hearing you speak for a straight 5 minutes." Uncle Sam said while looking at Sulli with that gentle concerned eyes.

"Im very nervous, Uncle. You know I dont like parties." answered Sulli who was then close to crying. But she wont. She learned while she was still a young that crying is a weakness. And cry she will not.

"You know why you have to come right? Youre Dad died 6 months ago. And even if I assumed the CEO role, some of the members of the Board are still worried. Im not getting any younger. And I do not have a child of my own. They need to see that there is a successor." said Uncle Sam

"I know, Uncle. But...What if they dont like me? What if they think Im like Dad?" said Sulli while looking out the window, knowing that the

venue for the party is just a block away.

"Youre pretty. And youre smart. What is there not to like? Besides, Im with you. Havent you heard I am the king of charisma? There is nothing to worry about." said Uncle Sam laughing.

Sulli cant help but smile. Uncle Sam has always been the real father figure for her. He has loved her more than her Dad ever did. Uncle Sam is the image of dignity, integrity and everything her Dad wasnt. Its not as if Sulli doesnt love her Dad. She loves him dearly and nearly drowned of sadness when she learned that her Dad died in his sleep. She has to take the first flight back to her home country even if she already started liking living in the US. Her Dad was her only parent since her mother left them when she was 7. It was as if she doesnt know what tod o with her life anymore. But then deep in her heart, she knows that she is not alone. Uncle Sam was with her all the time no matter how busy he was with making sure everything is in order in the company after her Dad passed away. Uncle Sam was her anchor.


Minho knew the party will be big, but what he did not expect is the extent of how luxurious it will be. The food was the best set of Asian dishes he has ever seen served. AirFly really intends to impress all the attendees of the party. But somehow, Minhos mind is not completely in the party. Hes been checking his phone since he arrived at the party. He knows how to socialize, but that doesnt mean he enjoys it. The only reason hes int he party is because his Dad asked this as a favor. His Dad has never asked him a favor before and so when he did, he had to say Yes. But of all the days, why does this party need to coincide with Dis Birthday?!

"Youve been looking at your phone the entire time. You know why your Dad needed you to be here, right?" said Minhos Mom whispering to him so that nobody else would hear.

"Just give me 5minutes, Mom. I just need to make srue somethign is settled, then Im all yours." answered Minho while typing a message in his phone.

"Your Dad has been going around and talking with different dignitaries and CEOs. You know how important it is for him to make connections. This kinds of parties do not happen every month." answered his Mom while trying to see what Minho was typing.

"I know, Mom. And I will do my job as a good Son. But just give me 5 minutes. I just need something delivered." answered Mino irritably

"Flowers? For that girlfriend of yours?" said Minhos Mom who just happen to see the word "flower" on Minhos phone

Yes. And that girlfriend has a name said Minho

You know that I don't like her. Why will I bother knowing her name? answered Minho's Mom who did not hide her disgust over the topic of conversation

I'm here because I wanted to help Dad. But I also have a duty to Di, Mom. It's her birthday today. I don't think you'll be happy if Dad went to a party instead of celebrating your birthday with you, right? explained Minho And Besides, you don't like Di because you don't know her yet. Maybe once you get to know her, you'll end up liking her. But first you have to give her a chance. Just then Minho saw a message in his phone saying that the delivery is on its way to Di's house. Now I'm ready to fulfill my duties as a son. Said Minho smiling foolishly to his Mom while standing up.

For the next hour, Minho went to talk to different dignitaries celebrities and known business men. Although he works for a multinational company, he represented himself as the son of the CEO of the SkyRock Corporation. All the social talk makes a person really tired and so just when Minho wanted to get some fresh air outside, he saw Samuel Park, the Man he wanted to meet personally.

Excuse me, You are Mr. Samuel Park, am I right? asked Minho

Yes, I am. And who may you be young man? asked Samuel smilling

This man who turned around AirFly's operation from being known to work under the table and playing dirty business has now made the company a credible, high class company in just 6 months. But despite his popularity nowadays for doing that, the news was right to say that he is very approachable and friendly, no air of arrogance at all.

I am Minho Choi. I am the son of Andrew Choi, CEO of SkyRock. I have heard a lot of good things about you. Minho stretched his arm to shake

Sam's hand and Sam gladly shook hands.

And did you also hear some bad things? asked Sam still smiling

Oh the Magazines rarely say anything bas against you said Minho caught off guard

Then that's your assignment. Next time we meet, you have to tell me something bad about me. You see, Your Dad is a very good friend of mine. And thus, I trust him and he trusts me. But that trust is not built on good things only. Trust is built on knowing the other person's strengths and acknowledging that he has weaknesses. But still believe that his weaknesses will be overcome. said Sam now speaking very seriously and full of wisdom

You are as the magazine says you are. I can see now why Airfly has reached where it is now. Answered Minho

Just then Minho's Dad approached them andgave his warm greeting to his friend Sam.

I see you met my son said Minho's Dad happily

Yes and from what I can see, you seem to have taught him well. Answered Sam

I don't have to, my dear friend. He has his own ways of learning. said Minho's Dad full of pride for Minho

Oh, you haven't met my niece have you? said Sam

It was only then that Minho saw a girl behind Samuel. She was taller than an ordinary girl. She looks cute with her long hair curled at the bottom. Her face looks young.

This is Sulli. She will be my successor. Said Sam introducing Sulli to both Minho and his Dad

Hi, Nice meeting you Mr. Choi. I heard SkyRock's sales has been steadily increasing. I have high hopes of seeing more of your achievements in the future. Said Sulli who was trying her best to look confident though her knees are already starting to shake.

In just a few seconds, more people approached their group and became really curious about Sulli.

She's your niece?, What a beautiful girl, My Son studies at the same University as her. I heard she's on the top of her class., That's wonderful! It seems AirfFly is in good hands. Were just some of the random things Sulli heard that she can't absorb yet.

While everybody is busy talking about Sulli here and Sulli that, Minho received a message on his phone saying that the flower delivery service met a minor accident and that they won't be able to deliver the flower anymore. He slowly tried to get out of the circle and out of the room. He needs to fulfill his duty as a boyfriend. This day can't go by without a flower delivered to Di's house.

From not so far away, Sulli saw an old woman approaching their circle. For some reason, Sulli's instinct told her that this woman is trouble. And one thing she hates about her instinct, it's usually right.

When the old woman reached their group, she did not speak right away. She waited for the commotion to die down. And when there was almost silence, that's when the old frog started speaking.

She's Rick's daughter isn't it? How can we be sure that the even if the same blood runs in her veins, she would be different from her father? said the old woman

Because she'll be learning from me, Mrs. Chen. answered Sam. It's almost time to start the program, why don't we all take our seats. You have to see the achievements of FlyAir the past months, Mrs. Chen to see what I can teach this young lady. Said Sam winking his eyes to Sulli.

Although Uncle Sam tried to save Sulli from that old frog's intent to embarrass her, that did not stop Sulli from getting hurt. Why doesn't she give me a chance first? Didn't she hear I'm on top of my class? Why does she have to judge me right away? Why do they have to compare me with my Dad? Are his mistakes mine? These are the questions that clogged

Sulli's mind. It became hard to breath. She just had to escape.


It surprised Sulli to see Minho waiting for the elevator. She didn't want anyone to see her. She can't control her emotions anymore. She needs to cry. But she can't cry when someone is around, she will never do that. But this man is here and so she needs to hold back her tears. Everything is boiled up on her chest.

When they both got in the elevator, Sulli noticed Minho looking really worried on his phone.

Something happened, Oppa? asked Sulli

It was only then that Minho noticed that the woman in the elevator is Sulli

Oh, sorry I wasn't paying attention. I didn't know it was you yeah something came up. I need to leave the party. Explained Minho

Minho noticed that though Sulli's face is expressionless, her eyes is all wet and shinny, almost as if she's going t cry anytime.

You ok? asked Minho

huh? Of course, Why won't I be? I just need some fresh air said Sulli.

Just then the elevator started to shake and the lights went out. Sulli screamed and Minho also couldn't control is voice.

Emergency light opened inside the elevator. But the light is not as bright as it was earlier. The elevator, Minho noticed, was not balanced from left to right. Something is definitely wrong.

I need you to move a little to your right, Sulli. said Minho

Huh? Ok Sulli followed

Wait! Just a little, go back..a bit said Minho

Now that the elevator looks more balanced Minho started to look at any control buttons that can be sued to communicate outside

Oppa, what is happening? asked Sulli with her worried voice

Just stand straight. Don't move that much. I also am not sure what is happening. But whatever is happening, I think we need to let people outside know that we are here. said Minho

No matter where Minho looked, he couldn't find anything that can help them. 3 minutes had past, then another 3 and it seems its becoming harder and harder to breath. Minho knew it's not time to worry about himself, he is with a girl who is probably scared to death of what is happening. When Minho tyrned around and looked at Sulli, he noticed that Sulli's eye is full of unshed tears and that then, Sulli can no longer hide that she's only holding back her tears. For some reason, Minho found that cute. Not funny, but cute. This girl is trying to look brave. It's ok to cry, you know. I really like that it's you who I got trapped in an elevator with. I mean, other girls would have already cried and get hysterical. But you're different. Or maybe you just want to look brave and under control. But in this kind of situation, it's ok not to look brave. said Minho while trying to add humor to what he's saying. Can you..turn around please. Face the door of the elevator? I can't cry when there's somebody watching. Said Sulli Minho turned around but he can hear Sulli's tiny voice while crying Why is that? Why can't you let others see? asked Minho curiously Because they'll think I'm crazy. They'll think I need to see a psychiatrist answered Sulli Minho can't stop laughing then. I don't think that way whenever I see someone crying, you know. So it's ok if you cry in front of me. Said Minho while turning to face Sulli.

Every girl has the right to cry in front of a man, you know. Said Minho smiling. Chapter 2- And then she fell Sulli tried to remember when she last felt her heart stop. When her father died? When her Mother left? Yes, there was a heart stopping moment during those times. But this is an entirely different feeling. This single second of memory will forever be an image in her mind like a scanned picture. This man, who she just met not an hour ago, who she just happened to take the same elevator as her, who is the person she is trapped in an elevator with, who just said random things to cheer her up would make her heart stop by just by just a simple smile. And now that her heart started beating again, it doesn't make her feel any better. It's as if her heart is racing. It is beating so fast and hard that it feels like her heart is trying to burst out of her chest. I don't think I want to cry anymore said Sulli while staring at Minho's face Why not? There's only the 2 of us here. And I promise I won't tell. Said Minho, still smiling My tears just went back up. So I don't feel like crying anymore said Sulli while trying to look away from Minho What? Minho started laughing again. This getting trapped inside an elevator does seem to get more entertaining by the second. Your tears just went back up? The law of gravity would tell you that that is not possible said Minho in between laughs. Why are you laughing? I was not joking. I am serious. It seems all the tears I feel like shedding earlier just disappeared. Said Sulli still with her expressionless face. Minho looked at Sulli's face well. She said she doesn't feel like crying anymore. And she does look better than a minute ago. He felt relive. She's not afraid anymore. The only problem left is how to get out of this elevator safe and that's the BIG problem. Then they heard a voice shouting from outside the elevator. Hey, Are you OK there? asked the voice of a man Yes, we're still ok. There are 2 of us here. Are you here to help us get out? asked Minho Sulli can't help but be amazed at how composed Minho is. Since they got trapped, He was always in control of himself. He would be a good boss in hard to deal situations. Yes, we will help you get out. But I'll be honest. It won't be easy. I'll tell you the situation. In the current state of the elevator, only 1 person would fit the opening that we can make. So we can only save 1 person at a time. The problem is, your elevator right now as you may

already know, is not stable. Some of the parts holding it in the left side is destroyed. If we rescue one of you, there is a high risk that the elevator would totally lose its balance. The remaining person's safety will be hard to tell. Explained the voice Sulli's heart is racing again, but this time she's sure it's fear. You are saying that you can only guarantee the safety of one of us. And that the remaining person that will be left in the elevator there's a high possibility of him not making it out? said Minho summarizing what the voice said Then Sulli, you need to get out first. Said Minho finally after a few seconds of thinking. Sulli was lost for words. She knows Minho is a gentleman from their brief conversation earlier. But risking his life for her, is totally at a different level. What? But how about you, Oppa? The rescuer said there's a risk that I might not make it out. But he didn't say that the chance is slim right? There's still a chance. Answered Minho. We're ready. You will get this girl out first said Minho to the voice.

In just a few minutes, the door of the elevator opened. 25% of the elevator is on the lighted floor where the rescuers are. The other 75% is on a very dark floor. They can't see anything. Minho and Sulli managed to maintain balance inside the elevator while making sure Sulli would be able to be reached by the rescuers. Slowly, very slowly, Sulli was pulled out of the elevator. It wasn't easy since the opening is very small. But she was successfully pulled after all the effort. She was exhausted beyond words. Then she saw the opening moving and getting smaller. The elevator moved down. Oh no Sulli's head is getting dizzy. She can hear the chaos around her but she could no longer stop her eyes from shutting down. -------------Sulli can hear somebody talking. Something about when will she wake up and whether everything has already been checked. She tried to open her eyes, but it was a big effort doing so. When she saw Uncle Sam. She felt better. Sulli! I am so glad you're awake! Uncle Sam said while rushing towards her. You made me lose 10 years off my life continued Uncle Sam What happened why am I here? Is this a hospital- just then, Sulli remembered everything. And the horror of what have happened to Minho came rushing back to her. Minho Oppa what happened to him? asked Sulli The door of the room opened. Somebody entered it. He's also wearing a hospital gown. When he got closer, Sulli can't believe what she's seeing. She can't believe Minho survived and seems to be in a good

condition. Hi! You're awake. said Minho He's been coming here every hour to check on you. Said Uncle Sam. But..I saw the elevator, the opening got narrower said Sulli trying to recall what happened It did because I went a little left in the elevator. I miscalculated a step. But I was able to get to the opening immediately after that and maintained balance again. Agility was important. All the sports I've been playing finally paid off. Said Minho smiling. You are one lucky man to have survived that. And I need to thank you for taking care of my niece. She's all I have now. I don't know what will happen if I lose her too. Said Uncle Sam She's one brave girl, Mr. Park. I think it was her who took care of me and not the other way around. She was a good example for me. I would've been scared to death if I ended up there alone. Said Minho with humor Sam burst out laughing. Everyone is relived now. Everything is in order except Sulli's heart. For some reason every time she looks at Minho, the chaos inside her heart would always start. ----------Minho still feels pain all over his body, especially his back. But he needs to go back to work. And hospital is just one of the places he hates to be in. When his room's door opened, he felt relieved to see Carl and Belle. They are his best buddies, best friends or any other word you can use to describe the friends you can't live without. We heard your heroic act said Belle sarcastically But please. Try to avoid doing that again. You're always giving trouble to people when you try to show off Show off? Why would I show off when I was trapped there with only one other person said Minho That's the point, there was someone else. So you felt you need to be the hero because the other person looks afraid to die? said Carl No She's not like that. She She's brave for a girl. Said Minho smiling while remembering the time Sulli was trying to hold back her tears Carl and Belle looked at each other suspiciously. There is something different about Minho. So Is she pretty? asked Carl out of curiosity Minho recalled how Sulli said her tears went back up and he just can't help laughing a bit. Yes, she's very cute. Said Minho That has got to be the weirdest thing that you would say, Minho. Has the doctor really given you clearance to leave the hospital? Belle asked.

Minho has never given attention to any woman. Ever since High school, the only woman he has paid attention to was Di. Whenever Belle or Carl would ask his opinion about other girls, he would only say yeah, she's ok. Or umm not my type. This is progress indeed. But as good friends, Carl and Belle know it's not the right time to interrogate Minho about this Cute girl. And Minho, knowing his friends from the inside out knows something is up. Are you going to tell me what's wrong? Or do you want me to find out for myself? asked Minho Umm do you want to hear the good news first? Or the bad news? asked Belle Let me handle this, Belle. The flower you sent yesterday, eventually got delivered to Di. Said Carl That's the good news. So what is the bad news? asked Minho Well When Di received the flower she kinda wanted to thank you. But she couldn't get a hold of you. Said Carl Get to the point man. Said Minho. He knows that's not the entire story She learned what happened to you. She got a little worried well really worried. She was rushed to the hospital yesterday. Said Carl Minho didn't want to let Di know what happened. She worries easily and she doesn't handle stress that well. He needs to be sure Di is ok. I need to go to her. She should be ok once she sees I'm fine. Which hospital is she in? You need to rest first. We can just visit her and tell her that you're ok. Said Belle No, I won't feel better until I see that she's fine. Said Minho Carl and Belle knew they lost the argument. When Minho makes up his mind like that, it will just be a waste of time to try to change his mind.

------------Sulli didn't get a chance to see Minho anymore after his short visit in her room. She wanted to thank him personally but Minho was already gone when she went to his room. Your flight back to the US is scheduled next week. Said Uncle Sam Sulli was surprised to hear what Uncle Sam said You want me to go back to the US? asked Sulli I just feel that your Dad's death is too recent. People when they meet you, we can't stop them from comparing you with him every time they meet

you. As much as I want to protect you, I know I can't be there for you all the time. Said Uncle Sam. He looks really worried and Sulli doesn't like seeing Uncle Sam like that. Let's say I continue studying in the US, when will you ask me to return here? In the end, you will still ask me to return right? And all the people who knew my Dad will always always compare me with him even if that's 2 or 3 years from now. said Sulli I will face them, Uncle. I will prove them that they are wrong and besides . Korea I realized it's not as bad as I remembered it to be. Sulli said smiling When did you realize that? asked Uncle Sam. Yesterday. Just yesterday. I realized that I like being here. That I want to be here. That my heart is here. But Sam being an intuitive person knows Sullis realization was not done on her own. For some reason, Sam knew Sullis hero is part of the reason shes staying. Chapter 3- The start of a Roller Coaster ride

5 years later

Present time

You have got to be kidding me! That childhood friend of yours is a total hottie!!! said Luna while looking at Sulli's tablet screen

He's ok I don't see him as hot though said Sulli

Robbie sent her an email and a picture of his trip to Europe. Robbie is her childhood friend. When she left Korea when she was 8, Robbie followed her to the US to study there also. When she left the US to return back to Korea more than 5 years ago, Robbie felt really bad since Robbie was already then studying in the University. But they never stopped their communication. They are still as close as ever.

You have very poor judgment, Girl. This kind of man was with you all the time in the US, and youve never become a couple? Tell me the truth, is it because He doesn't like you? asked Luna teasing Sulli

You really think he's handsome? He looks normal to me. said Sulli laughing

And who would be handsome to you? That Elevator guy who risked his life to make sure you were safe?

Luna knows the Elevator incident. Luna is one of the first friends Sulli had after she got back to Korea 5 years ago. They became really close when they decided to both take a management degree. Luna's bubbly personality was a god influence to Sulli, Somehow from the years that they were always together, Sulli learned to be a bit more optimistic. Laughing has been part of her everyday life now.

I know that you like this Elevator guy, but there's very little chance for you and him. Yeah you see each other at parties. Yeah you attend all the parties even if you don't like it just to get a glimpse of him. And yes, he almost never fails you by showing up. But you hardly talk right? When was the last time you talked? I mean really talked and not just a few seconds of Hi-Hello? asked Luna

Ummm . well Sulli knows Luna has a point, from the Elevator incident, there hasn't been any real conversation between Sulli and Minho the past 5 years

We are not getting any younger. When someone as hot as this Robbie Darling shows us attention, we should grab the opportunity and enjoy our youth! said Luna

Victoria suddenly appeared by the door breathless.

Hey Girls, the list of graduates are now posted. Let's see if our names are there! said Victoria

Victoria is Luna's cousin. She is also pretty close to Sulli like Luna.

While looking at the list, Sulli could not find her name.

My name is there!!! said Victoria almost hysterical

Mine too!!! said Luna jumping with joy.

My name isn't there said Sulli

No way You are our class' #1. How can that be... Said Luna

Hey you two, over here! Sulli! You've got the top distinction of the University this coming graduation! announced Victoria.

The three of them went jumping with joy ignoring all the other people who started to get irritated by their noise.


As part of his weekly routine, Minho needs to go to the plant to see how the plane parts are going. Being the youngest Vice President (VP) of SkyRock is not easy. You always have to be on the guard since some of the Board are not yet convinced of his abilities compared to the older VPs. In his 1 year stint in in SkyRock, he has already done a lot to increase the sales of his department. But he knows he has just gotten started, he is the successor of the company, he needs to show people that he can really take care of the company. It is stressful, but it has its perks.

Minho's face is now common in magazines, newspapers and even on TV. He will always be a guest on talk shows whenever topics are business related and even most sought after bachelor related topics. People just can't get enough of Minho Choi's skills, background and charm. Almost all the girls in the company falls hard for him except his direct reports. Minho is very strict when it comes to work. He will make sure commitments are delivered and everything is in proper order.

Minho presented the new project in the Board of Directors meeting. He emphasized the need to push through with the project and finding the right partner to make sure that there would be a long term increase on sales. The Board is pretty impressed with the projections and so it was not hard to convince the Board to approve the project. But when the meeting is done, the company lawyer asked him to stay.

You did a pretty good job. Said the Lawyer

My team are skilled people with the right level of experience. They are the brains behind this project. said Minho

And you never forget to give credit to where credit is due. Impressive. said the Lawyer

So, what's up? asked Minho Minho felt something is wrong. The attorney normally never talks to him. But today was different.

Why did you work for SkyRock? You've been earning pretty well on that multinational company. Is it because you wanted to become a good son? said the Lawyer I've always wanted to help Dad out. But I felt I need to get experience from other companies first. It was a good 4 years. Answered Minho

Well then can I test your love for this company then? said the Lawyer SkyRock It's going to fall apart in 6 months. He continued

I don't understand what you are saying. Said Minho

We've been deceived. SkyRock entered into a contract 2 years ago. The contract was disadvantageous for SkyRock. But your father wanted to push through with it since the CEO of the other company was his friend and the contract was badly needed. He convinced the board that in the long term, the contract will eventually be for SkyRock's stability. But we just learned that everything was fabricated by someone. It seems the company never was capable of honoring the contract. And the money was just taken away. We can't contact your Dad's friend anymore. Explained the attorney.

Minho had to sit down as he tried to absorb what the Lawyer said

But Sales is increasing. Sooner or later, the increase in sales will

cover the loss right? asked Minho

If the increase in sales is as steady as now, we need 2 years to recover the loss. But the debts that has to be paid, is due in 6 months. As you can see, the timing is pretty off. Said the lawyer

Minho's head is starting to hurt.

My Dad, he knows right? And the Board, how much do they know?

Your Dad knows everything. And I think that's the reason why he's in the hospital frequently. A few of the Board knows what's happening. And they are not happy about it. They are giving your Dad 3 months to get a solution.

And has Dad thought of anything yet?

No..But I do. Answered the Lawyer

What do you suggest? asked Minho

Banks will not lend us. And we know there are only a few companies who can support us. What I meant to say is, we need Samuel Park's help.


It wasn't easy getting an appointment with Samuel Park. Minho had to use all the charming lines he can use to convince the secretary to give her 30 mins with Samuel. The secretary had to reschedule a lot of meetings in order for him to get this slot.

When Samuel got in his office, he was surprised to see Minho waiting for him.

I thought I have a meeting with one of my Vice presidents. But I have one of SkyRock's Vice President instead, said Samuel while approaching


Forgive my intrusion Mr. Park. But I feel the concern I have is very urgent and so I had to be here. Said Minho

What did you say to my old secretary to convince her to move my schedule? She's a grumpy old woman. If she doesn't know all my allergies, I would have sacked her a long time ago. Said Samuel laughing

I told her that 5 years ago, when I first met you, you gave me an assignment. You asked me to know a negative thing about you. I told her I haven't found one yet. But she can tell me what thing she hates about you most and I will make sure it reaches you in this meeting. Said Minho with humor in his voice

That old hag. She's trying to get back at me. Said Samuel laughing So what did she say?

She hates your allergies. Specially your allergy on alcohol. She would normally need to accompany you on events when you might need to drink. And she will end up drinking what you can't.

Sam laughed out loud. This young man really has his ways of getting things done.

I have a good idea of what you need from me. But you know it's not easy to give you what you want. Said Samuel seriously

Your Dad and I go a long way, but you know that this is a corporation. There are investors, I can't just extend you help without thinking of the impact it will have to all the people who entrusted their money to FlyAir. Said Samuel

I know that this will not be beneficial to FlyAir as of now. But once SkyRock is out of Debt, our Sale's growth will definitely also reflect on FlyAir with this contract. Explained Minho

Then can you give me time to think about it?

Minho's enemy is time. He only has 3 months to give the Board a solution.

How long do you need? asked Minho

Give me a month. answered Samuel

A month? Isn't that too long? asked Minho

This large investment, a month is not even enough time to make all the necessary assessment. But I will give you an answer within a month, in one condition. Said Samuel. My niece Sulli, you remember her right? She's graduating today. I want you to get her as your intern for a month while I am thinking about the contract. I want you to get her to your team. I want her to work closely with you. I trust your abilities, son. And I want her to learn from you.

Minho knows there is something more to just having Sulli learn from him. But he is not in the position to dig deeper whatever Samuel has in mind. If he wants the contract, Minho will need to play by Samuel's games.

Should I go and tell her the good news? asked Minho Chapter 4: It will only get better Sulli couldn't be happier. Though Uncle Sam could not attend her graduation, she knows he is proud of her for getting the highest distinction of the University. Luna and Victoria was also all support when she gave her speech. And although she would still hear people say that no matter how smart she is, bad blood still runs through her veins, she doesn't care as much as she used to anymore. What matters is that today is her day. She will celebrate the fruits of her labor. She worked hard for it and she deserves it. You will fulfill your promise to treat us to karaoke today right? asked Luna while the 3 friends are walking out the school You have great memory about those things. Why can't you apply that to our lessons too? asked Sulli laughing Not everybody can use their intellect in studying, Sulli. Some people can only use their intellect on specific things. Like Luna for example. She can only use her memory on guys and free stuff. Me, I can only use my intellect on Arts. Said Victoria Arts? You think putting make up is an art? asked by Sulli

Nothing can be more obvious to a woman than the art of make-up. Said Victoria with all her pride. The 3 friends can't help but laugh on their own joke. Luna noticed that a lot of people are gathering by the gate. What's the commotion about? asked Luna An accident maybe? Or a celebrity? An idol?! said Victoria Luna and Victoria went running towards the school gate. Hey! Wait! I won't pay for Karaoke if you leave me! said Sulli but the 2 were already too far away to hear her. Our Friendship lost to an idol? said the irritated Sulli Oh well, He better be good looking. Or I'll really not pay for Karaoke. Sulli run towards Luna and Victoria. It was hard to see who the commotion is about. There was just too many people and all Sulli can see are heads. I think we should give up. I can't see anything. Said Sulli With your height, you still can't see? What more Victoria and I? said Luna. Just then somebody pushed Sulli hard to the point that she fell hard on the ground. When she was about to get up, a man held his hand to help her up. Sulli took the hand. When she was finally standing. She noticed that everyone's attention was focused on her and the man who helped her up. That's the only time when she looked at the man who helped her. It's none other than the man of her dreams, Minho. I thought the graduation ceremony will end half an hour ago. And so I went here early. Said Minho Sulli is confused, is she seeing things? Why would Minho Oppa be in her school? You look surprised. Oh, yeah, you weren't expecting me to congratulate you on your graduation. But you should at least say thank you right? I came all the way here after all. Said Minho smiling. You Why are you here? asked Sulli who has just now started gathering herself I'm here to pick you up, Sulli. Said Minho. I'm here to officially give you a tour of your future office for the next month. Future Office? Sulli is now more confused than ever. Minho grabbed Sulli's arm and brought her to the car. Don't worry about us, we can go to the Karaoke tomorrow! said Luna But Sulli did not hear it. She is confused and her body is just acting on its own, just following where Minho leads it. But her mind is floating elsewhere.

--------Inside the car, Sulli still can't grab hold of what is happening. Wait help me understand When you said future office . you mean FlyAir right? But you don't work for us so why are you going to tour me? Uncle can just ask someone in the company to do that. asked Sulli It seems you haven't talked to your Uncle recently. And I thought you two are close. Said Minho Yes we are, but he has been busy the past week and I was also busy preparing for the graduation. So Uncle knows about this? Maybe we should go to his Office. I think I need to know what this is about wait, this is not the way to FlyAir- Sulli just saw the only street that goes to the FlyAir office. Minho just went pass it without a care. Where are we really going? asked Sulli impatiently Minho couldn't contain and chuckled Certainly not to FlyAir. The streets are familiar to Sulli. There's only one other place that she knows that Minho can possibly bring her to. SkyRock you're taking me to SkyRock?! asked Sulli surprised by her own conclusion Bingo! You got it, smart girl. Said Minho Sulli could not believe it. Her future office is SkyRock? Uncle Sam agreed for her to work for another company? Why SkyRock? -----------Minho tried his hardest to not show how much he wanted to laugh. Sulli had been really surprised. Surprised might be an understatement. Shocked might be a better word. She has been quiet since she realized that she'll be an intern in SkyRock. She has been biting her lower lip and completely ignores him in the car as if he's just her chauffer. Looking at Sulli, she has already changed from when Minho first met her. She looks a bit more mature now. She's no longer just the cute girl from the elevator incident. From the few times he had seen her in parties, she has often been the topic of discussion specially to the circle of bachelors. But being young, her admirers do not have a choice but to wait. As for Minho, the image of the cute girl is hard to erase. She will always be like a little sister to him. But now, looking at her closely, she is everything a pretty young lady should be. Her boyfriend would surely be the envy of men during social gatherings. But from what he heard from heresays, Sulli has decided not to get a boyfriend yet and focus on her studies. But she already graduated, and so Minho is sure that Sulli's peaceful single days will soon be over. -----------

Sulli can't look at Minho. Whenever their eyes meet, something inside her melts. Her heart hasn't beat normally since Minho helped her up earlier. She doesn't know what her Uncle has in mind, but being around Minho is not easy for her. Minho introduced Sulli to all the members of his team. There were 3 men on their 40s, 2 women on their 30s and a girl on her 20s. Everyone, welcomed her warmly. Minho also toured her around the building, he showed her where the pantry was and even brought her to the rooftop. Minho noticed Sulli fidgeting. He knows Sulli is worried and he can't blame her. This intership is obviously not part of her plans. I will be honest to you, Sulli. I don't know what your Uncle is up to. But I brought you here today because I need your help. You're the only one who can help me. Minho said to Sulli Sulli doesn't understand what kind of help Minho would ask of her. He's a successful man, what can she possibly give Minho? SkyRock is in a shaky position right now and FlyAir is the only company that can help us. I've submitted a proposal o your Uncle but he said he needs time to review it. During the time that he's reviewing it, he wants you to work for me as an intern. I also find it weird why he would ask for that. But knowing the proposal will only give minimal benefit to FlyAir, I have to oblige to whatever requests he asks. I just want to be really transparent with you. Said Minho You need Uncle to accept your proposal? And you need my help to convince him? asked Sulli. If you help me to convince him, I will be very thankful beyond words. But more than that, I want you to work hard in your internship. I will be your boss and you will work for me. I can't show special treatment just because I need something from FlyAir. My peopela re the best in tis company. They work hard and they deliver. I won't forgive mistakes. You understand that right? Yes, I will also not like to get any special treatment. I've always been reading articles about you and I've seen your achievements. I want to get this chance to learn as much as I can from you. please treat me like your other subordinates. Answered Sulli Minho touched Sulli's head and shook her hair. -------

Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. Sulli learned this the hard way. Sicne this morning, she has been making mistakes. At one point she's focused, then just hearing Minho's voice, she immediately forgets what she is doing and would need to repeat everything from step 1. Because of this, she will only be able to submit a document now which she is supposed to give earlier noon. With shaking hands, she put the document on Minho's table. Um This id the document you asked for. Said Sulli

The document which was due at 12noon? asked Minho, not looking up at Sulli Umm Yes I'm sorry I kept making errors so I- Sulli tried to explain why the report is late I know you are just starting, but do you know the impact of the 2 hours that you haven't given this to me? asked Minho with his face which looks like he's trying to control his anger Yes, ummm the delivery will be late too I apologize and will try my best not to repeat the errors. Said Sulli Delivery only? The customer on this document , is one of the biggest customer we have. It's not just an ordinary delivery we're talking about. It's a multimillion worth of delivery. Do you get the picture now? Any delay on the delivery would possibly terminate the chances of continuously supplying for them. explained Minho. Minho breathed deeply. This should not happen again. Said Minho finally Yes. Sulli went back to her seat. She doesn't know why this is happening to her. She has never felt so down in years. She feels so incompetent as if all her graduation honors are nothing. When she looked up she saw a cold canned coffee on her table. She looked around and could not identify who gave the coffee. Small good things still happen. I should move forward. What Oppa said, I should not let it get to me or else I will not be able to give him the documents he needs tomorrow morning. Fighting! -------Minho, went to the toilet and saw that Luis is there. Luis has been the most experienced direct report he has. He's older than him by 15 years but has been very supportive of Minho. You were a bit harsh. Luis said I have never been the gentle type. said Minho You were especially harsh earlier. Said Luis I can't see the difference of what I normally do with you guys. I've always been like that. Said Minho You were a perfectionist and strict. You normally scold people but you are always composed and in control. You almost lost your control earlier. You know she's new, but you still gave her that customer's account. You should know that there's a big possibility of her not meeting the timing. Said Luis Wait a minute, this is the first time you're saying this stuff. Are you mesmerized by her too? said Minho When you said too, do you mean you're mesmerized by her? asked Luis No! I mean (ehem) um other men are saying she's pretty. Anyway, I have high expectations of her. She finished on top of the class. She has been exposed to business since she was young. And she said she's here to learn. If she really wants to learn, she needs to be tough. Said Minho

But still, she's still an intern. It's not a good idea to scare her like that. Said Luis Scare her? You don't know her Luis, she's braver than you think. Said Minho smiling. Chapter 5: When inconsistencies start

Minho, Carl and Belle has always blocked their Wednesday nights to meet. They will always meet at their favorite bar and would spend late Wednesday nights there just talking and drinking. They've been friends for the longest time but they would still religiously make sure that they meet no matter how busy they are. Wow, Luis said that? Luis has always been open with you on what he thinks. He would normally question your decisions and your presentations, but this is the first time he spoke about the way you treat your subordinate. You must've been pretty harsh. Said Belle

I wasn't. You know I don't play favoritism and I don't antagonize a single individual. I try to be fair on my subordinates. Said Minho

Well then Mr. Fair, if someone out of college becomes your intern. Will you give that customer to him on his first day? Said Carl

Minho took a few seconds to think. He tried to imagine an intern who he doesn't know.

I don't think you will. Said Belle

I thought both of you agreed that you will treat her like your other subordinates? In that case, aren't you being a bit inconsistent? said Carl

But you see- Minho tried to argue but his phone rang. He saw Luis calling. Luis knows how sacred Wednesday night is for him. And so this call means there is a problem.

Don't answer it. The last time you did, you had to go back to office running. Said Belle

But Minho still stood up and went a few steps away from Carl and Belle to answer the phone.

Hello Luis? What happened? asked Minho

I finally got it, Boss. I got you an appointment with Go Corporation. It is first thing in the morning tomorrow. We're only given 30 mins to present. Said Luis.

That's good. I'll go back to office and check the presentation. We'll meet at their office tomorrow. Said Minho before hanging up.

Carl and Belle already knows the way Minho looks means he has to go.

Should we try to stop you? asked Belle

I'm really sorry. I'm make it up next week. Said Minho. He couldn't help it, Go Corporations has been playing hard to get. This might be their only chance to convince the company to allow SkyRock to be their supplier.


Sulli didn't notice the time. She has been revisiting the documents she needs to give Minho first thing tomorrow morning. She has finally learned what she keeps doing wrong and is on her final stages of editing her work when she saw that it was already 12 midnight.

I can't believe time can run this fast. It was only 8PM the last time I looked at the clock. Is this broken?

Sulli looked around and she is alone in the office. She tried to check her phone and saw that it is indeed already 12 mdnight. hmmm it's quite scary alone here. But I need to finish this . Just a few minutes more. I'm almost done said Sulli to herself while stretching. ----------

Minho needs to get the presentation for tomorrow morning. He left his storage device in the office and he needs to get it because he needs to review the material for presentation to Go Corporation. Minho knows that the office is pretty much deserted at this time. Some of the lights are already closed. He has been in the office at this time during sleepless nights when they wanted to get a specific customer the next day. But he has never done this late to the office alone. That storage device just got to be worth going back for. They need to get Go Corporation to sign. When Minho arrived at their floor he was surprised to see some of the lights to still be on. The guards are being negligent. I am here trying to increase sales and look for ways to save the company and here they go leaving the office lights on. They should save on cost. I should remind them tomorrow. Said Minho who is quite irritated by the negligence of the guards When he passed through the glassed office of his team, he saw someone still working. He was surprised to see Sulli and for some reason, he needed to hide behind a wall. He wanted to see what she's doing without her noticing him. Sulli has her hair tied up in a bun, it's the first time Miho saw her looking like that. She was focused on what she's doing with her eye brows so close together. Minho almost laughed at that crease between her brows. And then Sulli answered her mobile phone. He couldn't hear what she's saying so he tried to go inside the glassed room silently. I'm sorry, Uncle. I'm just finishing something. I'll leave in a few minutes. I'm almost done. Said Sulli

Sulli noticed a shadow by the door and dropped her phone. She knows she's alone in the floor. Who can this be? How long has that shadow been there? Sulli saw a wooden ruler on her table and took hold of it while slowly walked towards the door. She took off her shoes and tried to stop breathing so that the shadow does not hear her walking towards it. She wanted to catch whoever or whatever this shadow is.

Minho wondered why Sulli suddenly stopped talking without saying goodbye to her Uncle. When he can't control his curiosity, he tried to take a peak only to be hit strongly by a wooden ruler on his face.

Ouch!!! Minho almost got out of balance from the shock and the pain.

Minho Oppa?! shocked Sulli asked. Oppa, what are you doing here? Does it hurt? Oh no..what did I do? Sulli is worried and scared

Hey! Why did you have to hit me?! asked Minho when he can finally open his eyes. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to. I was alone here the past hours and when I saw a shadow, I wanted to catch it! explained Sulli Catch it? Shouldn't you run away? That's the safest thing to do. Said Minho I can't do that, I I have to stay here a bit more. Said Sulli What if that shadow is a criminal? What if you miss a hit? Did you ever think of what will happen to you? asked Mino I'm sorry. Did I make you worry? Answered Sulli Look here, I am your boss. You are in the premises of the office. If something happens to you here, I will be responsible. And with the current situation of SkyRock, I can't let anything bad happen to you, do you understand? said Minho Yes, I am sorry. Answered Sulli. She can't look at Minho. His eyes is just so angry it can freeze her if she looks at it. What are you doing here anyway? At this time? Asked Minho who is already frustrated Umm I wanted to give you the documents you were asking for first thing tomorrow morning. I want to make sure it's there on your desk when you come- That's not how this is supposed to be! You need to be efficient. You have to finish your job within a manageable timeframe. 12 Midnight is just too late for you to still be here..and alone! said Minho But then I keep seeing something wrong and I needed to repeat the document a few times. You said it earlier that each time I give the document to you delayed, a multimillion delivery is at risk. I want to make sure we keep the customer relation. So I wanted to make sure I give this to you tomorrow morning. Answered by Sulli

Yes, but you should do it more efficiently. You shouldn't be staying

here this late. Answered by Minho I'm giving you 10 minutes to wrap everything up. We're leaving in 10 minutes. Said Minho

Sulli knew 10 minutes is enough to finish her work. But that was before Minho came. Now that he is here, she knows it will be hard to focus. But she needs to finish this in 10 minutes. Sulli tried to imagine that she was still alone. She's not 100% successful, but it helped that Minho was also busy with his laptop.

You have to email me the document. I will go straight to an appointment tomorrow morning. Said Minho.

In 10 minutes, Sulli was able to finish the document and pack her things up. It was only then that Sulli saw her phone on the floor. Minho saw the phone on Sulli's hand. It looks broken.

