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International Symposium on Electrical Resistivity Sounding and Hydrochemical Investigation Integrated for Delineating Saline 1163 Water Resources

Management (IWRM2014) February 1921, 2014, CWRDM, Kozhikode, Kerala, India

Electrical Resistivity Sounding and Hydrochemical Investigation for Delineating Saline Water Intrusion in Shallow Aquifers of Ernakulam-Alappuzha Coast
Priju C P*1, Karthick P2, Kumar A2, Abdul Hameed E1, Madhavan K1 and Narasimha Prasad N B1

Centre for Water Resources Development and Management, Kunnamangalam, Kozhikode673 571, Kerala, India 2 Department of Geography, School of Geosciences, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli620 024, Tamil Nadu, India E-mail: *

ABSTRACT: The study focuses on understanding the salinity levels in groundwater and the extent of saline intrusion in sub-surface layers along Ernakulam-Alappuzha stretch applying hydro-chemical investigations and electrical resistivity sounding technique. The study area is part of the coastal plain extending from Ernakulam in the north to Alappuzha in the south, consists of various geomorphic units viz., palaeo-strandlines, floodplains, dendritic drainage, beach ridges and swales, barrier islands, spits and bars, lagoon, tidal/mud flats and mangrove swamps. Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) carried out at 11 locations representing different geomorphological and hydrogeological setup. In-situ water quality parameters viz., Temperature, pH, EC, TDS, Salinity and water levels from 115 shallow wells were measured for post-monsoon period (2012). Detailed hydro-chemical analysis of selected samples (33 nos.) was done to understand the nature of salinity in the aquifer. VES profiles revealed the presence of inter-bedded sand-clay layers in different depths. The depth to the saline-fresh water interface varied from 235 m. Salinity contours show higher values in Vypin, Varapuzha-Kadamakkudi, south Chellanam, Arur and Thannermukkam areas. Water is also of brackish to saline nature in Nedumudi, VaikomKumarakom and Vechur areas. Semi-quantitative interpretation of the VES data show majority of sounding curves are Q-type (VES-2, 3, 4, 8, 10 and 11) indicating increasing salinity towards depth followed by KQ-type (VES-5, 6, 7 and 9) with fresh water horizons in the top layer and K-type (VES-1) typical fresh lateritic aquifer. The areas representing VES-5,6,7 and 9 are dominantly fine to medium grained sand (ridge areas) indicating the textural and geomorphological control over salinity distribution. Keywords: Coastal Aquifers, Saline Intrusion, Electrical Resistivity Sounding, Entral Kerala.

Groundwater salinization is extensive and represents a special category of groundwater pollution especially in the coastal zone. Most of the freshwater salinization along the coastal areas is due


Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM2014)

