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20-2-2014 Thursday


My Salutations to all Pious Souls.. FAITH Before making spiritual progress it is ne essary for us to ha!e ontrol o!er our "ody# "e ause a person, who does not ha e !ontro" o er h#s $od%, w#"" ne er ha e !ontro" o er h#s so&"$ %e are independent in our daily li!es& "ut 'e do not ha!e ontrol o!er oursel!es# and 'e often take the help of ()uru Pla es* to o"tain ontrol o!er our ha"its and our "ody. This is "e ause 'e ha!e a feeling of (faith* to'ards the )uru Pla es and "e ause of this feeling of faith 'e "e ome apa"le of o"taining ontrol o!er our "ody. %e are in apa"le of ontrolling our "ody& 'e are (sla!es* of our "ody. But 'hen 'e go to +shrams in the form of )uru Pla es# and 'e see e!ery"ody follo'ing the administrati!e rules of the +shram 'ith (a feeling of oneness*# then "y follo'ing those administrati!e rules# and through the effe t of olle ti!ity 'e slo'ly# !ery slo'ly su eed in o"taining ontrol o!er our "ody& i.e. th#s Ashra' #s the (#na" so"&t#on (or &s to o$ta#n !ontro" o er the ha$#ts o( o&r $od%. ,a h +shram has its o'n rules# its o'n administration& #t has #ts own %ardst#!) o( p&r#t% and san!t#t%. -en e al'ays remem"er that neither any rule nor the administration should "e distur"ed "y any of your a ts. The ne*at# e ener*#es w#"" a"wa%s tr% to &se %o& as a 'ed#&' to $rea) those r&"es and destro% the p&r#t% o( that p"a!e, so a"wa%s $e on the a"ert a*a#nst $e!o'#n* a +'ed#&' o( s&!h ne*at# e ener*#es, it is ne essary to ha!e ontrol o!er your "ody "efore you o"tain ontrol o!er your soul. .n the /amayana# (/a!ana* had also ome to take (Sita* a'ay# disguised as a (saint*. +re those negati!e energies oming to the +shram disguised as sadhaks0 +E er% sadha)* 'ill definitely ha!e to "e a'are of this. It wo&"d $e $etter (or %o& not to !o'e to the Ashra' #( %o& do not ha e an% !ontro" o er %o&r $od% or the ha$#ts o( %o&r $od% & "e ause then at least you 'on*t ommit the (sin* of "reaking the rules of the +shram. ,ntire spirituality is "ased on only one 'ord# that 'ord is +a&thor#sed - whate er wor) %o& are do#n*, are %o& a&thor#sed $% the +G&r& Ener*#es to do that wor). 1irst ask yourself this 2uestion and only then pro eed to do that 'ork. +n ordinary person goes to the -imalayas# he stays there for years together 'ith meditating (3ai!alya 3um"hak 4ogis*# o"eys the rules of that pla e# and follo's the dis ipline of that pla e 5 he managed to do all this "e ause he had (a#th #n h#s G&r&, these are the +r&"es o( '% +G&r&, th#s #s '% +G&r&s +d#s!#p"#ne, . lo!e my )uru# . lo!e e!erything a"out -im 5 this 'as a (pure* feeling of (faith*& and "e ause of this my "ody 'ent on a epting e!erything. F#rst '% $od% had s&$'#tted to those r&"es and that d#s!#p"#ne and "ater '% so&" .

