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Celtic Tree Lore

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MainMembersBook of ShadowsHerbalAdviceWritingsBook RecommendationsLinksMy TW3 IntroBirchRowanAshAlderWillowHawthornOakHollyHazelVineIvyReedElderFurzeHeatherPoplarYewFirMistletoe


The moon is perhaps humankind's oldest form of marking time. According to some scholars, the Celts used a Lunar Calendar that consisted of 13 months, each 28 days in length. Each month of the Celtic Lunar calendar bears the name of a tree, which also stands for one of the consonants in the Celtic 'tree alphabet'. There are basically two different versions of this Lunar calendar: the Beth-Luis-Nion (which begins on the Winter Solstice) and the Beth-Luis-Fearn (which begins on Samhain). I work with the Beth-Luis-Nion simply because it seems to work the best for my style of Witchcraft.

Beth-Luis-Nion version of The Celtic Tree calendar

B - Beth, the Birch Month (December 24th - January 20th) L - Luis, the Rowan Month (January 21st - February 17th) N - Nion, the Ash month (February 18th - March 17th) F - Fearn, the Alder Month (March 18th - April 14th) S - Saille, the Willow Month (April 15th - May 12th) H - Huath, the Hawthorn Month (May 13th - June 9th) D - Duir, the Oak Month (Jun 10th - July 7th) T - Tinne, the Holly Month (July 8th - August 4th) C - Coll, the Hazel Month (August 5th - September 1st) M - Muin, the Vine Month (September 2nd - September 29th) G - Gort, the Ivy Month (September 30th - October 27th Ng - Ngetal, the Reed Month (October 28th - November 24th) R - Ruis, the Elder Month (November 25th - December 23rd)

The five vowels I, A, O, U, and E have corresponding tree names to the nights of the solstices and equinoxes:

I - Idho, the Night of the Yew, Winter Solstice Eve A - Ailm, the Night of the Silver Fir, Winter Solstice * - Herb too sacred to have a Celtic name, the Night of Mistletoe, Day after Winter Solstice O - Onn, the Night of the Gorse Bush, Spring Equinox U - Ura, the Night of the Heather, Summer Solstice E - Eadha, the Night of the White Poplar, Alban Elfed or Autumnal Equinox

Trees (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:29:01 AM]

Celtic Tree Lore

Birch, 1st Moon of the Celtic Year - (Dec 24 - Jan 21) Rowan, 2nd Moon of the Celtic Year - (Jan 22 - Feb 18) Ash, 3rd Moon of the Celtic Year - (Feb 18 - March 17) Alder, 4th Moon of the Celtic Year - (March 18 - April 14) Willow, 5th Moon of the Celtic Year - (April 15 - May 12) Hawthorn, 6th Moon of the Celtic Year - (May 13 - June 9) Oak, 7th Moon of the Celtic Year - (June 10 - July 7) Holly, 8th Moon of the Celtic Year - (July 8 - Aug 4) Hazel, 9th Moon of the Celtic Year - (Aug 5 - Sept 1) Vine, 10th Moon of the Celtic Year - (Sept 2 - Sept 29) Ivy, 11th Moon of the Celtic Year - (Sept 30 - Oct 27) Reed, 12th Moon of the Celtic Year - (Oct 28 - Nov 24) Elder, 13th Moon of the Celtic Year - (Nov 25 - Dec 23) Furze, Tree of the Spring Equinox (Aprox. March 20) Heather, Tree of the Summer Solstice (Aprox. June 20) Poplar, Tree of the Fall Equinox - (Aprox. September 22) Yew, Tree of the day before the Winter Solstice (Aprox. December 21) Fir, Tree of the day of the Winter Solstice Mistletoe, Tree of the day after the Winter Solstice (Aprox. December 23)


Year of Moons, Season of Trees by Pattalee Glass-Koentop Tree Medicine Tree Magic by Ellen Evert Hopman A Druid's Herbal by Ellen Evert Hopman Celtic Astrology by Helena Paterson Glamoury - Magic of the Celtic Green World by Steve Blamires The Book of Druidry by Ross Nichols

Document Copyright 1999-2006 by Sarah Nunn (Sarah the SwampWitch). This document can be re-published and shared only as long as no information is lost or changed, credit is given to the author, and it is provided or used without cost to others. Other uses of this document must be approved in writing by Sarah Nunn. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Birch (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:29:01 AM]

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Welcome to the herbal and plant lore page. Below you will find links to lots of witchy botanical information. Celtic Tree Lore Herbs Sacred to Mabon Herbs Sacred to Samhain Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:30:03 AM]

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1st Moon of the Celtic Year - (Dec 24 - Jan 21) Latin name: Yellow birch - betula alleghaniensis; black birch - betula lenta; canoe or common birch - betula papyrifea. Celtic name: Beth (pronounced: beh) Folk or Common names: Beithe, Bereza, Berke, Beth, Bouleau, Lady of the Woods, Birth, Canoe Tree, Paper Tree, Silver Birch, White Birch. "Birch" is derived from the meaning "Bright" or "Shining" in Indo-European and Sanskrit terminology. Quite possibly it came from the Anglo-Saxon term "Beorgan" meaning "to protect or shelter" Parts Used: Leaves, bark, wood, sap, branches. Herbal usage: Birch leaves can be used to make an infusion that is good for breaking up kidney or bladder stones. Birch bark is an astringent and can be used to treat non-hereditary baldness. Birch tea can be made from the inner bark and leaves and this is good for rheumatism or as a sedative to aid sleep. Birch sap can be harvested the same way maple sap is, and then boiled down into birch syrup. Magical History & Associations: The bird associated with the Month of the Birch is the pheasant. Birch's color is white, its day is Sunday and its gemstone is red chard. The Celtic symbol of Birch is the White Stag with a rack with seven tines. Birch is associated with the element of water, is a tree of the sun and the planet Venus, and its Herbal Gender is feminine. The Birch tree is sacred to the God Thor and the Goddesses Diana and Cerridwen. Birch is considered to be a Goddess tree, the symbol of summer ever-returning. The Birch is also a special tree to the Celts ("On a switch of birch was written the first Ogham inscription in Ireland, namely seven B's, as a warning to Lug son of Ethliu, to wit, 'Thy wife will be seven times carried away from you into fairyland or elsewhere, unless birch be her overseer." Robert Graves, The White Goddess) and Birch wood is one of the nine traditional firewoods to be added to the Belfire that is burned at Beltane. It is one of the three pillars of Wisdom (Oak, Yew, Birch) and often symbolizes the first level of Druid working. Birch trees often have Otherkin spirits attached to them and the "Lieschi" or "Genii of the Forest" are said to dwell in their tree tops. The Ghillie Dhu (pronounced "Gillee Doo or Yoo") are guardian tree spirits who are disguised as foliage and dislike human beings. They prefer birch trees to all others, and jealously guard them from humans. If the spirit of the Birch tree touches a head it leaves a white mark and the person turns insane. If it touches a heart, the person will die. Magickal usage: The month of Birch is a good time to do magick associated with new beginnings. Magickal work done in this moon adds strength and momentum to any new choices made. The Birch has applications in magick done for protection, creativity, exorcism, fertility, birth, healing, Forest Magic, Inner Authority/Self-Discipline, Lunar workings, love, and purification. Magickal protective uses of Birch include tying a red ribbon around the trunk of a birch to ward off the evil eye. Also, gently whapping someone with a Birch twig drives out negative energy, and Birch branches hung near a cradle will protect the newborn from psychic harm. In fact, cradles can be made from Birch wood to further protect a newborn. Many farmers plant Birch around their houses to protect against lightning. For magical (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:31:29 AM]

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parchment, gather Birch bark from a tree that has been struck by lightning (chosen by Thor) and the Birch paper will keep the writings safe. Because Birch wood has the qualities of exorcism and protection, its twigs are traditionally used to make witches' brooms. Brooms made of a mixture of Ash, Birch and Willow are said to be especially powerful in magick. Birch rods are also used in rustic rituals to drive out the spirits of the old year. Birch is also perfect to use to make a 'Goddess' wand, since Birch is the tree known as 'the Lady of the Woods' and a grove of Birch trees is an excellent place to communicate with the Goddess. Birch wood is also a good choice for making rune sets to use for divination. Be sure to harvest your branch for the rune set during the waxing moon, and make sure you ask Odin or Byarka to inspire your work. Also ask the tree if it will allow you to take a branch and be sure to leave the tree an offering of thanks when you are done. Birch trees especially appreciate gifts such as pretty stones, sea shells, flowers or herbs. (Please note: never take bark off a living Birch tree, since this will kill it.) the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Rowan (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:31:29 AM]

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2nd Moon of the Celtic Year - (Jan 22 - Feb 18) Latin name: Rowan/American Mountain Ash - sorbus americana; Rowan/European Mountain Ash sorbus aucuparia Celtic name: Luis (pronounced: loush) Folk or Common names: Mountain Ash, Ran Tree, Witchwood Tree, Quickbeam, The Witch or Witch Wand Tree, Whispering Tree, Sorb-Apple, Service Tree Parts Used: Wood, berries. Caution: do not eat the seeds Herbal usage: Rowan bark has astringent qualities and can be used as a decoction for helping cure irritable bowels. Rowan berries can be made into a juice which can be used as a laxative. The berries are also an important food for grouse, cedar waxwings, grosbeaks and other hungry birds. Magical History & Associations: The bird associated with the month of Rowan is the duck. The Druid Dhubh (Blackbird) also has an association with the Rowan tree since Blackbirds are fond of Rowan berries. Since each Rowan berry carries a minute pentagram, eating these berries is said to give the blackbird the ability to connect us with his healing song to the balancing and regenerative powers of the Otherworld and the Unconscious. The Celtic symbol of the month of Rowan is the Green Dragon. The color is red, and the gemstone is yellow chrysolite or the ruby. The Rowan is a Masculine herb that is associated with the element of fire, and is a tree of the sun and the planet Uranus. The tree is sacred to the deities of Rowan, Thor and Brighid (triple goddess of inspiration, healing and smithcraft). Rowan is also sacred to Oeagrus (father of Orpheus, who belonged to the sorb-apple cult) and to the White Goddess Aphrodite; Akka/Mader-Akka/Rauni (Finnish goddess of the harvest and of female sexuality); and the river goddess Halys/Alys/Elis (Queen of the Eleusine Islands). Irish Druids held Rowan trees sacred like Oaks and sometimes called it the 'Tree of Life'. Rowan wood is one of the nine traditional firewoods to be added to the Belfire that is burned at Beltane. In folklore the Rowan is regarded as the godmother of milk cows. When a calf is due to be named, the farmer goes to the wood before daybreak to cut a Rowan branch with a piece of copper just as the sun rises. He smacks the calf on the back with it and calls it by its name. After that he tethers it to the cowshed door, decorated with white ribbons and eggshells, and the calf stays safe and well. The Rowan is a favorite tree of the Otherkin. A Slavic tree spirit known as Musail, the forest tsar, king of the forest spirits, is associated with the Rowan tree. Rowan also has a vampiric association since it is, along with Garlic and Hawthorn, one of the most popular herbal vampire repellents. Magickal usage: The month of Rowan is a good time to do initiations, especially during Imbolc. The Rowan has applications in magick done for divination, astral work, strength, protection, initiation, healing, psychic energies, working with spirits of the dead, psychic powers, personal power, and success. Uses of Rowan in protective magick include carrying Rowan twigs on sea voyages to protect the ship from storms. A Rowan can be planted near a new house to protect it from lightning and evil influences. Walking sticks made of Rowan will protect there user from harm. A (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:31:37 AM]

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charm made of two small twigs of Rowan wood tied together to form a cross using red thread or yarn can be carried to protect against bad spirits. Its branches were used by Norsemen as runestaves upon which to carve runes of protection. The Celts believed that no witches or evil spirits could cross a door over which a branch of Rowan had been nailed. In some legends, the Rowan has also been called the whispering tree because it has secrets to tell to those who will listen. Rowans also can be planted on graves to prevent the haunting of the place by the dead. In Ireland, a Rowan stake was sometimes hammered through a corpse to immobilize the spirit. In ancient Ireland, the Druids of opposing forces would kindle a fire of Rowan and say an incantation over it to summon spirits to take part in the battle. Should you happen upon a flourishing Rowan which is most bountifully hung with cluster upon cluster of delicate red berries, then you may be sure that some saintly soul lies buried close by. Rowan is often called The Wizard Tree or The Witch Tree, partly because Rowan berries have a small pentagram at the point where they are joined to the stalk. Indeed, Rowan berries were often regarded as magickal and were the food of the Tuatha De Danaan. As attractive as Rowan is to the Fey, Rowan wood is often used in butter churns so that the butter would not be overlooked by evil Faeries. In Scotland, fires made from rowan wood were used to protect the cattle against those same type of evil fairy spirits, and it is said that 'Bewitched' horses may be controlled by a Rowan whip. Witch-wands for divining metal are often made of Rowan wood, and Rowan branches may be used to dowse for water or can be made into wands. The best time to harvest a Rowan branch for a wand or staff is at Beltane. Remember to ask the tree if it will allow you to take a branch and be sure to leave the tree an offering of thanks when you are done. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Ash (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:31:37 AM]

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3rd Moon of the Celtic Year - (Feb 18 - March 17) Latin name: White Ash - fraxinus americana; European Ash - fraxinus excelsior; Flowering Ash fraxinus ornus. Celtic name: Nion (pronounced: knee un) Folk or Common names: Ash, Common Ash, Unicorn Tree, Guardian Tree Parts Used: Leaves, wood, bark, twigs, sap, flowers Herbal usage: Ash leaves and the tender tops can be used in the spring to make a fasting tea that is a diuretic and can be used as a help for weight loss. Ash bark is known as a liver and spleen cleanser and can make the immune system stronger. The flowering Ash has sap that contains a sugary exudate called 'manna', which can be used as a laxative. Magical History & Associations: The bird associated with this month is the snipe, the color is half clear & half deep blue, and the gemstone is sea-green beryl. The Ash, a masculine herb, is associated with the element of water, the sun and Jupiter; and is sacred to Thor, Woden, Mars, Uranus and Gwydion. Ash is also sacred to Odin since the Ash is often known as the Yggdrassil (or the 'Ash Yggdrasil') amongst the Scandinavian nations. In Norse mythology, the Yggdrassil supports the Universe, has three main branches and is believed to have sprung from the beginning of time out of primordial slime and ashes. The Ash is also the tree of the sea God Poseidon, because of its watery power. Frennett (frenetic chaos), a substance used by berserkers, may have been made from Ash bark. The Ash was supposed to be serpent repellent - Pliny held that there is such an antipathy between an adder and an Ash-tree, "that if an adder be encompassed round with Ash-tree leaves, she will sooner run through the fire than through the leaves". The ceremonial Yule log is often made of Ash - this log is kindled each Yule with a piece from last years fire and allowed to smolder for 12 days before it is ceremonially put out. The Ash tree is famous, although anonymous, since it's the tree from which the Hanged Man is suspended in tarot decks Magickal usage: The Ash was one of the sacred Druidic three: 'Oak, Ash & Thorn', and the month of Ash is a good time to do magick designed to learn your inner self. The Ash has applications in magick done for sea power, ocean rituals, karmic laws, magical potency, healing, protection from drowning, love, rain making, women's mysteries, prophetic dreams, general protection, Prosperity, and health. Ash is often used for making both mundane and magical tools - it's said that tools with handles of Ash are more productive than tools with handles of other wood. Witches brooms often have the staff made from Ash, and Ash wood was used for spears and shields since it was known as a protective wood. Placing Ash berries in a cradle prevents the child from being traded for a changeling by an evil faery - and Ash talismans can be worn as protective amulets. Ash is known to keep away serpents and to protect against their bite. If there are no snakes to be found, Ash can be used instead to keep away nasty people who are bitchy, quick to criticize, impatient, or psychic vampires. Special guardian spirits reside in the Ash; This makes it excellent for absorbing sickness. The spirally carved Druidic wand was made of Ash for this healing purpose. In years gone by, weak-limbed children were passed through split ash trees which were then bound up. If the tree (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:31:45 AM]

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grew straight, the child would as well. Ash can be used in medicine pouches or can be used in magick for wart remover: the wart is stuck with a pin that has first been thrust into an Ash, while these words are said: "Ashen tree, Ashen tree, pray these warts off of me." The pins are then stuck back in the tree and left. The druids attributed special powers over water to the ash tree. They used its wood to make it rain or to ward off water's destructive power. The Ash is the tree of sea power, or of the power resident in water. Ash leaves placed under the pillow will induce prophetic dreams, and carrying an Ash leaf will attract the love of the opposite sex. The Ash is often called The Unicorn Tree, because unicorns are supposed to be fond of the tree. To catch a glimpse of a unicorn, carry Ash wood or leaves. Whenever you need to harvest a piece or part of an Ash tree, remember to ask the tree if it will allow you to take a branch or other part and be sure to leave the tree an offering of thanks when you are done. A nice offering would be a bit of mane from a unicorn (eg). the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Alder (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:31:45 AM]

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4th Moon of the Celtic Year - (March 18 - April 14) Latin name: Smooth Alder - alnus serrulata. Celtic name: Fearn (pronounced: fair un). Folk or Common names: Alder, Gummy/Gluey (European), Rugose/wrinkly (Tag), Tree of the Fairies. Parts Used: Parts Used: Branches, wood, bark, leaves. Herbal usage: Alder is in the hazelnut family and was used by Native Americans as a medicinal plant. Tea can be made from bark and is useful in treating diarrhea, coughs, toothaches and the discomfort of childbirth. A potion made from the bark can also be used externally as an eye wash or for a wash for poison ivy, swellings and sprains. Magical History & Associations: The birds associated with this month are the raven, the crow and the gull; the colors are crimson, green-brown and royal purple; the day is Saturday; and the gemstone is fire-garnet. The Alder, a Masculine herb, is associated with the element of fire, and the planet of Venus. The Alder is sacred to Bran the Blessed and Cronos (Saturn). Alder is also sacred to Faery kings and elf kings - from the word Alder comes elder (not the tree) as in 'elder' kings. The Fey of the Alder have been described as water spirits or as "Dark Faeries". They are very protective of the tree and when they leave their trees, this Faerie will take the form of a Raven. In tree Folk-lore, the Alder is known as the tree of fire - In the battle of the trees, the Alder fought in the very front line. It is described as the very "battle witch" of all woods, the tree that is hottest in the fight. Magickal usage: The month of Alder is a good time to do magick designed to celebrate the connection and tie between all women, and the mother-daughter bond. The Alder has applications in magick done for spiritual decisions, duty, prophecy, oracular strength, intelligence, mental prowess, resurrection, air magic, water magic, strength, spirituality, teaching, weather magick, and protection from outside forces. Alder leaves or twigs can be carried in a pouch to act as a protection charm and as a powerful force in psychic battles. Ash talismans or charms can also be carried to aid in the preservation of ideas. The Alder is known as the "fairy's tree" in Celtic lore, so is good for fairy magic. The faeries are said to like to dance under the trees when they are flowering. Carrying Alder twigs or flowers acts as a charm for communicating with the fey. Alder is often used in resurrection magic and also used in building/construction magic. Alder wood is often called the "wood of the witches". Whistles may be made of out of young shoots to entice Air elemental spirits. This gives a Witch the ability to summon, control and banish elementals or the four winds. It is also the ideal wood for making the magical pipes and flutes for use in magickal ceremonies. Alder produces a red dye from the bark, a green dye from the flowers and a brown dye from its twigs. Some Witches use these dyes in coloring ritual garb with the red dye signifying fire, the green dye: water, and the brown dye: earth. While the Witch is dying her robes, she should say: "These leaves from trees, these herbs and flowers, Make holy with your living powers Raise the power! Bestow the magick! (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:31:52 AM]

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Set earth's seal upon my magick!" When harvesting bark or leaves from the Alder, remember to ask the tree if it will allow you to take the parts and be sure to leave the tree an offering of thanks when you are done. To prepare Alder wood for use, beat the bark away with a willow stick while projecting your wishes into it. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Willow (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:31:52 AM]

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5th Moon of the Celtic Year - (April 15 - May 12) Latin name: Weeping Willow: salix babylonica; black Willow: salix nigra Celtic name: Saille (Sahl' yeh) Folk or Common names: Willow, Witch's Tree, Pussy Willow, Salicyn Willow, Saille, Sally, Withe, Withy, Witches' Aspirin, Tree of Enchantment, Osier, Tarvos Tree, and Sough Tree. The Anglo-Saxon 'welig' from where the name 'willow' is derived, means 'pliancy'. Parts Used: Bark, sap, twigs, branches, wood. Herbal usage: The bark of the Willow has been used as a pain killer... the bark contains a glusoside called salicin that forms salicylylous acid which is the 'active ingredient' in aspirin. The bark has astringic qualities and can be used for rheumatic conditions, heartburn and as a diuretic. The sap gathered from the tree when it is flowering can be used to treat facial blemishes and dandruff. Magical History & Associations: The bird associated with this month is the hawk, the color is haze, and the gemstone is blood-red carbuncle. The Willow, a Feminine herb, is associated with water, and is an herb of the moon. The bird associated with this month is the hawk, the color is haze, and the gemstone is blood-red carbuncle. The Willow is associated with water, and is an herb of the moon. Willow wood is one of the nine traditional firewoods to be added to the Belfire that is burned at Beltane - as the tree of death that is Sacred to Hecate, Willow is added to the fire as a celebration of death. The Willow is sacred to Minerva who invented numbers and also to Artemis, Ceres, Persephone, Brigid, Hera, Helice, Mercury, Belili, and Circe. The Sumerian goddess Belili was a goddess of trees, and Willows in particular. The Willow is also associated with Orpheus, regarded by the Creeks as the most celebrated of poets. It is said that Orpheus received his gifts of eloquence and communication by carrying Willow branches on his journey through the Underworld. A bas-relief in a temple at Delphi portrays Orpheus leaning against a Willow tree, touching its branches. Pagan associations with the Willow have always been strong, for they are often revered as trees of the MoonGoddess, she who reflects her moon magic upon the waters of Earth. Willow was often the tree most sought by the village wise-woman, since it has so many medicinal properties, and eventually the Willow's healing and religious qualities became one and the tree became called 'witch's tree'. The Willow is also associated with the fey. The wind in the Willows is the whisperings of a fairy in the ear of a poet. It is also said that Willow trees can uproot themselves and stalk travelers at night, muttering at them. Magickal usage: The Willow has applications in magick done for enchantment, wishing, romantic love, healing, protection, fertility, magick for women, death, femininity, love, divination, friendship, joy, love, and peace. Placed in homes, Willow branches protect against evil and malign sorcery. Carried, Willow wood will give bravery, dexterity, and help one overcome the fear of death. If you knock on a Willow tree (knock on wood) this will avert evil. A Willow tree growing near a home will protect it from danger (I know this to be true. When the tornado hit our farm, the only reason we only lost part of the roof, rather than the whole house, was because the grove of Willows around the house protected us. Our poor Willows got pretty battered by the storm, lost most of their leaves and (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:32:01 AM]

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quite a few branches, but have recovered fully now!). Willows are also a good tree to plant around cemeteries and also for lining burial graves for its symbolism of death and protection. Willows can be used in rituals for intuition, knowledge, gentle nurturing, and will elucidate the feminine qualities of both men and women. If a person needs to get something off their chest or to share a secret, if they confess to a Willow, their secret will be trapped. Also, wishes are granted by a Willow tree if they are asked for in the correct manner. Willow leaves, bark and wood add energy to healing magick, and burning a mix of Willow bark and sandalwood during the waning moon can help to conjure spirits. Uses of Willow in love talismans include using the leaves to attract love. Willow leaves or twigs can also be used in spells to create loyalty, make friendship pacts, treaties, or alliances. A rejected lover can wear Willow as a charm to win back the love. To determine if you will be married in the new year: "Throw your shoe high up into the branches of a Willow tree; If the branches catch and hold the shoe, you soon will married be." Willows have many uses to Witches, the most common is that the wood is used to make wands for moon magick. Willow wands can also be used to dowse for water (underground), earth energies, and buried objects. (The Witch should be careful to ask for the tree's blessings before taking a branch to make a wand.) The supple long ending branches of the Willow make good weaving materials to use to weave circlets and wreaths. Willow wood is good for making magical harps. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Hawthorn (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:32:01 AM]

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6th Moon of the Celtic Year - (May 13 - June 9) Latin name: crataegus oxyacantha (from the Greek 'kratos' - hardenss, 'oxus' - sharp, and 'akantha' - thorn). In other words Hawthorns have Celtic name: Huath (pronounced: Hoh' uh) Folk or Common names: Bread and Cheese Tree, Gaxels, Hagthorn, Halves, Haw, Hazels, Huath, Ladies' Meat, May, Mayblossom, May Bush, Mayflower, May Tree, Midland Hawthorn Quick, Thorn, Tree of Chastity. Parts Used: Berries, wood, branches, seeds, flowers. Herbal usage: The berries are used as a cardiac tonic. Since this is a powerful herb it is best not to be used alone, so mix it with borage, motherwort, cayenne, garlic & dandelion flowers. Hawthorn leaves can be used as a substitute for oriental green tea, the seeds can be roasted and used like coffee. Hawthorn makes a light, hard, apple-like wood. Hawthorn usually doesn't grow much bigger than a shrub, and is popular in England as a hedge plant. The wood from the Hawthorn provides the hottest fire known. Its leaves and blossoms are used to create a tea to aid with anxiety, appetite loss and poor circulation. The pink or white star-shaped blossom gives off a musky scent for many men, a strong scent of female sexuality. They are edible, sprinkled on desserts. Young leaves (country name - pepper and salt) can be eaten in salads and sandwiches. Magical History & Associations: The bird associated with this month is the night crow, the color is deepest black, and the gemstone is Lapis Lazuli. The Greeks and Romans saw the Hawthorn as symbolic of hope and marriage, but in medieval Europe it was associated with witchcraft and considered to be unlucky. This seeming contradiction is to be expected from a tree with such beautiful blossoms and such deadly-looking thorns. Hawthorne has a strong association with water. It is a Masculine herb, associated with the planet of Mars and the element of Fire. Hawthorn is so strongly associated with the Celtic May Eve festival of Bealtaine (Beltane) that "may" is a folk name for it. Whitethorn is another name popular in Brittany, where the tree marks Fairy trysting places. Sacred hawthorns guard wishing wells in Ireland, where shreds of clothing ("clouties") are hung on the thorns to symbolize a wish made. The Roman goddess Cardea, mistress of Janus who was keeper of the doors, had as her principal protective emblem a bough of Hawthorn. "Her power is to open what is shut; to shut what is open." Hawthorn is also associated with the deities of Flora (orgiastic use), the White Goddess Maia, and Hymen. There is an old legend which says that the first Hawthorn bush grew from the staff of St Joseph. The Burning Bush of Moses is a variety of hawthorn, Crateagus pyracantha. Hawthorn is one of the nine woods that is traditionally placed on the Bale-fire: "Hawthorn is burned to purify And draw faerie to your eye..." Magickal usage: The month of Hawthorn is a good time to do magick designed to clear away old habits and spiritual cobwebs. Hawthorn can be used for protection, love and marriage, health and prosperity, Fertility, Purification, Chastity, male potency, Fishing Magic, purity, inner journeys, intuition, female sexuality, cleansing, and Happiness. The fey are said to especially like Hawthorn groves, since the Hawthorn is sacred to them. Hawthorn is one of the tree fairy triad of Britain: (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:32:11 AM]

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'Oak, Ash and Thorn', and where all three trees grow together it is said that one may see fairies. The flowers are supposed to "bring fairies into the house. Solitary Hawthorn trees growing on hills or near sacred wells act as 'markers' to the faery realm. It is said that a person should never cut a blooming Hawthorn, as the fey will become angry. It is also said that sitting under a Hawthorn tree in the month of May might mean being lost forever to the unknown, mystic faery world. Even today, in parts of Ireland and Wales, it is a spring custom to braid crowns of Hawthorn blossoms and leave them for faeries, who come at night and dance around them. This custom brings blessings to whoever left the crown. The Hawthorn blossom, for many men, has the strong scent of female sexuality and was used by the Turks as an erotic symbol. Uses of Hawthorn in fertility/ sexual talismans include using the leaves under the bed to preserve virginity (a good thing for those of us with teenaged daughters (LOL). Hawthorn has long been used to increase fertility, and because of this power it is incorporated into weddings, especially those performed in the spring. In many parts of Europe it was customary in the spring or early summer to go out to the woods and cut down a Hawthorn and bring it in back to the town. There the Hawthorn was set up with much celebration. Branches of the Hawthorn were also fastened to all the houses. This custom was said to bring the blessing which the Hawthorn tree-spirit has in its power to bestow into the village. Hence the custom in some places of planting a May-tree before every house, or of carrying the village May-tree from door to door so that every household may receive its share of the blessing. May poles used to be decorated, and sometimes even made from Hawthorn. Hawthorn has strong protective qualities. Hawthorn can be attached to a cow barn and the cows will stay healthy and produce an enormous milk supply. A globe made of Hawthorn can be placed in the kitchen for fire protection. Hawthorne in the rafters of a home is good for protection against spirits, and ghosts. In the past most witch's gardens contained at least one Hawthorn hedge for protection, as well as being one of the ingredients in the famous Flying Ointment. Leaves can also be used as a charm to protect a newborn child and a thorn carried in a pouch can bring good luck while fishing and can also ward off depression. A Hawthorn branch hung from the roof or chimney of a house will protect it from lightning. Worn or carried, Hawthorn promotes happiness in the troubled, depressed or sad. It also can be used to promote beauty. At dawn on Beltane a young woman who wants to remain beautiful for the rest of the year, can go bathe in the dew of the Hawthorn tree while chanting this rhyme: "The fair maid, who on the first of May, Goes to the fields at the break of day, And bathes in the dew from the hawthorn tree, Will ever strong and handsome be". Hawthorns are a favorite tree of Witches, and we are said to be able to transform ourselves into a Hawthorn tree at will. Hmmm, I haven't tried that one yet, but it might come in handy next time the Jehovah's Witnesses come knocking on my door and I want to hide. Hawthorn is also a good wood to make brooms and wands out of because of its strong bond with Witchcraft. Just make sure that if you are going to cut off a limb of a Hawthorn tree for this use, that you do it on Beltane, since to cut it at any other time is unlucky. It is also bad luck to pick Hawthorn flowers before the first week of May", and it also was considered "a sign that death is on its way if brought into the house, except for the first of May". In ancient Britain, destruction of a Hawthorn tree might bring on tragedies such as the death of one's cattle or children and a total loss of well-being. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Oak (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:32:11 AM]

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7th Moon of the Celtic Year - (June 10 - July 7) Latin name: white Oak - quercus alba; red Oak - quercus rubra; black Oak - quercus velutina; etc. Celtic name: Duir (pronounced: dur). Duir means 'door'. Folk or Common names: Duir, Jove's Nuts and Juglans. Parts Used: Wood, leaves, bark, acorns. Herbal usage: Oaks are known for astringent tonics and therefore tea made from Oak is a good remedy for hemorrhoids (EWWWW!). White Oak bark tea helps in sinus infections since it helps unglog congestion. Acorns can be peeled and used to make various homeopathic potions used to treat alcoholism, bad breath and constipation. Magical History & Associations: The word Duir, comes from the Sanskrit "Dwr" meaning "door", and is the door to the three worlds of the Shaman. The Oak is associated with the element of fire and is ruled by the sun. The bird associated with this month is the wren, the color is black, and the gemstone is white carnelian or moonstone. Oak has been considered sacred by just about every culture that has encountered the tree, but it was held in particular reverence by the Celts and the Norse because of its size, long life, and acorns. The Druids were said to have worshipped in Oakgroves in Gaul. In Druidic times at "Yule" all fires were extinguished, the Druids then lit the new season fires using Oakwood as Yule logs, and all of the people would start their fires from this source. The Oak tree is sacred to Brighid, the Dadga, Dianus, Janus, Rhea, Cybele, Hecate, Pan, and Erato. In the Vatican, there are statues of the goddess Artemis (often as a perpetual youth) wearing a necklace of acorns. The acorn was under the protection of Cybele (the goddess of Nature). The Oak is also frequently associated with Gods of thunder and lightening such as Zeus, Jupiter, Thor, and the Lithuanian God Perkunas. This association may be due to the oak's habit of being a lightening-magnet during storms. Specific oak trees have also been associated with the 'Wild Hunt', which is led by Herne in England and by Wodin in Germany. King Arthur's Round Table was said to have been made from a single slab of a giant oak tree. Magickal usage: The month of Oak has summer solstice occurring within it, and Oak is a powerful symbol of Midsummer. In general, Oak can be used in spells for protection, strength, success and stability, healing, fertility, Health, Money, Potency, and good luck. The different varieties of Oak will lend their own special 'flavor' to the magic: Red Oaks energy is a bit lighter and more 'firey' than the other oaks; White Oak is useful for spells requiring strength and solidity; and Brown oak has a very earthy feel, and is useful for grounding. Acorns can be used specifically for magick done to attract the opposite gender, increase income and prosperity, or can be used for their divinatory powers. Oak is the tree known as "The King of the Grove" and was one of the sacred three: 'Oak, Ash & Thorn'. The worship of the Oak tree may have come from the fact that the acorn was one of the main food sources of the nomadic tribes of prehistoric Europe. In mystic lore the acorn often represented the supreme form of fertility - creativity of the mind. Acorns are used to increase fertility (of projects or ideas, or in matters of human reproduction) and to ease pain. Symbolic of immortality, acorns are especially sacred to the Samhain season, and they can be used to decorate (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:32:21 AM]

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the altar in the fall. The Oak is a holy tree and is the lord of truth. There is a tradition that the voice of Jupiter may be heard in the rustling of its leaves. It is said that at the summer solstice the future can be divined by listening to the wind as it blows through the branches of an Oak tree. Oak is also a very powerful herb for protection. The Oak has protected England through the use of its timbers for the building of ships. Oaks are also used as boundary markers for their protective qualities. Acorns placed in a window can ward off lightning or creatures that go bump in the night. Acorns can be carried in a pocket or charm bag to protect the bearer from storms, from getting lost and from evil intent. An oak leaf can worn at the breast, touching the heart, and it will protect the wearer from all deception and the world's false glamour. A handful of Oak leaves put in the bath water will cleanse the bather both in body and in spirit. Acorns are carried for immortality and longevity, to preserve youthfulness, for fertility, and against illness. Three acorns can be made into a charm for youthfulness, beauty and attainment in life. The three acorns should be tied and bound with the mage's own hair, blessed under the new moon and the full moon, every month of the year, and then the charm should be worn. It is said that if you can catch a falling Oak leaf you shall have no colds all winter. When a sick person is in the house make a fire of Oakwood and warm the house with it to 'draw off' the illness. Acorns can be planted in the dark of the moon to bring financial prosperity. Acorns can also be placed near windows or hung from window shade pulls to bring luck to a house. This custom originates from the Vikings and Druids because of the strength of the oak tree and its ability to attract lightening. They can also be carried to bring good luck. The Oak is a male wood which is ideal for the construction of any tool that needs the male influence such as Athames, certain wands and staffs. The wood of an Oak tree can also be used to make staves, or Religious Idols. The midsummer fire is always Oak and the need fire is always kindled in an Oak log. When gathering Oak, be sure to pour wine on the roots of the tree to thank it for allowing you to take a part of it. Acorns should be gathered in the daylight, and leaves and wood by night. A waning moon is the correct time to harvest Oak. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Holly (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:32:21 AM]

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8th Moon of the Celtic Year - (July 8 - Aug 4) Latin name: English Holly (also called Scarlet Oak) - ilex aquilfolium; American holly - ilex opaca. The Holly is an evergreen tree. Celtic name: Tinne (pronounced: chihn' uh Folk or Common names: Holly, Scarlet Oak, Kerm-Oak, Holy Tree. Holly actually means "holy". Parts Used: Leaf, berry, wood. Herbal usage: The leaf of the Holly can be dried and used as teas for fevers, bladder problems and bronchitis. The juice of the fresh leaf is helpful in jaundice treatment. Holly can be used homeopathically as a substitute for quinine. Note: Holly berries are poisonous! Magical History & Associations: The Holly, a masculine herb, is associated with the element of fire, and is an herb of Saturn and Mars. The bird associated with this month is the starling, the color is green-gray, the gemstone is yellow caingorm, and the day of the week association is Tuesday. Holly is the first moon of the dark half of the year, and the Holly is sacred to both the Winter and Summer Solstices. Summer Solstice is the time when in mythology, the Oak King is slain by his twin, or tanist, the Holly King, who rules until the Winter Solstice, when he in turn is slain by his tanist, the Oak King. Tanist is related to the tannin found in an Oak tree; Oak and Holly are two sides of the same coin, the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next. The Holly is also sacred to the deities of Lugh, Habondia, Tina Etruscan and Tannus. There are special spirits that dwell within Holly trees: the Holly Man lives in the tree that bears prickly Holly, and the Holly Woman dwells within that which give forth smooth and variegated leaves. Holly is also associated with unicorns, since the unicorn is one of the Celtic symbols for this tree - the other symbol is the Flaming Spear. Magickal usage: The month of Holly is a good time to do magick designed to help bring about a successful harvest. The Holly has applications in magick done for protection, prophesy, healing, magick for animals, sex magick, invulnerability, watchfulness, good luck, death, rebirth, Holiness, consecration, material gain, physical revenge, beauty and travel. Holly also has the ability to enhance other forms of magic. As a symbol of firmness and masculine energy, Hollywood was used by the ancients in the construction of spear shafts, which were thought to then have magickal powers. Uses of Holly in protective magick includes hanging a sprig of Holly in the home all year to insure protection and good luck. Holly is also an excellent charm to wear for protection. 'Holly Water' can be made by soaking Holly overnight in spring water under a full moon. This water can then be sprinkled over infants to keep them happy and safe. Holly Water can also be used to sprinkle around the house for psychic cleansing and protection. Holly leaves can be cast around outside to repel unwanted spirits or animals and a Holly bush can be planted close to houses to protect against lightning. Ensure that the Holly has a place in your garden because its presence wards off unfriendly spirits. Do not burn Holly branches unless they are well and truly dead, for this is unlucky. Holly, intertwined with ivy, is traditionally made into crowns for the bride and groom at weddings/handfastings. Holly and Ivy also make excellent decorations for altars. Holy is also a (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:32:29 AM]

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traditional decoration for Yuletide as in sung in the traditional Yuletide song: "Deck the halls with boughs of Holly, fa la la la la, la la la la." If you gather nine Holly leaves in complete silence on a Friday after midnight, wrap them up in a white cloth, use nine knots to bind the cloth, and then place them under your pillow, your dreams will come true. When harvesting the leaves from the Holly, remember to ask the tree if it will allow you to take the parts and be sure to leave the tree an offering of thanks when you are done. Holly favors red and yellow stones as gifts. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Hazel (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:32:29 AM]

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9th Moon of the Celtic Year - (Aug 5 - Sept 1) Latin name: European hazel - corylus avellana; American Filbert - corylus americana. Celtic name: Coll (pronounced: Cull). Coll means "life force within you". Folk or Common names: tree of Wisdom, Lamb's Tails Tree, Collo or Coslo (Gailic), The tree's name shares a common root with the walnut tree and its nut, or cnu and hnot in Europe and Nux in latin. Parts Used: Nut, leaves, branches, wood. Herbal usage: Hazel can be used as a drainage remedy and can help restore elasticity to the lungs. Hazelnuts, of course, can be eaten, and are a good source of phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, copper, protein and fatty acids. The nuts can be powdered and be mixed with mead or honeyed water to help a cough. Magical History & Associations: The bird associated with this month is the crane, the color is brown, and the gemstone is band-red agate. The Hazel, a masculine herb, is associated with the element of air, the planet of Mercury, the day of Wednesday, and is sacred to Mercury, Thor, Artemis, Fionn, Diana and Lazdona (the Lithuanian Hazelnut Tree Goddess). Hazel wood is one of the nine traditional firewoods that is part of the Belfire that the Druid's burned at Beltane - it was added to the fire to gain wisdom. In fact, in ancient times the Hazel was known as The Tree of Wisdom. It is often associated with sacred springs and wells and salmon. Celtic legend tell of a grove of Hazel trees below which was a well, a pool, where salmon swam. These trees contained all knowledge, and their fruit contained that knowledge and wisdom in a nutshell. As the hazelnuts ripened, they would fall into the well where they were eaten by the salmon. With each nut eaten, the salmon would gain another spot. In order to gain the wisdom of the Hazel, the Druids caught and prepared the salmon. But Fionn, the young man stirring the pot in which the salmon were cooking, accidentally burned his thumb with the boiling stew. By reflex, he put his thumb into his mouth and thus ingested the essence of the sacred feast; he instantly gained the wisdom of the universe. Magickal usage: The Hazel has applications in magick done for manifestation, spirit contact, protection, prosperity, wisdom, divination-dowsing, dreams, wisdom-knowledge, marriage, reconciliation, fertility., intelligence, inspiration, and wrath. Hazel is a good herb to use to do magick associated with asking for wisdom and poetic inspiration since the Hazel is known as the Tree of Immortal Wisdom. In England, all the knowledge of the arts and sciences was thought to be bound to the eating of Hazel nuts. Hazel also has protective uses as anti-lightning charms. A sprig of Hazel or a talisman of two Hazel twigs tied together with red or gold thread to make a solar cross can be carried as a protective good luck charm. The mistletoe that grows on hazel protects against bewitching. A cap of Hazel leaves and twigs ensures good luck and safety at sea, and protects against shipwrecks. In England, the Hazelnut is a symbol of fertility - a bag of nuts bestowed upon a bride will ensure a fruitful marriage. The Hazel is a tree that is sacred to the fey Folk. A wand of hazel can be used to call the Fey. If you sleep under a Hazel bush you will have vivid dreams. Hazel can be used for all types of divination and dowsing. Until the seventeenth century, a forked Hazel stick was used to divine the guilt of persons in cases of murder and theft. Druids often made wands (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:32:38 AM]

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from Hazel wood, and used the wands for finding ley lines. Hazel twigs or a forked branch can be used to divine for water or to find buried treasure. The wood of the Hazel can help to divine the pure source of poetry and wisdom. Hazelnuts can be used for love divination. Assign the name of your passion to a nut and throw it in the fire while saying: "A Hazelnut I throw in the flame, to this nut I give my sweetheart's name, If blazes the nut, so may thy passion grow, For twas my nut that did so brightly glow." If the nut burns brightly you then will know that your love will burn equally as brightly. Hazels are often found at the border between the worlds where magickal things happen, and therefore Hazel wood is excellent to use to make all-purpose wands. Any Hazel twigs, wood or nuts should be gathered after sundown on Samhain since it will be at the peak of its magickal energy. Hazel must not be cut with a knife, but with a flint. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Vine (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:32:38 AM]

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10th Moon of the Celtic Year - (Sept 2 - Sept 29) Latin name: Grape - vitis Celtic name: Muin (pronounced: muhn). Folk or Common names: Grape (when dried: Raisin). Parts Used: Berries, wood, leaves, juice, seeds. Herbal usage: The leaves from some varieties of Grape can be used to make teas for treating diarrhea, hepititas, and upset tummies. Grape leaves can also be used externally for poultices to treat rheumatism, headaches and fevers. The fruit from most viney plants can be eaten and can be juiced for drinking. The juices can also be fermented into various wines and alcoholic beverages. Magical History & Associations: Grapes are an herb of Jupiter and the Moon, and are associated with positive ego strength. Birds associated with the month of the Vine are the Tit-mouse and the white swan; the animal is the snake; the color is variegated; and the gemstone is amethyst. An annual Grape Vine Festival called the Vinalia Rostica was held by the Greeks and the Romans - this was a festival of thanksgiving for the first of the grape harvest and was dedicated to God Dionysos / Bacchus and to the Goddess Venus of the Grape Vine; and also to Minerva. It was celebrated by offering the first fruits of the grape harvest and prayers for sustenance for all. The Grape Vine is also sacred to the deities Osiris, Hathor, and Demeter - and its five-pointed leaves are sacred to the Goddess in general. Other specific deities associated with the Vine are Rhea, Oenone, Aphrodite, Branwen, Guinevere and Etain. The wood of Vines is one of the nine traditional firewoods to be added to the Belfire that is burned at Beltane - as the tree of tree of joy (its juice is capable of altering consciousness), Vine is added to the fire as a celebration of joy. Magickal usage: Vines in general are symbols of both joy and wrath. This month marks the vintage season when the Grape crop is harvested and so is a good time to do any and all rituals associated with the harvest - in fact, the Autumn Equinox (called Harvest Home or Mabon) is celebrated during this month. The month of Vine is also a good time to do magick associated with inspiration, imagination, poetry and imagery. The Grape has applications in magick done for Faerie work, garden magick, joy, exhilaration, wrath, mental powers, rebirth, happiness, fertility, inspiration, prosperity, and binding. The leaves and fruit from Vines can be used in spells to overcome inferiority complexes and to enhance ambition. The Grape Vine also symbolizes resurrection because its strength is preserved in the wine, that magical elixir that's known for its ability to dissolve the boundaries between us, allow us to mingle more easily, and relax with others. Grapes and Grape wine are often used to symbolize vitality, since tonic healing has always been related to the vine. Here is a recipe for Vine Moon Tea (good for use in Earth magic, sex magic, overcoming difficulties): 1 part blackberry 1 part dandelion splash of currant wine or Grape juice pinch of hibiscus (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:32:46 AM]