to the encroachment of seawater through surface and subsurface pathways. Electrical resistivity of water bearing rocks largely depends on the amount of water they contain, the chemical composition and temperature, and the distribution of water. Groundwater columns in the shallow coastal aquifers can be characterized into fresh water, brackish water and pure saline water using electrical resistivity methods employing appropriate electrode configuration. Electrical resistivity techniques were employed by many for the delineation of fresh-saline interface (Ebraheem et al., 1997; Hopkins and Richardson, 1999; Edet and Okereke, 2001; Lee et al., 2002; Wilson et al., 2006; Bataynch, 2006; Sherif et al., 2006). Radhakrishna (2001) has carried out a study using self-potential and resistivity logging methods in the boreholes and has prepared a saline-fresh water interface depth structure map for the Mahanadi delta.The study by Edwin and Thirumalivasan (2003) of coastal aquifers in Kayalpattu and Tiruchopuram villages along Tamil Nadu coast has made an attempt to integrate hydrogeomorphological and depth wise apparent resistivity data in GIS for the prediction and control of seawater intrusion. Pareek et al. (2006) have employed resistivity-sounding data to understand the quality of groundwater available at different depths along the coastal aquifer of Gujarat state. Geo-electrical sounding methods were employed to identify the subsurface saline water zones in Kolkata city by Saha et al., 2006. Their study revealed the presence of clay layer barrier preventing the upward salinity intrusion in the area and also found brackish water intrusion through surface pathways is the major cause of salinity. The problem of salinization of coastal aquifers in Kerala has been mainly reported from Ernakulam, Thrissur and Alleppey districts (CGWBKR, 2007). In Ernakulam, seawater incursion is severe around at Chellanum and Vypin coasts. It is also found along Azhikode-Kodungallur and VatanapallyChavakkad-Punnayurkulam area of the coast in Thrissur district (CGWBKR, 2007). Brackish water intrusion through surface water bodies and tidal inlets is a major cause of increasing salinity in the lowland areas viz., Thannermukkam bund and Cherthala-Alleppey coast in Alleppey district, at Enamakkal saltwater regulator and Kole land basin in Thrissur district (Lakshminarayanan and Siva Prasad Rao, 1988; Vatakkepat and Narasimha Prasad, 1991). Detailed study of the groundwater conditions of coastal Kerala has been carried out by Swedish International Development Agency assisted Coastal Kerala Ground Water Project during the period 198388 (SIDA, 1988). The study area comprises the coastal belt extending from Alappuzha in the south to Ernakulam in the north and laterally it extends towards midland region in the east (Figure 1). The area receives an average annual rainfall of about 3000 mm and it is drained by six major rivers viz., southern arm of Periyar, Muvattupuzha, Pamba, Achankovil, Manimala and Meenachil. Vemband backwater system and associated wetlands constitute a major part of the area. Geomorphologically the area is characterized by various landforms viz., lagoons, barrier islands, beach ridges, paleo-strandlines, alluvial plains, marshy plains and floodplains (Narayana and Priju, 2006). A major part of the area is covered by Vembanad Lake, the largest estuarine-lagoon (backwater) system on the west coast of India. A series of sand dunes oriented parallel to the general direction of the coastline hinders at places the flow of the rivers, thereby trapping sediments and enlarging the alluvial plains. The shoreline is generally straight trending NNW SSE with minor variations and lies as a narrow and low-lying land. Groundwater occurs in shallow aquifer condition and it dominantly consists of sandy soil with varying silt and clay content. Geologically coastal plain areas are mainly overlain by Recentto-Sub-Recent sediments (sandy to clayey) and in the eastern parts with Pleistocene laterites (GSI, 1995).

Electrical Resistivity Sounding and Hydrochemical Investigation for Delineating Saline



Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) carried out at 11 locations representing different geomorphological and hydrogeological setup using Terrameter SAS 300C. The objective of this investigation was to understand the sub-surface geologic and hydrogeologic conditions. Schlumberger array was used for conducting VES surveys. The resistivity values and AB/2 values were plotted on double-log sheet. The layered resistivity model in IPI2Win software (Moscow State University) was used to interpret different layers. The apparent resistivity (), thickness (h), depth to layer interface (d) were obtained from the output. In-situ measurements of water quality (pH, Temp., TDS, EC, salinity and turbidity) from 115 shallow wells were carried out during post-monsoon 2012 period using Eutech multi-parameter instrument (Figure 1). The concentration of major ions (cations and anions) was analyzed in the laboratory (33 selected samples) as per the standard method (APHA 2005). Sodium and potassium in the water samples was analyzed using Flame photometer (SYSTRONICS Model: 1382). Calcium and magnesium was estimated by EDTA titrimetric method, and chloride content was determined by argentometric titration using standard silver nitrate as reagent. Carbonate concentration of the water samples was determined by titration method. Sulphate concentration was determined following turbidity method using Nephlo-Turbidity meter. Lithology of well sections and depth to water table were also recorded. It is observed that in most of the places the soil formation is clayey sand to sandy clay. In some places the aquifer is laterite overlain on weathered crystalline basement. Riverine alluvium, sandy soil, clayey soil and fine sand were also found in other locations.

Fig. 1: Geology of the Study Area with VES Points and Well Sampling Locations


Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM2014)

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Hydrochemistry In-situ Parameters (Temp., pH, EC, TDS, Salinity and Turbidity)
Temperature of the water samples in the study area ranged from 22.8C to 24.7C with an average of 23.6C. The pH varied from 6.5 to 8.6 with a mean value of 7.8. The electric conductivity of the samples varies between 118 mS/cm and 19360 mS/cm with a mean value of 2022 mS/cm. The higher EC values can be observed in Nijarakkal-Vypin and Ernakulam areas in the northern part. The EC values are also high in Panagad and Thanneermukkam areas and decreases towards southern part. The TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) level in the groundwater samples ranges from 84 mg/L to 11,000 mg/L with a mean value of 1363 mg/L. TDS content generally shows a gradual increasing trend towards western part (Vypin, Varapuzha and Chellanum), in the coastal plain. Higher TDS values are observed also noted in Maradu, Panagad and Thannermukkam areas. The salinity of the groundwater samples generally ranges from 0 to11.6 ppt with an average value of 1.2 ppt. High salinity value (11.6ppt) is recorded near to Nijarakkal beach. Salinity also increases towards the western and southern parts similar to TDS values. The turbidity level of the groundwater samples generally ranges from 0 to 27.3 NTU with high value (564 NTU) at Kumarakom area. Turbidity levels higher in Willington Island, Fort Kochi, Perumbalam regions found above the permissible limit (Figure 2).