My dear# a rose plant also has thorns# and these thorns only offer prote tion to the rose# hen e al'ays remem"er that any (institution* is dependent only on dis ipline and management. 1irst learn to follo' the rules and dis ipline# and if any sadhak is "reaking any rules then let him do so& 'hy are you "reaking the rules0 -e is "reaking rules as he does not ha!e ontrol o!er his "ody. /h% are %o& p"a!#n* %o&r attent#on (!h#tta) on s&!h sadha)s $ -e is "e oming a (medium* of negati!e energies# and tomorro' these ne*at# e ener*#es w#"" ta)e h#' o&t o( !o""e!t# #t%, wh% are %o& p"a!#n* %o&r !h#tta on +so'e$od% who #s *o#n* to "ea e0 I a' worr#ed a$o&t %o&, not a$o&t h#', as he #s *o#n* to "ea e an%wa%. .t is not easy to su"mit the "ody into the soul*s ontrol. %e ha!e to first ontrol our "ad ha"its# our taste "uds# the ego of (.* of the "ody. %hy should . follo' this rule0 Then you ha!e to fa e your intelle t and then your mind sho's you the 'ay to "reak it 6dis ipline7rules8. The "ody is not used to the in on!enien es 'hi h ha!e to "e fa ed there# hen e the "ody also opposes this& and 'an% t#'es, o er there, we 'eet peop"e who are at the sa'e "e e" as &s. +s a result# the feeling of the ("ody* in reases further# and all this in reases 'hen 'e are short of (inner feeling* 'ithin us. -en e it 'ould "e "etter not to go to su h ()uru Pla es* until 'e a'aken (faith* and (feeling* 'ithin us. %e should offer our prayers only from home# as "y doing this at least some (inner feeling* 'ill "e a'akened# and you 'ill "e sa!ed from "e oming a medium of the negati!e energies "y going there. This is far more important "e ause those sadha)s who $rea) the r&"es and d#s!#p"#ne "ea e the path o( 'ed#tat#on and do not ret&rn0 Th#s #s '% persona" e1per#en!e # "e ause it is the olle ti!ity that makes them lea!e. A2MI3ISTRATIO3 OF THE ESTA45ISHME3T 9ome let us no' understand something a"out our (,sta"lishment*. 1or the past :00 years# there 'as a method of meditation in the -imalayas# 'hi h 'as "ased on e;perien e. It #s sa#d that %o& !annot pro*ress on the sp#r#t&a" path w#tho&t o$ta#n#n* sp#r#t&a" e1per#en!e. +nd 'hen the 6topi of8 e;perien e 'as raised then a "# #n* 'ed#&' was +a&thor#sed and sent $% the G&r& Ener*#es # and thus this method of meditation started in our so iety. 1or the (medium* too# this entire 'orld is ne'. -e had seen the ('orld of the )urus* "ut this 'as the 'orld of (sadhaks*. +nd the 'orld of sadhaks 'as 2uite small& this 'as a"out fifteen years "a k. The fi!e people 'ho ame and sat "efore me 'ere sele ted# and the (Trust* 'as (esta"lished* and started its operations. +nd slo'ly# !ery slo'ly the 'ork started in reasing& initially the 'ork 'as limited only to ondu ting shi"irs 6meditation amps8. <ater on# a entre 'as started first in =uhu and then su"se2uently# more entres ontinued to "e esta"lished. Then an (offi e* 'as opened and "ig programmes started taking pla e. +fter e!ery three years ne' Trustees started oming# so'e 'ana*ed to *# e t#'e, so'e d#d not& there 'as no responsi"ility assigned# some managed to do the 'ork# some did not. >o 'ork 'as entrusted& e!erything 'as !oluntary. I( %o& wanted to wor), %o& d#d so, otherw#se %o& d#d not. The state 'as that of a (one man* army. On"% one +'ed#&' to !ond&!t the pro*ra''es# gi!e e;perien e# look after the administration# per(or' ones own +sp#r#t&a" pra!t#!e* 5 in the midst of all these things the +'ed#&' 'a#nta#ned H#s sp#r#t&a" state, "e ause -e kne' that if -e maintained that state then the situation around -im too