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Grapes can be used in many types of prosperity or money attraction spells. They can be eaten as part of prosperity spellwork if the person casting the spell visualizes money energy vibrating as the grapes are eaten. You can also place grapes on the altar during money spells. Pictures of Grapes or grape Vines can be painted onto garden walls to ensure the garden's fertility, as was done in ancient Rome. Eating grapes or raisins is said to increase fertility, as well as strengthen mental powers. Grape leaves can be dried and carried in a small pouch or bag to act as evil-repellent. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Ivy (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:32:46 AM]

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11th Moon of the Celtic Year - (Sept 30 - Oct 27) Latin name: Osirian Ivy - hedera helix Celtic name: Gort (pronounced: goert). Folk or Common names: Ivy. Parts Used: leaves, bark, berries. Caution: Some types of Ivy are poisonous. Herbal usage: The leaves of Ivy can be used to make a douche for treating female infections. Ivy leaves can also be used externally for poultices to heal nerves, sinews, ulcers and infections. Tender ivy twigs can be simmered in salves to heal sunburn. Magical History & Associations: Ivy is the symbol of resurrection. Ivy is an herb of Jupiter and the sun, and is associated with positive ego strength. The bird associated with this month is the mute swan, the color is blue, and the gemstone is yellow serpentine. Ivy is sacred to Osiris and Saturn. It is also connected with the god Dionysus. When Zeus's wife Hera, discovered that Zeus had bedded Semele, the daughter of Cadmus, King of Thebes, Hera suggested to Semele that she should ask Zeus to unveil himself to her. When he did so, his divine flames consumed her and almost killed her unborn child, Dionysus, but for a sudden growth of ivy. In still another story of the deities, Kissos is the name given to a nymph who dances so furiously at a Dionysian feast that she collapses and dies of exhaustion. Dionysus, grieving her untimely death, changes her into ivy. Most Ivies have five-pointed leaves which are sacred to the Goddess. Magickal usage: The month of Ivy is a good time to do magick for rebirth and tenaciousness. Ivy has attributes of restraint of fear and dealing with Emotions. Ivy grows in a sacred spiral, which symbolizes reincarnation, from lifetime to lifetime, and from minute to minute, day to day. Ivy travels everywhere - it spreads happily and thrives in many places where no other greenery could survive - its determination to reach through obstacles toward light and food is well known, and therefore Ivy symbolizes strength. Ivy has many uses in Magick done for healing, protection, cooperation, and exorcism, and is very useful in fertility magick. Ivy is also equated with fidelity and can be used in charms to bind love, luck and fidelity to a person. A talisman made of Ivy would be good to give a friend since it will help ensure eternal friendship. Ivy provides protection against evil when growing on or near a house but should it fall off and die, misfortune was said to be on the way. Ivy was sometimes used in divination: an ivy leaf placed in water on New Year' s Eve that was still be fresh on Twelfth Night foretold that the year ahead would be favorable. Should ivy not grow upon a grave, the soul of the person buried there is said to be restless - and should it grown abundantly on the grave of a young woman, then this meant that she died of a broken heart. Ivy is also connected with the Winter Solstice and is often used for decorating at Yule-tide. Ivy, intertwined with Holly, is traditionally made into crowns for the bride and groom at weddings/ handfastings. Ivy was also used in ancient times for poet's crowns, since Ivy was believed to be a source of divine inspiration. Ivy was also used by the Greeks to make victory crowns for conquering heroes in the games held at Corinth. Holly and Ivy make excellent decorations for altars. An early church council even attempted to ban the use of Ivy in church decorations because (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:32:54 AM]

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of its Pagan associations. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Reed (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:32:54 AM]

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12th Moon of the Celtic Year - (Oct 28 - Nov 24) Latin name: Latin name: American Elm - ulmus americana; European Elm - ulmus procera; slippery Elm - ulmus fulva. Celtic name: Negetal (pronounced: nyettle). Folk or Common names: In Britain where the Reed tree is the dwarf elm, it is called the Water-Elder, Whitten, or rose Petal. Since I use the immature Elm tree in place of the Reed tree, the Elm is usually known as Elm, and sometimes Piss-Elm (due to the smell it makes while being burned as a green wood). Parts Used: Bark, leaves, wood. Herbal usage: The Elm has many medicinal uses. Slippery Elm bark can be powdered and made into a milk for babied that can't tolerate cow's milk. In fact slippery Elm bark is good for many purposes. In tea it can ease insomnia and sooth an upset tummy. It is also useful for enemas and makes good poultice material. This type of poultice can be used on wounds, infections, ulcers, burns, and poison ivy. Magical History & Associations: The birds associated with the month of Reed are the owl and goose, the color is grass green, and the gemstone is clear green jasper. Symbols of this Celtic month are The White Hound, The Stone, the Planet Pluto (Pwyll), The Fire Feast of Samhain Dis, Pwyll, and Arawn. Identified with the submerged or hidden dryad, The Month of Reed represents the mysteries of death. In fact the Fire Feast of Samhain celebrates the dead and on Samhain, the boundary between the Otherworld and this world dissolve. It is a night of great divination. Or in another fashion, it represents the hidden roots to all life. The Month of Reed is associated with being both a savior and custodian. Pwyll, the Celtic ruler of the Otherworld was given "The Stone" , one of four treasures given to him for safekeeping. The Stone represents the right of the kings and queen to have divine power. Thus the Reed is also the symbol of Royalty. The White Hounds represent the dogs that guard the lunar mysteries. The Elm tree is a tree of Saturn and is associated with the element of earth. It is sacred to Odin, Hoenin and Lodr. The elm is also associated with the day of Tuesday. Magickal usage: The month of Elm / Reed is a good month for using music in magick, especially music made by bagpipes and flutes, and also for doing divination. Elm is sometimes said to symbolize the dark side of the psyche and so can be used in psychic workings. The Elm is commonly known as "the elf friend". If you desire to have contact with wood elves, pick a grove of Elm trees and sit under them and sing. Around about dawn, the elves will have gotten over their initial shyness and come out to join in the singing. Elm trees are also thought to provide a channel for the communication with divas. To get an Elm tree to help you in this quest, offerings can be brought to a favorite tree and left. The best offerings are wine, mead, tobacco, coins and sage. Tiny twigs of Elm can be worn in a bag around a child's neck as a charm to produce eloquent speech in later life. Elm wood may be bound with a yellow cord and burned to prevent gossip. The Elm represents primordial female powers and therefore the Elm is a tree with great protective qualities. The wood from the Elm can be made into talismans and charms that can be (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:33:01 AM]

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worn for protection. The Elm also has the qualities of regeneration, boldness and fidelity, and so added to its protective qualities, it is excellent when given as a good luck token to departing friends. Using Elm is spellwork adds stability to the spell. According to Edain McCoy in her article: Willow for love, Oak for strength (97 Llewellyn Magickal Almanac) a tea can be made for the month of Reed that includes a pinch of slippery Elm: REED MOON TEA - Fertility, love, protection. 1 part red clover 1 part hyssop 1 part boneset pinch of slippery elm **Note: Please be very, VERY careful when taking this teas! These are powerful herbs, meant to be used by more or less experienced herbalists and witches. Boneset is toxic in large doses or if taken over long period of time. To use, put in a tea ball and steep for 5 or 6 minutes. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Elder (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:33:02 AM]

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13th Moon of the Celtic Year - (Nov 25 - Dec 23) Latin name: Dwarf Elder - sambucus ebulus; Elderberry - sambucus canadenis. Celtic name: Ruis (pronounced: roo ish). Folk or Common names: Lady Elder, Elder, Elderberry, pipe tree, bore tree, bour tree, Eldrun, Hyldor, Hyllantree, Ellhorn, Sambucus. Parts Used: Bark, leaves, flowers, berries, wood. Herbal usage: The Elder has many medicinal uses, and can be used to treat over 70 conditions. The bark can be used fresh for headaches and to promote labor, or can be dried and powdered and used in small doses as a diuretic. The leaves and flowers can be made into drinks, poultices and salves. Elderberry flower water is useful for soothing sunburns. The berries are safe to eat when eaten ripe, and they can be used to make wines, jams and teas. Magical History & Associations: The Elder is a tree of Venus and is associated with the element of air. The bird associated with the month of Elder is the rook, the color is blood-red, and the gemstone is dark green malachite. The Elder also is associated with Black Horses, Ravens, and Badgers. The Elder is linked to the eternal turnings of life and death, birth and rebirth, and creativity and renewal. It represents the end/beginning and beginning/end. It is sacred to the deities of Bran, Venus, Hel, Callech, Holda, the White Goddess, the Great Goddess, and Pryderi (The Celts believed that it was during the time of Elder that their sun or solar spirit was held prisoner, just as Pryderi was forced into exile). The Elder is the Old Crone aspect of the triple Goddess, wise old energy at the end of the year's cycle, and is sometimes called the "death tree" because of this. Funerary flints found in megalithic long barrows were Elder leaf shaped, suggesting the association of Elder with death goes back a long way. Elder is also called the "witch's tree" and certainly the village hedge-witch would have used the elder in healing and Magick. The Elder is also associated with a dryad (tree spirit). Early European legends tell of a dryad called Hylde-moer, The Elder Tree Mother, who lives in the Elder tree and watches over it. Should the tree be chopped down and furniture made of the wood, Hylde-moer would follow her property and haunt the owners. Similar tales tell that if a child's cradle were made of Elder, Hylde-moer would pinch the child black and blue and give it no peace or rest, therefore it is considered unlucky to make a cradle out of Elder wood. The Elder is also seen in a negative light by the Christian religion, since Judas supposed to have hanged himself from an Elder tree and the cross used to crucify Jesus was supposed to be made of Elder. Magickal usage: The month of Elder includes the Winter Solstice, which is celebrated as the Sabbat of Yule, a day to mark the return of the Sun. Therefore, calling upon the Sun God or Goddess is good to do during this month. Elder has the Magickal powers of Healing, Visions, Faery Magick, Spirituality, Cleansing, Sleep, Exorcism, Offering, Love, Protection, and Prosperity. Elder is often used to produce visions. At Samhain, the last of the Elderberries were picked with solemn rites. The wine made from these berries was considered the last sacred gift of the Earth Goddess, and was valued and drunk ritually to invoke prophecy, divination and hallucinations. Elder twigs were woven (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:33:11 AM]

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into head-dresses to enable the wearers to see spirits. The Elder is very useful in Magick dealing with Nature Spirits and the Fae. Wood spirits are said to live in Elder forests, and wood elves are said to come to listen to music played by flutes made with Elder wood. The Elder has strong protective qualities. Tiny twigs of Elder or dried Elderberry can be worn in a bag around the neck as a charm for protection against physical or psychic attack. As a protection against evil (and later against witchcraft) Elder branches were hung in doorways of houses and cowsheds. Elder can be used to bless a person, place or thing by scattering leaves and berries to the four directions, and over the thing or person being blessed. It is said that if you stand under an Elder tree, you will never be struck by lightening. Elder was also buried in graves to ward off evil spirits, and is considered protection against earthbound, "physical" spirits like vampires. Elder as VampireRepellent is older folklore than the lore about garlic. When you put Elder on a threshold or windowsill, you can force a vampire to count over the thorns and the berries until morning comes, because vampires are obsessive-compulsive about counting things. Also, Elder blossom were worn at Beltane to signify witchcraft and magic, and Elder twigs can be used to undo evil magic. Elder is a traditional wood for making Magickal tools, like besoms and wands. It is said in Irish folklore that it is Elder and not Ash which is used by witches for their magic 'hobby horses' and besoms. Justice was often dispensed under an Elder, so the hilt of a coven sword was often made of Elder wood. Elder is also a good wood to use to make Protective Wands. There are very strong superstitions about not cutting down or burning an Elder (maybe caused by a fear of releasing the tree's Hyldemoer - or maybe out of a deep respect for the tree), so be sure to remember to ask the tree if it will allow you to take a branch. It is traditional to say this before you cut a branch: "Lady Ellhorn, give me of thy wood, And I will give thee of mine, when I become a tree." Some people like to leave a small gift of some kind when they do harvest a branch - or you can do something practical like untangling the tree's ivy, clearing up around the trunk, watering in dry weather, or tidying up trash from around the tree. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Furze (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:33:11 AM]

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Tree of the Spring Equinox (Aprox. March 20) Latin name: ulex europaeus Celtic name: 'O' - Onn Folk or Common names: Broom, Frey, Furze, Fyrs, Gorst, Goss, Prickly Broom, Ruffet, and Whin. Parts Used: Flowers Herbal usage: A decoction made with the flowers thereof hath been found effectual against the jaundice, as also to provoke urine, and cleanse the kidneys from gravel or stone ingendered in them. In parts of the UK, it was once cultivated and cut down to provide burnable fuel for bakers' ovens. The ashes left after it has been set on fire yield a generous amount of alkali and have been used as a type of primitive soap for washing purposes after first being mixed with clay and rolled into balls. The golden flowers yield an excellent natural yellow dye. Magical History & Associations: Furze is a thorny shrub with bright yellow flowers that is associated with the Spring Equinox. This herb is a symbol of the young sun at the spring equinox and royalty. Furze is associated with the astrological sign of Aries, the planet of Mars, the element of Fire, and is a masculine herb. Furze is associated with Jupiter, Thor, Onn, and also with the Gallic ash-grove Goddess On-niona. The color for Furze is dun, and its bird is the cormorant. Magickal usage: Furze is a druid Sacred tree, whose flowers are associated with the Spring Equinox. Furze is a symbol of fertility and has the magickal uses of Protection and Money. Furze is a good herb to use as a proctectant against evil. In Wales hedges of the prickly Gorse are used to protect the home against dark fairies, who cannot penetrate the hedge. Furze wood and blooms can be burned for protection and also for preparation for conflict of any sort. There are two school of thought about giving Furze flowers as a gift. On one had the gift is supposed to be good luck, but on the other hand if you give them to someone that you love it means: Anger. There is an old rhyme about Furze that refers to its all-year-round flowering habits: "When Gorse is out of bloom, Kissing is out of season."

Furze is also used in money spells; it attracts gold. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Heather [8/8/2008 6:33:17 AM]

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Tree of the Summer Solstice (Aprox. June 20) Latin name: Calluna vulgaris Celtic name: Ura (pronounced: Oor' uh) Folk or Common names: Common Heather, Ling, Scottish Heather Parts Used: herb, flowering shoots. Herbal usage: Heather's flowering shots are used to treat insomnia, stomach aches, coughs and skin problems. The plant, used fresh or dried, strengthens the heart and raises blood pressure. It is slightly diuretic and a Heather Tea is often prescribed in cases of urinary infections. Heather is sometimes used in conjunction with corn silk and cowberries. Magical History & Associations: Heather is associated with the sun, and with the planet of Venus. Its color is resin colored and its element is water. Heather's bird is the lark, and its animal association is the honey bee. In ancient times the Danes brewed a powerful beer made from honey and Heather. And for centuries the heather flowers have also been a special beverage to the bee, who in return creates delightful Heather honey! Its stones are amethyst, peridot, and amertine and it is a feminine herb. The herb is sacred to many Goddesses: Isis, Venus-Erycina, Uroica, Garbh Ogh, Cybele, Osiris, Venus, Guinevere, and Butes among them. White Heather was considered unlucky by Scottish loyalists because of its connection with the banishment of Bonny Prince Charles. Haether is the home to a type of Fey called Heather Pixies. Like other Pixies, the Heather Pixies have clear or golden auras and delicate, translucent wings. But these faeries are attracted specifically to the moors and to the Heather which covers them. They are not averse to human contact, but they don't seek them out. They have a pranksterish nature. Magickal usage: Heather is sacred to the Summer Solstice. Heather is used for magick involving maturity, consummation, general luck, love, ritual power, conjuring ghosts, healing, protection, rain-making and water magick. Charms made with Heather can be worn or carried as protection against danger, rape and other violent crimes. This flower represents good fortune and Heather can also be carried as a lucky charm. It was believed that wearing the blossom associated with your month of birth would bring exceptionally good luck - therefore people born in the month of Heather (August) should carry White Heather, for even better luck throughout the year. Legend has it that a gift of white Heather brings luck to both the giver and the receiver, wheras red Heather is said to have been colored by heathens killed in battle by Christians, so is less lucky. Heather is associated with secrets from the Otherworld. A sprig of white Heather placed in a special place of silence and meditation has the power to conjure ghosts, haints or spirits. After picking a piece of white Heather at midnight, place it in a glass of river water in the darkest corner of your home. Sit and think of a departed loved one and it is said that the loved ones shadow will visit you. Heather is said to ignite faery passions and open portals between their world and our own. Heather represents solitude because it thrives in wide open spaces, and Faeries who enjoy living in such undisturbed places are said to feast on the tender stalks of Heather. The Fae of this flower are drawn to humans who are shy. Heather is useful for Solitary healing work (going within). Heather, if used along with Mistletoe, (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:33:24 AM]

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creates powerful healing medicine in both spiritual and physical aspects. Heather can be used at Midsummer to promote love - carry red Heather for passion or white Heather for cooling the passion of unwanted suitors. If you give someone a gift of Heather it means: 'Admiration'. A charm bag filled with Heather can be carried for decreasing egotism or self-involvement. As a water herb, Heather is very useful in weather magick. When burned outdoors with Fern, the herbal smoke of Heather attracts rain. Bouquets of Heather and Fern can also be dipped in water to call rain. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Poplar (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:33:24 AM]

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Tree of the Fall Equinox - (Aprox. September 22) Latin name: Common Poplar - Populus Balsamifera; Trembling Poplar - Populus Tremuloides; Balm of Gilead - Populus Candicans; Black Poplar Celtic name: Eadha (pronounced: "Eh' uh"). Folk or Common names: All Poplar - Popple, Alamo, Aspen; Trembling Poplar - American Aspen, White Poplar, or Quaking Aspen; Balm of Gilead - bombagillia. Parts Used: Bark and buds (sap) Herbal usage: Poplar can be used as a tonic, chiefly used in treating fevers. The infusion has been found helpful in treating chronic diarrhea. Balm of Gilead buds can be used as a stimulant or tonic. A tincture of them is useful for complaints of the chest, stomach, and kidneys, and for rheumatism and scurvy. The sap collected from the buds can be used to make a healing ointment and can be used as an external application in bruises, swellings, and some skin diseases. Teas can be made from the Poplar buds and are useful in helping treat arthritis and rheumatism. Magical History & Associations: In Gaelic tongue the tree was called Peble and Pophuil in the celtic way. Poplar is generally a plant of Jupiter, Saturn and the Sun and is associated with the element of water. Its color is rufous (red) and the bird associated with Poplar is the Whistling Swan. The stones associated with Poplar are Amber, Citrine Quartz, Sapphire and Swan Fluorite. The AngloSaxon rune poem seems to refer to the Poplar as being associated with the rune "berkano". Heracles wore a crown of Poplar leaves in triumph after killing the giant Cacus (the evil one) and retrieving Cerberus from Hades. The upper surface of the Poplar leaves was thus darkened from Hades' smokey fumes. Poplar trees are sacred to the Mesopotamian goddess Ua-Ildak. The Grass King of Grossvargula, who was seen as having fertilizing powers, went on horseback wearing a pyramid of Poplar branches and a crown. He led a procession of young men about the town and was then stripped of his branches beneath the Silver Lindens of Sommerberg. Poplar (Aspen) is said to be the tree of the Autumn Equinox and of old age, and is known as the shield makers' tree. The Black Poplar was a funeral tree sacred to Hecate as death goddess, to Egeria, and to Mother Earth. Plato makes a reference to the use of Black Poplar and Silver Fir as an aid in divination. The Silver Fir standing for hope assured and the Black Poplar for loss of hope. The Grove of Persephone in the Far West contained Black Poplars and old Willows. In ancient Ireland, the coffin makers measuring rod was made of Aspen, apparently to remind the dead that this was not the end. In Christian lore, the quaking Poplar (Aspen) was used to construct Christ's cross, and the leaves of the tree quiver when they remember this fact. Magickal usage: The Poplar's ability to resist and to shield, its association with speech, language and the Winds indicates an ability to endure and conquer. The Poplar is known as the "Tree that Transcends Fear". Poplars symbolize the magick of joy, the aging of the year, resurrection and hope - and are connected to the Otherworld. Poplar can be used in magick done for success, passage and transformation, Hope, rebirth, divinations, shielding, endurance, agility in speech and language, protection, and love - and as an aid in astral projection. Balm of Gilead buds can be (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:33:32 AM]

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carried in tiny red bags to help mend a broken heart. These buds should be kept as close to the heart as possible. Balm of Gilead buds can also be placed under the pillow and slept on to heal a broken heart. It may take several days to feel relief, but this really works. Balm of Gilead is also effective for grief, homesickness and the blues. Poplar can be used in protection charms of all kinds. Poplar is a good wood to burn in balefires and ritual fires since it offers protection. Shields can be made of Poplar since the wood is thought to offer protection from injury or death. Add some Balm of Gilead resin to your tinctures to enhance the "fixing" of the scent and to offer some added protection to the tincture. Carrying Poplar helps to overcome the urge to give way under the burden of worldly pressures, and aids in determination. Poplar buds can also be carried to attract money and can be burned as an incense to create financial security. Siberian reindeer-hunting cultures carved small goddess statues of Poplar (Aspen) wood. Groats and fat were then offered to the figures with this prayer: "Help us to keep healthy! Help us to hunt much game!" Poplar buds are also sometimes added to flying ointments and was also used in astral travel. A medieval recipe for a flying ointment called for Cinquefoil, Poplar leaves, soot and bat's blood obtained at the wake of the new moon. The trembling leaves of the Poplar tree can be 'read' to divine messages from the God and Goddess, and also from spirits that drift into woods. The Poplar is the sacred World Tree of the Lakota nation. For the sun dance ceremony, a Poplar is carefully cut and lowered, then is re-erected in the center of the dance circle. While being carried the Poplar must never touch the ground. Green branches, a buffalo skull and eagle feathers were used to decorate the Poplar for this ceremony. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Yew (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:33:32 AM]

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Tree of the day before the Winter Solstice (Aprox. December 21) Latin name: Taxus baccata. Celtic name: Idho (pronounced: Ih' huh). Folk or Common names: English Yew. Parts Used: Needles, wood, berries. Herbal usage: CAUTION - THIS PLANT IS POISONOUS AND SHOULD BE USED WITH CAUTION. The needles and branch tips have been used to treat lung diseases and bladder problems. recently a new cancer drug, Taxol, has been derived from its bark and berries. Magical History & Associations: The name "Yew" is a corruption of the Anglo-Saxon word 'eow'. The word 'Taxus' is from the Greek word 'Taxon', meaning 'bow'. The 5000 year old "Ice Man", discovered in the Alps, had a bow and axe handle made of Yew. The Yew is known as the 'Tree of Death' through out Europe and is associated with the season of winter. It is sacred to many Dark Goddesses: Banbha, Amalthea (mother of the horned Dionysus), Morrighan, The Erinyes, Cailleach Beara, Berchta, and Hekate. Shakespeare recognized the relationship of Yew and Heckate and referred to the contents of her cauldron as "slips of yew, silver'd in the moon's eclipse..." (Macbeth) - and elsewhere Shakespeare makes 'hebenon, the double-fatal yew' the poison which Hamlet's uncle pours into the king's ear. Heckate's sacred tree of death is said to root in the mouths of the dead and release their souls, and also absorbs the odors of death itself. Bulls are associated with this tree, as are female goats. The bird associated with Yew is the eaglet, since the eaglet's appetite is insatiable, and the bones of its nest are white like the snow on its cliff-ledge. The Yews colors are white and silver and it is associated with the element of water. The Yew is associated with the planet Saturn and with the metal lead. In Old England the Yew was known as "The Witches Tree" since it is associated with sorcery and magick. Magickal usage: The time of Yew is known as a time of death, and so on the day before Yule it said that is not a good idea to do actual spell work, instead it is suggested to do rituals of the season concerned with reincarnation. Because the Yew grows to such an old age, it has become a symbol of stability in Celtic areas of the world and so is often used as the central "World Tree" in ritual spaces. As one of the three magickal trees (along the Alder and the Black Poplar) associated with death and funerals, the Yew has often been planted in graveyards. Yew sends up new trees from its roots, so is a powerful symbol of death and reincarnation. Yew wood is appropriate for magickal tools such as wands and staves. In ancient times Yew sticks were carved with the Ogham characters as tools of divination. The Futhark features a 13th Rune, which is considered one of the most powerful Runes and represents a stave cut from a yew tree. This Rune is regarded as the stave of life and death. Yew can be dried and burned as an incense to contact spirits of the dead - and even to raise the dead. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Fir [8/8/2008 6:33:38 AM]

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Tree of the day of the Winter Solstice Latin name: Abies alba. Celtic name: Ailim (pronounced: Ahl' em). Folk or Common names: Common Silver Fir, Balm of Gilead Fir, Balsam Fir, American Silver Fir. Parts Used: Needles, wood, sap. Herbal usage: The Silver Fir is one of the tallest trees native to Europe, sometimes exceeding 160 feet tall. The wood of the Fir is beautiful and is often used in making musical instruments and in the interior of buildings. The sap from the Silver Fir can be manufactured into a turpentine like oil that is a pale yellowish or almost water-white liquid of a light, pleasant fresh turpentine like odor. It is a diuretic, and stimulates mucous tissues if taken in small doses. In large doses it is purgative, and may cause nausea. The oil also has some uses as perfume and in essential oils that can be added to homeopathic bath and beauty products. Magical History & Associations: The Silver Fir is associated with the moon and with the planet of Jupiter. Its colors are piebald and light or pale blue. Its birds are the eagle and the Lapwing, and its animal association is the red cow. Its stones are Tourmaline and Amber - and it is a feminine herb. This tree belongs to the triple aspect Goddess in Celtic lore, offering learning, choice and progress. The tree is sacred to many Goddesses: Artemis (the Greek Goddess of Childbirth), Diana and Druantia among them. It is also sacred to the Gods Osiris and Attis, both who were imprisoned in Fir/Pine trees. Magickal usage: the Silver Fir is used for magick involving power, insight, progression, protection, change, feminine rebirth, and birth. The Silver Fir and the Yew are sisters standing next to each other in the circle of the year and their foliage is almost identical. However the Yew is known as the tree of death and the Silver Fir is the tree of birth or rebirth. The Silver Fir was a sacred tree to the Druids who felt that it stood for hope. The Silver Fir wood is used for shape-shifting and magic involving change, since it offers a clear perception of the present and the future. The wood chips are sometimes used as incense and the wood can be used in the construction of magickal musical instruments. Burning the needles of the Silver Fir or sweeping around the bed with a branch that has been blessed will protect a new born baby and its mother. In the Orkney area of Scotland, the new mother and baby are 'sained' by whirling a fir-candle three times around her bed. For a 'Weather Witch' the cones of the Silver Fir warn of wet weather and foretells when a dry season approaches. Charms made of Fir can be given as good luck tokens to departing friends. In its appearance (and in its current, and undoubtedly ancient, use) the Silver Fir is the quintessential Yule tree. Its branches can be used as decorations at Yule time either as wreaths or as garland, where it will provide protection for the household and its occupants. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Mistletoe [8/8/2008 6:33:45 AM]

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Tree of the day after the Winter Solstice (Aprox. December 23) Latin name: Viscum Album Celtic name: It is said that Mistletoe is too sacred to have a written word Folk or Common names: Mistletoe, Birdlime, All Heal, Golden Bough, Loranthaceae Phoradendron flavescens Parts Used: leaves, berries, twigs Herbal usage: **CAUTION: Mistletoe berries are extremely poisonous and have been known to cause miscarriage.** Mistletoe can be used as a stimulant to soothe muscles and to produce a rise in blood pressure. It increases the contraction of the uterus and intestine. Mistletoe has been recommended as an oxytocic in postpartum hemorrhage and menorrhagia. It is also used as a circulatory and uterine stimulant. This plant can induce menstruation. It has shown effective in treating tumors in some animals. It is recommended that due to the toxicity of this plant that ingestion of this herb be avoided. Magical History & Associations: Mistletoe is one of the Druid's most sacred trees - as Ovid said, "Ad viscum Druidae cantare solebant. (The Druids are wont to sing to the Mistletoe.)." In Druidic lore Mistletoe is an herb of the Winter Solstice and is the special plant for the day after Yule. The Druids gathered their Mistletoe at Midsummer or at the 6th day of the moon. The Druid priests or priestesses would wear white robes while gathering the plant and would use a golden knife, taking extreme care not to let the plant touch the ground. Two oxen were often sacrificed for the harvest. The Druids considered that the Mistletoe that grew on Oak trees was the most potent and sacred. Mistletoe is a plant of the sun and also of the planet of Jupiter. It is associated with the element of the air. The colors of Mistletoe are green, gold and white, and its herb is hyssop. The gemstones associated with Mistletoe are Black Quartz, Amber, Pearl and green Obsidian. Mistletoe has the immortal creature the Gryphon-Eagle associated with it and also the plain eagle is its bird association. There are many deities associated with Mistletoe: Loki, Blader, Hercules, Shu, Osirus, and Aeneas are a few of those deities. Magickal usage: Romans, Celtics, and Germans believed that mistletoe is the key to the supernatural. Mistletoe will aid and strengthen all magickal works but is best called upon for healing, protection, and beautiful dreams - dreams which will unlock the secrets of immortality. Mistletoe is a good wood to use for making wands, other ritual tools and magickal rings. The Berries are used in love incenses, plus a few berries can be added to the ritual cup at a handfasting. Boughs of Mistletoe can be hung for all purpose protection around the house. Sprigs of Mistletoe can be carried as an herb of protection - plus amulets and jewelry can be made out of Mistletoe wood as protective talismans. Hung over the cradle, Mistletoe will protect the child from being stolen by the fey and Mistletoe that is carried will protect the bearer from werewolves. Mistletoe stood for sex and fertility - hence our tradition of kissing under the mistletoe. It is traditionally hung in the home at Yule, and those who walk under it exchange a kiss of peace. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Birch [8/8/2008 6:33:51 AM]

TW3 Stock Trade Change Pass

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Email Change Password [8/8/2008 6:34:00 AM]

TW3 re-send confirmation email

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Resend Confirmation Mail Email

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Resend Confirmation Email

Hmm, so you signed up but never got the confirmation email? Or did you accidentally throw away the confirmation email? It is possible that your mailserver did not like the contents of the email and considered it junk email, kindly removing it for you so you never got to see it. It is impossible here to explain all mail spam filters and how you can prevent the TW3 email from being eaten up by a spam filter. If you know how your mailserver works and how to 'whitelist' emails from the TW3 webpage: A good tip seems to be to add the email to your address book if you have this on your mailservice. Top of Page The From: address of the email you will get will be set to The subject line will say Your TW3 Confirmation Email [8/8/2008 6:34:11 AM]

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Link Factory
Typically when a site gets older, some links that users contribute will go stale because a webpage simply disappears. This is very annoying! Also, sometimes we want to keep track of which pages link to *us*. This can change quite dynamically, as more and more people may start liking this website as we keep on building. Also, in the member profiles, people can choose their 'favorite' websites. This is a text field right now, but we would like to make this a multiple selection list with links from our linkfactory. So, we have made a database of links. It will take a while for all the stuff to use this linkfactory instead of some of the fixed links, but a first example are the main menu tabs; By adding a link in the TW3 Menu link category, it will automatically pop into the menu.

Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:34:23 AM]

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Let people add or edit their own stories

The stories section is cool I think. After having had a few static stories on there for years with no updates, I think it's time we get some new contents there! Poetry is cool, fiction stories, just stories that you think are funny as all hell, just go for it and submit your contents!

Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:34:32 AM]

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Create a log of what people are doing

When people submit contents, the contents will obviously just 'show up'. However, as we get more and more contents, it will become difficult to find new contents without having to wade through the whole site first. Any change or addition of contents should be logged briefly and when somebody signs in, they should get a listing of 'what changed since your last visit'. This 'what changed' link should have a link to the content editor's profile as well as a link to the actual contents.

Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:34:42 AM]

TW3 Proposed Changes

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Suggest your own idea or report a bug (proposed on 0000-00-00 00:00:00 by Fredje not done yet ) 0 votes so far. Link Factory (proposed on 2007-06-16 09:41:11 by Fredje done at 2007-06-16 09:40:37 ) 2 votes so far. Typically when a site gets older, some links that users contribute will go stale because a webpage simply disappears. This is very annoying! Also, sometimes we want to keep track of which pages link to *us*. This can change quite dynamically, as more and more people may start liking this website as we keep on building. Also, in the member profiles, people can choose their 'favorite' websites. This is a text field right now, but we would like to make this a multiple selection list with links from our linkfactory. So, we have made a database of links. It will take a while for all the stuff to use this linkfactory instead of some of the fixed links, but a first example are the main menu tabs; By adding a link in the TW3 Menu link category, it will automatically pop into the menu.

Short Messaging (proposed on 2007-06-16 09:59:50 by Fredje done at 2007-06-21 19:11:59 ) 1 votes so far.

When you view the profiles of the members, you may see a little in. By clicking on this icon, you can create a message to that user.

icon when you're logged

Next time the user logs in, on any page, they will see the sender and the subject of the icon they can mark the message message right above the navigation menu. By clicking on the as read instantly, so by using the subject line only you can do very quick communications. By clicking on the icon, they can reply to the message and then also see the entire message.

Implement a suggestions thingie (proposed on 2007-06-16 12:07:14 by Fredje done at 2007-0621 19:10:46 ) 1 votes so far.

Let people submit ideas or bugs.

Make 'friend' list work properly (proposed on 2007-06-16 17:37:42 by Fredje done at 2007-0621 19:11:27 ) (1 of 3) [8/8/2008 6:35:00 AM]

TW3 Proposed Changes

0 votes so far. or a link. By On the profiles pages, when you're logged in you can see either a clicking these you can mark somebody your 'friend' or 'not your friend'. Obviously this does not mean you hate somebody that's not your friend, the friend list just gets used throughout the website for communication, interest sharing etc.

Let people add or edit their own stories (proposed on 2007-06-19 12:07:52 by Fredje done at 2007-06-19 12:08:28 ) 1 votes so far.

The stories section is cool I think. After having had a few static stories on there for years with no updates, I think it's time we get some new contents there! Poetry is cool, fiction stories, just stories that you think are funny as all hell, just go for it and submit your contents!

Create a log of what people are doing (proposed on 2007-06-21 06:26:48 by Heksje done at 2007-06-21 18:49:45 ) 3 votes so far.

When people submit contents, the contents will obviously just 'show up'. However, as we get more and more contents, it will become difficult to find new contents without having to wade through the whole site first. Any change or addition of contents should be logged briefly and when somebody signs in, they should get a listing of 'what changed since your last visit'. This 'what changed' link should have a link to the content editor's profile as well as a link to the actual contents.

Add a voting mechanism for changes (proposed on 2007-06-21 06:32:45 by Fredje done at 200706-21 19:12:30 ) 2 votes so far.

I'm happily rambling on, implementing features left and right. Some get implemented completely right away and don't even end up in this list of pending/completed changes. I'm a techie and I have conceivably much different opinions on 'what's cool' than other people do. I'll make a mechanism where people can vote on changes they find cool. When a proposed change appears very popular, I promise I will have a look at it :)

Make a 'My TW3' page (proposed on 2007-06-19 09:54:57 by Fredje not done yet ) 2 votes so far.

Now that messaging, link adding, and a bunch more things are done, it's becoming usefull to make a 'My TW3' page which shows your own message center, a collection of your own contributions, etc. etc.

Make a 'comment' button for contents (proposed on 2007-06-21 19:19:32 by Fredje not done yet ) (2 of 3) [8/8/2008 6:35:00 AM]

TW3 Proposed Changes

1 votes so far. In most cases so far (and in all cases down the line), only the owner of a piece of contents can edit those contents. We don't want to start any arguments between people about which contents is 'right' and which contents is 'wrong' here. But sometimes it is very nice to be able to comment on what somebody else has submitted. It could be that you know additional information on a deity, on an herd, a recipee, etc.

Top of Page (3 of 3) [8/8/2008 6:35:00 AM]

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No account yet? Sign up here! Forgot your password ? The page you want to view requires you to log in on the site. If you don't have a login yet, it's very easy to sign up and it won't cost you a thing! It's completely free to sign up, that's right! IMPORTANT: After you have signed up, you will get a confirmation email at the address you signed up with. You MUST click the confirmation link in that email, otherwise you will not get in. This is just a first honesty test you need to pass :) Top of Page If you threw out to your confirmation email in a rage and anger because you got yet another of Fatal error : Call a member function GetID() on a non-object in /var/www/dutchie/Tracy/ those spammy email... OOPS! Well you can have the system send you another confirmation Classes/ on line 189 email here [8/8/2008 6:35:12 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: swampy

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Profile of 'swampy'
Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for Fav deity/spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? Fav Sabbat Occupation ICQ/AIM/YAHOOEY Fav Witchy website Religion or Practice Best advice to new Witch swampy Don't F 1951-00-00 00:00:00 Duluth, MN, USA Swampy's HomePage 5/6/1999 Ecstatic non-religious Craft G I work both solitary and with a small family coven (Elven Coven) 30 + years years. I have a shrine to the seasons in my bedroom Seasonal stuff and lots of skulls and bones and fossils and stones Customer service at a large insurance company none The Witches Three Homepage Always question authority.

Me on Mikado (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:35:27 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: swampy

Spouse/S.O./kids Pets Favorite music/artist

Favorite quote Hobbies

Pet Peeves Fav fiction/non-fiction book Fav memorized Top of Page

Divorced, no man in life. Two kids (Gilead and Willow) and one grandbaby (Chase). 13 dogs, 5 cats, and a couple of USTs (Unidentified Spirit Thingies) Rancid..... Tim Armstrong is the god of Punk. I even have a Tim Armstrong mini-shrine on my wall that houses his shirt Not my pig, not my field. Rescuing dogs and cats and finding homes for them (the former I am very good at, the second I suck at since I end up keeping them all), reading, computer life, punk rock Mindless babble. The Wyrd (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:35:27 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: Heksje

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Profile of 'Heksje'
Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for Fav deity/spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? Fav Sabbat Occupation ICQ/AIM/YAHOOEY Fav Witchy website Religion or Practice Best advice to new Witch Spouse/S.O./kids Pets Favorite music/artist Favorite quote Hobbies Pet Peeves Fav fiction/non-fiction book Fav memorized Top of Page Heksje Torenheksje F 1962-02-01 00:00:00 The Netherlands 2000-03-15 A little of this and that S About 15 years. In the guest room Nothing, because I'm cleaning it Dreamer n/a The Witches Three Homepage Books are fine, but practical experience is better. Fred (my Dutchie hubby of 6 years), Griffin, 16; Lukas.7; Marissa, 6 Not at the moment, sadly. Kaiser Chiefs, Mika, Fratellis, Fall Out Boy, Amy Winehouse, Christina Aguilera Even if you don't succeed, it doesn't necessarily mean you've failed. Reading, sleeping, cooking, scuba diving, camping, computer stuff, learning Dutch liars As a strong woman who made a difference and who spoke Dutch fluently. :cP~ [8/8/2008 6:35:38 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member:

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Profile of ''
Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:35:49 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member:

Solitary or in a group Witchy for years. Fav deity/ spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? Fav Sabbat Occupation ICQ/AIM/ YAHOOEY Fav Witchy website Religion or Practice Best advice to new Witch Spouse/S.O./ kids Pets Favorite music/artist Favorite quote Hobbies Pet Peeves Fav fiction/ non-fiction book Fav memorized Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:35:49 AM]

Witches Three Members

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TW3 listmembers a-e

When you sign up on the TW3 website, the administrators will create an empty profile for you. When the profile is created, you will automatically get an email that this has happened, after which you can edit your profile. aghan alyssen Amber amberfox antigone213 ariya babookyra brekke cat catalina catriona dea dream emmatenebrae Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:35:59 AM]

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TW3 listmembers f-j

When you sign up on the TW3 website, the administrators will create an empty profile for you. When the profile is created, you will automatically get an email that this has happened, after which you can edit your profile. Fredje greengaia Heksje hestia honoraspen hyssop irishrose irishwolf jaydin jdelphine jezebel john july Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:36:09 AM]

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TW3 listmembers k-o

When you sign up on the TW3 website, the administrators will create an empty profile for you. When the profile is created, you will automatically get an email that this has happened, after which you can edit your profile. kelsy kestrel ksisterc landsbright lilacashes lnk lynne lynx majik meredith niniane oaklight Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:36:19 AM]

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TW3 listmembers p-t

When you sign up on the TW3 website, the administrators will create an empty profile for you. When the profile is created, you will automatically get an email that this has happened, after which you can edit your profile. phaedra randimariana sandra sapphirebat senashton shahala sistercrow sosoneda sunspider swampy tiamat tj Toria Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:36:28 AM]

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TW3 listmembers u-z

When you sign up on the TW3 website, the administrators will create an empty profile for you. When the profile is created, you will automatically get an email that this has happened, after which you can edit your profile. vampy whisperwright whitefire84 whitetiger wynnjera Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:36:38 AM]

Witches Three Deities

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We have categorized the Deities. You can add a category if you want to add a description of a deity but the right category isn't there. Dark Goddesses Winter Spirits Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:36:48 AM]

Witches Three Potions and Recipes

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Potions & Recipes

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Weather Powder Weather Chant DragonsBane Protection Oil Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:36:57 AM]

Witches Three Spells

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Protection Spells

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specific protection Purify and Protect the Home

Love Spells

A Love Spell

Miscellaneous Spells
The Wind Bearer's Spell Testing this Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:37:07 AM]

A Listing of Sabbats

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Samhain Yule Brighid's Day Ostara Beltane Litha Lammas Mabon Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:37:16 AM]

Witches Three Miscellaneous

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A Graveyard Dirt Primer Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:37:26 AM]

Herbs Sacred To Mabon

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Herbs Sacred To Mabon

By Sarah the SwampWitch

Benzoin Fern Barley Corn Oat Wheat Honeysuckle Marigold Milkweed Myrhh Passionflower Rose Sage Solomon's Seal Thistle Carrot Celery Cucumber Lettuce Radish

SOURCES: Year of Moons, Season of Trees, by Pattalee Glass-Koentop Tree Medicine Tree Magic by Ellen Evert Hopman A Druid's Herbal by Ellen Evert Hopman The Sabbats: A New Approach to Living the Old Ways by Edain McCoy (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:37:42 AM]

Herbs Sacred To Mabon

A Compendium of Herbal Magick by Paul Beyerl Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham Rodale's Herbal Guide Document Copyright 1999-2006 by Sarah Nunn (Sarah the SwampWitch). This document can be re-published and shared only as long as no information is lost or changed, credit is given to the author, and it is provided or used without cost to others. Other uses of this document must be approved in writing by Sarah Nunn. Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:37:42 AM]

Herbs Sacred to Samhain

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Herbs Sacred To Samhain

By Sarah the SwampWitch

Acorn/Oak Apple Corn Dittany of Crete Hazel Nightshade Fumitory Mullein Pumpkin Sage Turnip Wormwood Yellow Cedar

SOURCES Year of Moons, Season of Trees, by Pattalee Glass-Koentop Tree Medicine Tree Magic by Ellen Evert Hopman A Druid's Herbal by Ellen Evert Hopman The Sabbats: A New Approach to Living the Old Ways by Edain McCoy A Compendium of Herbal Magick by Paul Beyerl Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham Rodale's Herbal Guide Document Copyright 1999-2006 by Sarah Nunn (Sarah the SwampWitch). This document can be re-published and shared only as long as no information is lost or changed, credit is given to (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:37:51 AM]

Herbs Sacred to Samhain

the author, and it is provided or used without cost to others. Other uses of this document must be approved in writing by Sarah Nunn. Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:37:51 AM]

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No account yet? Sign up here! Forgot your password ? The page you want to view requires you to log in on the site. If you don't have a login yet, it's very easy to sign up and it won't cost you a thing! It's completely free to sign up, that's right! IMPORTANT: After you have signed up, you will get a confirmation email at the address you signed up with. You MUST click the confirmation link in that email, otherwise you will not get in. This is just a first honesty test you need to pass :) Top of Page If you threw out your confirmation email in a rage and anger because you got yet another of those spammy email... OOPS! Well you can have the system send you another confirmation email here [8/8/2008 6:38:12 AM]

Earth or Nature Religion

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Earth or Nature Religion

Submitted by: Fredje One problem that I have with most religions is that they usually seem to be 'bound' to Earth. In Pagan religion it appears that there's an Earth Goddess, but what about the Mars God/ Goddess? What about the Jupiter God/Goddess? Why not simply refer to a deity or deities if you prefer as the 'Creator(s)' that created the universe(s) ?