Fig. 2: Spatial Plots Showing Variations in Temp., pH, EC, TDS, Salinity and Turbidity in the Water Samples

Electrical Resistivity Sounding and Hydrochemical Investigation for Delineating Saline


Laboratory Analysis of Water Samples Cations and Anions

In the study area, Ca-HCO3 type dominated and the major ions are Na+ and Ca2+. Total alkalinity in the water samples ranges from 69 mg/L to 562 mg/L with an average value 260 mg/L. The hardness (TH) of the water samples ranges between 84 to 13600 mg CaCO3/L with an average value of 1180 mg CaCO3/L. Calcium concentration ranged between 21 to 1280 mg/L (average value 204 mg/L). Magnesium content in the investigated water samples range from 0 to 2819 mg/L (mean value of 163 mg/L). By analysis on the concentrations of major ions, concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+ and show similar changes with the TDS, which can help us to conclude that the change of TDS is determined by the concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+. The TH shows a gradual increase toward the coastal region, which shows that in coastal part of the study area the content of Ca2+ and Mg2+ is relatively higher. The trend of TH shows good consistency with TDS, which further illustrates that Ca2+ and Mg2+ are the main factors affecting the changes in TDS. Sodium concentrations were found in between 5 to 4299 mg/L with an average value of 453 mg/L which is increasing towards northern part of the study area.Potassium content in the water samples varied from 1 to 197 mg/L with a mean value of 28 mg/L (Figure 3).

Fig. 3: Spatial Plots Showing Variations in Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and K+ in the Water Samples

The Cl values in the water samples ranged from 40 to 13,990 mg/L with mean value of 1520 mg/L. Groundwater in the topographically high area has relatively low chloride concentration than the surrounding coastal area. It indicates that groundwater composition in the alluvial aquifer is largely influenced by seawater intrusion, which is the main source of chloride in the study area. The increase of chloride concentration in groundwater is most indicative of groundwater salinization caused by seawater intrusion whereas the concentration. The SO42 levels varied from 0.6 to 1172 mg/L, with a mean value of 105 mg/L. Lower values are observed in regions of higher elevations and SO42 show similar trend with TDS (Figure 4). Iron (Fe2+) Fe2+ is detected only in few samples and it is at very low levels (0 to 0.3 mg/L). Highest value is noted in Perumbalam island region.


Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM2014)

Fig. 4: Spatial Plots Showing Variations in Total Alkalinity, Total Hardness, Cl and SO42 in

Hydro-Chemical Facies
The Hill-Piper plots were used to infer hydro-geochemical facies. Overall 4 groundwater types were obtained from the study area. The dominant water type is Ca-HCO3 followed by Na-Cl and Na-HCO3. Spatially Ca-HCO3 type is distributed in the western part of the study area adjacent to lake and sea. Bicarbonates dominate in the eastern part of the study area (Figure 5).

Fig. 5: Hill-Piper Plots Showing Different Hydrochemical Facies

E ec Ele ctr ric ca al Res R si ist tiv vi ity y Sou un nd ding g and d Hy Hyd dro oc ch hem m ca mic al I In nv ve est tig ga at tio on nf for rD De eli in nea at tin ng g Sa Sal lin ne e

