Sbw!U' F: 'P!,Iii!Jq It I 1 Gogii! Q

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i 1 gogII!

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We hope you enjoy these free flash card printouts! To learn

ore a!out early childhood education, ho"

to a#i i$e your !a!y's intelligence, and to do"nload """&BrillBa!y&co and """&Brili'ids&co &

ore useful tools, please %isit us at

1& (or the !est results, use )*+si$ed paper for your print outs& ,-&./ # 11&0123 .& Using a color printer "ill also !e !est for sho"ing flash cards "ith printed pictures& 4& )fter printing, fold the paper or !oard in half so that one side sho"s only the edia "hile the other half sho"s the "ritten "ord& *& )pply glue + "e reco end using dry glue + along the inside edges of the flash card to seal the e pty side& 5& When not using the flash cards, store the in this folder slee%e&

6o" to Use your (lash 7ards Using the as "ord flash cards8 9 )rrange your flash cards into a pile, in the re%erse order "ith "hich you "ant to sho" the cards to your child& 9 :lace your child a fe" feet a"ay, facing you + get so eone to help you !y sitting "ith your child& 9 Sho" the "ords to your !a!y !y o%ing the flash cards fro !ehind to front& 9 ;ead out the "ord "hen the card reaches the front, "hen it has fully co%ered the pre%ious flashcard& 9 <o as fast as you can, !ut a=e sure that you pronounce each "ord clearly, "ith only a %ery !rief pause !et"een "ords& Using the as edia and "ord flash cards8 9 Sho" the "ords to your !a!y !y o%ing the flash cards fro

!ehind to front&

9 Sho" your child the "ord first "hile pronouncing the "ord
9 (lip the card to sho" the i age and pronounce the "ord again ,or you can choose to %ocali$e so e sound effects for your !a!y3 9 (lip the card again to sho" the "ord and pronounce the "ord for the third ti e


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What Little Reader can do that Flash Cards cannot:

Show videos when teaching (especially useful for action words) Play bac pre!recorded pronunciations" including foreign language pronunciations Play bac sound effects #asily personali$e your lessons with your own pictures" voice recordings and videos %isplay a different picture each ti&e the sa&e word is played bac " giving a better understanding of the &eaning of the word' #asily switch between different &odes of display" such as Word flash" Picture flash" Word ( picture)video (for &ultisensory teaching) Flash &uch &ore rapidly and easily by *ust clic ing the &ouse Change the way each lesson is presented + switch between word colors" font types" and bac ground colors ,ave a lesson library that is easily e-pandable and potentially li&itless" with new lessons provided by .rill/ids and other users" *ust a few clic s away /eep trac of e-actly how &any ti&es each word has been played Print out your word library" both in flash card style" or lift!the!flap &ultisensory style'

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