Sample Questions Part-1: BASED ON 11& 12 FUNDA

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Sample Questions Part-1: BASED ON 11& 12 FUNDA.

Electrical circuit Effect of addition of salt on water (related to solutions) Over turning of vehicle in circular track (conditions of skidding, etc) Effect of pressure on boiling Buoyancy effect Effect of rubbing glass with silk & rubber with_________ (nature of charge produced) Forces on charges i!e period of pendulu! Body te!perature in f, te!perature co!!on on both c &f scale "raphite crystal structure Part-2: BASED ON ENG NEE! NG FUNDA #$ %f v&''(), %&'*+, power factor&($,, fre-uency&.((/0$ %f the !otor runs for 1 hours, what is the power consu!ed2 '$ 3y!bol of capacitor2 1$ Boiling point of !ercury2 .$ 4hen salt is added to water, what happens to its free0ing point2 *$ 4hat !otor do they use in railway engines for traction2 #$ 56 3hunt !otor b$ 56 3eries !otor 7$ 4hat !otor is used for running lathe spindle2 8$ ype of !agnetic !aterial used for s!all !otors$ #$ 5ia!agnetic b$ para!agnetic c$ ferro!agnetic ,$ 4hat types of i!ages do concave and conve9 lenses produce2 :$ 4hat is the speed of 1;phase induction !otor2 #($ 4hich gear type does not have a9ial thrust2 +ns< /erringbone ##$ 5eter!inant value2 +ns< ( #'$ 4hich of the following is not a ther!al radiation law2 +ns< =a!berts law #1$ %n which units sound is !easured2 +ns<5ecibels #.$ )elocity of sound at sea level2 #*$ 4hich of the following is for!ed due to the attraction between !oon and earth2 +ns< ides #7$ %nstru!ent used for !easure!ent of high te!peratures2 +ns<>yro!eter

#8$ hread used in lathe leadscrew2 +ns<+6?E hread #,$ %f water is air, air is dust, dust is light, light is sound, and sound is water, where does fish live2 #:$ %f the baro!eter shows 1((!! /g, what is the absolute pressure2 '($ 4hat is the .;# process in otto cycle2 '#$ >ower stroke in diesel cycle is what process2 +ns<+diabatic process ''$ 4hich of the following does not for! a real i!age2 #$ 6oncave b$ 6onve9 c$ telescope d$ !icroscope '1$ +t what te!perature @6 and A are the sa!e2 '.$ 4hat is the !aterial used in per!anent !agnet2 '*$ +n obBect weighs 1kg in air, '$*kg in water, what is its density2 '7$ 4hich !aterial has the highest 6p value2 #$ air b$ water c$ copper '8$ 4hich of the following has lowest ther!al conductivity2 #$ steel b$ 33 c$ Bron0e d$ copper ',$ he crystalline structure of graphite is #$ a$ 3i!ple cubic b$ F66 c$ B66 d$ /6> ':$ 4hich process cannot be used to produce e9ternal threads2 #$ forging b$ Colling c$ !illing d$ turning 1($ he a9ial stress on a !e!ber which is subBected to a sudden load when co!pared to load applied gradually is #$ a$ sa!e b$ double c$ half d$ -uadraple 1#$ 3ilencer reduces noise$ %t also #$ gives balance to engine b$ increases fuel consu!ption c$ 5ecreases fuel consu!ption d$ reduces vibrations 1'$ Dnit of kine!atic viscosity$ 11$ Dnit of surface tension$ 1.$ ?eaning of overdrive 1*$ 4ankel engine 17$ ?eaning general drill bit angle$ 18$ Ceason of using regenerator & condenser$ 1,$ 6ycle used in gas cycles, dual cycle& diesel cycle diagra!$ 1:$ Eor!al value of voltage in spark plug & distributor function$ .($ %n which case turning will be easy (front wheel driven back wheel steeredF__F___F___)$ .#$ )iscous fluid passing through duct of varying cross section & pressure re!ains unchanged;reason2 .'$ 5ifferential function .1$ >itch circle dia!eter &>ressure angle ..$ "ear hobbler .*$ "ear syste! in which a9ial thrust is absent$ .7$ Force applied on pin Boint of truss (connecting 1 bars, !iddle straight side slant at e-ual angle);tensionFco!pression in !iddle bar2 .8$ Ele!ent added to steel for corrosion resistance$(+ns< 6r) .,$ 4hich has lowest specific heat; water, stea!, copper2 .:$ 4hich has lowest ther!al conductivity;stainless steel, steel, and bron0e2

*($ 5ia!ond pin function$ *#$ Celation between stress;gradually applied & suddenly applied$ *'$ %ncreasing of water density in range2((;. degree) *1$ # litre, . stroke engine, #7(( rp!, !ean ther!al effective pressure&* bar, power of engine2 *.$ Finding rp! of single phase alternator fro! list of rp!Gs$ **$ Efficiency of carnot engine$ *7$ e!perature !easure!ent based on which law$ *8$ 3i0e of lathe(para!eters) *,$ hread can be for!ed by all process e9cept #$ Forging b$ rolling c$ ?illing d$ urning *:$ hread used in screw Back, lead screw2 7($ 4hich is not related to ther!al radiation #$ planck law b$ steffan bolt0!ann law dc$ fourier law 7#$ Cadiator type used in bus$ 7'$ 5efinitions of nor!ali0ing, te!pering, -uenching, etc$ 71$ Eor!al hardness value of cast iron used in lathe bed$(in B/E) 7.$ 5efinitions;straddle !illing, slab !illing, gang !illing etc$ 7*$ Huestions based on getting final 1;5 shape, fro! sheet showing details where it can be folded$ 77$ "etting front view, top view, side view of given iso!etric view$ 78$ ?aterial is not re!oved in which process #$ punching b$ coining c$ tapping d$ e!bossing

