Pizza Hut Marketing Project

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Pizza Hut is one of the flagship brands of Yum! Brands, Inc., which also has KF , !aco Bell, "#$ and %ong &ohn 'il(er)s under its umbrella. Pizza Hut is the world)s largest pizza chain with o(er *+,,-- restaurants across .* countries In India, Pizza Hut has */0 restaurants across /1 cities, including 2elhi, 3umbai, Bangalore, hennai, Kol4ata, H5derabad, Pune, and handigarh amongst others. Yum! is in the process of opening Pizza Hut restaurants at man5 more locations to ser(ice a larger customer base across the countr5


19586 !he legac5 of Pizza Hut began, when two college7aged brothers from $hichita, Kansas, Fran4 and 2an arne5 opens first Pizza Hut restaurant after borrowing 81-- from their mother.

19596 Pizza Hut is incorporated in Kansas and the first franchise unit opens in !ope4a, Kansas.

19686 International mar4et entered with opening of Pizza Hut restaurant in anada.

196969ed roof adopted for restaurants.

19726Pizza Hut, Inc. listed on :ew Yor4 'toc4 ;<change under the s5mbol PI=.

19776Pizza Hut, Inc. stoc4holders o(erwhelmingl5 appro(e merger with Pepsi o, Inc. for an undisclosed sum.

198662eli(er5 ser(ice, as a new concept, is initiated

19966Pizza hut comes to India with a dine in restaurant Banglore that has special (egetarian pizzas.

19976Pizzahut opens a dine7in restaurant in 2elhi.

+--0 Pizza hut brought out our !hic4 n !hin Pizza and began to re7franchise our dine7in restaurants.


Strngths: >ood ?ualit5 Food @H5gieneA Brand :ame

Food worth its Price >ood 'er(ice

Weaknesses: Par4ing Facilities "d(ertisings are (er5 less Fewer Butlets :o 'ocial $elfare

Opportunities: 3ore outlets should be open. 'itting "rea should be broader. ;n(ironment should be more attracti(e. "ttracti(e offers should be introduced.

Threats: ompetitors li4e C' Pizza, 2ominos, etc.

Instant Fast Food Pac4ets. Housewi(es are interested in ma4ing Pizzas # other Fast Food at home.


Bnion # capsicum


3ushroom, onion, tomato # capsicum


3ushroom, capsicum, onion, bab5 corn, tomato # oli(es


3ushroom, onion, tomato # capsicum


hic4en hot n spic5, green capsicum # mushroom


hic4en hot n spic5, chic4en ti44a # chun45 chic4en


Promotion is a form of corporate communication that uses (arious methods to reach a targeted audience with a certain message in order to achie(e specific organizational obDecti(es. :earl5 all organizations, whether for7profit or not7for7 profit, in all t5pes of industries, must engage in some form of promotion. 'uch efforts ma5 range from multinational firms spending large sums on securing high7 profile celebrities to ser(e as corporate spo4espersons to the owner of a one7 person enterprise passing out business cards at a local businessperson)s meeting. %i4e most mar4eting decisions, an effecti(e promotional strateg5 reEuires the mar4eter understand how promotion fits with other pieces of the mar4eting puzzle @e.g., product, distribution, pricing, target mar4etsA. onseEuentl5, promotion decisions should be made with an appreciation for how it affects other areas of the compan5. For instance, running a maDor ad(ertising campaign for a new product

without first assuring there will be enough in(entor5 to meet potential demand generated b5 the ad(ertising would certainl5 not go o(er well with the compan5)s production department @not to mention other 4e5 compan5 e<ecuti(esA. !hus, mar4eters should not wor4 in a (acuum when ma4ing promotion decisions. 9ather, the o(erall success of a promotional strateg5 reEuires input from others in impacted functional areas. Types o !ro"otion

"d(ertising 'ales Promotion ;(entsF ;<periences Public 9elations Personal 'elling


!#O$%&T $orldwide and in India, Pizza Hut has come to become s5non5mous with the Gbest pizzas under one roof). !his is because at Pizza Hut the belief is that e(er5 pizza has its own magic, thus ma4ing it a destination product H which e(er5one see4s. It is this belief that has ignited the passion to create, inno(ate and ser(e the finest product the industr5 has to offer, while

setting standards for others to stri(e to replicate. Pizza Hut is committed to pro(iding uncompromising product Eualit5, offering customers the highest (alue for mone5 and gi(ing ser(ice that is warm, friendl5 and personal. " critical factor in Pizza Hut)s success has been its uniEue dining e<perience. rewmembers at Pizza Hut stri(e each da5 to pro(ide Gcustomer mania) 7 the 4ind of ser(ice that ensures that e(er5 (isit of the customer is a memorable one.

In fact, to ensure stringent international bench7mar4s in the Eualit5 of products and ser(ices at all its restaurants across the world, Pizza Hut has a m5ster5 shopper program in which an un4nown official (isits a restaurant and e(aluates it on certain defined parameters called &.'.(.).!.S. that stan* or &+ean+iness, 'ospita+ity, (--ura-y, )aintenan-e, !ro*u-t .ua+ity an* Spee*. Based on the report submitted b5 the official, the restaurants are rated and in the rare case of finding under performers, the5 are 4ept under strict (igil

" critical factor in Pizza Hut)s success has been a menu that has constantl5 e(ol(ed and e<panded to cater to the changing needs and specific preferences of customers in different parts of the /or+*. 0n ha1ing un*erstoo* the pu+se o the -usto"ers in 0n*ia, !i22a 'ut has -+ear+y esta3+ishe* itse+ as a 3ran* /ith an 0n*ian heart. Besides offering an e<tensi(e range of (egetarian pizzas, it /as the irst pi22a -hain to open a 1004 1egetarian restaurant in 0n*ia in Surat an* +ater in (h"e*a3a* an* &ho/patty, /here it o ingre*ients. ers a 5ain "enu sans a++ root63ase*