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What\'s the difference between Pagan and Wiccan?

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What\'s the difference between Pagan and Wiccan?

Submitted by: Fredje

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No account yet? Sign up here! Forgot your password ? The page you want to view requires you to log in on the site. If you don't have a login yet, it's very easy to sign up and it won't cost you a thing! It's completely free to sign up, that's right! IMPORTANT: After you have signed up, you will get a confirmation email at the address you signed up with. You MUST click the confirmation link in that email, otherwise you will not get in. This is just a first honesty test you need to pass :) Top of Page If you threw out your confirmation email in a rage and anger because you got yet another of those spammy email... OOPS! Well you can have the system send you another confirmation email here [8/8/2008 6:39:08 AM]

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Webdesigner ramblings
Author: Fred Hi, I'm Fred, the builder of the coding part of this website. I have taken some large chunks of static contents that were pretty popular, put it into a database and wrapped some scripts around it to allow members to update the contents and add new contents. I've basically created the 'engine' (or broom if you want :) so all our members can start adding contents and make this site even more popular! Besides just converting the contents and writing some wrappers around it, I've done some other 'tricks' on this site, some of which I will try to document under my 'writings' section. Fredje Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:39:18 AM]

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Signing up and confirmation emails

Author: Fred Here's some things you may take into consideration when updating your profile:

Sometimes you may have a login, but not see yourself in the profiles. We, meaning Sarah, Tracy or me, need to create an empty profile first and then link you to that profile. So if you don't see yourself in the profiles, but would like to put something there anyway, we'll get to adding profiles and you'll automatically get an email telling you that you can now update your profile. Other people may have signed up, but never gotten a confirmation email. This could be for several reasons: Your ISP or mailwebsite thinks the email coming from the TW3 website is spam. Damn them! It is NOT! :) Well one reasonably good way to overcome this is to add '' to your address book *if you have webmail. If you don't use webmail but just Outlook or something locally on your PC, adding the address to your local addresslist won't help you much. If your mailserver eats up the emails before they ever get to Outlook, adding anything in outlook won't help ya any. You're as they call it shit out of luck :) Well unless you want to give your ISP a really hard time, ask them why the heck you're not getting emails from and nag them until they fix it that is. I cannot decide for you if you find the TW3 emails quite *that* important (well ok, I can, and they are :) Maybe you have once upon a time gotten a confirmation email when I was eagerly signing up people without asking their permission. Maybe you thought 'WTF!?!?!' and deleted it on the spot.

So now you tell me 'you never got it' eh? ;-) Well don't worry, you *can *have the site send you a new confirmation email ( just type in your email there and let it try to send you another confirmation email)

Okay, here's where it starts to get tricky. So you want to update your profile... navigate to the members section, find your name. It's not there? See above. It is there? *make sure you're logged in first* (you can see this in the far top right of any page; if you're logged in it will show you a link 'Log Out' and if you're not yet logged in, it will show you a link 'Log in / Sign up'. So if you're logged in, and your profile exists, and your profile is linked to your username, you SHOULD then see a few small icons in the top right of your profile: 'Contact / Edit / Friend'. Clicking on the last link is essential, you MUST be your own friend or it won't work. Ok... that was a joke. No, really. You do not need to be your own friend... Either way, the 'Edit' icon is what you want to click on. You will now get a complicated form and the questions on (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:39:33 AM]

there are very terse and sometimes even incomprehensible. I will fix that later, I kinda suck at layouting so give me some time to learn :) Most of the questions are easy though, with some exceptions, they are:

Picture. If you have a cool picture of yourself and you want to show it to everybody, but it's not on the webserver yet, well click on 'Add Picture'. You will now get yet another form. 'Public' or not does not do anything yet so be mindfull about uploading nude pictures of yourself okay? Everybody can see what you upload for right now. Later on I can make it such that only people you marked 'friends' can see it, or only members, or whatever, but it's not there yet. *Important: *You should enter a description. If you leave the description empty, you will NOT see the picture in your picklist (even though it IS there :) So after you have uploaded a picture, you can go into editting your profile again and the description of the picture you just uploaded should be in the picklist. Enjoy!

HomePage. The homepages uses the 'Link Factory'; this is a big table of categorized URL's/hyperlinks. You can see all of the Link Factory links on links.php. If your homepage isn't in the Link Factory yet, well go ahead and add it. Don't be shy now, just click on 'Add One' from your profile edit page. Now.... when you click on it from the profile edit page, you should see the 'HomePages' category selected. If not, make sure to select it. The picklist will only list links from the HomePages category. *Important: *Enter a description here too or you won't see your link in the HomePages picklist.

Favorite Witchy Website: the same applies as to the HomePage, except you need to make sure to add links in the 'Favorite Witchy Websites' category for this one to show up in your Favorite Witchy Websites picklist.

Some people have added links to the TW3 Menu category LOL. This means your link shows up in the top menu. Very funny, and no doubt an honest mistake :) If you're logged in and go to the links section, you will see edit icons behind the links. Feel free to correct yourself if you made an error :)

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How to update your profile

Author: Fred This howto is under construction still as the profiles are still under construction. Alright, let's get a basic sense of what's going on first. As you may have noticed, there are many different types of 'object' on the TW3 website. We can find deities, trees, books and lots more. The profile that people fill in to make themselves known on the TW3 mailinglist asks a whole lot of questions like 'what are your favorite books?'. This used to be just a simple text field that you filled in in a form and that's it. I'm sure however that you noticed that a 'list of recommended books?' and a 'what are your favorite book?' have something in common :) So what we did is that we give you the opportunity to select your favorite books from a list of books that others have already added to the list of recommended books. What could be more logical eh? However, what if your favorite book isn't in the list yet? Well, then you get to add it to the list of recommended books first and you get to give a little description of the book yourself. After you have done so, your book will show up in the list in your profile! This way, we can build meaningfull contents together. The same mechanism is or will be duplicated throughout the site. Sometime soon it will also be possible for example to select your favorite deities from a list of... well you guessed it, the deities on the 'deities page' under the book of shadows. If your favorite deity isn't there, well.... you probably know much about that deity, so why not add it to the list of deities and write a little blurb about that deity as well? Content is everything!

Fredje Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:39:45 AM]

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The Far Side of the Mountain

Author: DreamDancer There is a place, I just know there is, on the far side of the mountain, that is peacefull and joyous. A place where I can be happy and creative. A place where I can find love and laughter. A place where I can be content. I know that if I can just get over the mountain, and reach that special place, I will find the sun shining, the birds singing, and revel in the love of life I find there. If I can but reach the far side of the mountain, I will be able to write songs and poetry, for that is the place that it is done. If I can reach the far side of the mountain, I will find love and happiness. I will find friends, that love me for me, and for no other reason. If I can reach the far side of the mountain, I will smile and laugh, and feel warm and comfy every day. I know in my heart, that the far side of the mountain is the place for meto be. But, alas I fear, the mountain is too large for me to cross. The peak reaches to a daunting height. It disappears amidst the clouds. I have tried, oh how I have tried, to cross over this mountain, to reach the far side where I long to be. Each time I have climbed, it proved to great a feat for me. Many a time Itried, only to reach an unscalable cliff. There was no way for me to go, no footholds or handholds, no purchase for me at all. Several times I have found spiral paths, that wind there way up to the heights, but the journey was so long, I had to turn back before it became night. Oh, I have neared the peak, don't think that I haven't. But it was a cold, lonely place, and I feared if I didn't turn back, I would forever be stranded there. (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:40:00 AM]

So, each night I dream of the far side of the mountain, and each morning,the mountain still looms over me. A day comes, as many days have before, when I sit and stare at the mountain, wishing to cross to the other side, and knowing I am not up to the task. But then the gem of an idea comes to me. Just a little thought that tickles my mind, and won't let me be. Why must I climb and cross the mountain to get to the other side? Cannot I reach the far side of the mountain by simply walking around it? The next morning I set out, to walk around to the far side of the mountain, and I find my path is smooth. It takes a while true, but I con't care. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I can see the mountain slip by, as I make my way to the far side. And I reach it. I make it to the far side of the mountain. What a joyous day. I have reached the place that I longed for, but thought I would never see. But then I stop, and take a good look around. The far side of the mountain looks no different than the place I was before The people are the same, as are the places and things. And then I realised an amazing thing. The mountain was never there, it was only in my mind. And that joyous, special place, the far side of the mountain, was always in reach, found inside of me. dream Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:40:00 AM]

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Tigger\'s Full Moon Ritual

Author: DreamDancer Tiggers Full Moon Ritual, Grove of the Hundred Acre Wood. Under the bright full moon, in the grove at the center of the Hundred Acre Wood, the celebrants come together. Pooh, as summoner, bids them to enter into the sacred place. One by one, they file in and take their places around the fire. And they wait, and wait and wait, and wait. "Oh Bother!" says Pooh. "Our High Priest is not here. However can we hold our ritual tonight?" And they wait some more. Then they hear a crash, and a crash and a crash and a crash, and out of the brush explodes the High Priest. "Wooohooohooohooo!!! Never fear! The night is clear, and Tigger's here! Tiggers run on Pagan Standard time you know! Now let the ritual begin!!!" He looks to his left, and takes rabbits hand. "Hand to hand this circle is cast" Rabbit turns to his left, to Owl. "Hand to hand, this circle is cast" Owl turns, and reaches down to Piglet. "Ahem. Now from hand to hand, in a most wonderous way, a way that has a history that stretches back into the dawn of time, to when ..." (a series of coughs from the group) "Oh yes. To you Piglet, hand to hand the circle is cast". Piglet turns to Eeyore. "Hand" Eeyore: "I don't have any hands. I guesss I'm messing things up once again" he pouts (1 of 4) [8/8/2008 6:40:19 AM]

Piglet, tho he is a little fellow, feels up to any challenge. "W w w w w well then, hand to ear the circle is cast my friend". And so, on it goes. "Woohoohoohoo" says Tigger. "The circle is cast, our sacred space is whole. So Mote it Be!! Woohoo!!" "So Mote it Be" reply the others. "And now, why don't we invite the elements to join us in our celebration tonight? Rabbit?" Rabbit: Guardians of the North, Element of Earth, wonderful earth that gives forth carrots, oh beautious, joyous, wonderful carrots, I invite you to join us in our celebration tonight. Hail, and Welcome" "Hail and Welcome" repeats the group. Owl: "Ahem!!!Guardians of the East, Element of Air, the spirit of our intelligence and wisdom, of which I of course am a prime example, well read and studious as I am, a font of knowledge as it were, the source for any information you may need, the..." (coughing from the group once more) "Ahem, er, yes, Element of Air, we invite you to join us tonight. Hail and Welcome". "Hail and Welcome" repeats the group. Piglet: "G g g guardians of the South, Element of Fire, I invite you to join us tonight. I know I'm a little Piglet, but I have a b b b big voice, and an even b b b bigger heart, s s so I know you' will hear m m m me. H h h h hail and Welcome" "Hail and Welcome" repeats the group. Eeyore: " Oh. I guess it's my turn. Not that anyone would really listen to me, but it's my job so I'll do it. Guardians of the West, Element of Water, I suppose I should ask you to join us tonight. And I'll probably get all wet, and have to walk around all night, smelling like wet fur. Oh well, Hail and Welcome I suppose". "Hail and Welccome repeats the group. "Woohoohoohoo!!! Now, if our sister Kanga can call upon the lady?" Kanga: "Blessed Lady, Goddess of the moonlight, Mother of us all who keeps us as Joeys in the pouch of her world. Oh, now Roo, you musn't do that. You musn't play with the cleansing oil like that. "But Mama......" "Now Roo, behave. Thank you. Now, Blessed Mother, you know what children are like, so I'll just go (2 of 4) [8/8/2008 6:40:19 AM]

ahead and invite you to join with us and lend your spirit to this joyous night. Hail and Welcome". "Woohoohoohoo!!!. The circle is cast. The Lady is with us. Ain't it just grand?" Tigger raises his arms to the sky, and starts to twirl, and starts to bounce, and twirls and bounces, twirls and bounces, deosil around the circle. "Woohoohoohoo. The wonderful thing about witches, is witches is wonderful things. They dance, they prance, they clap and sing. They live a life of joy, peace and fun. But, the most wonderful thing about witches is...I AIN'T the only one. The wonderful thing about witches, is witches is wonderful folks. They're serious when needed, but always quick with jokes. They honor the Lord, they honor the lady. They love to lay in a field and bask in the sun, or under a tree where it's shady. But, the most wonderful thing about witches is, I AIN'T the only one. The wonderful thing about Witches, is Witches have wonderful souls. Theirhearts will swell, they make folks well, and around campfires, stories tell. They're happy, clappy, sometimes sappy, and when they don't ground right, they're often zappy, but the most wonderful thing about Witches is........I....AIN'T....The.....Only.....One. Woohoohoohoohoo. Blessed Be!" "Blessed Be" repeats the group. "Oh, bother" says Pooh. "That is so silly. This is a ritual. I don't think we're supposed to be silly, are we?" "Au contraire my dear Pooh. Woohoohoo!!!. We are willy nilly, and silly, but we are celebrating the joy in our hearts, the zest for life that we have, the energy that we share. We heal our souls with happy fun, we set our spirits free to run, we live the beauty of the moon and sun. We're Witches you know. hehehehe. Now, please bring forth the bread, wine and honey so we can complete our blessed night". "Oh, Bother!" says Pooh. "The honey jar seems to be empty. I know there was some here, when I checked its taste before ritual. Where ever could it have gone? I guess I've ruined the ritual now. Oh bother, Oh woe". "Woohoohoohoo, Christopher Robin is right you know, you really ARE a silly old bear. We're together, with each other and with the Lady. Honey would be nice I'm sure, but our ritual was good and lovely and pure. Perhaps next time tho, you could bring two jars? woohoohoohoo!!! Now, take this cup, and take this bread, and with all being done and said, we are sisters and brothers, from last to first. May you never hunger, may you never thirst. Woohoohoohoo!!!" And so the cup is passed, and the bread to share, and not one thought given to a worldly care. "Woohooohoohoo!!! And now, let us end our Full Moon Ritual. Kanga?" Kanga: "Thank you Tigger, and for behaving yourself, thank you Roo". "Oh, Mama!!" Kanga: "Blessed Lady, we thank you for your presence with us tonight, tholike the good Mother you (3 of 4) [8/8/2008 6:40:19 AM]

are, you are always with us, at least in our hearts. Go if you must, stay if you will. Hail and Farewell". "Hail and Farewell" repeats the group. Eeyore: "Well, Water, I didn't think you'd come, but I guess it's nice that you did. Go if you must, and you probably will, stay if you want to. Hail and Farewell". "Hail and Farewell" repeats the group. Piglet: Element of Fire, I kn kn knew you would listen to my c c c call. Thank you for c c c coming. Go if you must, stay if you will. Hail and Farewell". "Hail and Farewell" repeats the group. Owl: "Ahem!! Element of Air, I knew that you would come, as I'm wont to know so many things, but I thank you none the less. Go if you must, stay if you will. Hail and Farewell". "Hail and Farewell" repeats the group. Rabbit: "Element of Earth, provider or carrots and cabbages and many great things, I thank you for coming tonight. Go if you must, stay if you will. Hail and Farewell". "Hail and Farewell" repeats the group. "Woohoohoohoo. Just one more thing to do!! As hand to hand the circle was cast, or hand to ear, or ear to hand, or from me to you and you to me, it's time from hand to hand the circle set free". Tigger turns to Pooh. "Hand to hand, the circle is opened". And so in widdershins, on it goes. "Woohoohoohoo, and now we're thru. Unlike my furniture, and many other things as well, the circle is open, yet never broken. So Mote It Be!!!" "So Mote It Be!!!" shouts the group. Tigger starts to bounce, the others to smile and look about. "Now, music laughter and dance, this is it, this is your chance. Tiggers are excellent drummers you know. Wohoohoohoo!!!!" And the sounds of drumbeats and laughter are heard all thru the night and all thru the Hundred Acre Wood dream Top of Page (4 of 4) [8/8/2008 6:40:19 AM]

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The Warrior\'s Question

Author: DreamDancer The warrior trained hard, running miles each day, learning the ways of the bow, the shield, the mace and the spear. Sword work with the other warriors, practicing movements over and over and over again, until arms became leaden, breath seemed like it would not come into the warriors lungs anymore. Collapsing each night in utter exhaustion. And the warrior asked, "why do I do this thing?" The warrior went forth on hunts, deep into the hills and forests, days and weeks at a time away from home. In the blistering heat of the summer and in the frozen chill of deep winter, lonely and tired beyond belief. And the warrior asked, "why do I do this thing?" The warrior was called forth to war. Many battles were fought, many foes were vanquished. Many comrades, indeed many close friends fell to the enemies swords. The warrior was cut, stabbed and bludgeon in feocious melees, never quite healing right, but continued to fight on, beyond any seemingly normal endurance. And the warrior asked, "why do I do this thing?" The battles raged long and hard. The enemy was too strong it seemd, and the warriors were pushed back to the walls of the town. One more charge would put the enemy thru the lines, overwhelming the brave defenders. The town would be lost, the buildings burned, the people put to death. And the warrior asked, "why do I do this thing?" The enemy hordes charged. Breaks in the line formed as the enemy breached the walls, but at each breach, seemingly by some form of magic, the warrior appeared to rally the defenders. All the day, and into the night the battle raged, then suddenly it seemd that the enemy lost heart, could not face the slaughter any more, and fled from the walls. The warrior slumped against the wall, barely able to stand upright, sword barely grasped to hand. (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:40:35 AM]

And the warrior asked, "why do I do this thing?" The warrior set forth from the town, ensuring that this was no ruse, that the enemy was well and truly fled. to the borders of the land the forces trudged, but the enemy never paused, never turned to fight, truly beaten. Unable to force themselves any farther in pursuit, they turned for home, wearily plodding down the road they had just traversed. And the warrior asked, "why do I do this thing?" Back into the town with the sunrise. Trudging along by instinct alone, desperate to rest, desperate to be home. Not even able to focus on the faces of the townsfolk that the warrior passed, just putting one foot in front of the other, barely seeing each passing street and alley. Not hearing the cheers of the crowds, not feeling the pats on the back And the warrior asked, "why do I do this thing?" Standing in front of the doorway to the house, about to collapse, the warrior had no more energy go go on. The door to the house burst open, and out flew a small child, leaping up into the warriors arms. "Mommy, you're home!!. You did it!! You saved us all. I love you Mommy". And, the warrior looked down into her sons face, and knew the answer to her question. dream Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:40:35 AM]

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Pathways: An Essay on the Freedom of Religion

Author: DreamDancer Well, it had been yet another bad day in the office, and once again it was the fault of that new girl, MaryAnne. She is one of those Wiccans, a so called witch. How can anyone in their right mind make this claim, knowing that it goes against God and all of the teachings of the bible? She doesn't even have the common decency to keep her satanic symbol, her pentagram necklace hidden from the view of the decent, God fearing people in the office. She has some nerve. I find that I cannot hate her for this though, for I know that she has been deceived. Satan works his evil in ways that she cannot see. I've seen that so called Wiccan Crede that she has tacked to the wall above her computer. On the surface, it looks like a decent loving belief, but all one must do is look, look closely and see that by practicing this way, and not embracing Jesus Christ as savior, she is on the pathway to hell. As I've said, it was a bad day in the office. Three times in the past few weeks I have been called in to see my supervisor, and he has told me that I am not allowed to preach to MaryAnne the word of God, to show her the error of her ways. Today, my supervisor told me that if I continue to "harass" MaryAnne, he will be forced to terminate me. How can he say this? He himself is a God fearing man. And, how can he be so tolerant of the evil that he sees insinuating itself into our workplace? As I lay down to sleep last night, I asked the Lord for guidance. "God, grant me a true vision of you, so that I may better lead the faithless onto the righteous path," "Oh, a true vision of Me is it? Are you sure that you're ready, truly ready to see, my son?" I sat bolt upright in bed, and there, at the foot of my bed, white of hair and beard, in a long, flowing white robe, stood the Lord my God. I made to leap from the bed and fall to my knees in front of Him, but he stopped me with a gesture. "Kneel not before me at this time my son. Instead, rise and walk with Me, so that you may get a glimpse of what I truly am, as you asked of me in your prayer." He took my hand, and as I looked, my bedroom was no longer there, but a pathway thru the woods. We started to walk, and I was too awestruck for words. We took the path to the left, and we were then inside St.Catherine's Church, in the middle of a service. While still standing beside me, God seemed to expand and fill the whole of the church. I could see smiles of contentment forming on some of the parishioners faces. I felt blessed. (1 of 3) [8/8/2008 6:40:55 AM]

God smiled upon me."The Catholics hold such pretty masses, don't they? I like to stop here in this church, because not only do they speak the words, but they live the life, thru teaching, helping the sick and poor, not only with handouts, but helping them learn to help themselves. Now let us walk on," We walked a bit further, and then we were in a mosque. At least I believed so, as I had never been in one before, but had seen pictures of them. The group of worshippers was not large, but I could see their rapt faces as they listened to the mullah speak. He was speaking to them of purity, both of the mind and the body, bringing them closer to Allah. And as he spoke, God, dressed now in the robes of the desert, walked among them and briefly laid his hands upon each set of shoulders. And, from their faces, I could see that these men knew that the words of the mullah were true, and that their spirits felt touched by God. And then we were back on the pathway. After we had walked a bit, we found ourselves in an African village.People with skin as black as night, the women with their breast shamefully bared, were dancing in a circle, to the rhythm of the drums being played by a group of men. Somehow though, I was not offended by the bared breasts, and the music seemed to seep into my soul. God was then a mighty lion, and He let forth a mighty roar. The villagers did not seem to hear, but the drums increased their pounding, and the dancers danced with a frenzy. And then we were back on the pathway. We walked a bit more, and were on the top of a cliff. There sat, painted and covered with feathers, an old Navajo man. As I watched, he seemed to change into the form of an eagle and take flight, and we were flying with him, soaring high into the air, seeing the vista spread out below us. And God, in the form of an eagle Himself, seemed to guide this other eagle thru the air, over mountains and thru valleys, until he came upon a group of men. As I watched, the old Navajo man was no longer an eagle, but a young boy instead, and he sat at the feet of these men, to listen to the words of his elders. And then we were back on the pathway. We traveled a bit, and then we were in a forest clearing. I knew this place. It was known as a place of devil worship and evil. In the center of the clearing roared a great bonfire, and kiwi torches outlined a circle of sorts. Inside this circle, in a circle themselves, stood 7 men and 6 women,dressed in robes of varying colors, their arms raised to the moon. Was that one woman MaryAnne? I really couldn't be sure. And God walked among them in the circle, touching each one. He seemed not to be an older man now, but as he made each of three turns around the circle, he was first a young girl, bouncing with energy, then a woman of middle years, with a tender smile for all Her children, and finally, an old woman, body bent, but holding Her head up with pride. And a woman stepped forward, and yes, it was MaryAnne, and lifted her head to the sky. "Great Goddess, Mother of us all, thank you for joining us tonight. Stay if You will, go if You must. Know in our hearts You will always be welcome.Blessed be!!" And we were back on the pathway. As we walked along, ahead in the distance I saw the most beautiful man. Yes, beautiful,though I would never normallythink of a man this way. With blonde hair, and a golden robe, he seemed to radiate sunshine. God and this golden man nodded to each other as they passed, sharing a smile together. "My Lord" I asked, "was that an angel?" "Well, yes, he is known as that to some. He is also known to some as a god himself. That was Lucifer" And His words caused me to stumble. I couldn't believe that we had just passed the ultimate evil. (2 of 3) [8/8/2008 6:40:56 AM]

God looked at me, and He knew my mind. And he chuckled a bit."Think about it logically My son. The Lucifer that you know is a fallen angel, cast out of heaven for challenging Me. If I am the all powerful being, above all others, how could he do this? How could I allow it?" "But, in the bible...." I stammered. "The Bible is a wonderful book, as are the Koran and the Torah and many others, but they are just books, written by the hand of man, not written by Me. And, it's a bit confusing as well if the truth be known, but that's not up to Me to fix. These books are wonderful, but only as guidance, for each man and woman must think for themselves." And, I believed He was right in this. "Now, come forth, we must journey a little more before you go back" and He took my hand once again. As we followed the pathway, we soared thru the stars, listening to the music of the heavens, we became a little flower and a mighty oak, we became a babbling brook, and a mighty ocean. We flitted from flower to flower as a little honey bee, and ran across the plains as a mighty stallion.And, all too soon the pathway returned us to my home. God held my hand a moment longer, and smiled into my face. "My son, you prayed tonight for a true vision of Me. For vision, you must only open your eyes and see what there is to see. Good night to you". And then He was gone, and I was back in my bed. A dream I thought, only a dream, that couldn't have been real. At that time, a bolt of lightning lit up my room thru the window, and thunder crashed thru the sky, and I thought I heard, from seemingly far away, "Remember, the Lord works in mysterious ways My son". This morning as I entered the office, I went to the machine for a cup of coffee, and standing there, I spied MaryAnne. As I approached her, I could see her barely cringe, and I could see in her face that she was expecting yet another onslaught from me and my book. She seemed to cast her eyes about about for a way to escape, but there was none. I walked up to her and smiled. "I think I owe you a bit of an apology" I said. "I've been a bit narrow minded of late,and I really had no right to subject you to what I did. It's not up to me to say how you find your path to your spirit, and I was wrong to think that was so," MaryAnne just stood there, not knowing what to say. "So, I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry, and I hope you will forgive my trespass. God bless you MaryAnne, and...uh.... Blessed Be?" You know, I always thought that it was just a saying, about peoples jaws dropping to the floor, but MaryAnne did her best at that moment to prove me wrong. dream Top of Page (3 of 3) [8/8/2008 6:40:56 AM]

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My Life
Author: DreamDancer My Life was a long one, as things of this kind are figured, and a pretty good one as well. There were ups and downs of course, but from my reckining, more ups than downs. I was generally happy and content. My life was good. But alas, like all good things, the time had come for my life to end. On a cold winters night, snow covering the lands and Jack Frost playing the part of an artist on my windows, I had a great meal, nothing fancy, just good wholesome stuff, then spent my evening by the fire, losing myself in mellow music. I think I must have dozed off, sitting in my favorite chair. I didn't wake up tho, leastwise, not in any way I'd done before. I opened my eyes to find myself astride a golden pathway. A place I had never before seen. I suppose I must have blinked, I can't really say for sure. I know I then looked around, and then what I saw shocked me, probably more than anything ever had. There, just a short distance from me, was a set of gates, pearly white gates. This couldn't really be true, I couldn't really be seeing what I was seeing. I didn't really want to, but I felt a strong need to approach these gates, and so I did. As I drew closer I saw, just like in the stories, beautiful people flying about, for the had wings, and looked to be beings of light. I thought I heard, but wasn't really sure, some music or singing of some sort. Was it voices? Was it woodwinds and strings? Was it the wind, blowing thru chimes, tho I felt no wind upon my skin? I entered the gate, and then I spied, waiting just inside, a beautiful man in flowing white robes. In his hands he held what looked to me to be a ledger book of some sort, tho not like any I had ever seen. It was both incredibly large, yet only as substantial as a hint of a breeze. I'd had my suspicions before, but now I knew to where it was I had come. The man looked up from the book at me, smiled a radiant smile, and said "I welcome you, Michael my brother". (1 of 3) [8/8/2008 6:41:11 AM]

"Are you, are you Saint Peter? And this place, this place, is it really Heaven?" "Well yes" he replied. "That is a name I am known by. And yes, this place is known by that name as well". "There must be some mistake" I said. "From all I know, from all I've read and heard, I haven't earned any right to be here". "Oh, you do belong here" he said. "We do not make mistakes here". "But how can this be? I did not spend my sundays in church. I haven't taken any sacrements. I did not pray to God every day". "No, you didn't, did you?" he replied. "You spent your sundays with your family and friends. You helped your wife keep house, you taught and played with your sons. You wished each night for peace, and for happiness and health to all you knew". "Yes, that is true, but I was still far from church on Gods' day". "No, but you would go to see sick relatives and friends, give them help and comfort in their time of need. And when your sons were grown and gone from the house, you spent many a sunday, first at the Saint Agnes soup kitchen, then the later part of the day at the shelter for women and children". "Saint Peter, I have never gone to confession, to pay my penance and have my sins forgiven". "No you haven't" he said, "but you sat with others in need. You gave them your ear when they needed it. You lent them your shoulder to lean on, and your strength to draw from". "But" I said. " I had sex, many, many times before I got married. I was weak and couldn't help myself, but still the bible says I am a sinner for this, and I will be honest, I am still not sorry for what I did. I enjoyed it". At this he just chuckled. "God gave you desires, and made sex enjoyable for a reason my brother. And, you never hurt anyone by your actions, you always took care that your partner enjoyed it as much as you, and most importantly, you always cared about those you lay down with, loved them in a way even. You think this is so wrong?". "But the bible says" I started, but he cut me right off. "The bible is a very good book, with many good notions in it, but it is a just a book none the less. The writers may have been inspired by the feel of God in many ways, but the book was written by people, not by God, and people are not infallable as you well know. Besides, which version of the bible do you think you went against? Do you know how many times it was re-written? How many times it was translated from one tongue to another. Do you think that in all these things, there might not be some misunderstandings and things not exactly true placed in this book?" "That may be true Saint Peter, and even so, there is one reason above all others that I know I have no right to be here. You see, I am not even a Christian. In fact, I am a witch. Say what you will, witches have no place in Heaven". (2 of 3) [8/8/2008 6:41:11 AM]

As I finished saying this, I saw the day go bright around me. A feeling of warmth and happiness spread thru me. "And who is to say that only those who follow the Christian faith may go to heaven?" said a voice which seemed to come from all around me, and from inside my heart as well. I turned and beheld the most awesome sight. There, standing before me was the Lord God, the Father of us all. I could not help but fall to my knees. "Kneel not before me my son. Instead, rise, rise and embrace me, for you are my son, you are of me as much as I am of you". I rose and rushed into his arms and clutched to him as he embraced me. With my eyes squeezed tight shut, a feeling of peace and total love wrapped around me like a protective cacoon. Now, at this point, I felt I really did belong in this place. He ended the embrace and stepped back. I opened my eyes and gazed into the beautiful, radiant face of the Goddess, our Mother standing before me where I had just been held by God. "Human beins have a saying, that you are created in Gods' image, is this not so? Well, my children have many faces, and they follow many paths. All of those many different faces are the same as my face, and all of the faiths and paths are one with me, and I with them. I am your Mother, I am your Father, you are all my children and I am of you. Welcome home my son". I stood for a moment, not knowing what to do, what to say. "You don't need to say a thing" She told me. Just be at home. Now, walk over and take the path to your right and follow it into the green fields. Your wife jenny has been wiaiting for you, in that place you call the Summerlands". dream Top of Page (3 of 3) [8/8/2008 6:41:11 AM]

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Introducing Me
Author: DreamDancer Mary Meat One and All, I have been lurking here for 26 minutes, and I thought that it was time to introduce myself. My name is Bastet RunningDeer MorningGlory MoonBeam SunSoar. I used to be just Bill, but during deep meditation and astral proection, I met my spirit guide, who I believe is Winston Churchill's mother while I was cooking marshmellows at my astral camp on Jupitor, and he told me this should be my new name. I'm thinking now of legally changing my name to this. What do you think? BTW, there really are giant squid that swim about in the heavy atmosphere of Jupitor. Jovian giant squid are now my totem animal. It just feels right and we should always go with what feels right. Right? Anyway, back to me. I've been officially pagan since last thursday, but it seems that I have been living my life in a pagan style since at least last monday. I just didn't know that there was a name for it. I just read "Covencraft" by Amber K and am thinking of becoming a high priest and starting my own coven or grove or church or synogague or temple. I may be new to this path, officially at least, but I feel that it is the right thing to do at this point in my spiritual developement, and we should always do what feels right. Right? Anyway, back to me. I've been officially pagan since last thursday, but it seems that I have been living my life in a pagan style since at least last monday. I just didn't know that there was a name for it. I just read "Covencraft" by Amber K and am thinking of becoming a high priest and starting my own coven or grove or church or synogague or temple. I may be new to this path, officially at least, but I feel that it is the right thing to do at this point in my spiritual developement, and we should always do what feels right. Right? (1 of 4) [8/8/2008 6:41:30 AM]

It's okay, because just because I have only been pagan a little while in this lifetime, I have lived many lives in the past as a pagan, and died at least 162 times when killed by christian witch hunters for my beliefs. It is probably more than 162 times, but those are all that I can remember since I started doing past life regressions yesterday. I was always a Celt in my past lives. Well, almost always. Usually, when I wasn't being killed by the witch hunters, I was a king or queen of Ireland. The two exceptions that I have found so far are when I was incarnated as Cleopatra and as Julius Caeser. This proves that we don't reincarnate linearly. I was both at the same point on the time line. It was a very interesting experience, to say the least. I actually experienced having sex with myself, complete intercourse, and also discovered that I always faked my orgasms and thought that the other me had way too much body hair on my back. Anyway, I think that I qualify quite well as an elder and a teacher. The so called elders and teachers in the community think that I am just being silly and a little strange, but that's just because they are jealous that I am a much more powerfull witch and warlock than they are. My parents just won't understand this new path that I'm on. They think that the devil has taken over my soul and refuse to listen to reason. We don't even believe in the devil, do we? Or, have I been reading that wrong? They keep trying to hold me from my spiritual path.They won't even let me have their credit cards so that I can order all 29847 books on WiccaCraft and paganism from I really need these books and might as well just kill myself if I can't have them. I need to learn everything I can about every single path, belief system and tradition in the world, and quickly, so that I an pick what feels right to me from all of them. We're supposed to always do what feels right. Right? While I'm here, can anyone help me with some advice or legal assistance? I am being constantly descriminated against. My local community is conspiring against me and picking on me because of my pagan beliefs. The school system is very christian oriented, and they acted against my faith on a daily basis. They tried to forbid me from bringing my athames to school. Hey, it's my religion and I should be able to practice it as I want, right? And we witches and warlocks must always have our athames with us. It's writteb in ancient secret texts and scriptures. They even went so far as to have me arrested and removed from school when I tried to show the principle how good and nice my faith is by channeling many different spirits for her and talking in their tongues, and then putting two of my athames right up to her eyes, just so that she could see that they were religious and not dangerous weapons. It's not my fault that she got a couple little cuts. She shouldn't have screamed and jumped. She scared me and interrupted the flow of voices from the otherworld. It's not just the school though. I just had to cast a protective circle around myself and my home, so I borrowed the neighbors car while he was sleeping, which felt like the right thing to do, and we should always do what feels right, right?, and I drove three times around the block widowshins to make my circle. When I'm practicing my religion, there should be a provision in the law that allows this, right? So the one way street laws should be set aside for me, otherwise it's just more religious (2 of 4) [8/8/2008 6:41:30 AM]

discrimination. And the people on the streets that I passed were hollering obscenities at me as I drove. They must have figured out that I am a spiritual wiccawitch person. They even went so far as to call on their god to damn me to hell, which we don't believe in anyway, right? We have the Summerlands which are beautifull, and then we come back to life again. The local law enforcement community is also out to get me. They keep coming around when I play my Nirvana CDs at top volume so as to get in touch with my spirit. Nirvana is what Bhuddists strive for, right? And Bhuddists are pagans, right? I just felt that I should explore their paths since we are really all of one spirit and it just felt right. We should always do what feels right. Right? They keep taking away my sacred marijuana, that I use to alter my states of consciousness. The native americans use mind altering substances, and they are almost just like withes and warlocks, right? I think they passed the laws against marijuana just so that the church can stay in control of America. My parents are a big part of this conspiracy. They keep forcing me to go to a psychologist. I know for a fact that the psychologist is really an undercover Jesuit priest, and he is secretly striving to perform an exorcism on me. I can't resist them right now, because if I don't go to see him, they say that they will put me in the psychiatric hospital, where what they really do is drug you senseless and then brainwash you. Now, I don't normally ask for magickal help, but this time I am desperate. I need a binding spell to kill Jimmy Halloway. He is another that is attacking me just for my beliefs. I could have stayed in the broom closet, but I'm proud of my beliefs so I tried to show his girlfriend Becky how beautifull and wonderfull the Great Rite is. She was only scared because she had heard so much christian propoganda over the years and also didn't believe that you can't get pregnant when you have intercourse during sacred religious rituals. I had to even fight her because she believved that being nude and binding for initiation into the traditions is bad. More christian propoganda. Now, can anyone tell me a spell to make my penis 12 inches? If I am to be a high preist, I really should have a large penis, to make the Great Rite so much more special. Where can we all go to be skyclad together and perform sex magick? I've heard that this is the most potent type of magick there is, but whenever I ask the pretend pagan elders about this, all they will say is that I have much to learn, and then after a while, they ignore me. They can fool some of the people with their titles, but not me. I know what is reqired to be a real witch. It also feels right, and we shuld always do what feels right. Right? Anyway, that's my intro. Nice to meet all of you. I hope that there are real witches and warlocks here so I can teach them to grow into more powerfull beings. Is there a photo file on this list where you all have your skyclad pictures. I can't seem to find it. Or, has the government conspired with the internet server people to limit us from this most important part of our faith? Mary parting and have some more Mary Meat Reverand Bastet RunningDear MoonBeam SunSoar High Priest and ArchDruid of the Sacred Temporal Temple of the 13 Moon Coven (3 of 4) [8/8/2008 6:41:30 AM]

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Back from Rainbow Bridge

Author: DreamDancer What meaning had life? None that I could see. Not only alone in the physical sense, but lonely in spirit as well all the time. Is that how we were meant to be? So it seemed to me. Year in and year out, all these decades of my life. I tried to have faith, I tried to believe what I'd read, tried to see what other people had and believe that it would someday come to me, but it never did. The few times I thought that I'd become close to someone, fate or whatever it was would intrude and they'd leave me right when I started to believe. And then, the time came when I could believe no more. I was alone all this time, and things would never change. The hurt and emptiness were my only companions through life. Nothing could change this fact, no one it seemed could affect my lot in life. No one that is, but me. And so it was that one day it became all too much, I couldn't stand to greet even one more day in my solitude, never knowing love, never knowing life. I layed down for the night, with some assistance flowing through my veins to make it the night that would never end for me. A gentle passing, for I'd had enough pain in my life without that being the final sensation I experienced. And so it was that I was very suprised and highly upset with things when I found myself awakening to a bright and sunny new day. The sunlight through my lids hurt my eyes, but even more so than that, the fact that I'd failed in yet one more thing, what should have been the final thing I did, was much too much to bear.I wanted the sun to go away, to have the darkness return to me, for all time After laying there a while, I knew it was time to get up, time to suffer through another day, time to think and figure how I could have screwed up even this, my final goal in life. Nothing left to do but get it over with, I opened my eyes to meet this new day, and felt my breath catch in my throat, for I was not, as I had thought, waking up in my same bed for yet another morning on earth, yet another day to try to find a way to make it through. Instead, I found myself laying on a patch of grass beneath some trees, and next to a straight dirt road. I must of course have been dreaming, that's what i thought, though I can usually tell when I'm in (1 of 4) [8/8/2008 6:41:51 AM]

the dream state. this did not have the feel of that, not the feel of a dream, it felt real to me, real as the strands of grass that I then registered feeling underneath my hands. For some reason, this didn't scare me, waking in those strange surroundings. Maybe it was because I was deadto life and didn't much care, maybe I'd lost my mind and my connection with reality, which wouldn't have been such a bad thing at all. It could have been many things, but at the time, it really mattered not to me at all. And so I rose, looked to the road, and just picked a direction at random and set off. Maybe I'd find something out about this place in which I'd found myself, and maybe not, but then it really didn't matter, did it? I walked and walked, minutes or hours I cannot say, for I really didn't note the passage of time nor distance. I walked as if in a daze, not noting if I went over hills or around bends, just walking, walking. I walked, until I came to an abrupt halt when before me something registered in my sight, something so out of the norm that it snatched me from my mindless state. There before me was something , the likes of which I'd never seen before, the likes of which I'd never even imagined. It was a bridge I saw there before me, a bridge like no other I'd ever seen or dreamed of. A bridge that, it seemed, was formed of a rainbow. Solid looking as i gazed upon it, yet also looking to be insubstantial at the same time. I walked up to where the bridge began, and looked across to the other side, but somehow I couldn't quite focus. I could see the other side, but for some reason I couldn't tell what was there. Should I try to cross this bridge I wondered? Should I try and see what awaits on the other side, so strangely hidden from my sight? Would I even make it, or would the insubstantial bridge not hold me, and simply let me plunge on through it? What did I have to lose though? If I walked across, all well and good. If I fell through, even to my death, what would it really matter? And so I took my first step, and then another and another. Soon I found myself not plunging through, but at the halfway point of the bridge, though I still could not clearly see the other side, close as I now was to it. As I put my foot forward for yet another step, I was brought up short, for bounding across the bridge at me now was a big, scruffy looking brown haired dog, barking like there was no tomorrow. I felt a touch of nostalgia in me, he looked so much like the last dog I ever had., so many years ago. Reefer, my closest companion through my high school years. Silly name, I know, but as a teen I thought it was kind of cool. Silly name or not though, he was the best frriend I'd ever had, and I never got myself another dog after he had passed away from old age. I guess I should say that this looked like a young Reefer, from the time before old age wouldn't let him play, from a time before his arthritus made it so he couldn't run and could barely even walk. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice how close he was until he blew into me and bowled me off my feet. Tail shaking so hard it looked like his body was suffering a fit, he sprawled on top of me, licking my face and mewling in pleasure, just like he always used to do when I'd been away from him for a long while. Just like he'd always done when I'd been away from him for a long while? It WAS Reefer!! Alive again.Young again. I pulled his big furry body close to me, hugging him and stroking his head, rolling back and forth with each other. I didn't know how this had come to be, but I didn't really (2 of 4) [8/8/2008 6:41:51 AM]

care. I was with my only friend once again. Great as it was to be down on the ground and rolling around with him, all too soon it came time to stop, to get up on my feet once more. I looked again at the far side of the bridge, and while I still couldn't see what awaited me there, it was starting to grow clearer in my eyes. How good it felt to know it was coming clearer. and to know that I would be able to go and see it with my best friend by my side. I beckoned him along and took a step toward the far side of the bridge. Reefer did something strange at this point. Rather than bound to my side as he always had, he moved toward the side of the bridge I'd started from, turned and looked back at me, and started barking once more. Not the excited, happy to see me bark as before, but a bark to draw my attention to him. I didn't know what he wanted, but I was not in the mood to play his game. I took a coupole steps toward the far side of the bridge, and then looked back at him once more. Reefer didn't come. In fact, he bounded another several paces away from me, turn back and started to bark at me, even more furiously than before. I stood and looked at him for a time, thinking to go back to him and see what was wong, but I felt the call of the far side of the bridge, and just had to see what was there. Even without my only friend if he chose not to come, the feeling was growing that strong. I called him to my side one more time, but he wouldn't budge, resolutely stood his ground. With one last sad glance at him, I turned to be off to the far side of the bridge. "You really should listen to him you know. He's never steered you wrong". I almost stumbled in surpise, hearing a girls voice address me so, when Reefer and I had been alone on the bridge. I turned around to see, standing before me a young girl and a man. Two people I'd know before, two people I'd know who had passed away in years gone by. Margie, the prettiest girl in school, who had died in a car wreck the week after graduation, and John from work who had died of cancer three years ago. I'd had a crush on Margie all through high school, and was devestated when she'd passed. "Well, I guess I succeded after all if you two are here. I'm dead and have reached the afterlife. Is this Heaven then, or someplace else?" Margie smiled at me then. "No, this is not Heaven. This, my friend, is what they call the Rainbow Bridge. When the time comes, you cross this way, cross this bridge, to reach Heaven, the Summerlands, Paradise, or whatever you believe it to be called. The people who loved you in life will meet you here and guide you across, make you welcome and unafraid as you venture into the afterlife". I wasn't understanding at this point. I'd had a crush on Margie, as I've said, but aside from talking to her and helping her with schoolwork, we never had much to do with each other, and nothing in the romantic sort of way. This I pointed out to her. "Well, I had a crush on you during high school too, but you never thought to ask me out. I wondered why then, but I know now. You were too shy and didn't have a high regard for yourself at the time, so you thought I'd never be interested. I would have, but I also loved you because you didn't only want to be around me for my looks. You talked to me and helped me as a person. That made you very special in my life". (3 of 4) [8/8/2008 6:41:51 AM]