How are you going home? asked Minho

Um.. Sulli tried to hide the phone in her bag. I'll just call home so that someone can pick me up. Said Sulli You'll call home? Why don't you call them now? said Minho Oh..I'll call them when we get to the ground floor. It's not safe to wait downstairs. Answered Minho Right you can go ahead, Boss. I'll just go to the bathroom. I'll see you tomorrow. Said Sulli while going out of the room as fast as she can. But Minho will not allow that. He caught up with Sulli and grabbed her arm. You should ask for help when you need one. Said Minho You don't need to look independent all the time. I'll take you home. Oppa, I don't want to burden you. I've already brought you trouble today. I can manage going-

I told you I'm responsible for you. So you don't have a say on the matter. I'll take you home and that's final. Said Minho

-------Inside Minho's car, there was complete silence. Sulli feels nervous, happy and dizzy at the same time. She's happy to get this chance to get closer to Minho through this internship. This is her only chance to make him see her. But because of her mistakes at work, Minho is seeing her for the wrong reasons. She wants to impress him and eventually get closer to him. But how can she impress him now? Should she already accept that Minho is just too far for her to reach? The silence is killing her. Every minute counts. She rarely gets a chance to be with Minho alone. She needs to open up a topic. Umm . Why did you come back, Oppa? You already left but went back to office. asked Sulli

I had to get a presentation for tomorrow. Said Minho We've got the schedule with Go Corporation tomorrow morning.

Go Corporation? The company that fixes damaged planes? I did a research paper on that company back in college. It was really good. I met a lot of executives of that company and was able to interview them. It was a good experience. Answered Sulli

Minho is surprised to hear that Go Corporation allowed the research paper. It is known to be very strict and secretive. The schedule of the executives are also tight. That's the reason why they only got the schedule tomorrow even if they've been trying to get the schedule for a month now.

I'm meeting with Mr. Norman Shepherd. Said Minho He's one of the-

Vice President for external relations, Mr. Shepherd? Sulli Asked

You know him? asked by the surprised Minho

Yes, He's a very nice person. He was very accommodating and was very warm. answered Sulli

It was the opposite of the image Mr. Shepherd has in the business sector. Mr. Shepherd is known to be very blunt. He says the harshest things and turns down proposals with just the slightest mistakes.

It's hard to believe that he's a warm person. I've met him once and he's far from warm. Said Miinho

Did he ask you what you think about travelling to Europe? asked Sulli

Yes, he did. I said, I would love to and had been planning to. But I haven't really gotten a chance to go yet. Minho answered

And did he ask you what is the best place to visit in Korea? asked Sulli He did. I said Jeju has been receiving a lot of recognition lately. Answered Minho That's your mistake, Boss. He was trying to find out if you're someone who is working for image and luxury or you're someone who is working for something important. said Sulli How can he know that from those questions? asked Minho You wanted to go to Europe, that's luxury. But you referred him to only because of the positive feedback of people. It was not because experienced it. And besides, he has been travelling Korea. He knows lot of other beautiful places base on his own experience. He wanted hear a place that is important to you. That's going to be the most beautiful place for you, right? said Sulli How can someone ever think of those with just those 2 general questions? asked the frustrated Minho That's why he's usually cold to everyone. Answered Sulli "Well then, you need to sleep as soon as you reach home, Sulli. You're coming with Luis and I for the meeting with Mr. Shepherd tomorrow. Chapter 6: Just when you thought you are up, you fall down Sulli arrived at the ground floor of the Go Corporation building where she is supposed to meet with Luis and Minho. When she got there, Minho is already sitting on one of the chairs in the waiting area. Luis is not yet around. That's good, she wanted to ask some questions about the proposal that will be presented to Mr. Shepherd before they actually meet the client. Jeju you a to

Good Morning Boss. You're early. Greeted Sulli

Yes, I always am. You're early too. Said Minho

Yes, I wanted to get some background on the proposal. I went early hoping either you or Luis will be here to help me out. answered Sulli

Hmm Do you remember the document I asked you to complete and submit to me today? asked Minho

Yes, I sent it to your email. Said Sulli

That is the projected sales that Go Corporation will have in this proposal. I added it in the presentation. said Minho

At first I didn't know we'll be able to get this schedule. But when I did, I was worried that we don't have the numbers yet. It was a blessing from heaven that you stayed last night to finish it. I have them all now. Said Minho

Does that mean

Yes, that means you did well. Of course that was a big coincidence, but that saved the presentation today. Said Minho

Sulli can't help but be happy. Her heart skipped a beat knowing that her effort will be helpful to Minho. All the hours she spent in the office last night is worth every second. This is the first time she did something right. Although she just got lucky with the timing and all, she is still happy that she can help Minho.

Minho noticed Sulli smiling happily. From the first time Minho met Sulli, this is the first time he's seeing her smile this happily. Something about that smile felt different. It felt like something about Sulli glows. But maybe it's because Minho has always seen the uptight Sulli. The Sulli who always try to look brave, the Sulli who always try to be good at what she does. This is the first time he has seen this Sulli. The happy Sulli.

Sulli noticed Minho looking at her. Something about the way Minho looks at her is different. Don't worry, Boss. I know that this does not mean that staying in the office late is right. I know you worry about the safety of the people who work for you. Said Sulli smiling Minho immediately looked away from Sulli as if his eyes got burnt. Luis is taking a lot of time. You should probably review the numbers you sent me yesterday. Said Minho

Sulli had to stop for a second to think. Ah, he needs me to review the numbers in case Mr. Shepherd has a question.

Minho noticed the crease between Sulli's eyebrow which is starting to look familiar.

You want to know why I am asking you to review the numbers? asked Minho It's because you will be presenting the financial projection part of the presentation later. Said Minho

Sulli can't believe what she's hearing. She will also present?! But she's not prepared for this. Although the computation is still fresh on her mind, she hasn't practiced how to present it yet.

Luis came while Sulli is reviewing her numbers.

I made it on time. Should we get going? asked Luis

Luis noticed Sulli sitting on the other chair.

Wow you still got her to be here even if we only got the schedule last night? asked Luis Minho immediately stood up.

We'll be late if we don't hurry. Let's go. Said Minho looking irritated What's gotten into him this early? asked Luis Hmm..he was ok before you came. Said Sulli So I pissed him off? What did I say? said Luis ---------Minho was sure the contract is the best Go Corporation can get from any other companies out there. With all the discounts and additional benefits, Go Corporation will never go wrong with SkyRock. The problem is, Mr. Shepherd does not decide on these considerations alone. He is known to make the weirdest decisions which eventually turns out right.

The presentation started out well, Minho made the introductions and what the SkyRock company is about. He has to make it concise since he only has 5 minutes to make the intros. It was Luis who discussed the details of the presentation. He discussed the contents of the proposed contract, its benefit to Go corporation. He only had 10 minutes to do this. Sulli had been listening well in what Luis is saying. But her heart is beating fast in anticipation of her part. She only has 3 to 5 minutes to discuss her part because they wanted to give Mr. Shepherd time to ask questions. And so when Luis called her name, she had to breathe deeply to calm her nerves. Mr. Shepherd, as you can see on this slide, with an average of 100 spinners a month, your company will earn up to 120,000 USD. That is 40,000 USD higher that most competitors. I've collected the information about the competitor too in the attached file so that you can compare the benefit the different companies can give you. Sulli said I have to stop you, Ms. Sulli said Mr. Shepherd. This is the first time he talked since the presentation started. Your projection shows 100 spinners. 100 average. That might be true to a company But that won't be true to a company like lower than that. The 120,00 USD would be Shepherd spinners in a month as the as big as FlyAir and SkyRock. Go corporation. Our scale is a bloated projection. Said Mr.

Minho knows Mr. Shepherd is not convinced of the projections and he felt that Sulli is in a bad situation. Just when he was about to talk in behalf of Sulli, Sulli started to talk again.

Mr. Shepherd, on the research paper I did on Go Corporation a few

months ago, I know that the average spinner sales your company has is around 80 spinners. Lowest of which is 40 spinners a month and highest at 120 spinners a month. The research showed that the highest sales is during the month of April while the lowest normally happens the month after. On my research, it showed that the reason why sales increase on the month of April is because of the discount that Go corporation provides to the customers during this month. Customers hoard as much spinners as they can. But then, on May, the price increase usually happens. said Sulli

So what are you trying to say? said Mr. Shepherd

Go corporation can give the same price you give your customers on April all year round if you sign the contract. Because you can now provide the lower price all year round, we can say that the sales will increase. Upon the studies I made, the projection of 100 spinners per month is already very conservative. The calculation showed 120 spinners but for purposes of presentation we didn't use the maximum since we do not want to bloat the numbers. Said Sulli I can share the details with you later today. Said Sulli

Minho doesn't know which to be more surprised at? He's surprised to hear Sulli so composed and has already considered all these factors when she did the computation. But he's more surprised at the smile that is now forming Mr. Shepherd's lips.

Just as expected from you , Miss Sulli. You never disappoint. Said Mr. Shepherd I will look at the details. This is very promising. But honestly, the numbers are temporary. Though I like what I see on the projections, no one can say for sure how long we can do business together. In my long stay in this business, I learned that long term partnership is better than short term benefit. And I want to make sure that if Go Corporation enters into this contract, it will be for a long term partnership with SkyRock.

That will be good for now Minho thought. It's better than Mr. Shepherd saying No right away. They still have a chance.

When everyone is going out of the room, Minho approached Mr. Shepherd to shake his hands.

I don't know how you got her. We've been trying to convince her to work for us. But she declined our offer and said she will work for FlyAir since she wanted to help her Uncle as soon as possible. Said Mr. Shepherd

I also don't know how a very capable person ended up in my team. I mean, I'm not even paying her anything special. But it just happened that way. Said Minho

She might've seen something about SkyRock . Or you perhaps. I would love to know. I've heard a lot of good things about you Mr. Minho. But I'm not a person who easily believes what I hear. Said Mr. Shepherd

I am slowly seeing that Mr. Shepherd. And I like that. Our future interaction will be base on results and not on heresays. Said Minho

By the way I'm planning to rest this weekend. Where do you recommend me going? asked Mr. Shepherd

Minho stopped to think for a second and saw Sulli walking out of the room behind Mr. Shepherd

The best place I know is the Villa my Dad bought for my Mom years ago. That's where I had most of my fondest childhood memories. That's where I always go to whenever I want to have a quick escape from the world. said Minho while still looking at Sulli who is walking towards Luis

It must be a very relaxing place. Said Mr. Shepherd

Yes. It is. As much as I want to share it with you, I will need to keep it for myself for now. Or else I won't be able to use it for my escape anymore. Said Minho

Mr. Shepherd laughed. This young man Minho, is very interesting. Did Miss Sulli make the right decision to work for this man instead of helping out her Uncle right away? Mr. Shepherd saw Sulli looking at Minho when Minho walked toward her and Luis. For some reason, he can't pin point what's different from the way she smiles at Minho.


Luis has been seeing Minho yawning the past minute and that can only mean 1 thing. His boss did not get any sleep last night again.

You didn't sleep again to finalize the presentation? asked Luis

Yeah I had to add the numbers I got from Sulli. Said Minho while yawning

But Boss . I thought you said we should work within a manageable timeframe? asked Sulli

Luis can't help but laugh

You said that, Boss? asked Luis

I did And I mean it but the point was you can't stay late in the office alone. That's just dangerous. Said Minho

Luis is enjoying this. His stubborn boss arguing with the smart intern.

Inside the car, Minho decided he can't drive and asked Luis to drive. He sat on the passager seat beside the driver to get some sleep. Sulli sat at the back passager seat. On the way back to the office, Luis noticed Sulli taking a peak at Minho's sleeping face. Sulli is an adorable girl. Good thing he was way older than her, almost her Dad. That thought made Luis laugh catching Sulli's attention. Were you saying something, Mr. Luis? said Sulli Umm actually, I just wanted to say that you did a good job back there. Said Luis Thank you. I'm glad I helped you both. It was my first time and I was really nervous. I though the air in my lungs will burst out of my chest. Said Sulli You did? You did well hiding it. You looked natural and confident. Said Luis Thank you, Mr. Luis. I tried to follow your example. Said Sulli Luis can't help but laugh again. By the way. I am glad you were able to

join the presentation earlier. When we discussed having you as part of our presenting team yesterday, I was not sure we should pressure you that way on your second day at work. When we got the schedule last night, I was almost sure you wouldn't be able to join the presentation because it will be too late for you to know. Said Luis

You mean, you already decided that I will present to Mr. Shepherd yesterday even before you got the schedule? asked Sulli

Yes. I told Boss that it's too early for you to already be part of the presenters. But he insisted that you are more than ready. It turns out he is right. Said Luis

Sulli got confused. She thought Minho only wanted her in the presentation because of her prior experience dealing with Mr. Shepherd. But hearing that Minho has already planned for her to be part of the presentation team even before getting the schedule with Go Corporation is making her all confused.

But, how can he even think of having me present when I failed on my first document? asked Sulli

The document which you submitted 2 hours delayed? That one? You call that a failure? Haha! That customer is the most complex customer we have. It has all those discounts and reductions which we don't normally give other customers. Whenever we submit that document to accounting, they will normally give it back to us because there's always something wrong about it. Yesterday was the first time we submitted it to accounting and it did not return to us for rework. It was the first accurate report submitted to them for that customer. Said Luis

Sulli looked frozen from her seat. All afternoon until night yesterday, she felt bad that she was really slow at work and that she had to revise everything over and over. She even thought she is a failure and that she does not deserve all her graduation awards. But hearing all these things seems to melt all the sadness away.

Don't get it to your head. You did a good job yesterday and today. But I still won't forgive you staying late in the office just to do all those. said Minho while he still looks like he's sleeping and his eyes are still closed.

You weren't sleeping?! asked the surprised Luis.

"Just drive" said Minho Sulli cant help but feel happy and giddy inside. She feels like shes on cloud nine! Minho looked at the mirror where he can see Sulli at the back seat. He saw the "happy smile" and couldnt help but smile too. ----------Minho is in the middle of a meeting when Belle called. He knows she's going to ask him to lunch and he needs that right now. Anything to pull him out of the office and get his mind on something else. Belle was already in the restaurant when Minho arrived. As usual, Belle has already made the orders because she knows what he will choose in the menu. The food is also already served. He would sometimes eat lunch with Belle since her office is just 1 block away from his. People would normally think Belle is his girlfriend but people from the office already knows that Belle is like his buddy. Look at those eyebags. Said Belle Thank you for noticing. I've already had 3 cups of coffee. Said Minho Coffee, does not eliminate eyebags. Said Belle

Minho had to raise his brows. What does he know about eye bag elimination anyway? That got Belle laughing.

Carl shared something serious yesterday when you left. Said Belle You should've been there. But of course Luis is more important than your buddies so you left just like that. Said Belle

Sorry, you know I had to. SkyRock If there's something I can do to make sure it doesn't fall, that Dad still keeps his name among the Board, I will definitely do it. Said Minho

Carl said he was online the other night and guess who was also online? asked Belle

Hmm there can be a billion of other online people who is it? asked Minho

It was Di. Carl was surprised to see her online. Said Belle

Minho had to stop eating.

Di was online? asked Minho

I just said that. Said Belle When is she coming back? She's been there for 3 months. I thought her assignment is only supposed to be a month? said Belle

Her Boss asked her to stay longer. Somebody there resigned and they have just hired someone new. Said Minho

So what do you plan to do? You were supposed to propose the day she told you she'll be assigned to the US right? said Belle But of course you weren't able to propose then.

Hmm How can I do that now? With SkyRock's situation, how can I propose to her? said Minho

I don't think Di would mind a simple wedding. Said Belle

I will. I want to make sure it's a proper wedding. But I can't celebrate anything now. With the Board watching every step my family does, it will not be a good idea to get married within the next months. said Minho

Minho, you are together for 8 years now. To be honest, not all women can be as patient as Di. said Belle

Di also has plans for her career. I don't want to hold her back. Her career is now starting to go up. She needs this time to focus on her career. said Minho

Did she tell you that? Did she say her career is the most important thing right now? What if she's just trying to hide what she feels because she doesn't want to hold you back, that it is you who need this time to focus on your career? said Belle


Minho went back to his condominium unit. It is everything a bachelor pad would look like. It's minimalist and since he had cleaning service every day, the room is very clean. Minho is tired. He is deprived of sleep. Everything is doing well in his team. If not for the loss due to the wrong decision 2 years ago, what he is doing in his team would have been already excellent and would have already made it to the business magazines. But these days, he feels that whatever he does, it's always not enough. Only Samuel Park can help them. He doesn't want the feeling of depending on another person just to survive. But in this case, he doesn't have much choice. Everything his father worked hard for, everything his Dad sacrificed a lot of things for, would be gone if Samuel Park won't help them.

Minho lied on his bed. If only he can turn back time when everything was doing well in SkyRock, he will stop Di from going to the US and will propose to her that day. But when he saw Di's excitement to go to the US for her assignment, he couldn't bring out the ring from his pocket.

Minho sat up and took the ring out of his bed side table drawer. But will there still be a chance to make it all right? said Minho

Minho's phone rang and he saw the number from Samuel's office calling. He almost dropped the ring in reaching for the phone but managed to put the ring back on his bedside table. Hello, this is Minho Choi. Said Minho Hi Mr. Choi, this is Mr. Samuel Park's secretary. Said the other line Yes, of course. I remember you. How are you? said Minho I'm good, but my news to you is better. Said the secretary What is it? asked Minho Mr. Park wants to see you next week. He told me that he wants to invite you to lunch. Said the secretary. This is getting more nerve wracking by the minute. How can he sleep tonight with this development?

Chapter 7- Dead-End Minho is distracted the whole week. He can't wait to meet Samuel Park and know what he has to say about the contract. Though he asked for a month to think about it, Samuel already wanted to meet him next week even if he still has more than 2 to 3 weeks. Does he have any question? Were the terms not that beneficial? What can he still offer him when he has already given the best offer he can under the circumstances. He worked with the best in his team to come up with it and he doesn't have any contingent plans if that does not succeed. Looking around his team, Minho can't be any prouder. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, but his team is a good blend. A person who is weak at one thing can be supported by another who is strong . Everyone is always busy and tired but they get things done and their team is soaring with all the contracts they are able to close. Specially the past week, with the Minho-Luis-Sulli tandem, they were able to close 3 contacts. Just yesterday night, Mr. Shepherd called him up to say that he has signed the contract and it's on its way to his office. That news made him jump with joy. But that doesn't solve the BIG problem. -----The company lawyer called Minho up and they met in a coffee shop near the office. I heard some news that Samuel has been talking with a lot of his Board members the previous week. He was seen paying a visit to them and heard they were talking about some contract with SkyRock. I think that old man really wants to help your father . He's going through a lot of trouble to influence his Board. But of course, he is a business man. Let's admit that the contract does not give much benefit to a company as big as FlyAir. So what can he be thinking to go through all the effort for us? Said the Lawyer That's what I like to know. He wants to see me tomorrow for lunch. I've been thinking of what he will be demanding, but as far as I know, we've already put everything in the contract. I don't think we can give anything more. said Minho That's really worrisome What can he ask from a drowning company? Hmm But Minho, whatever it is, you know there is only one answer right? asked the Lawyer. Whether we can give what he demands now or something we can only give in the future, the answer will always be Yes. Continued the Lawyer I know. Said Minho taking a deep breath It's hard when you know everything is not within your control. And that you have to say Yes to everything he might ask of you. I know how hard this is for you and I've seen you work hard the past months. But for your father's sake, please bear it for a bit longer and please always remember SkyRock when you talk to him. said the Lawyer -------It was a Japanese style restaurant and Minho has no appetite at all. He came to the restaurant early and practiced his greeting a few times.

When Samuel entered the room, he immediately composed himself and made his presence known. Good Afternoon, Mr. Samuel. It's good to see you. Said Minho You arrived early. I thought I was early. Said Samuel I wanted to arrive here before you do. Said Minho Samuel smiled at that and proceeded to sit on the floor by the table. Ah, the food is already served. That secretary of mine is sometimes reliable. said Samuel Minho sat across Samuel She called me in the middle of the night for this Lunch, she seems to be working really hard. Said Minho Well She's dedicated anyway, how are you doing these days? I heard a lot of good things about you from Sulli. Said Samuel. From Sulli? I wonder what she has told you Minho got nervous, did she tell him how strict he was? Did she tell her Uncle how he scolded her on her first day and how she had to stay late that night ? She said you are a person who is gifted with foresight. She said you know who the right companies to go to and you know what package is best to offer them that they can't say No to. Said Samuel She said that? asked Minho Yes, and above everything, she would always say that you take care of your people. That your team is like the A-Team in the company because your team is already known to be the best of the best. Said Samuel That's good to hear. Sulli and I haven't really talked that long except for presentation preparations and stuff. I'm glad she thinks that way. Said Minho Samuel checked his phone and seems to be waiting for someone. And then the door opened and Minho is surpised to see Sulli. Sulli was also surprised to see Minho. Oppa, why are you here? asked Sulli Why are you here? asked Minho Sit down Sulli, I invited Minho for lunch same as I invited you. Said Samuel. Sulli sat beside Uncle Sam. Minho thought they will discuss the contract today, so what is Sulli doing here? You said you don't talk that much and I wanted to make sure you two people get to talk beyond the boss-intern relationship. Minho's Dad and I are good friends, it's a waste if you two will end up as strangers.

Said Samuel But Uncle, this situation is a bit awkward Minho Oppa Well he's my Boss. If someone from the office learns about this- said Sulli I won't tell. So just relax and enjoy the food. Said Samuel Minho tried to look like he is enjoying the food, but the truth is, everything tastes bitter. He is getting impatient. Sulli noticed that Minho is stiff and hasn't really eaten much. She also noticed his jaw clenched that's a sign that he's irritated about something. You've been looking at Minho, Sulli. Said Uncle Sam Sulli almost chocked and coughed. She had to drink water to stop. Uncle, I wasn't looking! said Sulli in between deep breaths. Minho looked at Sulli then and noticed the rice on Sulli's cheek. Uncle Sam is not paying attention and seemed to have not noticed the piece of rice. But Sulli is too far away from Minho for him to tell her without embarrassing her. Sulli can't look at Minho because of what her Uncle said. So she excused herself so that she get some fresh air outside. When she was outside, she was surprised to see Minho just 2 steps from her back. Why are you here? You should be inside with my Uncle? said Sulli I just can't bear it anymore. Said Minho You can't bear what? said Sulli Minho slowly walked closer to Sulli. And ever so slowly touched Sulli's cheek. Sulli had to close her eyes in anticipation. Is this the moment? Is this going to be her first kiss? After a few second, Sulli felt cold air brush her face and when she opened her eyes, Minho is already walking back to the room. Hey! What was that for? asked Sulli What? said Minho You touched my cheek as if As if what? Oh, you mean this piece of rice that was stuck on your cheek? asked Minho showing the piece of rice on his finger. Sulli went red in embarrassment Don't go thinking about nasty things. Oppa is not a wolf. Said Minho smiling foolishly and laughing Sulli , though too embarrassed, felt good to see Minho laughing. It's good to see you laugh. I thought you were really irritated earlier when we were eating . I never should've come. If I only knew you were coming, I would not have come here. said Sulli

Minho noticed Sulli's white face is glowing in the sun. It's like a picture perfect moment. I don't know how you noticed. But I wasn't irritated because of you. I am an impatient person. You should know that by now. So it's my fault. You shouldn't worry about it. said Minho ------Sulli asked to leave first because she still has a document to finish that afternoon. And so Minho and Samuel were left in the restaurant. And so we are left alone. Said Samuel What do you think of my niece? asked Samuel She's a very capable person. She does her work right first time. She's very diligent. Said Minho Good. It's good that you see things in her that you don't know a month ago. Said Samuel Yes, a month ago she was just a cute little girl I used to have a not so good elevator memory with. Said Minho Yes, that's right But you still don't know a lot of things about her until now, isn't it? asked Samuel Yes you're right. I'm sure not as much as you do. Said Minho What if I give you a chance to get to know her better. On a different level. Said Samuel Umm..what do you mean? said Minho I am asking you, to marry my niece. Said Samuel Minho had to stop for a second. Did I just hear him right? I think I didn't hear you right- I said I want you to become Sulli's Fianc. I want you to marry my niece. Said Samuel Minho mouth dropped. He cant be serious. And that's the only condition for me to sign the contract. Said Samuel firmly Minhos brain stopped working for a second. --------Samuel's words keep echoing in Minho's mind. I said I want you to become Sulli's Fianc. I want you to marry my niece And that's the only condition for me to sign the contract. No matter how much Whiskey he drinks, the words just keep getting louder and louder. Maybe he needs soju.

Hmm So what did you tell him? asked Carl I asked him to give me time to think about it. Said Minho Wow, you were brave enough to ask for time to think? Even if he can just walk away and say, `Since you don't want to be Sulli's fianc, then forget the contract.'? Said Belle I don't know what else to say. I was in a tight situation. I went there thinking that I will be a Yes-Man. That whatever his condition is, I will say Yes because the contract is the only way SkyRock will survive. Said Minho But Yes was the hardest word to say that time. Continued Minho This is why it was never right to keep your relationship with Di a secret from everyone. From the start, the relationship should have been known to public so that they won't have these kinds of expectations. Said Belle Stop that, Belle. We all know that Minho did that to protect Di. His Mom would've done everything she could to tear them apart if she learned they are still together. Plus, the public would definitely hate her since Minho has too many fans. Keeping it from public, I would do the same thing too if I were in the same situation said Carl. Minho can't stop drinking, he wants to get drunk, he wants to drown Samuels voice in his mind. --------It was already 9:30AM and Sulli is worried why Minho is still not in the office. He is normally already in the office by 8:00AM. She knows there is no presentation because Luis is in the office. Why can Oppa be this late? Luis asked Sulli for a document which Sulli already finished and have already put on Minho's desk. Umm Mr. Luis. Do you think he'll come to office asked Sulli Boss? Oh, he'll be out today. He said he's not feeling well and needed to rest. Said Luis. Sulli is worried. What happened to him? He is sick, will he be OK? Is it because of the sleepless nights he has to prepare presentations to clients? He really does not know how to manage his work within a manageable timeframe, and now he's sick? This is getting Sulli irritated. He should be ok right? He will let his family know that he's sick, right? But just imagining Minho, Sulli thinks he's not the type to call home and ask for his Mom to take care of him...Waht should she do? ------Sulli is probably out of her mind to be standing in front of Minho's residential building. But she can't stand not knowing if Minho is OK. She asked Luis if she can go out early since she finished all the documents and Luis gladly said Yes. Sulli went to a supermarket to buy ingredients for a porridge. She has only done it twice for Her Uncle and is not an expert. But hopefully, it will help Minho feel better.

Sulli knows which floor and which unit Minho stays because she saw the information the prior day when Minho was filling up a form. She has to thank her good memory that she is able to go to this far. Sulli went to the 4^th floor and looked for Unit C. A woman went out of the unit. She is uniformed and looked like she is a cleaning ajumma. Excuse me, is this Minho Choi's house? asked Sulli Are you his girlfriend? asked the woman Umm.. No but- They always say No to avoid gossips Anyway, you're just in time. I tried to lift him but my arthritis is attacking and I can't lift him. You have to help him up. Said the woman Sulli didn't have to listen any longer, she immediately went inside the house and looked for Minho. Minho is there in his living room, lying face down on the floor. Sulli dropped the bag from the supermarket and hurried beside Minho. Oppa! Are you OK? What happened? Oppa, please wake up. Said Sulli while shaking Minhos shoulder. Minho opened his eyes partially...everything is blurred...but the image fo the woman beside him looks familiar...Ah...Its Sulli. Minho smirked. Well if it isn't my fiance visiting me in my house. Said Minho with his croaky voice still not standing up. Oppa Are you drunk? You need to stand up and lie on your bed. said Sulli And you are already playing the part of a good fiance. Said Minho laughing sarcastically Sulli tried to shake her head. He really is drunk. Stop saying nonsense Oppa. You have to stand up. Then do you like me?" Sulli dropped Minhos shoulder "Tell me Sulli, Do you like this Oppa? asked Minho still having that irritating smile on his face But Sulli can't believe her ears...Why is he asking me this? Chapter 8: I like you He is totally drunk. But that is not an excuse to be a total Jerk. Sulli took the glass of water by the table and splashed the water on Minho. Minho suddenly sat up from the shock. What did you do that for? You're really gonna get it! said Minho who got really angry

You are drunk to the point of being crazy! said Sulli Crazy? Wow, that might be right, I might be getting crazy Can you blame me? Minho Said It's not easy thinking of how to save a company like SkyRock. And it's not easy thinking of how you can protect your Father's reputation. Oh well, you'd never understand. You have a sheltered life with your uncle and FlyAir has always been a big company. Said Minho Sulli felt Minho's problems and she knows he is going through a lot. The pressure might've been already too great to handle. I don't think my Uncle will just sit there watching SkyRock to fall. Your Dad is his friend, he will make a way to help you for sure. Said Sulli Oh help us? By what? By asking me to marry you? said Minho Sulli still thinks Minho is talking nonsense. He will never do that. Said Sulli Minho got serious and stood up though he almost fell to the ground again. You really don't know your Uncle huh? Why don't you talk to him? Ask him why he's not signing the contract yet? Ask him what he wants in return for the contract? You'll be surprised to know that you might end up married before this year ends. Said Minho Minho is serious. And that made Sulli's head spin. Did her Uncle really ask Minho to marry her?! -----That night Sulli waited for her Uncle. These days they don't normally get to eat dinner together because Sulli goes home a bit late. But now Sulli got home early and that's because she has to settle things with Uncle Sam. They ate dinner quietly. Though Sam asked how Sulli's work was and what has she been doing, Sulli just answered with one line statements and quietly ate. Uncle Sam knows something is wrong. When Sulli Did not go straight to her room after dinner and went to his office, Uncle Sam felt a storm coming. I'm an old man, so you have to be gentle with me whatever it is that you are going to say said Uncle Sam when he entered his office. You are not that old, Uncle said Sulli. He doesn't like it that Uncle Sam already knows she's agitated about something. So what is this about? Do I need to get a tranquilizer to calm my nerves? asked Uncle Sam I think it's me who needs a tranquilizer. Said Sulli Uncle, Did you ask Minho Oppa to marry me? asked Sulli Uncle Sam didn't think news will reach his niece this early. He wanted to tell Sulli about it only after Minho gives him an answer. He is unprepared on what he will tell Sulli now that she learned it early.

And what if I did? asked Uncle Sam Do you hate the idea? Of course Sulli doesn't hate the idea. It actually makes her excited and giddy inside. She will be crazy with joy by now if only Minho showed the same excitement. But Minho is drunk and felt desperate for SkyRock, and she didn't like that. No I don't But why did you come up with this? I mean why Minho Oppa? And why this early? I just graduated. Said Sulli You and I both know why it has to be Minho. Although you never told me, I have known how you feel for him since you first met him 5 years ago. Said Uncle Sam Sometimes I feel it's really hard that I know too much of your heart Sulli. In parties, I will always see you staring at him and trying to get closer to him. In the end, you'll only get to say a `Hi' or `Hello' and then you will need to wait for the next party to get your chance again. It was hard for me seeing that. Sulli felt like something is stuck on her throat. She felt like tears are soon going to fall and her heart is squeezing knowing that uncle Sam had known everything for a long time. And so when I saw an opportunity, I could not let it pass without trying. Said Uncle Sam Sulli sat on a chair. Her energy is draining. What if he doesn't like the idea? asked Sulli SkyRock is falling. Andrew is going to be blamed if that happens. Do you think Minho would say No when he has on his shoulders everything his Dad worked hard for? asked Sam But Uncle, you are forcing him. I want him to like me naturally. And I don't want SkyRock to fall. Minho Oppa has been working hard and barely sleeps. Said Sulli I've talked to the biggest shareholders and members of the Board. I did my best to package the proposal as something that will give FlyAir long term benefit even if the short term benefit is not that big. Said Sam But they wanted an assurance that the relationship between FlyAir and SkyRock is really long term My friendship with Andrew Choi is no longer enough as proof because of Andrew's bad experience with his friend that caused the problem SkyRock is facing now A marriage is inevitably the only solution. You will have to get married with him even if you never had feelings for him. Said Uncle Sam Does he know? About how I feel for him? asked Sulli Did you tell him? asked Sam No I can't tell him said Sulli I told him that I wanted a marriage in order to push through with the contract. But I think he thinks this is just a business deal, nothing personal. Said Uncle Sam This will never be just a business deal for Sulli. It will always be personal.

----Luna and Victoria are screaming and shouting with excitement at Sulli's news. Although she keeps repeating that Minho hasn't given his answer yet, she can't control the way her friends reacted. She understands them, they always knew she was in love with the Elevator guy. So when will he give his decision? He has to give it soon right? asked Luna Sooner or later, he has to answer my Uncle. Said Sulli That's great! Finally!!! It's like a fairy tale come true! I am so happy for you Sulli! said Victoria I don't think he'll accept. He seems to be really down I don't think he likes the idea of getting engaged with me I am pretty sure he doesn't like me. Said Sulli Don't be insecure! You are pretty and smart. You already showed him that you are capable at work. You just need to get a bit closer so that he will appreciate you. Said Luna Does he know how you feel? asked Victoria No...He doesn't. I have no confidence in telling him . said Sulli Maybe he has to know. Maybe you just need to tell him how you feel so that he'll take notice of you. Said Victoria. I don't think I can do that. Just imagining telling him how I feel It scares me. Said Sulli When the three of them went out of the caf and said their goodbyes, Sulli felt she needed to walk around. When her phone rang, she didn't even look at who is calling and just answered it without thinking. Hello, This is Sulli. Hi Sulli It's Minho. Sulli's attention snapped Oppa? asked Sulli Umm, yes I need to talk to you. Are you free tonight? asked Minho Yes! I am free...There's also something I want to tell you. Said Sulli -----In a park, Minho arrived and sat beside Sulli on a bench. He brought canned coffees for each of them. You don't like it? asked Minho when he noticed the crease between Sulli's brows No...I just thought I tried this before. Said Sulli

Yes you did. In the office. said Minho Ah! Right someone gave me one. It was really refreshing then. I haven't thanked Mr. Luis for giving it to me. Said Sulli Luis? You thought Luis gave that to you? said Minho Isn't it Mr. Luis? I didn't see who put in on my table. Said Sulli You should be more attentive of what is happening around you. Said Minho You just scolded me then. I was still self pitying then Did you give me the canned coffee? Asked Sulli You looked pretty down then. Said Minho Sulli felt really happy. Thank you, Boss. The wind blowing on the tree leaves was relaxing. there were only a few people in the park and there was an old couple walking by hand in hand. That's beautiful Sulli said Yes, I have hopes of ending up like them in the future. Said Minho Minho knew he can't delay it any further, they need to talk things through. I'm sorry I was a jerk when you visited me in my house. I was really drunk then. I can't remember everything I said, but I do know I wasn't the most pleasing person. Said Minho You are not the most pleasing person even if you're not drunk. But you're right, I almost hated you when you were drunk. Said Sulli That made Minho laughed a bit But still not enough to hate me, huh? You're really a very sweet person. said Minho But aside from apologizing I wanted to talk to you because I wanted to ask your help. Said Minho What kind of help? asked Sulli I need you to ask your Uncle to change his condition to sign the contract. Thinking about it, I guess they wanted to seal the long term partnership by marriage as an assurance that SkyRock will fulfill all our duties. But I can give them that assurance even without a wedding. The wedding I don't think it should be used as part of a business deal. Said Minho Sulli's heart sank If she can just dissolve at that moment she would her heart is breaking at the thought that Minho doesn't want to marry her. Why do you hate the idea so much, Oppa? What don't you like about me? asked Sulli What? It is not about what I do or don't like in you Sulli. If 2 people fall in love, then they will get married. But marriage to seal a business deal? That is not within my principles. It will be very damaging for you and for me. It will restrict us to be with the person

we really love. Said Minho Sulli can't bear the pain anymore, it's as good as hearing Minho's rejection It will not restrict me Because the marriage will help me get closer to the man I like. Said Sulli Minho got confused all of a sudden. What is Sulli saying? Are their minds meeting at all? Minho had to stand up. I don't get what you mean, Sulli. I'm trying to explain to you that If you end up marrying me, you will not be able to get close to any man anymore- I don't need any other man, Oppa. You're the only one I want to be close with Because you're the only one I have ever liked and will ever like. Said Sulli while trying to hold her tears Wh..what Minho can only whisper his question not believing what he just heard. Ever since 5 years ago, when we were trapped in that elevator, remember? You saved me right? said Sulli trying her best to resist crying while standing up to get closer to Minho I let you out first, but it was the rescuers who saved you. I am not your hero, Sulli. Said Minho But it doesn't matter who pulled me out, You almost died there and ever since then, I would always feel different when you're around. Said Sulli It's like my heart will pound uncontrollably and my mind is a mess when you are there I didn't know I liked you already then But through the years, I always wanted to see you. I wanted to get a chance to be close to you. I wanted you to see me. Said Sulli But Sulli- I know I'm younger than you. I know you don't like me yet. But I will try my best to make you see the real me. I will try my best to make you appreciate who I am. I will change what you don't like about me. I will be a good wife to you. I will study everything there is to learn about SkyRock and we will pull it up again together . I will I will make you fall in love with me. Said Sulli almost breathless, her lungs almost out of air. Minho is frozen like a stone. His mind is blank, his heart is numb, he can't feel his arms from his legs. Oppa?...Please say something. Said Sulli Minho just looked at Sulli. This innocent face, the eyes that is filled with unshed tears What will he say? Is there any right word to express how confused he is right now? I I can't have the wedding I'm Sorry But I am already in love with someone else. Said Minho with his expressionless face Sulli's heart just felt the greatest pain in her whole life. Tears are already flowing from her eyes but she made no effort to dry them or hide them. The pain is just too much to bear that she felt her knees shaking.

She just stood there, staring at Minho, not knowing what to do but just cry her heart out. Minho felt a stab in his heart when he saw tears flowing on Sulli's face. He almost reached for her but he was able to stop his arms when he saw the pain in Sulli's face. -------

Carl was surprised when Minho called him to have a drink outside the usual bar they stay at. When Carl saw Minho, he was holding a glass and a bottle of soju. But he hasn't drunk anything. I thought you'll be drunk by now. Said Carl I tried Whiskey at the bar I can't drink it. It just didn't appeal to me. But when I went here even Soju doesn't appeal to me. Said Minho Carl had to take a deep breath. He doesn't know what to say to his friend. He doesn't want to be on the same shoes. But he has to say something. So she confessed to you? asked Carl Minho just nodded his head You rejected her? asked Carl Minho nodded again What did she say after that? asked Carl She just stood there She was crying. After a few minutes, she turned around and asked if she can leave. And then she just left said Minho What do you plan to do now? asked Carl I don't know I Minho's phone rang Belle? asked Carl No It's Mom said Minho Hello, Mom? Yes, I'm out with Carl. Yes . Say that again? Where is he? Which Hospital? asked Minho with some urgency in his voice What did your Mom say? asked Carl Dad was rushed to the hospital. Heart attack. Said Minho ------Minho went to the hospital and talked with the doctors. He learned that his Dad has been feeling pain on his chest for the past months but had been insisting to go to office. He knows it's all his fault. Said Minho's Mom. And he wants to solve it on his own. He didn't want you to get involved. But I am afraid that he is at his limit.

The Lawyer was there too and though he did not say anything, Minho knows he is also worried about the future of SkyRock now that his Dad is physically unstable. I will take care of everything here. You go home and get some rest. You still have work tomorrow. Said Minho's Mom. Minho looked at his Dad. There are tubes everywhere and he looked older than he did a few months back. He has also become thinner. Minho couldn't bear to look at him for a long time. His heart is breaking for his father. ------Sulli cried the whole night. And couldn't get up the next morning. It seems that no matter how much tears she has already cried, there will always be more. --------Minho did not get any sleep. Sulli's crying face and his Dad's weak state in the hospital are haunting his mind one after another. He heard good news this morning that his Dad is feeling better and that the Doctor will release him tomorrow. But he still feels agitated specially that it's already 10AM and Sulli is not yet in the office. He checked his phone and did not see any message. He asked Luis if Sulli called and Luis said she didn't. Minho is worried. Everything he said to Sulli flashed back on him. He hurt her and she cried But when he still didn't hear anything from Sulli at 11AM, he already got pissed. Even his team was wondering why he had a foul mood this day. Everyone is scared to approach him because he seems to be always on the edge of shouting and scolding people. His presentation that afternoon also did not go well. Though Luis was able to pull it off somehow, they almost lost the contract because Minho's mind is elsewhere. Until that evening, Minho did not hear anything from Sulli. And he is getting more and more frustrated. Chapter 9: Boiling Water That night, Minho can't decide what to do. Why did Sulli not come to the office today? I am her Boss, she should've informed me that she won't make it. There are pending documents, good thing he was able to squeeze it in someone else's work. But It's still not finished and the accounting department had to ask them to re-do a lot of things. But more than that, if she's not feeling well, she should've told him. Minho's mind started to imagine different things that might have happened. What if she tried to go to office but because she was spacing out from everything he said last night, she got hit by a car? Minho knows his imagination is just extreme but he got really anxious. He reached for his phone. And dialed Sulli's number. But even before it got connected, he ended the call. If he calls her up, she would think he cares He can't do that Not when he said he's in love with someone else. He instead called Luis to check on Sulli.