'ould one day definitely impro!e. -en e# the medium spent more time on -is (spiritual pra ti e* and "e ause of this our (Trust* progressed (spiritually*# as this sphere 'as managed "y the (medium* -imself. <ater an (+shram* 'as "uilt and for many years there 'as only one +shram. <ater# some more +shrams 'ere onstru ted 'ith the olle ti!e strength of the sadhaks& "ut #t ne er happened that a"" the Tr&stees wor)ed 6o#nt"% to*ether0 So'e (Tr&stees) ne er &sed to wor) at a"", and &sed to s#t at ho'e - so the ent#re wor)"oad &sed to !o'e on those who wor)ed. +nd "e ause of this e; ess 'orkload# the% too were &na$"e to wor) e((#!#ent"%. They 'ere also not 2ualified to do all the 'ork "ut that 'as not their fault# as it 'as not ne essary for one person to "e (spe ialised* in e!erything& hen!e #t has ta)en so '&!h t#'e to +a!7&#re the "and. Se ondly# in the first meeting of e!ery 6Board of8 Trustees the (medium* used to tell them 5 . ha!e no (goal*# . ha!e no (plans* 5 you ?ust stay 'ith (lo!e* in the olle ti!ity and the )uru ,nergies 'ill perform all the 'ork. But the% !o&"d not e en sta% to*ether w#th a (ee"#n* o( "o e and har'on% and the% )ept (#*ht#n* $e!a&se o( the#r e*o o( +I. The medium*s state 'as that of a (mother* 5 'hose side ould -e take - all 'ere -is hildren. The sa'e s#t&at#on !ont#n&es toda%& and e!en in this situation the 'ork has in reased and e;panded# the num"er of sadhaks has in reased to lakhs 6millions8# and urrently the (&n!t#on o( !onse!rat#on o( "#(e8(or!e ener*% #n the 9 th 2# #ne Ido" is going on. >o' this entire system is 1@ years old and in the last ten years the 'orld has hanged ompletely# hen e it is ne essary to hand o!er the entire management to the younger generation and for this reason . ha!e made the start 'ith my o'n house. >o' a ne' system 'ill ome into pla e. SAVI3GS +fter the hildren took o!er the 'ork they first told me# and that is 'hen . ame to kno'# that 'e ha!e many small programmes 'hi h are ondu ted free of ost throughout the year# and a lot of e;penditure takes pla e "e ause of this& that the monthly e;penses in urred for running the +shrams is more 6than the in ome8# and there is no fi;ed in ome. -en e no (plans* an "e made. So . ad!ised them that it is not in our hands to in rease the in ome# %o& sho&"d (#rst red&!e %o&r e1penses, as red&!#n* e1penses #s #n o&r hands - I ha e $een sa%#n* th#s to the Tr&stees (or the "ast ten %ears . The daily la"ourers 'ho had "een hired for /s. 1@0 per day 'ere first asked to lea!e# and their 'ork 'as di!ided amongst the sadhaks and !olunteers 6se!adharis8. The lighting outside my ottage used to "e kept s'it hed on all the time. The hildren said that you do not ome out at night so if those lights are not s'it hed on# it should "e fine. . said yes . do not need it# so this time that too has "een s'it hed off. Thus# e'phas#s #s $e#n* p"a!ed on red&!#n* !osts. :; < =5E2GE =5A3 Anly "y redu ing e;penditure 'ill 'e "e a"le to apply our in ome to our de!elopment 'ork. %hile de!eloping the +shrams . had tried not to "ea e the !onstr&!t#on o( $&#"d#n*s (or the ne1t *enerat#on $&t to "ea e the "and, $e!a&se the de e"op'ent wor)

#s de(#n#te"% *o#n* to #n!rease 'an#(o"d a(ter 'e, and "and #s ne!essar% (or de e"op'ent wor). >o' the land a 2uisition 'ork has "een ompleted. 3ow, er% soon, the wor) o( !onstr&!t#on o( the +Shree G&r& Sha)t# 2ha' #s *o#n* to !o''en!e . +lso other de!elopment 'ork is going to start and a steady (in ome* 'ill "e re2uired for this. 3eeping all these matters in mind# the sadhaks7sadhikas from (Saurashtra* ha!e "rought for'ard a proposed plan "y 'hi h a fi;ed amount ould "e olle ted e!ery year. +nd "ased on the definiti!eness of this in ome the kind of 'ork 'hi h 'ill "e ompleted an also "e de ided. The outline of this (plan* is as follo'sB The name of this plan is (:;< ="ed*e ="an*. .n this plan# the main feeling is that the earth is round# and 'hate!er you gi!e 'ill ome "a k to you manifold. -en e you gi!e (li"eration* 6moksha8 to others so that you o"tain (li"eration* 6moksha8 during your life-time. My personal e;perien e is that (li"eration* 6moksha8 is that state of meditation 'hi h you an o"tain only "y sharing 'ith others. >o' the 2uestion is# ho' 'ill the sadhaks share this state 'ith others 5 the ans'er to that is 5 "y reating the (Moksha Cham* 6-ouse of <i"eration8. >o' the Shree )uru Shakti Chams 'hi h are going to "e onstru ted 'ill pro!e to "e (Moksha Cham* for the ne;t :00 years# for those souls 'ho seek li"eration. 