But what about John then? I only knew him from work, we occassionally passed the time of day, but never socialized, never had much of a ralationship besides passing the time of day. "When I was so sick the last few years I knew you, you were the only one I knew who would take time to come by and just talk, not to give me pity. The only one who would always smile at me in passing, the only one that treated me as a person who was sick, not treated me as the sickness itself. It may sound silly to you, but I loved you for those little things". Margie stepped up to me then and hugged me close. She then pulled back a little ways and looked me deep in the eyes. "You have to turn around and go back now" she said. "I told you Reefer was a smart dog and he'd never steer you wrong. This is the place where those who loved you in life will meet you when you pass over, and where you will meet those that you've loved in life as well". I looked at her perplexed. I didn't know what she meant. "Dear one, the list of those who are to meet you here, and the list of those who you will come to love and to meet here yourself is not yet complete. It is not yet your time to be here". Reefer jumped up to lick my face as I stroked his head once more, then dropped to his feet and padded off after Margie and John. As I looked after them, I didn't wish to leave them, but I knew it was time to go. One step toward the side of the bridge where I'd started out, and the bridge faded from sight, to be replaced by the sunlight shining through my bedroom window. I felt truly horrible, in the physical sense, from the abuse that I'd put my system throuh the night before, but it was nothing that some asprin, some fruit juice and a little time wouldn't heal. I hummed to myself as I showered and dressed, and then headed out the door, the city pound my destination, to maybe give life and hope to a new companion. I've been alone too long, I thought, and Reefer might like a new friend to play with when the time comes. Of course, not a friend with such a silly nameas his. Then again, on the other hand........ Passing grumpy old Miss Grendle on the sidewalk, I smiled, waved and wished her a pleasant "good day to you". After a look of suprise, a hint of a smiel came to her face, and her hand raised itself in a tentative wave. dream Top of Page (4 of 4) [8/8/2008 6:41:51 AM]

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True to Life Faery Tale

Author: DreamDancer Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there existed a wonderfull, magickal kingdom. In this kingdom, the sun always shined, the people lived a life of laughter and music and art. There was no hurt and no sorrow, no one went without, and love was shared by all. Few were the problems of this kingdom, and those problems that did arise could be dealt with with a smile, or the worst of the problems, a hug. Outside of the kingdom, life was not the same. One day, the king and queen, the kingdoms church leaders and all their advisers decided to spread their joy to those outside the kingdom. And so, one bright friday morning, all the people of the kingdom packed up what they felt they would need, practiced their hugging skills upon each other, and turned up the intensity of their smiles to the fullest, and left the kingdom for the real world. Into the real world the people of the kingdom ventured, and there they met the people who inhabited this real world. Sunshine beaming from the smiles, knowing that love and lightness could make everything right, the people of the kingdom stepped forward to hug close the people of the real world. And the people of the real world laughed in their faces, drew their swords, and waded into the people of the kingdom. The people of the kingdom saw this happening, and they turned up their smiles, knowing that sunshine and light always prevailed, and as their friends and neighbors fell, stepped forwatrd in their places to draw close the people of the real world in deep loving embraces. And the people of the real world killed them, to the last smiling person, and then went forth and tore down the kingdom, stealing its riches, laying waste to its structures. The people of the real world knew laughter that day. They laughed at the silliness and naitivity of those from the kingdom. They laughed because these fools had failed in their goal, and because if even only a few of the people of the kingdom had come baring swords rather than open arms, and (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:42:03 AM]

the willingness to use them, then the people of the real world would have greeted the people of the kingdom with respect, and would have sat down to talk with them. Thu Aind (Redneckspeak for "The End") dream Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:42:03 AM]

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Bats in the Belfry

Author: Gaia My head is going to burst! The damn bats in my belfry have taken over. The tiny sanitizers the doctors give only quiet them enough for me to realize how crazy I really am. My spouse thinks it's funny and my spawn think it's fuuny. My mother thinks it's a luxury and my father can't see over his own self-pity. I talk to the cat but that damn drag queen don't care. My plats are dying from the lack of light and it feels like I'm choking on the dry dust of my soul. greengaia Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:42:13 AM]

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Shattered Hearts
Author: Kelsy I sit here picking up the pieces of my shattered heart. It is a ritual now, Routine. He calls, talks of her and my heart starts to shatter. Each word is another blow, Each word increases my pain. Do I tell him No! Stop! I don't want to hear. No, I listen to it all and my heart aches even more. Why do I keep quiet? Why do I listen? Why? Cause his pain is mine. I hear his pain and it becomes mine. I take it and lock it away. To examine in my solitude. I heal only for him to call again. To hear his pain once again, to hurt and ache for want of him. I long for him to speak of us, but I know that he will not. I wish for so much more. Only to have my hopes crushed. Dashed and destroyed once again. This is my pain and mine alone. I sit here picking up the pieces of my shattered heart. So that maybe one day it won't. kelsy Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:42:23 AM]

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Goodnight My Friend
Author: Kelsy In Loving Memory of Jimmy Dixon who passed from this world February 13,1998 Goodnight my friend Its time for sleep Its time peace Its time for quiet Goodnight my friend Your pain is over Your journey at an end You've passed from this life to the next Goodnight my friend Its time to mourn Its time for memories Its time for reflection Goodnight my friend Your effect on others was great Your laughter will always ring in my heart You will be remembered always Goodnight my friend (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:42:34 AM]

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I Be A Witch
Author: WynnJera I be a Witch within my heart and soul I cast spells, chant for healing and conjure ritual concoctions within my cauldron bowl I honor the moon I honor the Sun I honor the Earth Goddess and the Horned one I honor the four seasons The Wheel of the Year From Spring, Summer to Fall right through to Yuletide cheer I honor this life I live and the many that came before I trust within my dreams at night the old ways forgotten lore I pray for healing and respect for the common good to be sent and received by all from city's to the long lost wood I am on a path of pure love and light That is very true indeed I seek enlightenment and knowledge (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:42:45 AM]

from thine Wiccan Rede Everything I do in this life from today to tomorrow on I try and live it to the fullest before my days are gone I be a Witch within my soul and heart So take heed my brothers and Sister To my words I share with you Merry Ye Meet and Merry Ye Part wynnjera Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:42:45 AM]

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WatchTower Wisdom
Author: WynnJera Guardians of the Watch Towers North With all the powers flowing of the earth I ask thee to come forth Please show me the ways to honor this hearth Guardians of the Watch Towers East With all the powers flowing of the air May what I conjure hurt none in the least Please help me grow, learn and share Guardians of the Watch Towers South With all the powers flowing of fire and spark May all spells be true from my mouth For I believe I have the Witches mark Guardians of the Watch Towers West With all the powers flowing of water and sea May all I do daily pass the eternal test and may enlightenment be granted to me By all the powers of land and sea, As I say, "so mote it be." By all the powers of fire and air (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:42:59 AM]

Hear me as I chant this prayer By all the might of moon and sun As I do will, so shall it be done wynnjera Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:42:59 AM]

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Hope and Laughter

Author: WhisperWrigt She came often to the woods, my woods, with her large dogs and her walking staff. I think she lived nearby, but I don't know. I remember how small she was when her parents first brought her and how they fussed over her so much. Even then, as weak as she was, something about her called to me. Perhaps it was the total ignorance she had of that weakness, or maybe it was how she laughed, that fearless, open laugh. Seasons came and went and came again as this young thing grew. How strange she seemed to me, growing with the steady growth of the trees themselves and yet so distinctly animal. With each visit she seemed to have gained in stature and gaiety while losing none of her strength-bringing weakness. It was this mixture of frailty and vitality that intrigued me. There came an autumn when she did not return. Autumn withered into winter and winter begat spring. Spring ripened into summer and summer burned into autumn again; still she did not come. Finally, I mourned her loss. The trees may endure for centuries, but not so the moving things. Their span upon this earth needs must be shortened by their never ceasing movement. I missed her laughter. Many of her kind came to me after, but they were not her. They lacked her sublimely simple ignorance of self. They knew limits. She knew no boarders. They grew impertinent to my sight and I drove them out of me. Their presence aggravated my grief and my grief hounded me out of the peace of BEING into the fury of DOING. My woods seemed to grow dark though the sun shone as brightly as before. The moving things took fright of me and the predators grew bold and thirsty. The trees, my faithfully enduring trees, wound themselves in knots as if no longer seeking the nourishing light. The wind was my voice, screaming and roaring about. The rains were my tears,falling upon all that entered my domain as if to drown all with this wild grief. Many, many seasons passed and I grew tired. I had DONE, yet still I WAS. I was ready to retire back into BEING, yet something nagged at me. The moon grew fat and died twice before that something made itself known. First I heard the barking of the dogs. They were not the same beasts with which she last visited me, yet somehow their glee sounded so similar. It was as if she could share her very essence (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:43:12 AM]

with those whose lives she touched,and in sharing, enrich. Next came the steady thump-ah-thump-ah-thump-ah of a staff striking earth. I quivered. How could it be? Surely no moving thing endured as my trees! Yet the striking continued and grew closer. Finally, after so much, came the whisper of laughter. It snaked through me, rich and full and warm and, oh, so achingly familiar. She, like my beautiful trees, endured! But - what strangeness! Another's laughter joined her and it, too, held that wondrously selfignorant tone as it tinkled before me! Truly this must be a miracle! Understanding filled me; she, moving thing that she was, had offspring of her own! And I found that I, too, could laugh. whisperwright Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:43:12 AM]

Witches Three Book Recommendations

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We have a huge list of book recommendations, so we made an effort to categorize them for you. Below you will find the full category names. You can navigate to the category to see all the recommended books in that category. While you're inside the category, you can choose the tabs on top to navigate to another category. Almanacs and Books of Days Animal and Familiar Books Faery Books Fictional Books Kids and Teens Witchy Books Magickal Herb Books Misc Craft Books Pagan 101 Books Pagan History Books Pagan Parenting Books Rocks Gems and Stone Books Tarot and Divination Books Web Design and Programming Wheel of the Year Books Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:43:24 AM]

Almanacs and Books of Days

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Category: Almanacs and Books of Days

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Witches Calendar 2001 by dea : I guess it's my turn to say somthin'. Although I agree that most of the Llewelyn writers are putting out the same ol'crap just to make a buck there are a few things I do like. For example the Witch's Calendar.

Llewellyn's 2001 Magical Almanac by swampy : I find this almanac well done and fun to read.

The Witches' Almanac by Elizabeth Pepper and John Wilcock swampy : This is another almanac that is well done.

Witch's Datebook by Llewellyn meredith : It's so great, I recommend that every witch have one. It has kewl recipes for a variety of things, and everyday has a neat notation, as a famous witches birthday, where the moon is, good colors for the day, kewl quotes, you get the picture, I love it! Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:43:35 AM]

Animal and Familiar Books

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Category: Animal and Familiar Books

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Cat Spells by Claire Nahmad swampy : Cat spells and cat lore.

Cat Magic by Patricia Telesco swampy : Cat spells and cat lore.

Your Magickal Cat by Gerina Dunwich swampy : Cat spells and cat lore.

Animal-Speak by Ted Andrews sandra : A classic in finding your animal totem. Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:43:47 AM]

Faery Books

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Category: Faery Books

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Encyclopedia of Things that Never Were by Michael Page & Robert Ingpen swampy : This is the kewlest book - it has all sorts of mythical beings and creatures portrayed! The illustrations are beautiful!

Fairies and Elves by The Editors of Time-Life Books swampy : These are part of the series of mythical creatures. The whole series is lovely to look at and fun to read. Lots of good info.

Dwarfs by The Editors of Time-Life Books swampy : These are part of the series of mythical creatures. The whole series is lovely to look at and fun to read. Lots of good info.

The Complete Book Of Gnomes by Rien Poortvliet swampy : I love these books on the gnomes. They are works of art and cleverly written to boot.

Fairies by Brain Froud and Alan Lee swampy : Brian Froud's faeries are dark and lovely and wild.

A Field Guide to Goblins by Brain Froud and Alan Lee swampy : Brian Froud's faeries are dark and lovely and wild. Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:43:59 AM]

Fictional Books

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Kids and Teens Witchy Books

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Category: Kids and Teens Witchy Books

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Teen Witch by Silver Ravenwolf swampy : At that age my Willow thought that the concept of a book being written *especially* for teens was kinda neat, even though she felt that the book portrayed a pretty fwuffed-up version of the craft (that is, compared to what she learned at home).

The Pagan Teen Survival Guide by Samuel Wagar swampy : There is another Witchy book for teens out there called "The Pagan Teen Survival Guide" edited by Samuel Wagar. I haven't seen it myself, so I can't vouch for the quality. However, Sam is on a list with me and he always has seemed to be a pretty no-BS kind of Witch so the fact that he is connected to the book is a good sign. You can contact Sam at for details on how to order the book.

Walking the World in Wonder: A Children's Herbal by Ellen Evert Hopman, Steven Foste swampy : Introduce children to the magic of using herbs for healing, cooking, and nature crafts and inspire a lifelong interest in the natural world. Designed especially for children ages five to ten. * A hands-on book for children, filled with fun, easy-to-follow activities. Includes 72 color photographs of herbs by award-winning photographer and herbalist Steven Foster. Created especially for children ages five to ten years old, Walking the World in Wonder covers the medicinal and magical uses of 72 common herbs. Each herb playfully introduces itself and talks about its habitat and many uses. With fun, easy-to-follow activities, herbalist Ellen Evert Hopman teaches children basic herbal skills and invites them to draw with pokeberry ink, sew a lavender sachet, and dig for Jerusalem artichoke roots. The book also includes simple recipes that children can use, with adult supervision, to treat minor ailments--peppermint tea to soothe a troubled tummy or horse chestnut salve to heal a scraped knee. Children gain a sense of self-sufficiency and awe for the earth's treasures by sprinkling a sandwich with nasturtium flowers, making strawberry honey, and learning to season food with dill they've gathered themselves. Seventytwo full-color photographs by herbalist Steven Foster enable children, parents, and teachers to identify these herbs during walks and field trips. Walking the World in Wonder gives children a direct and joyous experience of their connection to the natural world and inspires a lifelong interest in their own health and that of the planet.

Spellcraft: A Primer for a Young Magician by Lilith McLelland swampy : The book is not Wiccan, rather it responds to the questions teens ask about Magick. And there is a section on the need to be frank and open with one's parents, and a good discussion (1 of 3) [8/8/2008 6:44:30 AM]

Kids and Teens Witchy Books

of what NOT to accept from a teacher. It has spells, but ethics are a prominent feature.

Mountains, Meadows and Moonbeams by Mary Summer Rain swampy : A child's book of spirituality... talks about the god and goddess, nature spirits, etc. Simple illustrations but my vampiredaughter loved this book when she was little!

Juniper by Monica Furlong amberfox : My 15-year-old daughter likes "Juniper", "Wise Child", and all of Tamora Pierce's books, especially the Alana series (The Song of the Lioness Quartet ). While not an introduction to Wicca, they are stories about strong girls who learn magick and the OldWays.

Wise Child by Monica Furlong amberfox : My 15-year-old daughter likes "Juniper", "Wise Child", and all of Tamora Pierce's books, especially the Alana series (The Song of the Lioness Quartet ). While not an introduction to Wicca, they are stories about strong girls who learn magick and the OldWays.

The Song of the Lioness Quartet by Tamora Pierce amberfox : My 15-year-old daughter likes "Juniper", "Wise Child", and all of Tamora Pierce's books, especially the Alana series (The Song of the Lioness Quartet ). While not an introduction to Wicca, they are stories about strong girls who learn magick and the OldWays.

The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare amberfox : A very good book for a girl with a strong xtian background is "The Witch of Blackbird Pond", about a girl who befriends an elderly Quaker herbal-healer woman and is then persecuted as a witch.

Walking With Mother Earth by Deirdre Pulgram Arthen swampy : Originally intended as a guided meditation about the Goddess and the God, it has been adapted into story form.

Noble-Hearted Kate by Marianna Mayer swampy : An original tale, based on Celtic folklore, of Kate, who saves both her stepsister and a prince, on "the eve of Samhain when the veil between the realm of Faerie and the realm of man is drawn apart and anything can happen."

The Four Elements by JM Parramon swampy : A set of four books, sometimes sold separately, describing the elements.

The Maid of the North: Feminist Folk Tales from Around the World by Ethel Phelps swampy : Fairy tales in which the hero is a heroine. Different tales are appropriate for different ages.

Irish Fairy Tales by Philip Smith swampy : Illustrated tales, for older kids or read-aloud.

Favorite Celtic Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs swampy : Illustrated tales.

Ingrid and Edgar Parin D'Aulaire's Book of Greek Myths by Ingrid and Edgar Parin D'Aulaire swampy : Zues, Hera, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, and all of the other gods and goddesses who governed the world high atop Mount Olympus. Also of Cronus, Rhea, Gaea, Uranus, and other gods and goddesses. The artwork alone is enthralling and the detail in which the stories are told (2 of 3) [8/8/2008 6:44:30 AM]

Kids and Teens Witchy Books

is absolutely mesmerizing.

Stellaluna by Janell Cannon swampy : Bats and snakes have gotten quite a bad reputation in today's society, but these are great books that turn those ideas around. Both are very sweet, intelligent children's books that change perspective on these creatures. I've bought these books for adult friends of mine as well, just because they're so great.

Verdi by Janell Cannon swampy : Bats and snakes have gotten quite a bad reputation in today's society, but these are great books that turn those ideas around. Both are very sweet, intelligent children's books that change perspective on these creatures. I've bought these books for adult friends of mine as well, just because they're so great.

The Winter Solstice: The Sacred Traditions of Christmas by John Matthews and Caitlin Matthews swampy :

The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg swampy :

How to Make Pine Needle Ornaments by Lorna Pollack swampy : (they actually have this as part of kit but the book can probably be found at library - ?) Top of Page (3 of 3) [8/8/2008 6:44:30 AM]

Magickal Herb Books

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Category: Magickal Herb Books

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Prescription for Nutritional Healing by James F Balck MD shahala : This book is a comprehensive and up-to-date self-help approach to health. There is a practical A-Z reference to drug-free remedies using vitamins, minerals, herbs and food supplements. (taken from web, not shahala)

Magickal Herbalism: The Secret Craft of the Wise by Scott Cunningham shahala : Make amulets, charms, incense, oils and other natural concoctions with the purpose of directing and changing situations in the material world. (taken from web, not from shahala)

Green Witchcraft by Ann Moura shahala :

Everywoman's Guide to Natural Home Remedies by Sally Freeman greengaia :

Year of Moons, Season of Trees by Pattalee Glass-Koentop swampy : Good information on tree magick.

Tree Medicine Tree Magic by Ellen Evert Hopman swampy : Lots of good Witchy lore on trees, plus lots of info on the medicinal usage of herbs.

A Druid's Herbal by Ellen Evert Hopman swampy : Well written and lots of information on what herbs are associated with what Sabbats. Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:44:41 AM]

Misc Craft Books

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The Hero With a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell sapphirebat : One of my favorite authors in this genre is Joseph Campbell. Two good books to read are really textbooks: "Transformations of Myth Through Time"and "The Hero With a Thousand Faces". Both of these books should be available at the local library or franchise-type bookstores, like Waldenbooks. Mr. Campbell was not Pagan, but he was able to give frank and unbiased information in his work. I'm a big fan. There are also videotapes of his lectures. Hope this helps.

Transformations of Myth Through Time by Joseph Campbell sapphirebat : One of my favorite authors in this genre is Joseph Campbell. Two good books to read are really textbooks: "Transformations of Myth Through Time"and "The Hero With a Thousand Faces". Both of these books should be available at the local library or franchise-type bookstores, like Waldenbooks. Mr. Campbell was not Pagan, but he was able to give frank and unbiased information in his work. I'm a big fan. There are also videotapes of his lectures. Hope this helps.

Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett swampy : Although this is a fictional book - part of the DiscWorld series - it is a must for Witches to read. In fact, I make this required reading of all my Coven members.

Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood by Merlin Stone randimariana : This is a great book for getting to know many goddesses.

Mysteries of the Dark Moon by Demetra George swampy : A look at the dark Goddess, very well written. I'd say this would be a good book for someone beyond the fluffy stage.....

People Of The Earth by Ellen Evert Hopman and Lawrence Bond swampy : This is a book of interviews with people like Starhawk, Z Budapest, Isaac Bonewitz.... etc. They talk about their Paganism, their paths, etc. Again, this is not a beginner 'How-to' book.... but I found it fascinating.

The Pagan Book of Living and Dying by Starhawk cat : I have found this book to be very helpful in a time of need. It helped me after the passing of my granddaughter.

On the Trail of Spider Woman by Carol Patterson-Rudolph (1 of 4) [8/8/2008 6:45:03 AM]

Misc Craft Books

honoraspen : This is not a witchy book, per se. It's an anthropological discussion of the goddess/ creator/giver of guidance Spider Woman, who appears in many Native cultures in the Southwest US. The book focuses on telling stories and interpreting rock art of the Kereshan pueblos, the Hopi, and the Navajo, all dealing with the figure Spider Woman, who " a metaphor for something very small and invisible yet very powerful. She represents creativity, spirit, old age, and wisdom."There's also a splendid appendix on rock art symbols and sign language for these people.

Goddesses in Every Woman by Jean Shinoda Bolen hestia : It's psychology with goddess archetypes. Blending the Virgin (Athena, Hestia, Artemis) with the Mother/Wife (Demeter, Hera) and the Whore/Sexual (Aphrodite)

When God was a Woman by Merlin Stone hestia :

Women's Psychic Lives by Diane Stein hestia :

Highways of the Mind by Dolores Ashcroft Nowicki hestia :

Living in the Light by Shakti Gawain hestia : Ok, everyone is now going to call me a new ager . .. but I would recommend Shakti Gawain's Living in the Light. Yes, she is new age. But if you are looking for something that will help you meditate and listen to your inner voice, she's perfect.

A Victorian Grimoire by Patricia Telesco swampy : A lovely book with lots of good charms and magickal information.

A Kitchen Witch's Cookbook by Patricia Telesco swampy : A nifty cook book with lots of good recipes for the Sabbats. Each recipe has the magickal attributes of its ingredients.

Celtic Folklore Cooking by Joanne Asala swampy : A treasury of delectable recipes, Celtic Folklore Cooking by Joanne Asala will help you select foods to serve at your celebrations of the Sabbats and Esbats: the festivals and ritual times for Witches and Wiccans. It is also a terrific introduction to Celtic culture. The recipes in this book were gathered during four trips the author took to Ireland and Britain, as well as visits to Scotland and Wales. She searched for people who still cooked in the traditional of their ancestors, passing down recipes from generation to generation. The result is a book that is rich in Celtic tradition. And the foods are delicious any time, too!

The Practice of Thelemic Egyptian Witchcraft by Fra. 137 swampy :

The Witch A Personal Journey by Fiona Horne lnk : Then tell her to grab a copy of one of the Fiona Horne books (Fiona is an "out"witch down here in oz - she is on TV heaps - either book should help her - the first book is sorta an autobiography on how she became a witch and the second book has more info on things like celebrations - sorta a follow on from the first book

365 Goddess: A Daily Guide to the Magic and Inspiration of the Goddess by Patricia Telesco swampy : Interesting but sometimes fwuffiefied Dailey goddesses. (2 of 4) [8/8/2008 6:45:03 AM]

Misc Craft Books

Elemental Power by Amber Wolfe sosoneda : This is a book that I picked up because one of my students is reading it, but it is turning out to be not so bad. It blends the traditional ceremonial magick elements with the Celtic shamanistic philosophies. Makes for an odd blend, but she seems to be making it work, and the incorporation of teaching the ideology of shamanism is really nice.

Modern Magick by Donald Kraig sosoneda : Not as dry as I expected, but still a little slow since it is basically full of rituals and instructions. But I still like it.

The Lost Books of Merlyn by Douglas Moore sosoneda : No, I didn't like the 21 Lessons of Merlyn, but I gotta read all the books my students do, and so far I am of the opinion that this book is a cute story but based on crap....

Sister Moon Lodge by Kisma Stepanich randimariana : Kisma Stepanich wrote a pretty good book on this [Menstral cycles] called "Sister Moon Lodge". She's (or was at the time of the writing of the book) in a Moon Lodge network with Brooke Medicine Eagle.

The Women's Spirituality Book, The Women's Book of Healing, All Women are Healers by Diane Stein niniane :

The Magician's Craft, Creating Magical Tools by Chic Cicero & Sandra Tabatha Cicero lilacashes : This is a must for High Magic - It gives you everything you need to know how to construct your own Golden Dawn Temple, altar, banners, pillars, throne, wands, cup, thurible, swords, lamens, mantles and robes, badges, Enochian tables and furnishings, plus more. Gives direction on constructing these things from scratch...which intensifies your own spiritual path. A serious book, but very interesting, and definitely gives you direction in correct craftmaking.

Simplified Magic - A Beginner's Guide to the New Age Qabala by Ted Andrews lilacashes : Magic is a highly spiritual system for self-development &material advancement. The basis of magic is the highly ethical, moral &spiritual system known as the Qabala. The Qabala is the spiritual and metaphysical basis for Judaism and Christianity, but the ancient descriptions and complexities of the Qabala have made it difficult for many to comprehend. Magic is not only spiritual, it is also highly practical, allowing you to bring love, happiness, luck, improved finances and health into your life. Magic is real. The book is very easy to read and understand...a good basic for those interested in the Qabala

Interior Alchemy, Secrets to Creating Expressive Ambience by Rebecca Purcell lilacashes : Shows how to arrange Victorian, plain, eclectic and "junk"rooms. The collections and the presentation of them was amazing....made me realize that I must be a natural at Interior Alchemy....and I always thought I was just a pack rat. Actually some of her treatments were interesting, gives instructions on coffee dyeing of materials, how to make beaded lampshades, use tassels and tons of other "odd"design elements. Actually was interesting to read....

Crafts to Decorate Your Home by Mary Englebreit lilacashes : I'm not the biggest fan of her products, but there were some nice, simple crafts and good instructions. It included wire and crystal bottle holders, beaded glasses, garden signs and luminaries. Also some furniture and easy craft things that could be converted in many different ways....such as easy to change to pagan designs.

Celtic Fake Book by Hal Leonard (3 of 4) [8/8/2008 6:45:03 AM]

Misc Craft Books

lilacashes : Over 400 songs Traditional music from Ireland, Scotland, Wales. Listed many songs that we are all familiar with and the country they related to. Don't know that they are that Traditional...but gave a good overview of musical types for each country. Top of Page (4 of 4) [8/8/2008 6:45:03 AM]

Pagan 101 Books

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Category: Pagan 101 Books

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Green Witchcraft: Folk Magic, Fairy Lore & Herb Craft by Ann Moura dreamdancer : This was a good read. Lotsa living with nature stuff, living magickally, and a view into how her catholic (I believe) family in South America would blend their religion with witchieness.

True Magick: A Beginner's Guide by Amber K swampy : Learn how to find an ethical teacher; how to strengthen magick through a healthy lifestyle; how to prepare for rituals; how to raise, channel and ground magical power and more.

Everyday Magic: Spells & Rituals for Modern Living by Dorothy Morrison irishwolf : One of my two favorite books."

A Witches Bible by Janet & Stewart Farrar phaedra : Mr.Farrar is the author of many books on witchcraft along with his wife Janet. This book is a combination of two of the Farrar's works. While their works have been controversial, all must admit that they have had a profound effect on the pagan community."

Witchcraft for Tomorrow by Doreen Valiente ksisterc : This is also a good basic book.

Ariadne's Thread by Shekinah Mountainwater babookyra : It's a primer/workbook. While it's written for Dianics, the information pretty much covers all sorts of basic information and "how-to's". That was the book my mother gave me when I turned I guess about 47. It's the same way I learned about sex at 11 -- from a book. I read the first part and called my mother and said: "You bitch! Why didn't you tell me we were Witches". Of course, she replied that she didn't know what I was talking about."

Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess by Starhawk niniane : This best-selling classic is both an unparalleled reference on the practices and philosophies of Witchcraft and a guide to the life-affirming ways in which readers can turn to the Goddess to deepen their sense of personal pride, develop their inner power, and integrate mind, body, and spirit."

To Ride A Silver Broomstick by Silver Ravenwolf (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:45:18 AM]

Pagan 101 Books

torenheksje : This is a good beginner book.

Wicca: A guide for Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham torenheksje : Scott Cunningham's books are a good way to get a "feel"for what Wicca/witchcraft is like.

Advanced Wicca: Exploring Deeper Levels of Spiritual Skills and Masterful Magick by Patricia Telesco sosoneda : This book is a wonderful inspirational source for creativity in the Craft. If you know the basics of the Craft but don't have anyone to advance with, this book is a good resource to get those gears turning to give you a way to advance further as a spiritual being.""

The Witch's Circle: Rituals and Craft of the Cosmic Muse by Maria Kay Simms sosoneda : This book has a good section in the back about the creativity and extras of group work and ritual. It also has several good songs (well known and useful in many situations) with sheet music! But the bulk of the book is a years worth of rituals (Sabbats and Esbats) that deal with the sun and moon in their zodiac signs. The High Priestess (author) and High Priest of the coven in the book have blended astrology and witchcraft very well to create a very interesting tradition. This ranks up there with the Handbook of Celtic Astrology. I enjoy reading the dialogues for each Sabbat as a way to begin planning my rituals (instead of the traditional Charge, the rituals contain dialogues between God and Goddess and emphasizes their aspects in the current sign)."

Jambalaya: The Natural Woman's Book by Luisah Teish sosoneda : This book is a must for anyone who is interested in ancestor reverence. It is in the voodoo/hoodoo tradition that Luisah grows up. But even if that is not your path, the lessons and stories are still wonderful and applicable. It also contains works (rituals and training) and some easy to understand history. A wonderful beginning book, or just a great read about a girl becoming a strong woman in her own right."

by swampy : Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:45:18 AM]

Pagan History Books

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Category: Pagan History Books

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The Dark Side of Christian History by Helen Ellerbe swampy : if you ever wanted to know how Christianity came to be, this would then be a good book for you!

Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler swampy : I guess most of why I really like this book is because it ISN'T a "How-to-be-a-Wiccan" or a "How-to-be-a-Witch" book. I realize that 'How-to" books play a role in Paganism (and I have read many - and learned lots from them along the way), but I also know from personal experience that any 'How-to" book is just the author's way of doing things and therefore is only ONE way of many. Anyhow, "Drawing Down the Moon" would not be a book that a beginner could read to find out spells or how to draw a circle, since it is instead a history book, so to speak. I think the role that "Drawing Down the Moon" plays is to teach any serious Pagan, from beginner to advanced, the history of the Craft in the USA.

Behind the Crystal Ball: Magic, Science, and the Occult from Antiquity Through The New Age by Anthony Aveni swampy : This is not a 'Pagan' book, but I really enjoyed it. It traces how magick, alchemy and all the sciences have changed over time.... If you like Occult history, you'd like this book.

Origins of Modern Witchcraft: The Evolution of a World Religion by Ann Moura irishrose : History of Paganism seen from a Neo-Pagan viewpoint.

The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles by Ronald Hutton swampy :

The Triumph of the Moon : A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft by Ronald Hutton swampy :

The Rise and Fall of Merry England : The Ritual Year 1400-1700 by Ronald Hutton swampy :

A History of Pagan Europe by Prudence Jones and Nigel Pennick swampy : (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:45:32 AM]

Pagan History Books

The Golden Dawn Source Book (The history of the Golden Dawn) by Darcy Kuntz swampy :

The Barbarian Conversion : From Paganism to Christianity by Richard Fletcher torenheksje : This is a rather impressive account of the most important event in the history of Western Europe. Hard-core scholarly stuff, but worth it for the amount of well-researched info. Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:45:32 AM]

Pagan Parenting Books

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Category: Pagan Parenting Books

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The Family Wicca Book: The Craft For Parents & Children by Ashleen O'Gaea swampy : Provides information and useful ideas for pagan parents.

WiccaCraft For Families by Margie McArthur swampy : Provides practical information and useful ideas for pagan parents. It was born from the author's 20 years of raising her own pagan children. It contains lore on the Sabbats, rituals, recipes, music, activities, rites of passage, and even a reading list. The author hopes that pagan parents will find it to be a useful resource book in their own pagan parenting journey.

The Pagan Family: Handing The Old ways Down by Ceisiwr Serith swampy : Pagan beliefs, ritual and celebration interpreted for family use.

Celebrating The Great Mother: A Handbook Of Earth Honoring Activities For Parents and Children by Cait Johnson and Maura D. Shaw swampy : Seasons, goddess worship, nature spirits, dreams, talismans, altar, crafts and more, including the 8 major seasonal celebrations, with lots of activities.

Circle Round : Raising Children in Goddess Traditions by Starhawk, Diane Baker, Anne Hill swampy : The 20th-century reclamation of Goddess traditions has evolved from a small counterculture revolution of the mid-1900s to the birthright of an entire generation of children and young teenagers. However, the parents--who were adults when they first turned to paganism -- are discovering that raising children in a pagan tradition can prove difficult amidst the near void of resources to assist them in teaching this way of life. Relying on age-old learning methods, such as songs and storytelling, Circle Round fills this void with techniques that are truly rooted in traditions. This priceless resource offers guidelines for helping children discover the different facets of the Goddess tradition -- from altars to Sabbats -- and suggests recipes, creative projects, and other activities resuscitating the values of family in our latchkey society.

Pagan Parenting: Spiritual, Magical & Emotional Development of the Child by Kristin Madden swampy : This book contains much information, suggestions, exercises, and rituals. It is so much more than your usual holiday ritual and decorating book. There are sections on the development of energy systems and how that affects our kids, plus the book has sections on altars and games for kids. (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:45:45 AM]

Pagan Parenting Books

Natural Childhood: The First Practical & Holistic Guide for Parents by John Thomson swampy : all ages

The Parents Tao Te Ching: Ancient Advice for Modern Parents by William Martin swampy : all ages

Rituals for Our Times: Celebrating Healing and Changing our Lives and Relationships by Evan Imber Black & Janin Roberts swampy : all ages

Sharing Nature With Children by Joseph Cornell swampy : all ages

The Wise Child: A Spiritual Guide to Nurturing your Child's Intuition by Sonia Choquette PhD swampy : all ages Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:45:45 AM]

Rocks Gems and Stone Books

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Category: Rocks Gems and Stone Books

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Rocks and Minerals by Frederick H. Pough (Peterson Field Guide) lilacashes : t has a unique system that show exactly what features to look for to tell one species from another. Every work is directed to work in the field. It has 385 color photographs showing rocks, minerals and geological formations, hundreds of minerals are described with geographic distribution, physical properties, chemical compositions, and crystalline. Best for someone who is interest in the geological aspect, or who has access to being able to dig for their own minerals.

Love Is In The Earth, A Kaleidoscope of Crystals by Melody lilacashes : I think this is the ABSOLUTE BEST in referencing the metaphysical properties of the Mineral Kingdom. It is 720 pages of absolute descriptions of not only the stones themselves... but the magical properties, the planets ruling and what healing aspects they have. This is the 13 printing since 1995. It gives Configuratinos, Numerical Vibrations, Master Numbers, Practical Applications, Additional Definitions.

Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham swampy : Has most of the major "Witchy" stones and crystals covered with their magickal uses. Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:45:56 AM]

Tarot and Divination Books

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Category: Tarot and Divination Books

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Complete Book of Tarot Spreads by Evelin Burger & Johannes Fielig hyssop : Does not give meanings for the cards. It's just a book of spreads that you can use for any deck, has about a 120. Designed for the practitioner who has some experience and is looking for more than the usual three card draw or Celtic Cross

Tarot: How to Read the Future by Fred Gettings hyssop : Maybe my favorite Tarot book. Gettings is an Art Historian so he looks at the deeper meaning buried in the design and color of the Tarot. A different angle than what most books take. He discusses a limited number of spreads but has a nice discussion on the history/evolution of the Tarot. Has lots of nice pictures of old decks.

The Everything Tarot Book by M.J. Abadie vampy : As a basic first book, its wonderful. Not overly fond of her interpretations on the Major Arcana (I find them a bit on the corny side, but others may find them spiritual... who knows?) but everything else is spiffy. There are several example spreads in the book, the forward has history, different shuffling methods, ways of clearing the deck, care and storage... etc. Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:46:09 AM]

Web Design and Programming

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Category: Web Design and Programming

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PHP Website by Various fredl : For those willing to learn some programming with a very low entry level, PHP is a very nice language to start with. Paper books to me personally are, well, ancient and they kill trees. This is why I am adding a website, instead of a book. For those of you that enjoy this site and would like to learn how to do similar things, check out the website! Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:46:19 AM]

Wheel of the Year Books

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Category: Wheel of the Year Books

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Year of Moons, Season of Trees by Pattalee Glass-Koentop swampy : (See herbal lore for info)

The Handbook of Celtic Astrology by Helena Paterson swampy : This is astrology for the year based on the Celtic Tree Calendar. I find this book very useful.

Tree Medicine, Tree Magic by Ellen Evert Hopman swampy : (See herbal lore for info)

A Druid's Herbal by Ellen Evert Hopman swampy : I love this book, and I also love her book "Tree Medicine, Tree Magick". Both books are written by a modern Druid, but would be good for any serious herbologist, no matter what their path.

The Sabbats: A New Approach to Living the Old Ways by Edain McCoy hyssop : Has folk lore, history, customs/traditions, recipes, crafts/decorating, correspondences, &rituals for all of the Sabbats. May not be as advanced as you want but it is more in-depth than any other book I've read so far.

Wheel of the Year: Living the Magical Life by Pauline & Dan Campanelli swampy : Charms, spells, and other magical tidbits for reveling in the subtle daily changes of the earth. From January to December, this book serves as a guide to magical living.

Ancient Ways : Reclaiming Pagan Traditions by Pauline & Dan Campanelli swampy : Goes through each Sabbat with all sorts of lore, spells, history, etc.

Dreams & Destinies, The Mysteries of Your Dreams Explained by Beryl Beare landsbright :

Yule: A Celebration of Light and Warmth by Dorothy Morrison swampy : This is a great Yule book with rituals and lore and recipes.

The Pagan Book of Halloween: A Complete Guide to the Magick, Incantations, Recipes, Spells & (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:46:32 AM]

Wheel of the Year Books

Lore by Gerina Dunwich swampy : Lore, recipes, etc for Samhain.

When Santa was a Shaman by Tony Van Renterghem swampy : A Pagan look at the evolution of Santa Claus and the whole messy holiday now called Christmas.

The Book of Christmas by Brendan Lehane (Time-Life Books) swampy : This is part of the Time -Life series of Mythical Creatures and is lovely to look at and interesting to read.

Halloween by Silver Ravenwolf swampy : As much as I dislike most of Silver Ravenwolf's fwuffier books on "Wicca", I do like this book. The fwuffy fun style works for the recipes and simple spells for Samhain that are in here. Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:46:32 AM]

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Profile of Witches Three Member: Fredje

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People that fill out forms the way they clearly weren't intended. PHP Website by Various I'm not dying yet. (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:47:03 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: aghan

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Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for Fav deity/spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? aghan Aghan or Colm F 1985-01-10 00:00:00 Clarksville, Tennessee Not a clue Little bit of everything.. S As long as I can remember. My parents raised me pagan. years. Currently in a big storage container unless in use... Dogs like to chew... Lots of candles, pictures of loved ones with blessing candles, feathers, stones, bits of wood and bark, talismans, incense, my Goddess and God statues, lots of dog fur... Graduate student in counseling.

Fav Sabbat Occupation (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:47:16 AM]

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ICQ: 81847577 AIM: Colm De Oiche Yahoo: DoveOfTheStarlight MSN Messenger: The Witches Voice Always keep your mind open, and make sure there's a fire extinguisher in the circle with you. Err, maybe that's just me..... Live-in fiance, one witchling, 8 dogs, 3 rats, and a soonto-be brother-in-law... 8 dogs, 3 rats, countless ladybugs coming in under the kitchen window.. None at the moment really. Man does not live by words alone, despite the fact that sometimes he has to eat them. - Adlai Stevenson Playing the piano, competing in Agility and Flyball, dancing, and studying. lol People who refuse to listen to anyone's view but their own, or think they know everything based on one introductory course.... Eek.. As someone strong enough to pull their life together no matter what happens, and still find time to help out those in need whenever possible.

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Profile of Witches Three Member: alyssen

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Profile of Witches Three Member: Amber

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Amber's Picture

Eclectic S 6 (more or less) years. Bedroom It varies Esthetician / Makeup Artist / Photographer GTalk-mejohansson66 Skype-mejohansson Yahooeyamber_wolfspaw The Witches Three Homepage Read everything you can get your hands on (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:47:37 AM]

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Long term relationship -1 son, David, 22 one dog, Greta, black lab hippie music, the 80s Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living things, man will not himself find peace. ~Albert Schweitzer photography, hiking, walking, listening to music, singing Lies and nasty teeth (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:47:37 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: amberfox

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Profile of Witches Three Member: antigone213

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0000-00-00 00:00:00

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Profile of Witches Three Member: ariya

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pagan S 3 years years. its in my bedroom cupboard (is kinda a self at the mo not enough room for a proper altar in my bedroom) candles books tools etc student 125062346 = icq The Witches Three Homepage both learn all you can for without knowledge there is no meaning (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:48:10 AM]

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0 0 i like rock and alternative but i dont have a fave artist as there are so many if you cant change your mind are you sure you still have one i love to swim in the sea, and watch the stars and the moon knowing im part of and infinite universe that anything can happen in being closed minded (this includes me even if i dont mean to be) i hate animal brutality its not right and its not fair loved hated and loved again

Fav fiction/non-fiction book Fav memorized Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:48:10 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: babookyra

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Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate babookyra BabooKyra 0000-0000 00:00:00

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Profile of Witches Three Member: brekke

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Puffy eyes!

Everything Office Pirate AIM: Rabid Cockatoo Yascrewy: sugarcoatedsnowflake The Witches Three Homepage Breath. If you forget to do that, you won't be able to do anything else. (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:48:30 AM]

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6 Guplings :D Socrates, Elizabeth, Snowflake, Blaze, Killer, & Fish. They are all male, teehee. Yes please. Everything. If there is a solution to a problem, there is no need to worry about it. If there is no solution, worrying will not help. ~Dalai Llama (lama? :D ) Hike, swim, read, chill... My biggest hobby is life. My bangs.. Im growing them out at the moment I'm not going ;) (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:48:30 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: cat

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Profile of Witches Three Member: catalina

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Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for Fav deity/spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? catalina Catalina (I am not very creative ) F 0000-00-00 00:00:00 Michigan, the mitten state, for good reason Right from the beginning of the Eclectic Strega/Celtic, sort of S in a group with my family for others My whole life years. My office and my bedroom Candles of various sizes, acorns, a beaten mirror with stones, copper droppings, some books, a tassel my daughter Megan made, a rock with a swirl in it, a vase for flowers, a seashell which holds water, a metal cup with petals, a feather, a candle my daugh Lawyer PrCatalina The Witches Three Homepage

Fav Sabbat Occupation ICQ/AIM/YAHOOEY Fav Witchy website (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:49:09 AM]

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Both, to me .. for I practice my religion - it is not just a category for me, like gender Do not be pulled this way and that by lots of wellmeaning advice about how to proceed down the path. Do lots of reading, and lots and lots more of thinking, about what being a Witch means to you. Do not try spells just because you found them on a webpag Two daughters, 13 and 7; one ex-husband Toby, the Wonder Dog (a miniature dachshund); Grey (a cockatiel, of whom the ex-husband has custody, sadly). I cannot confine myself to one type of music, or genre. I love them all, from classic rock to alternative rock to jazz to r&b t Oh, this changes daily, for I love quotations. Right now, it is not something educated or impressive. It is "do or do not .. there is no try" by that great sage, Yoda. Is this a g-rated list? I have wide and different tastes dinner parties for friends, cooking, needlecraft, reading, all types of music, swimming, exercising, horseback riding, playing cribbage and mah-jongg (the live game with four players), tal Actually, that I am not Queen of the Freaking World right now, for I have definite opinions on how everything should be done ; people with 20 or more items in the 10 item or less line; slow lines; heavy traffic bogged down for no darned apparent reas for my eclectic interests, and I hope as one who had an interest in *everything*. Of course, I want my children to remember me as the coolest, best, most wonderful, most beautiful, most fantastic mother on the entire planet.