When Luis did not send an update after 10minutes, Minho tried to call Luis but his number is busy. He tried again after a minute or 2 but still busy. When he finally got through Luis, he tried to control his temper. I told you to call me up as soon as you learn what happened. Said Minho Yes It's only 15 minutes since then, Boss. Relax. Said Luis How can I relax when you did not even send me a message to tell me what happened to her? said Minho Luis almost chuckled. It is apparent that his Boss is quite worried about Sulli. If you are that worried, why didn't you call her yourself, Boss? I mean then you don't have to wait for my update. Said Luis I I'm her Boss! But she did not even inform me that she will be absent. I think this is unprofessional and she should be the first to approach me to apologize. Said Miho Really? Well then, try to be a little gentle to her tomorrow If she gets to office tomorrow that is. It was a household help who answered the phone earlier. She said Sulli was not feeling well the whole day. I heard she refused to eat anything and was really with low spirits. I guess she was really sick that she wasn't able to think of informing anybody anymore. Said Luis Minho felt a heavy thing's weight is on his chest. Did he do that to Sulli? Is he really this type of person who does that to women. This happens to Di too whenever it involves him. Is Sulli like Di? ----Sulli is nothing like Di Minho thought. Sulli was in the office this morning catching up on all the documents she left yesterday. She seems to be ok and in high spirits. Did Luis trick him last night? Where's the really sick barely eating Sulli now? Sulli went to the bathroom to escape. She needs just 5 minutes, no make that 3 minutes by herself to rest. She sat on a closed toilet and closed her eyes. Oh! She is just so tired! It's just been half a day but she had to put all her energy to the documents that has to be delivered yesterday. She also taught the person who did the report yesterday how to do it correctly to avoid rework. She should already know how to do the process correctly moving forward. She already started the work that has to be submitted today. Good thing Minho assigned someone to help her and she is able to teach that person too how to do the process accurately. She taught her everything she learned so that accounting does not have to keep on returning the documents to them. Everything is almost done. Bear it a little bit more, Sulli. This day shall soon pass And it will all be over. -----When Sulli submitted the last document for the day, Minho is impressed. She did it. Although Sulli looked really tired, she was able to finish everything on time.

You did well. Said Minho Sulli did not look Minho in the eye. She hasn't looked Minho in the eye since she arrived this morning. Minho thought that it is because she is busy throughout the day. But now Minho is sure that Sulli is trying to avoid eye contact. Thanks, Boss. Said Sulli Ummm Sulli, can you tell me what happened to you yesterday? You..erm You were absent and I was wondering if you were sick or something? asked Minho Sulli finally looked him in the eye and Minho was caught off guard. He almost dropped the pen he was holding. Can I talk to you please? Alone? asked Sulli ----They went to the rooftop. The sun has already set and the moon is very bright in the sky. It would've been romantic. But it isn't. Why do you want to talk alone? asked Minho What happened yesterday? Were you sick? Is it because of me? asked Minho That's the kind of question you would not be able to ask if the entire team is around. Said Sulli Right that's true. Said Minho I was just a bit tired yesterday. I did not get sleep the previous night and could not get up the next morning. I think you know why. Said Sulli Right And how are you feeling now? asked Minho I still didn't get any sleep last night and so nothing much changed from how I feel yesterday and today. But I can't stay home anymore, or else Uncle will notice that something is wrong. And He can't know. Said Sulli I I'm sorry that you are burdened by this Sulli. This is SkyRock's problem and you shouldn't have been dragged into this I I don't know what to say. Said Minho Sulli drew a letter from her pocket and handed it to Minho What is Minho opened the letter and had to stop at the headerLETTER OF RESIGNATION What does this mean? asked Minho I'm resigning, Boss. said Sulli What?! Minho is angry he is really mad, he feels like the blood suddenly rushed to his head and he can almost see red. Are you crazy! Minho can't control his voice anymore. You were doing

so well. You have now been an important part of the team. You said you like to learn from me. And you still have more than a week left to do that, and then you're resigning?! Minho shouted. Minho had to walk a few steps away from Sulli. Minho took deep breaths. I know I said some things that hurt you But that is personal, it has nothing to do with work, it has nothing to do with SkyRock. Minho tried to calm himself I know it won't be easy to work with each other from now on and I know I need to adjust and be sensitive because I now know your feelings. said Minho But resigning? This is just absurd! Minho shouted again Sulli did not expect Minho to react this mad upon her resignation. She thought he will accept it coolly. She thought it will be easy for him to understand what she is going through. He just went 180 degrees from her expectation. You know that I like you. Said Sulli That fact can't change overnight, Oppa. But for what is my feelings for you worth? If you do not feel the same way for me? Sulli tried to control her emotions. This can't happen again. He has to accept her resignation. When I hear your name, my heart skips a beat. When I hear your voice, my mind goes in chaos Do you think it's even easy for me to stand here in front of you? said Sulli And then you want me to continue working here? When you already know how hard it is for me to just see you? said Sulli My decision is final. I have decided to resign. I will let my Uncle know that the decision is mine alone. So you don't have to worry about anything. Said Sulli It was nice working with you, Boss. In the short 3 weeks that I've been here, I saw how you work, how your team collaborates with one another and learned a lot of things about business. I will surely use everything I learned here in the future. Thank you for taking care of me all this time. Sulli bowed and left Minho Minho is still angry, his hands has already felt numb from extreme clenching. He knows that he has no right to ask her to stay, but the fact that she is resigning boils his blood to anger. ------Minho went home and his anger hasn't subsided. His foot got hanged on the leg of the table and he fell hard to the ground. He got angrier and tried to kick the table and the sofa until he got tired and had to sit down. Minho knew something is wrong with him. Why am I so angry Why do I feel so frustrated said Minho -------Carl looked at Belle. And Belle knew what Carl is thinking. But it doesn't make sense. But doesn't it? Why is Minho acting this way? This is not even the first time that his subordinate resigned. And it is a

common thing that happens every day. So why is he this mad. Is it because she is so good at work that you feel it's such a waste to let her go? That doesn't make sense, Man. You already knew her internship is only for a month. Said Carl Carl is right, she only has 1 week left. Why would you feel angry over 1 week? said Belle I don't know anymore. I just feel so frustrated. And I don't know why. Said Minho Maybe I'm going crazy over all these marriage, internship, liking someone-stuff. Said Minho Carl is certain there can only be one reason why Minho is acting this way. He is definitely not angry because his intern resigned. He is mad that it was Sulli who resigned. If it was anyone from his team, even Luis, he will not be acting this way. But it was Sulli, and Minho's mind is now in turmoil. Carl noticed Belle looking at him. He knew Belle has suspicions about the situation, but she's a fan of the Minho-Di relationship. It might not be easy for Belle to see what he is seeing. But he can only hope Minho realizes it soon before things go out of hand. ---The Lawyer called to meet Minho and though Minho has a good idea what the meeting will be about, he still went to see the Lawyer. I heard Sulli resigned. Said the Lawyer Yes She did. She said there is nothing for us to worry about. Said Minho, trying to look cool about it I heard the condition Samuel asked you. Said the Lawyer You are really good at gathering information. Said Minho He's been giving you too much time to think. You can't leave him hanging. Time is running, we are only left with 2 months to get a solution. Said the Lawyer I know. And I promise you there is not a day goes by that I haven't thought about it. Said Minho Your Dad You know his condition, right? If anything like that happens again, there is no assurance that he will survive it. Minho tasted something bitter and felt like throwing up. No matter how harsh the words are, the Lawyer is right. The Doctor made it clear to him. His Dad can't be subjected to anymore stress. I know. And I will give Samuel Park an answer soon. Said Minho Make sure your decision is grounded on what is really important. Remember, SkyRock's future is in your hands. The future of all the investors, the Board, and the thousands of employees even your family will be subject to your decision. I will trust your judgment. Said the Lawyer.

----Belle is surprised to see Minho's message that he wanted to eat lunch with her. This is one of the few times that Minho was the first to ask. She went to the newly opened restaurant and found Minho waiting for her by the window. He is looking outside the view of the city. Hey handsome. What's up? asked Belle This looks like a good place. Said Minho I hope the food is as good as the view. Said Belle. After ordering their food, Belle noticed that Minho is spacing out Hey! Your mind was somewhere far away. Said Belle Oh yeah sorry Just a lot of things in my head. Said Minho Minho can't focus on anything. The place is good, the food will probably be good. But he has reasons why he wanted to meet Belle. And lunch is not the main reason. Belle I need to ask you a favor. Said Minho A favor? Hmm . This is interesting. You haven't asked me a favor for a long time. said Belle You have to promise that you'll keep it. Said Minho This is scary what is it? asked Belle I need you to go to the US tomorrow. I will pay for your tickets, hotel, everything. You already have Visa and so there won't be a problem. I don't know how you can reschedule all your work appointments but I really need you to go there for me as soon as possible. Minho said Belle can only just stare at Minho. He wants to fund my US vacation? How can I ever say No?! I am breaking up with Di. And I need you to be there for her. Said Minho

Chapter 10: Decisions

It was one of the hardest week Minho had to go through. Work is as busy as it can be. But the hardest part was settling everything on his personal life, which is now invaded by business too. Belle left for the US a few days ago. Though Minho knows he should personally see Di, he can't afford giving himself a reason to change his mind. He has made a decision and though he knows he will regret it later, he can't let SkyRock fall.

It was 2 sleepless nights since he broke up with Di. Di has been trying to call him. But he can't talk to her. He needs to focus.

Samuel knows he's been giving too much time for Minho to think, but he can't rush things. Minho has to learn to decide on his own. And although he knows something is wrong with Sulli the past days, she just kept quiet and would not tell him what is wrong. And so Samuel is glad when he heard his secretary calling this morning to tell him that Minho has finally asked for a schedule with him. He had to give the first slot of the day even if he knows her secretary will need to work overtime just to reschedule all his appointments for the next 2 months.

Minho came in early. There is no time to waste.

I didn't know how hard the decision is for you, but 3 weeks was a really long time to give a Yes or No answer said Samuel

I apologize for just coming now. I know the decision is long overdue, but I needed to settle some things first. I want to make sure everything is in order before telling you my decision. Said Minho I I really think that SkyRock is my father's most precious treasure. And I won't let it fall apart. What I mean to say is I am accepting the condition you are asking for. I will be your niece's fianc. Said Minho

Good, I am glad to hear that. But let me tell you that my most precious treasure is not FlyAir but Sulli. Take care of her because I am sure she'll take good care of you. Said Samuel

Minho knows how important Sulli is to Samuel. He can only hope that this decision is for the good.

Let's meet for dinner later. I'll ask Sulli to come. Said Samuel

Minho's heart start beating faster than usual. He hasn't seen Sulli in more than a week. The last time he saw her was when she gave him the resignation letter. And he was so furious then. What will she say once she knows that the engagement is a Go?


Sulli doesn't want to go to the dinner. But her Uncle said she has to. Sulli has refrained from anything social. She doesn't go out that much

the past week and even declined calls from Luna and Victoria. She exhausted her energy on working out and learning to cook from home. She just wanted some peace and quiet for a while. So when Uncle Sam asked her to meet him out for dinner. She said No. But he told her that it's been a long time since they got out for dinner and he misses her company as if they don't live in the same house. Sulli dressed up a little more elegantly than usual. Her Uncle usually chooses a fancy restaurant for their dinner dates. It was her Uncle's favorite restaurant and she already knows the table that the restaurant would always give her Uncle. In no time, so found her Uncle already waiting for her. But to her surprise, Minho is also there on the table chatting with her Uncle. She wanted to back out, she already took a step back, but Uncle Sam saw her. Hey Sulli, you're here. Said Uncle Sam I didn't know we have company. Said Sulli awkwardly Uncle Sam asked Sulli to sit beside Minho across him. Though Sulli doesn't want to, there was no other chair and so she had to oblige. Minho is looking really elegant tonight. As usual, he would always get the attention of women. All the women who passed by their table would either smile at him or would look at him. Minho has been impatient the whole time Sulli wasn't there yet. And when Sulli arrived, he was mesmerized. She looked a bit thinner, but she looked really beautiful in her dress. He doesn't know why he didn't notice before, but her exposed collarbone really looked sexy. And when she sat beside him, he can smell her perfume as if inviting him to get closer. He breathe deeply hoping that none of what he was thinking showed on his face. I didn't tell you he'll be here because I wanted to surprise you. Said Samuel Everyone ordered food and ate quietly. Samuel will sometimes open a topic of conversation but Sulli will just answer with a few words or phrase. Minho would usually really try to prolong the discussion but it will just end up a conversation between him and Samuel. What do you think of the food? asked Samuel It's really good. This is the first time I tried this place. Said Minho And Sulli? asked Uncle Sam

Same as usual. Said Sulli Good Sulli there's a reason why I wanted to have dinner with both you and Minho. Said Sam And this is what Sulli is waiting for. She knows something is up the moment she saw Minho earlier. Minho and I talked this morning. And Minho came to a decision to accept the condition I set for the contract he needs from FlyAir. Said Samuel He will be your Fiance. Said Sam Minho saw the crease between Sulli's brows and knows she is confused. No. said Sulli There won't be an engagement, Uncle. That will not happen. Said Sulli Though this is a scene Minho saw as a possibility, Sulli's reaction still squeezed his heart a bit painfully. Shouldn't she be happy? She said she likes him right? I think we have to talk, Sulli. Said Minho There are things that you need to hear from me. Said Minho


Samuel left Minho and Sulli to talk. They went to a coffee shop. Sulli's mind is going to blow. What is Minho thinking? Why did he say Yes to her Uncle when he doesn't want to marry her?

Sulli has been looking at Minho with that confused eyes of hers and Minho can't take the scrutiny anymore.

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to talk to you first before I talked to your Uncle. Said Minho

I don't understand you, Oppa. Said Sulli I know SkyRock is your priority, but you clearly told me you can't marry me. So what is this about telling my Uncle that you will? said Sulli

Minho doesn't know how to explain everything because he himself is also confused.

2,000 said Minho

2,000? asked Sulli

That's the rough estimate of how many employees SkyRock has That's also the estimate of the families that will suffer if SkyRock falls. Said Minho

So you're going to marry me even if you don't like me? Even if you can't be with the person you love? asked Sulli

Yes for now. Said Minho I will use the time of the engagement preparations to convince your Uncle to sign the contract. I will reevaluate all the options and look for a way to improve the contract. But I need time to do that. And your Uncle would've said No straight ahead if I didn't say yes for the engagement. said Minho

So you are using the time that we are engaged to convince him change his mind? said Sulli

That's the plan. Said Minho

And you think I'll just play the part of a good fiance knowing that you are only using this engagement for SkyRock? asked Sulli

No. I know I need to convince you too And that's why I wanted to talk. Said Minho

The woman you love, does she know these things? asked Sulli

She probably has an idea I broke up with her. Said Minho

Sulli's mind just went still for a moment.

It will be unfair for her if I get engaged with someone else and I still keep her by my side. I am not that selfish. Said Minho

But Oppa-

I don't know what the future holds. If I can convince your Uncle, I would probably choose to end the engagement. If not, I will go with the wedding. I can't keep her hanging. Said Minho

And it's Ok to use me like this? It's ok to keep me hanging? asked Sulli

You're stronger than her. Said Minho

I am not as strong as I look. Said Sulli

Sulli has to breathe deeply. Minho is going to use her to get what he wants from FlyAir just like that. He is concerned over his fiancee's feelings but does not care about how she feels. She is extremely angered by this fact. However, something inside Sulli is happy at the same time. She will be spending time with Minho Oppa more frequently. And although she is trying to accept that Minho is not for her, she wants to be with him still. It's a battle between her pride as a woman and her still lingering feelings for Minho. If she does not agree with this What will happen to SkyRock? Can she bear seeing Minho miserable?

Let's have a deal then. You will convince Uncle to sign the contract to regain your freedom, but for the time being that we are engaged, we will act as a real fiance towards each other. I will continue to like you. And you will need to pay attention to me from time to time. And if my Uncle gets to sign the contract, I won't hold on to you. Said Sulli with her hesitant smile

Minho smiled at that. He feels relieved that Sulli is smiling at him again no matter how awkward it looked. It's like he drank water after a long run.

It's a deal then. Said Minho giving Sulli one of his sweetest smile


The first role as fianc tonight is to take Sulli home. From the outside, the house seems a bit small for a multimillionaire family. It's even smaller than their own family home.

Are you sure this is where you live? asked Minho

Yes. Sulli almost laughed at how unconvinced Minho is

It's smaller than I thought. Said Minho

Is it? Hmm I thought it's already big. It's only me and Uncle there. An Ajumma comes in the morning then leaves at night. So we don't really need a big house. Said Sulli

That makes sense. Said Minho Well then, which one is your room? asked Minho

Umm There. The one beside the tree on the second floor? That's my room. Said Sulli It's late, Oppa. You need to go home. Said Sulli

Minho doesn't know what to do. As a fianc, he should at least kiss her on the cheek right? But won't it be too much?

Goodnight Oppa, see you! said Sulli.

Sulli waved her goodbye to Minho, got off the car and went inside the house. She left him just like that.

Minho had to laugh at himself. What is he thinking? Is he seriously thinking of treating her like a fiance? That would mean treating her more than a girlfriend. Just the thought of that is already crazy. Minho saw his phone ringing and knew it is an international call. It's Di. Minho ended the call and took a deep breath.

Minho saw the light on Sulli's room opened. He saw the window open. As soon as Sulli looked out the window and saw his car still there, Sulli

immediately closed the window and hid somewhere inside. That made Minho laugh. He wanted to see her face and pinch her cheeks. That's his cute fiance.


Carl saw Minho drinking and smiling on his own. "You look crazy, Man." said Carl "Next time you smile like that alone, do it more discreetly. Please may think you have loose screws on your head." "Let them think what they want to think." said Minho "You seem to be in high spirits today. Thsi si ageat improvemetn from a few days ago." said Carl "Yeah...a break up... is never easy." said Minho "Especailly if its with someone still important to you" said Minho "But you look better today. What happened?"asked Carl "Hmm...I told Samuel that Ill marry his niece. And then we met for dinner, Sulli was there." said Minho "I bet shes going to be really confused" said Carl "She was. Especailly when she learned my decision." said Minho. Minho laughed when he remembered their deal "You really are already crazy. Dont laugh out of nowhere , Man!" said Carl Minho continued to laugh "But seriously, Man. You look better. And if theres anything happening that makes you feel better, then Im all for it." said Carl Sulli, that "Cute girl" is making Carl really curious. His effect on Minho is undeniable. Just a few days ago Minho cant be talked to. He was just so broken hearted from the break up. But now, he can already smile and laugh. Whaever Sulli did, its effective. ------

The next day, Sulli went to meet Luna and Victoria. Both her friends can't contain their excitement. She then went to the mall just to look around. She wanted to invite Minho to lunch so she didn't want to go far from Minho's office.

She sent Minho a message but did not receive a reply.

Hmm.. I guess he's busy By this time, the documents would've already been submitted to accounting. But if he has presentation later today, he would be busy during lunch preparing. I shouldn't have asked him out for lunch. Said Sulli while knocking on her head for not thinking before sending a message Sulli went near the SkyRock Building since she thinks she can get a taxi there. From a far she saw Minho Running the other way. Oppa! Sulli called out Minho stopped running when he saw her. He immediately went to her Where are you going running? asked Sulli Minho is still catching his breath. I said you are in the mall waiting for me for lunch? asked Minho Ahh Yeah I sent you a message about that. But I don't think you'll have time so I decided to just go home. Said Sulli I have time now. So let's grab lunch. Said Minho You were running because you thought I might've already left? asked Sulli Ehem! I wasn't able to reply and I only read the message late. So..Ehem Minho can't speak the entire sentence but it made Sulli smile that Minho would run to see her for lunch. Don't you have a presentation this afternoon? asked Sulli I do said Minho

Oh no If that's the case, then let me just buy you lunch and just go back to office. I know you usually use this time to prepare for the afternoon presentations. Said Sulli

This is one disadvantage of having a fiancee who used to work for you.

Minho took his phone out. Oh look, Luis is calling. Minho answered his phone. Hi Luis what? The presentation is rescheduled to tomorrow?

Ok then that's not a problem all right. Bye.

What did he say? asked Sulli

The presentation for this afternoon was reschedule to tomorrow. Minho said

Really? But-

It's ok. We'll meet them tomorrow. Said Minho don't have a presentation this afternoon anymore? asked Sulli

No answered Minho

And you don't need to work over lunch anymore?asked Sulli

Yes, I don't have to. Said Minho

Then we can have lunch together? asked Sulli

Minho smiled then. He won.


You're funny, Oppa. Said Sulli while eating in a restaurant

Funny? Me? Why? asked Minho

You've been smiling foolishly since earlier. What happened in the office? Anything good? Sulli asked.

Umm Just won over something. Said Minho

You look really happy. Said Sulli Oh, Oppa by the way, Uncle asked me to accompany him next week on his business trip. You might not see me around that much. Said Sulli

Really? Hmm...That's actually just a good timing. We also have a team building activity next week. The whole team will be out for a few days. Said Minho

Where are you going? asked Sulli

We'll go to a resort. Everybody is excited. Said Minho

Wow, that's really nice. I wonder how a company outing is like. Said Sulli


The weather is nice and the sea breeze is relaxing.

This next 3 days is our time to relax and spend time with the team. You have done really well the past months and I know how tired we all are. But you are the best team SkyRock ever has and I want to make sure you enjoy this Team Outing! said Minho

Everyone is excited. The girls keep giggling and the guys were joking around. The out of office atmosphere is really helping his team.

All right, we have a lot of activities for the day. And we have the resort host to help us with all that is lined up. Said Luis

Good Morning everyone. Thank you for coming today. I will be facilitating your team activities for today. We will have a lot of exciting games and food and you will also get to have free time to enjoy the beach and other facilities of the resort. Said the facilitator

So now I will be splitting your team into 2. You are all 6 so each team will be composed of 3 members.

Wait! That's not fair! Isn't boss playing? said Luis

One team will be 4 members versus the other with only 3 members. That's not going to be fair. Said Minho

I'm here! I will play! said a voice from behind them all. When everyone turned around, they saw Sulli smiling at them happily.

Sulli! The girls went to Sulli to give her a hug. The guys asked how she is and why it's been a long time not seeing her. Everyone is happy seeing Sulli. Except Minho, who just stood there and did not even go near Sulli.

Boss! called Sulli Aren't you happy that I'm here? asked Sulli with her happy smile. Chapter 11: Cloud 9 to Underworld by Mahogany4 <profileview371205> Tags lovestory <browsetaglovestory> minho <browsetagminho> romance <browsetagromance> shinee <browsetagshinee> sulli <browsetagsulli> minsul <browsetagminsul> sullifx <browsetagsullifx> | Report Content <javascript:void(0)> Bookmark <bookmarkadd_bookmark42538311> Save Offline <javascript:void(0)> Un-Save <javascript:void(0)> (Choose a subject) If reporting plagiarism, please provide links or sources to the original work. Movie or TV copyright violation must be reported by the studio that owns the copyright. Please ensure to elaborate on the issue for us to form an actionable response. Enable Reader Mode <profiletoggle_reader_mode142538311> A <#story_title> A <#story_title> A <#story_title> A <#story_title>

Chapter 11: Cloud 9 to Underworld

The voice that just spoke is familiar.

When Minho turned around, he was surprised to see Sulli smiling happily to everyone. Why is she here? Isn't see suppose to be with her Uncle on a business trip? When everyone welcomed Sulli warmly as if she's still part of the team who just came late, he let them. Sulli had really good relationship with his team. She was really capable and was able to be good friends with everyone with just the short stay she had with them. When she resigned, nobody got the chance to say their goodbyes. It's no wonder everyone is excited to see her. Boss! called Sulli Aren't you happy that I'm here? That smile, that smile that goes up to her eyes. That's her dangerous smile. Why are you here? asked Minho I heard you need one more member. I volunteer! said Sulli raising her hand We can't pay for you, you are not included in the team budget. Said Minho I can share my bed with her. Said one of Minho's female subordinate Oh and I don't eat as much as Luis does so I can share my food with her too. Said Minho's male subordinate It seems Sulli's arrival is making the team united, Boss. Said Luis smiling. Luis knows Minho will have to give in. You better be sure you'll take care of her. She's not under my care. Said Minho

No need to worry, I can take care of myself, Boss. Said Sulli confidently while laughing with Minho's team


The team was divided into 2. The first is the blue team which has Minho, 1 male subordinate and 2 female subordinate. The other is the red team has Luis, Sulli and two others (1 male and 1 female). The first game is a relay. Each member has to do a task. Once the first member is done with his task, he will receive a key. The 2^nd person in the team can't start his task if the first person hasn't given the key yet to him. The first team to finish all tasks for the 4 persons is the winner for the

first challenge.

Minho is the first player for his team versus Luis who is the first player of the red team. They need to be able to hit the baseball that is going to be thrown at them. Minho did this without trouble on his second try. But Luis was a bit slow in doing this and only got the hit on his 4^th try. Minho gave the key immediately to his female subordinate. Who also immediately started the second task. Luis, though only finished his task a few seconds after Minho, was able to immediately give his key to Sulli. The task for Sulli and Blue team's player is sack race. Sulli was pressured since she knows Luis finished later than Minho. She wanted to catch up really bad that is why she is trying to jump as quickly and as far as possible. But on one of her jumps, Sulli stumbled and fell. Minho felt blood is drained from his head when he saw Sulli fell and wasn't able to stand up quickly. Luis ran as quickly as he can to help his Red teammate Sulli. But when he almost reached Sulli, he saw an arm reaching for Sulli before he could. He was surprised to see Minho went pass him when Minho was farther from Sulli when Sulli fell down. That's an amazing speed! Minho reached for Sulli's arm and tried to help Sulli stand up, but Sulli is in pain from her fall and can't stand up properly. Where does it hurt? You don't need to go too fast, you idiot!. Said Minho while helping Sulli to balance herself. It's just a bruise, Boss. I'm gonna be fine. Said Sulli trying to smile

Of course it's not fine, Minho could see the wound on Sulli's knee. It's bleeding and though it's not that big, he knows it's going to leave a scar.

You said you'll take care of yourself, but here you go falling down on the first event. Said Minho

I'm really useless when it comes to physical activities. I'll make it up later. Said Sulli

May I suggest that Boss takes Sulli to the clinic to clean Sulli's wounds, the rest of us will continue the game. Said Luis

Everyone seemed to agree and so Minho helped Sulli to walk to the resort



A nurse was helping Sulli clean her wound but Sulli is in pain and Minho felt that the nurse' hand is doing the cleaning too hard.

Can I? I mean Can I clean her wound? asked Minho

Oppa, It's ok. said Sulli

You always say that, even if you're not OK. Said Minho

Minho did not wait for the nurse to give him permission. He took the cotton and the medicine from the nurse and sat beside Sulli to clean her wounds. The nurse just walked away because she felt she is not needed anymore.

The wound is deeper than he expected But good thing it's just a wound and no bone seemed to be fractured.

Why did you have to go here in the first place? I mean to the resort? asked Minho

Huh? I just wanted to. Said Sulli

Are you trying to stalk me? asked Minho smiling with that foolish look trying to lift Sulli's spirit

Stalk you?! Why would I? asked Sulli

Welll I don't know maybe because you are my fian-

Just because I'm your fiance doesnt that mean I will guard you and

stalk your every move you know. Said Sulli

Minho felt something tingling inside him when Sulli said I'm your fiance. It made him chuckle

What's funny, Oppa? asked Sulli Do you enjoy cleaning wounds? Hmm..were you trying to remember how I fell earlier?! That's rude! said Sulli feeling bad for being laughed at.

Minho shook Sulli's hair and felt a sense of warmth.


It was a festive lunch and everyone is eating a lot. Minho is happy to see everyone enjoying. The morning games is done and though he did not get to play that much, Minho is happy seeing that his team was still able to enjoy the experience.

Sulli is sitting beside Minho. Minho noticed that Sulli is taking out the raisins from her food into a small plate.

You don't eat raisins? asked Minho

Huh? Umm yes. Said Sulli

Minho took few of the raisins and put it in his bowl. Sulli was surprised.

You love raisins? asked Sulli

No said Minho

But why did you-

Ahh If I didn't know better, I would think you're a cute couple. Said

Luis A boyfriend eating the things the girlfriend can't.

Everyone in Minho's team cheered at what Luis said

They really look good together. Said one

Ah, a good match not just at work but also in eating. Said another

And everyone kept on laughing and teasing.

Stop it you guys. Said Minho Don't make Sulli feel uncomfortable.

Uncomfortable? Sulli does not feel uncomfortable at all. Actually, she feels like joining everyone's teasing.

Sullli smiled sweetly to Minho and that made Minho feel weird. Why is she smiling this way?

Oppa Minho almost can't swallow his food. This is the first time Sulli called him Oppa for everyone to hear

Can I give you ALL my raisins? said Sulli still smiling sweetly, her eyes blinking trying to look cute What?! said Minho Sulli, Stop that! Are you uncomfortable, Oppa? asked Sulli And everyone burst out laughing. ---That afternoon was everyone's free time. Though Minho wanted to enjoy the facilities with his team, he wanted to catch up with some sleep and so he told everyone that he will stay in the Unit. He went to a room and fell asleep on the bed. ----

Minho felt something or someone moving in the room. He slowly opened his eyes to see if any of Luis or other male subordinates went back already. But his eyes immediately opened when he saw Sulli opening the window from within the room. What are you doing here? asked Minho Huh? Did I wake you, Oppa? asked Sulli Are you teasing me again with that `Oppa'? asked Minho Sulli can't help but laugh. The memory from earlier lunch is just too funny to ignore You really had a good time making fun of me earlier, huh? said Minho No I'm not teasing you anymore, Oppa. Sorry about earlier. Said Sulli in between laugh. You don't look sorry. Said Minho Where's everyone? You didn't join them? I thought you went out with them?

I did, but then the wound felt painful in the heat of the sun, so I went back to get some cold gel. Said Sulli I didn't bring any but Mr. Luis said there is one in his bag.

You went back here alone? asked Minho

Yes, they are all enjoying the beach. I didn't want to burden anyone, so I just came back on my own. Said Sulli

Minho felt really hot all of a sudden. Sulli shouldn't have gone back alone and go to a man's bedroom. She's such a nave girl.

Minho stood up and stretched.

Let's go out. Said Minho

I thought you said you're going to catch some sleep? said Sulli

The nap earlier was really good. I think we should go around and explore the facilities. Said Minho Besides, we don't go to these kinds of resort ever day right?. Said Minho


Minho and Sulli went to a garden where there are different kinds of flowers. There was a woman who told them all about flowers and what kind of flower one is. After than, Minho and Sulli walked by the beach. They also got some ice cream. But clumsy Sulli almost fell on the stairs and Minho had to hold her arm so that she won't fall too many steps.

You really are clumsy. Said Minho

Minho held Sulli's hand

No need to do this Oppa, I can take care of myself. Said Sulli

Do you think I'd still fall for that? said Minho and held Sulli's hand with a strong grip


Sulli felt really warm inside. Minho was just holding her hand but she really feels like she's about to cry of joy.

Luis saw them and approached them. Sulli tried to pull her hand away but Minho's grip was too strong. Luis pretended not to notice it.

Um Boss, your friends were looking for you. Said Luis

Friends? asked Minho

Weren't you expecting them? They've been waiting since earlier. You really have good looking friends. Said Luis

Who can they be asked Minho


Minho went to the reception still holding Sulli's hand

You weren't expecting them, Oppa? asked Sulli

No. This is a team building activity, not a friendly get together. Said Minho

Minho noticed Carl in the reception. Ah so it is Carl. Then Minho noticed the woman behind Carl.

Belle?! How can she be here? She is supposed to be still in the US until next week.

Then Minho noticed a woman is approaching Belle. That wavy hair flowing like water that face all too familiar

Minho suddenly released Sulli's hand

Oppa? asked Sulli

Those eyes that are now looking at him That can only be one person How can he ever forget

Chapter 12: Turmoil

Sulli felt cold air brush her hands when Minho suddenly released her hand. She immediately felt lonely. Those are Minho Oppa's friends. They look like a picture of a luxury product endorsement. That man looks like a model. Can he be Korean? He looks Korean..but then again, he doesn't. The woman beside him is tall and slender. Her short hair makes her feel sophisticated. Another woman approached the tall one. Ah, this one is really beautiful. Her face is like an angel. Her long wavy hair suits her. She is not that tall, but really pretty. Sulli looked at Minho. Minho is looking at his friends quite shocked. Why does she feel something is wrong Sulli noticed that Minho is looking at a specific person, and she tried to check who it is. When she followed his line of sight, she felt that he is looking at the pretty girl. Something within Sulli didn't feel right. Her heart starting to beat faster Who is she? Hey Minho! called Belle Where were you? We were waiting for hours. We were even calling you but you didn't pick up. I left my phone in the room. What are you doing here? asked Minho a bit irritated Shouldn't you be a bit more welcoming? It's almost 5 months since we last saw each other and here you are looking irritated. Said Di I tried to tell them this is a company event but they insisted on being here. Said Carl You know I don't have energy to argue with these 2 once they team up against me. We're doing a team activity here. I will not be able to focus on my team if I have to take care of my `friends' said Minho Carl noticed the girl not too far from Minho. She is a very pretty and cute girl. Ahhh Can she be . Are you Sulli? asked Carl Minho's attention snap. He almost forgot that Sulli is just beside him. Yes, I am. You are Oppa's friends? Nice meeting you. Said Sulli Oh So this is Sulli said Belle Minho immediately stood between Sulli and his friends. Sulli, please go back to the unit ahead of me. Tell everybody I'll be there later. Said Minho Why are you asking her to leave? said Di Minho felt cold sweat on his forehead She seems to be close to you going here together to greet us. Said Di Di went beside Sulli Hi, I am Di. It's good to meet you. These 2 are the best friends Minho ever has. This guy is Carl and this is my good friend Belle. Said Di Nice meeting you all. This is the first time I am meeting Oppa's

friends. Said Sulli I am glad to meet you Sulli. Said Carl smiling Carl is like a prince, his smile can melt a maiden's heart. It's good to finally put a face on the name. said Belle Now that we are all acquainted, why don't we all have dinner together? asked Di I don't think that's a good idea. I told you, I have a responsibility with my team. This is supposed to be a team bonding. Said Minho In that case, I didn't think Luis minded that we join you. He even insisted earlier that we have dinner with your team. Said Belle Minho looked at Carl and Carl agreed. Luis is doing decisions without asking him first?! -------During dinner, Carl can't help but look at Sulli. If there's anything Minho said accurately, that is Sulli is very cute. And she does this effortlessly. The way she laughs is contagious. Carl saw Luis looking at Sulli and then at Minho and then at Sulli again. Does the old man know there's something between the two? Carl also noticed Minho looking at Sulli with that concerned eyes. Carl can't blame his friend. This is an odd situation. In the end, one of them will surely get hurt. It's either Di runs away crying or Sulli will. Di and Belle is taking a while and everyone is already hungry. But when the two arrived, everyone pretended that they were just on time. How can they show how hungry they are to such beauties. You took a very long time. Everybody is already hungry. Said Minho Boss, don't be too rough on them. Said Luis You looked the hungriest earlier so don't pretend to be a gentleman. Said Minho We'll make it up to all of you. Dessert is on us. Said Belle Everyone cheered. Di saw Sulli and Minho sitting across each other. Carl was already sitting beside Minho but Di patted Carl's shoulder and asked him if she can take that seat instead. Carl had to stand up and get another seat. Sulli saw Di sitting beside Minho and touched Minho's arm whispering something to Minho. There was something tender gesture that made Sulli's heart squeeze. That's how close Looking at Belle, She doesn't look to be really tender in towards Minho. while about Di's they are? her gestures

Sulli tried not to mind how close Di and Minho are. But it's hard not to notice. Di took some food and put it on Minho's bowl. Though Minho looked uncomfortable, Di is doing it like it's the most natural thing in the world.

