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Orchha: A Hidden Heritage Orchha is a small hamlet located on the banks of the Betwa River in Madhya Pradesh, 10 kms

from Jhansi. It was founded as the capital city by the Bundela kings during the 16th-17th century. According to legends, King Rudra Pratap chose this place situated on the loop of the river Betwa to make his capital in AD 1501. Orchha lives up to its meaning hidden as it rises out of the hills and the greens surrounding it revealing the heritage and beauty it has in store. The historic city has many forts, palaces and temples which display unique and exclusive architectural grandeur. Orchhas fort complex has three palaces set in an open quadrangle that is approached through a bridge over the Betwa River. The first palace is the Jehangir Mahal which was built by Raja Bir Singh in the 17th century to commemorate the visit of Emperor Jehangir to the Bundela kingdoms capital Orchha. The second palace is the Raj Mahal which was built in the 17th century by Madhukar Shah. And the third palace is the Rai Parveen Mahal built by Raja Indramani for his beautiful paramour Rai Praveen, a poetess and musician. It also consists of the Chatarbhuj Temple, built upon a massive stone platform and reached by a steep flight of steps, the temple was specially constructed to enshrine the image of Rama that remained in the Ram Raja Temple. Lotus emblems and other symbols of religious significance provide the delicate exterior ornamentation. Within, the sanctum is chastely plain with high, vaulted walls emphasizing its deep sanctity. This was my second visit to Orchha as previously I had been there with my parents when I was visiting Gwalior. This small village had already left an impression my mind then itself...its natural beauty and architectural essence had caught my attention. On this trip I discovered something new about the about Orchha...the nature trails that exists on the other side of the river. There are various small trails that take you through the jungle and showcase Orchhas nature reserve. I felt that Orchha was not all about history and legends; it is also about the natural splendour of the valley that has crystal-clear water of the Betwa flowing quietly along its banks...creating peace and serenity. At the end of the trip, I got a feeling that I was captivated by Orchhas splendour. It appeared to me as if the hand of time has rested lightly over this small town and the monuments built y its Bundela rulers have still managed to retain their magnificent beauty.

Written By: Jaspreet Kaur Aulakh B.Arch 3rd year

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