1or o"taining li"eration it is ne essary to o"tain self-realisation. >o' the 'ork of "esto'ing (self-realisation* 'ill "e arried out through the medium of the Ci!ine .dols# "e ause these Ci!ine .dols ha!e "een reated 'ith an a ti!e (pledge*. %hen these .dols 'ere "eing onse rated 'ith life-for e energy# a pledge has "een made that these .dols 'ill arry out the holy 'ork of "esto'ing (spiritual e;perien e* for the ne;t :00 years. This is the progress of the )uru ,nergies 5 a +"# #n* 'ed#&' has 'ade the' (2# #ne Ido"s) +a"# e and !o'p"eted the o$6e!t# e o( H#s "#(e. By parti ipating in this plan# a sadhak or sadhika 'ill surrender his7her entire in ome for )uru-karya at the 1eet of )urude! and 'ill re ei!e D0E of the in ome in the form of ("lessings* 6Prasad8 for himself7herself from the surrendered in ome. -e7she 'ill maintain his7her life from that# and w#"" app"% :;< o( h#s>her #n!o'e e er% %ear (or G&r&8)ar%a0 The sadha) or sadh#)a who part#!#pates #n th#s p"an w#"" $e !a""ed +2asha $anda dhar# . This (Casha "anda dhari Plan* is "eing started from 1 st +pril 2014. .f you so desire you an parti ipate in this plan and ontri"ute to'ards the onstru tion of the Shree )uru Shakti Cham. %ith this the (Trust* 'ill get a fi;ed amount for the onstru tion 'ork of Shree )uru Shakti Cham# and thus a plan ould "e de ided for the manner in 'hi h the future onstru tion 'ork should "e undertaken. 4ou too 'ill get an opportunity in your life to parti ipate in the onstru tion 'ork 'hi h 'ill take pla e 'ith su h a pure goal. +nd I w#"" persona""% ens&re that the 'one% wh#!h !o'es (ro' th#s p"an w#"" $e &t#"#sed on"% (or th#s !onstr&!t#on wor). . gi!e you this assuran e. THE EGO OF +I Th#s #s "#)e sa%#n* +#ts 'orn#n* when %o& wa)e &p0 >o' 'hate!er you donate should "e done "y sa rifi ing the ego of (.*. Co it for the satisfa tion of your soul# do it for strengthening your soul# do it for your o'n (spiritual progress*# "e ause your soul is going to o"tain ( omplete satisfa tion* 'ith this donation. This is "e ause your money is going to

"e applied for reating su h a pure pla e# that #n the (&t&re, "a)hs ('#""#ons) o( so&"s are *o#n* o$ta#n #nner e1per#en!e (ro' th#s p"a!e, and #n th#s wor"d, no donat#on #s *reater than the donat#on o( #nner )now"ed*e . By offering a meal to someone# a person gets satisfa tion at the physi al le!el# "ut $% (eed#n* so'eone +#nner )now"ed*e, 'an o$ta#ns +#nner pea!e. Perhaps it is the desire of the )uru ,nergies that %o& sho&"d (#rst *et (ree (ro' the e*o o( +I and only later 'ith the help of pure and holy souls the onstru tion 'ork of Shree )uru Shakti Cham 'ill start. F#rst we w#"" start the wor) at 2and# and ?&t!h Ashra's $e!a&se the +wor) o( *ett#n* the 30A0 (or the "and at these p"a!es has $een !o'p"eted. The urrent management of the (Trust* too is not satisfa tory. ,!en no' the Trustees are not a"le to de!ote suffi ient (time*# nor is there a feeling of kinship amongst them and hen e #t #s ne!essar% to +restr&!t&re the Tr&st. 9omputers ha!e great importan e in present time. .t is ne essary to omputerise the entire offi e administration# and all the entres should also use omputers for sending messages 5 'e 'ill ha!e to mo!e in step 'ith the times.

