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Name: _______________________________ ( ) Class: _______



Secondary 4 Express / 5 Normal


Monday 14 Sept 2009 0830-1030 2 hours


Write your name, register number and class at the top of this page.
Write in dark blue or black pen in the spaces provided on the Question Paper.
You may use a pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.

Answer all questions.

If working is needed for any question, it must be shown with the answer.
Omission of essential working will result in loss of marks.
Calculators should be used where appropriate.
If the degree of accuracy is not specified in the question, and if the answer is not exact,
give the answer to three significant figures. Give answers in degrees to one decimal
For π , use calculator value or 3.142, unless the question requires the answer in terms
of π .

At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part
The total of the marks for this paper is 80.

This document consists of 16 printed pages.

Setter: Ong CL

Mathematical Formulae

Compound interest

 r 
Total amount = P1 + 
 100 


Curved surface area of cone = π rl

Surface area of a sphere = 4π r 2

Volume of a cone = π r 2 h

4 3
Volume of a sphere = πr

Area of triangle ABC = ab sin C
Arc length = r θ , where θ is in radians

1 2
Sector area = r θ , where θ is in radians


a b c
= =
sin A sin B sin C

a 2 = b 2 + c 2 − 2bc cos A


Mean =
∑ fx

Standard deviation =
∑ f x 2 −  ∑ f x 
∑ f  ∑ f 

4E5N Math Paper1 Prelim 2009


Answer all the questions.

38.89 − 6.03
1 (a) Evaluate , correct to 1 significant figure.
1.963 × 2703
(b) Simplify 27 x × 3−2 x ÷ 9 2

Answer (a)_______________________ [1]

(b)_______________________ [1]
2 The distance between the Sun and the Earth is 1.5 × 108 km.

(a) Light travels at 3 × 105 km/s. Calculate the time taken for light to travel from the Sun to
the Earth. Give your answer in standard form.
(b) Pluto is 6.0 × 109 km from the Sun. On a certain day, the Sun, Earth and Pluto are in a
straight line with the Earth between the Sun and Pluto. The distance between the Earth
and Pluto can be expressed as k billion km. Find the value of k.

Answer (a)______________________ s [1]

(b)_______________________ [1]
4E5N Math Paper1 Prelim 2009

3 Solve the simultaneous equations.

5x + 2 y = 1
2 x = y + 13

Answer x = _________ , y = _________ [2]

4 Each interior angle of a regular 10-sided polygon is 84° more than each exterior angle of
a regular n-sided polygon. Calculate the value of n.

Answer _________________________ [2]

4E5N Math Paper1 Prelim 2009

5 A shopkeeper bought a watch for $250. He still made a percentage profit of 80% despite
offering a 25% discount to his customer. Calculate the selling price of his watch before

Answer $_________________________ [2]

6 Given that − 2 ≤ x ≤ 1 and − 6 ≤ y ≤ −1 where x and y are integers, find
(a) the greatest value of ( x − y ) 2 ,
x+ y
(b) the smallest value of .

Answer (a)_______________________ [1]

(b)_______________________ [1]

4E5N Math Paper1 Prelim 2009


7 (a) The temperature in Beijing at 0500 was −2°C. At 1400 the temperature was 16°C.
Assuming that the temperature rose at a steady rate, find the time when the temperature
was 10°C.
(b) A feeder bus left the station 3p minutes after 1100 and arrived back at the station 20
minutes later at p minutes to 1300. At what time did the bus leave the station?

Answer (a)_______________________ [1]

(b)_______________________ [2]
8 Given that ξ = {x :1 ≤ x ≤ 11, x is an integer} ,
A = { x : x is a prime number} ,
B = {x : x is a factor 24} ,
C = {x : x is a multiple of 3} .

(a) List the elements in

(i) A ∩ B ∩ C ,
(ii) ( B ∪ C ) '
(b) Find n( A ∩ B ') .

Answer (a)_______________________ [1]

(b)_______________________ [1]

(c)_______________________ [1]
4E5N Math Paper1 Prelim 2009

9 A man invests $1000 for 3 years at 10% per annum simple interest. How much greater
would his return have been if the money had been invested at 10% per annum compound
interest, compounded annually, for the same period?