Luis whispered to Sulli You're not eating? People will think there's something wrong. Is anything wrong? asked Luis Huh? No nothing. Said Sulli Minho heard Sulli's reaction to what Luis said to her What is it? asked Minho I don't think Sulli likes the food. Should we order more? asked Luis It's because she hasn't tried anything yet. Said Minho, taking a scoop of the dishes and stood up reaching for Sulli's bowl across the table. Belle's eyebrow just went up high. Oh no, don't do those gestures in front of Di, Minho. Please don't make the situation any harder than it already is. Carl is like watching a movie that is about to reach its climax. This will definitely look ugly and though he doesn't want to get involved, he has no choice on the matter. ------That night, everyone decided to walk along the beach. Sullis mind goes back to the way Di was really sweet with Minho. Even after dinner, Di will always hook her arms with Minho. Although Minho will try to push Di away, Di succeeds in the end. While everybody is walking, Di and Minho are inseparable. This is making Sulli really anxious. If you keep frowning, I will start to think that there's something wrong. Said Carl huh? Umm.. Sorry said Sulli Carl Oppa Can I ask you something? asked Sulli Sure answered Carl Has Minho Oppa and Di Unnie been really this close? asked Sulli Hmm Yes They are really close. Said Carl I wish I can be that close to him too. Said Sulli Oh! I mean..I mean I really think that being good friends with Minho Oppa is really a good thing considering that FlyAir and SkyRock are in the same industry. Said Sulli Carl chuckled. You don't have to worry. I know everything so You don't have to cover it up. said Carl You know everything? Minho Oppa tells you everything? asked Sulli Pretty much, yeah. Said Carl Don't look so surprised. We've been friends for a long time. Belle, Minho and I were friends since high school. And Di Unnie? asked Sulli

Ahh Di? Hmm . We met her in college. Said Carl He met her later, but she looks like she's the closest to him said Sulli Carl knows he is not in any position to tell Sulli anything. But he really feels bad for Sulli that she doesn't know anything, even if Minho and his ex girlfriend is together. ----Minho can't sleep. He went out to get some fresh air but saw Di outside waiting for him. I figured you'll go out. It will be impossible for you to sleep, right? said Di I also can't sleep. Minho sat on a chair nearby. Di sat on the chair beside Minho. How long will you try to ignore me? said Di You were around me the whole afternoon. How is that called ignoring? said Minho Yeah, you didn't want me to look like a fool in front of everyone so you paid a bit attention to me. But But I know you didn't want to. Said Di We've talked this already You know that we can't be like before anymore, Di. Said Minho Only because you wanted to break up? said Di I never agreed. For me, we're still together. Said Di I've already explained, we can't keep being what we were. I might need to marry someone else. Said Minho Then why? Why did you have to be so cruel? said Di who can't keep her tears from flowing You you broke up with me while I was in the US. You broke up saying you need to do it for SkyRock and for your Dad. But you didn't give me a chance to talk. You shut all communications with me. Said Di And that's why you're here. said Minho I want to talk things through with you. There could still be other solutions. I can wait. If you need a year to settle everything, I am fine with that. I will wait. But please don't say that we are breaking up. Don't say that we are done. Said Di ----Sulli went out because she can't sleep. The image of Di and Minho keeps popping in her head. She heard people talking and went to check who they are. When she saw Minho and Di, she felt her heart in pain. What is it with Di that she feels this way? Why are they still talking this late? Sulli felt frustrated on herself. Why is she so petty? Why is jealous over Minho's friend? Sulli decided to walk away. Only because you wanted to break up? I never agreed. For me we're still

together. Sulli had to stop where she is at what she heard. I've already explained, we can't keep being what we were. I might need to marry someone else. Said Minho Sulli felt her knees are glued to the ground. She can't take any step. Di Unnie She was oppa's girlfriend? All the other words her ear hears did not register in her mind anymore. And then Sulli felt someone grabbing her hand and pulling her behind a wall. It was dark but she can see the shadows of the person's features. Carl Oppa. Said Sulli with her voice so soft she thought Carl did not hear her If you just stood there, they will see you in just a few seconds. Said Carl You looked like you can't move. Sulli just nodded Carl can't believe Minho would be this careless. Talking to your Ex about your break up while your fiance is just around the vicinity is just wrong. Sulli can hear everything. The way Di tries to convince Minho to not break up with her. To still look for a solution other than marriage. Her heart is breaking at what she's hearing. What if Oppa agrees? Carl covered Sulli's ears. Sulli was surprised by Carl's actions. Oppa- Shhh they should not know you're here. And you should not hear them too. It's between Minho and Di. Said Carl In the moonlight, Sulli looked really pretty specially this close. Carl can only use so much self control and finally gave up by taking a few steps away from Sulli. This girl has an ability to make a man lose his mind. Carl's close presence with Sullli made Sulli a bit distracted. By the time she remembered Minho and Di, she can no longer hear them talking. When she peaked at where Di and Minho was. She can only see Di. -----The next day everybody is preparing the things to take home. Everything is being loaded to the cars. So, Sulli, Will you be going back with Boss? asked Luis I'm going to ride Minho's car. Said Di Minho is getting frustrated this early in the morning. Di held Minho's arm We have some catching up to do. Said Di smiling

Sullis heart is subjected to pain thsi early int he morning Oh But my car is full How will Sulli get home? asked Luis I'm going to ride with Carl Oppa if it's ok with him said Sulli with her expressionless face Minho is surprised at what Sulli said. Since when did she become close with Carl? Minho wanted to take Sulli home and he has already planned for it before his friends arrived. Of course it's ok with me. Said Carl Sulli did not even look at Minho and immediately entered Carl's car. That made Minho feel really bad. Why is his heart squeezing at seeing Sulli riding Carl's car. Di noticed Minho looking intensely at Sulli the entire time. He looks like he's trying to control himself about something. She felt Minho's hand clenching to a fist through the arm she's holding. Why is Minho like this? -----Di can't bare it anymore. Can you drive slower please and a little calmer. You've been driving really rough! said Di Minho didn't talk and just kept on driving. If you're just driving me away you don't have to scare me like this. You're going to get us both killed, you know. Said Di But it isn't about me, right? asked Di That girl Sulli. She's FlyAir's heir. She's the one you will be forced to marry right? asked Di Minho had to stop his car by the sidewalk and breathe deeply. Sulli has nothing to do with us. She's honoring her Uncle's request and is helping me give SkyRock a fighting chance. Said Minho But she broke us up. Said Di She did nothing to break us. She didn't know that I have a girlfriend when the condition was given by her Uncle. Said Minho Right I must be crazy. Little girls like that is nor your type. Why would I think that she can tear us apart. Said Di It's better for Di to think this way. Sulli is not just a little girl. She's capable of attracting men. But Di doesn't need to know this for now. And the thing is that fact gets to Minho's nerves. He knows Carl won't do anything bad to Sulli. But why is he feeling anxious? I will take you to your house. It's getting dark. Said Minho Until when do you think you can avoid talking to me? said Di We already talked Di. Nothing changed. Said Minho

----Carl can't bear the silence anymore. Sulli's been really silent and he can't read what is on her mincd. She's been expressionless. Is it really ok? asked Carl huh? asked Sulli That they are together now? When you already know what's between them? asked Carl If it isn't what can I do? asked Sulli You could've cling to him. You could've asked Minho to take you home even if Di already said she'll go with Minho. Said Carl Sulli had to take a deep breath. She's been holding back her emotions. But Carl Oppa won't let her be. Minho Oppa and I made a deal. To treat each other like real fiances would. But I also said that if Uncle signs the contract before we get married, I won't hold on to him Even if they broke up for the engagement, even if he promised me that he'll be my fiance I can't hold on to him I can't take away his freedom. Said Sulli This girl is either a martyr or is deeply in love with Minho. Carl felt a tiny twitch in his heart. A girl like her deserves to be happy with a person who will take care of her feelings. If you keep saying that You'll never win against Di. Said Carl Di is not an easy opponent. She's been with Minho for the longest time. I'm not going to compete with her. Said Sulli So can you let go of Minho? asked Carl Sulli's heart is breaking It can only be one Sulli. You either fight for Minho, or you let him go. Said Carl ------Minho stopped his car in front of Sulli's house. He looked for Sulli's window and saw that the light is on. She's home. Said Minho. Minho dialed Sulli's number Sulli sat after the ignore it name, she on a chair when she reached her room. She just felt drained talk she had with Carl. When her phone rang, she wanted to and wanted to turn her phone off. But when she saw Minho's decided to answer the phone.

Oppa, what is it? asked Sulli sounding really tired and a bit irritated Umm I just wanted to check if Carl was able to get you home. Said Minho I'm home now. Carl Oppa took good care of me. Said Sulli

Took good care of her? What does she mean by that? He's my friend from High school. Said Minho Seems to be a nice person. Said Sulli Sulli suddenly stopped talking You still there? asked Minho Yes said Sulli You don't have any questions for me? I mean if you have questions..whatever they are You can ask them to me. Said Minho No. Umm.. I have to sleep now Oppa. Good night. Said Sulli and then she immediately hung up. Hello? Sulli? Minho is at his limit. What happened? Why is she like this since this morning. She pushed him away to Di. She even volunteered to ride with Carl. And now, she sounded like she doesn't want to talk to him. -----Sulli can't sleep. It's already 11PM. But her mind won't stop thinking. And then she heard a knock on her window. She slowly went to check what can be that noise on her window. When she opened her curtain, she almost shrieked when she saw Minho who is on a brach of the tree beside her room. Oppa, how did you get there? asked the shocked Sulli Just let me in, Ok? said Minho Sulli helped Minho get in her room through the window. Are you crazy, Oppa? asked the angry Sulli You went up a tree to get to my room, are you out of your mind? I just wanted to check if it can really reach your room. Said Minho Now that you confirmed that it does, it's time to go home. It's late and you need to go home. Said Sulli I just got here. You want me to leave already? said Minho You shouldn't have gone here at this hour. Said Sulli Minho laid on Sulli's bed....Ahh... relaxing... You can't lie on my bed! Don't relax here. Said Sulli You should tone your voice down. What if people catch me here. There can be a scandal, you know. Said Minho Fine, What do you want? What did you go here for? Tell me so that you can already go home. asked Sulli Why are you itching to get rid of me? I thought you like my presence.

You even followed me to the resort right? said Minho No..Right now I don't want to see you at all. said Sulli Minho had to sit up And that's what I want to know why. Why are you so cold to me today? asked Minho Cold? I am cold? When all you did was to walk arm in arm with your long lost friend from the US? said Sulli sounding really angry. You wouldn't even look at me since she came. Of course the part of not looking at Sulli since Di came was not true. But Minho is guilty of the first offense. She was my girlfriend said Minho of 8 years. Sulli had to sit down the other side of the bed. Her back facing Minho. So he came clean He's being honest. But why did it hurt more to hear it straight from him? I broke up with her when she was still in the US She wanted us to talk about it so she came back. Said Minho And were you able to talk earlier? Did you decide to get back together? asked Sulli She knows I'll do everything to save SkyRock. Said Minho But you You still love her right? Was it right to break up? asked Sulli, tears now falling from her eyes uncontrollably. I told you, it's not fair if I keep her by my side- But is this fair? You hurting the woman you love, hurting yourself and me said Sulli Minho moved beside Sulli. Sulli tried to hide her face but Minho is faster than her. He held Sulli's face and turn it to face him. I don't want to hurt you, Sulli. If I can just solve these all by not hurting anyone I would. Said Minho But you're hurting me now. Said Sulli Minho's heart is breaking with each tear Sulli cries. He dried her tears with his fingers ever so gently. Looking at her this close makes him see how beautiful Sulli really is...And when their eyes meet, a moment seemed to be frozen in time. Minho reached Sulli and got closer to her, so close that he can smell Sulli's perfume. So close that he can feel Sulli's breathing. Slowly, Minho leaned closer, and closer, until their lips meet . And everything seems to be spinning slowly around them while their hearts are beating fast. Chapter 13: Turbulence Minho's heart is breaking with each tear that Sulli cries. He dried her

tears with his fingers ever so gently. And when their eyes meet, a moment seemed to be frozen in time. Minho reached Sulli and got closer to her, so close that he can smell Sulli's perfume. So close that he can feel Sulli's breathing. Slowly, Minho leaned closer until their lips meet . And everything seems to be spinning slowly around them Sulli felt like everything is melting. Minho's mind went blank and all he could feel is his heart racing with Sulli's warmth and scent. Then somebody knocked on Sulli's door. Minho and Sulli snapped back to reality and quickly stood up away from each other. That would be Uncle said Sulli Sulli, are you home? asked Uncle Sam from outside the room Yes Uncle, sleeping now. Said Sulli Good night then. Said Uncle Sam Sulli felt relieved when she heard Uncle Sam's steps away from her room Minho is going crazy. What just happened? What did he just do? Did he just kiss Sulli? When he saw Sulli's blushing face, he can't deny the truth. He actually felt like he wanted to touch her blushing cheek again. I...I need to leave. Said Minho You need to lock your window. Just to be sure you're safe. Nobody enters that except you. Said Sulli That's Minho's point exactly. ----Belle and Di met at a bar. Belle has been really tired, Di's emotional heartache is sucking Belle's energy. It's been a month and she just can't say no whenever Di calls. He's acting really weird. Said Di By chance, do you think Minho likes her?asked Di Um . Well Minho is going through a lot, of course he'll act strangely. Said Belle I feel that there's something wrong with Minho And I can't help thinking that that girl is has something to do with it. Said Di Belle can't believe what a woman's instinct can do. Although she thinks Sulli definitely has an effect on Minho, she is not yet sure if Minho has already started to like the girl. Di is really sharp on catching these things specially that it's about Minho. I think that Sulli is a charming girl. And Minho has been a bit weird since she worked for him before. Said Belle You're saying he might fall for her? asked Di

I'm saying I won't be surprised if he does. Said Belle Di drank up all the wine in her glass. I can't let this go on like this. That girl, does he like Minho? asked Di Umm Belle tried to avoid looking at Di's eyes Di drank another glass of wine. So she does In that case, there is still a way. Said Di If Minho can't let go of SkyRock, I need to make that girl let him go. Be careful whatever you're planning, Di. Any wrong move and SkyRock is going to fall. Minho will never forgive you if it ends up that way. Said Belle SkyRock is not going to fall, if that girl is in love with Minho. Said Di ------Belle was paying for the bill when Di went outside the bar. When Belle tried to look for Di, she saw Di walking on the road where cars are running. Belle immediately went to get Di on the sidewalk, but she is too late A car hit Di. -----When Minho reached home, he still felt dazed by what just happened between him and Sulli. He can't imagine how he got home when his mind is filled with images of Sulli's face while crying, her face when he got really close, her warmth when their lips touched. Her scent. That woman's driving me crazy! said Minho and quickly took a cold bottled water from his refrigerator. He has to think about what is happening to him. Why did he kiss Sulli? Why wasn't he able to stop himself? Minho's phone rang. It's Belle. Hey Belle, It's almost morning, why the late call? asked Minho Minho It's Di She got hit by a car! said Belle What?! ------Minho's heart is pumping. He got in the hospital as fast as he can. Where's Di? What happened? asked Minho. He saw Belle and Carl outside a room. She was brought in. she needs a few stitches on her forehead. But nothing is wrong other than that. Said Carl Minho noticed Belle who looked shocked and just silent on the other side of the bench.

She saw it when the car hit Di. Said Carl Good thing the car already saw Di and was able to slow down. But his breaks did not work immediately so Di still got hit. The impact was not that hard though, Di's fall was just not that good so she still needs a few stitches. Said Carl Minho's heart starting to beat normally Good..But she still needs to have her head scanned right? asked Minho Yes, all the tests that's needed will be done soon. Said Carl Minho sat beside Belle and put his hand on Belle's shoulder You ok? asked Minho You're here. Said Belle. Belle hugged Minho I didn't know what to do You know I'm not good at situations like that. Said Belle I know. But you were able to get Di here, you did great, Belle. Said Minho while trying to comfort Belle Belle released Minho And you? How do you feel? asked Belle I am really worried. When you called, I needed to be here as fast as I can. Said Minho. Good thing she is out of harm's way. Minho When Di wakes up, Can you can you promise to stay beside her? asked Belle This past month, she's been doing a lot of things that I can't control anymore. As much as I want to stay by Di's side, I'm not the one she needs. Said Belle She also did this when they were in the US. She almost got hit by a car but Belle was able to pull her to the sidewalk before any car hit Di. She wasn't even drunk then. Said Carl You know how she is when she is emotionally unstable. She does things that harms herself. Said Belle I just don't know what to do anymore. Said Belle Minho knows Di is fragile emotionally when it comes to him. Every time she gets worried or they fight, something will happen to her that will cause her to get hospitalized or hurt. How can he leave her alone when she's starting to hurt herself again. ---Di woke up in a strange place. Ahh a hospital By now she's already used to waking up on a hospital room. She saw Minho entering her room. Minho Di called Di, you're awake. That's good. Said Minho The doctors ran some tests on you earlier and they did not find anything else wrong. It's good that you'll be ok. You suddenly became concerned? said Di

Minho had to take a deep breath I was always concerned. And I still am. Said Minho Good. I wanted to hear that but you kept pushing me away. Said Di You have to take care of yourself more, Di. You are making a lot of people worried. Belle was really shocked. I don't know if she'll be able to visit you here now. said Minho I have to thank Belle for always staying by my side. But now that you're here, she should have nothing to worry about, right? said Di You will be beside me from now on, right? Will you promise to get better if I stayed? said Minho Yes of course. I will do anything to keep you by my side said Di ---Sulli didn't have any sleep. Every time she closes her eyes, she would remember the kiss that happened between her and Minho. That afternoon, Sulli decided to meet with Luna and Victoria, but she saw Minho outside her house waiting. Sulli's heart started to race. Oppa why didn't you call me so that I'll know you're here? Sulli said I just passed by. I didn't think you'll be home. Said Minho Sulli felt something is wrong with Minho You look tired, Oppa. Is there something wrong? asked Sulli Huh? Do you want to grab some coffee? asked Minho ---Sulli still feels something is wrong with Minho even if he tried to hide it. Minho noticed the crease between Sulli's brows. He knows she's not convinced that nothing is wrong. Oppa, if you're not going to tell me what is bothering you, I will leave you. Said Sulli I can't stand not knowing what's wrong with you when I know something is wrong. Minho had to chuckle. This is Sulli's cute side that she can't help but show. Is it about Di Unnie? asked Sulli Minho sipped his coffee. Di and I we decided to get together again. Said Minho We decided that there's no more point in pretending we do not love each other anymore when we still do. said Minho Sulli almost crushed the cup of cold coffee she is holding. Her heart feels being sliced open. Her tears are welling up in her eyes but

instead of letting them fall, she smiled. A cold smile. What about SkyRock? asked Sulli If I can ask a month to convince your Uncle, can you give me 1 month before dissolving the engagement? asked Minho You broke our deal. Said Sulli You said you will treat me like a fiance. But instead you got together with your Ex. Said Sulli still smiling at Minho. A month then. And, congratulations for being together again. I guess you shouldn't have broken up in the first place. I need to get going. Luna and Victoria are waiting for me. See you around. Said Sulli. Sulli stood up and walked towards the door. Minho's heart is racing like crazy. It's squeezing painfully and he can't bear Sulli's cold smile. Then he reached her and grabbed her arms, he saw Sulli's eyes where tears are already pooled up. Sulli took her arm away and ran out. Those eyes is the same as her eyes when she was in the elevator when she was trying to hold her tears . Minho ran outside the caf, but he couldn't find Sulli. He ran around the streets and still could not find Sulli. His heart is racing, his mind is blank about anything else but to find Sulli. He's sure she's out there somewhere crying. Minho saw a park nearby and went there to look for Sulli. He looked around but is almost out of breath when he saw someone standing behind a tree. He tried to peak who the person is and saw Sulli. Sulli is crying her heart out. And Minho could not bear the pain in his chest anymore. But he could not go near Sulli either. The pain he sees in Sulli's face, the way her shoulder shakes of emotion, the way she's leaning on the tree shows him all the pain Sulli refused to tell him earlier. Minho's chest is going to blow. And his eyes are getting hot from controlling his emotion. Minho took his phone out. Carl Can you go to a the park please I need your help to meet someone. Said Minho Chapter 14: Turnaround Carl saw Sulli in the park sitting on a bench as instructed by Minho. She looks so pretty sitting there with all the beautiful scene of the park around her. She looks like an angel looking into the sky while wind is blowing her hair. You're alone, Angel? asked Carl Sulli is surprised to see Carl. Why can he be here? I was surprised to see you here. I couldn't help but let my presence be known. Said Carl

Sulli tried to smile. But Carl can see her swollen eyes and her smile did not even reach her cheeks. Can I sit here beside you? asked Carl Sulli moved a bit so that Carl can sit beside her. Carl looked at the sky. Ah so this is what you saw earlier. Said Carl huh? asked Sulli The Sky? The Stars? Yes I was wondering why you looked so beautiful looking above. Said Carl Sulli chuckled a bit I don't look beautiful at all. I bet I look like a an owl now. Said Sulli Beautiful women normally say they aren't. And yes, you somehow resemble an owl right now. Said Carl Oppa, a gentleman is suppose to say `No, you don't look like an owl at all' said Sulli pouting But with those swollen eyes, I can't help but agree. Said Carl Hmmm So I can't meet with Luna and Victoria I don't want them to see me like this. Said Sulli Do you want me to take you home? asked Carl I want to drink. Said Sulli You drink? asked Carl surprised No this is going to be my first time drinking. Said Sulli No way Didn't anybody warn you that if it's your first time drinking, you should at least drink with someone you trust? said Carl I trust you. Said Sulli You're serious? said Carl I will go drinking on my own if you don't accompany me so it doesn't matter if you believe me or not. Said Sulli ------Minho saw Sulli and Carl leave the park. He still feels a sting in his heart upon seeing them together but though he did not hear what they were talking about, he feels at ease that Sulli is no longer alone. He then bought some food from the supermarket before returning to the hospital. When Minho reached Di's room, she was sitting up watching the television Where did you go? You were out very long. Said Di

I bought something to eat. Said Minho You shouldn't have bothered. You bought too many. The doctor said I can go out tomorrow. Said Di Really? That's good then. Said Minho Belle went here earlier. Said Di She was really happy when she heard we're back together. I'm sure she is said Minho while fixing the things he bought. I didn't see Carl though. Said Di He might be busy. Said Minho Di can't help but look at Minho. She feels that there's something wrong with Minho. He just answers all her questions and doesn't talk much. Are you ok? asked Di Huh? Said Minho Nothing What did you buy? asked Di ----Carl can't believe they're drinking in a Pojangmacha (tented restaurant on wheels). And Sulli is on her second bottle of Soju. The girl is a pro. She's not yet drunk Or is she? I guess I need another one. Said Sulli I don't get why people like this it has the weirdest taste! So you don't like it? asked Carl I don't said Sulli Then that's your last bottle. Said Carl Noooo! I want to get drunk! I want another one! said Sulli No. Listen to Oppa. You are going to ride my car. I don't want you to throw up in my car. Said Carl And don't tell me you'll get a taxi home. I can't let that happen. I need to take you home, all right? said Carl I didn't even get drunk on my first try this is so boring. Said Sulli ------When Minho felt Di sleeping, he went out of the room. But Di was still awake then and knows Minho left. Minho drove away from the hospital to Sulli's house. He saw the light in Sulli's room closed. Is she already sleeping? Minho looked at his watch and saw that it's already 12midnight.

Just then he saw a car stopping in front of Sulli's house. He recognized the car It's Carl's. He saw Carl assisting Sulli to get out of the car and lead her to the door. I'm not drunk, Oppa. So just leave now, ok? said Sulli smiling foolishly at Carl You might not say you are drunk but you are definitely tipsy. Said Carl Sulli tried to laugh but she stopped herself when she saw a familiar car across the street. That car Can it be . No of course not But when Sulli looked intently, she saw Minho on the driver's seat. No way I am seeing things Yes I am only seeing things. I might be drunk, Oppa. Said Sulli You finally admitted it. Said Carl. Sulli went immediately inside the house to her room. When she entered her room, she peaked at her window and saw Carl's car leave. But Minho's car is still there. Soju's effect is too strong for me said Sulli while tears are falling from her eyes ----Minho's mind and heart is in chaos upon seeing Carl and Sulli. He asked Carl to take Sulli home but why did it take them this late?! Where did they go? When Sulli looked at him, Minho's heart started to beat really fast. But she just turned around and went inside the house. In just a minute, Minho saw Sulli by her room window looking outside. But as soon as Sulli opened the window, she immediately closed it. That made Minho feel like a his heart is pierced Why is the world so complicated -----Sulli decided that life should go on normally, that she should not look like the world has just fallen on her. Her head is aching Is this what they call hangover? When Sulli went out of the house, Carl was waiting for her. Oppa Why are you here? asked Sulli Carl took a small sealed bowl from the car. Isn't your head aching? said Carl Umm How did you know? said Sulli That's normally the next thing that happens. Here, drink this. This should help you lessen the hangover. Said Carl Really? Thank you But you shouldn't have bothered going here. I've

already bothered you yesterday. Said Sulli Just drink it. Said Carl Sulli opened the bowl and drank the soup And Sulli from now on If you ever need to talk with someone, if you ever need to go drinking again you can bother me anytime. Said Carl Sulli had to stop drinking the soup What I mean is, I want you to know that I'll be there because I want to be a good big brother. Said Carl Ahhhh Sulli is relieved to hear that. She thought Carl is going to say something crazy Thank you , Oppa. Carl had to take a deep breath Big brother? Carl had to suppress a chuckle. Sulli received a message on her phone. When she saw the message, it's coming from an unknown number The message says: Hi Sulli, this is Di. Can we meet please? I just need to tell you something really important. What is it? asked Carl Oh It's Luna my friend, they were worried that I did not go yesterday. Said Sulli Oh ok. Said Carl ---Sulli arrived at the caf and saw that Di is already there. You look pale, Unnie. said Sulli Oh really? I was in the hospital since this morning. Said Di Oh Are you ok now? said Sulli Physically, I might be ok now. But in my heart, I am really worried. Said Di What about? asked Sulli It's Minho He's acting strangely since we got back together. He seems to be guilty. He feels like he hurt you so much and feels really guilty. Said Di Sulli felt like something is stuck in her throat. I think he is fond of you like a little sister. And he didn't really want to hurt you. Said Di I am ok, Unnie. Please tell Oppa that he has nothing to be sorry about. Said Sulli

That's good to hear. You look ok But that's not the only thing that is bothering him. Said Di What is it? asked Sulli He is worried of SkyRock. Now that you know we're together again He is worried that you will tell your Uncle that- Unnie I don't know what Oppa said about me. If I look like a kid, I'm sorry to disappoint you. Do you think I care about SkyRock? If it falls, it's not my problem anymore. I tried to help. But Oppa chose you. The decision is not mine to make. Said Sulli You might not care for SkyRock, but I am sure you care about Minho. Said Di Sulli's heart is getting numb. She's been in too much pain already. I know how you feel about Minho. And even if it's unfair, I will need to ask you to help him. Said Di I want you to talk to your Uncle. I need you to convince him to sign the contract even if there's no wedding. You can tell him that Minho really like you but you feel bad that you don't feel the same. So you want to cancel the engagement but you want to help SkyRock. Said Di Sulli almost laughed. Uncle Sam will never believe that. Uncle Sam and I are close he knows almost everything that happened to me. Unnie, I've been in love with Oppa for a long can Uncle not know that? Said Sulli So what do you want to happen now? asked Di You will allow SkyRock to fall? Do you think Minho can survive living knowing SkyRock fell because of his decisions? Unnie, you're his girlfriend. You should be the one bothered by that question. Not me. Said Sulli ---Di is shaking with anger. That girl she's tough! And Di hates tough people. Sulli needs to see that there's no other way than to let Minho go But she can't let Minho's SkyRock fall ------Sulli felt a little sense of happiness that Di wasn't able to bully her 3 days ago. But if there's one thing she learned from that conversation, it's that Di is really fighting for Minho. I wish I can also fight for Oppa like that. Said Sulli But how can I fight for someone who's not willing to fight with me? Sulli saw someone calling her. Unknown number again? Recently, messages and calls from unknown numbers mean trouble. Sulli answered the call. Hi, this is Belle. It's Minho's birthday today and we're planning for a

dinner celebration. Can you come? asked Belle ----Sulli doesn't know why she is standing in front of the restaurant building. Why was she invited in the first place? Is Belle not aware of what has been happening the past days? But Sulli wasn't able to control herself. She immediately went to the mall to look for a gift for Minho after the call from Belle. And now, she even went to this place dressed up. I'll just give my gift, greet him a happy birthday and leave. Said Sulli That should be really quick. Sulli went to the restaurant and saw Carl, Minho and Belle. She hesitated but she gathered her courage. Hi.. Everyone's attention went to her. Sulli said Minho Oppa, Happy Birthday. Said Sulli. Minho can't believe his eyes. Sulli here? Minho's heart is beating like crazy. Minho went near Sulli but Sulli took a step back. I just went here to give you this gift. Said Sulli. She put her gift on the table. You're leaving? asked Carl Umm...Yes said Sulli Stay, Sulli. The food is being served. It's a waste if you leave. Said a voice from behind Sulli Ah It's Di Unnie. I should've guessed she'll be here. Thought Sulli. Di's right, Sulli. I think Minho will be happy to celebrate his birthday if you're here. said Belle Minho can't help but stare. Sulli's wearing a dress. She's showing her collarbone again. How he wants to put something to cover it so that other people won't get to look at it. As usual, she's so pretty Di noticed Minho staring at Sulli and went to hug Minho Happy Birthday, my love. This is your 9th birthday with me, I hope that we can spend all our birthdays together forever. Said Di Carl quickly went beside Sulli I don't think it's a good idea to stay. You should probably leave. Said Carl No Oppa It has to end today. Said Sulli The pain has to end today. -------

Sulli sat beside Carl while Minho is sitting beside Di. Belle is sitting as the head of the family on the rectangle table. How did it end up this way? Am I the one who is celebrating my birthday? asked Belle You organized this so you deserve that seat. Said Minho All right. Let's give our wishes for Minhos' birthday. Said Belle Let me go first. Said Di For the only man I love and will ever love. I wish that we'll have more and more years together. Di, you need to give a birthday wish and not an anniversary wish. Said Carl Sulli's heart that she thought is now numb is starting to hurt again. How about you Sulli? Any wish for your Oppa? asked Belle Minhos' heart is racing. Hmm Umm success and many more birthdays to come. Said Sulli That's the most impersonal, clich birthday wish I heard said Carl Minho laughed What's funny? Belle asked That's cute Sulli. That's also my wish for myself. Said Minho smiling at Sulli Sulli felt like crying. Minho Oppa why are you trying to be so kind? Sulli can't even smile and just looked away. Minho's heart is tearing apart. Does she hate him now? When Sulli went out of the washroom she did not find Minho, Carl and Di anymore. I think I need to leave as well. Said Sulli Huh? But it's still early. Said Belle It's ok Unnie. I didn't intent on staying for dinner. So Uncle might be worried now that I haven't gone home yet. Said Sulli Is that so ok, oh well you take care, OK? said Belle Thank you for inviting me. Said Sulli --Sulli arrived at the ground floor. She should probably call home to ask the driver to pick her up. Or she can take a bus Sulli saw Di and Minho talking by the door. So they are still here? I'm already leaving, why do I still need to see them? Sulli can only hope things don't go any worse

than this. But it usually gets worse. Just when Sulli is about to reach the door of the hotel, she saw Di touching Minho's arms. And then she reached for Minho's face and kissed Minho, a very passionate kiss. Sulli's world stood still. It's like her heart which she thought is already healing burst out open again. How did I end up here? Sulli said to herself Di saw Sulli approaching the door of the hotel. Di had been frustrated. All the while that Sulli was with them during dinner, Minho had been staring at her. And she can't even get his attention for longer than a minute. So now that she has the chance to finally make everything clear to Sulli, she'll take her chance. Di pulled Minho closer to her. She reached for Minho's face and kissed him. Hard, with all the passion she can give. When she saw Sulli turning her back, she let go of Minho Hey, what's gotten into you? asked Minho Sulli? Is that you? called Di Minho felt like his world is stopped. Is Sulli standing behind him? Did she see everything? Sulli can't help the tears falling. But when she heard Di's call, she had to dry them fast. They can't see her like this. She faced them with her pretend smile. You're going home? asked Di Umm Yes but I wanted to go to the washroom first. Said Sulli See you around. Sulli walked away from them as fast as she could. Minho immediately turned around and when he saw Sulli's back he immediately run towards her, But Di grabbed Minho's arm. If you follow her like this it will never end she will continue to have hope that there can still be something between the two of you. You have to help her move on. You have to let her go. Said Di ------Minho called Carl but Carl did not pick up his phone on his first try. Carl just came back to the restaurant and saw that Belle is alone. Where's everyone? Everyone went home. Oh And Princess left her phone and wallet. Said Belle Sulli said Carl Did Minho take her home? asked Carl

I don't think so. She left just like that. I tried to catch up with her when I found her wallet and phone, but I can't find her anywhere. Said Belle Carl noticed his phone vibrating. Hello, Man. Said Carl Is Sulli there? asked Minho from the other line No, she left. Said Carl Can you look for her? I don't think it's good if she's alone. Said Minho Did something happen? asked Carl Because I don't think it will be easy looking for her she left her phone and wallet here. Said Carl What?! That woman! Minho's mind is just chaotic he doesn't know what to do anymore. ---Minho has never driven that fast before. When he saw Di's house, he immediately parked his car. Wow I can't believe we're still alive. Said Di Please go inside your house, Di. I'm going back. Said Minho What? Which part of what I said did you not get, Minho? said Di frustrated Earlier before you kissed me did you see her there? asked Minho Minho I just- said Di I will go back and I will look for her. And here... Minho showed Di that he closed his phone I will close my phone. And I will not open this tonight no matter what. So I won't know if something happens to you. I won't come rushing to find you if ever you do anything to hurt yourself again. Said Minho Di was left by her gate. She had to lean on the gate What is happening with Minho. Why is he this rough on her? Is he even in love with that girl? Is he... Chapter 15: Realization Sulli has never felt so miserable before. She left her phone and wallet, her legs are aching from walking too far. And her house is still far. But she can't stop walking, whenever she stops to rest, tears fall from her eyes. Arrrgg!! How can I be so stupid to leave my things there! said Sulli angry with herself

-----Carl looked all over the vicinity of the restaurant and the nearby park and establishments but could not find Sulli. It's making him frustrated not knowing if she's safe or not. In his heart he feels that he needs to find Sulli before Minho does. He knows something happened for sure. Whatever it is, He's sure Sulli is suffering now. I must be going crazy! Did I really wanted to compete with Minho? Carl thought ------Minho drove to the nearby streets She can't have gotten too far without money He went back to the restaurant and drove on all the nearby street he can go through. He even tried to walk the narrow streets to check but to no luck. Just then, Minho thought of looking for Sulli on the streets leading to Sulli's house. In one of the streets which is blocks away from Sulli's house Minho saw someone who resembles Sulli. He followed the woman and when he got closer, he saw that indeed it is Sulli. He immediately stopped his car and run to catch Sulli. Sulli is really tired. And so when someone grabbed her arm, she fell on the person's chest like a bag of vegetables. Sulli's ankle got twisted on the fall. Awwww . Ouch Sulli tried to stand on one foot. Who are- the words died on Sulli's lips when she saw Minho holding her arm. His face looks angry. You idiot woman! How can you leave without your phone and wallet! Why do you keep making people worried?! said Minho Sulli tried to get her arm away from Minho but he won't let her go. I forgot them. I didn't mean to do that. Said Sulli. Let me go. So what do you plan to do? You'll just keep on walking home when it's this dark?! said Minho angry That was my plan, Yes! But now that my ankle got twisted, how can I do that!? said Sulli now angrier than Minho almost crying Get in my car. Said Minho No! I won't. I don't want to. I don't want to get in your car. I don't want to be near you. I don't want to see you! said Sulli pulling herself away from Minho with all her might Minho felt knives stab his heart at the anger he sees in Sulli's eyes. Minho slowly let go of Sulli's arm. I think it's best if we don't see each other anymore. That will give everybody peace of mind. Said Sulli Peace of mind? Did she just say peace of mind? How can he ever have peace of mind when he keeps worrying when she's not around. Sulli tried to take a few steps away from Minho but she stumbled.

That's it. Minho had enough. Minho carried Sulli on his shoulders like a sack of rice and put her on the passenger seat beside the driver. Minho went to the driver's seat. No, I don't want to be here! Let me out! said Sulli shouting with anger Just sit still. Do you think you can fight me? Just sit still and rest. Said Minho Sulli looked at Minho with all the anger she's feeling inside. How can he show up in front of her when he just kissed someone else. Sulli noticed that they just passed the street going to her house. Wait a minute Where are we going? You should have turned left there! said Sulli But Minho just continued to drive Stop! You need to stop the car! I need to go home. You're not taking me home? Where are you taking me? asked Sulli but Minho is just quietly driving This is kidnapping! You are taking advantage of what happened to my ankle. Stop this car now! said Sulli angrily but Minho is ignoring her. Sulli's heart is racing where is Minho taking her? Sulli saw Minho's hand holding the clutch too hard. His veins can be seen on his hands. Even the way he's holding the stirring wheel is also way too hard He's angry too. Sulli is getting nervous. Where can two angry people go? -----Minho has been staring at the sleeping woman beside him. She has the cutest sleeping face he has ever seen. How he wish he can give her the peace she wants. Minho did not wake Sulli up. He went outside his car walked a bit farther from the car and sat on the grass looking at the sky. How can I give her peace when I don't have it. Said Minho Sulli woke up and was disoriented for a while. Where is she? Ahhh this is Minho's car. But where is he? Sulli went outside and noticed that her foot is not hurting that much anymore. Though she still feel a bit of pain, it seems it was not twisted after all. She walked a few steps and saw Minho sitting on the grass looking at the sky smiling at the stars. She bet the magazines will pay her big time if she ever gets a picture of Minho like this. He looked like a fallen Angel But he's not her angel. Minho noticed Sulli standing near the car. He immediately stood up and walked towards her. I didn't wake you up. You were sleeping soundly. Said Minho Where are we? What is this place? asked Sulli

That behind you is the Villa my Mom passed down to me. Said Minho Sulli turned around and saw a beautiful white Villa Wow it's beautiful said Sulli It is, isn't it? My mom loved it when my Dad gave it to her. Said Minho I can see why said Sulli Minho noticed Sulli chilling a bit and took his coat off to put on Sulli's shoulders, but Sulli moved away when Minho was about to touch her. You..should use this coat. It's getting colder. Said Minho Sulli took the coat from Minho's hand and covered herself. Minho felt something wrong in his gut, something like fear. He doesn't know what that fear is, but whenever Sulli moves away from him, whenever she pushes him away, it makes his heart squeeze in pain and makes that fear arise. --The Villa is warm and cozy inside. You better call your Uncle. So that he knows you're safe. Said Minho There is a landline phone and Sulli called her Uncle up to say she's staying at a hotel nearby since it's already late. When Sulli was done talking she saw Minho's questioning look. He can't know we're here together alone Or else the wedding will happen tomorrow. Said Sulli Of course we can't let that happen Minho took a deep breath. Is your ankle better? asked Minho Yes I thought I got it twisted. But I can walk now, so it probably isn't. said Sulli Good Umm are you hungry? It's been 5 hours since we last ate. Said Minho And you did not even eat much then. Hmm I have no appetite. Said Sulli Minho ignored what Sulli said and looked at the refrigerator. Good thing I have asked the Ajumma to replenish my fridge yesterday. Said Minho I don't want to eat. I want to sleep. Said Sulli Ummm there's only one room in this Villa. Said Minho What?! asked Sulli This was supposed to be a love nest between a man and a woman. Said Minho Can you please don't say those awkward things about this place when

it's just you and me who's here? said Sulli irritated Minho can't help but laugh I was just saying a fact. Minho decided to sleep on the living room sofa while Sulli sleeps in the bedroom. It's better this way, as long as Minho knows she's near, he can relax. But in the middle of the night, Minho could hear Sulli's cry and groans and immediately went to the room to check on Sulli. When he got to the room, he saw Sulli sleeping, but she seems to be having a nightmare. Mom please don't go said Sulli in her sleep while crying like a child Don't leave me, Mom please stay said Sulli Minho sat beside Sulli and tried to wake her up. Sulli, please wake up I'm here ok? You're not alone. Sulli woke up and still confused My mom . she left said Sulli crying Minho hugged Sulli while tapping her back Shhhh . But you're not alone. I am here. Uncle Sam is also going to be there for you, ok? said Minho Sulli is scared. In her dream, she remembered that time when her mother left her. She cried and cried, begged and begged but her mother still left The memory It's just too painful. After several minutes of crying, Sulli has finally calmed down. You're Ok now? asked Minho. Sulli nodded. Minho let go of Sulli and laid her on the bed. Just go to sleep again, Ok? Minho stood up to leave but Sulli held on his arm Once I get these dreams they normally don't stop can you stay here just until I get to really sleep? asked Sulli Minho felt like a heavy load was lifted from his shoulders. Sulli needs him by her side. He sat beside Sulli. Can you move a bit? asked Minho Sulli moved to the other side of the bed. Minho laid beside Sulli and held her in his arms. Sulli automatically tried to push Minho away

Hush Just relax I will hold you like this until you sleep, OK? I'll make sure the dream will not return. Said Minho Sulli tried to relax. She leaned her head on Minho's arm. And then in just a few moment Sulli is already pulled into a sweet dream. After a while, when Minho felt like Sulli's breathing is already even. He lifted Sulli's face . This beautiful face How can he have ignored it for 5 years You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen said Minho and he did not fight himself anymore He touched Sulli's lips with his. And all the memory of when he first saw her at that party 5 years ago, the moment they were trapped in the elevator, the moment he fetched her from the school, the moment when he first scolded Sulli at work, the moment when he saw her staying late at the office the moment when she confessed to him, the moment when they made the deal, the moment when he touched Sulli's hand, the moment when Sulli peaked at him from the window all those moments flashed back on him like a river of memories . When Minho opened his eyes, his lips is still touching Sulli's Is this is why I've been feeling confused and crazy the past months? thought Minho Minho could not believe his realization. Staring at Sulli's beautiful face, Minho can feel tears falling from his eyes Why After all these years Why did I fall in love with you.. Said Minho and he pulled Sulli closer to him. Chapter 16: Explosion Minho cooked breakfast for Sulli. Though Sulli is now smiling, Minho still feels there is something wrong. She is not as cold in her treatment of him as yesterday. But she's somehow still cold Why does Minho feel like they're back to the time when they only get to see each other at parties? That fear growing within Minho is attacking again. Ummm So I am not an expert at cooking pancakes but I hope it doesn't taste weird. Said Minho It's ok It tastes ok. Said Sulli with a small smile. Ummm after this, I am going to work. I've been out lately and we need to catch up on some contracts. Said Minho Ok. Said Sulli Ummm you going straight home? asked Minho Umm nope. I am going to meet Luna and Victoria. Said Sulli Really? Good said Minho They ate quietly after that. Minho left Sulli in a mall. But Minho still feels troubled. What is she thinking Why does she feels so distant? Is he just paranoid? Is it because he has now accepted the fact that he's

in love with her? Minho saw Di waiting for him when he arrived in the office. That's good. He wanted to talk to her too. You are late. Said Di Yes I had to take care of something. Said Minho Or Someone? asked Di Luis heard this and looked at Minho. Minho looked better that he did the past days. He seemed to have gotten a good night sleep. Let's talk upstairs. Said Minho --Are you ok? Where did you go last night? said Di I just escaped...I needed to run away from reality for a while. Said Minho You really didn't open your phone. Said Di I tried to call you a couple of times. Minho took a deep breath It's good that nothing bad happened to you. You see, if word will not get to me of what happens to you, nothing will actually happen right? said Minho Di's strength is slowly draining. Why is Minho being like this? Di, I have finally realized what I tried to ignore. I tried to fight it because I always thought that was the right thing to do. I promised you that we'll always be together and I did all I can to keep that promise. Even if I'm putting SkyRock in danger. But now I can't lie to myself anymore. Said Minho Wait what are you saying I think you're just confused... said Di I'm not I've never been so sure in my life. Said Minho I am in love with her with Sulli And it took me this long to realize that. Said Minho No, No way. Di hugged Minho while tears are falling from her eyes. You're just confused right now. You just need time to think said Di I can't stay beside you now, Di. I am no longer the man you used to love. Said Minho If I stay beside you, I'll hurt her over and over, I can't hurt her anymore And more than that I need her I need Sulli in my life. No!!!! Di shouted while hugging Minho tighter Minho slowly tried to push Di away. All the past 8 years, you've been the only one. And I have loved you so much, you know that right? Minho touched Di's face I fought against my parents and my heart was only for you. But

Minho's tears started falling But maybe there's a reason why SkyRock had to be in danger. Maybe there's a reason why it had be her that I got trapped in that elevator with. Maybe I was meant to fall in love with her since I met her. Said Minho I need you to be strong Di. Because I won't be there for you anymore. You need to take care of yourself from now on. Said Minho Minho let go of Di. He handed her a ring. The ring he sued to keep so that he can ask her one day to be with him forever. From now on let's be true to ourselves. Said Minho ------Sulli is somehow happy to see Luna and Victoria. Luna is now working in a bank and Victoria is now an office woman. I'm proud of both of you. Said Sulli Who would've expected both of us to get a job within 6 months after graduating right? said Luna I could not believe it myself! said Victoria Next target should be a boyfriend said Luna Here we go again said Victoria laughing Minho and Luis went to a caf. Did I already say you look fresh today? said Luis Don't say awkward things. Said Minho Minho noticed Sulli in the caf with her friends. Order me an macchiato. I'm going to sit over there. Said Minho Luis noticed Sulli on the couch just at the back of the seat Minho is going. Luis can't help but smirk. Minho is sitting on a couch behind Sulli trying to go unnoticed. Oh, hey, it's been months since Elevator Guy said yes to your Uncle, when will the engagement party be? asked Luna Yeah, we are so excited said Victoria Sulli had to take a deep breath. She tried to ignore the question by taking a bite of her waffle, but Luna is persistent. You are not trying to avoid answering, right? asked Luna The truth is I don't think there would be any said Sulli Minho's heart went still What do you mean? There won't be any engagement party? said Victoria

Oppa and I We're not like a couple... said Sulli What! Wait a minute, you've always been in love with him said Luna Sulli chuckled. They are right. But one sided love is not enough. He only looks at me like a sister. Said Sulli Minho's can't believe what he's hearing. A sister?! It's best that we dissolve the engagement. Said Sulli Sulli suddenly felt her arms being dragged. Wait! Who- when Sulli saw it was Minho who was dragging her out of the caf, she struggled more. Let me go! Stop dragging me! said Sulli Oppa. Please you're hurting me! said Sulli When they were outside the caf, Minho let go of Sulli's arm You want to dissolve the engagement? asked Minho angrily Yes. That's the right thing to do. In this story, I want to stop being the antagonist. If you love each other, I don't want to be the wall between you two. said Sulli And so you're now giving up? You just want to return to the way it was? asked Minho Sulli can't control her emotions anymore. Yes! I want to return to 5 years ago, before I met you. Because that time, even if I was always sad, even when I was always depressed, I was never hurt like I did the past months. And I am tired I am sooo tired. I just want to forget that I ever liked you! said Sulli Minho hugged Sulli tightly while Sulli tried to push Minho away. That fear building up inside Minho is just too much to bear. The pain in his heart is just overpowering that his eyes began to tear up. Then what next? You will move on from me? You will forget me? I won't let you do that. Said Minho Sulli does not understand what Minho is telling her. Minho released his hug on Sulli and touched Sulli's face. He kissed Sulli deeply and passionately. Sulli felt her world slipping away. Her mind is going crazy. She can't do anything but close her eyes and hold on to Minho. Everyone who was in the caf started to take videos of what happened. Even people outside the caf took pictures. Luis can't believe what he's seeing. Luna and Victoria can only stare at each other. -------Sulli went home dazed. What is happening? Why is Minho acting like a mad person? That kiss Sulli's legs went weak at that time. And her knees are still shaking now.