Fav fiction/non-fiction book Fav memorized

Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:49:09 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: catriona

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Myself and my son around April 2007

Stay at Home Mum, Tarot Reader, Web Designer none/CatrionaTarot/catriona_tarot

Don't be afraid to get your feet wet Yes, and yes, one son. None, just my son Anything and everything really All we see and seem is but a dream within a dream - E.A. Poe tarot, web design, anime watching, manga reading, book reading, letter writing, child wrangling, crochet, blogging

Pet Peeves Fav fiction/non-fiction book Fav memorized Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:49:19 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: dea

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Profile of Witches Three Member: dream

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Retired bum. Formerly big bad jail guard lieutenant Nope The Witches Three Homepage Don't believe anything you hear, until you see it with your own eyes. Ex spouse, no S.O. or g/f (and no prospects). 2 grown daughters, 2 grandpoopers, a boy and a girl (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:49:46 AM]

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2 cats. This sounded like a good idea at the time I got them. Wasn't. "easy listening"/light rock or "classic rock" when iding in the car Children, they're not just for breakfast anymore none Stupid people, especially stupid people who THINK they are so very smart. I don't een remember me, why should anyone else? (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:49:46 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: emmatenebrae

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0000-00-00 00:00:00

Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for years. Fav deity/ spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? Fav Sabbat (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:49:56 AM]

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Profile of Witches Three Member: greengaia

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Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for Fav deity/spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? greengaia Gaia F 1969-03-12 00:00:00 Hinckley, Minnesota no clue S 21 years. No permanent altar Usually stuff I find outside, pine cones, feathers, flowers, fruit/vegetables, rocks, bowl of water, pillar candle starving student The Witches Three Homepage

Fav Sabbat Occupation ICQ/AIM/YAHOOEY Fav Witchy website Religion or Practice (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:50:08 AM]

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Learn what they have to teach you, and then listen to what your instinct tells you will work. And there is no book that can teach you the way; they can only give you clues as to how to find the path for yourself. S/O the Boy Scout, kids Puck (1996) and Loki (1997) see kids, above Ani DiFranco, Disturbed, Dropkick Murphys, NIN, Linkin Park, almost any folk Nothing is impossible; there are simply differing degrees of probability. - Gael Baudino, Strands of Starlight my vegetable garden, cooking, reading, computer rude people. Needless to say, I could spend most of my day annoyed if I weren't careful Crazy lady with too many animals and leaves and twigs in my hair; barefoot and talking to (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:50:08 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: hestia

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Profile of 'hestia'
Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate hestia Hestia 0000-0000 00:00:00

Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for years. Fav deity/ spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? Fav Sabbat (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:50:17 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: hestia

Occupation ICQ/AIM/ YAHOOEY Fav Witchy website

The Witches Three Homepage

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Profile of Witches Three Member: honoraspen

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Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate honoraspen Honor Aspen 0000-00-00 00:00:00

Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for years. Fav deity/ spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? Fav Sabbat (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:50:27 AM]

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Profile of Witches Three Member: hyssop

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Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate hyssop Hyssop 0000-0000 00:00:00

Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for years. Fav deity/ spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:50:38 AM]

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Profile of Witches Three Member: irishrose

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Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate irishrose Irish Rose 0000-0000 00:00:00

Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for years. Fav deity/ spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:50:48 AM]

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Profile of Witches Three Member: irishwolf

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Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate irishwolf IrishWolf 0000-0000 00:00:00

Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for years. Fav deity/ spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:50:57 AM]

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Profile of Witches Three Member: jaydin

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Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for Fav deity/spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? Fav Sabbat Occupation ICQ/AIM/YAHOOEY Fav Witchy website Religion or Practice Best advice to new Witch jaydin Jaydin F 0000-00-00 00:00:00 west coast of British Columbia Canada 1999 Witch , earth based, with my own S 14 years years. In my crystal room Candles shells knife stones dishes runes crystal wands Nurse` Icq# 106427091 MSN Yahoo Jaydin1ca The Witches Three Homepage Its my way of life learn hard ask questions and find what's comfortable for you (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:51:08 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: jaydin

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Hobbies Pet Peeves

Not yet Maxwell Smart & Daisy Mae my pups Shaggy , Nelly, I like all sorts of music *** People are like stained glass windows: they sparkle and shine when the sun's out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is light within. *** Reading computer drawing comic characters, golf, cooking dirty kitchens disorder white pants, not putting the bathmat up and toilet seat down, I have to many to name For my great smile my good humor and my overall happiness. My love for people my faith in myself and others. For all the good that I have done.

Fav fiction/non-fiction book Fav memorized

Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:51:08 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: jdelphine

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Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate jdelphine

0000-0000 00:00:00

Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for years. Fav deity/ spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:51:19 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: jdelphine

Fav Sabbat Occupation ICQ/AIM/ YAHOOEY Fav Witchy website Religion or Practice Best advice to new Witch Spouse/S. O./kids Pets Favorite music/artist Favorite quote Hobbies Pet Peeves Fav fiction/ non-fiction book Fav memorized Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:51:19 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: jezebel

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Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for Fav deity/spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? Fav Sabbat Occupation ICQ/AIM/YAHOOEY Fav Witchy website Religion or Practice jezebel Raven (something or other ) F 0000-00-00 00:00:00 Western Washington for now Junish 1998 Discordian Chaos/Norse G Phoenix Rising 20 plus years` years. In the ferret room ;) crystal ball, sea shell, pictures of coyotes, two daggers & a cauldron (plus the ocasional ferret or cat) Contractor (sort of, no longer temp but still officially a contr 38584812 The Witches Three Homepage yes (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:51:32 AM]

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Don't trust anyone who claims to know it all or who claims that their path is the only "correct" one. Learn all you can about everything and choose what feels best for you. Don't try to put yourself into a box by labeling what you do.` Rich Loki & Sahira (cats) Eve, Ash, Porthos and Pan (ferrets) at the moment, Lords of Act the moment, Lords of Acid, but that's subject to change at any time (Enigma, Live, Ozzy, old STP & w Chaos, destruction & disorder... My work here is done reading, writing, doing crafts, gardening, spending time with the fur-kids and my honey... I also volunteer with the Family Resource group & am helping set up a pagan resource group in this area. People who don't read & nose pickers As someone once said: "She was the sweetest bitch I ever knew" (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:51:32 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: john

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0000-0000 00:00:00

Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for years. Fav deity/ spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:51:43 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: john

Fav Sabbat Occupation ICQ/AIM/ YAHOOEY Fav Witchy website Religion or Practice Best advice to new Witch Spouse/S. O./kids Pets Favorite music/artist Favorite quote Hobbies Pet Peeves Fav fiction/ non-fiction book Fav memorized Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:51:43 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: july

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Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for Fav deity/spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? Fav Sabbat Occupation ICQ/AIM/YAHOOEY Fav Witchy website Religion or Practice july Same, I s'pose F 0000-00-00 00:00:00 Southeast Texas - wishing I were in Arizona oh, sometime in mid-2001, I thin Celtic, Druid - for the natureS bout two years, seriously - but most of my life, if I think abou years. wherever the mood strikes stones and incense - always, the rest changes Corporate Witch (I make sure people get paid dull, but necessa JulyHummingbird (yahoo and aol) The Witches Three Homepage a practice (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:51:53 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: july

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Pet Peeves Fav fiction/non-fiction book Fav memorized Top of Page

Read everything, listen, then - ask questions. 1 spouse - 1 kid - 1 kid-n-law - 1 grandkidlet 1 yappy little terrier Lucinda Williams The road goes on forever, and the party never ends. Robert Earl Keen reading, dancing (don't do enough of that), genealogy, writing (I'm writing a book for my new granddaughter!) Rude people As someone who was fair, clever, honest and funny! (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:51:53 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: kelsy

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Profile of 'kelsy'
Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for Fav deity/spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? Fav Sabbat Occupation ICQ/AIM/YAHOOEY Fav Witchy website Religion or Practice Best advice to new Witch Spouse/S.O./kids kelsy Kelsy F 1972-01-03 00:00:00 Pennsylvania September 29, 2000 Eclectic S over 10 years and still learning years.

SAHM AIM & Yahoo Mamakelsy The Witches Three Homepage Read as much as you can and ask questions till you are satisfied with the answers Hubby : Rob / Kids : Caitlyn, Connor, Edan, Hunter, Teagan (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:52:04 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: kelsy

Pets Favorite music/artist Favorite quote Hobbies

Pet Peeves

none I listen to everything but gangster rap and speed metal "There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." - Ben Williams gardening, reading, writing, cross stitch, crewel, knitting, watching movies, dancing, puzzles, chatting with everybody from TW3 Rudeness, people who use me as a leaning post ( this can get you elbowed ) , and guys who look at my chest while talking to me. How ever others choose to remember me is up to them. I think that just to be remembered is enough.

Fav fiction/non-fiction book Fav memorized Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:52:04 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: kestrel

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Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for Fav deity/spirit Where is your altar? kestrel Barbara F 0000-00-00 00:00:00 Cheboygan, MI hmmm...well, I know its been a c as much as I dislike the way ecc S hmmm...seriously over 15 years, twenty if you count the years sp years. my home is my alter, in each room tools and relics lay where they feel right. But my space is the kitchen, there is also a spo at the moment, a picture of my mother as a child, dried lavender, milk weed and pine cones are in the space where Im working. Can you guess what Im working on? Homemaker, landscaper,grower 157119132 The Witches Three Homepage

On your altar?

Fav Sabbat Occupation ICQ/AIM/YAHOOEY Fav Witchy website (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:52:17 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: kestrel

Religion or Practice Best advice to new Witch



Favorite music/artist

Favorite quote


Pet Peeves

witchcraft is a practice but one that is tightly woven with religion whether the practitioner admits it or not If your looking for power over folk become a baptist minister instead. If your looking for peace, be quiet inside and it will find you mad scientist hubby, we are a practice in balance and have been for ten years. Two incredibly awsome and strong little ones, boy and girl who seem to have chosen me to teach me what nothing else could. Mainly humor and humility Boo, my soul mate and border collie mix. Cirri, my first trouble child, a coyote mix. Levi, a water dragon. Bliss, a narcisti It would be easier to list what i dont like but here goes. Creed, Matchbox 20, Bare Nekid Ladies are included on modern stuff. today's..."Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" Einstien I think or perhaps Ben Franklin) And in general, "do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup" (unkown) Cross country skiing, extreme hiking, canoeing, snowboarding, cultures and folklore...Much reading and sitting in my hot tub on snowy nights Rude people. People who refuse to debate religion and politics and remote control addicts who would rather spend a half an hour looking for the remote than to stand up and change the channel. I dont much care as long as it with a huge smile.

Fav fiction/non-fiction book Fav memorized Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:52:17 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: ksisterc

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Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for Fav deity/spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? Fav Sabbat Occupation ICQ/AIM/YAHOOEY Fav Witchy website Religion or Practice Best advice to new Witch Spouse/S.O./kids Pets ksisterc SisterCrow F 0000-00-00 00:00:00 Takoma Park MD 20912-6433 don't remember Eclectic - Celtic based S Consciously? Since 1975ish. years. Atop a nightstand in my living room Representations of the elements, tarot cards, God and Goddess figures, anything that feels right at the time Crazy woman AIM: SisterCrow1315 The Witches Three Homepage Yes Follow your instincts and intuition before anything else Alone right now Shadow, my Morrigan-influenced cat & Lily, my ex's cat (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:52:29 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: ksisterc

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Hobbies Pet Peeves Fav fiction/non-fiction book Fav memorized Top of Page

K D Laing, Rod Stewart, Led Zeppelin, Queen Latifah So let us remain altogether young and trembling right into old age, and let us try to fancy that we are merely starting out in life right up to the very eve of death . . . I am an optimist in spite of everything that has torn me to shreds. It is perhaps my Books & life People who try to drag me out when I wouldn't want to do what they were doing even on a good day. As someone who loved the best she could. (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:52:29 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: landsbright

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Profile of 'landsbright'
Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate landsbright Landsbright 0000-00-00 00:00:00

Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for years. Fav deity/ spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? Fav Sabbat (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:52:40 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: landsbright

Occupation ICQ/AIM/ YAHOOEY Fav Witchy website Religion or Practice Best advice to new Witch Spouse/S. O./kids Pets Favorite music/artist Favorite quote Hobbies Pet Peeves Fav fiction/ non-fiction book Fav memorized Top of Page

The Witches Three Homepage (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:52:40 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: lilacashes

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Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate lilacashes Lilac Ashes 0000-0000 00:00:00

Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for years. Fav deity/ spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:52:51 AM]

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Profile of Witches Three Member: lnk

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Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate lnk lnk 0000-0000 00:00:00

Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for years. Fav deity/ spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? Fav Sabbat (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:53:01 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: lnk

Occupation ICQ/AIM/ YAHOOEY Fav Witchy website

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Profile of Witches Three Member: lynne

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Profile of 'lynne'
Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for Fav deity/spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? lynne F 1957-11-15 00:00:00 Milford, CT I dont remember - June or July eclectic solitaire S 25 years, give or take a few days years. My bedroom Goddess and God candles, a unicorn candle, light green altar cloth, a piece of Irish bog oak, a silver bowl, a feather, beach sand in a jar, sea water in a jar, a couple of skeleton keys, a couple of silver chalices, some small stones on a piece of lapis, Samhain Mom and Office manager n/a The Witches Three Homepage

Fav Sabbat Occupation ICQ/AIM/YAHOOEY Fav Witchy website Religion or Practice (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:53:12 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: lynne

Best advice to new Witch Spouse/S.O./kids Pets Favorite music/artist Favorite quote

Read everything you can get your hands on and then decide for yourself what works best for you. 2 daughters: Rhiannon, age 14, Rachel, age 11 Jimmy Page is the ultimate guitarist, and Robert Plant the ultimate vocalist; Bonnie Raitt is my idol This week? "Guilt is the pruning shears that society developed to prevent you from growing into an even bigger asshole than you already are." Dennis Miller Ren Faire, sewing, horseback riding, reading, cooking liars and thieves Wicca: A guide for Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham As a beautiful woman who was honest and always did her best.

Hobbies Pet Peeves Fav fiction/non-fiction book Fav memorized Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:53:12 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: lynx

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Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for Fav deity/spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? Fav Sabbat Occupation ICQ/AIM/YAHOOEY Fav Witchy website Religion or Practice lynx Lynx Shadowfire F 0000-00-00 00:00:00 Michigan Been a while now :) Eclectic (more of a Kitchen Witc S 10 years officially years. Bedroom Working tools and different items dependant on the mood and the work in progress Security Lynxdomar@aol, Lynxkindred@yahoo The Witches Three Homepage IMHO its both (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:53:23 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: lynx

Best advice to new Witch

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Study, and then study some more..even those traditions that you aren't practicing so you can speak with intelligence on them. S/o with 7 kids combined b/n us 3 cats Alannis Morriset Friends make the best lovers reading and whatever the kids are into this week lol intollerance Honest, loyal... always striving for the betterment of my kids (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:53:23 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: majik

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Profile of 'majik'
Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for Fav deity/spirit Where is your altar? majik Have not found one yet. F 0000-00-00 00:00:00 Antelope Valley in Southern CA. I believe it was somewhere aroun Eclectic Witch. S with a few Witchy friends that help spells become more potent, if you will. Um, all my lives? ;D Essentially 3 years now. years. Ideally, it would be at the East window... but the Goddess understands that the crappy design of this apartment bedroom thingy I would put my wooden silver star basket I found at a Thrift Store on there... I'd go buy one of those cool Goddess statues or ordain one, I'd put all my witchy tools on there like my sword and athame and Witch's Bible and books. Does it count if your nigh Anything I put my mind to. If I'm not hiding, it's "MajikVixen" on AOL/AIM.

On your altar?

Fav Sabbat Occupation ICQ/AIM/YAHOOEY (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:53:36 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: majik

Fav Witchy website Religion or Practice Best advice to new Witch

The Witches Three Homepage Both. Keep an open mind, spirit, and heart... the Goddess or other means by the Goddess will show you the way if you so meaningfully request. I have no responsibilities like this except my Camaro, lol. Fancy was a dog Marie (my mentor) found in the desert (it sucks what people will do to animals sometimes), she's so very sweet a Fav. muzique = Rasputina. Fav. art is done by Amy Brown. I have a collection, I guess whatever strikes me at that moment... like maybe this one right now, "If you take the Christian bible and put it out in the wind and the rain, soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will b Driving my Camaro (yes, it's a sport), creating, sleeping, philosophizing, e-mailing, obsessing over my website, smoking cloves, watching olde TV shows and trying to go back to my childhood, lol. Stupid people!!! Uneducated opinions that turn into facts mostly by popular agreement! When women turn against each other over silly crap and break the laws of the sister-hood! As a very giving, hippy-like... creative, wonderful but complicated and poetic individual.

Spouse/S.O./kids Pets

Favorite music/artist Favorite quote


Pet Peeves

Fav fiction/non-fiction book Fav memorized Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:53:36 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: meredith

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Profile of 'meredith'
Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group meredith Meredith F 0000-00-00 00:00:00 Florida for the moment Somewhere around Lammas of 2000 Witch extraordinare G Both, solitary practitioner, but belong to a local group of a hundred or so pagans called The GreenMan Family Almost 11 years years. On top of my tv cabinet far away from my two years old twitchy grip!! Seasonal decorations, stones, both beautiful, found, and gifts, abalone shell, feathers, totems, scrying bowl, goddess figures, greenman figures, chalice, sage bundle, herbs, moss, lichen, medalions, candle get the drift SAHM/craftsperson

Witchy for Fav deity/spirit Where is your altar? On your altar?

Fav Sabbat Occupation (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:53:48 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: meredith

ICQ/AIM/YAHOOEY Fav Witchy website Religion or Practice Best advice to new Witch Spouse/S.O./kids Pets Favorite music/artist Favorite quote

AIM: TrybONuns or Trybonunn ICQ: 107819679 The Witches Three Homepage Both, depends on whether the person you ask is a spiritual person, or not. Trust you gut/instinct, do what YOU feel is right Ethan, Vin Diesel look alike, thinks he's a God kids: Morganaiter (7) Ian'zilla (2) & Owyl Depends on my mood, anything from old school punk to drumming and chanting to bagpipes or big band "Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it quits snowing." Phyllis Diller Reading, Camping, Hiking, Sewing, Crafts, Painting, Gardening Crappy drivers & Hypocrites An honest and forthright person with a big heart. (and just forget the fact that I am a complete scatterbrain)

Hobbies Pet Peeves Fav fiction/non-fiction book Fav memorized Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:53:48 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: niniane

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Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate niniane Niniane 0000-0000 00:00:00

Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for years. Fav deity/ spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:53:59 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: niniane

Fav Sabbat Occupation ICQ/AIM/ YAHOOEY Fav Witchy website

The Witches Three Homepage

Religion or Practice Best advice to new Witch Spouse/S. O./kids Pets Favorite music/artist Favorite quote Hobbies Pet Peeves Fav fiction/ non-fiction book Fav memorized Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:53:59 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: oaklight

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122538909 Oct 15 '02 The Witches Three Homepage Samhain!! for me it's a practice, but for some I know it's a religion... depends on your approach to it (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:54:10 AM]

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start with the books, but there's no getting around the fact that you have to actually do things (meditate, practice, etc.) you 1 spouse, 0 kids Hmmmm. Three at the moment: "The theory allows you to see the facts" (Einstein), "As a leader, every day I try to remember that others will tolerate my point of view, but they will act only on their own" (David Pottruck), and "Stories are a way to unders computer geek stuff, newsgroups, growing plants, remodelling my house, reading depends on how grouchy I am on any particular day :) I'd love it if people remembered that they found themselves thinking more around me... I like to think, and I like it when my thoughts encourage others to think

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Profile of Witches Three Member: phaedra

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Profile of Witches Three Member: randimariana

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Profile of Witches Three Member: sandra

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Profile of Witches Three Member: sapphirebat

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Profile of Witches Three Member: senashton

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Profile of Witches Three Member: shahala

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Profile of Witches Three Member: sistercrow

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Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate sistercrow Kathleen SisterCrow 0000-0000 00:00:00

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Profile of Witches Three Member: sunspider

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Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for Fav deity/spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? sunspider Nagwewab Odaanisan (the Rainbow's Daughter) F 0000-00-00 00:00:00 Cloquet, Minnesota April 2001? Free form eclectic, currently st S 4 1/2 years years. in the northwest corner of my bedroom (changes frequently) A statue of the Morrigan, two brass cranes, a smudge shell with smudge sticks and feather seated strategically on rocks, a brass bell, wine glass, big white goddess candle, two glass dishes, one with salt in and the other with rice, my Blackjack Dealer, College Student, future entrepeneur sunspiderC (AIM and MSN)

Fav Sabbat Occupation ICQ/AIM/YAHOOEY (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:55:51 AM]

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The Witches Three Homepage Religion Meditate! and read everything you can! 4 daughters, a couple of significant others Apollo the Cockateil, Cuddles the Lovebird, Croutons and Chipdip the geckos, Chub the Beta, Frank and Lily the underwater frogs. Train at the moment "Act only according to that maxim by which you can will that it become universal law" Immanuel Kant Natural art, sewing, beadwork, study medicinal herbs and botany, sleeping (what you do if theres spare time, right?) Those who lack common curtesy I would like to be remembered as strong, gentle, loving, courageous, and intelligent.

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Pet Peeves Fav fiction/non-fiction book Fav memorized Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:55:51 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: tiamat

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Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate Location Homepage URL Joindate Tradition or pathway Solitary or in a group Witchy for Fav deity/spirit Where is your altar? On your altar? tiamat Tiamat Selene F 0000-00-00 00:00:00 MN I don't remember that! I am meandering S solitary, but I practice with my step-mommy about 2 years now. years. in my room, next to my door a wine bottle, a big mirror, a plate, a chalice, an athame, the athame sheath, an insence burner, a wand (I made it myself) and stuff Drone YAHOOEY Name: tiamats_wolf666 The Witches Three Homepage both You have a lot of work and studying to do.

Fav Sabbat Occupation ICQ/AIM/YAHOOEY Fav Witchy website Religion or Practice Best advice to new Witch (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:56:03 AM]

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spouse-no. S.O.-if you mean do i have a boyfriendyes. kids-N#LL NO!!! 1 dumb black dog, Kali. 2 Guinea Pigs, Peppy LePew (m) Creampuff(f) 4 rats, Brain(ya know, Pinky and the brain brain brain...) I like all kinds of music. Daddy's Girl, Satan's Child reading, playing video games, my boyfriend, art, daydreaming, cooking, and whatever eles catches my attention. incessent whining. the cold. i can't stop biting my nails. By leaving a 15 ft hole in the cermatoriam. (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:56:03 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: tj

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Hobbies? What are those? 2-faced people.

For my contributions to others, and my unselfish acts. (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:56:15 AM]

Profile of Witches Three Member: Toria

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0000-0000 00:00:00

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Profile of Witches Three Member: vampy

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Profile of 'vampy'
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Vampy and her then 2yo nephew

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Profile of Witches Three Member: whisperwright

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Listname Craftname Gender Birthdate whisperwright WhisperWrigt 0000-00-00 00:00:00

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Profile of Witches Three Member: whitefire84

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Witches Three - A Look at a Few Dark Goddesses

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Dark Goddesses
Click on the goddess' name to get more information. Nuit Mother Sky-Goddess and Goddess of the Starry Sky Nyx Goddess of the Night Nemesis Goddess of Retribution and Daughter of the Night Children of the Night and Daughters of the Earth and Darkness Daughters of the Evening The Moirae also known as the Fates Kali The Black One Sumerian Death Goddess Hel Ruler of Helheim Naunet Goddess of the Primordial Abyss of the Underworld Lady of the Place of the Beginning of Time Hekate Queen of the Night Rhiannon Horse Goddess Queen of the Ghosts Cerridwen Keeper of the Cauldron Mother Holle Queen of the Nether Regions

The Erinyes The Hesperides



Morrighan (1 of 3) [8/8/2008 6:56:12 AM]

Witches Three - A Look at a Few Dark Goddesses



Goddess of Dusk Baba Yaga Black Crone Goddess Freyja the Shining Lady of the Vanir Snow-Shoe Goddess Berchta Mistress of Destiny Cailleach Celtic Crone Goddess

The New Book of Goddesses and Heroines Moon Magick Dark Moon Mysteries The Mysteries of the Dark Moon,The Healing Power of the Dark Goddess Encyclopedia Mythica Enccyclopedia of Things that Never Were Mythology Glamoury Celtic Myth and Magick Gods and Goddesses Fairies and Elves Fairies Bulfinch's Mythology When Santa was a Shaman The Book of Christmas Norse mythology Myths of the Norsemen Giants Babushka Baba Yaga Slavic Sorcery Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Brave Patricia Monaghan DJ Conway Timothy Roderick Demetra George Uknown Michael Page & Robert Ingpen Edith Hamilton Steve Blamires Edain McCoy The Editors of Time-Life Books The Editors of Time-Life Books Brain Froud and Alan Lee Unknown Tony Van Renterghem Brendan Lehane webpage H.A.Guerber The Editors of Time-Life Books Patricia Polacco Kenneth Johnson Marianna Mayer (2 of 3) [8/8/2008 6:56:12 AM]

Witches Three - A Look at a Few Dark Goddesses

The Complete Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm; Translated The Mysteries of Isis Egyptian Mytholgy FAQ The Story of Mother Holle Genealogical Guide to Greek Mythology The Sumerian Mythology FAQ and the Assyrian Mythology FAQ "Ereshkigal: Goddess of Thankless Tasks

Jack Zipes Traci DeRegula Shawn C. Knight The Pythonessg; The Greymalkin Gazette; Vol. 3 No. 2 Carlos Parada alt.mythology or here "Elizabeth Barrette. SageWoman #31, Autumn 1995.

Document Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001 by Sarah Nunn (Sarah the SwampWitch). This document can be re-published and shared only as long as no information is lost or changed, credit is given to the author, and it is provided or used without cost to others. Other uses of this document must be approved in writing by Sarah Nunn. Top of Page (3 of 3) [8/8/2008 6:56:12 AM]

Winter Spirits

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Winter Spirits
Barbegazi The Jlasveinarnir Caretaker of the Alps Yuletide Lads of Iceland Uldra The Little Reindeer People of Lapland Slavic Forest Guardian The Callicantzari The Yule Goblins of Greece Windigo Spirit of the Lonely Places Hounds of the Wild Hunt Mithra Lord of Heavenly Light



Yule in Iceland When Santa was a Shaman Encyclopedia Mythica Enccyclopedia of Things that Never Were The Book of Christmas Fairies and Elves Dwarfs The Complete Book Of Gnomes Fairies Bulfinch's Mythology A Field Guide To Goblins Black Dogs: Guardians of the corpse ways Black dogs in folklore The Complete Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm Glamoury Celtic Myth and Magick The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries: Cosmology and Salvation in the Ancient World Gods and Goddesses Philosophical Research Society, website Tony Van Renterghem website Michael Page & Robert Ingpen Brendan Lehane The Editors of Time-Life Books The Editors of Time-Life Books Rien Poortvliet Brain Froud and Alan Lee Unknown Brian Froud Bob Trubshaw; published on-line in At the Edge Bob Trubshaw; published on-line in At the Edge Translated by Jack Zipes Steve Blamires Edain McCoy David Ulansey The Editors of Time-Life Books website

Document Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001 by Sarah Nunn (Sarah the SwampWitch). This (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:56:22 AM]

Winter Spirits

document can be re-published and shared only as long as no information is lost or changed, credit is given to the author, and it is provided or used without cost to others. Other uses of this document must be approved in writing by Sarah Nunn. Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:56:22 AM]

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Weather Powder

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Weather Powder
by Jennifer M. Guidry

For this powder, you will need light blue talc, Mugwort, St. John's wort, Male Fern, salt,and sage. Cleanse and consecrate all items, including the jar you will be storing it in. With a mortar and pestle, grind each herbs slowly, first widdershins to dispel all excess energies not associated with the weather working, then deosil to empower the herbs with weather working (ie. to dispel excess energy in a storm without stopping the rain from falling). Once you have all the herbs ground well, mix them together, stirring deosil, joining their energies as one, to work together to ease the storm. Hold the blue talc in both hands, and visualize it as the element of air until it glows in your hands. Once you feel it has been charged all it can be, mix the herbs with it, and as you blend them together, empower the whole mixture with the power of going forth, up into the storm and easing it's fury. When you use this powder( and it shouldn't be everytime it rains a little, only if the weather is getting very horrid out) you should hold some in your power hand tightly until you feel it pulse in your palm and get hot/warm/tingley. As you hold it in your hand repeat over and over that you wish it to ease the storm, put not stop the rain, that no harm should come to any this night/day. Use your own words. It works better when you do. After you have repeated this and the powder is ready, go out into the storm (be sure to put on rubber soled shoes) and starting in the direction the storm is coming from, say" I charge thee powder go forth from me, the fury of the storm thou are to ease", then gently blow some of the powder in that direction. Do this until you make the full circle, reciting and blowing the powder to each direction. When you are done, you should have a small amount left in your hand. Hold your hand in front of you and again recite the evocation, and ask Spirit/God/dess to take the powder to the storm and help you in your quest. You should store the powder in an air tight container,shaking it occasionally to keep it from clumping up, on your altar/house shrine or some other sacred space you have. Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:56:46 AM]

Weather Chant

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Weather Chant
by Jennifer M. Guidry

This is a chant I have used quite often (being I live in Iowa) and it works very well, especially if you are scared to death and have alot of will put into it. Just repeat this (from a safe place like a basement or closet) until you are either tired out, your mouth hurts, or the danger is past. "Weather, Weather, Harken to me, Go Away and Leave Us (Me) Be! Rain Will Fall and Wind Will Blow, But no Tornadoes will You Show! Calm Your Ire and Soothe Your Wrath! Do Not Cut A Destructive Path!" I used this chant 3 times in one night one spring because there were tornado warnings issued and they were coming in my direction. Funny thing happened...everyone of those tornadoes dissappeared back into the clouds with no damage to any property and no one got hurt. This chant and powder have yet to fail me. If you would prefer to use incense instead of the powder, just leave out the talc in the above recipe and burn it, being sure you waft the smoke outside through a window or door. Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:56:57 AM]

DragonsBane Protection Oil

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DragonsBane Protection Oil

by Rev. Judith Lewis F.HPs D.E.V.A a 1 dram glass vial Sweet Almond Oil - a thick base oil with a gentle scent 1/4 - 1/2 gram of amber resin 2 drops jasmine essential oil 4 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil 3 drops frangipani essential oil (precious oil) 1 drop silver birch oil (should smell like smoke *NOT* like spearmint) a generous pinch or 2 small pieces dragons blood resin

Place the amber in first, then the dragons blood. Add on top of that frangipani and jasmine and give a slight shake. Let sit for 10 min. in the dark or in the moonlight (capped). Carefully uncap after 10 min and add the Ylang Ylang and recap to shake gently. Add sweet almond oil half way to the top and add the silver birch oil. Fill with sweet almond to almost the top, leaving room for some air and shake well. Fill to the top with sweet almond and cap tightly. Store carefully away from light for no more than 3 months - really for no more than 1 if to be used near or on skin. Test before using. To test, place a small amount of oil on your inner elbow for a night. If you have a reaction, do not use anywhere on your body. Frangipani is a common synthetic - please use only pure resins and essential oils in this recipe. Silver or white birch oil is dark, very thick and smells like smoke. Please be sure you are buying the correct one. If in doubt, ask. This recipe is copyright Judith Lewis of and may be passed on for use only if the entire recipe is kept intact with no additions and this copyright notice is left complete and attached. Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:57:09 AM]

specific protection

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specific protection
Author: cserrilyn sadair

I first used this spell to protect my sister from an abusive ex-boyfriend. I have found it works best to protect those innocent of knowingly causing their danger from specific threats, especially if they are not in a subserviant position to the threat (i.e., the threat does not come from their boss, etc.).

Needed Ingredients:
(If the ingredient is in all caps, it is necessary. If it is in parentheses, it is a suggestion or a substitution I found works quite well.)

THE CONSENT OF THE ONE YOU SEEK TO PROTECT menstral blood (your own or, if protecting a woman, her own prefered, or dove's blood essential oil) NEVER USE BLOOD TAKEN FROM A WOUND! what you seek to protect (or a representation of it, i.e. picture, annointed candle, etc.) one piece of paper per source of threat (the finer quality, the better, all natural materials prefered) sealing wax (either gold or red) doves blood ink and a quill (a pen will do in a trice) a bowl to burn the paper in (or a plate, but something that can be washed or disposed of)

The Workings
Draw your circle, call your quarters and invoke the god(esse)s. Annoint that which you seek to protect with the menstral blood, saying, "With this blood do I annoint thee, (protectee) By this blood are you protected from (all threats, being as specific as possible) (closing per tradition, i.e. So Mote it Be, As I Will it so shall it BE, Amen, etc.)" Take the paper, ink, and quill and write the name of the source of what you are protecting the protectee from, be it a person, corporation, animal or whatever, writing one source's name per page. If the source answers to more than one name, write down all the names you know on it's page and repeat until all the page has writing on it. If the protectee is a person, and they are part of the ritual, have them write all the names they know the source of their threat by. Be specific. Writing "Death" won't protect the protectee from being mortally injuried. Writing, (1 of 3) [8/8/2008 6:57:37 AM]

specific protection

"Mr. John Arther Doe of the Nantuck branch of the Family Doe, originating in Southeastern Isreal, Shadow Mage Prime of the Order of the Twirling Tutu's, Assistant to the Assistant to the Marketing Artist of ABC Co., Inc., Magickville, SC 00000, Father of John A. Doe Jr. and Jane A. Doe," etc., on the other hand, will protect the protectee from Mr. Doe giving her a mortal injury. ** Once you have written the names of the threat sources, fold the first paper, taking care that the edges of the paper are folded over, with the writing on the inside of the folds. Make the final fold, leaving about a half an inch from the edge you just folded to the edge it would otherwise line up with. Holding the paper closed, seal the paper with the sealing wax, but do not place your seal upon it (a seal, or signet is a device with an engraved image to apply to the cooling wax to leave a raised imprint of the image). By placing your seal upon the wax, you provide a way for the seal to be broken - destroying the seal or signet. While the wax is dripping on to the paper, say the following, repeating until there is enough wax to keep the papers closed and then the wax is dry enough to hold the paper closed on its own: "With this wax I bind (the source) from doing harm against (protectee)" Once the wax holds the papers closed, say your closing (So Mote it Be, etc.) Repeat the sealing for each paper, but make sure you know which paper belongs to which person. Once all the papers are sealed, take the bowl for burning the paper and smear a drop of menstral blood on the bottom. This will help strengthen the protection spell against the source of the threat. Take the first paper and light a corner from the Fire's candle, saying "Guardians of (direction), Element of Fire, Bar the means (source) may use To harm (protectee)" Light another corner from Water's candle, saying, "Guardians of (direction), Element of Water, Send confusion to (source) Should (source) seek to harm (protectee)" Light another corner from Air's candle, saying. "Guardians of (direction) Element of Air, Send back unto (source) The harm (source) seeks for (protectee)" Light the last corner from Earth's candle, saying "Guardians of (direction), Element of Earth, Lend (protectee) your strength Should (source) attack." Drop the burning paper into the bowl. Make sure that all that is left is blackened or gray ash. (2 of 3) [8/8/2008 6:57:37 AM]

specific protection

Repeat for each source, but only place a drop of blood in the bowl, instead of smearing the blood around. Once each source has been bound from harming the protectee, say your closing (So mote it be, etc). You are done with the spell. Once you finish the ritual, either bury the ashes or wash them away. ** An alternative to trying to remember which page has which source's name on it is to go through the entire spell for each source seperately. The effect is the same, it takes longer, but it helps to reduce confusion as to which entity you are binding from harming the protectee. Top of Page (3 of 3) [8/8/2008 6:57:37 AM]

Purify and Protect the Home

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Purify and Protect the Home

Author: angeline

A simple spell to purify and protect your home Mix the following herbs:

Basil: for protection Bay: for purification Cumin: to prevent theft Clove: to ward negativity Rosemary: to purify Sage: to protect Sandalwood: to ward negativity

Charge herbs. Cast a simple circle. Light charcoal and burn herbal mixture while walking through the house, front door to back door. Chant: my home (apartment, place) is protected and no evil shall enter, over and over throughout. When finished, fill home with white light. Ground energy, release circle, the spell is complete. Discard of spell remains properly. Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:57:50 AM]

A Love Spell

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A Love Spell
Author: angeline

This spell is intended to bring several new people into your life. Do not try to envision a specific person while you work, instead focus on creating several options from which you can select a new mate. You will need the following:

2 pink (or red) candles, in holders, tapers best 2 pieces of acid free paper a white votive candle, in holder pink or white ribbon lavender oil something to write/draw with scissors a small box a list of desired qualities in a mate

Begin by casting a circle. Light your white candle, invoke a Goddess of love, ask her for assistance and tell her what qualities you are looking for in a mate. Annoint the two pink candles with the lavender oil, inscribe with symbols (male/female, female/female, male/male). Place the candles, one opposite of the other an equan distance away from the white candles. Take a piece of appear and make an outline of yourself, cut it out, then fill it with a description of you, whether through drawn detailed features or with descriptive words. Be specific. When you are finished, move "your" candle, one half of the way, closer towards the white candle. Next do the same for your intended mate. Illustrated his cut out figure and will it with the "qualities" you desire. Take your time completing this step. When you are done, move your mates candle one half of the way, closer to the white candle. Lay your paper figures face to face and try them together with your ribbon. Visualize you and your mate finding one another, coming together and falling in love. Move your candle and your mates candle closer together, directly behind the white candle. Allow your two candles to burn together, to join. Spend some time focusing energy on seeing you and your mate together. Allow the two candles to burn down if possible. Place your paper figures, still tired together in the box. Ground your energy and release the circle. Place the box somewhere safe where it will not be disturbed. Dispose of spell remains properly. If you spell has not begun, if you have not met anyone special within six months, untie the paper figures and try again. (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:58:04 AM]

A Love Spell

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The Wind Bearer's Spell

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The Wind Bearer's Spell

Author: Kristen Jacobson

This spell is best done outside, where you can feel the wind talking to you. Take a feather, some ashes, some incense, and a pot of boiling water out with you. Cast a circle if you feel it necessary. First, cup the ashes in your hand and send energy into it. Then sift it through your fingers, so that it floats on the air. Say out loud or in your mind: Wind that carries, Wind that roars, Carry this wish to the far shores. Fey people, gnomes creatures of all realms hear this prayer. Take the feather and send energy into it. Say: Falcon, hawk eagle great. Take this wish upon your wings to carry to the winged gods. Sparrow, robin birds from afar hear this prayer to bear far and wide. Brid, Green gaia heed me. Take the incense and light it. Slowly blow on it, letting the ember burn bright, while letting your breath carry your essence to it. Say: Ares, fire gods alike, hear me. bear my wishes across the land for all willing to hear Do not grant me that which isn't mine (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:58:17 AM]

The Wind Bearer's Spell

but that of this life to live. Carry my soul to those in need giving all they need for this one wish of mine take my [place wish/prayer here] Lastly, take the boiling water and breathe in the steam. Expel upwards, toward the sky. Say: Water, bear my needs. Water, ever present giver of life, take my wish to the mother's heart for the safe keeping till I join her. Let my love for her bear her womb warm and giving for as long as my soul shall last. As you feel the wind whip around you, or even tug gently at you, listen carefully to what is said. It gives you the knowledge to complete your goal. As well, feel no fear, but unleash the wildness of your spirit to the wind. do what it asks you, whether that is dance or cry; it is a healing thought the wind brings you. I find this to be a great release of stress as well as one that relaxes me. Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:58:17 AM]

Testing this

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Testing this
Author: Me! Test Test Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:58:27 AM]

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Submitted by swampy

Dark Goddess Call

"I call now, into this circle, into this realm, and into my consciousness, The Goddess of Death. The Crone of wisdom, for it is she who knows the mysteries of the Dark Arts. It is she who can part the veil of the realms, and see into the infinity of continuance. I call her from the depths of my soul. Let her bubble to the surface and come to know us in her full glory as the Mistress of the Tapestry. I call on you now. I call on the one who cuts the cords, and ties the knots. I call on the one who walks through the rivers of death, and emerges with the wisdom of the phoenix. Within this circle, I entreat you, reveal to us the mysteries of the Darkness." 1999-2006 Soseneda Arianrhod

Samhain Chant
It is time to lift the veil between death and life It is time to conjure up your spells with your wand, crystal ball and your anthame knife For is in New's Year's on this hollow'd ground A time when the Witch's Year has once again circled round Bless the New Year that has yet to come Bless those on this path both old and young Bring me wisdom throughout the year Protect those that I hold dear I thank the spirits for the life I live and everyday I take (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:58:49 AM]


as well as fare thee give I honor Life and Death with this Samhain Mass May all I hope and wish for this New Year Come to pass Oct 2001 WynnJera All rights Reserved Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:58:49 AM]


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Submitted by swampy

We need original material to share! Please send spells, poems, herbal info, etc. to us, and we'll post it! Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:58:59 AM]

Brighid's Day

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Brighid's Day
Submitted by swampy

We need original material to share! Please send spells, poems, herbal info, etc. to us, and we'll post it! Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:59:08 AM]


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Submitted by swampy

Children's Ostara Ritual

This is a ritual I wrote for my daughter and one of my friend's children, since there seems to be a lack of kids' rituals. For this ritual , you will need:

Egg Rattles filled with Seeds Yourself and your kid(s) A Yard or Cups filled with Dirt

Ritual: This ritual can be done inside or outside. If you are inside, use the cups filled with dirt. If it is warm enough to go outside, use the yard in place of the cups of dirt. Take your eggs and hold them. Ask the Lord and Lady to bless them as symbols of the life force that is sleeping in the Earth. Use your own words to do this. Let your heart and soul tell you what to say. After you bless your eggs, stand still with your feet firmly on the ground. Breathe deeply a few times, and ground and center yourself. Feel the sleeping Earth, become one with it. Pretend you are the Earth, still sleeping after the long, cold Winter. Slowly stretch your arms up over your head, as if you were just waking up in the morning, and pretend you are the Earth slowly awakening. Start walking deosil , slowly, gently shaking the egg you hold, chanting softly, "Wake up Earth. Rise from your Sleep. Trees and Flowers stir, time to color the land once again." As you walk, keep the picture in your head of the grass, trees, and flowers coming back to life, and growing, turning everything green and beautiful again. Feel the land waking up as you walk. As you feel the Earth wake, walk a little faster, shake your egg louder, and chant faster and louder. Pull the waking energy into you and send it into the egg. Stomp your feet and shake your egg, willing the Earth, trees, and flowers to wake up, and keep going faster and faster. When you feel like the egg is full, and you can feel the life stirring in Nature again, break open your egg and look at the seeds, which will be glowing with energy. If you are inside, take the seeds (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:59:22 AM]


and plant them in the cups of dirt, and ask them to grow strong and healthy, just like the trees and flowers outside. See the energy in the seeds spread to the dirt and make it come alive. If you are outside, you can either plant them in the ground or scatter them around, asking them to grow. See the energy of the seeds go into the ground to wake up all the other plants. Or, you can leave them as an offering to the birds who come out in early Spring, and ask them to accept these gifts, and to carry them far and wide to grow. If you still feel like you have alot of energy in you, push it out of your feet into the ground and ask it to go wake up the sleeping plants and the Earth, and to help turn everything green again. After you are done, be sure to tend to your seeds in the cups , and when the Earth is ready for planting, take your seeds outside and place them gently in the ground, willing them to grow strong and healthy. Leave a small offering, like a stone or some honey and milk, and ask the Faeries to take care of your plants. Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 6:59:22 AM]


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Submitted by swampy

We need original material to share! Please send spells, poems, herbal info, etc. to us, and we'll post it! Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:59:31 AM]


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Submitted by swampy

We need original material to share! Please send spells, poems, herbal info, etc. to us, and we'll post it! Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:59:41 AM]


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Submitted by swampy

We need original material to share! Please send spells, poems, herbal info, etc. to us, and we'll post it! Top of Page [8/8/2008 6:59:50 AM]


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Submitted by swampy MABON BLESSING As we enter the dark seasons of the year, may the starlight and firelight continue to show us the way home. May hugs and smiles continue to warm us. And may the voices of our friends surround us with love. 2001-2006 AmberFox

"Mabon Blessing"
Mother day, Father night. Darkness has now taken over the light. Days are now shorter still, as night comes forth to do it's will. In this embrace we shall stay, until our blessed Ostara day. Persephone Lady of the under world, this darkness is your temple unfurled. May this rest in darkness be a reprieve, for what in Springtime we can hope to receive. The bounty from thine Lady's breast, (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:00:01 AM]


is what I honor with this Mabon fest WynnJera 2002 Copyright protected Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:00:01 AM]

A Graveyard Dirt Primer

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A Graveyard Dirt Primer

2001 by Sarah the SwampWitch I have gathered together some information on the gathering, preservation and disposal of graveyard dirt. The first part of it is some folklore that I do pay attention to in my own use of graveyard dirt (although I don't follow all of it exactly). The last part is some of what I personally have discovered that works for me over the years in dealing with graveyard dirt (and remember, mileage may vary on this last part. What works for me might not for you. If you wanna find out for yourself what works and what doesn't work for you, get your ass to a graveyard, and start digging! .) Some graveyard dirt lore (from various sources - if I know the source, I note it)

When you take dirt, always return something of value to the gravesite. Tobacco is one suggestion, a silver coin is another. Because Haints or sprits might attach themselves to you while you are gathering dirt, you must do something to keep them from following you home, unless of course you want a pet ghostie. If you "pay" when you take a little dirt, this will not happen. A dime is fine, that breaks any links. Plus, you should turn around three times before entering the home after visiting a graveyard, it confuses the spirits. An infusion of bistort root sprinkled around the house will also chase any spirits out of the home. Slamming the front and back doors of the house rapidly in succession several times is said to trap any ghosts in between the door and frame, making it too uncomfortable for them to wish to stay. If you need dirt to send somebody away (not kill them), dig your dirt at the head of an old grave. The oldest one in a cemetery works the best. Graveyard dirt is best when taken from an open grave. Some love spells require dirt that you have gotten from the grave of a loved one. The loved one does not have to be human, but can even be a pet that you loved. A good time to get graveyard dirt and remain inconspicuous is to go each spring to the graves of your loved ones, and plant flowers there. While planting the flowers, you can then sneakily take dirt from the grave sites. A variation on the above theme, is to instead bring potted plants to the gravesite. While placing the pots of flowers on the graves, dig up some grave dirt (act as if you are worried that the posts do not have enough dirt in them) and add it to the pots. Then leave the flower pots on the graves until fall. When fall comes around, go to the cemetery and retrieve the pots - then once the pots are at your house, you can take the dirt out of the pots. (this one is from Hexcraft by Silver Ravenwolf) When you gather graveyard dirt (time and moon phase) depends on what type of spell you wish to do. OR Midnight on the dark of the Moon is the best time to gather graveyard dirt. Or Midnight on a full Moon is the best time to gather graveyard dirt. (Now you see why you need to figure out what works best for YOU? LOLOL!) (1 of 3) [8/8/2008 7:00:24 AM]

A Graveyard Dirt Primer

Dirt dug from the graves of people who were hung, is the most powerful for hexing and revenge magick. Now then, if you are too chicken to go dig up your own dirt, you can always order it...... a good source is

THE LUCKY MOJO CURIO CO. 6632 COVEY ROAD FORESTVILLE, CALIFORNIA 95436 (707) 887-1521 / For a printed catalogue, send email with your name and address to . Please use the subject line "Catalogue Request" for speediest service. The Lucky Mojo Curio Company sells "Graveyard Dirt" for $2.00 ("For use in very serious Enemy Tricks"). Or you can order it as part of a premixed Goofer Dust $2.00 ("To mess up, jinx, or trouble an enemy. We do not make any occult claims for GOOFER DUST, and sell as a curio only.")

