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EMILIO AGUINALDO COLLEGE School of Nursing & Midwifery Dasmarinas City, Cavite Name: ______________________________ Section: __________________ Multiple

Choices: encircle the correct answer. Avoid erasure. The responsibility of a nurse which encompasses the four aspect, except: a. Promotion and prevention of health b. Maintaining health c. Alleviation of suffering d. Restoration of health Virtue ethics known as aretaic ethics which means: a. Focused on the of a person performing the act b. Focused on the duties and responsibilities of the person c. Focused on the traits and virtue of a person d. Focused on the nursing procedure done by the nurse. A nurse gives wrong medication to a client. Another nurse employed by the hospital as a risk Manager will expect to receive which of the following communications? a. Incident report c. Copy of medication kardex b. Oral report from the nurse d. Order change signed by the physician

I. 1.



4. A nurse is approached by a friend who request for an abortion. The nurse refuses but refers the friend to the doctor who can perform it. This is a violation of: a. Divine Command Ethics c. Good Samaritan Law b. Teleological Approach d. Command Responsibility 5. A family member decided to have an euthanasia to the patient because of poor prognosis for almost 5 years of critically ill, is one of the example of : a. Divine Command Ethics c. Good Samaritan Law b. Teleological Approach d. Command Responsibility 6. The ability of the individual to determine his or her own course of action. It is also one of the patient responsibility and right to make a decision on his or her treatment. a. Non- maleficence c. Autonomy b. Justice d. Veracity 7. An obligation of a nurse not to do harm to other. a. Non- maleficence b. Justice

c. Autonomy d. Veracity

8. An obligation of the nurse to treat all patients fairly regardless of race and status in life. a. Autonomy c. Beneficence b. Justice d. Fidelity 9. Based on Hippocratic Oath The nurse must do independent function to promote doing act of kindness and mercy that directly benefit the patient. a. Autonomy c. Beneficence b. Justice d. Fidelity 10.The nurse insert a naso-gastric tube to patient nostril for the purpose of feeding and medication but from the action itself, the patient felt pain during insertion this is an example of: a. Principles of double effect c. Principles of nursing practice b. Principles of divine command ethics d. Principles of morally good 11.The patient felt pain on the right lower quadrant and seek a medical advice in one of the institution here at Dasmarinas City, Cavite. Upon assessing by the doctor and with the result of laboratory patient has an acute appendicitis. The doctor advise patient to undergo on surgical treatment. But because of financial problem patient decide to refuse and transfer to other government hospital for further diseases management. In this situation patient exercise his : a. Advocacy c. Veracity b. Autonomy d. Fidelity 12.The nurse applied betadine to the lacerated wound but it gives painful effect to the affect side, this is an example of: a. Principles of double effect c. Principles of nursing practice b. Principles of divine command ethics d. Principles of morally good 13.The expulsion of the product of conception before the age of viability. a. Abortion c. Euthanasia b. Fetal and maternal conflict d. Cloning 14.Mrs. Ramos is the Health Education Officer of the Municipal Health Officer. She plans to develop programs based on various laws and directives from DOH. She knows that all prescriptions of the municipal health officer should be in generics. What laws provides this mandate? a. RA 9173 c. RA 1080 b. RA 6675 d. RA 7160

15.The Philippine Nursing Act a. RA 8981 b. RA 7305 16.The Magna Carta for Public Health Workers a. RA 8981 b. RA 7305

c. RA 2382 d. RA 9173

c. RA 2382 d. RA 9173

17.The Philippine Medical Act a. RA 8981 c. RA 2382 b. RA 7305 d. RA 9173 18.When the nurse start to work in the hospital but without a written contract, which of the following is expected to her a. She is not bound to perform according to the standards of the nursing practice b. She provides nursing care within the acceptable standards nursing practice c. She is not obligated to provide professional service d. The employer does not hold the nurse responsible for her action 19.Record management is one of the key areas of responsibilities of a component nurse, all but one are success indicators that a nurse is competent in doing her professional duties: a. Complete updated documentation of client care b. Observes confidentiality and privacy of the clients records c. Utilizes a record system like kardex but not update d. Maintain an organized system of filing and keeping clients records 20.Executive Order # 51 refers to: a. Safe motherhood disabled person b. Milk Code responsibility

c. Magna Carta to d. Command

21.A Registered Nurse may lose his/ her license for any of the following grounds: 1. Is being sued for a criminal offense 2. Non tax payer 3. Malpractice or negligence 4. For openly endorsing a product of doubly value a. 1,2,3 b. 1,3,5 c. 3,4 d. All of the above