Sulli stopped by her gate when she saw Carl. Carl didn't sleep at all last night. He looked at all possible places and wasn't able to find Sulli. He tried to call Minho but he's phone is out of reach. He's been anxious and he can't find peace until he sees Sulli safe. When Carl saw Sulli arriving by the gate, he immediately grabbed her into an embrace. He is just so relieved to see her safe. Oppa You're Ok, right? asked Carl Yes I'm OK. Said Sulli That's good. You left your phone and wallet and everyone got worried. Said Carl I'm sorry that I was stupid to leave my things. But I am OK. Minho Oppa found me last night. Said Sulli Carl slowly let go of Sulli. Minho he found you that's good that's really good. Said Carl Why is his heart aching at knowing that I'm glad you're OK. I went here because I did not hear anything about you and I was worried. A good big brother will always take care of a his little sister, right? asked Carl Sulli smiled. A smile Carl has just seen now. It's the most beautiful smile he has seen on Sulli's face. Thank you, Oppa. You are really the nicest Oppa I've ever had. Said Sulli ---Minho went to Uncle Sam's office. There is something he wants to know and Samuel is the only person who can answer him. A nightmare so you were with her that night? asked Uncle Samuel Nothing happened between us. I can promise you that. Said Minho But I want to know what happened Why does she have that kind of nightmare? Does that happen frequently? said Minho You are going to be her husband, so you need to know. Said Uncle Sam Sulli's mother She left Sulli and her Dad when Sulli was 7. She could not bear living with my brother anymore. But she knows she can't give Sulli a good life, so she left Sulli with her husband. After that, every night, Sulli will dream of what happened that day. She can't sleep and she can't eat. She was traumatized by that memory My brother decided Sulli needed treatment. And so she was sent to the US where some of our relatives are living. She was closely monitored and had treatments almost every day. When everyone thought she's ready to face the world, she was sent to a normal school. But then she was bullied in school. The teachers know Sulli's problem. And whenever they

see Sulli crying, they will tell our relatives who will automatically schedule her a treatment the next day. Sulli she hated treatments. And since then, she would always hide whenever she felt like crying. She doesn't want people to see her She doesn't want people to think she's mentally weak And so She does that until today. Said Uncle Sam The nightmares I would sometimes hear her still get those. But it has already lessened from when she was younger. Said Sam What happened to her Mom? said Minho She tried to get in touch with Sulli a few years ago. But I told her Sulli wasn't ready yet. Said Uncle Sam ----That night Minho went to a noodle house. He got the address from Uncle Sam Is there someone called Gene here? asked Minho Oh..Gene is at the storage. Why? asked the owner I need to talk to her about something important. Said Minho ------When the noodle house closed, Gene sat on the table Minho is sitting. She's around Samuel's age and she looks tired, but you can still she her beauty. You said it's something important. And you waited until the store closed I am getting nervous. Said Gene It's about your daughter Sulli. Said Minho Gene couldn't speak for a while, tears pooling in her eyes. Who are you? What do you know about my daughter? asked Gene I'm your daughter's fiance. Said Minho I want you to meet with her. I don't want to destroy her already peaceful life. Said Gene I tried, you know. Several times I wanted to see her But Samuel is right, Sulli is living a good life now. I hurt that kid much I know what she went through because of me. I don't want her to feel any anxiety just because of meeting me again. I think that you're a missing piece of her life that she needs. Said Minho She will never feel complete without you. You care for my Sulli...I can see that. Said Gene Is it a love match? It's not a business match right? asked Gene I care for Sulli more than you can imagine. Said Minho Sulli's Dad and I was a business match it never worked. Said Gene You never loved her Dad? asked Minho He never loved me And I just got tired of pushing my way into his heart

every day. Said Gene A woman's heart can only bear so much pain, until it gets numb and can feel no more. Said Gene --The next day, Minho woke up on continuous ringing of his phone. This early? He saw that it's Belle who's calling What is it? asked Minho Are you crazy?! Why did you kiss her in public! Do you know how many newspapers have you in the front cover?! said Belle That brought Minho's mind to wake up What did you say? asked Minho I said you are in all newspaper today. How many times do I have to tell you to be careful of what you do because you are a celebrity? And wow..this is a very passionate kiss. And you were very generous, the newspaper's pictures had you in different angles. Said Belle Minho's hand went to his forehead This is going to be a crazy day. -----Sulli is already in Samuel's office when Minho arrived. Ahh This is the only beautiful thing about this issue, he gets to see Sulli even if she is still trying to ignore him. I don't know how much feelings you have for each other. But please control yourselves! You are not kids anymore. And people are always watching your every step. Especially you Minho, you are very popular. Things like kissing a woman in public will definitely be a headline. Said Uncle Sam The engagement party has to be scheduled soon. I have already instructed some people to send word to the newspapers of your upcoming engagement. No, Uncle said Sulli That won't be necessary. What?! You were very participative in that kiss Sulli. It is clear that it's not a stolen kiss. You can't say that that's nothing. We have to protect your dignity. Said Uncle Sam I agree with Samuel. We need the engagement as soon as possible. Said Minho Sulli can't believe what she's hearing. She's already giving Minho a way out, why is he siding with her Uncle? --Inside a car, both Sulli and Minho are sitting at the back seat. You could've agreed with me you know. Said Sulli To not have the engagement yet? No way. Said Minho What?! Do you love SkyRock this much? That you're willing to sacrifice

Di Unnie? Did you think I will ask Uncle not to sign if the engagement does not happen? Wait Is that why you had to kiss me in public? To make sure that the engagement will not be dissolved since you need it for SkyRocK?! asked Sulli who is now furious I will never resort to kissing someone in public just for a business deal said Minho Why will I believe you? You are even willing to get married with someone you don't like. Said Sulli I will never kiss someone I don't like. Said Minho Sulli was startled for a moment I will only kiss a girl that I like. Said Minho Sulli can't believe what she just heard. Chapter 17: Reconciliation Minho likes her. Sulli is going crazy. She just got her heart broken the other day, and now Minho likes her? What is happening?! Minho wants to massage the crease between Sulli's brows. But he just chuckled instead. If you don't stop looking confused, I will have to prove what I just said, right? said Minho Huh? That I only kiss a girl that I like? said Minho No. I am ok I am not confused. Said Sulli Minho laughed By the way I need to bring you somewhere. I want to eat noodles and I want to bring you there. Noodles? I haven't eaten noodles in a long time. Said Sulli ---Sulli and Minho entered a small restaurant. They went to an available table. Gene saw Minho arrive and she is excited to greet Minho but when she's greeted Minho and saw the woman he is with, she almost dropped the menu. Hi! said Minho Gene's eyes is fixed on Sulli Minho took the menu from Gene's hand and gave it to Sulli. What do you like to have? asked Minho

Hmm Ajumma, what do you recommend? Sulli asked Gene Huh? Gene's tears are almost falling Umm Ehem yeah I think the beef noodle is one of the best. Said Gene trying to control her emotion Really? I like that. I'll get one please. Said Sulli smiling Gene also smiled and had to turn to Minho because her tears are already falling I'll get the same said Minho smiling at Gene. Gene immediately went to the kitchen. Are you oK? asked the owner I'm going to prepare this order, manager. Said Gene She's not even the cook. said the manager Sulli felt the Ajumma is familiar. Where did she saw her before? Minho reached his hand to Sulli's eyebrows and massaged the space between her brows. Whenever I see you react that way, that means you are either confused, curious about something or just has a question. Said Minho So...Which is it? asked Minho Hmm? I..just feel that- suddenly the Ajumma's face returned to Sulli's mind and slowly she saw where she saw that face before Gene served the beef noodles happily. Then she noticed Sulli looking at her intently, her eyes starting to tear up. Is there something wrong? asked Gene You You look like someone I know. Said Sulli Minho touched Sulli's hand. Someone who left and never returned. Said Sulli Gene does not know what to say. Sulli stood up and ran out. Minho ran after her. ---Minho grabbed Sulli's hand. hey wait.. said Minho Do you know? Do you know who that person is? said Sulli trying to control her emotion I know I know Sulli she's the person you are longing for. said Minho

No! I don't want to see her. She left me, she left me no matter what I said no matter how much I begged her to stay! said Sulli I don't want to see her ever again. Minho hugged Sulli Cry. It's ok to cry. Because I won't judge you because it's ok to cry when I'm here. Said Minho Sulli can't hold her tears in anymore. And she cried her heart out while her face is on Minho's shoulder. I talked to her yesterday. She has long been wanting to see you. But she was afraid your life will be destroyed if she comes back. She was afraid she might break you again. Said Minho But I don't believe it will be destroyed right? You know when you were crying in your sleep that night I knew you are longing for her deep inside, you still want to be with her You still love her Minho held Sulli's face. It's ok if you are still not ready to see her. I won't push you. I just want you to know that she's here. And I want to show her how strong you have become. Said Minho Oppa why are you doing this? Why don't you just let me be? asked Sulli Because I can't stand not seeing you happy I want you to be happy, Sulli Said Minho Because I want to see you smile -----Sulli and Minho went inside the restaurant again. And she silently ate the noodles her mother served. Gene was crying her heart out in the kitchen. You are so sensitive, not all customers will like your service, you know. By the way, your customers returned and they are now eating the beef noodles you cooked. Said the manager Gene immediately stood up and saw Sulli eating her noodles. She can't stop her tears from falling. That's good I'm really happy, manager really happy. Said Gene Sulli saw Gene watching her eat. Sulli raised her hand a bit and smiled at Gene. Though it was just a partial smile, it made Geen really happy. Minho saw this and squeezed Sulli's other hand. Sulli smiled at Minho. ------Sulli and Gene walked the street towards Sulli's house together. I am glad you found a good man. Said Gene Minho Oppa? Yes, he's a good man. Said Sulli You really looked good together. I can see on the way you look at each other how much you care for each other. Said Gene Really? I am in love with him and he said he likes me said Sulli I am happy that you look happy. Said Gene

Ummm . How did you live all this time are you happy too? asked Sulli I when I broke up with your Dad, my family casted me out. They felt like I am an embarrassment. So I tried to work even if I was not used to working. But now I am already used to this life. Said Gene Was it hard? asked Sulli It was really hard But God helped me survive everything until now I guess He knew this day would come. said Gene I'm glad you're OK, Mom. I was always curious but I was too angry to look for you. Said Sulli Mom? You called me Mom? asked Gene tears now falling from her eyes It's been a long time since I last heard you call me Mom I missed that a lot. Sulli's tears started to fall again. I I would always dream about you until now I missed you too a lot. Said Sulli Gene hugged Sulli tightly. I love you , Sulli. And I am happy now, now that I saw you again said Gene That night, Uncle Sam, Gene and Sulli ate dinner together. Gene and Sam did some catching up. Sulli was able to convince Gene to sleep beside her that night. It was one of the most peaceful night Sulli ever had. ----Belle can't stop staring at the picture in front of the newspaper. He has gone mad. Said Belle That's an understatement. Said Carl When? When did you realize that he's in love with the Princess? asked Belle A few months ago said Carl Why didn't you speak up?! said Belle He has to realize it himself. Said Carl And looks like he just did he has a very flashy way of showing it. Said Belle ---Sulli knew this day had to come, but when it actually did, she can't help beign anxious. Sulli is nervous to meet Minho's parents. But it has to happen before the engagement party on Sunday. She has met Minho's parents the past

parties, but not as Minho's Fiancee. Should I really do this? asked Sulli Yes. You need to meet my parents. Said Minho Minho almost laughed because Sulli really looks nervous. Minho reached for Sulli's hand and held it. I will be there. So don't worry, OK? said Minho Sulli took a deep breath and smiled. Chapter 18: It fell upside down

Sulli knows the house is big but she was still surprised at how far the house was from the gate. When she entered the house, she saw its elegance and was amazed. This is why you felt out house was too small? asked Sulli FlyAir is bigger than SkyRock So I was a bit surprised. admitted Minho There you are! Welcome! greeted Minho's Mom Minho's mom immediately hugged Sulli I am happy to meet you, dear. I am happy to meet you too, Madam. said Sulli Minho's Dad approached them walking slowly Uncle Why did you get up You don't have to get up just for me. Said Sulli No, I can't stay on my bed when I heard you're coming. Said Andrew laughing My best friend's niece will be part of the family, I can never be happier. Said Andrew Sulli's cheeks got red. Minho can't help but pinch Sulli's cheek lightly. Minho's Mom her son's sweet gesture and can't help but smile. ----Sulli went to the kitchen with Minho's Mom I'm glad to see that you two are getting along well. Said Minho's Mom Minho Oppa is a good person. He treats me well. Said Sulli Not just as a person but I'm glad to see that he seems to be fond of you. said Minho's Mom When I tried to tear him apart from his girlfriend few years ago, I regretted doing that. Since then, I would feel that Minho had started keeping secrets from us. I felt he distanced himself from us. But now now he started opening up to us again. He now shares his plans in life. And that makes me really happy.

You make me feel welcome, Auntie. I was very nervous before I got here. But when you greeted me when I arrived, I felt the nervousness melted. Said Sulli Minho's Mom smiled at Sulli and hugged her I've seen changes in my son and I can only guess that it's you who brought that sunshine in his eyes. Please make him happy. Said Minho's Mom ----Minho droved Sulli home that night. We're here. Said Minho You're parents are the warmest people.. Said Sulli I like them a lot. Sulli smiled her happy smile. It's been a while since he last saw that smile I'm glad you did. And I'm sure they are happy to see you. Said Minho By the way your Mom? asked Minho I'm convincing her to stay here. I like seeing her when I get home. She said she'll think about it. I think she's hesitant since she is no longer part of the family because she divorced my Dad. But Uncle was supportive of what I wanted. He said the family ties did not break just because of the divorce. Said Sulli You Uncle loves you very much. said Minho I know that. Said Sulli I need to get in now. You better go home too. It's late. Said Sulli. Sulli opened the door. But when she was about to step out, Minho grabbed Sulli's hand and kissed her on the cheek. That's the right way to say goodbye to your fiance. Said Minho Sulli was surprised Go ahead. Said Minho laughing Sulli went inside the house spacing out --Di does not know what to do anymore. When Minho broke up with her the second time, she felt like the world just collapsed on her. But she still hoped that Minho is just confused. But when she saw the newspapers the videos She just can't beat it anymore. The most painful part is that she was hospitalized yesterday but Minho did not come. Doesn't he care anymore? Am I now a nobody to him? She can't take the hurt she's feeling anymore. And she can't just give up on Minho just like this. All her life, she has never loved another man. Minho is her first and last love. How can she live without him? Di dialed a number on her phone. Her hand is shaking while waiting for

the other line to answer. She almost started biting her nails in frustration when the other line finally picked up. Hello? Hi This is Di Can we meet? ----Sulli knows everything has to be settled. If she wants everything to go well, all the open things has to be closed. And Di Unnie is the biggest open hole that has to be settled. A car stopped in front of Sulli and she saw Di Unnie in the driver's seat. Get in Sulli. Said Di Sulli got in Di's car. So I've read from a magazine that the engagement party is 2 days from now? asked Di Di doesn't look angry. She looks cool about it but Sulli doesn't feel at ease All the mushy sweetness in the news all the photos on the internet they almost looked real. said Di I don't know if you've already talked with Minho Oppa. But the kiss It was real. Said Sulli Real kiss is not just when lips meet, little girl. Real kiss is when two people have feelings for each other. said Di He said he likes me, Unnie. Minho Oppa likes me. Said Sulli And you believed him? He's running out of time. I learned he was only given 3 months to find a solution but the 3 months had already lapsed. The shareholders are all crazy asking his Dad to resign as CEO. Minho is desperate right now, of course he'll do everything to make sure SkyRock doesn't fall. Said Di Di gave Sulli a folder That's the last minutes of the meeting they had on the last Board meeting in SkyRock. You will see there what I mean by he's desperate. Said Di Sulli browsed through the document and can't believe what she's reading You made this up. You are desperate to have Minho Oppa. Said Sulli Wake up Sulli. All this time you made life difficult for Minho. He almost died it that elevator trying to save you. You took his right to be with the woman he loves and now you're going to trap him into a marriage he doesn't want. Said Di angrily Di isn't paying attention to her driving and when Sulli looked in front, a truck crashed with their car sending their car to fly away falling upside down.

---Di woke up and took a few seconds to remember what happened. She's inside the car. Sulli is beside her facing the other way. The car is upside down. Blood there is a lot of blood. Di tried to wake Sulli up. Sulli can't open her eyes. But she can hear Di's voice. What is happening. Sulli felt everything in her body hurts. We're not dead yet But we might die here if we don't get out. Said Di. After all the things that happened in her life, Di can't believe it will end up this way. Her life is a mess. Minho the most important person in her life is already too far from her How can she die like this? She has always thought it would be nice to die in her old age beside Minho. So there can only be one answer No she can't she needs to live.. Let's make a bet? asked Di If we both survive this If Minho goes to you first then I won't hold on to him anymore. Said Di almost breathless But if he goes to me first. Can you promise to leave and not bother us anymore? Di said tears flowing from her eyes from both pain in her heart and body Sulli can't answer. Darkness is slowly eating her mind until she can hear no more. ----Minho's phone rang while he is on his way out of a meeting. Carl, why are you calling? Minho It's Di Her car got into an accident. Said Carl Here we go again. Said Minho This is not a minor accident, Man Di's car crashed with a truck the car flew and crashed to the ground upside down. Minho immediately ran out leaving Luis confused. -----Minho arrived at the hospital where Belle and Carl is also waiting. Where's Di? asked Minho still breathless They're coming. Said Belle Just then, a bed was being pushed inside. Minho saw Di on the bed, she's full of blood. Di Di is awake and when she saw Minho beside her she held on Minho's hand. Please stay by my side Minho. Said Di

The doctors will take care of you, ok? You'll be ok soon. Said Minho Di was brought into the operating room. Are you OK? asked Belle How can I be OK when Di's like that said Minho A nurse went to Minho Sir, are you relatives with the woman we just brought in? Can we get some information? asked the nurse I'll give it to you said Belle How about the other woman? asked the nurse Other woman? asked Carl Yes, there were two women who was in the car. The other woman will be here shortly. Said the nurse Just then another bed was being pushed inside the hospital. When Minho looked at the woman on the bed, he felt his blood drained from his veins No way that can't be Sulli. Oh my said Belle Sulli is full of blood. She looks much critical than Di looked and she's unconscious. Carl had to hold on something when he saw Sulli. Are you relatives with her? said the nurse Why were they together? asked Belle Minho's legs are shaking, his arms are shaking, everything in him is shaking. He can't breathe. Carl immediately went beside Minho just in time to catch him when he fell. Belle was also there to help Carl lift Minho up. I think he might be in shock said the nurse We need to lay him down and loosen his clothes. Carl and Belle helped the nurse to lay Minho down on a bed and loosen his clothes. Minho's breathing started to get normal after a while I can't blame him I hope Sulli is ok I just don't think I'll forgive Di if something happens to Sulli. Said Carl Belle looked at Carl confused. He's eyes is closed while trying to control himself. You You like her too? asked Belle Will me liking her change anything? said Carl Minho was already in

love with her when I started falling for her. There was no other way but to let go. Belle had to breathe deeply. Everything is complicated now. As for Minho, he felt like he was in a black hole. Sulli's image when she was on the bed full of blood, looking so pale like a dead person keeps flashing on Minho's mind. And the fear in his guts is just exploding That fear The fear of losing Sulli, is just overpowering. --Minho noticed Belle sitting beside his bed when he woke up. You feeling better? asked Belle Yes I guess How's Sulli and Di? asked Minho Di's injuries are minor. By some form of miracle, she survived that accident with just some bruises and a few stitches. Said Belle And Sulli? asked Minho She's Still in the operating room. Said Belle What happened to her? asked Minho anxiety filling up his lungs. There was a lot of blood lost. And she took some hit on her stomach area. But the doctors are doing everything they can to fix everything. Said Belle Minho stood up and immediately went outside. Chapter 19: Turning point There was a lot of blood lost. And she took some hit on her stomach area. But the doctors are doing everything they can to fix everything. Said Belle Minho stood up and immediately went outside. Minho found where Sulli is being operated and saw a doctor going outside the room. Doctor what happened? asked Minho. He doesn't know what to think and he doesn't know what to do anymore. He just want to know if Sulli's going to make it. There were a lot of bleeding. Even in some of her organs. But good thing there wasn't really any critical damage I can say she's a fighter. She is going to live. Said the doctor Minho's knees felt weak. He fell to the ground in relief. Good, that's good tears are falling from Minho's eyes That's really really good Belle hugged Minho She's now going to be fine, Minho. She's going to be all right. Said Belle

---Di woke up alone in the room. A hospital room Ah yeah there was an accident earlier. Di tried to stand up. She took off the dextrose and tried to walk. It was painful, but she has to see Minho. She has to see Minho before he can get to Sulli. Then she reached the door. She saw Minho outside through the glass. He was facing the door of the other room. His back to her. She saw him crying by the way his shoulders are shaking. And then he slid down to the floor still crying his heart out. Then Di saw the name tag of the other room--- Sulli Sulli it was Sulli's room Minho looked really close to losing it Di's heart is breaking She wants to take the pain away from Minho But she knows she's the cause of that pain She lost Minho to the woman in the other room And it felt like she can never live the same again. ------Minho couldn't bear to go near Sulli, he would just look at her from the door's glass, but he can't get inside the room. He just couldn't He just can't see Sulli like that. His heart is going to give up anytime if he sees her looking like she's going to die He can't take it anymore. He wished he can take her place. There were times when he would spend hours just standing by Sulli's door, watching over her. Checking for any movement. But Sulli never woke up. When Minho heard Di has woken up, he told himself he has to visit her. But his heart is in chaos. He knows the accident is probably Di's fault, and his anger might not be controlled. But Di is the woman he loved for the longest time. And he still cares for her until now He might not love her the same way But she's still an important person in his life. Minho sat beside Di. I'm glad you're ok said Minho But you'll be happier if Sulli gets well, right? said Di I'm praying that she wakes up soon. Said Minho Di smiled at Minho I think That she will be ok. She suits you very well. I will pray that she does wake up soon I sincerely do. ---Sulli woke up to see her Mom sleeping beside her. Mom Her mother woke up to her call Sulli You're awake let me call the nurse. Said Gene No Mom just stay Mom You were worried? said Sulli Gene's tears fell of course I am! Of course

Stop crying Mom. I'm alive. Said Sulli Gene held Sulli's hand. I almost died when I heard what happened I thought I'm gonna lose you. Said Gene God is good He knows I haven't spent time with you that much yet. Said Sulli Gene can only cry. Umm Mom Minho Oppa he- asked Sulli He's out there somewhere. Said Gene Did he ever visited me? asked Sulli He would always look at you from outside. He was really worried about you. Said Gene From outside? asked Sulli Sulli felt a sting of pain in her chest Minho I think that man is going through a lot and I can really see he cares for you. I'll call the nurses. Gene went outside to call the nurse to check Sulli up But Sulli felt the urgency to know where Minho is. Sulli tried to stand up. She fell a few times and some wounds started to bleed again. But she still tried to stand up. She went to the door. When she was outside the room she saw the name plate on the room in front of hers. Then from the glass of the door, she could see inside was Di and Minho talking. Sulli felt her heart has the most painful wound in her body. But at the same time, she felt numb painful yet numb her tears are not flowing anymore maybe she has already cried all the tears she could She just wants to go home. Gene saw Sulli and immediately ran towards her. Carl also saw Sulli and went to help Sulli get back on bed. The nurse saw some blood and immediately called a doctor. What are you thinking standing up like that! shouted Carl Sulli please stop making Mom worried ok? Just lie still until you're better OK? said her Mom Mom I want to go home soon please take me home. Said Sulli As soon as all your wounds are closed and the doctor says we can bring you home, we can already go home, ok? said Gene Your Uncle is so worried he took the first flight back to Korea. He'll be here tomorrow. Said Gene That's good I wanted to talk to him said Sulli -----

Minho peaked at Sulli's room from outside. He learned that Sulli woke up earlier. That made him feel a lot better. He opened the door to Sulli's room but it wasn't easy. That fear it's going to burst every time he sees Sulli looking so weak. He will not survive if Sulli dies. Minho sat beside Sulli. If I can only take all the wounds I would. said Minho. Minho touched Sulli's hand and put it on his cheek. You're cold But you're alive and my world can now continue to turn Please get better please be ok from now on. Sulli woke up in the middle of the night and saw Minho beside her. She touched his hair but had to pull her hand away There's only one way to close all the remaining holes Everything should be settled soon. -----Samuel was worried sick. He immediately went to he hospital from the airport. He hasn't slept for the past 48 hours. You stupid girl, making your Uncle go through this in my old age! said Sam crying I didn't know what to do, if I can only instantly be here I would have done that, but I can't. The entire journey back here, I felt like the years of my life is slowly draining. I'm sorry Uncle. It was an accident. But I'll be fine. Said Sulli I'm glad that you're ok I don't know what to do if you're not. Said Sam Umm Uncle Can I ask you for a favor? asked Sulli What is it? asked Sam This is a very big favor And I need your help because I won't be able to bear it anymore, if you don't grant me my wish. Said Sulli Don't make me feel nervous. I just got relieved to see you safe. Said Sam Uncle I want you to sign the contract with SkyRock And I want you to dissolve the engagement as soon as possible. Said Sulli What?! asked Sam What are you saying?! I have decided to go back to the US. I decided to take on masters. I want to bring my Mom with me. said Sulli You can always go there for vacation. Why all of a sudden? asked Sam Hmm it's not all of a sudden I've been thinking of giving Oppa his freedom to be with the woman he loves since a long time ago. But I got really selfish. So now, I decided that I can't do that anymore. Uncle, I know you want to help Uncle Andrew and SkyRock. I know you won't let them down But my heart has taken too much already- Sulli can't help but cry. And the pain has already been too much. I feel numb from pain but that doesn't mean the pain has stopped Uncle, I am still in love with Minho Oppa. And he did nothing wrong. He in his own way I think he tried to

like me. And I want you to help him. But this love is killing me And I need to move on. I need your help to give me a chance to live. Said Sulli Samuel can only sit down. Did he have it all wrong? From the time he saw Minho's concern over his niece 5 years ago, to the time Samuel confirmed that his niece indeed has feelings for Minho, he had been sure that the 2 will make a good couple in the future. But was he wrong? And did he cause his niece heart to be shattered? -----Minho tried to visit Sulli at home a few times that week, but Sulli is not receiving any guest. And it's making Minho impatient. He needs to see Sulli. He needs to make sure she's ok. He just wants to see her Minho saw his phone ringing. Hello? Minho, this is the company Lawyer. Samuel Park, he is now here in the conference room of SkyRock. He went here personally. You need to get here now. Said the lawyer Minho ran towards the conference room and composed himself outside before coming in. He saw Samuel, shook his hands and sat in front of him. You went here personally. I am surprised said Minho And the surprises does not stop there. Said Samuel. Samuel asked his subordinate to give a folder to Minho Minho browsed through the papers and at the last page saw Samuel's signature. Minho could not believe it. You...signed the contract? asked Minho It's a surprise isn't it? asked Samuel But I thought the shareholders wanted to make sure we'll deliver our commitments through marriage. Said Minho That is true And that didn't change. But I told them that if 2 years down the line, SkyRock does not deliver, I will resign as CEO of the company and give up all my shares. Said Samuel What?! Minho stood up and had to calm himself by breathing deeply. You're taking a gamble A very big risk You threw everything you have at stake for SkyRock. Said Minho And that means you have to deliver. That means you can't fail. Said Samuel But why do you have to make this move? When Sulli and I are getting engaged as soon as she gets well. And we'll get married soon after that. Said Minho Do you like my niece? asked Samuel What? That question is so sudden said Minho a little embarrassed But I am most fond of your niece. I I think it's best to tell her

first before anyone else how I really feel. Said Minho trying to hide is awkwardness Was he right after all? Samuel can't help but think that Sulli might have given up too early. Well then I told you that my niece is precious. I have decided that it's wrong for me to use her for business purposes. There won't be any engagement anymore. Said Samuel Minho felt like a thousand pounds is on his shoulders What is Samuel saying? Does Sulli know? Minho asked Yes of course she knows. She was the one who asked me to cancel everything. Said Samuel No It can't be Where is she? We need to talk. Said Minho Minho's mind and heart is in turmoil. He can't let this happen. Why did Sulli want to end the engagement? She left this morning. She decided to study abroad. And I think that's a good idea so that she can start anew. Said Samuel Well now Everything is settled for SkyRock. Please don't make me lose my shares. Samuel smiled and left. Minho started running out but his lawyer stopped him This is not the time to go out Minho. We need to call a shareholders' meeting soon. The good news has to be shared. Said the Lawyer Minho pushed the Lawyer aside and run to follow Samuel. Minho saw Samuel by the elevator. Please tell me where she went I need to I need to see her, I need to talk to her. Said Minho Let me give you a piece of advice, Minho. Said Samuel a bit roughly And this is something that you need to take whether you'll like it or not. Samuel breathe deeply. SkyRock is on your shoulders now. Do you think Andrew can still perform as CEO? He will not be able to do it anymore, and there's nobody else who can do it except you. If you leave now at this critical timing, everything you worked hard for, everything your father ever did, everything I sacrificed for in FlyAir, will just go to some incompetent Vice President, do you get it? If you leave now, it's not just SkyRock which will fall, but also all my shares and Sulli's. I've given you too much time to talk to Sulli everything there is to talk about. Now, do your part. Said Samuel ---Belle and Carl were both shocked at what is happening. Wow He just realized that he loves her and can't live without her and now she's gone just like that?! said Belle trying to understand what

happened There is definitely something wrong. Minho the last weeks was everything a doting fiance should be what happened to change Sulli's heart that way? said Carl And another thing that makes me confused is Di. She just called this morning saying she's leaving for the US tonight. It seems she is also letting Minho go. Said Di That's weird both women let Minho go after the accident. Said Carl How about you Carl? Are you all right? asked Belle Of course I'm not. Thinking that she'll get married to my best friend who also loves her, that's something I've already accepted. But her leaving like this? I wasn't prepared for this. said Carl This is a crazy world And Minho He couldn't even look for her could he? asked Belle He can't. The shareholders of both SkyRock and FlyAir will guard his every move now until the contract is done. He should be very careful. He needs to makes sure the commitments will be delivered He can't afford going outside the country to look for the woman he loves That's going to break SkyRock and FlyAir. Said Carl And Sulli? I'm afraid Minho has to let her go said Carl He has absolutely no choice but to bury is heart. ------Minho is driving himself to exhaustion by making sure his day and night is filled with meetings with shareholders, with the different teams in SkyRock and he would sometimes also meet with Samuel for status reports. But never in those meeting was Sulli's name mentioned. It was as if there's a silent agreement between Minho and Samuel that mentioning Sulli's name is a bomb that will cause an explosion. Minho would arrive home very late at night because of work. He doesn't meet Carl and Belle religiously anymore every Wednesday night. He doesn't hear them complaining of his absence and that somehow comforts him that the 2 best friends he has in this world understand his situation. Minho went to his bedside drawer where he used to keep the ring he was suppose to give Di. He already gave that to Di at the end of their relationship. But instead, what is there is a new ring it was supposed to be the ring that he will give Sulli on the day of their engagement party. He was ready then...ready to give her his promise, ready to face the future with her ready to take a risk in everything as long as she's by his side He was ready to give her everything His everything But it all ended when he hasn't even told her yet how he feels. Was the his she he too slow? Could he have just said it when they were on the car on way to the noodle house? No she would have been too distracted about confession to pay attention to her Mom Could he have confessed when met with his parents? Or maybe when he drove her home Would she have

believed him that he loves her after all the pain that he made her go through? He wanted to prove himself first to her to make her feel loved before he tells her about how he feels He wanted Sulli to see how sincere he is But was he too slow? And now she will not hear what his heart is shouting for because she's gone She just left Without even a single good-bye... It's been a month since then, and Minho still have all these thoughts every night. When will he stop thinking? When will he get tired of the pain in his chest? Minho opened the gift Sulli gave him on his birthday. It was a necktie. Even the thank you I haven't even said my thank you. Said Minho tears are now uncontrollably falling from his eyes. Will he be like this forever? Until when will his heart ache over the woman he lost? -----It was the voting for the new CEO. The atmosphere in SkyRock is tensed. There are a few candidates for CEO. There is the oldest of the VPs, there is also the VP who stayed by Minho's dad side for the longest time, there is also a young VP who they all know just got up there because of connections. And of course Minho. On an achievement standpoint, Minho will only need to compete with the VP who always stayed with his Dad's side, that man knows the business inside and out. But Minho has a chance on this. Minho has increased SkyRock's sale like it never did before. The past 6 months of his track record has never been achieved by anyone else. Plus, he was the only person who was able to come up with a solution to prevent SkyRock from falling. The votes were casted. And when the votes were counted, the company Lawyer made the announcement From this day on, SkyRock's new CEO is Minho Choi! Everyone seemed to be in agreement on the result and nobody questioned Minho's win. Minho made a sigh of relief. Everything is as expected. Everything from now on will be on the way it should. He will make SkyRock will soar!

Chapter 20: The Return 3 years later

Minho is meeting with the company Lawyer. They meet once a week to check on commitments and anything important and urgent. Carl's team is doing great as expected. Said the Lawyer I wouldn't have hired him to replace me as the manager of my previous team if I didn't know he can deliver. Said Minho That team will be a waste if I don't place a good manager to handle them Very well said Boss. Said the Lawyer By the way I think you've seen the news this morning. Samuel Park was brought to the hospital again yesterday. Nobody can say what the problem was. But people are starting to speculate that FlyAir's CEO might need to retire soon. He's not young anymore. But his mind is still very sharp. Said Minho Have you seen the contract proposal? asked the Lawyer I've seen it. But I'm still thinking about it. A partnership with FlyAir again that's something that we need to dig deeper before we decide. Said Minho You were able to deliver the commitment we made them in 1 year instead of the agreed 2 years. I think FlyAir knows what you can do. Now that SkyRock and FlyAir is almost the same size, there is no other company FlyAir can get the best partnership from than SkyRock. Said the Lawyer. I don't know if that partnership can really help SkyRock If there are rumors like Samuel's retirement, a partnership with FlyAir might pull SkyRock down. There are always 2 sides of a coin here. Said Minho Are you going to visit Samuel Park in the hospital? asked the Lawyer

I have a great debt from Samuel. Things like visiting him when he's brought to the hospital, regardless of the decision to have a partnership or not, I have to be there to make sure he knows I am still thankful for everything he did. Said Minho


Sulli's anxious. This is Uncle Sam's 2^nd hospitalization in just a month. What is going on with him? Why is he not telling her anything?! Sulli looked at her Mom who is sleeping on the plane seat beside her. Her Mom had been longing to go back to Korea. Not knowing much English, the past 3 years had been hard for her Mom. But she stayed by her side

all throughout. Sulli checked her email. She saw an email from Robbie, her childhood friend.

Robbie? I just said goodbye to him yesterday. Said Sulli

The e-mail says Robbie will be going back to Korea too a week after. He is sad that he can't accompany Sulli now since he will manage everything that needs to be finished this week so that he can follow next week.

Wow What has gotten into him? He has never gone back to Korea for the past what 18 years? said Sulli

Sulli's mom woke up

Still a few hours? asked Gene

Just an hour left, Mom. We'll be home soon said Sulli smiling.


Minho and Carl is sitting on the car going to the hospital. Carl is stressed. Minho is not an easy to please boss and he is very demanding. He can't remember when he last had a good night sleep.

You keep checking your phone. Said Minho

Luis led our sub team to a presentation to a client. I wanted to know what's going on there since you pulled me here without warning. Said Carl

Relax Your team is the best in the company. And Luis is pretty much ready to take on your role. So don't be too anxious. Said Minho

You're saying that because you don't have Minho Choi as your Boss. If you have him as Boss, I assure you that you will be more anxious than I am said Carl

Minho had to laugh at that. Carl had sacrificed a lot when he asked him to work for SkyRock. There were other offers for Carl which can pay him higher but Carl chose SkyRock because of Minho's request.

Does Belle know all your angst about work? asked Minho

Who else would I pour my heart to? asked Carl

I better meet with Belle soon. Just so that I know how to keep you working for me. Said Minho smiling

I have to tell Belle which part she needs to highlight to you so that I can get a bigger salary. Said Carl chuckling


Sulli arrived in the Incheon Airport with her Mom. They went through all the queues rather quickly. Their driver was already waiting for them when they got out of the airport.