B(er the 5ears Pizza Hut has also de(eloped and successfull5 introduced a range of products especiall5 suited to the Indian palate. !hese products li4e hic4en !i44a, 'pic5 Korma, 'pic5 Paneer and the 3asala and !andoori pizzas ha(e been a tremendous success. What has a+so gi1en !i22a 'ut a

-o"petiti1e e*ge is that in a**ition to an e7tensi1e range o internationa++y reno/ne* pi22as +ike The 0ta+ian, the proprietary !an !i22a an* Stu e* &rust, in 0n*ia the "enu o ers the option o a -o"p+ete "ea+. It includes appetizers, a 'alad Bar 7 where the customers can ma4e their own fresh salads, a range of soups, pastas and desserts

)(#89T !i22a 'ut /as a"ong the irst "u+tinationa+ 3ran*s to enter the oo* retai+ se-tor in 0n*ia. When the irst !i22a 'ut restaurant opene* in :anga+ore the .ui-k ser1i-e in*ustry /as at a nas-ent stage an* the pi22a -ategory /as *o"inate* 3y a so+e regiona+ p+ayer /ho ha* a "argina+ presen-e. Pizza Hut went on to pla5 a significant role in pioneering and de(eloping this categor5 in India. 'ince then the mar4et has sustained considerable growth. ( *ra"ati- shi t in +i esty+e tren*s, su3stantia+ in-rease in *isposa3+e in-o"e, a 3urgeoning "i**+e -+ass an* the entry o a signi i-ant nu"3er o internationa+ an* nationa+ p+ayers has -ontri3ute* to a 3oo" in the in*ustry. !he mar4et has become greatl5 competiti(e and the customer has become more discerning and ad(enturous. !his howe(er has not affected Pizza Hut)s comfortable reign o(er the Indian pizza industr5 and the e(er7increasing number of lo5al customers who ha(e made it possible for Pizza Hut to aggressi(el5 e<tend its presence.

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!he strength of Pizza Hut)s success globall5 lies in a mar4eting strateg5 that builds connections with customer)s e(er5da5 in different parts of the world. 3an5 customer ser(ice initiati(es ha(e been uniEuel5 de(eloped for India and ha(e been greatl5 instrumental in building an emotional bond with the customer. For instance the -re/"e"3ers at !i22a 'ut 3reak into a :oogie at restaurants in $e+hi an* )u"3ai an* *o the :hangra in

&han*igarh an* ("ritsar. $hile a bell hangs at each Pizza Hut restaurant, which is rung b5 customers who as the5 lea(e wish to than4 the ser(ers for 5et another memorable (isit.

In India, eating out is percei(ed as a form of entertainment. $hich is wh5 Pizza Hut ser(ers not onl5 ser(e our customers great food, the5 also sing and dance for them. "nd man5 of Pizza Hut)s customers would, we are certain, lo(e to participate in this process. >i(ing them an opportunit5 to showcase their talent H they -on-ei1e* the 5ig n 5eeto -ontest. Organi2e* in $e+hi or the irst ti"e, it re-ei1e* a pheno"ena+ response /ith super star =ar*een 8han ?u*ging the sho/. !i22a 'ut hopes to -ontinue this -ontest as a tra*ition or the years to o++o/.

Pizza Hut)s communication has also alwa5s struc4 a chord with the Indian customer. 0ts 1ery irst te+e1ision -o""er-ia+ in 0n*ia eature* a 3oy an* gir+, /ho "eet at a !i22a 'ut restaurant in a tra*itiona+ arrange* "arriage setting. !he5 lose their inhibitions when the pizza arri(es. $hen the seEuel went on air featuring the same couple, now married, with the girl)s father consoling her o(er a pizza as her bridegroom waits outside the restaurant to escort her after their wedding 7 the customer)s in(ol(ement was so complete that se(eral wrote in to inEuire whether the couple had children

The "ore re-ent -a"paign that /as +aun-he* /ith the intro*u-tion o the Tan*oori pi22as eature* a typi-a+ 0n*ian /e**ing pro-ession a3an*oning the 3ri*egroo" /hen enti-e* 3y *e+i-ious aro"as ro" a !i22a 'ut restaurant. $hile the famous G@oo* ti"es start /ith great pi22asA s+ogan has 3een pro"inent in the -o""uni-ation ,the o-us has re"aine* on the 3est an* "ost *istin-t pi22as.

Pizza Hut laid more emphasis on its Brestaurant dining e<perienceC.

Pizza Hut localizes it menu to capture local Indian 3ar4et.

In +--- Pizza Hut launched its inno(ati(e Pizza Pooch menu and Pizza Pooch Birthda5 Part5 pac4age e<clusi(el5 for 4ids in the 17*- age groups.

It positioned itself as famil5 restaurant and also concentrated on wooing 4ids

On+ine pro"otiona+ strategies

Pizza hut pro(ide man5 ser(ices online such as

Birthda5 reminder ser(ice7 here people can sa(e the birthda5 date of their
friends, relati(es , and pizza hut will remind 5ou the birthda5 date and birthda5 parties discount and u can boo4 online

;7coupon and discount offer a(ailable to online customers

Hot line number H pizza hut hot line number also pro(ide at online which is

;(en customer can do online order of pizzas

a JIP @(er5 into pizzaA club made where people can register their email,mobile number where pizza hut pro(ide them latest pizza news, discounts and offers at email ,mobile phones.



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