If graveyard dirt or Goofer dust is used in a spell, and especially if the intention of the spell is seriously, irreparably harmful (like causing another person grave illness), you should dispose of the material in a graveyard after your spell is done. The wax and other remnants of the spell, (including graveyard dirt) should be placed in a miniature coffin, buried, and marked by a miniature headstone with the enemy's name on it. When setting such a spell to rest, many mages also sprinkle a mixture of sulfur powder and salt around the grave, then walk home and they don't look back.

Okies, now then, this is how I, a practical Witch, do the graveyard dirt thing. I walk into the secluded cemetery, ask the blessings of all the spirits there. I tell the spirits what I want to do with the dirt and I ask that they leave me to gather my dirt in peace. I gather grave yard dirt at night - either during the dark of the moon, the waning moon or the full moon. I really should take along someone with me, since I am the world's biggest chicken (LOLOLOLOL). I have found that it is not wise to watch movies like the Blair Witch Project or Scream before I go . I do not take artificial light with me into the cemetery - so therefore I park the car outside the cemetery and use either a kerosene lantern or candles for light. I choose what specific graves to dig from by 'whim' or by 'feel', or sometimes by reading grave stones. I sometimes feel partial to grave yard dust from children's graves; but I usually end up at very old graves. I get a 'vibe' I think, that tells me which is the 'right' grave. I usually aim to dig at the head of the grave plot, but am aware that in many old cemeteries - like the one that I often gather dirt from - the coffins are often not exactly where you would think that they are. I also have never gathered from an open grave (ewwwwwwwww). I only take a few handfuls of dirt from each grave. I dig the dirt with my hands and athame only, as I have never needed to dig such a big hole that I needed a shovel. To take more than a handful of dirt would be silly since I don't use it that much in spellwork. I put the dirt in a special pouch thingy once I have dug it up. I also try to sift through the dug dirt to make sure that I don't end up with any earth worms in my dirt. If I get some by accident, I release them where I found them. Once I have the dirt I need from a grave, I leave silver dimes in the holes as offerings and replace the sod or leaves or what ever was covering the dirt. I leave the cemetery (and **force** myself to walk slowly no matter what (LOL)) once I am (2 of 3) [8/8/2008 7:00:24 AM]

A Graveyard Dirt Primer

done collecting dirt. At the cemetery gates, I say thank you to all the spirits. Once out of the cemetery I spin around in circles three times, get in the car and leave. I usually spin before I enter the house too, and make sure that I enter by the door where I have the protection jar filled with a gazillion small pebbles and a bunch of sea salt mixed with sand. (Evil spirits are said to compulsively count things, therefore they will get distracted by the jar and stop to count all the pebbles and grains of sand and salt in the jar....) I store my graveyard dirt in pottery jars, and label them as to what Moon Phase they were gathered at. I have a special jar for the dirt that comes from the gravesite of Mikado (the horse that we celebrate Dead Horse Day for). I use Mikado's grave dirt for the occasional love spell and also for our Dead Horse Day ritual. I use the regular graveyard dirt for hexing and cursing spells. ***A note from Swampy who does not follow the Rede: Hexing IS part of the long and colorful history of Witchcraft, and can be part of spellwork done by the most ethical of modern Witches.... HOWEVER, if you are unwilling to accept the consequences of spellwork, you have no business hexing anyone. In fact, you probably have no business doing any kind of spellwork, but that's a longer rant than I have time for here . Document Copyright 1999-2006 by Sarah Nunn (Sarah the SwampWitch). This document can be re-published and shared only as long as no information is lost or changed, credit is given to the author, and it is provided or used without cost to others. Other uses of this document must be approved in writing by Sarah Nunn. Top of Page (3 of 3) [8/8/2008 7:00:24 AM]


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Latin name: Styrax benzoin Folk or Common names: Benjamin, Gum Benzoin, Siam Benzoin Parts Used: Benzoin is a gum (resin) collected from a tree that grows in Java, Sumatra and Thailand. The gum or resin, called storax, is col Herbal usage: The powdered resin can be diluted with water and used externally as an antiseptic skin wash. Taken internally (10 to 20 drops in water or tea 4X day) it relieves fart gas. Used in a vaporizer, Benzoin can relieve sinus congestion and bronchitis (thanks to Free for telling me about this). Magical History & Associations: Benzoin is associated with air, and is ruled by the sun. Magickal usage: Benzoin is a powerful herb of purification. Add Benzoin powder to incense to sanctify the area or better yet, add a drop or two of Benzoin oil on a burning charcoal block. This will make billowing smoke that will cleanse and clean the area. Benzoin, in a tincture form, is also used as a fixative to preserve magickal oils. Benzoin can also be added to incense blends to attract business - just combine the Benzoin with basil, peony or cinnamon. As an oil, Benzoin can be used in calming spells since the oil brings peace of mind. Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:00:41 AM]


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Latin name: Male Shield Fern - Dryopteris Filix-mas; Bracken Fern - Pteris Aquilina; Moonwort Botrychium lunaria. Folk or Common names: Fern Parts Used: Herbal usage: The Male Fern's root can be used in a powdered form to make a remedy that will kill tapeworms . The root powder can also be added to salve for wounds and burns. Bracken Fern can be eaten - the inhabitants of Palmaand Gomera (islands of the Canary Group) use Bracken as food, grinding the rhizome to powder and mixing it with a small quantity of barley, and the young fronds are eaten in Japan. In Siberia and in Norway, the uncoiled fronds have been used for brewing a kind of beer. Magical History & Associations: Bracken Fern is associated with Mercury and Royal Fern with Saturn. All ferns have an earth association. Magickal usage: Male Fern can be used to bring luck and prosperity. If it is carried, it will attract women to the carrier and if it is burned outdoors it will attract rain. If the Fern is dried over a balefire on the day of the Summer Solstice, it can then be used as a protective amulet. The 'seeds' from a Fern are said to render one invisible - but only if the seeds are gathered on MidSummer's eve. Moonwort is an herb of immortality and must be gathered by moonlight if it is to work. Moonwort aids in opening locks - Culpepper says: 'Moonwort (they absurdly say) will open locks and unshoe such horses as tread upon it; but some country people call it unshoe the horse.' Moonwort was also said to have been was used by the Alchemists, who thought it had power to condensate or to convert quicksilver into pure silver. Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:00:58 AM]


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Latin name: Barley - Hordeum Pratense Folk or Common names: Parts Used: Herbal usage: Barley is especially useful in treating shattered nerves and is good for getting rid of bladder and kidney problems. In fact Barley is just a good general tonic. Barley is one of the best feeds to put weight on a thin horse - the barley is cooked on a stove until the kernels split, and then fed to the horse warm. Magical History & Associations: Barley are associated with Saturn and with Venus. Its elemental association is with the earth. It is associated with the full moon of the month of August (The barley Moon) and as a grain is one of the sacred Druidic herbs of Mean Fomhair (also called Mabo Magickal usage: Barley can be used in Love, Healing, and Protection spellwork. Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:01:14 AM]


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Latin name: Zea Mays, etc. Folk or Common names: Parts Used: Seeds, silk, husks Herbal usage: Corn silk is a mild stimulant, diuretic and demulcent, useful in the treatment of bladder irritation and has also been employed in gonorrhea treatments. The seeds are also diuretic and mild stimulants. A poultice can be made from the seeds to treat ulcers, swellings, and rheumatic pains. An infusion of the parched Corn can help control nausea and vomiting in many diseases. Cornmeal makes a palatable and nutritious gruel and is an excellent diet for convalescents. Corn oil is used in treating arteriosclerosis and high cholesterol. Mexicans of today are very skilful in making fermented liquors from Corn - 'Chicka' resembles beer and cider, and a spirituous liquor called 'Pulque de Mahis,' is made from the juice of the stalk. Magical History & Associations: Corn is a sacred Druidic herb of Mean Fomhair (also called Mabon) and of Samhain. Corn is associated with the element of earth and the planets Venus and Saturn. Because Corn was such an important part of the food supply of many early cultures, almost ever Magickal usage: Corn can be used for spells protection, luck, and in divination. Corn on the altar represents the power of the Corn Mother, She who blesses and nourishes all Her earthly children. Often Corn husks and Wheat straw are used to create what are called 'Corn Dollies'. These are usually in the shape of a doll or are woven into various other shapes and are carried as charms or put on an altar. Corn dollies can be hung from the rafters of a house to offer protection for the house and all those who dwell within. Corn can also be used in many forms of fertility magic. One Corn Fertility spell is used if you want to get pregnant.... it requires that you eat Corn on the cob while saying: "Bless my womb, this seed of earth, grant to me, a healthy birth." Corn can be worn as jewelry or in amulets to make the wearer closer to the spirit of the earth. Corn can be used to divine the future. An old folk spell said that if a damsel found a blood-red ear of maize, she would have a suitor before the year was out. Remember that when harvesting Corn for magickal uses it is important to say thanks you to the grain spirits: "Mother of Corn I harvest thee. In spring thou wilt A maiden be."

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Latin name: Avena Sativa Folk or Common names: Parts Used: Herbal usage: Oat tincture forms the basis for all nerve tonics and a mixture of cooked Oats and Slippery Elm powder make an excellent poultice for skin troubles. Oatmeal is ideal food for sick folks and a tea made from Oats will clear up chest congestion. Magical History & Associations: Oats have a planetary association with Mercury and Jupiter. The Oat is one of the sacred Druidic herbs of the Sabbats of Lammas and Mabon. Magickal usage: Oats are useful in money and prosperity spells. Oats can be used on the altar in their grain form or straw form, and Oat flour can be used to bake Oat cakes as offerings to the Goddess. Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:01:42 AM]


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Latin name: Folk or Common names: Parts Used: Herbal usage: Wheat germ and Wheat germ oil are excellent dietary supplements. Magical History & Associations: Wheat is associated with Venus and Jupiter.Wheat and other grains are associated with Gods and Goddesses of death and resurrection. Tammuz (Sumerian) and Adonis (Assyrian, Babylonian and Phoenician) are both Grain Gods. The Greek Grain Goddess is Demeter Magickal usage: Wheat can be used in Fertility and Money spells. You also can do Wheat flour divination - first dampen a surface (wood is good), then sprinkle Wheat flour onto the damp surface while concentrating on your future, then use unfocused eyes to see what patterns show up in the flour. Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:01:52 AM]


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Latin name: Lonicera caprifolium, Lonicera Periclymenum. Folk or Common names: Woodbine, Dutch Honeysuckle, Goats' Leaf. Parts Used: Flowers, seeds, leaves. Herbal usage: The Honeysuckle is a favorite food of goats . Used as a herbal remedy, Honeysuckle has an effect on salmonella and streptococcus. It can be used as an antibiotic to treat colds, flu, etc. Honeysuckle has expectorant and laxative properties. The flowers (in syrup form) have been used against diseases of the respiratory organs and in the treatment of asthma. The leaves (as a decoction) have been used to treat diseases of the liver and spleen. Magical History & Associations: Honeysuckle is an herb of mercury and mars, and is associated with the element of earth. Magickal usage: Honeysuckle is an herb of the mind and prosperity. When the fresh herb is rubbed on the forehead, psychic abilities are heightened. In much the same way, if Honeysuckle oil is dabbed on the temples, the person will think quicker and clearer. Honeysuckle also adds memory. Honeysuckle is an important herb to use in prosperity spells and attract money spells. A green candle can be ringed with Honeysuckle flowers to attract money to the spell worker. In fact, Honeysuckle can be added to all prosperity incense or sachets. Honeysuckle is also an herb of devotion, fidelity and affection, and those who wear it will dream of their own true love. Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:02:02 AM]


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Latin name: Calendula officinalis Folk or Common names: Calendula, Husband's Dial, Holigold, Marybud, Caltha officinalis, Golds, Ruddes, Mary Gowles, Oculus Christi, Pot Marigold, Marygold, Fiore d'ogni mese, Solis Sponsa. Parts Used: Flowers, herb, leaves. Herbal usage: Marigold is chiefly used as a local remedy. It is useful in the treatment of chronic ulcer, varicose veins, and jaundice. A Marigold flower, rubbed on the affected part, is a remedy for the pain and swelling caused by the sting of a wasp or bee. A lotion made from the flowers can be used for sprains and wounds. The leaves can eaten as a salad and a yellow dye has also been extracted from the flower, by boiling. Magical History & Associations: Marigold is associated with the sun and the element of fire. Magickal usage: Magical attributes include prophesy, legal matters, the psychic, seeing magical creatures, love, clairvoyance, dreams, business or legal affairs and renewing personal energy. Be sure to gather your Marigolds for magickal workings at noon. A fresh Marigold flower can be worn to court for a favorable outcome of a trial. If you place Marigold in your mattress, you will have prophetic dreams... and if you place it under your mattress it will make whatever you dream come true. Since the Marigold embodies the sun, it can make a person more attractive and confident. Add Marigold to your bath water to make this happen. A vase of fresh and bright Marigolds in a room brings a renewed surge of life to those in the room! Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:02:13 AM]


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Latin name: Asclepiadaceae Folk or Common names: Parts Used: flowers, bud, sap, root Herbal usage: The Milkweed root is powdered and then used to treat bronchitis and other respiratory ailments. It has a very milky juice, which is used as a domestic application to warts (I've done this, and it works!). The root taken in tea is said to produce temporary sterility. The tender buds can be eaten when steamed and are said to taste like broccoli. Milkweed is TOXIC if too much is taken internally. Magical History & Associations: Magickal usage: Both Monarch butterflies and fairies like milkweed. If Milkweed is planted in a Witches garden, the fey will always be in the area. The silky tassels of the Milkweed pods can be added to a dream pillow to not only make it softer but also to make you dream of fairies. In the summer when the pods are bursting and the fluffy seeds are flying across the fields, a wish is granted for each seed that can be caught and then released again. Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:02:24 AM]


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Latin name: Commiphora myrrha Folk or Common names: Mirra, Morr, Didin, Didthin, Bowl, Karan, Mirra Balsam Olendron, Gum Myrrh. Parts Used: The oleo-gum-resin from the stem. Herbal usage: Myrrh is gathered from trees grown in Arabia and Somaliland. It has uses as a disinfectant wound wash. Used internally it increases circulation - although prolonged internal use causes kidney damage. It also is an excellent insect repellent and as a tincture it is good for bad breath and gum problems Magical History & Associations: Myrrh is associated with the Moon and Jupiter, and with the element of water. Myrrh is sacred to the Goddess Isis and is also associated with Adonis, Ra and Marian. Magickal usage: Myrrh is used in magick for protection, peace, exorcism, healing, consecration, blessing, meditation and heightening spirituality. As an incense Myrrh can be used to help deepen mediation and to aid contemplation. Myrrh can be used in any ritual to the Goddess Isis, since Myrrh is a Goddess plant of the moon's sphere and is sacred to Isis. Myrrh can also be burned so that its smoke can purify and protect an area, and the smoke can also be used to consecrate and bless objects like rings, amulets, and ritual tools. As an essential oil, Myrrh can be used to purify, protect and also for hex breaking. If you are having trouble with pesky spirits or unwanted magickal energies sent to you, annoit your house both first thing in the morning and last thing at night with Myrrh for protection. Myrrh can be used in charm bags with Frankincense too, since combining it with Frankincense increases ts power. Any use of Myrrh - either as incense, oil, or carried as an amulet - will help raise the magickal energies of any spell work that is done. Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:02:36 AM]


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Latin name: Passiflora incarnata Folk or Common names: assion Vine, Granadilla, Maracoc, Maypops. Parts Used: The dried herb, collected after some of the berries have matured. Herbal usage: Passionflower is known to be a depressant and so can be used to treat insomnia and hysteria. It is said to be work well in controlling epilepsy. Its narcotic properties cause it to be used in treating diarrhea and dysentery. Some varieties produce edible fruits used in jellies and juices. Passionflower can also be used as a brain tonic when combined with Lady's Slipper, Valerian and Skullcap. Magical History & Associations: assionflower is a sun herb. It is associated with Venus and with the element of water. The Deities that are associated with this herb are Flora, Feronia and Venus. Magickal usage: Passionflower has uses in protection and love magick. When Passionflower is used, it calms and brings peace to the home. You can sprinkle dried or fresh Passionflower over the doorsteps of your house or apartment to keep harm away. If you carry some of the herb in an amulet bag, you will make friends easier since it will work to increase your personal charisma making you more attractive and more likable. Place Passionflower in a dream pillow and it will help you get a good nights sleep. place it in power bundles and use in love spells to attract love. You can also burn it as an incense to promote understanding. Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:02:48 AM]


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Latin name: Rosaceae Folk or Common names: A Rose by any other name would still be a Rose. Parts Used: flowers, hips. Herbal usage: Rose petals are known for their mild astringency and tonic value, but they are today mostly used to impart their scent to other pharmaceutical preparations. When Rose petals are used as a medicine they are used to treat stomatitis and pharyngitis. Honey of Roses can be made from clarified honey and fluid extract of Roses and is popular for treating sore throats and ulcerated mouths. Rose Vinegar, prepared by steeping dried Rose petals in distilled vinegar, can be used to treat headaches. Two French liqueurs also have Rose petals as one of the chief ingredients. Ointment of Rose-water, commonly known as Cold Cream, is used as a soothing, cooling application for chapped hands or face and minor skin abrasions. Rosehips are a good source of vitamin C and a tea can be made of them which is good for treating colds and flu. Magical History & Associations: Rose is associated with the element of water and with Venus, and is known as a 'Goddess Herb'. The Deities that Rose are associated with are: Venus, Hulda, Demeter, Isis, Eros, Cupid, and Adonis. Magickal usage: Rose is known as *THE* herb of love. Add Rose bud petals to bath water to conjure up a lover. Put red Rose petals in a red velvet bag and pin this under your clothes to attract love or you can wear Rosehips as beads to bring love to you. Rose oil and Rose incense are both used in love spells. If you wash your hands with Rose water before mixing love potions, the potions will be stronger. Rose is also good when used in healing rituals and spells. Burn Rose Petals in your bedroom before going to sleep and this will guarantee you a good nights sleep. Roses are loved by the fey so you can plant Roses in your garden to attract fairies. Wild Roses are best for this purpose and you need to say the following spell as you plant your baby Rose bush: "I ask a fairy from the wild, To come and tend this wee rose-child. A babe of air she thrives today, Root her soul in the Goddesses' good clay. Fairies make this twig your bower, By your magic shall time see her flower!" Different color Roses have different meanings so you can use Roses to give someone a message magickally. These are what the different Rose colors mean: Red - I love you White - I love you not Yellow - I love another Moss - I admire you from afar Pink - My love for you is innocent Orange - I love you vigorously Amethyst - I will love you forever Wild - I love you because you are fair and innocent (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:03:00 AM]


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Latin name: Salvia officinalis Folk or Common names: Sawge, Garden Sage, Red Sage, Sage spice Parts Used: Leaves, whole herb Herbal usage: Sage is used as a spice in many recipes (often in Thanksgiving turkey stuffing). It can be used as a tea to aid in digestion, and to relieve the discomfort of measles, dizziness, colds, fever, and headaches. An infusion can be made with Sage and honey and used as a mouth wash to help cure mouth sores and sore throats. A strong wash will help in cases of skin ulcers, rashes, and dandruff. It acts as a stimulating tonic to the digestive tract or nervous system. Rub fresh Sage leaves on the teeth to whiten and clean them. Sage is also used as an insect repellent, sending away flies and, in the garden, cabbage moths and carrot flies. It attracts bees, and the result is a very aromatic honey. Magical History & Associations: Sage is associated with Jupiter or Venus, and is associated with the element of Air. Magickal usage: Sage is used for fertility, longevity, wishes, wisdom, protection, money attraction, purification, healing, and health magick. Sage that is being gathered for magickal use should not be cut with a metal knife or athame. It is said that if you eat Sage you will become more wise and also immortal. Sage is often an herb used at handfastings since it will help bring about a long life and domestic virtue for the happy couple. Sage can be added to almost any healing spell. A good healing amulet may be made by putting a clove of Garlic, a bit of Eucalyptus and Cinnamon, two pinches of Sage and one pinch of Saffron into a small blue bag. This bag can then be worn or carried to promote healing. Sage can also be placed in with Tarotcards or Runes to protect and keep them 'clean'. Sage can be used for attracting money and for wish manifestations. One of the most common magickal uses of Sage is as a purifier of sacred spaces, living areas, and magickal tools. Sage is often used as a main ingredient in "Smudgesticks" and "herb bundles. If you can gather and dry your own wild Sage for smudging, do so. Native Americans believe that Sage should never be bought or sold, as this ruins the spirituality of the herb. To purify a house of unwanted spirits or energy, just light a sprig of dried Sage and carry it from room to room, visualizing any negativity being replaced by the purifying fragrance of the Sage. Another way to do this is to burn Sage in a incense bowl and then brush the smoke around the room by using a feather as a fan. Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:03:12 AM]

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Latin name: Folk or Common names: Parts Used: Herbal usage: Magical History & Associations: Magickal usage: Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:03:22 AM]


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Latin name: Holy Thistle - Carbenia benedicta; Milk Thistle - Silybum Marianum Folk or Common names: Holy Thistle - Blessed Thistle; Milk Thistle - Marian Thistle, Our Lady's Thistle Parts Used: Holy Thistle - herb; Milk Thistle - Whole herb, root, leaves, seeds and hull. Herbal usage: The Holy Thistle can be used as a liver tonic and also is useful in migraine headache relief. It can be made into a salve for canker sores and warts. The Milk Thistle is also a liver tonic but is also useful in helping cure depression. It is used in Germany for curing jaundice. The decoction when applied externally is said to have proved beneficial in cases of cancer. Thistle was also said to cure "bitings of mad dogs and venomous beasts." Magical History & Associations: Thistles are associated with the planet of Mars and with the element of fire. Milk Thistle is associated with the Virgin Mary (Milk Thistle gets its name from the white veins in its leaves. Legend has it that one day Mary stopped to feed the Holy Child, a Magickal usage: Thistle has great value in protection spells and also is used to bring spiritual and financial blessings. If Thistle is thrown into a fire, it will protect the thrower from being struck by lightning during summer storms. Thistle can be carried in an amulet bag for joy, energy, vitality, and protection - in fact men who carry Thistle become better lovers! A shirt with Thistle woven into the cloth will protect the wearer from evil spirits. Thistle can be burned as an incense for protection and also to counteract hexing. Thistle powder can also be added to ritual baths to give added protection. Thistle can be grown in the garden to ward of those dreaded vegetable thieves, and a bowl of fresh Thistle will give off such good strengthening energies that it is the perfect thing to have in a sickroom. Thistle is a wonderful material to use to make magick wands for spirit conjuring and magickal walking sticks. In England, the wizards of old were said to select the tallest thistle and use it as a wand or walking stick. For a Witchling child, a thistle wand would be good because it might protect him or her from giving in to peer pressure. If you have a dream about Thistle this is a good thing because Thistles are good omens in dreams. Boil some thistle, then remove it from heat and lie or sit beside it as the steam rises. Listen carefully, and you should be able to get the spirits to answer your questions. Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:03:35 AM]


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Latin name: Daucus carota Folk or Common names: Parts Used: Whole herb. Herbal usage: An infusion of tea made from whole herb is considered an active and valuable remedy in the treatment of dropsy, chronic kidney diseases and affections of the bladder. A strong decoction is good for treating flatulence (ewwwwwww). Carrot seeds are carminative and a stimulant. Associations: Carrot is associated with the planets Mercury and Mars, and with the element of the earth. As a vegetable it is one of the sacred Druidic herbs of Mean Fomhair (also called Mabon). Magical History & Associations: Magickal usage: The Carrot is used for sex magic (must be because of its shape, huh? ) Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:03:45 AM]


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Latin name: Apium graveolens Folk or Common names: Smallage, Wild Celery. Parts Used: Ripe seeds, herb and root. Herbal usage: celery is useful in treating hysteria, and promoting restfulness and sleep. It is said to be very good for rheumatism, and for treating swollen glands. Magical History & Associations: Celery is a plant of the planet Mercury and the element of fire. As a vegetable it is one of the sacred Druidic herbs of Mean Fomhair (also called Mabon). Magickal usage: Celery is good to use in spells done for weight lose. Celery seeds can be used in divination and Celery is also used in sex magic. Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:03:56 AM]


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Latin name: Cucumis sativa Folk or Common names: cuke, Cowcumber Parts Used: Herbal usage: Cucumber seeds are distinctly diuretic. It is also said that cucumber peel if bound around the head will cure a headache. Magical History & Associations: Cucumber is associated with the moon and the element of water. As a vegetable it is one of the sacred Druidic herbs of Mean Fomhair (also called Mabon). Magickal usage: Cucumber is used in healing and fertility magick. For a fertility spell: keep a cucumber in your bedroom, and replace it every seven days. Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:04:07 AM]


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Latin name: Allium cepa Folk or Common names: Parts Used: Herbal usage: Onions can be used as treatment for infected wounds and for baldness. A roasted Onion is a useful application to tumors or earache. Drinking Onion juice is a protection against lung illnesses, colds, flu, and the plague. Magical History & Associations: Onion is associated with the planet Mars and the element of Fire. The Onion is also often linked to the Moon, mostly due to color and shape of an Onion. As a vegetable the onion is one of the sacred Druidic plants of the Sabbat of Mabon. Magickal usage: Onion is useful in magick for exorcism, protection, clairvoyance, cleansing, contacting other planes, divination, healing, lunar rites, purification and spell-breaking. In protective magick, just as in cooking, onion is often combined with garlic. Onion combined with Garlic is said to fend off witches (But, why? Oh, why would you want to fend off a Witch? ) and demons. Place cut onions in a sick persons room to absorb the illness. Leave them overnight and throw away in the morning. Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:04:18 AM]


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Latin name: Malus spp. Folk or Common names: Parts Used: the fruit and the bark Herbal usage: A syrup made from Apples is a good cordial used to treat fainting, palpitations, and melancholy. The Romans used ripe Apples for laxatives and the unripe ones to treat diarrhea. An infusion of the peels is good as an wash for eye infection. They are also a good source of vitamins (A, B1, C) and minerals, so are good to use in anemia and general debility. The Apple is also good for your teeth - cleansing to the teeth on account of its juices, and just hard enough to mechanically push back the gums so that the borders are cleared of deposits. Rotten apples can be used as a poultice for sore eyes. Magical History & Associations: Apple is associated with the planets Venus and the Sun, and the element of water. In Magickal circles the Apple is often called the Fruit of the Underworld, the Silver Bough, the Tree of Love or the Silver Branch. The Apple is associated with the followin Magickal usage: Apple is used in Love, Healing, Garden, and Immortality magick. A common folk spell says to bury an Apple at midnight on Samhain eve to feed those waiting for rebirth. Also on Samhain it was traditional for a large Apple to be given to each member of the household to be eaten for good luck in the new year. Apple has been used in spells for hundreds of years. You can substitute Apple cider for the blood or wine called for in some ancient spells and rites. The wood is good material for wands used for love spells and rituals. Wassailing the orchard-trees' on Yule Eve used to be a popular thing to do. The farmer and his family and workers would go out to the orchard after supper, carrying along a jug of cider and a plate of hot cakes. The cakes were placed in the boughs of the oldest or best bearing trees in the orchard, while the cider was flung over the trees after the farmer had drunk their health in some such fashion as the following: "Here's to thee, old apple-tree! Whence thou may'st bud, and whence thou may'st blow, Hats full! Caps full! Bushel - bushel-bags full! And my pockets full too! Huzza!"

e toast was repeated three times, the men and boys often firing off guns and pistols, and the women and children shouting loudly. Roasted Apples were sometimes placed in the pitcher of cider, and were thrown at the trees with the liquid. Trees that did not produce much fruit were not honored with wassailing but it was thought that the more productive ones would cease to bear if the rite were omitted. Apples can be used for divination. The Apple can be peeled in one long continuous peeling. the peeling is then flung over the shoulder and whatever letter the peeling forms is said to be the first letter of the person that you will some day marry. The Apple seeds can also be looked at to foretell the future. Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:04:51 AM]


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Latin name: European hazel - corylus avellana; American Filbert - corylus americana. Folk or Common names: tree of Wisdom, Lamb's Tails Tree, Collo or Coslo (Gailic), The tree's name shares a common root with the walnut tree and its nut, or cnu and hnot in Europe and Nux in latin. Parts Used: Nut, leaves, branches, wood. Herbal usage: Hazel can be used as a drainage remedy and can help restore elasticity to the lungs. Hazelnuts, of course, can be eaten, and are a good source of phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, copper, protein and fatty acids. The nuts can be powdered and be mixed with mead or honeyed water to help a cough. Cows' milk yield can be increased by giving them hazel leaves to eat. Magical History & Associations: Hazel is the 9th Moon of the Celtic Year - (Aug 5 - Sept 1). The bird associated with this month is the crane, the color is brown, and the gemstone is band-red agate. The Hazel, a masculine herb, is associated with the element of air, the planet of Mercur Magickal usage: The Hazel has applications in magick done for manifestation, spirit contact, protection, prosperity, wisdom, divination-dowsing, dreams, wisdom-knowledge, marriage, reconciliation, fertility., intelligence, inspiration, and wrath. Hazel is a good herb to use to do magick associated with asking for wisdom and poetic inspiration since the Hazel is known as the Tree of Immortal Wisdom. In England, all the knowledge of the arts and sciences was thought to be bound to the eating of Hazel nuts. Hazel also has protective uses as anti-lightning charms. A sprig of Hazel or a talisman of two Hazel twigs tied together with red or gold thread to make a solar cross can be carried as a protective good luck charm. The mistletoe that grows on hazel protects against bewitching. A cap of Hazel leaves and twigs ensures good luck and safety at sea, and protects against shipwrecks. In England, the Hazelnut is a symbol of fertility - a bag of nuts bestowed upon a bride will ensure a fruitful marriage. The Hazel is a tree that is sacred to the fey Folk. A wand of hazel can be used to call the Fey. If you sleep under a Hazel bush you will have vivid dreams. Hazel can be used for all types of divination and dowsing. Until the seventeenth century, a forked Hazelstick was used to divine the guilt of persons in cases of murder and theft. Druids often made wands from Hazel wood, and used the wands for finding ley lines. Hazel twigs or a forked branch can be used to divine for water or to find buried treasure. The wood of the Hazel can help to divine the pure source of poetry and wisdom. Hazelnuts can be used for love divination. Assign the name of your passion to a nut and throw it in the fire while saying: "A Hazelnut I throw in the flame, to this nut I give my sweetheart's name, If blazes the nut, so may thy passion grow, For twas my nut that did so brightly glow."

If the nut burns brightly you then will know that your love will burn equally as brightly. Hazels are often found at the border between the worlds where magickal things happen, and therefore Hazel wood is excellent to use to make all-purpose wands. Any Hazel twigs, wood or nuts should be gathered after sundown on Samhain since it will be at the peak of its magickal energy. Hazel must not be cut with a knife, but with a flint. Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:05:13 AM]


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Latin name: There are three plants which go by the common name of Nightshade: Deadly Nightshade - Atropa belladonna, Woody Nightshade - Sola Folk or Common names: Deadly Nightshade - Belladonna, Devil's Cherries, Naughty Man's Cherries, Divale, Black Cherry, Devil's Herb, Great Morel, Dwayberry. Woody Nightshade - Bittersweet Nightshade, Dulcamara, Felonwood, and Felonwort. Parts Used: Deadly Nightshade - Root, leaves, tops. Woody Nightshade - Twigs. Herbal usage: CAUTION - Deadly and Black Nightshades are poisonous (everyone remember what happened to the bad guy in the movie 'Practical Magic'?). The berries of Woody Nightshade have proved poisonous to a certain degree in children! Deadly Nightshade is a poison, narcotic, diuretic, sedative, antispasmodic, and mydriatic. Atropine is obtained from Deadly Nightshade during extraction and is its most important constituent. Atropine is used for dilating the pupil and so is valuable in the treatment of eye diseases. It also is used as an antidote to opium. Woody Nightshade is used widely for a number of ailments including rheumatism, fever, inflammation and jaundice. It is also used as a treatment in skin diseases and also in the treatments of chronic bronchial catarrh, asthma and whooping cough. Magical History & Associations: Nightshade is an herb of the planets Saturn and Mars, and is associated with the element of water. The herb Deadly Nightshade has a strong association with the Xtian demon Lucifer (Satan). According to Xtain mythology Lucifer goes about trimming and tendi Magickal usage: Woody Nightshade is believed to guard against the evil eye and has been revered for thousands of years - a necklace of the berries was found in Tutenkahmun's tomb. Farmers used it as a charm around the necks of animals they thought to be under an evil eye. Placed on the body Woody Nightshade will also dispel the memories of old loves and old lovers. Nightshade is useful in magicks done for Astral projection. In fact this plant turns up as an ingredient in many of the olde recipes for Flying Ointments and Witches Sabbath ointments. Some of these old recipes are in ''The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abremelin The Mage', (1458), by Abraham the Jew, and 'De Miraculis Rerum Naturalium', (1560) by Giovanni Battista Porta, (both these texts are in the British Library however access to them is restricted). In the account of Abraham the Jew, he is provided an unguent by a young Witch that after rubbing on the principal pulses of the feet and hands, created a sensation of flying. Porta's account has a section which is entitled 'Laiarum Unguenta', "Witches Unguents", in this he describes the recipe of flying ointments. Nightshades of all three varieties were often grown in the 'Witches Gardens' of folklore. These gardens would have three or four rows of red flowers (geraniums, nasturtiums, red-hot pokers) surrounding them as a defense against witch hunters. These flowers were known as "witch soldiers". Herbs, like Nightshade, gathered for 'black magic' had to be gathered during certain phases of the moon, and they had to be gathered from a spot that the sun had not touched, since witches' work cannot stand the light of day. It was said to be best to collect an odd number of sprigs, and best was 7 or 9. To make potions, three kinds of wood had to be used to boil the water. Witches would also keep a variety of different flowers growing in the garden, so that she had flowers from every group in her flora chart. This would allow her to have power over people with every birthsign. Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:05:26 AM]


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Latin name: Fumaria officinalis Folk or Common names: Earth Smoke, Beggary, Fumus, Vapor, Nidor, Fumus Terrae, Fumiterry, Scheiteregi, Taubenkropp, Kaphnos, and Wax Dolls. Parts Used: Flower and stem. Herbal usage: Fumitory is a weak tonic, slightly diaphoretic, diuretic, and aperient. It is valuable in treating illnesses of the liver. A decoction makes a curative lotion for milk-crust on the scalp of an infant. The Japanese make a tonic from it. Cows and sheep eat it, and the latter are said to derive great benefit from it. The juice of the leaves is said to be excellent for removing freckles and clearing the skin.French and German physicians still prefer Fumitory to most other medicines as a purifier of the blood. Sometimes the dried leaves of Fumitory are smoked in the manner of tobacco, for disorders of the head. Fumitory was a common herbal medicine used in Shakespeare's England. One of the books from this era ("Dr. John Hall's Case Studies" written by John A. Hall a renowned 16th century physician-herbalist) tells of using Fumitory to treat many common ailments. Of course he also prescribed such things as bat dung, which BTW is particularly high in vitamin A , webs of spiders, powder of nut shells, excreta, dried windpipes of cocks, etc. Magical History & Associations: Fumitory is associated with the planets of Jupiter and Saturn. It is also associated with the element of water. Magickal usage: Fumitory can be used in Money and protection spells, but is best known as an herb to use for exorcisms. According to the ancient exorcists, when the plant is burned, its smoke has the power of expelling evil spirits, demons, poltergeists and other evil entities, it having been used for this purpose in the famous geometrical gardens of St. Gall. There is a legend that the plant was produced, not from seed, but from vapors arising out of the earth (hence its common name "Earth Smoke"). Fumitory can also be used in purification baths preceding rituals. Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:05:38 AM]


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Latin name: Verbascum thapsus Folk or Common names: Velvet Leaves, Mule ears, White Mullein, Torches, Mullein Dock, Our Lady's Flannel, Velvet Dock, Blanket Herb, Velvet Plant, Woollen, Rag Paper, Candlewick Plant, Wild Ice Leaf, Clown's Lungwort, Bullock's Lungwort, Aaron's Rod, Jupiter's Staff, Jacob's Staff, Peter's Staff, Shepherd's Staff, Shepherd's Clubs, Beggar's Stalk, Adam's Flannel, Beggar's Blanket, Clot, Cuddy's Lungs, Duffle, Feltwort, Fluffweed, Hare's Beard, Old Man's Flannel, and Hag's Taper. Parts Used: leaves, flowers, seeds. Herbal usage: Mullein leaves are excellent to use to treat asthma - a fact not overlooked by pharmaceutical companies. The dried leaves are sometimes smoked in an ordinary tobacco pipe to relieve the irritation of the respiratory mucus membranes. Fomentations and poultices of the leaves have been found serviceable in treating hemorrhoids. Mullein is said to be of much value treating diarrhea. The flowers impart a yellow color to boiling water and was used by the Roman ladies of ancient times to dye their hair a golden color - 'the golden floures of Mulleyn stiped in lye, causeth the heare to war yellow, being washed therewithall'. And according to another old recipe, the ashes of the plant made into a soap will restore hair which has become gray to its original color. The seeds of Mullein are said to intoxicate fish when thrown into the water, and are used by poachers for that purpose, being slightly narcotic. Magical History & Associations: Mullein is a plant of Jupiter and Saturn. It is associated with the element of Fire. And it is associated with Ulysses, since he took Mullein with him to protect himself against the wiles of Circe. Mullein is also associated with Witches in general. The d Magickal usage: Mullein burned will offer protection from sorcery. Both in Europe and Asia the power of driving away evil spirits has always been ascribed to Mullein. In India it has the reputation among the natives that the St. John's Wort once had here, being considered a sure safeguard against' evil spirits and hexing magic. the herb can also be used in exorcisms. It also has a place in magicks involving courage, general protection, health, love, and divination. Ground Mullein leave can be a good substitute for graveyard dust in spells. Mullein can be carried in an amulet bag to keep venomous beasts wild animals away from you when you are walking in the woods, camping, or back-packing (but it has no power over swamp monsters ). A Mullein amulet is also good to carry for courage. You can use Mullein as a candle substitute for candles (but do not light them) as a substitute for candles when performing magick outdoors where no lames can be lit. Mullein is an excellent herb to use for the cleansing of ritual and psychic places before and after working there. Mullein also can be used for cleansing and purifying ritual tools and altars. Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:05:50 AM]


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Latin name: Cucurbita pepo Folk or Common names: Melon Pumpkin, Pompion, English Melons, Millions. Parts Used: seeds, fruit. Herbal usage: A treatment made from Pumpkin is a good vermicide, which have long been a popular worm remedy for tapeworm. An infusion of the seeds, prepared by pouring a pint of boiling water on 1 OZ. of seeds, has been used in treating urinary complaints. The 'meat' of the Pumpkin can be used cut up in soups and also makes excellent pies, either alone or mixed with other fruit, and their pulp is also utilized as a basis by jam manufacturers, as it takes the flavor of any fruit juice mixed with it, and adds bulk without imparting any flavor of its own. Magical History & Associations: The Pumpkin is sacred to the Moon. The Pumpkin is also associated with vampires.... The Islamic gypsies of Bosnia (Kosovo-Metohija region) believe that pumpkins, if kept too long in the house, can become "vampires". These vampire vegetables might show a b Magickal usage: Pumpkins can be used to represent the spirit in magick, plus they can be used in moon magick. Pumpkin seeds can be used for divination. At the time of year that Samhain occurs, Pumpkins are commonly used in many magickal spells and rituals. They can be used to decorate the altar to represent the harvest, the spirit and the moon. When carved, the Pumpkin becomes a Jack'O Lantern which is the modern offspring of an ancient custom of lighting candles in the windows to help guide the spirits of the recently departed along their way. Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:06:21 AM]


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Latin name: Brassica rapa Folk or Common names: Parts Used: seed & root Herbal usage: Turnip can be used in salves and poultices for chilblains. Turnip seeds can be used to treat diarrhea, wet coughs, sneezing and gas. The root of the Turnip when eaten increases the body's resilience to stress and illness. You can also apply the juice of fresh raw Turnips under your arms as a 'Turnip Deodorant'. NOTE: Turnip seeds should never be used by anyone who is very weak. Magical History & Associations: The Turnip is sacred to Egres. Egres is a Finnish vegetation and fertility god, who is the personification of the Turnip. He is also known as Akras, a name that often appears in Finnish family names and the names of places. The center of his cult was in K Magickal usage: Turnip can be used in Magick for protection and for ending relationships. The Turnip is a powerful omen in dream magick as are most vegetables. It bodes misfortune to dream of eating vegetables or to dream that your garden is growing well - however to dream of being in a garden means that a joy is coming to you. And most importantly, you will have family troubles if you dream of eating turnips. The lowly Turnip has also wormed its way into our folk language as in: "I didn't just fall off of a Turnip truck" and "You can't get blood from a Turnip". At the Samhain Sabbat, Turnips become an important ingredient to use in protection spells. The original Jack O'Lanterns were probably hollowed out Turnips - although today most of us use Pumpkins. Today a carved Jack O'Lantern can be made from a Turnip and put in the window of a house to act as protection. A lit candle can also be put in the Turnip so that spirits can find their way around in the dark better. One of the nice things about Jack O'Lanterns made from Turnips is that you can actually use them as lanterns. Children can suspend the carved root from string or a forked stick and carry it around when they go out at night, therefore being protected while trick-or-treating. Top of Page [8/8/2008 7:06:35 AM]