1169 69

Geo Ge o-E Ele E ec ct tr ric ca al lS So ou un nding nd ng

Se S em mi i-qu uan nt tita at tiv ve e in nt te er rp pre et ta ati io on n of th he eV VE ES Sd data a conc n lu ud de es s th ha at tm ma ajo or rity y of of s so ou un nd di in ng g cu ur rv ve es s ar re e Q-t Q ty yp pe e (V (VE ES S-2 2, 3 3, 4, 4,8 8,10 0 an nd d 11) in nd di icat tin ng g in nc cr re ea asi in ng g s sa ali in nit ty y to t wa war rd ds d dep pt th h. Th The e re es sist tiv vi ity y cu cur rv ve ei is s KQ KQ-t ty yp pe e in in VE VES S-5 5, , 6, 7 an nd d 9 in nd di ic ca ati in ng g fre f es sh h wa water r ho hor riz zo on ns s in n th t e to top p la ay ye er r (F (Figu gure es s 6 7 7). .V VE ES S-1 1 is is K K-t ty yp pe e re es sist tiv vit ty y cu cur rv ve e in ind dic ca at tin ng gt ty ypic ca al fre f es sh h la at te eri itic c aq qu ui if fer r. . The Th e ar are eas rep r pr re es sen n nti in ng gV VE ES S-5-7 7 an and d 9 are a e do dom mi in na an ntl ly y fin f ne e to m mediu d um m gr gra ain ne ed d sa an nd d (ri id dg ge ar area as s) ) su ug gg ges st tin ng g tex xt tu ur ra al an and d geo om mo mor rp ph ho olo og gi ic ca al co con ntro ol l ov ove er r sa al lin nit ty y di dis str ribu u io uti on n. VE VE ES S-2 is i a th hr re ee e la ay ye er r cu cur rv ve e wi with h 1, 2 val lu ue es 41 418 87 7, , 1 23 a an nd d 0.3 0 34 4 oh ohm m m re mr sp pe ec ct tiv ve el ly y. Th T he e th hi ic ck kn ne ess of of 2, 3 va th he e la ay ye er rs h1 an and d h2 are a e 1.0 1 03 3 m an and d 3.1 14 4m m. Th The e de dep pth h to o th h he l lay yer r 1 an and d 2 ar are 1. 1 .0 03 a an nd d 4.1 4 17 7 m. m. VES VE S-3 3 is s a fo fou ur l la ay yer rc cu urv ve e fro from m Vy Vyp pin na ar rea w wi ith h 1, 2, v va alu ue es s 3 31 18 8, , 12 29 9 , 0 0.7 70 0 a an nd d 2. 2 .8 84 4 2 3, 4 ohm oh m-m m re r sp pe ec ct tiv ve el ly y. Th The e th hi ic ck kn ne ess of o f th the e la lay ye ers h1,, h2 an and d h3 ar are e 0.9 98 87 7 m, m 2. 2 12 m an nd 8 8.70 m re es sp pe ec cti iv ve ely y. Th The ed de ep pt th h to to th the e la lay ye er 1, 1 2 an nd 3 ar re e 0.9 98 87 7, 3 3. .1 1a an nd d1 11 1.8 8 m re r sp pe ec ct tiv ve el ly y.


VE VES-2 2


VE VES-4 4


VE VES-6 6

Fig Fi g. 6: VE VES S Plo ots (AB AB/ /2 2v vs s. ) wi with h Fie F el ld Cu Cur rv ve, Ma M as ste er r Cu Cur rv ve e an and dI In nte er rpre et ted

VE V ES S-4 4 is s a th thre ee e la ay ye er rc cu ur rv ve e fr fro om m Ch Che el lla an nu um m bea ac ch h are a ea a, w wit th h 1, 2, val lu ue es 7 75 5. .9 9, 29 29.9 9 an and d 2 3 va 0 42 0.4 29 9 oh ohm m-m m re res sp pe ecti iv vely y. Th The th thic ck kn ne es ss so of f th he e la ay ye er rs s h1 an nd h2 a ar re e 1.0 01 1 m an a nd d 2.5 2 58 8 m wit w th h

11 7 70 0

Int In teg gr rate ed d Wa W te er rR Re eso ou ur rce es Man Ma M na ag ge em me en nt (I IW W WR RM M 20 M2 01 14 4) )