Nice seeing you again, Ajussi. Can you bring my Mom home first? asked Sulli

Wait How about you? asked Gene

I'm going straight to the hospital. I can't stand the anxiety anymore. I need to see Uncle. Said Sulli

I'll go with you. Said Gene No Mom. You are tired. And I don't want to take care of 2 fellas if you ever get sick too. So go home and rest first, OK? Then you can visit Uncle tomorrow. Said Sulli smiling Ajussi, please take care of my Mom. Said Sulli Gene can't argue that she's tired. She is not good with long haul

travels. She's worried about Samuel, but Sulli is right she needs a few hours of sleep. -------Minho was immediately allowed to go inside Samuel's room Ahh Minho I've not seen you for a long time. Said Samuel He was not yet allowed to entertain visitors, but when he heard you're here to see him, he overridden the doctors instructions. Said Samuel's secretary Oh..If you're resting, I can just go back here some other time. I don't want you to get tired just because we came. Said Minho Samuel is looking good. He is lying on his bed, but he only has dextrose and nothing else. Hush, of course I won't push you to leave young man. A CEO of SkyRock is very busy and I know it wasn't easy to get this time to visit me. Said Samuel smiling. I will always make time specially if it's you. You know that Samuel. Said Minho

Ah But I don't want your secretary to reschedule everything just for me. Said Sam

Samuel's secretary had to yawn at that and Minho had to suppress a chuckle.

You brought your friend. Said Sam

Yes, you've met Carl before. Said Minho

Yes of course I remember him. He did some parts of the contract we had with SkyRock. I remember him. Said Sam


Sulli took a taxi going to the hospital. Everything seems to look familiar. Three years it had already been three years since he left Korea. Luna is now married. Who knew she will get a boyfriend just a month after she left? And Victoria, she just got a new boyfriend 3 months ago. Sulli is excited to meet her friends.

Sulli saw the FlyAir Building. It still looks new. That's good. She'll be spending a lot of her time there from now on. She will make sure Uncle Sam does not go back to work prematurely. She will handle everything that needs to be done while Uncle Sam is recovering. She needs to do this, Uncle Sam is not getting any younger.

And then Sulli saw the SkyRock Building.

Cool, it still looks the same. I wonder how everybody is doing. Said Sulli smiling. Sulli remembered the time when she was working there with everyone. I hope everything is going well.

Sulli arrived at the hospital and asked for some information before going to her Uncle's room. She was almost not allowed to go in, but her Uncle's secretary went out of the room and saw her.

Miss Sulli! You are here! said the secretary

Sulli hugged the secretary

How are you Miss Nina. You're looking good. Said Sulli

Really? Haha! You are so pretty! Well your hair is shorter but it suits you. Said Nina

Thank you, by the way, this man doesn't allow me to go in. said Sulli

What? You don't know her? She's Mr. Samuel's niece. She's like the patient's daughter.

Sulli had to chuckle It's ok Miss Nina. He doesn't know. Said Sulli smiling.

But your Uncle has visitors now. Said Nina

Visitors? I thought he is not yet allowed to see visitors? said Sulli

Your Uncle insisted on seeing them. Said Nina

Are these business contacts? asked Sulli

Yes, somewhat like that. Answered Nina

Sulli's patience is little. His Uncle is sick and yet he goes into a business meeting? In the hospital? This has got to stop!

Sulli entered the door and immediately went to her Uncle.

Uncle!called Sulli

Sam could not believe that he will be seeing Sulli on Korean soil

Sulli? You are back? asked Sam

Of course I am. You made me really worried. It was not easy getting a flight. said Sulli while walking towards Sam's bed.

But please Uncle, can you stop entertaining business visitors and rest first? asked Sulli

Ahh But they are not ordinary business visitors. Said Sam

Just then, Sulli saw the two men standing by Uncle Sam's bed. In particular, she had to stop at one particular man.



When the door opened Minho thought the secretary might've forgotten something. But when he heard the voice calling for `Uncle', his heart started to beat fast. When Sam asked if it's Sulli and she answered, Minho's mind went blank.

When she walked by Sam's bed, he can swear everything turned slow motion in his eyes.


Three years

Three long years .

Is he seeing her for real or is it just his hopeful thinking that they would meet if he visits Samuel? Is this just a part of his imagination that after the three years of longing, he would finally see her again?


I told you, they aren't ordinary visitors. Said Uncle Sam

Sulli smiled at Minho and Carl, the kind of smile you would give someone you just met at a party.

Mr. Minho, Mr. Carl, Nice seeing you both. It has been a long time. Said Sulli

It was Carl who first spoke

Ah..Yes Wow You're back. Said Carl almost breathless

Yes, and it's because of this hard headed Uncle of mine. I told him to stop being workaholic but he did not listen. Said Sulli

I go on vacation once every 6 months. Said Sam

You are not young anymore, you need more vacation than that. Said Sulli

Minho is stunned. Carl had to step on Minho's foot to get his attention back.

You are back said Minho

Yes. I am.. Said Sulli I am glad SkyRock and FlyAir are in good relationship through the years I've been gone. said Sulli I heard you delivered the commitments in the contract way before the schedule. That made us all relieved that we can still own our shares in FlyAir. Said Sulli

Of course I can't fail, can I? said Minho still staring at Sulli Gentlemen, I know you are close to my Uncle and as much as I want to catch up with you, I need to make sure Uncle is on his way to recovery. I need to ask you guys to leave for now and just come back some other time. said Sulli still smiling Sulli, Don't be rude to my visitors. I want to still talk to them. Said Uncle Sam No Uncle, don't keep being hard headed. You need to rest so just rest for now OK? I'm sure Mr. Minho and Mr. Carl will find time to see you again once you feel better, right? asked Sulli Minho can't speak She's asking us to leave already? But he can't he still wants to see her he wants to talk to her he wants to pull her into his arm and tell her how much he missed her

Of course. Sulli is right, we'll just come back when you're better. Said Carl Carl had to pull Minho's coat to tell him that they need to leave. Carl and Minho made it out of the room. But as soon as the door closed, Minho had to lean on the wall. And Carl had to sit on a nearby chair. Carl can't believe what just happened in there. Sulli Sulli is back! Carl looked at Minho and he looked shocked. Man...You have to pull yourself together. You can't go back to office like that. Said Carl I I just saw her right? asked Minho She was just inside this room right She's there She's actually there I did not just imagine that Right? Yes, Man She's back. Sulli is back. Said Carl while trying to help Minho stand straight. I need to go back in said Minho but Carl stopped him You can't do that I know how much you want to see her and talk to her But no, you can't go back there. Minho She just asked us to give her Uncle time to rest. You will have your chance to talk to her But it's not now. Said Carl Chapter 21: When the rusty wheel starts to spin Sulli felt tremors in her heart small pieces of pain inside. But I guess that will no longer change. He's my first love anyway. So it's just expected that I'd still feel a little of what I used to thought Sulli You're Ok? asked Uncle Sam Yeah...I am fine Uncle. Said Sulli smiling You don't look disoriented after seeing him said Uncle Sam Sulli held Uncle's hand That's 3 long years Uncle 3 years of learning to accept what is not meant to be and being content of what I have. Said Sulli If you said so said Uncle Sam

On the other hand, I will talk to your doctor. I will make sure that you recover as soon as possible. Said Sulli The doctor said it's just fatigue. Said Uncle Sam At your age, fatigue is not `just fatigue' said Sulli Uncle Sam missed his niece. The twice a year visit to her in the US is always not enough. He would always long for Sulli. He wonders how other people who might be missing her could survive three years not seeing her. ---When Sulli saw her Uncle sleeping, she packed her things to leave. She needs to sleep. Her head has already started to hurt due to the timezone difference. She hasn't gotten enough sleep since she learned of Uncle Sam's hospitalization. Sulli left the room quietly. When Sulli got to the exit, she is surprised to see Minho. What time is it? It's been around 7 hours since they left. Why is he here? Minho saw Sulli approaching and he still feels like his legs will start to shake at the sight of her. Hi. Greeted Minho Hi You were here all the while? asked Sulli Umm..Yes I wanted to talk to you. Said Minho Ah you should've just gone back to your office or gone home first. It's really late to be waiting here. And I could've stayed with Uncle until tomorrow morning, so you might be waiting for nothing. said Sulli It didn't matter if I get to talk to you today or not I just wanted to wait Um You're going home? asked Minho Sulli is confused. He's going to wait here even if he's not sure I am going out of the hospital tonight? Yes I need to rest. I haven't slept in 2 days. Said Sulli

Oh..alright, you're right. You need to rest. I can drop you off. Said Minho

Oh, no need. I can just call the driver. Said Sulli

You will have to wait here for a long time let me drop you off I mean I insist. Said Minho

Sulli can't say No anymore, she just doesn't have the energy to argue.


It was hard not to fall asleep while Minho is driving, but Sulli tried not to.

What did you do in the US? asked Minho

Oh the first 2 years, I studies Masters. And then I worked for FlyAir in our small headquarters there. Said Sulli

That's good. You liked working for FlyAir? asked Minho

Yeah I like it. I guess since I know everything is for what Dad and Uncle worked hard for, everything I do felt valuable. Said Sulli

I wonder why you never tried working with other companies. Asked Minho

Oh, I did SkyRock for a while right? said Sulli

I mean not as an intern but as a regular employee. Said Minho

Oh that Sulli can't suppress a yawn. I thought about it..but I figured I want to learn FlyAir fast. Uncle is frequently getting sick Sulli's eyes are closing already. I want himmmm

Minho looked at Sulli. She fell asleep.

Minho stopped in front of Sulli's house but he did not wake her up immediately. He wanted to savor this moment. He doesn't know when he can get this close to her again.

When Minho felt Sulli has slept for a few minutes, He pressed the doorbell by the gate. Gene opened the door for him.

Minho it's you. Said Gene

Miss Gene You're also back. Said Minho

Yes..You've seen Sulli? asked Gene

Yes, She's in my car sleeping. Said Minho

Gene looked at Sulli peacefully sleeping.

She had a rough week at work And then Samuel got hospitalized. Said Gene If not for what happened to Samuel, it may still take years before we get back here.

I can't say I'm happy that Samuel is sick But I'm happy to see you both back. Said Minho

I know I know you are. Gene squeezed Minho's arm

There are a lot of things that happened. I am glad that you're still a good man after all these years. Said Gene

I might not be as nice as I was before. Said Minho

But you still take care of her And that means not much had

change right? Gene tried to search Minho's eyes for the answer. And it didn't take long for Gene to see it. The way he glanced at Sulli. The way his eyes would get wet and blink a few times to prevent the tears from falling.

No matter how much had change in the business, I'm glad that your heart did not change much...As for my Sulli She had it tough said Gene C'mon let's wake her up. She needs to lay down on her bed.


Sulli woke up early the next day. She has to be in the hospital before Uncle wakes up. It was still a bit dark when she went out. She is surprised when someone called her name from behind her. When she turned around, it was Minho.

You Why are you here so early? Did you ever went home? asked Sulli

Yeah I did but I can't sleep. So I decided to just wait for you here. Said Minho

Ok What do you need from me? asked Sulli

Umm I wanted to talk to you. Said Minho

Ahh yes you said something about that last night but I think I fell as sleep. Said Sulli I'm sorry about that. But then I'm in a hurry now. I need to be it the hospital before Uncle wakes up.

Do you want me to take you there? asked Minho

Oh You already did too much yesterday. I don't want to treat you as a chauffeur when you are in fact our business partner. Said Sulli

I actually don't mind. Said Minho

Mr. Minho, I'm glad that you want to help our family this much. But I don't want to cause any trouble. Said Sulli and just walked away.

Minho caught up with Sulli and grabbed her arm

Why are you calling me like that? asked Minho with his intense look

Like..what? asked Sulli

Mr. Minho? said Minho

Ahhh but you are now a CEO. And I am now a business partner That's just right. Said Sulli

Minho is feeling sheer pain on how cold Sulli is to him now. Why why is she going farther and farther away from him?

I better get going, see you around. Said Sulli


Sulli went to the hospital to find that Uncle Sam is already awake. She took care of everything that Uncle Sam needs. When it was almost lunch, Uncle Sam wanted to eat ramen. And so Sulli went out to buy him one. But on her way out of the hospital, she saw Carl.

Mr. Carl? asked Sulli

Hi! Carl greeted her smiling Where are you going?

I'm going to buy lunch for me and Uncle. Said Sulli

But there's food here right? asked Carl

This is a special request. Don't worry, I asked the doctor what he can't eat so that I can avoid buying something that's bad for his health. Said Sulli

Do you want me to accompany you? said Carl


Don't think about it, because I won't take no for an answer. Said Carl


I heard Minho tried to talk to you yesterday. Said Carl while driving

Huh? He told you? asked Sulli

No I went to his house to ask him to sign something. But then he was out I kind of just thought he went to see you. Said Carl I mean he would want you 2 to get time to catch up.

He wanted to talk But I just don't think there's anything to talk about. said Sulli

Really?! Wow I never expected that answer. Said Carl

Why? asked Sulli

I just feel that when you left 3 years ago there were a lot of questions. There were a lot of drama around. Said Carl

But that is all in the past. The answers to the questions should not be important anymore. Said Sulli

Carl doesn't want to say things that only Minho has the right to say. But Sulli's easy dismissal of the past will surely hurt Minho. Carl still likes Sulli But he had long tried to forget the way he felt. He prayed at the Hospital then that if Sulli survives, he will help ensure that Sulli and Minho gets the happiness they deserve. And Sulli survived. He had to move on from her.

But Sulli left. And he can only listen to Minho whenever Minho wanted to delve on his loneliness

I still hope that you could talk Minho he he has a lot of things to say. Said Carl


The secretary of FlyAir company called Sulli up to tell her that she needs to meet with one of FlyAir's VP for business since he can't meet with Samuel. Sulli knows how FlyAir works. She will help make sure that Samuel gets the rest he deserves and so she went to meet the VP.

Sulli dear, it's been a long time! the old lady VP hugged Sulli

Hi Auntie Ann. I am happy to be back said Sulli

I am so happy to see you, especially sick. Said Ann I'll go straight to spreading. We are losing market share to last longer than 5 years anymore Samuel is going to retire soon.

now that that Samuel is always the point dear. The rumor is since clients do not trust FlyAir They are already thinking that

What steps were already done? asked Sulli

We tried to control media but soon, everything will be too crazy for us to control. Said Ann We started submitting large proposals to every company we know they have all declined except SkyRock. They are the only company which is large enough to accommodate the contract. But with the rumors, nobody can say if they'll accept.

Sulli had to take a deep breath SkyRock

In the meantime, you need to attend a party tonight. Your Uncle is supposed to be there since it's the party of one of our big stockholders. Said Ann

I can ask my Mom to stay with Uncle. I will attend that party, Auntie. Said Sulli smiling


Minho doesn't like parties but he has to be there. Ignoring the invitation would cause business damage. When Minho came, reporters flooded his way. But even when people are blocking his way, he still saw a familiar face walking in the room.

Sulli. Beautiful Sulli.

Sulli is wearing a formal dress in white. She looks like an angel.

Sulli noticed the group of reporters and doesn't want them to notice her. She can't afford being asked how FlayAir and her Uncle is doing. She went in immediately only to see Minho's parents.

Uncle Auntie, Hi. Said Sulli

Andrew and his wife could not believe their eyes. It's Sulli.

Sulli? Wow I can't believe it. Said Andrew You are back.

Andrew's wife only smiled stiffly at Sulli and Sulli felt something is wrong.

Minho found his way in and immediately looked for Sulli. When he found Sulli talking to his parents, he quickly went to them.

I see you saw my parents. Said Minho

Yeah I did. Said Sulli I'm glad to see them again. Said Sulli

We should grab a seat. Said Minho who immediately took Sulli's arm and pulled Sulli to sit on a nearby table beside him

You don't have a specific table to go to yet, right? asked Minho

Umm yeah said Sulli awkwardly

A couple and a woman sat on the same table and had been looking curiously at both of them

Hi, I'm Sulli of FlyAir have we met before? asked Sulli when she can't bear the scrutiny anymore

Ahh I don't think so It's just that you both look familiar. Said the woman

Magazines papers? I'm Minho, I'm SkyRock's CEO. Said Minho

Ahhh yes You're that famous CEO. Said one

I think Mr. Minho is quite popular here in Korea. That's why he's familiar. Said Sulli

Umm..But you also look familiar said the man

Oh really? I assure you that I am not at all famous. Said Sulli

Ah! I remember now! You both you were in a video in the papers a few years back! said the woman

Sulli thought nobody will remember that anymore. It's been 3 years why would they still remember that

I saw your video uploaded online. I watch that over and over. That was the most romantic kiss I've ever seen. Said the other

Sulli can only smile a bit and look at Minho. Minho felt really awkward how will they get out of this topic?

You were engaged right? Shortly after that incident, your engagement was announced. Said the man

Sulli can't listen to this anymore

But I did not hear a wedding You've been engaged for a long time. Said the other woman

No. said Sulli We broke the engagement 3 years ago. Said Sulli smiling

Minho knows Sulli is just saying a fact. But her words still pierced through his heart.

The engagement was only for a business partnership. Everybody thought a wedding between our companies is the best course of action. But we realized that there's no need for that. And look at where we are now. said Sulli

Sulli looked at Minho Everything turned out for the better, right? said Sulli

Minho could not think of a word to say. Better? How can she even think that it would turn out for the better?

SkyRock is on top of the industry now. Said Sulli

That doesn't mean everything is well thought Minho. His blood is boiling in anger. This woman Is she throwing everything that ever happened between them out the window?!

That's a pity You two looked really good together And that kiss It looked so sincere. Said the woman

It doesn't mean that the engagement broke then, it ends there right? As long as both of us are still alive, the story can still continue. Said Minho

Sulli's eyes got big in shock at what Minho is saying. Is he giving these people false hope? Is he giving them a chance to gossip and spread rumors about them?

Minho stood up. If you will excuse me I need to greet some people. And he left the table leaving Sulli infuriated.


Minho saw Sulli's angry eyes and could not help but remember that time when he forced her to get in his car and brought her to his Villa. That same angry eyes . Minho chuckled The story is not yet done He will make sure of it.

Minho called up the company lawyer. Let's talk about the proposal FlyAir submitted to us. I need all the shareholders in a meeting tomorrow. Said Minho


Minho would only accept one decision in this shareholder's meeting. And if he has to be a dictator, he would.

It's not a good decision to partner with FlyAir. They are going down. There is no benefit for us. Said one of the shareholders

I agree. Samuel Park will not be there anymore. Said another

Samuel Park is sick that's true. But he is still very sharp. He's still doing great. Said Minho

But people are not confident on that anymore. Said another shareholder

His niece is back. She did a great job in their US office. I'm pretty sure she's now preparing to replace her Uncle. Said the Lawyer

What if Samuel get sicker than he is now? That niece only got back. She will not have enough time to learn. Said another shareholder

I worked with her before, she learns really quickly and she's very good at what she does. She's a very excellent person. Said Minho

But FlyAir might be too big for her. How old is she 25? A 25 year old CEO, what can she do? said another share holder

I became a CEO when I was 27. That is not a big age gap. Said Minho Look here. I can give you two options. One is that we don't help them, let them fall on their own. Let's not get involved and let's continue to grow. But what does that mean for us? That means we're doomed. Everyone knows FlyAir was the only company who trusted us 3 years ago when nobody else would believe we will still survive. If we ever get to a tight situation in the future, do you think anyone would care to help us knowing we won't help them if they end up falling? Everyone was silent for a moment Plus, we can be sure that writers will publish stories at how we do not show any level of gratitude towards FlyAir. Said Minho Or we have the second option. We help them, I'll We'll be held back for a few months. We will lose a while. But we will recover it after a year. And we will have a strong partnership. We will be the industry. Said Minho sign the contract. some of our sales for if FlyAir does well, biggest company in our

Minho can see the eyes of the shareholders and he knows he got them

Now I don't want to be a dictator here You know me, I want to give you a voice. So let's vote? asked Minho Wait a minute how can we make sure that they will honor all their commitments? asked an old shareholder

You mean we need to bind them that's a good question any suggestion? asked Minho

Marriage. That will bind them long term answered the lawyer

Everyone seemed to agree.

Minho can only smile when the result of the voting was announced. The story will still continue thought Minho and he can't help but be excited. Chapter 22: Rewind

Sulli received a call from the secretary early morning and had to rush to FlyAir's office to meet Ann. Ann received news from SkyRock. What is it Auntie, did they give a decision? asked Sulli They said they are seriously considering the contract. Said Ann That's good That means we still have a chance. Said Sulli But they need you to personally go to SkyRock and present the contract to their CEO. I also can't understand why they need you to be there personally. I mean our best VPs already presented that to them before. Said Auntie Ann Sulli's heart is starting to beat faster, but her irritation is reaching its peak. She can still remember how angry she was the other night at Minho. And now he wants her to personally present the proposal when it was already presented before? You know that you don't have a choice on this matter right? said Auntie Ann Sulli had to take a deep breath. Yes yes Auntie. I will go and meet him. Said Sulli ----Sulli prepared for the presentation. She wanted to make sure she has all the information needed. She feels that Minho will not be easy on her. He memorized the benefits of the proposal to SkyRock and recalculated all the numbers just to be sure that everything is accurate. When Sulli got

to SkyRock, Minho's secretary told her to wait. Wait Wait . And wait . Sulli can't bear it anymore Miss It's been 3 hours. Do you know if the CEO can still accommodate me today? asked Sulli Yes, he said to have you wait for him a bit more. His meeting is just running overtime. Said the secretary ----Minho is talking with Carl in the office You are kidding me. Said Carl. He can't believe what he's hearing from Minho I know you've been really stressed the past years and so I want you to take a 2 week leave. Said Minho You didn't have to repeat. Said Carl What will happen to my team? said Carl I'll personally oversee them for the next 2 weeks. Said Minho You? Wow, you already do not have much time to finish everything you need to do as a CEO. Then you will add my team on your plate? Are you trying to commit suicide? asked Carl Luis is there. Everything will be fine. But you need to take this leave. said Minho almost like a command I can even pay for your travel expense should you be interested to go abroad. Said Minho Wow. Minho has never been this generous. Carl is sure there's catch here somewhere. But Minho is his Boss. And a 2 week vacation is what he truly needs. All right. I'll take the leave. But please ensure I will not need to clean up too much mess when I come back. Said Carl -----Carl saw Sulli at the waiting area outside Minho's office Why can you be here? asked Carl I have a meeting with the CEO. Said Sulli Oh..really? Wow I'm curious what's it about. But I won't ask further. It might be too personal said Carl jokingly But Sulli just smiled a sarcastic smile and stood up.

Miss, can you check if I can already go in? asked Sulli Yes, the CEO said you can already go in answered the secretary See you around! said Sulli to Carl Carl is left curious and confused. What is this all about? What are they going to talk about? ---Sulli went in the office. Wow What a big room She saw Minho looking out the window. She placed her laptop on the table and opened it. Good Afternoon. Are we still waiting for anyone before I start the presentation? asked Sulli Minho turned to look at Sulli. No, it's just the two of us. And no, there will not be a need to present. Sulli is shocked at what she's hearing. What is this about? She thought Minho needs her to re-present the proposal. If not for that, then why did he want to see her here? I am not sure I understand. Said Sulli Please sit down Miss Sulli. Said Minho Miss Sulli? He called her Miss Sulli?! That is so Irritating! Sullli tried to control her emotion. She sat on the nearest chair. I reviewed your proposal and I saw all the numbers I can safely say that SkyRock will benefit nothing here. Said Minho It is not a short term benefit for SkyRock, MR. MINHO Sulli intentionally stressed Mr. Minho and that got Minho's brows close together. It's a long term proposal. The benefit of which will be harvested by SkyRock after 5 years, said Sulli. 5 years When we are not even sure if FlyAir is still existing? said Minho The rumor is spreading. You're company is losing the market. Are you saying that you think Uncle is going to die? Said Sullli angrily Sulli tried to breathe deeply. She can't let her emotions get over her. I mean My Uncle is going to recover. That's for sure. I also want Samuel to recover. Your Uncle is a very important mentor to me personally. But on a business standpoint, FlyAir is not at a good position right now. Said Minho But I already presented this proposal to the Board. I truly want to help FlyAir since FlyAir was the only company which helped SkyRock 3 years ago. And I was able to get their approval. Said Minho Sulli's heart is beating fast. He did?! He got them to approve the proposal!!!?? Sulli can't help but laugh. You you did?! Wow! Just Wow! said Sulli Thank you so much!

But. On no. There's a But. Sulli's happiness is cut short. But? asked Sulli There's a condition. And that is? asked Sulli That is you need to marry SkyRock's CEO. The Board will not have it any other way. Said Minho Sulli's heart is beating fast. You you're kidding. Said Sulli. Is he crazy?! Do I look like I'm joking? asked Minho There cannot be a logical explanation for you to want to experience that again said Sulli It might not be logical. But there's a reason why it has to. And this time, once you accept, there will be no turning back. Said Minho IF I said No? asked Sulli FlyAir is on its own. It might fall in less than 2 years without Samuel. Said Minho and If I say yes- I will be your faithful husband. And I will stay by your side forever said Minho his eyes intensely looking at Sulli's. Something inside Sulli felt really strange. That familiar tingling sensation in her heart is starting. Oh no she can't feel these things. She has to push it away. Tomorrow morning, be back here in my office. I need your answer then. said Minho You're only giving me 1 night to think about this? asked Sulli. Unbelievable! That should be enough time. I don't want to give you more than one sleepless night. My future wife needs to take care of herself. Said Minho Future Wife? Sulli's heart is beating faster No Sulli control yourself you can't let those words bend you. You've moved on You are now OK Those words are just words. ------Sulli felt really tired. She went back to the hospital and saw her Uncle already sleeping. Her Uncle her beloved Uncle Sam how can he look so weak right now.

She looked for her Mom around the hospital and found her by the garden. It'll be cold in a while, Mom. You need to go inside. Said Sulli Just a bit longer Sit here Sulli. Said Gene Sulli sat beside her Mom I'm glad we went back here I missed it. Sulli can see tears forming in Gene's eyes. Korea is Gene's home Sulli forced her mom too much on that 3 years that they were in the US. She suffered a lot but stayed by her side Sulli hugged her Mom I love you, Mom. I don't always say it But I have never stopped loving you even when you were not with me and now I just love you even more. Said Sulli Gene can't hold her tears anymore. Saying those things You make an old woman cry. Said Gene Sulli let go of her Mom and smiled But that's tears of joy, right? It's ok to cry if it's tears of joy. Said Sulli I hope one day Sulli That you would also cry of joy. Said Gene Cry of joy I don't think that suits me I've always cried of pain. Said Sulli Gene held Sulli's hand Sometimes we need to go through pain before happiness. It's like childbirth. It is very very painful. But once the baby comes out, it's a great blessing. Said Gene What if it's all pain? Isn't it best to let it go? said Sulli What if you let go when happiness in just in the corner? asked Gene Sulli knows what Gene is saying. Gene had been telling her that her decision to leave Korea then might be a decision that was make at the peak of emotion and should have been thought of more with a clear head. Gene would also tell her that it was wrong to leave everyone she knows without a proper goodbye. She knows Gene is right in everything except for one thing Gene thinks Minho loved her. What can be more ridiculous than that!? Mom...Do you think I'm ready for marriage? asked Sulli Gene is shocked at Sullli's question Did you already answer Robbie? asked Gene

No Mom He's not even my boyfriend. Said Sulli But he confessed to you when you were young. And he also confessed again 2 years ago. I just thought maybe he confessed again. Said Gene Sulli can only laugh at that. It's complicated now Mom I might need to marry someone someone I don't want to be associated with anymore. Said Sulli Gene is getting confused by what Sulli is saying Uncle He is really sick..The doctor he said Uncle Sulli It's still stage 2 though and it's good thing diagnosed before it got worse. But still Uncle will treatments He can't work that much anymore FlyAir am the only one who can save it. Said Sulli has cancer. Said that it was need to under-go Is going to fall And I

Gene felt her head Dizzy. Samuel has cancer? FlyAir is falling? I think Uncle knows FlyAir situation and that's why he got hospitalized again. Mom I need you to stay by Uncle side while I fix FlyAir said Sulli And how will you fix it? asked Gene I am going to marry SkyRock's CEO. Said Sulli SKyRock's CEO but that's Minho!? asked Gene It's like a game of fate, right mom? It's like dj vu, only that we're on different sides of the story now. He has the power, I need to obey with his every word. Said Sulli Do you hate the idea? asked Gene Sulli breathe deeply I don't know, Mom. Every time he's near me, I want to run away. I want to hide I don't like the way he makes me confused and feel all sorts of things said Sulli Gene can't help but smile at this development. Her daughter is not that immune to Minho it seems. That's good for now. -----Sulli was really early. She's Minho's first appointment that day. She was immediately shown to Minho's office and Minho was already there browsing through documents. Is he always this early? Yes even when she worked as intern, he rarely goes to office late. Good Morning. Greeted Sulli You're here. take a seat. Said Minho Sulli sat down on a chair across Minho's table. I am here to give my decision. Said Sulli

And that is? asked Minho I am accepting your condition. I will marry you. Said Sulli Good. I will sign the contract on the day of the wedding. Said Minho Sulli tried to stand up but Minho stopped her. Do you think that's it? said Minho What do you mean? asked Sulli Your Uncle is sick. Nobody is going to teach you the business right? And so I will help you. I want to make sure FlyAir will be able to deliver the commitments and get back on shape after a few years. Said Minho What do you mean? said Sulli I want you to work for me for a while. This time, I want you to handle the team I used to handle. Said Minho Luis and the guys? asked Sulli Yes That team. I want you to manage them and replace their manager for 2 weeks. He is currently on leave. You will also need to be by my side on special occasions just like their manager. Said Minho Do I have a choice on this? asked Sulli I know you're smart. And I know your achievements in the US. But let's face're very young for a CEO position. And that's your target to ensure that your Uncle's interest is protected right? So let's speed up your learning. And the best way to learn, is to learn from the CEO of the biggest company around right? And that's me. Said Minho You are the only one I have ever offered this. It's your choice if you'll take it or not. Said Minho Minho is right thought Sulli. Everything he said makes sense. And that irritates Sulli that though she wants to have as limited time spent with Minho as possible, she can no longer run away. He has her trapped on all corners. But until when can she survive being around him without her heart succumbing to her old feelings? I will take it. Said Sulli Good. I'll introduce you to the team. And oh, Miss Sulli I want to let you know that on the marriage I have the intention of only marrying once in my life. I certainly don't plan to get any divorce at all. Sulli's heart is racing. It's like a running horse is stepping on it. So you and I let's get along well because forever is a long time to keep looking irritated whenever we meet. Said Minho smiling That smile is melting something inside her. This can't be. This has got to stop now.

Did she just entered a land-mine? Chapter 23: Robbie Luis' mind is scattered. One day Carl is just in the office preparing for the preparation for the next day, then he's gone the next day. Minho took over the project which got everyone crazy with stress. And then after just a day, here is the CEO making an announcement that Carl will be replaced temporarily by none other than SULLI! Why is this world so round! Luis feels like the team is in the middle of a war. This will surely be battle and SkyRock is going to be a battlefield. These 2 creatures, whenever they are together makes everything around them complicated. Why does this need to happen on the year he's hoping to finally get promoted to manager!? Why? Luis tried to smile. Sulli is more beautiful than ever. But she's no longer the cutee sweet Sulli she used to be. She's now a very refined woman. I'm glad to see everyone again. Most are familiar faces. I will be your manager for a while. I will make sure to contribute to continuously increase this team's result. And in the process, I will rely on you to give your best. Said Sulli confidently Ahh She's really changed. Luis looked at Minho who is standing behind Sulli. Minho's eyes has never left Sulli from the time she stepped out to greet everyone. That look That was the same look Minho had on Sulli that day he saw her in the caf that fateful day when he kissed her for everyone to see. Luis only had to shook his head. He doesn't want to get involved on this anymore, the last time was really chaotic How will this one end? You're shaking your head. You don't like my presence, Mr. Luis? asked Sulli Haha! Of course not. I was just thinking of the report earlier. But I am so happy to see you again Sulli. It's been a long time. And I am sure everyone here is excited to work with you again I am happy to hear that. Rest assured that I will do my best to learn from this role. Said Sulli -----Sulli has been in roller coaster rides this week. She started to work for SkyRock again. The team is as capable as before. Everyone has really stepped up their abilities. A lot of them has already been promoted to the next level. Even Luis is already an assistance manager who only used to be a senior analyst. She's glad everyone is doing well. There were 2 members who already resigned due to personal matters, but the new 2 members are also already experts even if they haven't been in the company for very long. That is the Upside. The downside? Sulli has to be around Minho a lot.

Sulli just learned on her 2^nd day that it is Carl she is temporarily replacing. It was a shock to her. But she tried to look cool about it. Inside, she's confused. What she can't take is the need to be Minho's companion on a lot of things. Why does she have to join him whenever he has lunch meetings? And why does he have lunch meetings almost every day!? How can will she ever have peace? ----Sulli learned really fast. She was already able to lead the team on several presentations in just 2 days. It might be because her work for US FlyAir is similar with what she needs to do, but these projects are bigger yet she does it flawlessly. Luis can only say good words about how Sulli performs and how she effortlessly able to close deals. Sulli has really changed She really is a Boss now. Let's just hope Minho think the same way that's the only way to prevent a battle. Luis and Sulli went to Minho's office to present the result of the last 4 days. Minho read through the pages. Good... said Minho I can say that the contracts that we've closed the past 4 days is record breaking. Sulli did a terrific job leading the team. In just 2 days, she is done learning and she was already able to join presentations and close deals. Said Luis Sulli is happy at what she's hearing from Luis. She did her best. She can't fail in the eyes of Minho. Hmm the fast learning is commendable. Said Minho Luis can now breath it seems his premonition of a war is not going to happen. World peace is the best! But the result is not above expectation No. No way. Did Minho just say that? Is this the start of a war? Luis is started to hate himself. Why is my premonitions coming true? Miss Sulli, you have an international background. But on the past 4 days, everything was geared towards local contracts. I was expecting that you would use your experience to step up the game. Said Minho Not just improve Carl's numbers by 1 or 2 contracts. Sulli had to take a deep breath. She can't be provoked. She has to be in control of herself. Can you give me the next 3 days to impress you? asked Sulli Luis is stunned at what Sulli said. 3 days? She's crazy! She can't say

that just because she's already infuriated with Minho. She can't commit something that's impossible! All right then, after 3 days, come back here. And we'll see if you can impress me. Said Minho with that irritating smirk on his face ------Game On! Sulli is dead tired the last 4 days but she's not going to give up anytime soon. She challenged Minho and she will not lose. Sulli went to hospital and check on her Uncle's treatments. When she had dinner with her Uncle and had a chat on how everything is doing with FlyAir, she went ahead with her research. Uncle does not know anything about the marriage talks She doesn't want Uncle Sam to get stressed over it. If Minho wants international contracts, he should've said so in the first place. When she reviewed the team vision it is said there that the team wants to get the most contracts in Korea. It was nowhere there that the team will go into international. But if Minho would use that against her, she will definitely not let her name be tarnished. Sulli went through her files on international contacts and made sure she can get the right names. Sulli's phone rang and she's surprised to hear Carl on the other line. Later, Sulli met Carl in a tented restaurant (pojang-macha). Carl was surprised to know that Sulli replaced him while he's on vacation. It even surprised him that Minho might've planned all these. He's wondering how Sulli will cope up with everything especially now that she's going to be working closely with Minho. I bet he's hard on you. He was even hard on me. Said Carl There's no need to bet. He's hard on me as always. said Sulli And I don't get how you can last 3 years working for him. He's just too hard to please. Said Sulli Wow, only 4 days and you have already concluded that. It took me a year before I realized that he has too high standards. Said Carl hahahah! I tend to overanalyze things. Said Sulli You are looking ok . even if you have to work with him closely the past days. Said Carl Perhaps you're right. Perhaps everything really is in the past and everyone is moving on quite well. Yes Sulli drank another cup of soju It should all be in the past should just be locked there . But is it locked? asked Carl Or is it just closed, door swinging open from time to time? asked Carl I won't make the same mistakes anymore. Said Sulli Carl's heart is piercing This woman whom he had admired and loved the woman who can still make his heart race the woman whom he already given up and promised to give his bestfriend The woman who he wants to be

finally happy is far from happy. Not making the mistakes and avoiding the pain does that make you happy? Because from what I am seeing- I wonder why Di Unnie and Minho Oppa never got married the past years. Said Sulli She's getting drunk thought Carl. She would not open up the past if she were sensible I mean..I gave them 3 years. 3 long years. They should've gotten married and be happy already. That would've made everything simpler wouldn't it? I can go back here without worrying that my heart might soften again and be torn into pieces. Said Sulli This is definitely the drunk Sulli No Sulli. Minho and Di They broke up even before you and Di got into an accident remember? They never got back together. But Sulli seems to not be listening and continued talking. Alcohol is clogging her ears. Carl knows there's no other way. He has to fulfill his promise. He needs to do something. -----Minho is surprised to get a call from Carl at 11 in the evening to grab a drink. Does he have a problem? Did anything happened? Minho is tired, but Carl has always been with him whenever he had problems. And if there is something bothering Carl now, he can't use his exhaustion as an excuse. Minho saw Carl in the usual bar. Don't drink too much on your own. Said Minho I had a few drinks But not near my limit yet. Said Carl What's troubling you, Man You don't suddenly call out of the blue to drink out. I am the one who does that, right? said Minho I...I wanted to ask you a favor. Said Carl I know I need to send you a formal request, but I wanted to tell you first. Minho is anxious. What is this about? What is it? I want to take a leave of absence indefinitely. Said Carl What?! Wait Minho had to take a deep breath. You learned that your substitute is Sulli. Are you upset that I didn't tell you? No no bad feeling at all. I was surprised but I like the idea that Sulli is taking care of the team. said Carl Bu then I really want to

take a long break. I want to go out of the country for a while. I want to take a short course in the US about photography. That will take around a month. But of course I'd like to explore around before coming back. said Carl Are you saying this because you want me and Sulli to have more time together? Minho had to sit down and get a drink You should not sacrifice your career for my personal matters, Man. You've already sacrificed a lot for me and I truly appreciated that more than that, this is my problem I will resolve this. Said Minho I know that you will do all that you can to get her back. That's why I wanted to leave, said Carl Minho had to stop drinking I had been in love with your fiance. And can't be here while you are fighting the battle to get her heart. Said Carl I thought you'd never confess. Said Minho I knew it from way before. But you never admitted it to me. And you stayed by my side as my buddy. You should've said something Man it was hard to hide my feelings. Said Carl laughing. Let me take a Leave of Absence, Minho. Make Sulli stay longer in SkyRock. Teach her everything she needs to know to support FlyAir's operations. And win her heart. I will not be here to drink with you every night, but I will keep supporting you wherever I am. ----It was a shocking and sad news that Carl is taking a long term leave of Absence. Sulli just had a drink with him the other day and now, he's out of the country. He did not even say goodbye. But who is she to complain about not saying goodbye, right? But that just means one thing Sulli has to stay working for SkyRock a bit longer. Yesterday Sulli was able to compile all the companies she's targeting. She drove people to madness when she asked them to come up with contract proposals within the day for the companies she sent them. Today, nothing passed and she asked them all to re-do the proposals. Everyone is stressed and Luis is now feeling trapped between 2 bumping stones. Why can't they just admit that they like each other and be happy!? That night, Sulli went to the hospital and even fell asleep before Uncle Sam could She's really tired. said Uncle Sam I'm giving her too much burden. Don't say that. Said Gene Sulli's doing her best to protect FlyAir. She wants you to get well soon. So just focus on your recovery and everything will be fine. I wish I am stronger I wish I could've done something more. No Samuel You did everything you could. Now it's time for the new generation to learn. Said Gene

------Sulli woke up at the middle of the night seeing her Mom sleeping while sitting. She gently moved her Mom into a laying position. Sulli, sent out of the room and started to work again. She needs to close 3 deals the day after tomorrow. Just then her phone rang. Who can this be? Hello? Hello, can I speak to Sulli please. Said a Man's voice Robbie? That's you, right? said Sulli I thought I could prank you. You didn't even give me a chance. Said Robbie laughing I know your voice since we were kids. Said Sulli smiling Well then, are you free tomorrow dinner? asked Robbie Why are you asking? asked Sulli Did you ever read your mails? Do you remember the last mail I sent? asked Robbie Oh right Wait a minute! Are you saying you're now in Korea?! asked Sulli Robbie is walking at Incheon airport holding his phone on his ears smiling Just landed. And I know it's very late so I'll just see you tomorrow. Said Robbie Hmm I need to visit my Uncle first before dinner is late dinner ok for you? 9PM? asked Sulli 9 is good. Don't worry, I know you're very busy with FlyAir and stuff, so let me google a good restaurant for us, ok? said Robbie All right, see you tomorrow! -------Sulli pulled her best men and went to an international company who has a base in Korea. She went there because she heard that one of their VPs is in the country today. She was very known in the US and so when the VP heard her name, he gave her 30 mins to present. After the meeting, the VP immediately signed the contract. SkyRock is a solid company. And the proposal is bulletproof, it's just really good and it really showed all the risks and the mitigations. Good job, Sulli. Said the VP Luis can only stare at Sulli. How does she do these things?! It seems they can make the impossible possible. That afternoon, Minho saw Sulli running towards the elevator

Why are you in a hurry? Did anything happen to Samuel? asked Minho I just need to see Uncle early today since I have a dinner with someone. Said Sulli Oh really? Dinner? Minho's heart is squeezing A date? I am not sure if it is, I'll know later. Anyway, goodbye Mr. Minho. Said Sulli and then she got in the elevator. Minho's mind and heart is in turmoil. Who is she meeting with? Why is she in a hurry? Minho is getting really angry. He can feel is blood in his head. -----Sulli made sure her Uncle is sleeping. She asked the driver to make sure her Mom got home well before she went to meet with Robbie. It's a few minutes after 9 and the restaurant Robbie chose is not an easy one to find. Good thing people knows the place and it was easy once you ask people. It was beautiful. It's an elegant formal restaurant. She was led to a private room. Why a private room? There's no special occasion and It's just the 2 of them. Sulli's heart is starting to beat fast. When she opened the door, she saw rose petals everywhere and then, she saw Robbie. The ever elegant Robbie. Even Luna said he was Hot, her masterals classmates also wanted to get his number. He has really become attractive all right. When Robbie took her hand and led her to a seat, he went on one knee and gave her flowers. Why are you doing this? This is too much for a dinner. Said Sulli looking embarrassed Robbie loves it when Sulli's blushing like this. Sulli I Robbie had to take a deep breath I want to confess to you for the third time. No This is what Sulli is afraid of Please don't Robbie. Robbie has always had bad timings when he confess. He confessed the first time just a day before Sulli learned of her father's death. She had to go back to Korea and left Robbie broken hearted in the US. Robbie confessed again 2 years ago, but she was still healing from her heartbreak from Minho then. And so she had to say no to Robbie. And Now? His timing is the worst. Knowing Sulli since they were young, Robbie knows the meaning of each movement on Sulli's face

You are going to reject me, right? But you're trying to find the best words to not hurt my feelings. Said Robbie Robbie, how can you have the worst timing! I mean I've already told you to stop waiting for me right? said Sulli I don't want to keep hurting you like this. But did you ever see me give up? Even when you rejected me, I still stayed by your side and if I have to confess again 4 more times, I will...Until the timing is right. Said Robbie No Robbie Sulli had to take a deep breath This time, there's no next time. I can always try- No you can't try anymore after this. Said Sulli FlyAir is going down And we need help, a big help. SkyRock is the only company that can help us. And As part of a business agreement, I will need to marry SkyRock's CEO. Said Sulli Robbie lost his energy and balance and fell sitting on the floor Is there other ways you can solve the problem. Asked Robbie That's the only option still remaining. Said Sulli Robbie tried to stand up. No I don't think that's the only way to solve things. I won't let you marry that man. said Robbie Chapter 24: Short Hair

Minho can't sleep. He can't get over the thought that Sulli is going on a date with another man. Who is this man anyway? What's good about him? Is he her boyfriend or something?

