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MODEL TEST PAPER BCA-II Year (System Analysis And Design(SAAD)) Time:3 hrs MM:50

I)TheQuestionpapercontains20multiplechoicequestionswithfourchoicesand studentwillhavetopickthecorrectone(eachcarrying1mark). Q.1 Which of the following items are discussed during the system implementation phase of the application:a) Programmed specification b)Software Specification c) Software maintenance d)All of Above Q.2 SQA stand for:a) Software Quality Assurance b)Soft Quality Assistant c) Software Quality Assurance d)None of these Q.3 A------test is conducted at a developers site by a customers: a)Beta b)Alpha c)Gamma d)None of these Q.4 A distinct object in a system is known as: a) Degree b)Attributes c)Parameter d)Entity Q.5 -----------is a collection of computer based information that is critical to successful execution of enterprise initiatives: a) Data Mining b)Data Ware house c) Both a and b d)None Q.6 Lost of data integrity implies that data is: a)Inconsistent b)Repeated c)Outdated d)None of these Q.7 Interface layer which includes menu support is known as: a)Dialog layer b)Presentation layer c)Basic layer d)None of these Q.8 Which of the following is not used in end-user training before implementation: a)CAI b)Multimedia c)User Manual d)None of these Q.9 The four icons used in building DFD are: a)Flow, source, store, process b)Flow, process, source/destination, store c) Flow, process, document, store d)Source, process, destination, store Q.10 ---------is a network that describes data flows and transformations throughout a system: a) Data Flow Diagram b)Data Dictionary c) Structure Charts d)None of these Q.11 Expanding a process into more detailed processes is: a)Prototyping b)Brainstorming c)DFD leveling d)None of theses Q.12 Which of the following techniques is used to simplify defining problems by both system analyst and programmer: a)Documentation b)Decision table c)Sub-routine linkage d)Decision instruction Q.13 A set of entities whose existence depend on other entities are: a)Dependent entities b)Strong entity set c)Both a and b d)Neither a nor b Q.14 An association among entities is caused by: a)Attributes b)Relationships c)Redundancy d)Primary Key Q.16 It allows user and developers to experiment with the system a)On site observation b)Discovery Prototyping

c)Sampling d)Questionnaire Q.17 It defines how the system will interact with external entities. a)Requirement analysis b)user Interface c)Communication d)none of above Q.18 Decision tables link conditions and a)Tables b)Programs c)Actions c) None of these Q.19 It is a determination of whether the proposed system will be acceptable to the people or not. a)Social Feasibility b)Economic Feasibility c)Legal Feasibility d)Time feasibility Q.20 It defines the scope or boundary of the concept a)Feasibility Study b)Planning c)Requirement Analysis d)Design II) Attempt any three question.(Each questions carries 10 marks.) Q.1 Write short note on: a)Client server systems b)Batch Processing c)Data Mining Q.2 Briefly Explain the following: i)Data Flow Diagrams ii)Documentation iii)Attributes Q.3 Distinguish between the following: a)White Box Testing and Black Box Testing b)Validation and Verification c)Structure Charts and DFD Q.4What are design methodologies used in system design? Explain.

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