dep d pt th h to o th the la lay ye er 1 an and d 2 ar are e 1.0 01 1a an nd d 3.5 59 9 m. m V VE ES S-8 8 is s a th thr ree la lay yer r cu curv ve e f fr rom m Th Tha aic ck ka al l b ac be ch h wi wit th h 1, 2,, 3 v va alu ues s 34 342 2, 33 33. .7 7a an nd d0 0. .6 66 67 7 oh ohm m-m m re res sp pe ec cti iv vely y. .T Th he e th t hi ickn kness s of of th the e la ay ye er rs h1 an and d h2 a ar re 1. 17 78 8 m an nd 2. 2.9 96 6m m. T Th he d de ep pt th h to to th the e la ay ye er r 1 an and d 2 ar are e 1.7 78 8 an and d 4.7 74 4 m. m. VES VE S-1 10 0 is s a th thre ee e la ay ye er r cu ur rv ve e fr ro om mK Ka av va ala am ma ar re ea a, wi with h ap a pp pa aren nt t re es sist tiv vi ity y va val lu ue es (1, 2, , 3) 322 22, 17 17.5 5 an and d 2.1 1 oh ohm m-m m Th m. The e th hi ickn kness s of of th the la lay yers s h1 a an nd d h2 ar re e 0.9 99 91 1 m an a nd d 3.2 3 24 4 m. Th The e d pt dep th h to o th the l la ay ye er 1 an and d 2 ar are e 0.9 0 99 91 1 an and d 4.2 4 24 4 m. m VE VESS 11 i is saf fo ou ur la lay yer r cu cur rv ve e fr fro om m Nor rt th h Ary Ar ya ad d ar are ea a, wi wit th ha ap pp pa ar re en nt re resi is sti iv vity y va valu ue es s (1, 2, 3, 27 71 16 6, , 586 6, , 28 2 .8 8 an a nd d 10 0.5 5 oh ohm m-m m 3 4 4) 2 re es sp pe ec cti iv ve ely y. Th The e th hi ic ck kn ne ess of of th the e la ay ye er rs s h1, h2 an and d h3 ar re e1 1.0 07 7m m, 3.2 3 26 m a n nd d 18.2 2 m. Th The e d pth dep h to o th he e la ay ye er r 1, ,2a an nd d 3 ar a e 1.0 1 07, 4.3 4 33 3 an and d 22 22.5 m re res sp pe ecti iv ve ely y. .

VES VE S-7 7

VE VES S-8 8

VES VE S-9 9


Fig Fi g. 7: VE VES S Plo ots (AB AB/ /2 2v vs s. ) wi with h Fie F el ld Cu Cur rv ve, Ma M as ste er r Cu Cur rv ve e an and d In Inte er rpre et ted

VE V ES S-5 5 is s a th thr ree e lay yer r cu curv ve e fro from m Th T ha aik kk ka at ttu us ss se eri i are ea a wi w ith h 1, 2, valu ues s3 32 29 91 1, 4 49 97 73 3 an and d 2 3 va 0 98 0.9 84 4 oh ohm m-m m re resp pe ec ct tiv ve el ly y. Th The e th thi ick kn n ness s of o th he e la ay ye er rs h1 an a nd d h2 are a e 1 m an and d 2. 2 19 9 m. m Th The e de dep pt th h to o th he e lay yer r 1 an and d 2 are a e 1 an nd 3. 3.19 m m. V VE ES S-6 6 is is a thre ee e la ay ye er r cu ur rv ve e wi with h ap app pa ar ren nt re es si istivit ty y v lu va ue es s (1, 2, 954 4, 47 472 21 1 an and d3 3. .5 58 8o oh hm m-m mm re r sp pe ec ct tiv ve el ly y. T Th he e th hi ic ck kn ne ess of of t th he e la lay ye ers h1 an and d 2 3 ) 95 h2 a are e 0.6 0 69 91 m an and d 3.3 31 1 m. m. The h de dep pth h to to t th he e la lay ye er 1 an and d2a ar re e 0.6 69 91 1 an nd 4 m. m V VE ES S-7 7 is is a th hr re ee e la ay ye er r cu cur rv ve fro f om mT TV V pu pura am m, m ne near r Va Vaik k kom wi with h ap a par re en nt re r si is sti iv vit ty yv va al lu ues (1, 2, ) 1 11 16 68 8, 73 7 32 26 6 2 3 an nd 4 4. .0 06 6 ohm hm-m mr re es sp pect ti iv vely y. The h th t hic ck kn ne es ss s of th the la lay yers s h1 an and d h2 are a e 1. 1 01 m an and d 1.9 94 4 m. m. The Th e de dep pt th ht to ot th he l la ay yer r1a an nd d 2 ar are 1.0 1 01 an and d2 2. .9 95 5 m. m VE VES-9 9 is s a th thre ee e la ay ye er cu curv ve e fr fro om mA Ala ap pp pu uz zh ha a b ac bea ch h wi with h 1, 2,, 3 val lu ue es 78 785 5, 42 426 64 4 an nd 1. 1 28 oh ohm m-m m. m Th The e th thick kn ne es ss s of of th the e la lay ye ers s h1 an and d h2 ar are e 1.3 3 m an and d 0.6 68 88 8m m. . Th he de dep pt th ht to o th the el la ay ye er r1a an nd d 2 are a e 1.3 1 3 an and d 1.9 99 9 m. m. VE VES S-1 1 is sat th hre ee e la ay ye er r cu ur rv ve e wi with h ap app pa ar ren nt t re es si ist tiv vi it ty va val lu ue es (1, 2, 469 9, 86 867 7a an nd d 143 oh ohm m m re m-m es sp pe ec ctiv ve ely y. Th The e 2 3) 46 th hi ic ck kn ness s of of t th he l la ay ye ers s h1 an and d h2 ar are 0 0. .9 99 97 7 m and 3 3. .5 51 m. m T Th he de dep pt th to to t th he e la ay ye er r 1 an and d 2 ar are e 0 99 0.9 97 7 and 4 4.51 m m. Fr From th he e QQ-T Ty yp pe e cu cur rv ve es so ob bt ta ain ne ed d an and dt th he er re esis sti iv vit ty y la ay ye ers de d eriv ve ed d, it can n be be in nf fe err re ed d th he e pr pre esen nce eo of f in nt ter-b be ed dd de ed d sa an nd d-c clay y la lay yers s in n di dif ffe er re en nt de dep pth hs. . Th T he e de dep pth h to th the e sa al lin ne-f fre es sh h wa wat ter r in nt te erfa ac ce e in inter rp pr re ete ed d va vari ie ed df fr ro om m 22 35 m m.

