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General Instruction Manuscript should be in : a! Ti"es #e$ Ro"an b! %ont &' c) Spacin( ) &*+

Book, with two or three authors Re,erence ,or the ,irst ti"e in the te-t Michael .* /oe and Mar0 Van Stone1 Reading the Maya Glyphs 2London: Tha"es 3 Hudson1 '44'!1 &'5 64* Subse7uent re,erence to the sa"e author in the te-t Michael .* /oe and Mar0 Van Stone1 Reading the Maya Glyphs1 &+4* I, re,erence to the sa"e authors 3 boo0 i""ediatel8 a,ter the ,irst citation Ibid1 &9+* Book, with four or more authors Re,erence ,or the ,irst ti"e in the te-t L8nn Hunt et al*1 The Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures 2:oston: :ed,ord1 '44&!1 +;&* Subse7uent re,erence to the sa"e author in the te-t L8nn Hunt et al*1 The Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures1 +<4* I, re,erence to the sa"e authors 3 boo0 i""ediatel8 a,ter the ,irst citation Ibid1 944* Book, with no known author Re,erence ,or the ,irst ti"e in the te-t The Men's League Handbook on Women's uffrage 2London: Tha"es 3 Hudson1 &5&'!1 '6*

Subse7uent re,erence to the sa"e author in the te-t The Men's League Handbook on Women's uffrage1 64* I, re,erence to the sa"e authors 3 boo0 i""ediatel8 a,ter the ,irst citation Ibid1 6+* Book, edited without an author Re,erence ,or the ,irst ti"e in the te-t =ac0 :eatt81 ed*1 Colossus: Ho! the Corporation Changed "meri#a 2#e$ Yor0: :road$a8 :oo0s1 '44&!1 &'>* Subse7uent re,erence to the sa"e author in the te-t =ac0 :eatt81 ed*1 Colossus: Ho! the Corporation Changed "meri#a1 &66* I, re,erence to the sa"e author 3 boo0 i""ediatel8 a,ter the ,irst citation Ibid1 &;4* Book, edited with an author Re,erence ,or the ,irst ti"e in the te-t Ted ?oston1 " $irst %raft of History1 ed* @athleen A* Hau0e 2Athens: UniAersit8 o, Beor(ia ?ress1 '444!1 ;9* Subse7uent re,erence to the sa"e author in the te-t Ted ?oston1 " $irst %raft of History1 ed* @athleen A* Hau0e1 ;9* I, re,erence to the sa"e author 3 boo0 i""ediatel8 a,ter the ,irst citation Ibid1 +4* Book, translated Re,erence ,or the ,irst ti"e in the te-t Tonino Buerra1 "bandoned Pla#es1 trans* Adria :ernardi 2:arcelona: Buernica1 &555!1 >&* Subse7uent re,erence to the sa"e author in the te-t Tonino Buerra1 "bandoned Pla#es1 trans* Adria :ernardi 2:arcelona: Buernica1 &555!1 >+* I, re,erence to the sa"e author 3 boo0 i""ediatel8 a,ter the ,irst citation

Ibid1 ><* Book, in an edition other than the first Re,erence ,or the ,irst ti"e in the te-t Andre$ %* Rolle1 California: " History1 +th ed* 2Wheelin(1 IL: Harlan .aAidson1 &55<!1 ';6* Subse7uent re,erence to the sa"e author in the te-t Andre$ %* Rolle1 California: " History1 +th ed1 '+4* I, re,erence to the sa"e author 3 boo0 i""ediatel8 a,ter the ,irst citation Ibid1 '++* Book, from a multivolume work Re,erence ,or the ,irst ti"e in the te-t =a"es M* Mc?herson1 &rdeal by $ire1 Aol* '1 The Ci'il War 2#e$ Yor0: McBra$ Hill1 &556!1 '4+* Subse7uent re,erence to the sa"e author in the te-t =a"es M* Mc?herson1 &rdeal by $ire1 Aol* '1 The Ci'il War1 '&+* I, re,erence to the sa"e author 3 boo0 i""ediatel8 a,ter the ,irst citation Ibid1 '64* Articles in Journals Re,erence ,or the ,irst ti"e in the te-t Bodden1 L*2'44+!* Water La$ Re,or" in Australia and South A,rica: Sustainabilit81 E,,icienc8 and Social =ustice* (ournal of )n'ironmental La! &>1 &<& '4+* Subse7uent re,erence to the sa"e author in the te-t Bodden1 L1Water La$ Re,or" in Australia and South A,rica: Sustainabilit81 E,,icienc8 and Social =ustice1 '&4* I, re,erence to the sa"e author 3 boo0 i""ediatel8 a,ter the ,irst citation Ibid1 '&+* Articles in Electronic Journals Re,erence ,or the ,irst ti"e in the te-t

%rancis Loh* 2'44;1 March!* Understandin( the '44; Election Result*"liran Monthly* RetriAed %ebruar8 ;1 '44<* http:CC$$$*aliran*co"ColdsiteC"onthl8C'44;aC6(*ht"l* Subse7uent re,erence to the sa"e author in the te-t %rancis Loh* 2'44;1 March!* Understandin( the '44; Election Result* I, re,erence to the sa"e author 3 article i""ediatel8 a,ter the ,irst citation Ibid* Articles in Proceedings Re,erence ,or the ,irst ti"e in the te-t A$an( @ipli1 .*S*#1 Local A(enda '& InitiatiAe in Waste Mini"iDation ,or Miri /it81 paper presented at the ;th Sabah Sara$a0 EnAiron"ental /onAention '4491 + ) > Septe"ber '4491@ota @inabalu1 Sara$a0* Subse7uent re,erence to the sa"e author and article in the te-t A$an( @ipli1 .*S*#1 Local A(enda '& InitiatiAe in Waste Mini"iDation ,or Miri /it8* Case Mohamad )+am Mohd ,oor ' -etua Polis ,egara 2'44'! ; ML= ;;51 ;+'* T$o or "ore cases
aul Hamid bin Pakir Mohamad ' .nspe#tor "bdul $atah bin "bdul Rahman / "nor E&555F 9 ML= <44; "bdul Ghani bin Haroon ' -etua Polis ,egara and "nother Application E'44&F ' ML= 9<5*

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