Answer $ ________________________ [3]

10 A six-faced unbiased die was thrown 20 times.
The table below shows the frequency that each number on the die appeared.

Number 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 4 6 3 2 4 1

(a) After the 19th throw, the median number was 2. What was the least possible number that
appeared on the 20th throw?
(b) The die was thrown one more time and the mean number of all 21 throws was 3.
Calculate the number that appeared on the last throw.

Answer (a)_______________________ [1]

(b)_______________________ [2]
4E5N Math Paper1 Prelim 2009

11 During the last FA Cup Final, Coffee Shops A, B and C attracted more customers by
providing live telecasts of matches on cable television. The average number of orders for
soft drinks, beer and coffee for a match day are as follows:

Coffee Shop Cans of soft drinks Bottles of beer Cups of coffee

A 90 50 60
B 10 85 16
C 70 30 40

The price per can of soft drinks is $1.80, per bottle of beer is $6.00 and per cup of coffee is

P is a 3 × 3 matrix to represent the number of soft drinks, beer and coffee sold by the 3
coffee shops and Q is a 3 × 1 matrix to represent the cost of soft drinks, beer and coffee sold
by the 3 coffee shops.

(a) If R = PQ, calculate R.

(b) Given S = (1 1 1) and T = SR, calculate T.
(c) Explain what is the significance of your answer in (b).

Answer (a)_______________________ [1]

(b)_______________________ [1]

(c)_______________________ [1]
4E5N Math Paper1 Prelim 2009

12 A football club decided to pay a certain amount of money as bonus to 3 strikers, David,
Michael and Henry. They are to share the bonus in the ratio of the goals they score. David,
Michael and Henry scored 21, 18 and 6 goals respectively. The mean amount of money each
striker will receive is $4 500.

(a) Find the amount of bonus Henry would receive.

(b) The football club decided to include another striker Ronaldo, to receive the bonus. If
Ronaldo received $3 375 and Michael received $1 350 lesser now, how many goals did
Ronaldo score?

Answer (a) $______________________ [2]

(b)_______________________ [2]
13 (a) Expand and simplify (2e − 3)2 − 5e(6 − e) .
(b) Factorise completely m 2 n 2 + n 2 − m 2 − 1 .

Answer (a)_______________________ [2]

(b)_______________________ [3]
4E5N Math Paper1 Prelim 2009

14 In the diagram, AOB is the diameter of a semicircle, centre O and radius 35 cm. OPQ is a
quadrant of a circle and the straight line QR cuts AB at R. OR = 24 cm and QR = 25 cm.

Taking π = , calculate
(a) the length of OP,
(b) the perimeter of the shaded region.
(c) the value of cos ∠QRB.

Answer (a)_____________________ cm [1]

(b)_____________________ cm [2]

(c)_______________________ [1]

15 (a) Given that y varies inversely as (2x + 3) and the difference in the values of y when
x = 1 and x = 3 is 4, express y in terms of x.
(b) If tap A can fill up a tank in 20 minutes and tap B can fill up the same tank in 15
minutes, how long will it take for the taps to fill up the tank together?

Answer (a) y = ___________________ [2]

(b)____________________ min [2]

4E5N Math Paper1 Prelim 2009

16 A bowl of sweets contains 2 fruit gums, 3 mints and 5 toffees. 3 sweets are to be chosen at
random and without replacement, from the bowl. Calculate the probability that

(a) all 3 sweets will not be mint,

(b) of the 3 sweets chosen, the first 2 will be the same and the third a toffee,

Answer (a)_______________________ [2]

(b)_______________________ [2]
1 + mn
17 (a) Given that p = , express m in terms of p, q and n.
(b) Solve the equation x( x − 2) = 18 + 5 x .

Answer (a)_______________________ [3]

(b)_______________________ [2]

4E5N Math Paper1 Prelim 2009


18 (a) The equation of each of the curves below is of the form y = ax n , where n is an integer
such that −1 ≤ n ≤ 2 . Each of the curves passes through the point (2, 1). Write down the
equation for each of the curves.

