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Step 1: Right Understanding This stage of the Eightfold Path requires you to accept the Buddhas teachings about

life, death and suffering. You should understand that life involves suffering and change and you should understand that the Eightfold Path is the way to overcome suffering and be happy. To now the truth as taught by the Buddha.

Step 2: Right Emotion This stage of the Eightfold Path requires you to control your emotions in a way which will help you commit yourself to the other stages of the Eightfold Path and not become distracted. You should not have emotions of anger, hatred, !ealously and selfishness. These will not let help you be happy or gain good arma and reach enlightenment. "orrect emotions are empathy #understanding how others feel$ and compassion #love$ for others.

Step 3: Right Speech This stage of the Eightfold Path requires you to avoid saying things which will hurt other people or lead to negativity. You should only spea the truth. %oreover, you should aim to say things which are helpful and positive. This would mean not saying negative things about people behind their bac s, not calling people names and not lying.

Step 4: Right Action This stage of the Eightfold Path requires you to control what you do and the way you live your life and ma e moral decisions. Buddhists follow a set of rules. These are called precepts. Buddhist mon s and nuns follow more precepts than other Buddhists. &ome of these rules involve being vegetarian and not using violence.

Step 5: Right Livelihood This stage of the Eightfold Path requires you to earn a living in a way which will not go against Buddhist teachings and which will ma e you, and others happy. %any careers are based on greed and selfishness. There are people who suffer because of this, for e'ample child labour is used by some companies. To ensure your career is in(line with Buddhist beliefs and teachings it should be one which doesnt harm others and is helpful. )or e'ample* doing charity wor or teaching. Step 6: Right Effort This stage of the Eightfold Path requires you to put effort in to living a good life which will help end suffering. You can put effort in to this by practising ind and positive thin ing. +eflecting on ways you can help others, how you can improve your life so that you ease the suffering caused by attachment, greed, hatred and ignorance. ,s this doesnt come naturally you must put effort in to it.


: Right A!areness

This stage of the Eightfold Path requires you to be aware of others around you, and in particular be aware of the suffering in the world and how you can help escape this. You should not be ignorant of this.

You should be aware of your own actions and thoughts. You should also be aware of the people in your life and around but. Thirdly, you should be aware of how the world around you wor s and how people in it suffer.

Step ": Right #editation This stage of the Eightfold Path requires you to spend time meditating. By meditating you can contemplate those around you and focus on achieving the middle path. Your mind must be trained to be calm and positive and to develop wisdom. Ta ing time to concentrate and reflect on this through meditation will help you achieve these things. Buddhists will spend a lot of time meditating.

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