Is Google Translator Accurate

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Is Google Translator Accurate?


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Is Google Translator Accurate?

11 February, 2013 Published by wordadjustor in Translation Tweet 7

Is Google Translator Accurate? Dont you love translators? I do! I love playing online games w ith people from around the w orld and being able to converse w ith them in their ow n language. I love to play games in their ow n right, but its even more fun w hen I can ask someone in South America about the time, the season or the w eather. I personally use Google Translate. Its quick enough to (Alt+Tab), type my question, copy and paste before my next turn. How ever, this brings to mind the question, Is Google Translate accurate? For my intentions, it doesnt really matter if its entirely accurate. I only ask simple questions and if its not exactly right, the person on the other end generally w ont mind. Online game players are a friendly lot and most of them just appreciate the effort to communicate. Its a little different for someone using it to try to pass a language class (my next question is going to be, Is that really honest?), or someone needing it for their job. It w ould take someone w ho know s both languages w ell to give us the real low dow n. Of course, they never use Google Translate so how could they judge? So I believe the best w ay for us to determine how w ell it w orks is to try it. Ill ask Google Translate to turn a relatively simple English sentence into some other languages and then translate it back into English and see w hat w e get. My question: How is the weather where you are? To French and Back to English it becomes:

Quel temps fait-il chez vous?

How is the weather where you are? To German and Back to English becomes:

W ie ist das W etter, wo Sie sind?


Is Google Translator Accurate?


How is the weather where you are? To Japanese and Back to English becomes:

How is your weather? W ell, now , thats not bad at all! (I thought I w ould get it w ith the Japanese.) It looks like it serves me w ell for my purpose. Lets try something a little more difficult and see how it holds up. Ill try this quote from Paul Tillich. Language has created the word loneliness to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word solitude to express the glory of being alone. To French and Back to English it becomes:

Langue a cr le mot solitude pour exprimer la douleur dtre seul. Et il a cr le mot solitude pour exprimer la gloire dtre seul.
Language created the word solitude to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word solitude to express the glory of being alone. To German and Back to English becomes:

Sprache geschaffen hat, das W ort Einsamkeit, um den Schmerz des Alleinseins auszudrcken. Und es hat das W ort Einsamkeit, die Herrlichkeit allein Ausdruck erstellt.
Language has created the word loneliness to express the pain of being alone. And it has the word loneliness, the glory of expression alone created. To Japanese and Back to English it becomes:

Ive created a lonely words to express the pain of being alone language. And it has created the loneliness words to express the glory of being alone. There you have it. In the case of more difficult sentences containing nuance, it loses somew hat in the translation. This is because Google Translate is a statistical machine-translation system. This as opposed to a rule-based approach that requires a lot more w ork for the difficult task of defining vocabularies and grammar. Its simply not as sophisticated as a trained, human translator w ho know s the grammar and vocabulary and the subtle distinctions. So Im of the opinion that Google Translate is a fine translator w hen trying to put across a simple idea in a low -pressure situation. How ever, I w ould advise you to look further for a translator to use in a graded situation or one w here precision is essential. Im glad that this little experiment leads me to believe that Google Translate is accurate enough for me and isnt going to spoil any of my fun!

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Is Google Translator Accurate?


14 Responses to Is Google Translator Accurate?

Log in to Reply no

0 0 Rate this Sayed M. Ismail Mousa February 11, 2013 at 9:45 pm

Log in to Reply uh, nobut entertaining

0 0 Rate this Iss At Uw February 11, 2013 at 9:45 pm

Log in to Reply it`s good for fun:))

0 0 Rate this Natasa Nesic February 11, 2013 at 11:47 pm

Log in to Reply how i can join as a freelance translator in this bureau? i live in Indonesia. i usually use long distance translation via email (files are sent with attachment in email) and paid via banking transfer. more than 5 years i works as a freelance translator to present in indonesia (english to indonesian and vice versa, i seldom translate german to indonesian or vice versa). on the 11th March,i graduated as a german language scholar (undergraduate study programs) at state university of malang,Indonesia. i join as a freelance translator in translation bureau in Jakarta and Ciputat (both of them are in Indonesia). i would like to be tested if this bureau wanna test me first before join. my skill is german and english. i hope this bureau gives me chance.

0 0 Rate this Ruli Lesmono July 13, 2013 at 7:45 pm

Log in to Reply how i can join as a freelance translator in this bureau? i live in Indonesia. i usually use long distance translation via email (files are sent with attachment in email) and paid via banking transfer. more than 5 years i works as a freelance translator to present in indonesia (english to indonesian and vice versa, i seldom translate german to indonesian or vice versa). on the 11th March,i graduated as a german language scholar (undergraduate study programs) at state university of malang,Indonesia. i join as a freelance translator in translation bureau in Jakarta and Ciputat (both of them are in Indonesia). i would like to be tested if this bureau wanna test me first before join. my skill is german and english. i hope this bureau gives me chance.

0 0 Rate this Ruli Lesmono February 16, 2013 at 8:46 am

Log in to Reply nooo, not at all

0 0 Rate this Anja Pijetlovi February 12, 2013 at 12:47 pm

Log in to Reply Of course not

0 0 Rate this Igor Itskhakovich March 6, 2013 at 3:44 pm


Is Google Translator Accurate?


Log in to Reply Not at all.

0 0 Rate this Roni Hart March 6, 2013 at 3:44 pm

Log in to Reply my be yes, my be no

0 0 Rate this Muh Afkar Musa L March 6, 2013 at 3:44 pm

Log in to Reply Often dangerously WRONG!

0 0 Rate this Barbara Leonard March 6, 2013 at 4:44 pm

Log in to Reply Epic fail

0 0 Rate this Adel Belmahi March 6, 2013 at 4:44 pm

Log in to Reply Google translate only gives an inaccurate results, which functions like machine translations and requires human post-editing, especially in accademic areas.

0 0 Rate this Liu Jie July 13, 2013 at 7:45 pm

Log in to Reply Google translate only gives an inaccurate results, which functions like machine translations and requires human post-editing, especially in accademic areas.

0 0 Rate this Liu Jie March 23, 2013 at 8:47 am

Log in to Reply no , its not good translator !

0 0 Rate this Issam Ouchen April 25, 2013 at 1:44 pm


Is Google Translator Accurate?


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