Minho got up and went out. He has to see Sulli.

Minho reached Sulli's house but the light in her room is still closed. He waited for an hour and then saw a car pull over by Sulli's gate. A tall man went out. From afar, the man looks like an actorsinger Siwon. And that means trouble.

The man opened the other door and helped Sulli out. Sulli went out and the man hugged her. Minho is going crazy! But just when he's about to get out of the car to pull the man away from Sulli, Sulli pulled herself


In just a few minutes, the man left Sulli by the gate. Sulli sat by the gate. She looks so tired. And then he saw her hide her face on her palms. Her shoulder shaking.

She's crying

That man made her cry!


Sulli's heart is breaking for Robbie. Robbie is her best friend. When they were young, they will play together almost every day. When her Mom left and she has to go to the US, Robbie followed her there. Whenever she is bullied, he will protect her. He was always there. And even when she got to Korea, He will always keep in touch and take care of her. She cannot ask for more. If only life is simpler. If only FlyAir is not falling If only her heart beats for Robbie, then it would be perfect.

Sulli felt warm hands on her shoulders. When she looked up, she saw Minho sitting beside her. That startled Sulli and almost made her scream.

Why Why are you here? said Sulli breathless

I wanted to see if your date was able to take you home safe. Said Minho

For some reason, Minho looks really concerned.

I don't know what happened But if you need to cry, just let it all out. I just want to be here to make sure nobody would disturb you. Said Minho

You are disturbing me. My tears just went back up. said Sulli

Minho had to laugh at that. The memory in the elevator playing on this mind

Remember the law of gravity? asked Minho

Gravity has no hold on my tears. Said Sulli expressionless which made Minho laugh more

Stop laughing at me. Said Sulli Seriously, stop! But Minho continued to laugh

Stop. Stop. Stop. That drove Sulli to cry. She cried hysterically. Minho patted Sulli's back

That's right just let it out Minho's heart is breaking seeing Sulli like this. But if she needs a shoulder to cry on, he will be that shoulder.

When Sulli's crying subsided, she looked at Minho with her swollen eyes.

What if Belle falls in love with you? And she tells you her feelings? How will you handle that? asked Sulli

Minho had to stop and think. Belle he has never thought of Belle on that context.

Hmmm that's kind of weird Belle is my buddy. We've been buddies since High school I just never thought of her that way. Said Minho But if she does that I would be shocked, and will be taken aback. I mean Belle is pretty and she's very attractive. But my heart the heart is hard to dictate. If it does not race on the sight of someone, you can't dictate it to.

Same as you can't tell your heart to stop racing at the sight of the person you like. Continued Minho

But Belle will be hurt if you reject her, right? said Sulli

Yes she will But Belle is a strong person. She has been through a lot. She will make it out stronger. Said Minho

Sulli thought that the friendship that Minho has with Belle and Carl is just beautiful. And Minho is right, Robbie is also a strong person. He has made it this far in life despite all the challenges. He survived her rejection twice already and he still came out strong. She has to trust Robbie more.

That man is my best friend. Said Sulli

Minho did not expect Sulli to tell him anything. And he is surprised to hear her tell him about the man earlier.

He's my best friend since childhood earlier he confessed his feelings for me for the 3^rd time. Said Sulli

Minho felt like a knife just stabbed his heart. His heart beating fast.

And what did you tell him? Asked Minho

I had to reject him said Sulli

Minho's heart started to beat less

Because I can't let FlyAir fall. Said Sulli

Minho felt a pang of pain. This is exactly what happened to him years back. He wanted to save SkyRock and had to let go of Di.

Do you do you like him? asked Minho. If Sulli likes the man..he doesn't know what to do anymore. He doesn't want Sulli to feel the pain he felt before. But he also can't let her go.

I don't know I've always seen him as my best friend. Even when he confessed to me before, I have never looked at him as a boyfriend But Robbie is a nice guy And my heart is breaking now that I know I've hurt him again. Said Sulli

So she's not sure what she feels for him. That means she might not like him romantically.

Sulli took a deep breath. Thank you For going here and listening to me Oppa. Said Sulli

Minho's heart is fluttering. His mind is blank His eyes are getting wetter Minho took Sulli's hand and placed it on his cheek.

I missed that I . Minho had to stop and place Sulli's hand on his eyes to hide the tears.

I missed you Sulli. Minho pulled Sulli close and enveloped her into an embrace so tight

Sulli felt Minho's warm hands when he touched her hand. When he placed it on his cheek, Sulli's heart starting to beat really fast and she can hear each heartbeat. When Minho placed her hand on his eyes, her heart felt pain, warm, melting and things she could not describe. And then she felt his tears. And her heart just felt like it's going to explode.

And then she heard him say I missed you and she can't help but let her tears flow too but this time the tears are not flowing from pain alone there is a little bit of joy?

When Minho pulled her into an embrace, her mind went blank and she could only feel Minho's heart beating on her chest. His heart is beating so fast. It's like their hearts are competing which can beat faster

Until their heart started to beat in unison .

As one.


Robbie went home tired and heartbroken. His heart is shattered into pieces. He went to his father's library and did not realize his father was there. Robbie just sat on a sofa and closed his eyes. His Dad saw Robbie enter the room and he knows something is wrong. He sat beside Robbie Are you going to share what happened or do you want me to call your Mom? asked Robbie's Dad No Dad Why does the 2 of you need to join me on my travel back here? asked Robbie Because we miss Korea of course. What's with you? asked Robbie's Dad Hmm You know that I like her, right? asked Robbie Sulli? Of course, you follow her around every day. You even followed her to the US when her father sent her there.

Well I just confessed to her for the third time. Said Robbie And got rejected for the third time too.

And you're giving up?

Have I ever given up, Dad? But this time even if I don't want to I might end up doing just that. Said Robbie

What does that mean? asked his Dad

FlyAir seems to have problems. And in order to solve it FlyAir needs to go on a contract with SkyRock said Robbie Sulli she has to marry SkyRock's CEO.

SkyRock Almost the same size as FlyAir if not bigger And the CEO That's just weird.

Why? asked Robbie

Why do they need to go through that again? asked his Dad Do you know why Sulli went back to the US 3 years ago?

Because her finacee broke her heart. Answered Robbie

Have you ever asked her who that person is? Asked his Dad

No Wait..You don't mean Her Ex-fiancee is her current fianc?! Robbie is getting confused

That's why I said it's weird. Said his Dad. 3 years ago, they broke the engagement. But now, they want it again? And again for a business deal? What's up with those 2? They're playing in circles.

Dad Sulli really loved that man She was really hurt when she got back to the US But she has already moved on. She has already decided to not let that man in her heart anymore But now She won't be able to fight it that long if he's her finace. Said Robbie

Robbie's mind is going to blow anytime.

I won't let her be hurt by that man again. I will take care of her. I will love her. That man doesn't deserve her. Said Robbie

But can I really do something about it?


Sulli is sitting on a chair in from to Minho and she can't help but smile the whole time Minho is reviewing her results the past 4 days. His brows are moving and she can feel his attention.

Umm Ehem! I want to say that the result it has improved tremendously. Said Minho

Luis can sing to the angels!

The..ehem! The 3 international deals is outstanding with the very limited time I gave you. Keep it up. Said Minho to Sulli

Minho asked Luis to leave and he was left with Sulli alone in the office

I have a lot of proposals to review, Boss. So I need to get back to work ASAP. Is there anything the matter? asked Sulli

Umm I just wanted to apologize for last night. Said Minho

Last night. Sulli can't recall if it was all a dream. She was in Minho's arm. He was crying while holding her. And she too was crying her heart out. It was for Robbie in the beginning, but when he touched her, her tears became for this man the Man she thought she can have. But the man whose heart she may never have.

Wait did he say he wanted to aplologize?! For embracing her?

I apologize for disturbing you and not minding my own business said Minho But I was happy that we've got a chance to talk I mean really talk

Sulli stop your heart from fluttering He doesn't mean he wants to be with you, he just wanted you both to be ok because of the marriage

Right we should probably talk more in the future. Said Sulli smiling her cold smile. Minho's heart is confused, one day she's softening to him, and then she goes putting up the wall again.

But Sulli Let me tell you something really important. Said Minho, his voice more formal now

I am a very possessive person. I make sure people know what's mine.

Minho went closer to Sulli and touched Sulli's cheek.

Sulli's heart is beginning to race. She can feel Minho's breath, she can smell his faint perfume. She can't think straight.

And you are mine. Said Minho I can't have you date someone else.

Robbie, is my best friend. Said Sulli

I will send notice to the news about our engagement. There is no reason to delay it any further. Said Minho

Are you talking about an engagement party? asked Sulli

That too. Said Minho I want to declare to the world that You are my fiance and I am yours.

Sulli had to gulp at that. Why is he saying things that make her melt inside?


Carl arrived at his destination. Photography? Of course he likes photography, but he never thought to take it on a professional level

But a man has to fulfill a promise he made. -------Minho would've already talked to the news companies by now. Sulli is anxious, are they going through this again? Really? Sulli opened the television in her room. The show is about fashion and what bachelors think of women's hair. An actor said he like long wavy hair. A singer said he likes the hair very short. And the third man surprised Sulli, it's Minho! I originally like girls with long straight hair. But recently, shoulder level hair is also cute. Said Minho

That made Sulli's heart skip a beat. No she can't let this distract her. What do you think of short hair? asked the reporter I don't know. I've never been attracted to short hair girls. said Minho

Really now? He doesn't like short hair girls?

That made Sulli smile.


Sulli went to Minho's office the next day, they need to go on a pictorial to submit to the new companies for the engagement announcement.

When she got there, Minho is surprised. Just as she was expecting

You cut your hair? asked Minho

Yeah, I like short hair, it's easy to manage. Said Sulli smiling mischievously Really? asked Minho

Sulli can see Minho's brows close together. Haha! Are you turned off now, Minho? This should be enough to push him away.

Minho moved closer to Sulli and whispered to Sulli's ear

I never thought short hair can be so sexy. Said Minho

Sulli can't believe what she just heard!

Minho had to chuckle when he saw Sulli's eyes widening in shock.

I like it. It suits you really well. I'm beginning to find short hair really cute. Said Minho Ah! I just remembered a recent interview, I should probably call the reporter to edit my part. I should tell her that I also like short hair. I can't remember what program that was supposed to be shown Hmm

That was shown last night. Said Sulli

Really? You've seen it? said Minho

Yes You said you like long hair and shoulder level hair You said you don't really like short hair. Said Sulli a bit sourly

Ahh..I did? Minho had to laugh. Oh so that's why she cut her hair? Hahahaha! She didn't need to do that. Whatever length her hair is, whatever she wears, it will do little to change his heart.

Sulli is irritated. Why can't he just move away from her so that she can have peace?

Minho touched the gap between Sulli's eyebrow and massaged it.

Don't look so irritated like that. I really loved long hair in women. But when you came back and cut your hair to your shoulder , I felt that shoulder level hair has its charms too . and now looking at you I can't remember why I have never liked short hair. Said Minho

Sulli's heart is racing. She can't always feel this way. She moved a bit back but went out of balance. Minho was able to catch her in mid air. Sulli is stunned. Minho has very strong arms. When Minho put Sulli back up to stand, the photographer clapped his hand.

That is quite a show,. You made me a happy person. Said the photographer we can wrap up now.

What?! Wait, how about the picture? asked Sulli

I already took photos of you two when you were talking earlier. It was very natural. said the photographer.

Sulli looked at the photos and saw one where Minho was laughing while her face looks irritated. She also s aw a photo of Minho massaging her eyebrows with that gentle look on his face while she looks dumbfounded. Then there's a photo of Minho catching her on her fall. In all the photos, she looked confused or shocked. Nothing showed her good angle at all.

This can't be said Sulli

I like them. I will get copies of all of them. said Minho smiling

But for newspapers? These photos?! Sulli can't believe it

I think these photos will create a buzz around said the photographer

Just like it did 3 years ago right? said Minho

Oh no Sulli can only sit down and pray that nobody sees her pictures looking like that.


But everyone saw it, and she wants to hide every time someone asks her about it. One time when she was in the caf, she had to wear shades so that no one knows who she is. She heard people talking about the photos.

I really like Minho Oppa. That girl is so lucky! said one

But she's also pretty isn't she? said another

She's the same finacee he had 3 years ago. Said another

Wow they are meant to be! This is definitely a love match. Said the first girl

Look at how they look at each other you can see tension Love tension! said another

Love tension?!

Sulli went immediately out of the caf. Should she have her hair shaved so that no one would find out she's the girl in the picture?

How can that man subject her to this!


Robbie browsed through his mail and found a mail coming from Sulli

Hi Robbie, How are you? I've been calling you but you didn't pick up. Everything is going really fast these days. My engagement party is schedule on Saturday. And the announcement just came out yesterday. I don't know the right thing to do. I wanted you to be there as my best friend knowing it's a special day for me. But I also don't want to hurt you. So whatever your decision will be, whether you will come or not, know that I will not take anything against you and I will understand. I hope you can contact me when you're feeling better. Regards, Sulli.

Robbie took a deep breath. I will be there Sulli. I will make it a surprising party for you. Chapter 25: The Attack Sulli and Minho are on their way to the engagement party. Sulli is so nervous. Minho touched Sulli's hand

Relax. I am here. said Minho

Sulli pulled her hand away from Minho and tried to take a deep breath.

Mr. Minho-

Mr, Minho? I thought we're back to Oppa? teased Minho After today, honey will be better.

Sulli's eyes is getting bigger in shock and frustration

Ok I get it Oppa will do for now. Said Minho laughing

Seriously, you can still joke around? You don't feel nervous at all? asked Sulli

I feel anxious that something might go wrong. But more than that, I am excited to finally have this engagement party. Said Minho Ive been waiting for this for a long long time.

Sulli saw something in Minho's eyes something close to sadness loneliness.

Did your Uncle get surprised? asked Minho

Yes, he could not believe it and talked me out of marriage He said I don't need to go through with it again. But then, he knew why I am doing this and had to concede eventually. Said Sulli. I told him to just rest and don't go to the party anymore. But he won't listen.

Minho touched Sulli's head

Everything that happened All the joy and sadness all the pain and smiles I hope one day we can look back and realize that everything

happened so that we can make a beautiful story

And for the first time Sulli felt a sense of peace in her heart amidst the racing of her heart. Can it really end like that? Can this still be a beautiful story?


A lot of people attended the party, dignitaries, celebrities and CEOs. Nobody wants to be left out. Sulli's nervousness subsided after sometime of meeting and greeting with people.

When the time came to start the program, Sulli and Minho went to the stage. Minho gave a speech about how glad he is that everybody came out to greet them on this special day and how the engagement will surely strengthen the already strong relationship between SkyRock and FlyAir. Everybody cheered for them. It was Sulli's turn to give a speech when she noticed a group of people going up the stage. Some of them are familiar to her Robbie's Dad? And Robbie?!

Minho saw the confusion in Sulli's eyes and followed where she is looking. This is definitely not part of the program. Who are these people and why are they on the stage? Minho grabbed Sulli's arm and placed her behind him in a protective gesture.

Whatever happens, stay behind me. And whatever happens, don't speak. Let me do the talking. Said Minho

Robbie grabbed a microphone.

Hi Everyone. You might be surprised at my presence on stage today. I am Robbie Kim, the son of Kim Junie of Atlas corporation.

Everyone started to whisper and talk.

Minho gave Sulli a confused look

Isn't he your bestfriend?

Sulli just nodded

Atlas consumer goods company?

Sulli also nodded

You might be wondering what Altlas is doing in this party when we are selling food, cosmetics and hair care products and the two companies who arranged this party are both in the airline industry. There is no connection at all right? But that's where I need to correct most of you. Unlike FlyAir and SkyRocks Business connection, Miss Sulli and I has a deeper connection than just business.

Sulli had to hold on to Minho's arm. She is feeling her legs getting weaker.

Sulli is my best friend and I have every intention to protect her from being used as a business prey. That is why, Atlas will be investing in FlyAir in whatever amount FlyAir needs in order to make sure that it will survive for the next years to come. We are also offering FlyAir partnership. We will be opening large scale business on the airline industry in the next years to come and FlyAir is what we need in order to succeed there. As such, Atlas is offering FlyAir, the same contract that binds Sulli into marrying Mr. Minho Choi.

Sulli feels like throwing up any time. Why is Robbie doing this?!

Robbie went beside Minho and left the microphone on the stand.

You can't tie her to you now. Said Robbie to Minho She is free now to choose who she really wants to be with.

Sulli wanted to get between Minho and Robbie to prevent the two to get into a fight but Minho blocked her way making her stay at his back.

Tie her? Do you think she's a child? She decided to be with me. Said Minho

Then let her go. Let's see whom she goes with. Said Robbie

Sulli grabbed a microphone which surprised the 2 men

What a surprise, right? I've known Robbie for a long time but I never expected this. The proposal Atlas is giving is definitely something that will be studied. We don't have the details yet and so we need to review. For now, nothing will change. Said Sulli

Robbie went back to the microphone

Oh Sulli, I forgot to mention that the proposal was sent to FlyAir this morning. And about the proposal, it doesn't end there. Said Robbie If you approve of Atlas proposal That means you are approving of marriage to me too. said Robbie

Everyone is confused and it became really noisy.

Minho immediately grabbed a microphone

Everyone. I am glad that you are all here to see this development. Rest assured that this will be dealt with in all professionalism. For now, FlyAir will take the proposal from Atlas back on the table. But as for SKyRock. We have not changed our position. We will remain as FlyAir's ally. We will continue to support FlyAir. And being the lead in the airline industry, FlyAir has minimal risk if they partner with SkyRock. And SkyRock, I promise, will make sure FlyAir will be on top with us. With that, Minho grabbed Sulli's arm and left the stage left the room.


Minho dragged Sulli until they went to a fire exit. Minho pinned Sulli to the wall with his arms on Sulli's both sides. Minho is looking down. Sulli almost can't see his face but his breathing is heavy and she can see Minho's arms shaking. His hand is clenched.

He is angry

He is really angry

Minho punched the wall on Sulli's side. Sulli had to close her eyes on the impact. Her heart is beating fast. She's afraid she's afraid

Minho grabbed Sulli's face and kissed her strongly, passionately. Sullis shock paralized her for amoment then She tried to push him away, but he is too strong, until Sulli can't fight anymore. Slowly ever so slowly Minho's kiss got gentler and gentler until it became a sweet kiss a very sweet kiss.

Sulli's mind, heart and body can't fight anymore. Everything she tried to fight off in her heart is all bursting out. Minho pulled away and faced down.

Sulli is still shocked at what is happening. Her knees is weak, but she is still standing.

Minho slowly lifted his face and Sulli doesn't know what to make of what she's seeing

Minho's face is full of tears. And she can see sorrow, his face is full of sorrow. He is looking at her intently and she can feel pain strong pain in her heart, pain that is not hers. She can feel Minho's pain.

Sulli slowly lifted her hand and touched Minho's face. Minho cried even more. Sulli didn't even notice her own tears falling.

I feel like my heart is going to burst. said Minho I just can't hold it in anymore. Said Minho

I will not survive it anymore if I ever lose you again. I have never in the past 3 years I have never stopped Missing you and wishing I can go find you and be with you. How I wish I could turn back time so that I can ask you why you had to leave, what I did wrong? I know I caused you pain but why why did you have to leave when when I finally realized that I love you and that I could never live without you said Minho in between tears and breathless crying

You Sulli can't control her tears anymore You loved me? Sulli chuckled while tears are flowing from her eyes. You loved me?! Sulli said almost shouting How can you even say that?! How can you say that when you tore my heart not once, not twice You tore my heart countless times. You make my heart jump with joy one day, and then you'll crush it the next.

Minho's heart is breaking with each word Sulli says.

You love me? When all you can think of is how to convince Uncle to sign the contract even without marrying me? When all the time, all you think about is how not to hurt your girlfriend? Did you ever think of not hurting me?! When we got into an accident Didn't you come running to her side when she woke up? Sulli punched Minho's chest with both hear hands

So stop! Stop saying those words! Stop lying to me! Stop saying that . that you loved me because you're making me feel all the pain that I thought I have already forgotten. You You just don't know how much I tried to forget you! Sulli is losing her strength. She leaned on the wall

Minho wanted to explain everything. He wants her to hear his every word.

I tried And when I thought I already did, here you are making me all confused again making me lose my mind Sulli closed her eyes. Is there a way to stop the pain?

Minho put his arms around Sulli. Sulli does not have the energy to fight anymore

I have never tried to forget you I have always known I won't be able to said Minho But I can't leave SkyRock And I can't let you go? What do I do?

Then Minho released Sulli

I won't tie you down I will prove everything I said to you. If I need to wait I'll wait. If you need freedom to choose I'll give that to you But please, give me a chance. Said Minho


Sulli can't eat and sleep. Minho's words keep echoing in her mind. Gene is worried. Pictures of the engagement party are also already in the news. Gene brought food to Sulli's room.

Here, eat this soup. If you don't eat anything, you'll get weak. It's hard to take care of 2 sick people. Said Gene

Sulli hugged her mother

Mom remember how you used to say Minho Oppa loves me? said Sulli

Gene sat on Sulli's bed


How did you think that he does? said Sulli

Gene took a deep breath. Something happened for sure. Sulli would usually brush away conversations about Minho. But now that she's opening this up herself, Gene is going to say everything she has been keeping for 3 years.

Well The first time he came to me, he wanted me and you to meet. He was really worried for you. He heard your nightmares about me and he knows you need me. So he looked for me his eyes while he was talking about you I see his eyes and I see his fondness of you. And when he said you need me, I saw the depth of his concern for you. Said Gene

When you got into an accident he was in shock. I heard a nurse had to attend to him immediately after he saw you brought in the hospital Everyday he would stay by your room door, watching you from the glass. He would always talk to the nurses and the doctors about your condition. Many times, I've seen him...just standing there looking at you for a man, tears are precious my heart is in pain for him whenever I see him crying looking at you. Continued Gene

Sulli's heart is a mess. She's hearing this for the first time Why did she close her ears before? Can she hold on to her mother's words? Can she really trust Minho?


Belle is waiting at the airport. Carl is taking so long. She's going crazy. Minho is again all over the news. And it looks like he found himself a competitor for Sulli's heart and for FlyAir's partnership.

Carl's flight was delayed and so she's been waiting for him for 5 hours now. When she saw Carl, she swear she could jump with joy.

You took your time. Said Belle

I am so sorry for being late. I wanted to get back here ASAP but the weather was bad. said Carl

Have you seen the news? asked Belle

Yes I did And that Robbie guy destroys everything Minho is planning. Said Carl

Exactly. And that's where we need to enter the picture right? Said Belle

Yes, I've prepared everything the past weeks for this back up plan in case something goes wrong. I never actually expected that we'll need it. But now that we have it, it's time to get involved. Said Carl smiling.

Belle noticed a familiar face behind Carl. Hopefully everything turns out well.


Sulli needs to go back to work. She went out of her house and is surprised to see Minho's Mom.

Auntie you're here said Sulli

Can we talk? asked Auntie

They went to a caf. When Sulli met Auntie a month back, she knows Auntie is not happy about her coming back.

I was there in the party . Said Auntie I wanted to shut up but I just can't sit and do nothing.

If you have already moved on from my son if you don't love him anymore if you are already in love with that Robbie guy, then just accept their proposal and leave SkyRock alone. Leave Minho alone. He has already been through a lot because of you Auntie's voice is breaking and tears are forming in her eyes

As a mother I only want what's best for my child. I can't see him hurt anymore You've already hurt him too much. You've done a lot of damage already. He from the time you left him he has been very..very lonely I will see him at night, just crying in his room. And I know he's thinking of you. That day when he brought you home, I told you that he's fond of you I should've said the truth then I think he was already in love with you even then but you left him despite everything so please..if you can't make him happy, then just cut all connections you have with him.


Sulli went to the hospital. Her mind is blank, her heart is numb

I don't know what to say. I saw everything and I was left speechless. said Uncle Sam I think it's a good thing too that this happened You now have the freedom to choose. FlyAir will no longer be an excuse to being tied up with Minho. Unless of course you want to.

Sulli sigh. How are you Uncle?

Treatments are doing well. The doctor said I'm almost cancer free. They

just need to run one last test.

Mom also said the good news this morning. That's like my ray of sunshine now. In all of this, knowing you'll get better drives me on, Uncle.

Sulli hugged Uncle Sam

I don't want you to end up like your father, Sulli. I really pray that you won't. But I'm afraid you're going that path if I don't warn you.

Sulli is confused

You father and mother married for business. While your Mom loved your Dad, Your Dad tried to push away his emotions because he doesn't believe in love anymore. You know why? asked Uncle Sam Because his first love married someone else for money. And since then, your Dad will put high walls to guard his heart against love. He hurt the people who care about him the most. And he hurt himself . When he realized how he loves your Mom, you're Mom already gave up. Until his death, he wasn't able to admit his real feelings. He was never happy. And it was a tragedy.

Uncle Why are you telling me this now? asked Sulli

Because I know that you're guarding your heart too much. A human must open up his heart to be really human. And falling in love, no matter how painful it is, is still beautiful I don't want you to end up as lonely as how your Dad ended up to be. Said Sam

Sulli took a deep breath.

Just get better, OK Uncle? Everything will be all right. Said Sulli


Sulli went to meet Robbie in a restaurant. When she saw Robbie, she's angry. She's really angry.

Robbie sat in front of Sulli

I'm sorry. Was Robbie's first words.

I did not mean to surprise you, but I just want everyone to know . said Robbie

For what?! You could've told me via mail or you could've answered my call to tell me that you wanted to help me. You didn't need to go on stage and make a national issuel like this one! said Sulli infuriated.

I know I got over board. I am sorry. But to challenge a company like SkyRock, a small step like sending a mail is not going to suffice. I didn't do that to embarrass you, you know I don't want publicity and I hate being on paper. But I want that Minho guy to know that you have other people to go to aside from him. And I want him to know that he can't tie you up like that. Said Robbie

And that's the best way I can show that to his face.

Sulli is confused already, She knows Robbie is doing this to help her. But her heart is not calm knowing that Minho was shamed by the scene Robbie did.

But I am serious. I want to marry you Sulli. I want to help FlyAir because I want you to be happy. You can say that my timing is off again, but I won't stop saying these things until you say yes. said Robbie

What if I don't? What if I continue to be tied to SkyRock? said Sulli

That man He hurt you, he broke your heart before and he can hurt you again now. He doesn't deserve the attention you're giving him. Accepting my proposal is the right thing to do. said Robbie Unless you're still in love with him?

Sulli can only look out the window since she doesn't know what to say. Robbie tried to control his emotions. Sulli

Sulli is still in love with that Minho guy. Chapter 26: The veil is lifted Robbie is agitated while driving. Why can't Sulli's heart soften for him? All these years he had been beside her, but why did she have to fall in love with someone else when he's just around?

Sulli can see Robbie's emotion on his face. But she decided to not speak. She doesn't want to trigger Robbie to get even angrier than he is.

When they arrived at Suli's home, Robbie helped Sulli down the car. But did not let go of Sulli's hand.

I am not done with what I wanted to say. Said Robbie

Sulli sigh.

I know you're confused, but I want you to know who really loves you. All my life, I have never loved anyone else but you. I will never do anything to hurt you. All I'm asking for is if you can just please look at me. Give me a chance. Accept my love. Said Robbie reaching for Sulli's cheek.

You are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes to.

Robbie went closer to Sulli until his face is just a few inches away from Sulli's

If you give me your heart I promise to take care of it and love you forever said Robbie

Robbie almost touched Sulli's lips with his, but Sulli faced sideways to avoid Robbie. Robbie was only able to kiss Sulli's cheek.

You still reject me after I poured everything I have? said Robbie

Take your hands off her. Said a voice from behind Sulli

When Sulli turned around she saw Minho, breathless and angry.

Minho did not wait for Robbie to respond. He went to Robbie and forcefully took Robbie's arms away from Sulli. He punched Robbie on the face and Robbie fell on the ground.

Sulli screamed. She doesn't know what to do. How can she stop this?

Robbie stood up and punched Minho on the face too.

Stop, stop this!

Both does not listen to her and just punched each other.

Sulli took her perfume and sprayed on both of them. Both of the men scrambled to the floor scratching their eyes.

That will stop you both! Are you kids? You look like boys fighting for candy! said Sulli so frustrated


Sulli is still angry at both men for fighting in fron t of her. She's angry at Robbie for trying to kiss her. And she's angry at Minho for not controlling himself and be the first to act violently.

Sulli is still attending to Robbie's wounds in her room though.

You are not good at fighting. You shouldn't have retaliated. Said Sulli

I can't let him treat you like he owns you. Said Robbie.

As long as I'm his fiance, he has the right to get mad especially if someone else is trying to kiss his fiance. Said Sulli

Robbie had to stop at that

I I'm sorry about that I got carried away I was thinking too much. Said Robbie

It's good that you know. Said Sulli . Stay here. I will check on Minho.


Gene is putting medicine on Minho's wounds

I'm her fianc, why does she have to attend to that best friend first? said Minho

Gene had to chuckle

You are really jealous? said Gene

Sulli heard this and she stopped behind the door

That guy likes your daughter. He even announced it to the world, how can I not be jealous? Miss Gene can you blame me if I get irritated if she went to tend to that guy instead of me?! said Minho frustrated I was just trying to protect her..that man..he almost he . I'm just not happy when that guy is around her.

And you know how I feel for Sulli, there's no need to pretend in front of you. said Minho

Gene Chuckled. If she would ever have a son, Minho would be perfect.

Sulli can't help but smile. That man, her fianc, is trying to protect her and is jealous.

She didn't notice that Robbie is just standing a meter away from her. Robbie's heart is aching at the sight of the happy Sulli. She's happy that Minho is jealous and that Minho likes her. Was he able to make Sulli this happy too? The past 3 years Did he ever see that smile? He tried to cheer up Sulli every time he has the chance to, but did he ever make her happy?


Sulli went to a bookstore and looked for some self help book. She needs to read something inspiring to take her mind off the stress Just when she is about to get a book another hand was also reaching for the same book. When she looked who the other person is, she almost dropped the book.

No Way

Is her eyes tricking her?

How can she see this person now that she's already on her breaking point


We seem to like the same things, don't we? asked Di

Di still looks gorgeous, Her hair is in a different color, but she still looks like a doll.

You Why did I only see you now? asked Sulli

That's the wrong question, Isn't it suppose to be `When did you come back?'. I was in the US the past 3 years. Said Di

You you weren't in Korea the whole time? asked Sulli

When you say the whole time you mean

after the accident until now. Said Sulli

Oh Yeah I went to the US a week or 2 after the accident. Then I stayed there the past 3 years. Said Di I heard you did too. It was a such a waste that we didn't get in touch while we're both there. Said Di

"I wouldn't like to" thought Sulli. Oh no these rude thoughts has to go away.

Umm..I'm just going to pay for this book: said Sulli

Di smirked at that. Can this woman really think she can run away from her?

Hey Sulli. I want to grab coffee. You need to come with me. Said Di

I am busy. Said Sulli

Oh I am busy too. But I came all the way to Korea for a mission. And I can't waste time. Said Di


Belle is staring at Carl. This man is cunning. How did he do it? How did he convince Di to come back to Korea ?

Stop staring at me. I get Goosebumps. said Carl

Belle started to laugh

How did you do it? asked Belle

I went to her house everyday She kept pushing me away and told me she never wanted to go back to Korea. She has a new life there already, you know. Di She has a good fiance who loves her very much. She's living a good life. She doesn't want to leave the comfort of that peaceful life. And then I went there to bug her every day, imagine her anger. Hahahah! said Carl

I wonder how the fianc took your presence. said Belle

Oh, he got me arrested for stalking. But Di defended me so everything still ended up ok. said Carl

You've gone overboard. Said Belle

I just think that Di is a really good person inside, it's just that her love for Minho went to obsession. And I know she never gets peace whenever she thinks of Minho and Sulli. So I told her how Minho is now and how Sulli is after 3 years. I tried to appeal to her conscience everyday until she got tired of me and agreed to go back here for a week. Said Carl

Belle can only hope everything turns out well.


Sulli is counting the minutes. She does not want to be around Di.

I met Carl when I was in the US. And I heard some news. said Di Who would've thought you will be engaged with Minho again? a business need. Said Sulli

And I heard you got yourself another proposal. And now, you have to

choose whom between 2 gorgeous guys to marry, isn't it? asked Di

It's harder than it looks. Said Sulli

Then let's make it simple. Said Di Who do you love?

Di can sense that Sulli will not answer her question

If you say the other guy, that would be lying, right? But if you say Minho, you are afraid you might hurt me again. I am sure you are thinking this way. Said Di

Di is right, how can she see through Sulli's mind?!

After 3 years, I can still predict how you will think. You are a very nave pure minded girl. It was easy for me to know how you will react to a certain situation. Said Di That's why it was always easy to manipulate you.

Sulli's attention snapped. What does she mean by that?!

You were in love with Minho. But I was the girlfriend. It was easy for me to use that moment to make you back off. Because I know you'll easily get hurt. Remember the time we had dinner to celebrate Minho's Birthday? I saw you on walking towards the door. And when you got really near, I kissed him. I made sure you saw us. said Di smiling her cold smile

Sulli's heart is burning in anger. How can Di say these things as if they are just simple memory from the past? When it brought her too much pain and still does.

You see, you are already thinking of saying bad things to me right? But you're holding it back because you don't want to hurt me. But then, I intentionally hurt you. So it would only be fair to speak up. Said Di

Sulli still did not speak

Ah There's another before that. I felt Minho is already starting to like you and I couldn't get his attention. So I went to the road so that a car could hit me. And the next day, Minho came running to the hospital. That was the day we got back together. Said Di I really had my way on people specially when I know their weakness. I use that to my benefit.

Sulli's hand is shaking of anger. Her eyes is burning of the unshed tears she's trying not to fall.

What else There was a lot of time when I had to use my mind to think of ways to have Minho and eliminate you from the picture Ahhhhhh The accident. Said Di. That's a long story to tell.

Please enough. I have heard enough. Said Sulli You are a person who does not have a heart. You hurt people to get what you want said Sulli now crying

You want me to stop speaking? Because you remember the pain? The painful moments of the past? Then that means you still feel something And that's what I came back here for. I want you to face those feelings, Sulli.

Sulli is confused

Di Unnie, I had enough I need to rest.

Di touched Sulli's hand and the gentleness surprised Sulli. Even Di's face soften.

I came back for a purpose Sulli. But I have very limited time. I will tell you eventually why I need to leave soon. But for now. Just for now, can you bear a little more? said Di

Is she carazy?! More pain?

I promise you that if you give me a chance today, to tell you everything, you will be able to decide which proposal to take. Said Di

Is she trying to manipulate me again?

You're manipulating me again. said Sulli

Di took a deep breath.

At the hospital after the accident He went to you first. Minho he never left your door. Said Di. And that's the truth. You can think I am manipulating you. But what will I get if I tell you everything he did for you back then?

Sulli is confused.

That day of the accident When I woke up and tried to look for Minho

Sulli's heart is slowly deflating

I found him by your door he was crying his heart out while looking at you. Back then I realized that I lost him I lost him to you. I should've accepted it earlier. I have already seen the signs but I was too obsessed and I I tried to tie him to me. That night of his birthday when you went missing, he rushed to look for you. He shut all communication to me even if he knows I can hurt myself The next day he broke up with me and told me he Di started to tear up He is in love with you.

The 2 days after that, news spread about that kiss which was witnessed by a lot of people. Said Di I couldn't accept that. And so I still plotted to manipulate you. Said Di I did not mean for us to get into that accident. I will not go that far. I only wanted you to give up on him. But in what I did I hurt Minho the most. Minho he looked miserable that time in the hospital. He looked like he was really in pain and hurt.

Unnie, why are you saying these things to me? asked Sulli her mind trying to put the pieces together

Because you were stupid for falling into my trap! Why were you so weak as to think that he chose me?! When you woke up, I thought that if I leave Korea, I can finally give the 2 of you peace. And then on the day

I left, I heard you left too! said Di with frustration

Which part of the whole thing made you give up? I should've done that earlier! said Di now wiping her eyes dry

I saw him in your room you two were talking said Sulli

That only happened once And you had to see that I get it you think he cares for me more than you. Said Di That time we talked a lot. I wanted to help him get his mind off you for a while. I know your situation was torturing him, not knowing when you will wake up. By the end of the conversation, I told him that I will be really happy if you wake up. I told him that I will try my best to live a happy life too. And that I will need to go back to the US to fix my life. It was like a goodbye talk. Said Di Sulli suddenly felt like a fool Minho Oppa He was telling the truth He really loves her And she kept pushing him away. Here's the deal Sulli. I will meet Minho tonight. Said Di Sulli's eyes got bigger Minho is still very handsome all these years. Since it didn't work out for you two And you might end up choosing that Atlas company over SkyRock I better take advantage of the situation right? said Di --------

Sulli is bothered. The 2 of them are going to meet?!