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Latin name: Artemisia absinthium Folk or Common names: Absinthe, Green Ginger, Old Woman, Crown For A King Parts Used: Whole Herb Herbal usage: This herb has been known to be in use since 1500 B.C.E.. Dioscorides' Greek Herbal, written in the first century C.E., calls for its use as a remedy against intoxication. The ancient Egyptians used it for headaches. Wormwood tea is used as a liver remedy to dispel the symptoms of jaundice and to remove depression and melancholy. Wormwood has the potentially addictive substance Thujone in it. (The "kicker" in the liqueur Absinthe.) Thujone acts powerfully on the nerve centers, causes hallucinations, delirium and in some cases, insanity. CAUTION!! Wormwood and its related variety known as Mugwort, are not only TOXIC in large doses, but WILL CAUSE FETAL ABNORMALITIES!!!! UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES USE EITHER OF THESE HERBS IF you even SUSPECT PREGNANCY, OR ARE BREAST FEEDING!! The ancient Egyptians used it as a vermifuge (to kill internal worms), as did many later cultures, and the name "Wormwood" may refer to this property of ridding the body of worms. To rid the place of fleas; or books of book lice, powder some Wormwood seeds and "dust" the area where they are found. Early American colonists stored this herb with their clothing to protect the material from moth larvae. Magical History & Associations: Wormwood is magickally associated with the planet Mars and the element of Air. Wormwood is said to be dedicated to Diana in some old witches Grimoires. The genus is named Artemisia from Artemis, the Greek name for Diana. In an early translation of the Her Magickal usage: Wormwood can be used for Magick relating to psychic powers, protection, love, banishing, and calling spirits. For protection, Wormwood can be burned in incense or used in potions. French Witches of the Middle Ages rubbed babies with Wormwood juice in order that "they never be too cold or hot for as long as they lived." Witches have long burned Wormwood to raise spirits. Wormwood, when added to herbal incense, is an aid in opening the psychic centers. When these centers are open and receptive, communication with those who have "passed over" is much easier. Its been written that Wormwood and Sandlewood (an herb of purification and high spiritual energy) burned together near a gravesite will summon the spirit of the departed. An ancient spell calls for Wormwood to be pounded with the gall of a white bull; then with suitable ritual, a bit is placed into your eyes "to take away all impediments to sight, of both of the mundane and fabulous..." (Don't try this please). Wormwood is a banishing herb, used to rid a person or an area of anger and negativity. Wormwood can also be thrown or sprinkled on fires at Samhain to gain protection from roaming evil spirits. It can also be used in divination and clairvoyance incenses. Wormwood can be used in love spells. An Old Love Charm says, 'On St. Luke's Day, take marigold flowers, a sprig of Marjoram, Thyme, and a little Wormwood; dry them before a fire, rub them to powder; then sift it through a fine piece of lawn, and simmer it over a slow fire, adding a small quantity of virgin honey, and vinegar. Anoint yourself with this when you go to bed, saying the following lines three times, and you will dream of your partner "that is to be": "St. Luke, St. Luke, be kind to me, In dreams let me my true-love see." ' In another love spell done to divine the face of your future lover, take dried Marjoram, Thyme, and (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:06:49 AM]


Wormwood, grind them to a powder and cook them gently with honey and vinegar to make a paste. Anoint your third eye center with the mix and ask three times that a vision of your lover's face be granted to you in your sleep. Wear the mixture to bed. Top of Page (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:06:49 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Nemesis

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Nemesis, Goddess of Retribution and Daughter of the Night

Submitted by: swampy "The hand of Nemesis balances the scales of justice. She untangles the threads spun by the Fates. Lift the burden of this problem, great Nemesis. Guide me to the solution. If there can be no harmony, separate us from the other. Untangle my life-thread, Nemesis. This I do ask with a sincere heart..." (ritual for Nemesis, 'Moon Magick' by D.J. Conway) When Nyx, Mother Night, gave birth to a silver egg in the sea of chaos, this was symbolism for saying that She gave birth to the moon.... From this egg came the daughters of Nyx, one of whom was Nemesis. Nemesis is known as the Goddess of Retribution and daughter of the Night. In the later patriarchal deity days of Greece She is seen as a monstrous figure of revenge and anger, however in earlier Greece Her nature was more as an abstract force of justice rather than retaliation. In Greek mythology, Nemesis is portrayed as serious and thoughtful looking woman wearing a silver crown adorned with stag horns. She is often pictured as carrying a wheel of fortune in one hand and an apple bough in the other, with a scourge hanging at Her waist. Nemesis had Her primary sanctuary at Rhamnus, a village in the northern part of Attica. Nemesis was said to be a check on Tyche, Goddess of Fortune and also was said to be an attendant to Themeis, the Goddess of law. Nemesis is honored in the celebration known as 'Nemesea' or the Festival of Nemesis on August 23rd. Because of this celebration, Nemesis is associated with the August full moon, which is commonly called 'The Corn Moon'. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Nuit [8/8/2008 7:10:15 AM]

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Nuit, Mother Sky-Goddess and Goddess of the Starry Sky

Submitted by: swampy "Nebes, nebes, nebes Nebes em hotep Nehes em neferu Tu a atu...." Nuit (also called Nut, Nwt, or Neuth) is the ancient Egyptian sky-goddess. Nuit is the consort and twin sister of Geb, the Earth God; and is the daughter of Shu and Tefnut (wow, these Egyptian deities are really into the sibling/mate thing ). She is the mother of the major Egyptian deities Osiris, Isis, Seth (Set), Nephthys, and sometimes Haroeris. The circumstances of Their births is described in the Story of Re. They were born on the five epagomenal days of the year (in Egyptian, "the five days over the year"). Every year these days were celebrated throughout Egypt. Nuit is the personification of the sky and of the heavens, especially the starry sky of nighttime which all people can look up into and see eternity. It is said that She swallows the stars every morning and then gives birth to them later into the night sky. As sky-goddess Nuit is portrayed either as a cow or as a naked woman covered with painted golden stars with 5 points who wears on Her head a vase of water. Many times She is shown as a woman whose hands and feet touch the ground so that her body forms a semi-circle. Her hands and feet each touched one of the four cardinal points or directions and the arc of Her body represents the arc of heaven and the stars of the Milky Way. Her arms and legs represent the four pillars on which the sky rests. She is held up by Her father Shu (the God of the air). Her husband Geb lies on the ground reclining on one elbow and His knees in the air. In this position He depicts the hills and valleys of the land. It was said that when Shu raised Nuit (the sky) above Geb (the earth) He brought an end to chaos and if He ever left this position, chaos would return. The principal sanctuary of Nuit was at Heliopolis. The priestesses of Nuit were known for their erotic dance ritual, the forerunner of modern erotic dance and stripping. At Heliopolis, Nuit is honored as a death Goddess and plays a part in the resurrection of the dead. Nuit's star-studded body is often painted on the inside of coffins and sarcophagi with outstretched arms, so that she (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:10:46 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Nuit

may "embrace the deceased.". The pharaoh was said to enter Her body after death, from which he would later be resurrected. The modern English words "night", "nocturnal", and "equinox" (as well as the French "la nuit", meaning night) are all derived from Nuit's name. Nuit's symbols are the stars, the night sky, and cows. Lapis Lazuli is also sacred to Her. Nuit is associated with Thursday and also with March. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Nyx (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:10:46 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Nyx

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Nyx, Goddess of the Night

Submitted by: swampy "Black-winged Night, Into the bosom of the rebus dark and deep, Laid a wind-born egg, and as the seasons rolled Forth sprang Love, the longed for, shining, with wings of gold." (Aristophanes) Nyx is pivotal in the creation myth of the theology of the Orphic-Dionysic Mysteries. The ancients believed that before the universe was created there existed only a void of chaos that was black and silent. From this chaos rose the first deity, Nyx, also called Mother Night. She is said to have been in the form of a great black winged spirit. Nyx then conceived of the wind and laid a silver egg in the darkness. The upper part of the egg was the sky and the lower section was the earth. Nyx actually came from the earliest times of Greek mythology (These earlier divinities have names that correspond directly to elements of the natural world, like Gaia, Ouranos, Pontos, Nyx, Hemera). By the classical times in Greece, Nyx had less of a cult-following. In this later Greek pantheon Nyx is the personification of the night, and was its goddess. She was revered for Her ocular powers, and Her realm was in a cave in the far West beyond the land of Atlas. She was portrayed as a young woman, dressed in a star-covered gown. On several Greek vases She is shown riding a chariot pulled by four horses. Her attribute is a reversed torch. The Greek Nyx is related to the Egyptian Goddess Nuit, Goddess of the Black Night. Nyx is associated with the Night; the color black; eggs and birth. Nyx is a good Goddess to call forth when you need to reclaim your awareness of your original essential nature. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Nemesis [8/8/2008 7:10:59 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Nemesis

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Nemesis, Goddess of Retribution and Daughter of the Night

Submitted by: swampy "The hand of Nemesis balances the scales of justice. She untangles the threads spun by the Fates. Lift the burden of this problem, great Nemesis. Guide me to the solution. If there can be no harmony, separate us from the other. Untangle my life-thread, Nemesis. This I do ask with a sincere heart..." (ritual for Nemesis, 'Moon Magick' by D.J. Conway) When Nyx, Mother Night, gave birth to a silver egg in the sea of chaos, this was symbolism for saying that She gave birth to the moon.... From this egg came the daughters of Nyx, one of whom was Nemesis. Nemesis is known as the Goddess of Retribution and daughter of the Night. In the later patriarchal deity days of Greece She is seen as a monstrous figure of revenge and anger, however in earlier Greece Her nature was more as an abstract force of justice rather than retaliation. In Greek mythology, Nemesis is portrayed as serious and thoughtful looking woman wearing a silver crown adorned with stag horns. She is often pictured as carrying a wheel of fortune in one hand and an apple bough in the other, with a scourge hanging at Her waist. Nemesis had Her primary sanctuary at Rhamnus, a village in the northern part of Attica. Nemesis was said to be a check on Tyche, Goddess of Fortune and also was said to be an attendant to Themeis, the Goddess of law. Nemesis is honored in the celebration known as 'Nemesea' or the Festival of Nemesis on August 23rd. Because of this celebration, Nemesis is associated with the August full moon, which is commonly called 'The Corn Moon'. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: The Erinyes [8/8/2008 7:11:18 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on The Erinyes

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The Erinyes, Children of the Night and Daughters of the Earth and Darkness
Submitted by: swampy "Then fell Tisiphone with Rage was stung, and from her mouth th' untwisted serpents hung, Girt in a bloody gown a torch she shakes, And round her neck twines speckled wreathes of snakes. Part of her tresses loudly hiss, and part Spread poison as their forked tongues they dart..." (Metamorphoses, Book IV)

The Erinyes, the three Goddesses of revenge, are among the most ancient Goddesses and predated Zeus and all the other Olympians. In Greek mythology, They are called the Erinyes - in Roman mythology They are called the Furies ("the furious") or Dirae ("the terrible"). They are usually represented as three black sisters: Alecto ("the Unceasing"), Megaera ("the Grudging") and Tisiphone ("the Avenging"). The Erinyes are the children of Gaia and Uranus. They were created from drops of blood coming from the wounds of Uranus when He was castrated by His son Cronus and which fell upon the Earth (Gaia). The first drop of blood formed Aphrodite, which is why She is sometimes referred to as the oldest of The Erinyes. Artists in ancient times depicted The Erinyes as women with fiery eyes and snake hair and with attributes such as torches and whips. Sometimes They were dressed as hunters. The Erinyes were placed in Hades and are Goddesses of the dead. They also are called upon to revenge the crimes - especially those against women and mothers - of murder, perjury, ingratitude, disrespect, harshness, violation of filial piety and the laws of hospitality. They are impartial and impersonal, and pursue these wrongdoers until they are driven mad and die. But even in death, the criminal does not find rest until he shows remorse. (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:11:30 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on The Erinyes

The Erinyes are associated with funeral trees: the alder, the black poplar, and the yew. The color associated with the three is black and the animal associated with Them is the snake. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: The Hesperides (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:11:30 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on The Hesperides

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The Hesperides, Daughters of the Evening

Submitted by: swampy "...amidst the gardens fair Of Hesperus and his daughters three, That sing about the golden tree." ("Comus" by Milton) The Hesperides are Daughters of Nyx, the Mother Night - although later mythology has Them as daughters of Atlas or of Hesperus. The three sisters - Aegle (the luminous one), Erytheia (the crimson one) and Hesperia (the evening one) - are nymphs who live in a beautiful garden, situated in the Arcadian Mountains (Greece) or, alternatively, at the western extreme of the Mediterranean, near Mt. Atlas. In this garden grows the tree with the golden apples of immortality. This garden is guarded by Ladon, a dragon with a hundred heads and who has the gift of human speech. The Hesperides are known for Their sweet singing voices and also have the ability to change Their shapes and become trees - Aegle into a willow, Erytheia into an elm and Hesperia into a poplar. The only person who ever succeeded in obtaining some of the immortal golden apples from the garden of the Hesperides was Hercules, who tricked the God Atlas to get the apples for him. The apples were later returned to the garden by Athena because the sacred fruit were not to remain outside the garden. The Hesperides have as associations: the apple; the color gold; immortality; gardens; and the trees poplar, elm and willow. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: The Moirae [8/8/2008 7:11:57 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on The Moirae

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The Moirae, also known as the Fates

Submitted by: swampy "O Fates of Life, I ask your aid. To clear my path and set me free." (Prayer to the Fates) The Greek Goddess of Fate is a daughter of Nyx, Goddess of the Night. In Her singular form, the Goddess of Fate is called Moira; and in Her triple form She becomes three sisters known as the Moirae. The Moirae are: Klotho the Spinner, who spins the thread of a person's life; Lachesis the Measurer, who decides how much time is to be allowed each person, and Atropos the Cutter, who cuts the thread when you are supposed to die. The name 'Moira' actually means 'part' and in fact, the triple form of the Fates mimics the triple moon phases and the three phases of life - maiden, mother and crone. Moira is known to the Romans as Fortuna, to the Scandinavians as Norns, to the Anglo-Saxons as Wyrd, and to the Celts as Morrigan. During the middle ages, the Fates became known as the Parcae. As the spinner of Fate, Moira spins out the days of our lives as yarn and weaves it into a tapestry. The length of the yarn - hence your life span - is decided solely by the Goddess of Fate. All the Gods are subject to the whims of the Fates as are mortal man. Because of this, even though the other Gods are almighty, and supposedly immortal, even Hera has reason to fear Moira. Moira's function is to see that the natural order of things is respected and She possesses the gift of prophecy - Her priests and priestesses are always oracles or soothsayers (seers of the future). Moira is often accompanied by the Keres (Dogs of Hades), who are three beings with sharp teeth and who are robed in red. In ancient times, the Fates were honored by sacrifices of honey and flowers. Moira is associated with December's full moon - which is often called the Cold Moon or the Wolf Moon. The colors of Moira are red, black and white. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Kali [8/8/2008 7:12:08 AM]

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Kali, The Black One

Submitted by: swampy "O Dark Primordial Mother! Thou givest birth to and protectest the universe, and at the time of dissolution does withdraw to Thyself this world and all beings." (Karpuradi Stotra) Kali ("the black one") is the Hindu mother goddess, symbol of dissolution and destruction. She destroys ignorance, maintains the world order, and blesses and frees those who strive for the knowledge of God. In the Vedas, the name is associated with Agni, the god of fire, who had seven flickering tongues of flame, of which Kali is seen as the black, horrible tongue. This meaning of the word has meanwhile been replaced by the goddess Kali, the grim consort of Shiva. Her appearance is fearsome: baleful eyes, a protruding tongue, and four arms. In Her upper left hand She wields a bloody sword and in Her lower left hand She holds the severed head of a demon. With Her upper right hand She makes the gesture of fearlessness, while the lower right hand confers benefits. Draped around Her is a chain of severed human heads and She wears a belt made of dismembered arms. As the Divine Mother, She is often represented dancing or in sexual union with Shiva. As Bhavatarini, the redeemer of the universe, She stands upon the supine form of Her spouse. She is also known as Kalikamata ("black earth-mother") and Kalaratri ("black night"). Among the Tamils She is known as Kottavei. Kali is worshipped particularly in Bengal. Her best known temples are in Kalighat and Dakshineshvara. Variations on the name Kali for female divinity can be found in many ancient cultures outside India, which suggests that in the distant past a common or related matriarchal religion pervaded much of the world. For example, in pre-historic Ireland people worshipped a powerful goddess known as Kele (Her priestesses were known as Kelles), in ancient Finland there was the all-powerful Goddess Kalma, in the Sinai region of the Middle East there was the Goddess Kalu, and in ancient Greece an aspect of the Goddess was known as Kalli. It is likely that these very similar names for the Great Goddess in different cultures was the result of the export of spiritual ideas and practices "out of (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:12:47 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Kali

India" by early invasions. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Ereshkigal (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:12:47 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Ereshkigal

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Ereshkigal, Sumerian Death Goddess

Submitted by: swampy "Kakka went down the long stairway of heaven. When he reached the gate of Ereshkigal, he said, 'Gatekeeper, open the gate to me!' (Sumerian Myth) Ereshkigal is the Sumerian and Babylonian Death Goddess. She was the Queen of the Dead and of the Underworld long before she was joined by a male god (and then Nergal managed to become coruler of the Underworld only by raping her). Ereshkigal is so terrifying that the Sumerians never described Her in any detail, though the Babylonians said that when She was enraged, Her lips were black and Her face was a livid blue. Ereshkigal has a palace in the Underworld and is due a visit by those entering. When Inanna, (Goddess of Life, Love and War) trespassed on Her domain by descending into the Underworld, Ereshkigal dealt with Her as She dealt with all newcomers to the Land of the Dead. At each of the gates of the Underworld, Inanna was ordered to remove a piece of jewelry or clothing until She stood before Ereshkigal naked. Ereshkigal then spoke a single word that slew Inanna instantly: "She spoke against her the word of wrath. She uttered against her the cry of guilt She struck her..." (from "Gilgamesh, Enkidu and the Underworld") And then Ereshkigal hung Inanna's nude corpse up on a stake. The Goddess of Death had swallowed up the Goddess of Life. But having done so, Ereshkigal began to suffer the pains of childbirth. Yet the Goddess of Death could not give birth and so She lingered in misery. At last, Enki, God of Abzu (the watery abyss and also semen) and Wisdom, grew anxious over Inanna's failure to return and so created two special beings to go to the Underworld and rescue Her. Being made as sexless neuters, the creatures did not violate the laws of the land of Death. They found Ereshkigal in Her painful and fruitless labor. They sympathized with Her pain, echoing (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:13:32 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Ereshkigal

Her cries and complaints. Grateful for their attentions, Ereshkigal offered them any gift they wanted. They asked for no gift but Inanna's body, still hanging from its stake. The Goddess of Death gave it to them and only then was Inanna restored to life with the Bread of Life and the Water of Life. As a dark moon Goddess, Ereshkigal represents the devouring of life and its subsequent renewal. She rules over the magickal arts, secret knowledge, and oracles. Her animals are those that live beneath the earth - dragons, serpents and snakes - and those that love the night - owls, ravens, crows, black dogs and black horses. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Hel (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:13:32 AM]

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Hel, Ruler of Helheim

Submitted by: swampy "Thaukt will wail With dry tears Baldur's bale-fire. Let Hela keep her own." (from The Death of Baldur) In Norse mythology, Hel (also known as Hell, Hela or Hella) is the ruler of Helheim, the realm of the dead. She is the youngest child of the God Loki (Loki is a giant who became a member of the Aesir when Odin made Loki His blood brother. Loki is the god of mischief, a trickster, and very cunning.) and the giantess Angurboda. Hel has two brothers: Fenrir (Fenris-wolf) and Jormungand (Midgard serpent). Hel is usually described as a horrible hag, half alive and half dead, with a gloomy and grim expression. Her face and body are said to be those of a living woman, but Her thighs and legs are those of a corpse, mottled and moldering. Other descriptions of Her say She is half white and half black The other Gods feared the offspring of Loki and had abducted Hel and Her brothers from Angurboda's hall. They then had cast Hel into the underworld. She now resides in Helheim ("house of Hel"). This cold, dark and misty abode of the dead is located in the world of Niflheim, on the lowest level of the Norse universe. It is in this land that Hel distributes those dead who are sent to Her, the dead referred to as the 'dishonored dead'. The dead who die of old age or disease and those not killed in battle go to Helheim - while those who die bravely on the battlefield go to Valhalla. Once they enter Helheim, not even the Gods can leave the place, because the impassable river Gjoll flows from the spring Hvergelmir and encircles Helheim. The entrance to Helheim is guarded by Garm, a monstrous hound, and Modgud. The giant Hraesvelg ("corpse eater") sits at the edge of the world, overlooking Helheim. Hraesvelg has the form of an eagle and with his flapping wings he makes the wind blow. Hel built Her hall called Eljudnir (misery) in Helheim. She is tended in Her hall by a manservant and (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:13:43 AM]

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maidservant named Ganglati and Ganglot, both of who's names mean 'tardy'. They are so slow that no one can tell that they are moving. On Her table sits Hel's plate which is called Hunger, Her knife which is called Famine. In Her hall is Her bed named Sick Bed and Her bed hangings are called Glimmering Misfortune. Hel will make Her last stand at the twilight of the Gods when She brings Her hoard of dead up and out of Nifilheim to join Her father and the other giants in the final battle of Ragnarok. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Naunet (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:13:43 AM]

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Naunet, Goddess of the Primordial Abyss of the Underworld

Submitted by: swampy "Hail, Naunet Protector of the void, Guardian of the abyss......" The Egyptians had many different versions of a creation myth. In all of them, the original God sprang from Nun (also called Nu) who was described as being 'the primordial waters'. Nun was more than an ocean, He was a limitless expanse of motionless water. Nun was portrayed as a bearded man with a blue or green body, symbolizing water and fertility. In one hand He holds a palm frond, a symbol of long life and wears another one in His hair. Since He is known as the "Father of Fathers and the Mother of Mothers" and is sometimes shown with female breasts as well, His feminine aspect is known as the Goddess Inu. In another Egyptian version of the deities, rather than have a feminine version of Nun, He is said to have a consort named Naunet (sometimes called Nunet). Naunet is considered to be the Goddess of the Primordial Abyss of the Underworld. Naunet is a member of the Ogdoad of eight primordial deities who together personify the essence of the primordial chaos before the creation of the world. The Ogdoad created from Themselves the mound upon which lay the egg from which the sun god emerged. This Sun God, named Atum, became the first God of the earth. Eventually, Atum became associated with Ra. Ra-Atum was the coming of the light to disperse the darkness of Nun and is symbolized by the Phoenix in this context. His next task was to create other gods, which He did by masturbation, not by having a mate. This was not offensive to ancient Egyptians, but in fact intensified His power in their minds. As the Goddess of the Primordial Abyss of the Underworld, Naunet protects the 12 veils of negation. These are gateways to the void... cracks in the fabric of creation. Naunet embodies the primal womb in which the cycles of birth, life, death and rebirth are carried out. She frees all beings to follow their individual cycles of life. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Sekhmet [8/8/2008 7:13:55 AM]

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Sekhmet, Lady of the Place of the Beginning of Time

Submitted by: swampy "Eye of Horus, Eye of Ra, Gentle Mother, tooth and claw Family lover, ruthless maw, Bast will nuture, Sekhmet awe..." The Goddess Sekhmet (also sometimes called Sakhmet or Sekhautet) is undoubtedly one of the most ancient Deities. She came into Egypt from a place unknown and unrecorded, and so is also known as "One Who Was Before the Gods Were." Sekhmet is a fiery warrior Goddess associated with war and divine vengeance. Her name comes from the word 'Sekhem' which means strength or power. She is often depicted as a woman with the head of a lioness. Her main center of worship was the Old Kingdom capital of Memphis and there She was worshipped as a member of a divine triad with Her husband Ptah and Her son Nefertem. What is best known about Sekhmet comes from a single myth called "The Myth of the Destruction of Mankind." In this myth humans entered into a conspiracy to overthrow the Gods. Hearing of their plan, Ra (the main Sun God) called the most powerful of the ancient of deities together. After a long meeting they decided to send for Sekhmet who would punish all the conspirators. When Sekhmet went among mankind, She destroyed them, night after night, wading in their blood. She became so drunk with the lust for slaughter on the blood that the Gods became afraid that She would destroy all of mankind. They made a mixture of powerful mind altering drugs and blood and poured this liquid out upon the ground. When Sekhmet came to this area She drank all of this liquid and "Her heart was filled with joy" and She no longer wanted to destroy mankind. From that time on, this liquid was used to celebrate (without the blood) at orgiastic festivals. The people danced, played, and shook the sistrum. From that time on Sekhmet was celebrated as "Beautiful" and "Brilliant" and came to represent the ecstasies of love. However Sekhmet also is known as a Goddess of War, and in this role She was often said to accompany the Pharaoh into battle, where She aided him by shooting arrows at his enemies. Sekhmet is also the "Lady of Pestilence" who can send plague and disease. She is also revered as a healer of these ailments, a role which seems paradoxical in such a bloodthirsty deity. (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:14:08 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Sekhmet

Sekhmet is also Protectress of the Divine Order and, as such, protects the Gods and Goddesses against evil forces. Like the lioness, She fiercely protects what She loves and that for which She is responsible. She has never been known to initiate an attack, but welcomes the opportunity to respond to aggression and Her power is dedicated to righteous ends. All of Her actions stem from loyalty and love. Sekhmet is a wonderful Goddess to call upon for protection for these reasons. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Hekate (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:14:08 AM]

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Hekate, Queen of the Night

Submitted by: swampy "Come Hekate, Beloved of all Grandmothers! Goddess of Transformation. Goddess of all Sacred Changes! Sing praises to Old Women and Hags! Glory be to Crones! Sing praises to Old Hekt! Welcome, Mother of all magical, healing words! Beloved Grandmother! Bringer of life - too short but never ending." Hekate (also spelled Hecate) is a primordial Goddess whose genealogy goes back to Her birth at the beginning of time as a daughter of Nyx, Ancient Night. Hekate may have been originally derived from the Egyptian midwife goddess Heket, who in turn evolved into Heq or the tribal matriarch of predynastic Egypt. In Greece, Hekate was a pre-Olympic Goddess, but unlike many other primordial deities, Hekate was absorbed into the classical Greek pantheon. Later Greek myths give other accounts of Her parentage rather than that She was a daughter of Nyx. In one version She is the daughter of Aster and Perses (both symbols of shining light) and Hekate is portrayed as a torch-bearing Moon Goddess who wears a gleaming headdress of stars. Later traditions make Hekate the daughter of Zeus and Hera and reduce Her power to only that of the underworld and the waning dark moon. However, no matter what her parentage was said to be, Hekate was a key figure in reuniting the mother and daughter in the story of Persephone's abduction into the underworld by Hades, and her periodic return to her mother, Demeter. This myth was the basis for the Eleusinian initiation rites of birth, death, and rebirth, which were derived from the mysteries of natures' seasonal cycle. Hekate, was known by many names: 'Queen of the Night', 'Queen of the Dead','Queen of the Ghosts', 'Mother of Witches', and 'Mistress of Magic'. By medieval times, Hekate became particularly diabolized by Xtian Catholic authorities. The church projected onto Her their own sexual hang-ups and spiritual insecurities, and turned Her into the ugly hag as Queen of the Witches. It was Hekate who was now responsible for inciting the Pagans to supposed acts of devil worship and dark rites. (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:14:22 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Hekate

Hekate is one of the most ancient embodiments of the Great Triple Goddess, in which form She is associated with Artemis and Selene as a moon triad. Hekate is most often linked with the dark of the moon and presides over magic, ritual, prophetic vision, childbirth, death, the underworld, and the secrets of regeneration. As mistress of the crossroads, She dwells in caves, walks the highways at night, makes love on the vast seas, and is the force that moves the moon. As Queen of the Dead, Hekate is a wardress and conveyor of souls through the underworld. As Goddess of Magic and enchantments, She sends prophetic or demonic dreams to humankind. Her presence is felt at tombs and scenes of murders where She assists in liberating the souls of the newly dead. Hekate is also worshipped as a goddess of fertility, whose torch can be carried over freshly sown fields to symbolize the fertilizing power of moonlight. All wild animals are sacred to Hekate, and She is sometimes shown with three animal heads - the dog, snake, and lion, or alternately the dog, horse, and bear. However, Her primary animal form and familiar is the dog. She is associated with the three-headed dog, Cerberus, who derived from the Dog Star Sirius, whose rising foretold the annual flooding of the Nile. At night, particularly at the dark moon, Hekate can be seen walking the roads accompanied by Her howling dogs - which are usually black in color. The black poplar and yew trees are sacred to Hekate. The yew is considered the central tree of death, and is associated with immortality because it takes longer than any other tree except the oak to come to maturity. Hekate's cauldron contains 'slips of yew' and Her sacred tree is said to root into the mouths of the dead and release their souls and it also absorbs the odors of death. The willow tree and bark is also sacred to Hekate as it is to all the Moon Goddesses. Other symbols of Hekate are: torches; the dark and pre-new moon; crosses and crossroads; a crescent crown with mandragon leaves; the Dove (a Goddess symbol of freedom); Baetylic (a black type of meteorite which is Hekate's magic stone); and winged serpents. Because of Hekate's role as a Triple Moon Goddess who typifies the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth, She is a good Goddess to call upon when you wish to lose something of yourself or when you wish to end something in your life. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Rhiannon (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:14:22 AM]

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Rhiannon, Horse Goddess

Submitted by: swampy "Rhiannon rings like a bell thru the night And wouldn't you love to love her She rules her life like a bird in flight And who will be her lover... And who will be her lover... All your life you've never seen A woman - taken by the wind Would you stay if she promised you heaven Will you ever win... She And She And is like a cat in the dark then she is the darkness rules her life like a fine skylarkwhen the sky is starless-

All your life you've never seenA woman - taken by the wind Would you stay if she promised you heaven Will you ever win... Dreams unwind. Love's a state of mind." (by Stevie Nicks, sung by Fleetwood Mac) Rhiannon (also called Rigantona (Gaulish) or Regina) is a Welsh Moon Goddess, Horse Goddess, and War and Battle Goddess. She also is a Goddess of Fertility, Death and the Otherworld. Her name translates as "divine" or "great queen" and there are those who think that She is a Welsh version of Epona. (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:14:35 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Rhiannon

Rhiannon's father is Heveydd the Old, and She was married to both Pwyll and Manann. Rhiannon is usually pictured riding Her pale white horse. Some say that Rhiannon's home is near the magical mound of Arberth, not far from St. Bridget's Bay in Wales, since Rhiannon has often been seen there riding by in golden silk brocade. Others say that Her home is on the island of the Sidhe folk where the souls of the dead reside. There She has been seen with three sacred birds that perch upon Her shoulders. Most of the stories about Rhiannon appear in the Mabinogion, which is a collection of Welsh myths. In one of these, the story of Rhiannon's marriage to Pwyll is told. Rhiannon, riding Her horse, appeared to Her future husband Pwyll three different times before he was allowed to catch Her. Though promised in marriage to Gwawl Ap Clud, a minor sun deity, She was determined to have Pwyll. Pwyll went to ask for Her hand, but instead was tricked into giving Her to Gwawl as a matter of honor. A year and a day later Rhiannon used Her magick, a bit of conspiracy, and the guise of honor, to get away from Gwawl. Gwawl followed them, but Pwyll caught him up in a bag and then tried to have him slain by telling everyone he was a badger. After her marriage to Pwyll, Rhiannon gave birth to a son who was named Pryderi (which means "trouble"). Later Rhiannon was falsely accused of killing Pryderi, who was actually kidnapped. All six of Her handmaids fell asleep when the child disappeared and, fearing they would be punished for their negligence, they killed a dog and smeared Rhiannon with the blood. They then sat bones near Her bed, and accused Her of eating the child. Rhiannon was deemed guilty, but Pwyll, instead of having Her killed, stood Her at the gate of his city to carry people in on Her back like a horse. Her lost child was returned years later when a servant discovered him on Bealtaine. After Pwyll's death Rhiannon married Manawydan (Manannan). In Her role as a death Goddess, Rhiannon can sing sweetly enough to lure all those in hearing to their deaths. When Her song is joined by the singing of Her magickal birds, it is said that the song is so beautiful that it can wake the dead to life and heal all sadness and pain. In Magick and Ritual, Rhiannon can aid you in overcoming enemies, exercising patience, working magick, moon rituals, and enhancing dream work. Rhiannon is associated with horses, especially pale white mares (the horse represents the power and fertility of the Kingship of the clan); silver; blood; the waning moon; jasmine; moonstones; and the color white. There are two Pagan festivals connected with Rhiannon. 'Gwyl o Rhiannon' (the Feast of Rhiannon) is celebrated at sundown on December 2. 'Rhyfeddod Lleiaf o Rhiannon' (the Lesser Mysteries of Rhiannon) is celebrated from sundown March 3 through dawn March 6. Both these dates are still celebrated in modern times by some Welsh Witchcraft traditions. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Morrighan (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:14:35 AM]

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Morrighan, Queen of the Ghosts

Submitted by: swampy "Morrighan, Morrighan. Three times Three, Hear the words I ask of Thee. Grant me vision, Grant me power, Cheer me in my darkest hour. As the night overtakes the day, Morrighan, Morrighan. Light my way. . .

Morrighan, Morrighan. Raven Queen, Round and round the Hawthorn green. Queen of beauty, Queen of Art, Yours my body, Yours my heart. All my trust I place in thee, Morrighan, Morrighan. Be with me. . ."

Morrighan (also called Morrigan, Morgan, Morgause, Morgeian, Morgan LeFay, the Morigu, Morgaine and Morgana), is a Celtic Goddess of battle, strife, destruction, the Otherword, death, and fertility; as well as being Goddess of Glastonbury Tor. The Irish version of Her name (Morrighan) means 'Phantom Queen,' or 'Queen of the Ghosts'. Other versions of Her name, such as Morgana and Morgaine, make reference to the sea - which in Celtic religion is associated with the Otherworld. She appears as both a single Goddess and as a trio of Goddesses (usually known in this form as The Morigu), which were the Badb ('Vulture') and Nemain ('Frenzy') and Macha ("Battle"). She is one of the Tuatha De Danann (People of the Goddess Danu) and She helped defeat the Firbolgs at the First Battle of Magh Tuireadh and the Fomorii at the Second Battle of Mag Tured. Morrighan has different consorts in different areas, including both the Dagda and Mannanan Mac Llyr - both Gods of the Otherworld. Morrighan has other roles other than being a Goddess of the Dead. Morrighan is a Goddess of magic (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:14:47 AM]

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and sorcery and is sometimes shown as ancient and withered or conversely as preternaturally beautiful. Morrighan is also the Goddess of Sovereignty and in many myths She approaches a would-be King or Hero in Her aged form, demanding sexual favors. When the Hero makes love to the aged woman, She transforms into a beauty in his arms and prophesies his rise to Kingship. Morrighan figures in the myth of King Arthur as Arthur's magical half sister Who is sometimes a friend and sometimes an antagonist, but Who in many versions ultimately conveys Arthur to the magical realm of Avallon (the Otherworld). As a Goddess of Battle, Morrighan is said to fly across battlefields in the form of a black and sleek raven. There is certainly evidence that the concept of a raven goddess of battle wasn't limited to the Irish Celts. An inscription found in France invoking Cathubodva, 'Battle Raven', shows that a similar concept was known among the Gaulish Celts. An Old English poem, Exodus, refers to ravens as 'choosers of the slain'. Morrighan is a wonderful Goddess for strong, independent women, especially those on a warrior path. Call on Her energies for overcoming an enemy or use Her force for waning moon magick or for banishing magick. Her correspondences include: the crow; the raven; obsidian; rubies; the waning and the dark moons; yew; onyx; nightshade; henbane; and black dogs. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Cerridwen (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:14:47 AM]

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Cerridwen, Keeper of the Cauldron

Submitted by: swampy "I obtained my inspiration From the Cauldron of Cerridwen" - Hanes Taliesing Cerridwen (also called Caridwen) is a Welsh Crone Goddess. She is known as a Goddess of the Moon, and is also Goddess of death, fertility, regeneration, grain, nature, dark prophesies, and knowledge. Cerridwen is known as the Great Mother Goddess and the Keeper of Souls. She is often pictured as a great white sow. Cerridwen lives upon an island in Lake Tegid, in a place known as 'The Land Beneath the Waves'. Cerridwen is Keeper of the Cauldron of the Underworld, in which inspiration and divine knowledge are brewed along with the souls that will be reborn. Cerridwen married the giant Tegid and had two children - the girl child named Creirwy was beautiful, but the boy named Avagdu (some call him Morfan, because he was black as a raven) was born ugly and dark. Cerridwen worried that Avagdu's life would be very hard because of his appearance, so She decided to give him a birth gift of the magical powers that She possessed. In Her magickal cauldron (named Awen, the Cauldron of the Deep), Cerridwen made a potion called greal (from which the word 'Grail' probably came). The potion was made from six plants for inspiration and knowledge. She arranged for a blind old man to keep the fire burning, and for a young lad named Gwion to stir the contents of Her Cauldron. Unfortunately three drops from the cauldron fell out of the cauldron and onto Gwion's finger, and he absorbed the potency of the brew. Cerridwen then pursued Gwion through a cycle of changing shapes, which correspond both to totem animals and to the turning of the seasons. The ending came when Cerridwen, in the guise of a hen, swallowed Gwion, in the guise of an ear of corn. Nine months later Cerridwen gave birth to a radiant child, known as Taliesin, a title attached to the greatest of Welsh poet bard. Call upon Cerridwen for help with moon magick, enchantment, glamouries, love spells, protection, Earth magick, and fertility magick. She is also at home in harvest rituals, and can aid you in divination and past life searches. (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:14:59 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Cerridwen

Cerridwen's associations include pigs (especially white sows), grain, cauldrons, Vervain, the dark moon, wolves and hens. Modern Welsh Witchcraft traditions still celebrate 'Gwyl o Cerridwen' (the Feast of Cerridwen) yearly on July 13th - starting at sundown. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Mother Holle (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:14:59 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Mother Holle

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Mother Holle, Queen of the Nether Regions

Submitted by: swampy "Mother Holle Lady of ice and snow, protect us from harm...." Holle (also known as Holda or Hulda) is known throughout northern Europe. Holle's name is linguistically related to the word Halja, which means "covering", and is the ancient Teutonic name for Hel, the Norse realm of the dead. Holle is called the Queen of the Dead, and resides in the 'nether' regions. She possibly lent Her name to the country Holland, 'the land of Holle', which is also called the Netherlands because many parts of the country are below sea-level. Holle is a triple moon goddess - Holle is the Maiden, the Mother and the Crone and thus the embodiment of the three stages of womanhood. As Maiden, Holle is the ash girl, Whose face is half black with soot. Destined to marry Holler, King of Winter and Frost, He tested Her with a riddle to be sure of Holle's worthiness. She had to come to His palace neither naked nor clothed, neither riding nor walking, neither alone nor with companions, in neither light nor darkness. Holle answered by arriving wrapped in a fishing net, sitting on a donkey with one toe dragging on the ground, surrounded by twenty-four wolves at twilight. Holle as Mother is said to be seen as a woman from the front and a tree form the back. Representing fertility and growth She guards and nurtures all the green growing things of the forest. As Crone, Holle is called 'Mother' Holle and She is viewed as the wise Queen of Winter. She shakes Her bed till the feathers fly to make it snow. When it snows in Holland, people still say, 'Dame Holle is shaking Her bed'. Frau Holle, as she is known in Germany, was called The Queen of the Witches. The brothers Grimm tell a story of step-sisters who both go to visit Frau Holle in the 'nether realms'. They begin their journey to Her by falling in a well. One is diligent, learning the lessons Frau Holle teaches well, and is showered with gold. The other is lazy and does not learn the lessons well and is showered with manure. While these fairy tales (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:15:11 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Mother Holle

show Her to lure children to Her and hurt them; in fact, the only things She ever truly consumes are the souls of those who come to Her afraid and unprepared. Holle is associated with ice, snow, winter, wolves, and the color white. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Nepthys (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:15:11 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Nepthys

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Nepthys, Goddess of Dusk

Submitted by: swampy "Hail Nephthys The Moon and the Sun are One, Lady in the bright crescent and the dark circle Mistress of the Night concealed by the light....." Nephthys (also called Nebt Het, Nebet Het, Nebthet and Neb-hut - Nephthys is actually what the Greeks called Her) is the youngest child of Geb and Nut. She is the sister and wife of Set, and sister of Isis and Osiris; and also the mother (variantly by Set or by Osiris) of Anubis. She abandoned Set when He killed Osiris, and assisted Isis in the care of Her son Horus and the resurrection of Osiris. She is also known as Goddess of Dusk and Mistress of the Night. Nephthys is, along with Her sister Isis, considered to be the special protectress of the dead, and She is the guardian of Hapi, the protector of the lungs of the deceased. Nephthys is usually shown in human form wearing a crown and having wings, but sometimes appears as a mourning kite (a type of falcon/hawk) guarding the funeral bier of Osiris. The hieroglyph of Her name is a house, as She is known as "Mistress of the House". Nephthys is said in Old Kingdom funerary literature as riding the "night boat" of the Underworld. Her job in the Underworld is meeting the deceased king's spirit and accompanying him into "Lightland." Her hair is metaphorically compared to the strips of cloth which shroud the bodies of the dead. She was associated with funerary rituals throughout ancient Egyptian history and therefore is venerated not as Death itself, but as the companion who gives guidance to the newly deceased, and as a Lady With Wings who comforts the deceased's living relatives. Her son, the Jackal headed God Anubis, is also connected with death and funerals since He is considered to be a primordial form of the lord of the dead. Nephthys has connections with life as well as death -- She stands at the head of the birth-bed to comfort and assist the mother giving birth (while her sister, Isis, stood at the foot to midwife the child). She is also known as "Lady of the Books" and is credited with the writings of many of the Egyptian hymns. (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:15:24 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Nepthys

Nephthys is associated with hawks, falcons and other birds of prey. Her special times are twilight and eclipses since She is said to rule in moments of 'unnatural' twilight. Her other associations are meliot clover, dusk, eclipses, houses, childbirth, and the star Sirius. Nephthys is a good choice to ask for help in divination and enjoys dance offerings. Nephthys birthday is on July 31st and is celebrated as the 5th Epagomenal Day. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Baba Yaga (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:15:24 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Baba Yaga

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Baba Yaga, Black Crone Goddess

Submitted by: swampy "Mortar, pestle, time to fly! Lift me up into the sky!" Baba Yaga is also known as the Black Goddess and the White Lady of Death and Rebirth. She has Her roots in the Slavic countries of Eastern Europe. The word "Baba" means "grandmother" in Russian, and is a term of respect for elder women in general. Baba Yaga is the ArchCrone Goddess and therefore represents the third aspect of the Triple Goddess. Baba Yaga is often feared since She assumes a horrible appearance - usually as a wrinkled and ugly old crone. Baba Yaga lives in a hut in the deepest, darkest part of the forest. It is surrounded by a fence made of human bones and the hut itself stands and walks around on chicken legs. It is dangerous to visit Baba Yaga's hut, since it is said that Her appearance alone often will scare passerbys to death. She is said to then devour Her victims, which is why Her picket fence is topped with skulls. Baba Yaga also has at Her command a number of otherworldly servants. These include a Red Knight who is the day bright sun, a White Knight who represents the dawn, and a Black Knight who signifies the night. Black, red, and white are the three colors most commonly associated with the process of personal transformation, black for the dissolution of the personality, white for its purification after darkness, and red for solar power and the vital life force that follows.Yaga is further served by six pairs of dwarves, who represent elemental spirits. Baba Yaga rows through the air in a mortar, and uses a pestle for Her oar, sweeping the traces of Her flight from the air with a broom. Baba Yaga also has a herd of flying horses, and flies around the world once each day on the back of Her flying mare. Baba Yaga is a good Goddess to call upon when we experience darkness, a depression, or a spiritual emptiness. She forces us to examine ourselves in the dark mirror of the soul and to seek new beginnings for ourselves. Baba Yaga is associated with the colors red, black and white. She is also associated with mortal and pestles, brooms, horses, the dark of night, the Waning and Dark moon and skulls. (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:15:36 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Baba Yaga

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Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Freyja

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Freyja, the Shining Lady of the Vanir