(b) (i) Sketch the graph of y = ( x + 3)(1 − x) .



(ii) Write down the coordinates of the maximum point of the curve.

Answer (a)Fig. 1:__________________ [1]

Fig. 2: __________________ [1]

(b)(ii) (_________, _________) [1]

4E5N Math Paper1 Prelim 2009

19 The diagram shows the speed-time graph of car A and car B. The distance travelled by car B
in T seconds is 720 metres.

speed (m/s)

Car A

Car B

0 20 50 90 T time (s)
(a) Calculate
(i) the value of T,
(ii) the speed of the cars at the instant when they were both travelling at the same speed.

(b) Sketch the distance-time graph for car B for T seconds.

distance (m)

0 20 50 90 T time (s) [2]

Answer (a)(i)______________________ [2]

(ii)__________________ m/s [1]


4E5N Math Paper1 Prelim 2009


20 3 corners P, Q and R of a plot of land PQRS are drawn to scale in the diagram below.
Q is 1 km south of P. The corner S is 900 m from R on a bearing of 055°.

(a) Find the scale used in the form 1 : n.

(b) Hence, complete the scale drawing of the plot of land PQRS.
(c) On the plot of land, construct
(i) the bisector of angle PQR,
(ii) the perpendicular bisector of the line QR.
(d) A hut H lies on the intersection of these 2 lines. A footpath is constructed from the hut to
the corner Q. Find the actual distance, in metres, of the footpath.


Answer (a)__________:____________ [1]

(d)_____________________ m [1]
4E5N Math Paper1 Prelim 2009

21 The diagram shows the points P(−5, −3), Q(−1, −3) and R(5, 5).

6 R

-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 x


P Q -4

Find (a) the gradient of the line PR,

(b) the equation of the line which is parallel to PR and passes through the point Q,
(c) the area of ∆PQR,
(d) the shortest distance from the point P to the line RQ produced.

Answer (a)_______________________ [1]

(b)_______________________ [2]

(c)___________________ units [1]

(d)_______________________ [2]
4E5N Math Paper1 Prelim 2009
uuur uuur uuur uuur
22 In the figure, OA = 4a , OB = b , BC = 3OA and D is the intersection of OC and AB.



O 4a A

(a) Express in terms of a and b,

uuur uuur
(i) AC , (ii) AD . uuur
(b) Given that E is a point on AB produced and AE = ka − 5b, find the value of k.
(c) Find the value of each of the following:
area of ∆OAD area of ∆OBD
(i) , (ii) .
area of ∆CBD area of ∆ACD

Answer (a)(i)_____________________ [1]

(ii)_____________________ [1]

(b)_______________________ [2]

(c)(i)_____________________ [1]

(ii)_____________________ [1]

4E5N Math Paper1 Prelim 2009


Answer Keys:

1.(a) 0.08 (b) 3x−1

2. (a) 5×10 2
(b) 5.85
3. x = 3, y = −7
4. 6
5. $600
6. (a) 49 (b) 0
7. (a) 1100 (b) 1215
8. (a) {3} (b) {5, 7, 10, 11} (c) 3
9. $31
10. (a) 3 (b) 4
 552 
 
11. (a)  552  (b) (490)
 366 
 
(c) It represents the average earnings of the 3 coffee shops.
12. (a) $1800 (b) 15
13. (a) 9e −42e+9
(b) (n + 1)(n − 1)(m2 + 1)
14. (a) 7 cm (b) 185 cm (c) −
15. (a) y = (b) 8 4/7 min
2x + 3
7 5
16. (a) (b)
24 36
17. (a) m = 2 (b) x = 9 or −2
p q−n
1 2
18. (a) Fig. 1: y = x 2 ; Fig. 2: y = (b)(ii) (−1, 4)
4 x
19. (a)(i) 105 (ii) 6 m/s
20. (a) 1 : 20 000 (d) 1040 m
4 4 11
21. (a) (b) y = x − (c) 16 units (d) 3.2 units
5 5 5
22. (a)(i) 8a + b (ii) ¼ (−4a + b) (b) 20
(c)(i) (ii) 1

4E5N Math Paper1 Prelim 2009

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