She can't concentrate on the work she took home with her. She can't eat anything well. She's feeling really agitated.

She took her phone and called Belle

Unnie, this is Sulli.


Belle is in the usual bar with Carl and Di

Oh..Sulli said Belle a bit louder than usual so that Carl and Di hears

Why did you call? asked Belle

Ummm Unnie Di Unnie is back right? said Sulli

Umm Yeah..Di is back what about it? asked Belle

She She said she's meeting with Minho Oppa. Said Sulli

Oh really? I think it's a date. Minho is single, I mean we're under the impression that you will take the Atlas company proposal right? And Di is also single. They might meet to you know rekindle the fire? said Belle looking at Di and Carl to help her out.

Carl is smiling foolishly and Di can only chuckle.

Hey Sulli, I need to go. By the way, I heard they're meeting at the restaurant where we celebrated Minho's birthday. You remember? asked Belle

Yes yes I remember. Said Sulli

All right then, bye! then Belle hung up, took a deep breath and sank on her chair

Why do you two made me do that! Said Belle You know how I hate to lie!


Sulli immediately took her jacket and left the house. She took a taxi

and went to the restaurant. It was only then that she realized that she's in her pajamas and the waiters almost stopped her from going inside the restaurant.

I have some friends inside. They are expecting me. Said Sulli

The waiter looked at her from head to foot.

Under what name is the reservation? asked the rude waiter

Di Di Song. said Sulli

The waiter checked. Table 5 please. Said the waiter.

Sulli went inside and immediately looked for table 5. She saw Minho sitting there but where's Di Unnie?

She went to the table and Minho almost dropped the glass he's holding

Su..Sulli?! asked Minho in surprise

Minho doesn't know which is more surprising. Sulli's presence here, or her appearance, she's in her pajamas, is a formal restaurant!

Where's Di Unnie? asked Sulli looking around

Di? I was supposed to meet Belle here. said Minho Di..Why are you looking for someone who's miles away. She's in the US. Said Minho

Sulli is confused and sat across Minho, drank the water there and took a deep breath.

Minho Oppa, Di Unnie is in Korea. She is back. I saw her earlier. Said Sulli

This night is getting interesting. Minho Oppa? She's calling him Oppa again? Minho's heart is jumping with joy.

If she's back, she would've contacted Belle already . Bellle Minho stopped to think for a while Ah Did Belle arrange this for him and Di?

Belle might have arranged this for us, but she's not here. said Minho

Good. I'll stay here and wait for her. Said Sulli

Wait Sulli just realized what she's wearing. Ummm I'll be back

Sulli went out and went to the nearest mall. Good thing she wasn't stupid enough to forget her wallet. But her money is little and so she had to get a cheap dress and cheap shoes.

When she got back Minho already ordered for food.

You're not going to wait for Di Unnie?asked Sulli

Hmm I don't care if Di is coming or not. But you're here. And I want to get as much time I can spend with you as possible. Said Minho smiling

Minho is surprised, Sulli transformed into cute dress. But the collarbone Minho had to gulp at that exposed collarbone again.

Umm Ehem! Let's eat. said Minho

Sulli saw Minho blushing and can't help but point it out. Oppa Sulli pinched Minho's cheek Stop blushing said Sulli

But that made Minho blush more until he turned tomato red

Sulli enjoyed the meal. I wonder where's Di Unnie said Sulli

Minho does not know what is happening, but he is glad that he gets to spend time with Sulli like this. The way she talks is like her pure, innocent childish self like 3 years ago Even with her hair short, she seems like she has already shed her sophisticated lady aura.

Why are you staring at me, Oppa? asked Sulli

Nothing I I'm just happy. You made me really happy today Sulli. Said Minho

Sulli can see the sincerity in Minho's eyes. Now that the veil of confusion is lifted, she can see right through Minho's heart. These past 3 years When she left him to suffer in pain how much did he have to endure? Sulli's heart is aching at that thought.

Oppa, let's go out and have a drink said Sulli

A drink?! You drink? asked Minho surprised Chapter 27: Forever In a tented restaurant, Sulli ordered Soju . You drink Soju? I would've guessed red wine but soju? Minho is fascinated at his discovery. Sulli laughed. Yes I kinda like soju. Carl Oppa introduced this to me. Said Sulli Carl! He taught you to drink?! I need to teach him a lesson! said Minho Sulli touched Minho's hands No need Oppa. I asked him to accompany me drinking soju when I was heartbroken. It was my idea. Said Sulli Minho remembered the night when he asked Carl to bring Sulli home and only brought Sulli home too late. So that's what they did? They went out drinking?! Carl Oppa, he helped me a lot. Said Sulli He helped me a lot too. Said Minho Oppa said Sulli trying to look sweet Hmm? Minho felt like this already happened before

Buy me some Ddul Bok Kki, please. Said Sulli with her sweet accent Minho can't fight Sulli's cuteness. All Right, Oppa's going to buy for you, ok? Ok! said Sulli laughing ---The next day Sulli went to see Uncle Sam early. The result of the exam already went out, And Sulli jumped with happiness when she heard that Uncle Sam is now Cancer free. Sulli hugged Uncle Sam and they both cried of happiness. Gene also joined their crying. I am so glad that you are going to be all right, Uncle. Said Sulli I was really worried about you I am so happy right now. Said Sulli Samuel had to stop crying I know And I am a lucky Uncle to have a niece like you Sulli said Samuel Gene can only smile at the scene. It's like a rainbow after the rain. By the way Uncle. Said Sulli I I have already decided which proposal to accept. Said Sulli I won't let the walls hinder my heart from being happy anymore said Sulli I am happy that you have made this decision. said Samuel ------Sulli went to Robbie's office to meet him.Robbie has not have enough sleep the past days. He knows he needs to talk to Sulli soon, but he's afraid of what she will tell him and never initiated to meet her. And now that she's here, he will need to face whatever she wants to say. Sulli initially thought Robbie does not want to stay logn in Korea. But seeing him fixing his office means he plans to stay, right? I wasn't expecting you'd go here. said Robbie I'm still trying to fix my things as you can see. Hahah! It's ok, this won't take long. Said Sulli Sulli sat on a chair and Robbie had to sit on the chair next to Sulli Tell me what's on your mind? said Robbie I have decided already I decided to still continue the contract with SkyRock. SkyRock has all the expertise the scale and capacity to help FlyAir. Atlas Corporation, if ever you go into Airline industry, you will be a beginner and that will not help that much to lift FlyAir up. Said Sulli Does that mean you are willing to marry that guy? asked Robbie I yes I am willing to marry him, not because of the contract, But

because because I love him. I still love him. Said Sulli And he does he love you? asked Robbie Yes. Yes he does. And I was stupid to have left 3 years ago, Robbie. I should've stayed and fought a bit more. If I did I would have saved each other unnecessary pain. All these 3 years was wasted, and I don't want to waste anymore time. I want to be with him always. Robbie touched Sulli's face with his shaking hand And that means I don't stand a chance anymore? said Robbie I am sorry I don't want you to kepp on waiting when my heart already belongs to someone else. Robbie wanted to just burst like a bubble and disappear. How can he ever live knowing that the only thing that makes him really happy is not his? -------Minho went to see Uncle Sam and Gene at home. Uncle sam looked carefully at Minho. Ahh he looks better than he did all these 3 years He's now smiling up to his eyes. The aura is different and he can only guess why. I came here to say things that I should have said 3 years ago said Minho I wanted to ask your permission if I can marry your niece your daughter I want to marry Sulli not just to honor the contract but because I want to. Because I love her. Said Minho Gene is almost crying. And Samuel is already starting to thank God I always knew that it's just a matter of time And I am happy to hear this. said Gene I am gladly giving my blessing. I always wondered what will happen if Sulli did not leave 3 years ago. What I saw in your eyes when you were desperately asking to know where Sulli went, I already know then how much you feel for Sulli. Said Uncle Sam But I know Sulli's heart will be stubborn and will not listen if we don't give her time. Now I thinkit's the right time. If Sulli will agree, I will be your number 1 supporter. Minho felt like the sun is already rising in his heart. This is a new beginning. ----Robbie decided to leave the country and go back to the US. He can't stay. He needs to move away. On his way to the gate in the airport he almost bump into a pretty looking woman. Be careful. said the woman I'm sorry. Said Robbie Your mind was elsewhere. If you are heartbroken, try to man up. The last time I left Korea I was also heartbroken, I broke up with my boyfriend of 8 years. I though t I couldn't live after that. I thought it was the end. But when I got to the US and met the man I am marrying 2

days from now, I realized that life is just starting. So you too, when you leave, think that life is just starting. Said the woman and left him. That is one weird woman. And what a weird thing to say to a person you just bumped into. But what she said makes sense. He saw the name tag. Di Song What an odd looking name for an odd woman. ----That afternoon Sulli received a up for dinner. It had only been together when she thought Minho wanted to see Minho, she didn't message from Minho that he will pick her 3 days since they last had dinner and Di had a date. Though she really know what the right thing to do is.

So Sulli tried to wear her best dress. And though she could not do much about her hair anymore, she tried to still put some make up on. You look very beautiful said minho when he saw sulli go out of her house. Um..thank you said Sulli shyly Umm Let's go? The places they are passing by are familiar. Where did she see these before? It took an hour drive before Minho slowed down his driving which signaled that hey are near. When Minho stopped, that's when Sulli remembered. The Villa The Beautiful Villa. Minho helped Sulli out the car and led her to the Villa. When inside, Sulli saw that a table is set for a candle light dinner. Wow Sulli said This is beautiful I'm glad you liked it. Said Minho smiling You, prepared all these? asked Sulli I did, but I got help Said Minho Sulli is feeling giddy inside. This is a very beautiful arrangement and more than any day in her life, she feels like a real woman. Minho helped Sulli to sit and they had their steak dinner. Everything was beautiful and Sulli will forever remember this moment. After that, they went to the field and sat on the grass looking at the stars. It's beautiful. It's like they can just be reached but in reality they are so far away said Sulli

Yeah..I used to look at the stars wishing you would see them too. said Minho Really? Ummm I was in the US, the stars would have been gone here when I get to see them. Said Sulli laughing You think that's funny? asked Minho No. I think it's sweet. Said Sulli Minho felt his warm in his heart. Why did you prepare a dinner here, Oppa? There are many nearby restaurants from home. asked Sulli You didn't like it? asked Minho Of course I loved it! I really really really love it. But you had to go to this trouble said Sulli I like doing this for you. The farther we go, the more time we spend time with each other right? said Minho Sulli feels her heart beating faster for the thousandth time since she met Minho. I just remembered the last time we were here And I felt that I wanted to bring you here again. Said Minho The house is really beautiful. said Sulli I never went here the past 3 years. This used to be my sanctuary, my escape from the world. But when you left, every time I came here. I remember you. Said Minho Sulli's heart is breaking. Minho touched Sulli's hand. Because this is the place where I finally realized I had been in love with you. said Minho And this is the place I want to tell you how much I love you still and nothing has changed, if not more and more every day. Sulli's eyes is tearing up with the joy she is feeling in her heart. And I want to be with you every day. I want a future with you. I want to give you everything you want and will ever wish for, I want to make you happy and I want to love you with every breath I'd take said Minho Sulli can't stop the tears anymore Minho took a ring out. The ring he was keeping in his drawer. I have been keeping this for 3 years I was suppose to give this to you before you left. And I am glad that I have this chance to still give it to you. Said Minho Sulli I love you so so..much My heart is going to burst of everything that I feel inside. But if you will give me the honor of marrying you marrying you for the true esssense f it that will make me the happiest man on earth on the universe! I know I've hurt you so much in the past. And I know there are a lot of work to do for FlyAir. But we'll do it together. I will help you lift FlyAir up. If I

need to teach your heart to love me again, I will be patient. I will wait, but I swear I would make you fall in love with me again- Sulli stopped Minho's speech by a kiss. She kissed Minho gently until they were both breathless. Minho's mind just went blank Yes Oppa Yes, I love you too And I'll marry you! said Sulli Minho reached Sulli for a tight embrace. He has never felt this happy before!!! He can feel his heart beating fast with joy.Hi seyes is far from dry. I promise you won't regret this. Said Minho showering Sulli's face with tiny kisses. Be sure to keeop that promise, Honey. Said Sulli Minho is stunned by what he heard Say that again.. Oppa No. Just one more time please? said Minho No, I said it already. Stop, once is enough. Minho kept asking Sulli to repeat But Sulli just laughed her heart out. -----Sulli went to Minho's parent's house without Minho knowing. She went there bringing fruits. She wants to talk with her in-laws to be and settle all the issues of the past. When Andrew and his wife heard Sulli is there to visit, they immediately went to see her sitting by the living room. I'm glad you came here. said Andrew Yes Uncle. I'm happy to see you both again. Said Sulli I heard you chose SkyRock over Atlas. I assure you that you made the right decision. Said Andrew Yes Uncle, I am very confident of my decision. Answered Sulli Sulli noticed Auntie just silent on the side. I decided to take the SkyRock proposal not only because I know FlyAir has a greater chance to succeed because of SkyRock But because I am in love with your Son. Said Sulli Auntie's eyes got wide I left 3 years ago thinking that whatever I do, I will never make him fall in love with me I thought the best thing to do was to give up. But that was my biggest mistake. I should have fought a bit more. Said Sulli I will never make the same mistake anymore. I am in love with your Son. And I am going to marry him.

Auntie's tears started falling and she hid her face in Andrew's arms. Even Andrew felt his eyes burning. That's good to hear I'm happy to hear that Sulli. Said Andrew. Auntie stood up and went beside Sulli My husband even had t beg your Uncle to send you back here 2 years ago, do you know? That's how much we saw our Minho needs you. And he still does. He will be happy with this but can you promise can you promise to stay by his side from now on? That's my only wish. Said Auntie Yes, Auntie. I won't run away anymore. Said Sulli Auntie Hugged Sulli and Andrew turned around to hide his tears. -------After 5months Luis is a happy man peace is all around him. He got promoted to manager upon Carl's resignation and now, Sulli is taking care of FlyAir. The responsibility is bigger, but he had long been targeting this position and he is really happy. Carl resigned from SkyRock and Minho accepted it. Minho knows he can't hold back Carl anymore. Carl was able to use the 3 years experience he had with SkyRock to get the job he is doing now. He had been targeting this company since he graduated and now he even go tin as a senior manager. It was never a wasted time. Belle went to the US to attend Di's wedding and there found her match. Who would've thought that her match is on the other side of the world? And it's none other than Di's Brother in law! Uncle Sam became very health conscious. He exercises regularly and tried to influence Gene to also join him. Gene opened a small noodle house and she's enjoying it. The two of them really got close all this time. Last thing Sullli heard about Robbie is that he's touring the world. Sulli is happy that Robbie is enjoying himself. The past five months had been hectic. Sulli is trying to reach the targets of FlyAir and she also is preparing for the wedding. There are times when she would feel burnout, but then Minho will check on her at Home late at night to bring her midnight snacks. Sometimes, he would go to her house early in the morning to bring breakfast. She has never felt more loved. Minho's perfectionist character in the office softened a little since the time he got engaged to Sulli, Everyone noticed the change and wanted to give Sulli a medal. He can't get enough of Sulli. When the day is too busy and they can't go on lunch or dinner together, he has to call her or go to her house to see her. He just can't wait to marry her and go home to her every day. -----Gene can't help her tears Sulli is so beautiful in her wedding dress.

Mom Stop crying Or I'll start crying too. Said Sulli Gene hugged Sulli. You can't cry, your make up will smudge. Don't mind me. I `m just a happy Mother. Said Gene Uncle Sam is excitedly waiting for Sulli. He will be walking Sulli down the aisle together with Gene. He is a very happy Uncle. When Sulli went out of the room Uncle Samuel almost forgot to breathe. You are so beautiful, Sulli. Said Uncle Sam. Sulli hugged Uncle Sam Thank you Uncle for everything. For always thinking of my happiness. said Sulli That's because your happiness is my happiness. said Uncle Sam Minho is excited and nervous at the same time. This is the moment he has been waiting for. He wants to pull the minutes, the seconds to finally have Sulli in his arms. When the door opened, Minho felt a moment frozen in eternity by the beauty of his bride. Sulli. My beautiful Sulli. While Sulli is walking down the aisle Minho can't stop remembering everything that happened between the 2 of them as tears started to flow from his eyes. All this time after all this time, this woman will finally be with him forever. Sulli is holding back her tears. But her heart is overflowing with Joy. At the end of the aisle, she can see Minho waiting for her and she is sure she made the right decision to trust him again. She saw Belle clapping her hands. She also saw Luis team, Auntie Ann was there and Minho's parents too. Luna and Victoria were also clapping their hands. Carl is standing beside Minho with Gene and Uncle Sam beside her, Sulli felt like in heaven. Minho The man I love Sulli remembered the first time her heart skipped a beat the first time she saw Minho's smile in the elevator. That was the smile that made her fall in love with him. She remembered when Minho fetched her at the school and brought her to SkyRock. She remembered the shock it brought her to know that she has to work for Minho. She remembered how Minho got mad at her at work but took care of her when she stayed late in the office. She remembered when Minho kidnapped her and brought her to the villa for the first time. She remembered when he took care of her when she had the nightmare and how warm it felt to be in his arms.

She remembered when he kissed her outside the caf. She remembered that moment in the hospital when she woke up to find Minho sleeping beside her. She remembered When Minho stayed by her side that night that her heart was breaking for Robbie. And she remembered the way Minho confessed his love for her in that fire exit. She remembered their dinner together in the villa and Minho proposed. Her heart is filled with love for this man she is going to marry. When Sulli reached Minho, Uncle Sam gave Sulli's hand to Minho I will not trust this hand to any other man. Said Uncle smiling Minho had to dry his tears Thank you. Minho held Sulli's hand and looked at Sulli with all the love he has in his heart. You're holding your tears back Just let it go Every woman has the right to cry in front of a man, you know. Said Minho smiling And Sulli gave up her control. She let her tears fall at the memory of how it all started. Sulli cannot ask for more. She's marrying the man she loves. She has all her friends and family with her. FlyAir is going to fly soon. And Minho will be there all the way. She is excited at the life ahead. She knows there will be challenges, but she's sure they'll be able get through everything. Because she's sure of how she feels. And she's secured of Minho's love for her. As long as Minho is beside her, everything will turn out well Everything SPECIAL CHAPTER Sulli is not feeling well. She has not had appetite the past few days. Now she even needs to visit her mother in law. It's been 2 years she got married to the man of her dreams but it wasn't easy. It was a constant firefighting of issues that happens in FlyAir and the continuous battle to make sure it will meet the commitments it has with SkyRock. Though Minho was always beside her advising her what to do and not to do, she is pretty much independent in her work and decisions. Uncle Sam is still the CEO, but the management is 70% done by Sulli. These days, Sulli feels really tired. They are close to reaching the target that they committed to SkyRock. And they are very much advance than the schedule. But that's what she really wants. She wants FlyAir to be independent and out of the commitment soon just so she's not always this stressed. You look really pale. Said Mother In law Hmm I'm just a bit tired these days, Mom. FlyAir We're almost done with our commitment with SkyRock. Said Sulli while chopping some onions

Is Minho pushing you too hard to meet the commitment? asked Mother in law No, Mom. He actually told me to take my time and not to put too much pressure on myself but I really want Uncle to retire already. Uncle said he'll not retire until all commitments of FlyAir to SkyRock is done. He'll be ashamed if we won't make it. Said Sulli Your Uncle is stubborn. Your Dad Andrew also told him to take it easy. Said Mother in law frustrated Mother in law is teaching Sulli to make some dishes. Sulli is not used to home making when she got married and she has committed to meet with her mother in law twice a month to learn something from her about home making. After 2 years of married life, she has learned a lot already. But you know how Uncle is. Minho made SkyRock's commitment to us in just 2 years instead of 3. We just want to make sure that Minho and Dad's name is protected from the shareholders of SkyRock. We want to show them that Minho's decision to help us was right. Said Sulli Mother in law patted Sulli's back But don't over-do it. If you get sick everyone of us will surely worry. Sulli's heart is warmed by her mother in law's words. After the wedding, she can still feel coldness form her. But after meeting her every other week for a few months, she has completely warmed up to her. She really feels her as her second mother. You really look pale today, why don't you take the rest of the day on leave? Are you planning to go back to the office after this? You should just rest. Said Mother in law Thank you Mom. I will try and get a leave later today. You are right, I feel like I'm getting a cold. ------After the cooking lesson from her Mother in law, Sulli went to SkyRock to give Minho some of the dishes they cooked. She still feels sick. But Minho is in a meeting and so she went to Luis' team first. Luis invited her for coffee and quick chat. Are you on a diet? You look thinner than usual? asked Luis No I don't I think I need to go on a diet when there are so many things to do in the office. Stress makes me thinner. Said Sulli And you look not so good, you should probably go home. Said Luis No I'll just feel weak inside the house, besides, I wanted my husband to taste the new dish I learned from his Mom. Said Sulli Ahhh you really make a single man like me envious. Said Luis frustrated So how was the woman I set up with you? I heard you went out twice already? said Sulli Sulli set up a blind date for Luis and her college professor. The two of them seemed to have a liking for each other and even went out for the

second time. She's very interesting. But it wasn't twice. Said Luis You did not go out twice? asked Sulli We went out for more than 5 times now. Said Luis That made Sulli laugh You must really like her, you pretentious man! said Sulli Luis had to chuckle I am not like your husband who took 3 months to realize his feelings and took years to confess. I admit that I like her all right? said Luis What do you like about her? asked Sulli What do you like about Minho? asked Luis Hmm I love him so much that I can't live without him. Said Sulli I asked what do you like about him, not how much do you love him said Luis It's hard to talk to a wife who's acting like a newly-wed when it's already been 2 years since the wedding. Sulli laughed hard. Luis saw Minho coming. I leave you on your husband's care. Luis stood up and gave his goodbyes to Sulli and Minho -----Sulli and Minho ate lunch together with the food Sulli brought. Mom called me up earlier telling me you look pale. Said Minho Minho touched Sulli's forehead. You seems to be a bit hot. You've been really pale lately. I'll take you home after eating. Said Minho No I'm ok. You have a lot of meetings later. I can manage. Said Sulli You always say that. You know that I don't trust that anymore. Said Minho Minho called his secretary to tell her he'll be late for the next meeting. You didn't have to- Sulli stopped what she was about to say when Minho suddenly kissed her lips. It was a very quick kiss but that stopped Sulli to think for a second. I'm going to take you home, wife. And the husband will have it no other way. Said Minho -----

Minho carried Sulli to the bed. I have legs you know, my dear husband? said Sulli I am afraid that you'll escape and just go to the kitchen or something. Said Minho When Sulli is already lying in bed Minho sat beside her. I'll just call FlyAir to tell your secretary that you'll be out. Said Minho I already did. said Sulli. Sulli noticed that Minho's eyebrow is slightly raised. That means he does not believe her. Your Mom supervised the call. She made sure I called to say I would take a day off. Said Sulli Good. My Mom really knows what I would have done if I was there. Said Minho Seeing Sulli so pale like this is making Minho worried. I think I need to call my secretary to tell her I also need to take the afternoon off. I'd rather stay here than going to all my meetings worried about you. Said Minho No go I don't want your secretary to have a hard time rescheduling all your meetings. Said Sulli Minho feels really bad. He has several urgent meetings this afternoon and Sulli has a point that rescheduling them will be beyond impossible. But he wants to take care of his wife and he will surely think of her during the meetings. Minho took his phone and made a call. Hello, Mom Gene, Yes this is Minho. I'm sorry to ask this I know you are busy with the noodle house, But can I ask your help please to visit Sulli at home? She's not feeling well. Said Minho Sulli touched Minho's hand. She knows Minho hates it when he has to burden someone else. Minho closed his hand on Sulli's Thank you, Mom. I'll wait for you before going to my meeting. Said Minho ------Gene is troubled over Sulli's health. Why is she so weak recently? And she also does not have appetite for almost everything that she eats. You should probably go to a Doctor. The stress in the office might be too much. Said Gene Should I? Hmm Even if I go to a doctor, the stress will still be the same, Mom. Said Sulli Hmm..You're right but It's better than not trying to improve your health. C'mon, let see the doctor. Gene had to pull Sulli from bed just to convince her to get a check-up. -----

When Sulli was waiting for the doctor, the nurse is checking her temperature, vital signs and asked some questions. You have a slight fever. But your blood pressure is normal. When did you last had your period? asked the nurse That had Sulli think for a while When was it Hmm It seems she did not get her period last month and even the month before? Is your period regular. Said the nurse It used to be but it seems I did not get my period last month possibly the month before too. Said Sulli Gene's eyes got wide. Could it be asked Gene Let's wait for the doctor, but since you normally have regular period and you've not had any the past months, it can be that you're pregnant. Of course a test has to be done. But you do have a partner or husband right? asked the nurse Umm..yes I am married. Sulli's heart started beating fast could it be Can she really be pregnant! Mom What does a pregnant woman normally feel? What did you feel when you were pregnant with me? asked Sulli worried I..hmm I think I lost my appetite..and I felt sick for a few weeks . oh no You might be pregnant! said Gene Sulli had to hold on her chair tightly. -----Gene secretly called Minho to the hospital. She knows Sulli won't call Minho and so she wants to call him. This should be a moment for the couple and if Sulli is pregnant, Gene doesn't want Minho to miss the moment. Minho arrived in the hospital worried. When he saw Gene he immediately went to her. Mom, what happened? said Minho Go inside, Sulli went for a test and the result is going to be interpreted by the doctor. Minho immediately went inside the doctor's room surprising Sulli. Oh, why are you here? asked Sulli Who is he? asked the doctor He's my husband said Sulli Minho took a seat beside Sulli That's good that he's here. said the doctor. Because I have good news for you. Mino noticed Sulli's hand trembling and so he touched it. Why is she this nervous? What kind of test did she take? Is his wife really sick?

Congratulations. You will be parents soon. Said the doctor Sulli's mind went blank, her eyes as wide as it can be. Minho had to ask again What did you say, Doc? asked Minho Your wife is pregnant. She's 1 month and 3 weeks pregnant. said the Doctor Minho shouted on top of his lungs Dad? I am going to be a Dad?! Sulli's mind went back. She saw how happy Mino is, his smile can be framed. He's laughing uncontrollably. And Sulli's heart is filled with joy. All her worries seemed to have gone away. Minho hugged Sulli tight making the Doctor blush. We're going to be parents. I'm going to be a Dad and you're going to be a Mom! Minho planted a kiss on Sulli's lips making the doctor turn red. Thank you Doc Minho happily shaked the Doctor's hands. When they got out of the room, Minho hugged Gene Mom! I'm going to be a Dad, a Dad!!! said Minho Gene is happy. She is really happy. She's going to be a Grandma! Sulli is happy, but she's also worried what will she do? What's going to happen now? -----Minho is overreacting. Ever since he learned that Sulli's pregnant, he would help her out of the car as if her stomach is already 9 months big. He would assist her in climbing the stairs. He would dry the floor of the bathroom before he would allow her to go in even if she urgently needs to go to the toilet already. Minho is the happiest man on earth. Even when he went out for lunch with Carl and Belle, he can't help but laugh. I know you're happy, but you are starting to look like a crazy person. Stop that. Said Belle I just can't help it. I mean I am just so happy. Said Minho But how is Sulli? She still feels weak, but she is already on vitamins. Said Minho I mean is she also happy? asked Carl How can she be not happy?! asked Minho a bit loudly Hey, I didn't mean she's not happy, I just mean she might be worried. Said Carl What do you mean? asked Minho Minho can be shallow sometimes.

Minho, what Carl means is that Sulli might be worried about her pregnancy, her work and all the other things in life. The pregnancy wasn't planned right? said Belle Minho had to stop and think That's right, we planned to only have a child next year after FlyAir meets all the targets But the blessing came earlier than expected. Said Minho I'm sure she's worried. Said Belle You have to talk to her, Man. Set her mind at ease. Said Carl By the way, I hope Sulli gets better soon. I want her to be there on my wedding. Said Carl We'll be there as long as she's feeling better. Sulli's excited for you. said Minho When are you leaving, Belle? asked Carl For the US? Next week. It's hard to prepare for the wedding when we're apart like this. said Belle I can't believe you're both going to get married this year. On the year I'm going to be a Dad. Said Minho who starting to laugh again Carl and Belle had to shake their heads. ----Minho saw Sulli writing something on a paper when he arrived. He intentionally tried to be really silent when he came in. When Sulli sighed, he stopped. Carl is right She's worried. Minho ate dinner quietly with Sulli. There is definitely something wrong. She normally tries to talk during dinner no matter how tired she is. Shen Sulli laid in bed, Minho felt that he really needs to talk to Sulli already. He needs to know what's bothering her. Is it FlyAir? asked Minho Huh? asked Sulli Are you worried about FlyAir now that you're pregnant? asked Minho Sulli knew she can't hide anything from Minho. She tried to sit up. In a few months, FlyAir will meet the target. After that, the plan is that I can already ask Uncle to retire. Then I can take over the CEO role But that's going to be a difficult plan to carry out now. Said Sulli Sulli immediately hugged Minho I am sincerely happy that we're going to be parents. When I saw how happy you were, all the worries seemed to have dissolved, but but then

when we got home, I can't stop thinking. Said Sulli Women CEOs normally get to that position when they no longer have to think of maternity leaves. But you have a lot of weight on your shoulders at such a young age. Said Minho. Minho can only hug Sulli back Did you already talk this with your Uncle? asked Minho No I don't have a back-up plan so I can't talk to him yet. Said Sulli If I only own SkyRock on my own, I would have suggested a merger already so that I can take over operations for both, so that you don't have to worry about all these. But that's not going to happen in the next 8 months. said Minho I can ask Uncle to stay for a bit more until I return from giving birth. I know he'll do that without question. Said Sulli But that's 8 months for him to stay working instead of retiring 3 months from now. On the month that you'll be giving birth, I will support your Uncle to the best of my ability in your absence. said Minho Thank you I know FlyAir is no longer your problem but we still impose on you. Said Sulli Stop saying that, FlyAir is a business partner besides, whatever is bothering you, bothers me. Said Minho Sulli kissed Minho's cheek Really? So are you also worried how I will look like when I get fatter because of my pregnancy? asked Sulli You worry about that? asked Minho Yes I will get fatter, right? What if you don't like me anymore? asked Sulli That's not gonna happen. Said Minho You're just saying that because I'm not yet fat. Said Sulli I will really like it if you'll gain more weight. You've lost so much the past months. I really like it when you're soft to hug. Said Minho That made Sulli blush You have to promise me that you won't change all right? said Sulli Of course. Promise. Said Minho Sulli held Minho's hand The last thing on my list of worries is me being a Mom I just feel that I might not end up being a good Mom. Said Sulli I don't even know how to hold a baby. I don't know what to do. Said Sulli I also worry about being a Dad said Minho

Sulli's eyes got wider. Minho is worried? It doesn't show at all. He's been too happy since he learned she's pregnant. There was no sign of worry at all. You laugh out with happiness every time my pregnancy is brought up. Said Sulli That's because I am happy. But on times when I am alone, I would worry I know how to make a company successful. I know how to sell contracts but being a Dad is something that I don't know anything about. admitted Minho But we're not alone right? We have the older people around us to counsel us and guide us. My Dad and Mom is there, Mom Gene and Uncle Sam is there. And there's no better way to learn becoming parents except by being one, right? said Minho You really are a person of wisdom. You're always so composed. You always have things already thought of. That's why I really like you. said Sulli Just like? asked Minho Love. I love you. Said Sulli Prove it. Said Minho Sulli can only laugh while blushing. Isn't the baby enough proof? asked Sulli -----Uncle Sam could not contain his excitement. I can still be the CEO for years and years, you know. As long as you make lots and lots of babies. Said Sam happily I am not a baby factory, Uncle said Sulli I know, but I don't want to take away you're right to have a good family because of FlyAir you know that it already robbed me of time to build my own family, right? I don't want you to feel the same way. Said Uncle Sam Besides, Minho deserves a dedicated wife and mother to his children. He had been an awfully dedicated and understanding husband. Even if you're always busy, he still doesn't complain. I feel bad for him sometimes. I feel bad too, Uncle. I should probably take more time off the next few months. Said Sulli -----When Sulli got home she was surprised to see Luna and Victoria. Luna has been married for quite a while and already has 2 children. Victoria just got married a few months ago. When your husband called me up earlier today, I felt so disappointed with my husband. Your husband cares for you so much. Said Luna

He worries a lot. Said Sulli He called us up telling us that you need some cheering up. I wish my husband would do that to me too once I feel really sad. Said Victoria You shouldn't worry too much, Sulli. I didn't know I can be a good Mom too, but when the baby came, I had to prepare myself mentally and emotionally, even when the baby was already out, I still don't know a lot of things. Said Luna I don't think you can ever be fully ready. My sister delivered her first baby last month right? And she's still continuously learning. Said Victoria And as the baby grows up, you will never stop learning. Parenting is continuous learning. There is no way you can be completely prepared. So no need to get too worried. Said Luna Can I really do this? said Sulli My husband was always busy taking care of his business but we still made it through. Your husband loves you so much and spends every time he has off work to think of you, so you should get confidence in that. said Victoria ---That weekend Minho woke Sulli up really early. C'mon, my wife. You need to get up now, I need to bring you somewhere. Said Minho Where? asked Sulli still sleepy Just somewhere. So c'mon, stand up, or I'll have to carry you to the bathroom. Said Minho Sulli stood up reluctantly and went to the bathroom. After that, they had a quick breakfast. They went to the car and Minho started driving. Where are we going? asked Sulli You brought a lot of food. When did you order all those? I ordered last night to have it delivered this morning. said Minho This is a lot, we can't finish these by ourselves. Said Sulli That's Ok, just sit back and relax. Because I don't think you'll be able to relax later. Said Minho Sulli is a bit nervous, what can this husband of hers be thinking of doing? --Sulli fell asleep while Minho was driving, when she woke up she saw Minho talking with an Ajumma by the door of a house. She got out of the car. Oh, Miss Helen, this is my wife, Sulli. Introduced Minho Hi Miss Sulli nice meeting you finally. Said Miss Helen

Hi, nice meeting you too Miss Helen said Sulli smiling Where are we? asked Sulli You're here in the Angel's Orphanage. Said Miss Helen Oh really Sulli is surprised. What can they be doing in an orphanage. Mr. Minho frequently visits this place when he was still studying. He sometimes still went here when he started working. But it's been a long time since I last saw him. I am surprised that he is here for a visit. And now with his wife! Time flies! said Miss Helen Sulli is surprised at this side of her husband. Though they've been married for 2 years, she still has a lot to know about the man she promised to be with forever. C'mon, let's go inside. Said Miss Helen Oh, first we need to get the food out of the car. Said Minho Sulli and Minho brought the food inside. It was a simple home with a few rooms. You would notice that the home is a bit old through the faded paint and some damaged ceiling and walls, but it's still intact and in a livable condition. They were led to a room where there were a lot of kids. Sulli is surprised to see kids of different ages. A small kid around 2 years old immediately hugged Sulli's legs. Sulli immediately placed the food on a table and picked up the kid and carried him. How adorable said Sulli. Sulli looked at Minho and saw that the older kids immediately went to her husband. Minho is then carrying a football soccer ball and everyone is excited. The bright smile on each kid's eye struck Sulli's heart. The excitement in their eyes and the way they welcomed them so warmly makes her feel that these kids do not normally get visitors. It's a joyful and heartbreaking moment. They all went out to the garden where Minho started teaching the bigger kids how to play football, while Sulli is with Miss Helen taking care of the smaller kids. They are so many, how can you take care of them by yourself, Miss Helen? asked Sulli Sometimes volunteers would come and I get a bit of rest like now. Answered Miss Helen You are a kind hearted woman. Said Sulli It's more of, if I see a child who doesn't have a house to go home to, I just feel so sorry and lonely for the child and I won't be able to bear it. Said Miss Helen That is so selfless Sulli said. Looking at Miss Helen, she is natural when it comes to kids. When someone gets a bruise, she will immediately clean it. Later that day, a small kid started crying. Miss Helen immediately

comforted the kid. Do you want to try? asked Miss Helen Me? I am not good with kids. Said Sulli It's ok kids they just need warmth from other people's hearts. You don't need skills to do that. Come here. Just try. Said Miss Helen Sulli moved closer to the kid slowly and then touched the kids hand What's the matter young lady? Why are crying? The 4 year old kid looked at Sulli I want to play football too but they won't let me said the kid Sulli looked at Minho perspiring and happily playing with the kids. Something is stuck in her throat and she knows she'll cry at any moment Her husband looks like a Dad playing with his kids. Sulli knows why the crying kid can't play with the bigger kids yet, it'll be dangerous if somebody falls on her. Hmm Do you know a more exciting game for girls? Something that only girls can play and something that is really really enjoyable? asked Sulli What is it? asked the kid Paperdolls! We can make dolls and we can create lots and lots of clothes! We can even make a house! I've never had a doll. Said the kid Do you want to make one? asked Sulli yes! said the kid now smiling Sulli went to get some scissors and papers and started to cut a doll out of the cartons. She started to create clothes from the paper according to what the kid wants the doll to wear. Do you want a longer dress? asked Sulli Yes, I want a very long dress for her. Said the kid excitedly -----Later that day, everyone enjoyed the food that Minho and Sulli brought. It was an enjoyable day. Sulli got to create 4 dolls for four different girls and created tons for clothes for each of their dolls. Minho perspired a lot and Sulli helped him change. After lunch, it's time to say goodbye. Sulli felt a deep sense of loneliness upon leaving. She could also see the kids getting sad. I wish we could've stayed a bit more. said Sulli when they were already in the car

I was afraid you'll get too tired. You still feel a bit weak right? said Minho Minho is right. She does feel a bit weak. But her heart goes to the children. I know what you feel. I feel the same way no matter how many times I've already visited the place. The kids It's hard to leave them said Minho Sulli had to sigh. She never liked kids but somehow today it felt really different being around those children. When they wanted to play with you, when they want you to talk to them, when they just want to cuddle beside you, she can't help but want to care for them and stay with them. You don't have to worry about being a good Mom, my wife. Said Minho Sulli was caught by surprise. When I saw you with the kids earlier I thought `ahh she'll definitely be a good mother.' Said Minho You were natural with the kids. They liked you and you were really warm to them I wish I could've recorded everything. Continued Minho Sulli felt really warm on her chest. Tears are starting to well up in her eyes. Did she really look like a good Mom? Did Minho really see the same thing she saw about him earlier? I actually thought you're going to be a good Dad. Said Sulli You really looked like a Dad playing with his kids I felt really happy seeing you like that. Minho stopped the car on the side of the road. Sulli got a bit surprised, but when she looked closer, she saw Minho trying to hold back his tears. 'Can we really do this?' I kept asking that question a hundred times. I was thinking of it ever since I learned you're pregnant. Can I really be a good Dad and Husband at the same time? Can I really take care of you both? Ahhh But I can't show any uncertainty to anyone right? I need to be strong. Said Minho Sulli felt really guilty. She didn't know how worried Minho was the past weeks. He's been doing everything to cheer her up. But she did nothing to cheer him up. But now I just feel happy really happy said Minho Sulli touched Minho's hand We can do this. Because we're together. If there's anything You can't do, I'll try to do it. If there's anything I can't you'll be there, right? We will work on this together. Just like how we always do. Just like what we did with SkyRock and FlyAir. Said Sulli Minho had to smile at that. ------

Two months later, Sulli learned that FlyAir was already able to deliver the entire commitment to SkyRock. They celebrated this with a major event which was highly publicized. Sulli never felt happier, she delivered a healthy baby boy after nine months of pregnancy. Minho is a proud father and has never loved his wife more. He's excited to teach his son football and other sports, but that has to wait for when he can already run. Sulli made a promise that day on her wedding, to stay by Minho's side in sickness and in health till death do they part. That includes worries and day to day struggles. Life is never perfect, but in those times of imperfection, as long as they are together, everything will pass with flying colors. And this is something that she will pass on to her child as he grows up. She will make sure that the child will grow up knowing that love is the foundation of their family and that they can go through anything together.


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