SEC5U2E2 COTTAGE (SA3CTUM) %ith the pledge of these eight Ci!ine .dols a large segment of time of (Samarpan Meditation* has "een ompleted. Curing this time period# 'hate!er good e;perien es . ha!e o"tained# . ha!e shared them all 'ith you. . ha!e al'ays 'ished that 'hate!er good . ha!e o"tained in life# the same should also "e o"tained "y you. . 'ish that the kind of ( se!"&s#on* . o"tained during this Ceep Meditation +nushthan should also "e o"tained "y you during the ne;t Ceep Meditation +nushthan. The first e;perien e is that for spiritual pea e it is ne essary for the "ody to ha!e a pea eful se luded en!ironment. 1or one# our (tongue* gets rest as one has to eat 'hate!er is pla ed "efore you. .f you do this for 4@ days then the tongue*s greediness for food 'ill ome to an end. Se ondly# the energy 'hi h 'ould "e 'asted "y talking during these 4@ days 'ill "e sa!ed 'hen you are in (silen e* for 4@ days. .f you use this energy for your spiritual progress then you 'ill progress spiritually. =ust as a gardener lea!es a gap "et'een t'o saplings 'hile planting them so that "oth of them should gro' ni ely# similarly for a human to progress spiritually it is ne essary for e!ery human to spend so'e t#'e #n +so"#t&de, spend so'e t#'e w#th ones So&" # as "y doing this your relationship 'ith your Soul 'ill "e strengthened. This time . felt that 'hen 'e go to sleep our aura "e omes more sensiti!e# and if at that time you are in se lusion then #ts a$#"#t% to a$sor$ ener*% #n!reases 'an#(o"d . But no other human should "e around you for that to happen. This must "e the reason 'hy Saints and Sages used to go to the ?ungle looking for an (&n#nha$#ted p"a!e to stay and used to make spiritual progress. . ha!e "enefited greatly "y this 4@ days time period to maintain my spiritual state# after oming to this ro'ded so iety from the pure and uninha"ited -imalayas. .t is my 'ish that you too should "enefit "y this# for 'hi h some ( se!"&ded !otta*es* 'ill "e reated. Su h (se luded ottages* may "e "uilt in ea h +shram and 'hi he!er sadhak 'ants to stay in them may do

so. .f this happens# then during these 4@ days you 'ill realise that you are a Soul. An e you realise 'ho you are# then you 'ill also kno' me& "ut (#rst #t #s ne!essar% to )now %o&rse"(. . imagine a ( ottage* in 'hi h you 'ill "e a"le to stay alone& there is a garden around it 'here you an 'alk around# a "o; near the main door in 'hi h you get t'o meals a day. 4ou do not ha!e a phone or any other gadget# you are ompletely ut off from the entire 'orld 5 %o& are there and %o&r So&" #s there, thats a"" 5 outside your garden there #s a :@ (oot h#*h 'eta" $arr#er $e!a&se o( wh#!h %o& !annot see anyone nor an anyone an see you. 4ou ha!e a lot of time on your hands# and only your thoughts. >o one else*s thoughts are rea hing you from other en!ironments# and there is no sound either. ETER3A5 ?3O/5E2GE 1or 4@ days you 'ill "e silent 'ithout tying the (silen e* s arf. +fter some days you 'ill realise that you are going 'ithin yourself and you 'ill feel that I ha e &nne!essar#"% wasted '% t#'e, there #s a "ot to )now w#th#n . +fter some days you 'ill o"tain the e;perien e that there #s no one as !"ose to %o& as %o&r So&" # that there is a 'orld 'ithin us# there is a 'ealth of kno'ledge 'ithin us& all the kno'ledge is 'ithin us 5 ('ho am .