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MEDEA Kick off Meeting, Riga 28-29 November 2013

Experience related to ERASMUS MUNDUS

ERASMUS Mundus Mobility grants Lot 1 ALFIHRI (Tunesia, (Tunesia Marocco, Marocco Lybia, Lybia Algeria, Algeria Egypt) Lot 2 PEACE (Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Palestina) Lot 4 AURORA & Triple (Russia) Lot 5 MID & BMU MID (Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Aserbaijan) Lot L t 5 MEDEA (Belarus, (B l M ld Moldova, Uk i Ukraine, G Georgia, i A Armenia, i Aserbaijan) A b ij ) Lot 9 ECEA (Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan) Lot 15 EURALINKS (Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Mexico, Columbia, Argentina, Venezuela)

Charit Universittsmedizin Berlin:

ERASMUS Mundus joint Doctoral Programms tropED - European Master of Science in International Health (Bordeaux, Berlin, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Edinburgh, Bergen, London, Thailand, Mexico) NEURASMUS European Master in Neuroscience (Bordeaux, Amsterdam, Coimbra, Berlin Gttingen Berlin, Gttingen, Laval Qubec
MEDEA Kick off Meeting, Riga 28-29 November 2013

Academic Offer: Subject Field Medicine 12.1

Target Group Medical Students (undergraduates) Medical Students (undergraduates)

No. No 2 4

Course/Program Regular study track (3-5 year) Practical Training (6th year)

Duration 6 or 10 months 4 or 8 months Depends on the program


Different international Masters Programs, like International Health, Neurosciences, Molecular Medicine


Research projects

34 months

Requirements Min. B2 level German, advanced students from 4th year on Min. B2 level German, successfully completed 5th study year Depends on the program: Bachelor or Degree in Medicine English fluency (TOEFL 550/213/80) or IELTS (&) or DAAD (A or B in all categories) Degree in Medicine or Sciences, depends on the project Fluency in English

ECTS/ Academic recognition: ECTS is used in the undergraduate and Masters programs; Ph.D. or MD/Ph.D. and Dr. PH: The thesis regulations require a bachelor degree with the equivalent of an ECTS grade A and the start of a Masters study program, preferably in the life sciences. If these requirements are not fulfilled, a separate comprehensive exam has to be passed. The complexity and the areas of this exam are individually decided upon by the thesis commission after submission of your thesis contract. MEDEA Kick off Meeting, Riga 28-29 November 2013

Thank you very much for your attention!

For further information, information please contact:

MEDEA Kick off Meeting, Riga 28-29 November 2013

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