Submitted by: swampy "She-Falcon! The moon sails through the trees. Freyja! I call the weeper of gold! Lady of Sorcery! I stand before you unafraid. Keeper of the Brisingamen! Reveal to me secrets of knot and braid. Freyja! Moon Goddess! Queen of the Valkyries! Give me the key to deep magicks." (from "Moon Magick" by D.J. Conway) Freyja (also spelled Freya) is the most beautiful and propitious of the Norse goddesses. She is the patron goddess of crops and birth, the symbol of sensuality and was called upon at matters of love. She is also is the Norse Goddess of sex, love, beauty, fertility, war, death and wealth. She loves music, spring and flowers, and is particularly fond of the fey (elves & faeries). Freyja is the daughter of the god Njord, a fertility or sea god, and Her mother is the unnamed sister of Njord (possibly Nerthus). Freyja was originally a goddess of the Vanir. In Norse myth, the Vanir, who lived in Vanaheim, were a group of wild nature and fertility gods and goddesses. The Vanir were the sworn enemies of the warrior gods of the Aesir. The Aesir and the Vanir had been at war for a long time when they decided to make peace. To ensure this peace they traded hostages and the Vanir sent their most renowned gods, the wealthy Njord and his children: Freyja and her sister Freyr. Thus Freyja went to live with the Aesir in Asgard, and the Vanir were 'assimilated' into the Aesir. Freyja ended up married to the mysterious god Od (also called Odr). He disappeared and when Freyja mourned for Her lost husband, She wept tears of gold which turned into amber when they fell into the sea. Her daughters, by Od, are named Hnoss, who is so beautiful that whatever is valuable and lovely is named "treasure" after her, and Gersemi. Freyja resides in the celestial and beautiful palace Folkvang ("field of folk"), where it is Her privilege to receive half of all the warriors slain in battle and take their souls to Her hall, 'Sessrumnir'; the god Odin receives the other half at Valhalla. Women who die also go to Freyja's hall. Living with Freyja at Sessrumnir is Hildesvini ("battle boar") who is actually Her human lover Ottar in disguise. Her chambermaid is named Fulla. (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:15:51 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Freyja

Freyja rides about in a chariot drawn by male cats (their names are never stated) and She owns the precious Brisings' necklace, which the Norse still refer to as the Milky Way. She is quite accommodating in sexual matters - in fact it is said that She traded sexual favors by sleeping with the four dwarves who had fashioned the necklace - to possess the necklace of the Brisings. When the necklace was taken from Her by Loki, She started a war of retaliation. Freyja is the leader of the Valkyries and is a shapeshifter. She owns a feather coat which She can use to change into a falcon and to fly between the worlds. After Freyja went to live with the Aesir as a hostage, She taught them - including Odin - 'Seidr'. Seidr is a form of magickal ability which utilizes trance and divination, and Freyja is often credited with the origin of runic divination. Freyja's colors are green, red, and black. All animals are sacred to Freyja, but the horse, falcon and cat hold special affinity for Her - in fact She is often known as Mistress of Cats. Her number is 13 and Her day of the week is Friday. She is associated most often with the full moons of September which is often called The Harvest Moon - and October - called the Blood Moon. Celebrations in her honor are celebrated on January 10th as The Day of Freyja, and on the full moon of October as The Disirblot. Freyja is a good Goddess to call on in magick concerning love, beauty, sexual activity, childbirth, enchantments, trance, runes, personal power, protection and courage. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Skadi (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:15:51 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Skadi

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Skadi, Snow-Shoe Goddess

Submitted by: swampy Early Norse myths talk about a ancient elemental deity known as Kari, who actually was the wind that blew down from the mountains. Kari was said to have mixed with mist and frost, and fathered Ymir, who was the first of the Giants. Ymir, in turn, spawned a race of His own kind. Unfortunately Ymir was slain by His own descendents and almost all the remaining Giants then drowned in Ymir's blood. The two who survived were exiled to a remote area of the world, located in the extreme northern reaches - an area of mountains, rocky wastes and snow that was called Jotunheim (from the word 'jotun' that meant 'devourer'.) In Jotunheim grows a huge, dense and mist-shrouded forest called 'Iarnvith' or Ironwood. Jotunheim is separated from Asgard by the river Iving, which never freezes over. Because of the remoteness of the area, the two remaining Giants multiplied and reformed their race. Soon Jotunheim had three strongholds: Utgard, the chief city of Jotunheim; Gastropnir, home of the Rock Giantess Menglad; and Thrymheim ("house of uproar"), the mountain stronghold of the Frost Giant Thiassi (also called Thiazi, Thjatsi or Thjazi). Thiassi was well versed in magick and was a master shape-shifter who could turn Himself into almost any animal, although He most often assumed the shape of a huge eagle with sharp talons. In this form, Thiassi would leave the safety of Jotunheim and travel into the rest of the world. On one such foray, He made the mistake of stealing an oxen from the God Loki, who happened to be slumming about in the world of men. In the fight that followed, Thiassi was burned to death by the rest of the gods. Odin then took the eyes from the dead Frost Giant and flung them up into heaven where they shone thereafter as stars. Thiassi had a daughter, the Frost Giantess Skadi (also spelled Skaoi, Skadhi or Skade). When her father Thiassi was slain by the gods, Skadi wanted to take revenge. Skadi left Jotunheim and traveled to Asgard to challenge the gods. The gods thought it wiser to reconcile and offered Her a marriage with one of Them. She was free to marry any god, but while She made Her choice She was only allowed to see the feet of the potential candidates. She noticed a very elegant pair of feet and, convinced that their owner was the fair god Balder (who was called 'the beautiful'), She choose them. Unfortunately for Her, those feet belonged to the older god Njord (also spelled Njordh). Njord is the god of winds, sea and fire and the guardian of all who make their living from the sea. (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:16:07 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Skadi

The marriage between Njord and Skadi was not a happy one. She wanted to live where Her father had lived, in Thrymheim in the snowy mountains, and Njord wanted to live in Noatun, His palace by the sea. So They agreed to spend the first nine days in the mountains and the following nine days by the sea. Njord hated the nine days He spent in the mountains and complained about the shriek of the winds and the howling of the wolves. And when Skadi spent the nine days by the sea She hated the yammering of the gulls each day at dawn. Since the living arrangement did not work out, Njord and Skadi eventually separated. Skadi returned to Her beloved snowy home Thrymheim. It is said that later Skadi became friendly with Odin and had a few children with him; and also that She married the god Ull (also spelled Ullr), the god of justice and dueling. Today Skadi lives at Thrymheim in the remote area of Jotunheim, happily traveling about in the winter wilderness on skies or snowshoes. As a Frost Giantess, Skadi is the embodiment of a winter goddess. Skadi is associated with snow-shoes, skis, winter, frost, ice, snow, and wolves. Skadi is a good goddess to call upon for help in doing protective magick, or if you desire to reclaim your own wild nature and to go outside your own limits and boundaries. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Berchta (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:16:07 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Berchta

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Berchta, Mistress of Destiny

Submitted by: swampy "Hallowed Woman of the Earth We give this gift to you Frau Holda, riding forth this night, Look kindly on our work, Berchta, beldame of the wheel, Spin us good wyrd tonight O Mighty Mother of us all Pray, fill our house with joy!" Berchta (also called Perchta) is a Teutonic Goddess whose worship originated in the southern part of Germany in what is now the German state of Bavaria. Berchta has been called by names in other parts of Europe (some scholars feel that these are Berchta herself, others feel that they are similar goddesses that are at least are closely related to Berchta): Holde (`merciful'), Holla, Holda, Huldra, Frau Holle, Mother Holle, Perht, Berta (`Bright'), Queen of the Estantigua (Spain), and Frau Freke (a name connected to Frig). Berchta's name is connected with words meaning "bright, luminous or glorious." Berchta, is the "White Lady" who spins destiny. In the Teutonic rendering of what is considered to be 'Norse' mythology, Berchta is usually said to be the wife of the god Woden (also known as Wodan, Wotan, Oden, or Odin). The name 'Woden' means 'Fury' or 'Frenzy' and He is associated with otherworldly beings and flying at night with horned animals. Woden is considered to be the Master of the Wild Hunt and Berchta is its mistress. The Wild Hunt, full of ghosts, trolls, and other outdwellers, occurs during the days immediately following the Winter Solstice. In some of the Old Germanic sagas, Berchta is seen in the forests and winter snow with 24 spotted hounds, and She leads the 'Wights' (Spirits) through the winter time season back unto the resting places in the spring. Berchta is described as an old woman with long teeth and tangled hair (and sometimes depicted with a long iron nose and one large foot), and other times she is described as a beautiful dark haired woman dressed and crowned in white! Berchta is shown travelling either in a wagon or bearing a plough and attended by the spirits of unborn children. Sometimes She is shown flying (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:16:22 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Berchta

through the air accompanied by a goose, which always flies in front of Her (making Berchta the original Mother Goose). Berchta is mainly associated with the winter season and She is also believed to be the cause of many natural phenomena. Snow is caused by Her shaking Her feather bed, and fog was the smoke from Her fire. Berchta is a Mother Goddess and a fertility goddess who rewards the good, but also punishes the lazy and cruel. Many tales are told of Berchta to frighten children into behaving when they are unmanageable. Berchta is said to come at night and drag the child off in a sack or stamp on it with Her foot. If the child is especially naughty She might cut open its stomach and fill it with chopped straw and dirt. Berchta's dark side is evident in Her role in the witches' ride, an equivalent of the Wild Hunt. 'Mothers Night' is a festival held the night before the Solstice (ca. Dec. 20) that is sacred to Berchta and other Mother Goddesses. Lore says that on this night no spinning is to be done, for this activity is holy to Berchta. In fact, Berchta often comes to inspect the spindles. She rewards diligent spinners by making their work easier; She punishes lazy spinners by soiling or fraying their yarn. It is traditional to eat a simple meal of fish and porridge on Mothers Night, for these foods are holy to the Mother Goddesses. Berchta descends on the nights between December 22 and January 6 and travels the countryside in Her wagon, unrecognized, bestowing gifts to those who have been generous and punishing those who have been greedy or lazy. Variations have Her flying on Her broom accompanied by the spirits of dead children, elves and faeries. But in all the tales She goes up and down chimney's to bring gifts to the children in Her worshipped households. The tradition of honoring Berchta may be the clearest survival of a cult connected to a Teutonic deity. While the worship of other gods has been suppressed into silence for so many centuries Berchta's legends have adapted from age to age. Christianity left its mark on Berchta's image, in many post-Christian tales Berchta is no longer a Goddess but rather an ugly old woman and patron of witches. This is in keeping with the concept that as a heathen goddess Berchta is a demon and the transformation from goddess into demon witch wife is clear. As the 'witch queen' of the time after Christianity, it was said that Berchta claims the souls of unbaptised children for the old gods, plus it was said that Berchta also punishes women who work over the Christmas period, on Sundays or on saints' days in a like manner. This gives us the rather ironic picture of a Pagan goddess protecting a Christian tradition, but it clearly shows how old legends can adapt to new ideas if given the chance. Berchta's sacred color is black; Her herbs are Storax and Myrrh; Her animals are the wolf, the goose and the bear; Her stones are onyx, jet, obsidian, black agate, and lead; Her trees are beech, elm, ivy, linden, juniper, mullein, blackthorn, willow, yew, and elder; Her day of the week is Saturday; and her runes are isa, hagalaz, and ehwo. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Cailleach (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:16:22 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Cailleach

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Cailleach, Celtic Crone Goddess

Submitted by: swampy "Bha da shleagha chaola chatha air an taobh eile dh'an chaillich Bha 'h-aodann dubh-ghorm air dreach a 'ghuail 'S a deud cnabadach cnamh-ruadh. Bha aon suil ghlumach 'na ceann Bu luaithe na rionnag gheamhraidh; Craobh mhineach chas air a ceann Mar choill inich de 'n t-seana chrithinn. (There were two slender spears of battle upon the other side of the carlin her face was blue-black, of the lustre of coal, And her bone tufted tooth was like rusted bone. In her head was one deep pool-like eye Swifter than a star in winter Upon her head gnarled brushwood like the clawed old wood of the aspen root). (from Campbell: The Yellow Muilearteach, in Popular Tales of the West Highlands Vol 3.) The Neolithic goddess Cailleach, known variously as the "blue hag", the "Bear goddess" and "Boar goddess", "owl faced", and "ancient woman", has survived through the ages. Coming from the continent, Her worship spread to the British Isles early after the recession of the glaciers. The proto-Celtic peoples honored Cailleach and blended Her varying aspects, creating images invoking both love and terror. The various names that Cailleach has been worshipped in lend a clue to Her wide spread worship: Boi, Bui, Cally Berry, Caillech Bherri, Cailliach, Cailliaech, Carline, Digde, Dige, Dirra, Dirri, Duineach, Hag of Beara, Mala Liath, Mag-Moullach, Scotia, and Nicnevin. (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:16:36 AM]

Dark Goddesses- Specific Information on Cailleach

Cailleach in modern Gaelic means 'old wife', but interestingly, it originally meant a 'veiled one' (from caille, a veil). In all her various Goddess forms, Cailleach is seen as a Crone Goddess who embodies winter. She is sometimes depicted as an old hag with the teeth of a wild bear and boar's tusks or else is depicted as a one-eyed giantess who leaps from peak to peak, wielding Her magical white rod and blasting the vegetation with frost. Cailleach's white rod, or slachdan, made of birch, bramble, willow or broom, is a Druidic rod which gives Her power over the weather and the elements. Cailleach is also a goddess who governs dreams and inner realities. She is the goddess of the sacred hill, the Sidhe, and the place where we enter into the hidden realm of the Fey and spirit beings. Sacred stones, the bones of the earth, are Her special haunts. Cailleach is connected to the 'bean sidhe' or banshee (which means 'supernatural woman') who are the wild women of the Fey. Cailleach is also the guardian spirit of a number of animals. She is associated with the ancient tradition of herding reindeer. This means that the reindeer (and all deer) are Her cattle; She herds and milks them and often gives them protection from hunters. Swine, wild goats, wild cattle, and wolves are also Her creatures. Cailleach is also a fishing goddess, as well as the guardian of wells and streams. In Scotland, Cailleach is considered to be the daughter of Grainne, or the Winter Sun. She is affectionately known as 'Grandmother of the Clanns' and 'the Ancestress of the Caledonii Tribe'. The legends of the Caledonii tribe speak of the "Bringer of the Ice Mountains", the great blue Old Woman of the highlands. Called Cailleach, Cailleach Bheur, Scotia, Carline or Mag-Moullach by the people, She was the Beloved Mountain Giantess who protected the early tribe from harm and nurtured them in Her sacred mountains. Cailleach Bheur is reborn each Samhain and goes about smiting the earth to blight growth and call down the snow. On Beltane Eve , She throws Her staff under a holly tree or a gorse bush (both are Her plants) and then turns into a gray stone, thus ending winter. In other myths this happens on Imbolc Eve, but rather than turning into a stone, She is instead reborn a young woman. In Ireland Cailleach is known in Her singular form as Cailleach Beara or "Hag of Beara, - or else worshipped as part of a trio of Goddesses with Her sisters Cailleach Bolus and Cailleach Corca Duibhne. In the Irish Triad, she is considered one of the three great ages: 'The age of the yew tree, the age of the eagle, the age of the Hag of Beara'. Cailleach Beara inhabits the Beara peninsula on the Cork-Kerry border on the north side of Bantry Bay, Scotland. She is said to have "let loose the rivers, shaped the hills, and waved Her hammer over the growing grass." In Ireland as in Scotland, She has power over the three months of winter, and is said to turn to stone every spring and to be reborn every October 31 (Samhain). In the legend of the coming of the Tuatha De Danann we are told that Cailleach Beara is the opposite face of the Goddess Bride (also known as Bride, Bridgit, Bridget, Brig, Brigentis, Brighid, Brigidu, Briginda, or Brigit). In western Ireland, especially in the area of the Cliffs of Mohor, Cailleach is worshipped as a deity called Bronach or Brenach (Ugliness). In northern Ireland, Cailleach is called Cally Berry. On November 1, a festival known as 'Reign of the Old Woman Cailleach' is celebrated annually in the Celtic countries (in Ireland it is known as 'Day of the Banshees'). On the eve of Imbolc (Jan. 31 or Feb. 1), also celebrated is the fest called 'End of Cailleach'. This fest signals the start of Imbolc and the end of winter. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Nuit (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:16:36 AM]

Winter Spirits - Specific Information on Barbegazi

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Barbegazi, Caretaker of the Alps

Submitted by: swampy "They came like the swirling snow, Riding down the mountainside, cresting the avalanche....." Barbegazi are gnome-like people that inhabit the mountainous region from France to Switzerland. The name "Barbegazi" is probably a corruption of 'barbe glaces', which means "frozen beards". Unlike most hibernating mammals, Barbegazi hibernate during warm weather and emerge only after the first heavy snowfall of winter. Because of this, Barbegazi are rarely seen when the temperature gets above zero. They never venture below the tree-line and the few specimens who have been trapped by mountaineers (or by the occasional confuzzled Yeti Hunter) and taken down to the Alpine villages, died after only a few hours of capivity. Barbegazi are considerably shorter than Man, and vary from average to stocky build. Their ears are pointed and they have ice-blue eyes. Barbegazi are covered with pure white body hair, and the males grow lots of facial hair. All the head and facial hair of Barbegazi seem to shimmer in the light, but closer inspection reveals that their hair is actually covered with thick clumps of icicles. Beneath the icicles, their hair is soft, thick and warm. What sets Barbegazi apart from most other species of gnomes is their feet. Barbegazi feet are large and broad. The unique shape of their feet gives them the advantages of both skis and snowshoes. Barbegazi's feet allow them to run rapidly across snow, no matter how powdery plus they can also use their feet as skis (or snowboards!) and can go down slopes as steep as vertical cliffs. The structure of their feet also lets Barbegazi use them as shovels. Using their feet, Barbegazi can tunnel into, under, out of, and through snow very easily. Barbegazi's traditional dress is a white-fur garment, that is unisex in design, and this makes it hard to tell a male Barbegazi from a female at a distance. Barbegazi speech has been likened to the whistling of a marmot (a small furry Alpine mammal). They also can communicate over long distances by a kind of eerie hooting which may be mistaken for the whistling of the wind through the mountains peaks. (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:16:49 AM]

Winter Spirits - Specific Information on Barbegazi

Barbegazi live in vast caves and tunnel-complexes deep beneath the mountains, most of which are excavated near the summits of the highest peaks of the Alps. The entrances to their cavedens are tiny openings shielded by curtains of icicles. Here Barbegazi live, happy with their solitary existence and raise their families. Childling Barbegazi are noisey and love to romp about in the snow, playing with snowballs, snowboarding down the mountain on their feet, and generally having fun. Barbegazi are known as the caretakers of the Mountains. In their capacity as guardians, Barbegazi protect the mountian environment from harm. Barbegazi are generally friendly towards man-kind, and will often help those who are lost and dying of cold in the mountains. Barbegazi also will aid mountain climbers in distress (providing the climbers haven't shown any disrespect to the environment). Barbegazi have been credited with leading St. Bernard's to trapped climbers - they talk with the dog using cantrips. They also will hoot to warn mountaineers of oncoming avalanches, even though they themselves quite enjoy these, and surf them down the mountainside. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: The Jlasveinarnir (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:16:49 AM]

Winter Spirits - Specific Information on The Jlasveinarnir

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The Jlasveinarnir, Yuletide Lads of Iceland

Submitted by: swampy "Jlasveinarnir walk around with a golden cane in hand. Their mother sweeps the ground and spanks them with a wand. Upon a chair stands my jar. Nine nights before Yule I'll come to the village." (traditional Icelandic folksong translated by Melkorka Helgadttir)

The legend of the Jlasveinarnir, or The Yuletide Lads of Iceland, actually starts out with the tale of Grla and Leppali. Grla and Leppali are a husband and wife set of Trolls that live in Iceland. The couple arebloodthirsty child-eaters and live in a dark and dank cave way up in the mountains. Like all other trolls, they can only leave their cave after dark to hunt - for if they are exposed to sunlight they will instantly turn to stone. The dominant member in the relationship is Grla, who definitely is a femmi-nazi-troll. According to some sources, Grla had another husband before Leppali whose name was Boli. Boli, and later Leppali, were both bedridden (poisoned perhaps by their wife?) and Grla is forced to go around the countryside begging to support her husbands. Since begging rarely works (people just don't seem to be generous to Trolls), Grla instead steals children to eat. Since the stories all say that she mostly steals children who have been "naughty", Grla has always been a very popular means of making children behave in Iceland. There are numerous legends and stories about Grla and her exploits, but in them she never really gets her hands on many children, for most of them either have been very well behaved throughout the year or manage to escape. The Jlasveinarnir or The Yuletide Lads of Iceland are the troll sons of Grla and Leppali - and there either are nine of them or twelve of them.... they seem to never stand still long enough to be counted. Grla cooks delicious foods for herself and her husband Leppali, but is so greedy that she never feeds her many sons. Because of this, the Jlasveinarnir are always hungry and are forced to roam around stealing food from homes. The Jlasveinarnir, who still live in Grla's cave, descend upon Icelandic households, one at a time, (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:17:03 AM]

Winter Spirits - Specific Information on The Jlasveinarnir

beginning either nine or thirteen days before Yule. By the time Yule arrives, all of the Jlasveinarnir are in the house. While they are in "visiting", the Jlasveinarnir make all sorts of mischief: they steal candles and sausage, and they love to trash all the pretty Yule decorations. Generally they wreck havoc and drive the house-owner nutso, until they leave the house. The Jlasveinarnir start departing, one at a time, for their cave-home on Yule, with the last one departing on rettndinn (Twelfth Night). When they go, they stuff those children of the house who have been naughty during the year into a big sack and steal them (and I assume they take the snotty kids home to their mother, Grla, who makes the kids into a scrumptious meal!) . Thirteen of the most commonly accepted names of the Jlasveinarnir are: Stekkjastaur - Gimpy Giljagaur - Gully Imp Bjlfansbarni - Idiot Child Svartiljtur - Blackugly Pottasleikir - Pot Licker Flotgleypir - Fat Gobbler Huraskellir - Door Slammer Faldafeykir - Skirt Blower Bjgnakrkir - Sausage Snatcher Gluggaggir - Window Peeper Gttaefur - Doorway Sniffer Ketkrkur - Meat Hooker Kertasnkir - Candle Beggar When they first appeared, the Jlasveinarnir had many of the attributes of their bloodthirsty parents, but soon the stories about them started to get milder and fwuffier. In modern times the Jlasveinarnir seem to be portrayed as playful imps whose main interest is in getting their hands on some of the seasonal food and other goodies, or lurking about trying to do some minor mischief. In other words, they have turned the baby-snatchers into fwuffy bunny elves. Today in Iceland, the parents of children tell tales of how nice the Jlasveinarnir are... in fact the Jlasveinarnir are said to leave little presents for the children in shoes that the children have placed on the windowsill the night before. If the children have been naughty, all that the Jlasveinarnir do is to leave a potato or some other reminder that good behavior is better. The old tales said that the clothing of the Jlasveinarnir was the filthy rags of the common troll, then this was cleaned up in later tales so that the Jlasveinarnir were said to be wearing the ordinary, everyday wear of the common Icelander. In this century, it is now said that the Jlasveinarnir wear the traditional red suits of St. Nick or Santa Claus. Frankly, I like the Jlasveinarnir much better as child-stealing trolls than as happy imps. ;-P the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Uldra (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:17:03 AM]

Winter Spirits - Specific Information on Uldra

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Uldra, The Little Reindeer People of Lapland

Submitted by: swampy "On Dancer, On Prancer.. On Donner, On Blitzen..."

Uldra are The Little People of Lapland, and are found in the far north of the Scandinavian countries. Uldras resemble gnomes, but are slightly larger and leaner than a gnome. Most Uldras have pale white or light gray hair, and tend to have pale complexions. They favor drab colorless clothing and most of them wear a long, conic dark colored hat - like a tall somber 'dunce cap'. The Uldra live together in large families, or tribes, in underground caves or burrows. The Uldra as a race has authority and guardianship over all large wild forest and tundra animals like bear, elk, wolves and reindeer. Although the Uldra prefer to stay underground as much as possible, they do emerge to come up to the surface during the winter to feed whatever hibernating animals are in their care. When they do come up to the surface, the Uldra come out only at night since they are as blind as bats in the daytime. If an Uldra does have to travel above the surface of the earth, he or she either jumps on the back of a reindeer or sits between the antlers of a moose and allows the animal to do the work, while the Uldra rides along in comfort. The Uldra tends to be mostly friendly to Big People, but do not like being slighted or mistreated by man. The Lapps that live in Uldra country are a migratory people who wander over the vast snowcovered lands in search of the moss that feeds their reindeer herds. Sometimes, when the Lapps set up their camps and pitch their tents (made of reindeer hide), they hear the Uldra moving around underground. The Lapps take this as an Uldra warning to move on, because their camp is blocking the Little People's access to the surface. If the campers fail to move on, or do anything at all that might be offensive, the Uldra will happily take revenge. It is not wise to piss off an Uldra! One of their methods of revenge is to spread a poisonous powder over the reindeer moss. When the Lapps' herds of reindeer eat the poisoned moss, large numbers of the animal die and this robs the nomadic Lapp herders of their livelihood. Other times an angry Uldra might steal a Lapp baby and replace it with an Uldra baby. Uldra babies have long sharp teeth and faces covered with black hair - so the Lapp family will soon notice the (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:17:15 AM]

Winter Spirits - Specific Information on Uldra

switch. The methods of retrieving the human baby are similar to those used to retrieve children stolen by other types of the fey. These methods include such drastic measures as beating the Uldra child with a burning tree branch until the screams of the child cause the mother Uldra to return for it. A contrary opinion is that the Uldra child should be treated very well and showered with attention. The theory here is that the mother Uldra will return for her own baby and bring the human child back as well in gratitude for the love shown to the Uldra child. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Leshy (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:17:15 AM]

Winter Spirits - Specific Information on Leshy

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Leshy, Slavic Forest Guardian

Submitted by: swampy "Watch out for the Leshy, for he is sly. Is that he? That tree? Or is that he? The wind in the tree?" (Russian Folk tale) In the Baltic and Slavic countries, there is a forest spirit or elf called a Leshy (the plural of which is Leshiye). The word 'Leshy' is derived from the old Slavonic word meaning "forest" - which is appropriate since the Leshy are the guardians of the forests. Leshy are also called Leszi in Polish; Leshii, Lychie or Leshy in Russian; or Laskowice in Old Slavic. These little guys protect wild animals and have an especially close relationship with the wolf. The Leshy are also seen as the guides and guardians of some domesticated creatures, like the reindeer. The Leshy live in the dark pine forests of the Baltic countries, although some have recently made their way to other areas of the world. They are all shape-shifters and can make themselves small enough to hide under leaves. They also can change into ancient and tall trees, forest animals or even whirlwinds of blowing dust and leaves. Usually the Leshy remain in human form, but they are easily recognized due to their blue skin, a result of their blue blood. The Leshy have green hair and long green beards, plus have green eyes which they can easily pop out of their sockets. Some sources say that they have curling horns and the cloven hoofs of a goat. The Leshy wear their clothes backwards and wear their shoes on the wrong feet. The Leshy can be cruel to those who abuse the forest or the wild creatures, or can be playfully malicious to those who just wander blindly into Leshy territory. It is often said that the Leshy is that which you can feel watching you in the woods, but never manage to see. That tingle up the spine and the raising of the hairs on the nap of the neck are sure signs of a Leshy being near-by. The Leshy's most common activity is to cause travelers to become lost in the forest. In the winter a Leshy will brush away the footprints of travelers in the snow, so that they can not retrace their steps. During other times of the year they use magick to make every tree and landmark look the same. If you are out in the woods and have the misfortune to run into an unfriendly Leshy, the best way to thwart him is to wear your shoes on the wrong feet and your clothes backwards. This will confuse the Leshy who will not be able to tell which way you are going, and will therefore he will be unable to keep you from getting to your destination. (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:17:27 AM]

Winter Spirits - Specific Information on Leshy

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Winter Spirits - Specific Information on The Callicantzari

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The Callicantzari, The Yule Goblins of Greece

Submitted by: swampy 'Ode to a Twark's Egg' "Do you exist, O Twark's Egg, tell me? If not, how is it that I can smell thee?" (Goblin poetry by Bregg the Poet, from Froud's 'A Field Guide To Goblins') Creatures like Gnomes, Pixies, Gremlins, Elves and Leprechauns hate to be confused with Goblins. Goblins in general are all spirits of the earth but they have no more than a slight family connection with the rest of the nature spirits. Goblins are considered by most people to be the thugs of the earth spirit world. Goblins originated in France, which they entered through a cleft in the rock that forms the mountain chain known as the Pyrenees. Once they had a foothold in France, they spread rapidly over Europe. It is said that they entered Britain as stowaways aboard the first dragon-ship of the Vikings. In Britain the Druids called them 'Robin Goblin', later abbreviated to 'hobglobin'. Like other earth spirits, Goblins in general do have a human-like form,although they are usually grotesque and misshapen. However, no human being ever has facial expressions of such depraved mischief and nasty cunning as does a Goblin. A Goblin smile curdles the blood; a Goblin laugh causes milk to sour and fruit to fall from the trees. Goblins prefer to live in dark sour places, like dank caves and storm drains, and have a very mischievous nature. Typically, they are cause slight inconveniences, but at times they can be downright dangerous. Fortunately, a Goblin's capacity for mischief is limited. Unlike their distant cousins the Gremlins, they cannot be bothered to learn how to use (or misuse) tools and machinery. Their only real abilities are luck-spoiling, and weaving nightmares to be inserted into the ear of a sleeper. They do like, however, to torment humans in such ways as tipping over pails of milk, hiding hen's eggs, blowing soot down chimneys, puffing out candles in haunted houses, and altering signposts. Goblins have a little skill with design, but it is limited to making gargoyles and depictions of serpents, dragons and basilisks. Goblins can communicate with flies, wasps, mosquitoes and hornets, and their favorite summer pastime is to direct these insects towards humans and horses and watch the results. They pester horses in the stable or the field, and a sure sign of Goblin presence is the sound of a horse blowing or stamping in an effort to get rid of them, or rolling in the sand to scratch them off its back. (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:17:41 AM]

Winter Spirits - Specific Information on The Callicantzari

Goblins have no real homes. They infest mossy clefts in rocks, dark and dank caves, and the surface roots of ancient trees - but they are too restless to settle down for long. The squeals and titters of a Goblin gang as they plot and plan some new mischief should serve as a warning to any human to keep well clear of them. The Callicantzari (also spelled Kallikantzari) are a clan of Goblins that live in Greece. Each Yule they leave their mountain cave homes and come slipping and sliding down to the towns while chattering and gibbering loudly. When the Callicantzari get to the towns, they slide down the chimneys of houses where Yule feasts are being held. Once in the celebrating house, the Callicantzari wreck as much havoc as they can - they make the feast go rotten; they ride on the shoulders of the householders; they terrorize the family cats and dogs; and they pinch and poke the children until the children cry. The Callicantzari often wear wooden or iron boots, the better to kick people - and kick people they do! Other legends from other areas insist that they are hooved, not booted. Sometimes they travel from town to town with legions of wolves or even monkeys, making a mess where ever they stop. To ward off the Callicantzari, it has been the tradition of the Greeks to hang a jawbone of a pig over the fireplace, since a pig jawbone is thought to be a protective talisman against the Callicantzari. Protective herbs such as hyssop, thistle, and asparagus are also suspended by the fireplace, to keep the Callicantzari away. Other households resort to simple bribery and put meat out for the Callicantzari - again, this seems to be a more substantial snack than the milk and cookies put out for Santa. The Greek families also keep their Yule fires burning all during the Yule season as Callicantzari repellent. Often they use the wood from fruit trees in the fire, plus sprinkle dried fruit in the fire. These things too are thought to help keep the Callicantzari away! the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Windigo (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:17:41 AM]

Winter Spirits - Specific Information on Windigo

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Windigo, Spirit of the Lonely Places

Submitted by: swampy "Windigo never gives. Windigo only takes. You become a Windigo, you give your life."

The Algonkian Windigo (also spelled Witiko, Wendigo or Weendigo) is a seasonal, subartic maneating spirit-creature. Sightings of the creature usually occur in the areas of Southern Canada north of the Great Lakes. Even before Europeans came to this continent, many Native Tribes knew of the creature they called "Windigo". In some Native American myths the Windigo takes an actual animal form; but in others it is portrayed as a formless animal spirit. In its animal form the Windigo is said to resemble either what is often called a Sasquatch or Bigfoot - or else resembles a timber wolf (only much larger and fiercer). Windigo fur can be gray or brown, or a mixture of both, and the Windigo has strong, short jaws with long, sharp teeth. The face of the Windigo is highlighted with horrid glaring eyes. In its spirit form it is often described as looking like a giant, as tall as the old timbers themselves, with a heart of ice. No matter what form the Windigo takes, it always has a ravenous appetite for human flesh. During the winter moons when food is scarce, there always has been a great fear of the creature. The entire Windigo species stalks the forests of the north in search of human flesh, lurking silently in the shadows of trees. The Windigo can use trees as snowshoes and therefore can cover vast distances in a single step. As they travel from victim to victim, blizzards accompany the Windigo to help them hide from the sight of their victims. The Windigo are clever hunters - it knows how to keep out of sight. One of the favorite hunting methods of the Windigo is to run its prey into a tree, over a cliff, or to exhaustion, where upon it will pounce on the person. It may or may not kill its victim (by ripping out vital organs in seconds) before it begins to eat. Another Windigo hunting technique involves the use of the Windigo's voice - the Windigo has a scream that paralyzes its intended meal so that it cannot escape. When full and well fed, packs of Windigo have been seen playing catch with human skulls. It is a remorselessbeast that will even devour its own family. In the land of Cree and Ojibwa, some Windigo are believed to have once been normal human beings who have become possessed cannibals. The Windigo can 'infect' other humans (somewhat (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:17:56 AM]

Winter Spirits - Specific Information on Windigo

like the Werewolf), and therein lies the unique power suggested in the double meaning of its name. The root word is Algonkian for both "evil spirit" and "cannibal", so Windigo describes both the spirit-animal and a way of acting like one. Any person possessed by this cannibal spirit has literally become a Windigo and is probably incurable. Some people choose this transformation, others happen upon it. The latter cases are caused by being bitten, by dreaming of the Windigo, or by being involuntarily transformed by an evil sorcerer. 'Voluntary Windigo' are individuals who go into the forest, fast for several days, and offer their flesh freely to the species. A Windigo may adopt such a person as its own child. The possessed human grows a heart of ice, has a craving for raw human flesh, and behaves like the spirit-animal itself, although he never gets to be as large as the supernatural being. The only know way to avert Windigo possession is to throw excrement at the creature. This confuses it enough for a small window of escape. If this method doesn't work, the next choice is to go immediately to a local shaman. If he can not help, the last resort is to kill the possessed person, cut the body into pieces, and burn it to kill the spirit so that it does not infect others. Some say a silver bullet can also be affective. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Spectral (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:17:56 AM]

Winter Spirits - Specific Information on Spectral

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Spectral, Hounds of the Wild Hunt

Submitted by: swampy "For he was speechless, ghastly, wan, Like him of whom the story ran, Who spoke the spectre hound in man." -- Sir Walter Scott, The lay of the last minstrel, Canto VI, v.26. In the Celtic lands, cold midwinter nights are often filled with the sounds of what is called the Wild Hunt. In these hunts, a pack of ghostly hounds is accompanied by their Underworld master. During the hunt, hounds and master search for souls which they harvest and take back with them to the nether regions. The phantom chase is usually heard as the baying of the spirit hounds or seen as hounds flying through the skies in midwinter, but is always accompanied by a howling wind. The hounds of the Wild Hunt usually take the form of snow-white, red-eared spectral hounds. They are associated with the sounds of migrating wild geese, and since Christian times, are sometimes said to be leading the souls of the damned to hell. In Brythonic mythology, the hounds that took part in the Wild Hunt are called Cwn Annwn, or the hounds of Annwn. In the UK, they are often called the Gabriel Hounds, Ratchets or the Gabble Retchets, and sometimes the Yell Hounds. In various myths, the Wild Hunt hounds are owned by various Gods with different names. In Wales, the ghost hounds are usually said to be accompanied by Arawn (also spelled Arawyn, Arrawn or Arawn) whose name means "silver-tongued". Arawn is the Welsh Underworld god of Annwn who rides upon a pale horse. Annwn is the Welsh nether world, but unlike many other underworlds, Annwn is not a place of eternal torment or punishment, and mortals may visit it. It is said that it is from Annwn that the Wild Hunt rides out. In the Mabinogion, there is a tale involving Pwyll, lord of Dyfed, and his encounter with Arawn and the hounds. Pwyll was out with his own pack of hounds when he encountered a strange pack of hounds, pure white except for their red ears. Beating them off their prey (a stag), he set his own pack upon them, an act for which he was chided by their owner, Arawn. As a punishment for his act, Arawn laid upon Pwyll the following penance: Pwyll was to live in Arawn's place, disguised, for a year and a day, while Arawn lived in his place in Dyfed. At the end of the time, he would do battle with Hagfan, Arawn's rival for dominion of the underworld, and defeat him, for only a mortal man could so do. Pwyll not only (1 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:18:09 AM]

Winter Spirits - Specific Information on Spectral

fulfilled this task and defeated Hafgan for Arawn, but also refrained from sleeping with Arawn's wife, so as a reward, Arawn became his close friend. In other Welsh tales, the hounds are said to be accompanied by Gwyn ap Nuad (also spelled Gwynn Ap Nudd). Gwyn ap Nuad is a God of war, death and the hunt and the patron God of fallen warriors. His name means "white son of Darkness" since he is the son of the sun/death God Llud. Gwyn ap Nuad appears in a flowing gray cloak and rides upon a pale wild white horse following the hounds during the midwinter Wild Hunts. In some of the tales, his hounds are pictured as three in number - with one hound red, one black and one white. In other Celtic regions the hounds are said to be accompanied by the hunters Gwyn, Bran, Arthur, Gabriel or Herne the Hunter. In the Norse and Teutonic traditions the hounds of the Wild Hunt are hunted by Wotan, Grim, or Odin. No matter who the huntsman is of the Wild Hunt, the spectral hounds always represent the wild winter months and the journey to the darker netherworlds. That Wild Hunts still occur in more modern times is indisputable. In 1127 in the UK, an Abbot called Henry of Poitou was appointed to Peterborough Abbey. The chronicler of the day wrote this in the Abbey's official journal: 'tat as soon as he (Henry of Poitou) came there . . . the soon afterwards many people saw and heard many hunters hunting. The hunters were black and big and loathsome, and their hounds all wide-eyed and loathsome, and they rode on black horses and black goats.' Such a wild hunt was reported at a similar time in the Welsh Marches by Walter Map, writing about 1190. And in 1960, a spectral hound appeared to two people in Somerset - both of whom died soon after. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Mithra (2 of 2) [8/8/2008 7:18:09 AM]

Winter Spirits - Specific Information on Mithra

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Mithra, Lord of Heavenly Light

Submitted by: swampy 'A Song to Mithras - Hymn of the XXX Legion: Circa A.D. 350' "Mithras, God of the Morning, our trumpets waken the wall! 'Rome is above the Nations, but Thou art over all' Now as the names are answered, and the guards are marched away, Mithras, also a solider, give us strength for the day! Mithras, God of the Noontide, the heather swims in the heat, Our helmets scorch our foreheads; our sandals burn our feet, Now in the ungrit hour; now ere we blink and drowse, Mithras also a solider, keep us true to our vows! Mithras, God of the Sunset, low on the Western main, Thou descending immortal, immortal to rise again! Now when the watch is ended, now when the wine is drawn Mithras also a solider, keep us pure till the dawn! Mithras, God of Midnight, here where the great bull dies, Look on thy children in darkness. Oh take our sacrifice! Many roads Thou has fashioned: all of them lead to the Light, Mithras, also a solider, teach us to die aright." (From Rudyard Kipling's Puck of Pook's Hill.) In Christian history, Christ's birthday was not celebrated on December 25th until the 4th century. Before then, December 25th was best known as the birthday of the Persian SunGod, Mithra (Mithras in Latin and Greek, and Mitra in India). The mythology of Christ's birth seems to be very similar to that of Mithra's, leading many scholars to note the role that Mithraism (the worship of Mithra) appears to play in the very foundations of Christianity as a religion. In order to understand Mithraism, you really need to look at the history of Mithra and His worship. Mithra started out as an ancient Indo-Iranian god - in other words, He was originally worshipped in India and in ancient Persia. The birth of Mithra (who is sometimes mentioned as the son of Ahura Mazda), is said to have occurred at the winter solstice. The myth tells that Mithra sprang up full-grown man from a rock (or a cave), armed with (1 of 3) [8/8/2008 7:18:27 AM]

Winter Spirits - Specific Information on Mithra

a knife and carrying a torch. Shepherds watched His miraculous appearance and hurried to greet Him with the first fruits of their flocks and their harvests. Later, Mithra fought with the sun and managed to capture the divine bull and slay it before He ascended to heaven. From the blood of the bull came forth all the plants and animals beneficial to mankind. In the Avesta, Mithra is portrayed as having ten thousand ears and eyes, and riding in a chariot pulled by white horses. Some scholars feel that the worship of Mithra actually started in India. In Hinduism, He is praised as the binomial Mitra-Varuna. A hymn is dedicated to Him alone in Rig Veda (3.59) and He is praised as the Lord of Heavenly light, protector of truth, and is invoked when a contract or oath is taken. The worship of Mithra quickly spread to ancient Persia, where He was worshiped as early as 1400 BC. Until the 6th century B.C., Mithra was apparently one of many minor Gods in the Persian religious system. Mithra became increasingly important until He appeared in the 5th century B.C. as the principal Persian deity, the god of light and wisdom, closely associated with the sun. When Zorostar reformed Persian polytheism (628-55 BC), thus starting the religion known today as Zoroastrian, all the existing gods and goddesses worshipped in Persia were drastically re-ordered into a new henotheistic hierarchy. Mithra was stripped of His sovereignty, reduced to the status of Yazata and all His powers and attributes were bestowed upon the main God of the Zoroastrian religion: Ahura Mazda. The word 'Yazata' is the Old Iranian designation for 'god'. In Zoroastrianism the Yazatas are minor deities that are the guardians of the celestial bodies and the messengers of Ahura Mazda. Although Mithra was 'demoted' in the Zoroastrian religion, this did not stop the worship of Mithra from spreading through the Middle East into Europe and becoming a worldwide religion, called Mithraism. Mithraism was introduced into the Roman world during the reign of Nero and soon was one of the great religions of the Roman Empire - in fact during the 2nd century A.D. it was more popular than Christianity, to which it bore many similarities. In Mithraism, Mithra was seen to be presiding over the changing of seasons and the movement of the heavens themselves. According to the teachings of Mithraism, the scene of Mithra slaying a bull represented the precession of the equinoxes - Mithra was in effect moving the entire universe. Astrologers of the Mithraism religion said that the epic battle of Mithra and the bull played itself out in the heavens every year as the seasons changed. Mithraism celebrated the changing of seasons as Nou-roz (spring equinox), Mehregan (autumn equinox), Shab-Yalda (winter solstice), and summer solstice. Mithraism found widest favor among the Roman military legions, for whom Mithra was the ideal warrior God. Mithraism taught the dualistic struggle between the forces of good and evil and offered hope of immortality through the practice of secret rites and a system of rigorous ethics. The ethics of Mithraism were harsh - fasting and continence were strongly prescribed. The rituals, highly secretive and restricted to men only, included many of the sacramental forms common to the mystery religions (e.g., baptism and the sacred banquet). Like the other ancient mystery religions, such as the Eleusinian mysteries and the mysteries of Isis, the Mithraic cult maintained strict secrecy about its teachings and practices, revealing them only to initiates. Mithra was worshipped in temples called Mithraea, which were artificially constructed caves that represented His birth-cave. The ceilings of the Mithraea looked like the starry sky and at the sides benches where placed for the ritual meals. Remains of Mithraic temples can be found throughout the Roman empire, from Palestine across north of Africa, and across central Europe to North of England. Three temples to Mithras have been found so faron Hadrian's Wall, at Carrawburgh, Rudchester and Housesteads, and some 50 of these cavetemples still exist in Rome today. Mithra was soon worshipped in Rome as 'Deus sol invictus' ("the unconquered sun"). The great popularity of Mithraism is evident in how many of Rome's leaders were members - even (2 of 3) [8/8/2008 7:18:27 AM]

Winter Spirits - Specific Information on Mithra

the Roman emperor Commodus was initiated into Mithra's cult. In 274 AD, the Roman emperor Valerian declared December 25th the Birthday of Sol Invictus, the Unconquerable Sun, and so this date became the celebration of Mithra's birth. As Christianity gathered momentum and eventually became the Roman Empires' state religion (which occured when Constantine the Great converted to Christianity in 312 AD), Mithraism was not tolerated. The religion began to decline then and after a temporary revival under Julius the Apostate (331-363), Mithraism disappeared for good. Christianity viewed Mithraism as a "satanic transversty of the holiest rites of their religion". Nevertheless, Catholicism has preserved some of the outer form of Mithraism like the timing of Christmas; their Bishop's adaptation of miters as sign of their office; and their priests being called 'Father', as were those ofMithraism. While the outer appearance of Mithraism can be detected inCatholicism, some traces of the inner teachings of Mithraism can be found in Sufisim. the Witches Three Tree Intro Top of Page Next: Nuit (3 of 3) [8/8/2008 7:18:27 AM]

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