* 5 kno'ing this is the highest kno'ledge. An e 'e kno' this# then 'e start o"taining the rest of the kno'ledge from there itself. /e tr% to *et to )now the ent#re wor"d $&t not ones se"(& and 'hat 'e assume to "e kno'ledge #s 6&st #n(or'at#on on that s&$6e!t . Thus 'hat 'e understand as (kno'ledge* is a tually only information# and information is al'ays of the past. This is e;a tly 'hat is happening in our spiritual sphere. %hat 'e all as (spiritual kno'ledge* is nothing more than ?ust information o"tained from "ooks# and information is al'ays of the (past*& this information has their e;perien es# their spiritual e;perien es and these are of their time. That message# that ad!i e is from that time# whereas #n the "ast ten %ears the #nte""e!t has de e"oped 'an#(o"d. .n that ase ho' mu h the intelle t must ha!e de!eloped in thousands of years# so ho' an ( sp#r#t&a" pro*ress* take pla e 'ith information 'hi h is thousands of years old0 +n employee 'ho 'orks in a li"rary pi ks up and puts thousands of "ooks 'hi h ha!e "een kept do'n "y people into the up"oard daily& so 'ill he "e ome a ( s!ho"ar* "y arrying 6those "ooks80 -e 'ill ha!e to read those "ooks for "e oming a s holar. Similarly# if 'e keep taking information from "ooks all our li!es# then when w#"" we o$ta#n )now"ed*e, $e!a&se we w#"" on"% *et #n(or'at#on (ro' $oo)s and not +)now"ed*e . +nd this kno'ledge 'ill not remain 'ith you till the end& on e you "e ome old you 'ill (or*et #t0 This is "e ause this information is not the truth# it is not timeless. . 'ill tell you my personal e;perien e. . often meet Saints and Sages 'ho are great s holars in their o'n fields# 'ho gi!e (dis ourses* for hours together# and 'hen . tell them that . am an illiterate simpleton and ask them to lea!e aside the "ooks and talk to me# then the% $e!o'e s#"ent. %hy0 Be ause they only ha!e information# not +)now"ed*e 5 kno'ledge is of the present# it is in a ordan e 'ith the present ir umstan es. (3no'ledge* is timeless# you an ne!er forget it& and the kno'ledge you ha!e o"tained w#"" re'a#n w#th %o& t#"" %o&r "ast $reath . 4ou annot e!er forget this kno'ledge as it is your o'n. 4ou ha!e o"tained it# it is not information taken from outside& and #n th#s (#e"d o(

)now"ed*e no one #s a G&r& to an%one, and no one #s an%$od%s d#s!#p"e . %hether it is the )uru or a dis iple# the same kno'ledge flo's through "oth e2ually 5 the differen e is that of (ignoran e*# differen e of the feeling of the "ody# the ( ph%s#!a" (ee"#n**. The )uru does not ha!e any physi al feeling& the physi al feeling is resident in the dis iple# and this physi al feeling is the (la k of kno'ledge* 5 that . am a "ody. >o' (.* 'ill try to e;plain this to you 'ith another e;ample. There is a (sno'y* 'hite loth# pure 'hite# and there is no stain on it. -en e# the (p&r#t%* of that 'hite olour w#"" de(#n#te"% ("ow (ro' that !"oth. There are other 'hite loths# "ut they are dirty# there are some small stains on it# and "e ause of this dirtiness# "e ause of these stains# these 'hite loths do not appear to "e 'hite& despite "eing 'hite# they do not appear to ha!e lustre. There is no differen e "et'een those ('hite loths*# they are all similar& "ut the (#rst one #s w#tho&t sta#ns and not d#rt%& and hen e appears to "e different# "ut a tually it is not different. .t is not the "est# it too is similar& ho'e!er# the differen e is in #ts p&r#t%, #ts $r#*ht