Part ": General aptitu#e $%& Questions: "& 'inutes( Huestion ypes< Figurative -uestions (fro! Edgar horpe), +nalogy, ratios and proportions, ti!e and work, ti!e and distance, %!plicit state!ent reasoning #$ %f the average of the #( of the ## player is 1($if the ##th player score is added the average decreases by '$what is the score of the ##th player$ '$ E9onerate I!eaning 1$ +nalogy >eaceful< resistance then a) litigation< lawlessness b) coherent< inconsistency c) du!b< follow

d) diligent< reliability e) rough< forceful +ns <b .$ 6ut is to feline, vulpane is to;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$ *$ hree proble!s using codes a$ if +">3) %3 B/H 4, then 5AEDJ b$ 6E"%A then choose the sa!e pattern ans< !o-su 7$ 5iagra! of one block was given$ %t contains three or four sections$ we were asked to find the a$ =eft side view$ b$ Botto! side view c$ Back side view$ 8$ + contestant won an election by #*K !ore votes than the co!bined votes by his two rivals$ %f he had got .*(( votes !ore then he would have attracted .F*th of total votes$ Find no of votes ,$ ?en and wo!en went for a partyL which ratio is i!possible if '*' people are present<#<8 :$ Find the odd one out a$ truck b$ auto c$ car$ d $Beep a$ cloud b$ lake c$ snow d$ strea! e$ sky a$ Flavor b$ Fragrance c$ >erfu!e #($ 4hich no is wrong fro! the following se-uence #, *, *, '*,7'*,:((,:8*7'* 1#7, #*7, 87, 1', #7, 7 ##$ ?a9 value of sin'9Mcos'9 #'$ NN9y d9 dy ans< .(( #1$ + state!ent has been given, which is followed by ' conclusions, !arked %&%%, !ark the answers as follows$

#$ if only the % conclusion is true '$ if only the %% conclusion is true 1$ if both r re-uired .$ none of the! is true e$g$ % +ll scientists are hard working, %% +ll poor !en are not scientists #.$ 6o!plete the series #$ #* #* _ #7 '. '. 1 1 '$ _n_!n_!!_n!n!_!!_ 1$ 1#7 #*7 87 1# #7 7 # .$ "iven nu!bers in s-uares and asked to find the !issing nu!bers *$ #7, #7, '., _____, 17, 17, *. #*$ # foot is 1# paise how !uch would have it cost for '( yards #7$ + !an has ,$* c! string pieces$ /owever string in available only in lengths of !eters$ 4hat is the !in length he should buy so that he loses less2 #8$ 1 nu!bers are in the ratio '<.< * the 'nd nu!ber is so greater than the diff between #st and 1rd find the second nu!ber$ ans .( #,$ %f f&'sine9MyO', PfFP9&2 #:$ '9M1y&*, 79M:y&k$ hese e-uations are not possible when, a$ k&#* b$ k not e-ual to #* c$ k&( d$ k&# '($ %f a plane cuts a circular cone along the a9is of the cone then the curve of intersection is a$ 6ircle b$ ellipse c$ parabola d$ hyperbola '#$ 9O';'9&7 has change of sign between2 ''$ + plot has its breadth thrice that of its length$ %f a s-uare field has an area of 78* !O'$ %f the plot has area of the field, what is its length2 '1$ 4hat is the partial differentiation of 'sine9MyO12

'.$ .'<*7<< ##(<2 '*$ 4hich of the follwing no$ canQt be divided in the ratio of #<82 +ns< '*, '7$ %s R positive2 3tate!ents given< 8R&*7, ;R&negative '8$ %f 0 and 0bar are two co!ple9 nos$ like 1M'i and ';1i, what is the value of 0O0bar2

nter)ie* +uestions: On an a)era,e inter)ie* *as -or 2&-2. minutes. /E01 N 0A2: #$ 5ifference between for!ing and casting2 '$ 5ifference between counter boring and counter sinking2 1$ 5ifference between drilling and rea!ing2 .$ 5ifference between turret lathe and capstan lathe2 *$ /ow will you !anufacture a cricket ball (cork)2 7$ /ow will you !anufacture ther!ocol glass (used to drink water)2 8$ Eo!enclature of single point cutting tool ,$ ell so!e !etal for!ing process used recently$ :$ 5ifferent types of !olding process #($ /ow will you !anufacture a plastic glass2 ##$ 4hen u open a cricket ball, how will its appearance be2 #'$ 5ual cycle and diesel cycle #1$ 6a!shaftFcrankshaft ratio #.$ E9ternal thread cannot be !achined by forging #*$ Operations of condenser

#7$ "as turbine works on #8$ 4hat are the !elt testing procedures #,$ 6asting defects #:$ 6usto!ers of EF5$ '($ /ow to cast statues '#$ ypes of casting techni-ues ''$ 5raw the various cycles used in %6 engines '1$ 4hat are the four strokes in engines '.$ /ow to !anufacture crank shaft '*$ 5ifference between forged and cast co!ponents '7$ 4hat is 3" '8$ hen e9planation about the proBect$

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