Electrical Resistivity Sounding and Hydrochemical Investigation for Delineating Saline


The study attempted to illustrate the groundwater quality of shallow aquifers of ErnakulamAlappuzha region during post-monsoon season (2012) applying hydrochemical parameters and electrical resistivity techniques. Geomorphologically, the area covered by extensive backwaters/lagoon system backed by the dynamic barrier-island complexes with ridge-swale topography, forms an ideal field system for the study of coastal aquifer system. The area is vulnerable to saline water intrusion, influenced by diurnal and seasonal ebb-flood tidal flow, also receives run-off from major rivers like Periyar, Muvattupuzha and Pamba during different seasons. The in-situ measurement of temperature, pH, salinity, TDS, Electrical conductivity and turbidity give the spatial distribution of water quality. Temperature of the water samples ranged from 22.8C to 24.7C and the pH varied from 6.5 to 8.6. The electric conductivity of the samples varies between 118 mS/cm and 19360 mS/cm The TDS level in the water samples ranges from 84 mg/L to 11,000 mg/L. The salinity of the water samples generally ranges from 0 to11.6 ppt. The turbidity level of the groundwater samples generally ranges from 0 to 27.3 NTU. The major ion concentration of few of the samples (33) were determined and found that Ca-HCO3 type is dominated and the dominant species are Na+ and Ca2+. The Hill-Piper plots were used to infer hydro-geochemical facies. Overall 4 groundwater types were obtained from the study area. The dominant water type is Ca-HCO3 followed by Na-Cl and Na-HCO3. Spatially Ca-HCO3 type is distributed in the western part of the study area adjacent to lake and sea. Bicarbonates dominate in the eastern part of the study area. Aquifer zones are identified by the Electrical Resistivity Survey method. An attempt was made to identify the subsurface aquifer zones by geo-electrical resistivity method in parts of the study area. Semi-quantitative interpretation of the VES data concludes that majority of sounding curves are Q-type (VES-2, 3, 4, 8, 10 and 11) indicating increasing salinity towards depth. The resistivity curve is KQ-type in VES-5, 6, 7 and 9 indicating fresh water horizons in the top layer. VES-1 is K-type resistivity curve indicating typical fresh lateritic aquifer. The areas representing VES-5-7 and 9 are dominantly fine to medium grained sand (ridge areas) suggesting textural and geomorphological control over salinity distribution. From the Q-Type curves obtained and the resistivity layers derived, it can be inferred the presence of inter-bedded sand-clay layers in different depths. The depth to the saline-fresh water interface interpreted varied from 2-35 m.

Authors thank Executive Director, Centre for Water Resources Development and Management (CWRDM) for the permission and extending support for publishing this work. This paper form part of the Plan N-40 project of CWRDM sanctioned under KSCSTE funding. Authors thank Dr.P.S. Harikumar, Head, Water Quality Division, CWRDM for extending the facility in analyzing the water samples. Mr. Aneesh V., Project Fellow, Groundwater Division has helped in preparing some of the figures.

APHA (2005). Standard methods for the examination of water and waste water, 21st Edition, American Public Health Association, Washington DC.


Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM2014)

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