sh#ne. .f the hitta of the dirty 'hite loths is al'ays on the pure 'hite loths# then they too 'ill "e inspired# they too 'ill desire - if only . too ould "e pure like that loth& and one day all those dirty 'hite loths 'ill also "e ome like those pure 'hite loths. Then the (#rst )#nd o( wh#te !"oth w#"" not appear to $e d#((erent . They 'ill all "e ome similar# and then there 'ill "e no )uru and no dis iple 5 e!ery"ody 'ill "e ome one 'ith )od# Paramatma 'ill flo' through e!eryone. This is "e ause the purity of the (pure 'hite loth* is uniform# and similarly (Paramatma*s ons iousness* is the same. .t is one and the same& neither is )uru the ( ons iousness* nor is the dis iple the ( ons iousness*# so it is ?ust ( ons iousness*. TIME5ESS TRUTH (9ons iousness* is Paramatma# and Paramatma is al'ays the same for e!eryone. Anly that Paramatma is timeless# e!erything else is useless# ?ust talk. That is the only (truth* and that truth is 'ithin e!eryone# and kno'ing that is (kno'ledge*. +ll souls are diamonds "ut as they are lying in mu k their shine is not !isi"le& if you remo!e the mu k of the e*o o( +I (ro' that (ee"#n* o( the $od% then the d#a'ond8("#)e) so&"s sh#ne w#"" !o'e thro&*h . +ll souls are diamonds - the differen e is only of the (mu k* and of the surrounding atmosphere. .f you ?ust realise that you are a diamond# then too the (mu k* of ignoran e 'ill go a'ay. >o' onsider that 'e are all ?ust pure 'hite loths& "ut 'hite purity ould ha!e its o'n different kinds of definitions. ,a h one onsiders himself to "e pure and holy& and therefore to understand this yardsti k of 'hat is purity# and 'hi h is the pious state# my )urus kept one loth 'ith them for se!eral years and 'ashed it a lot& and then they sent it to you in the form of a (medium* so that you should realise what #s the p&r#t% o( a wh#te !"oth, how wh#te a wh#te !"oth sho&"d $e. +fter performing this task# the -imalayan )urus ompleted their 'ork. >o' you too ha!e understood the yardsti k of ho' pure the 'hite loth should "e# ho' lean it needs to "e ome& that too you ha!e ome to kno' 5 so no' 'hat is the differen e "et'een you and me 5 %o& too are a wh#te !"oth and so a' I0 The p&r#t% o( the wh#te !"oth #s &n#(or' a'on*st &s, the d#((eren!e #s that o( the sta#ns on the wh#te !"oth, the da% %o& re'o e those sta#ns the sa'e p&r#t% wh#!h #s !a""ed =ara'at'a w#"" ("ow thro&*h a"" o( &s . =ust "y

looking at this 'hite loth your 'hite loth 'ill not "e ome lustrous or pure 5 you 'ill ha!e to look 'ithin this 'hite loth. This medium in the form of a 'hite loth is not something to "e seen or heard 5 this is a (medium* 5 you 'ill ha!e to e;perien e the ( So&" #n the (or' o( a p&re "&stro&s !"oth* that lies "ehind it. =URE SOU5 4ou ha!e to e;perien e the (pure soul* "ehind the medium& for that you 'ill ha!e to understand the ((#e"d o( that p&re so&"*. Anly through the medium of that !ast realm is it possi"le to rea h -im. By (realm* . mean that !ast realm 'ith 'hi h the (pure soul* is onne ted. 1irst you should understand that -e is a (pure soul* 'ith 'hom lakhs 6million8 of souls are onne ted and the (pure soul* is onne ted to lakhs 6millions8 of souls. Thus e!ery sadhak*s soul omes under -is (realm*& e!ery sadhak of ours should ha!e ( loseness at the inner le!el* 'ith other sadhaks "e ause 'e 'ish to rea h that (medium*. The )uru*s Trust omes under the )uru*s realm 5 your "eha!iour 'ith those (Trusts*# their se!adharis 6!olunteer 'orkers8 and their Trustees should "e full of inner loseness. 4ou should ha!e a feeling of kinship 'ith them. %hene!er you go for any programme organised "y the Trust# %o&r $eha #o&r sho&"d $e s&!h that there sho&"d $e no tro&$"e $e!a&se o( %o& . 4ou should respe t all the rules and arrangements 5 you should not "reak any administrati!e rule. %hene!er you go to the +shrams you should gi!e prior noti e of three days and then go. By doing this %o&r a$#"#t% to a$sor$ (!ons!#o&sness) w#"" #n!rease. 4ou should o"ey the rules of the +shram 'ith regard to purity# leanliness and arrangements "y onsidering them as your o'n. %hene!er you go to the +shram# al'ays !olunteer for some ser!i e or the other& "y doing this you 'ill "enefit "y performing one more )uru-karya. An the other hand# if e!eryone !olunteers their ser!i es then the +shram 'ill "e purer and leaner. .f you feel that something is not right# do not 6&st *# e a s&**est#on, te"" the' what %o& !an do and show %o&r read#ness to do #t . .f there is any dirt in your house do you gi!e any suggestion0 >o isn*t it$ 4ou immediately start remo!ing the dirt# similarly this is your (Trust*# this is your (+shram*# the more you in rease this feeling of o'nership# the !"oser %o& w#"" *o to the G&r& Ener*#es . %hene!er you ome to the +shram do not think of 'hat . 'ill re ei!e# 'hat fa ilities . 'ill get 5 look at 'hat else you an do o!er there# ho' other sadhak*s an get more (fa ilities*. Think of 'hat you an ontri"ute to this ne' de!elopment 'ork 'hi h is going to start# ho' many (stones* an . ontri"ute at )uru Shakti Cham. In the (&t&re, Shree G&r& Sha)t# 2ha' #s *o#n* to $e!o'e a *"o$a" &n# ers#t% o( sp#r#t&a" e1per#en!e. .n the oming :00 years# lakhs 6millions8 of souls are going to ome to this glo"al uni!ersity and through their e;perien e are going to "e edu ated on o"taining inner kno'ledge. .n the future# the pla e for these *"o$a" &n# ers#t#es w#"" not $e eno&*h . 9an . "e of any help in this 'ork0 The "est o's in our ountry are "eing kept at the ( o'shed*# 'hat 'ork of keeping other spe ies is going on0 9an . "e of any help in this0 -o' many more trees an "e planted here0 -o' an . help in impro!ing the 'ater supply#

lighting0 + (glo"al uni!ersity* an "e reated for the hildren of sadhaks# where (a!#"#t#es (or 'ed#tat#on and +sp#r#t&a" )now"ed*e !an a"so $e !reated a"on* w#th ed&!at#on . %hene!er you ome to the +shram think "ig& 'ith this# you too 'ill progress and the ()uru*s sphere* 'ill also progress. +ll these are plans of the (medium*. 4ou ha!e to (parti ipate* in these plans 'ith your hitta so that you 'ill "e a"le to enter 'ithin this ()uru*s sphere* 'here you 'ish to enter. The )uru ,nergies are resident in e!ery atom of the ()uru*s sphere*# and "y doing this you 'ill e;perien e this at (e!ery moment*. ()uru*s realm* is a pla e 'here# 6&st $% )eep#n* o&r !h#tta on s&!h pos#t# e 'atters, o&r !h#tta w#"" $e!o'e p&re and ho"% and the greater our loth# the greater 'ill "e the lustre and purity of our ()od-like soul*. . pray to )od - may this message "esto' a (positi!e energy* on all of you and a positi!e hange ome o!er all of you through this (eighth +nushthan*. <ots of Blessings to you all 4ours Ba"as'ami 2070272014 6Thursday8

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