22.A Registered Nurse may lose his/ her license for any of the following grounds : a. Continued neglect of duty b. Unprofessional or immoral c. Dishonorable conduct d. All of the above 23.The nurse has the care giver role, which focuses more in: a. Submitting patient for diagnostic procedure b. Providing a direct nursing c. Implementing a care plan d. Recognition of needs of client 24.The nurse is a provider of service like physical, psychological and emotional support to the society if she is; a. Doing the standard of care and liable to do obligation b. Employed in hospital and rendered nursing care c. Incompetent to do something d. Making thing better 25.The failure to meet the standard of care which resulted in harm to another. a. Malpractice c. Incompetence b. Negligence d. none of the above 26.Lack of ability or legal qualification to do a required duty. a. Malpractice c. Incompetence b. Negligence d. none of the above 27.Nurse Annie gave Intravenous Insertion as order by the doctor to Mrs. Erma after few minutes the incision site became bulged. Nurse Annie removed the Intra- venous and placed a warm compress to the affected site. This is an example of: a. Dependent function c. Collaborative function b. Independent function d. Doing a standard of care 28.A new nurse Martha assign to do insertion of Foley catheter to patient Nanny but when the time she go there to the patients room she is scared that might be wrong in doing the procedure. Then, the new nurse Martha decided to call her colleague Sandy to assist on the procedure. This is an example of: a. Dependent function c. Collaborative function b. Independent function d. doing a standard of care 29. As a nurse, the most important aspect you should do is to maintain privacy and confidentiality, this is a: a. Hospital policy c. What all client expect

b. Nurse code of ethics

d. It is an accepted practice

30. Which of the following demonstrate safe and quality nursing care? a. placed patient comfortable on bed with side rails up b. conforming to the 10 golden rules in administration of medication c. identifying and verifying patient name before doing a certain procedure d. all of the above 31. The Philippine is a country where patients come from different ethnic groups. Which of the following must the nurse do to effectively care for her clients from varied geographical settings? a. Study the ethnic culture of each of her client b. Determine patients personal beliefs and values c. Work with one ethnic folk healer d. Minimize transcultural communication 32. The nurses understanding of ethico-legal responsibilities will guide his/her nursing practice. The principles that govern right and proper conduct of a person regarding life, biology and health professions are referred to as: a. Morality c. Values b. Religion d. Philosophy 33. An act committed in the law violation of public criminal law and punishable by a fine or imprisonment, known as: a. Crime c. Malpractice b. Negligence d. Fraud 34. The false presentation of some fact with the intention that it will be acted upon by another person. Example of this is a falsification of document. a. Crime c. Malpractice b. Negligence d. Fraud 35. An offense of a less serious nature but with physical injury is what we called: a. libel c. manslaughter b. fraud d. misdemeanor 36. The nurse slaps the patients face because of unavoidable argument. a. misdemeanor c. fraud b. manslaughter d. libel 37. A communication that is false or made with careless disregard for the truth and results in injury to the reputation of the person. a. felony c. defamation b. manslaughter d. tort 38. These are the intentional tort, except:

a. Fraud b. Defamation

c. Provide privacy d. Slander and Libel

39. The right of individual to withhold himself and his life from publics scrutiny. a. Invasion of privacy c. maladaptive behavior b. Inappropriate behavior d. coping behavior 40. To practice legitimate profession, Nurse Rhea must renew her license every a. One year c. Two years b. Three years d. Four years 41. An on call nurse must have an additional salary of: a. 10 % b. 30%

c. 50% d. 5%

42. If a nurse assign at night, how much is the additional night differential salary of: a. 10 % c. 50% b. 30% d. 5% 43. All children below eight years of age required to have immunization for disease prevention. Under what law that covers this required immunization? a. PD 699 c. PD 965 b. PD 996 d. PD 658 44. The babies who were born in private or in government hospitals should be roomed in with their mothers to promote breast feeding and ensure adequate nutrition to children. This is under on what law? a. RA 7060 c. RA 7600 b. RA 6070 d. RA 6700 45. The Code of Sanitation a. PD 856 b. PD 562

c. PD 825 d. PD 658

46. When the community or family found guilty about improper waste disposal of garbage. They violated the law of: a. PD 856 c. PD 825 b. PD 562 d. PD 658 47. The family may have a penalty for improper waste of garbage thru the law of: a. PD 856 c. PD 825 b. PD 562 d. PD 658 48. This is also known as dangerous drug act. a. RA 6425 b. RA 2564

c. RA 4256 d. RA 4562

49. These are the prohibited drugs, except: a. Morphine b. Heroin 50. A testator is also known as: a. Decedent b. Attestation

c. Nubain d. Cocaine c. Testator d. defendant

II. Matching Type: Match Column A to Column B Column A = Meaning Column B = Doctrine applied in a Contract __D__1. Pay in order that you may perform A. Do ut des __E__2. Perform so that you are perform B. Res ipsa Loquitor __A__3. Give that you may give C. Do ut facias __C__4. Do that you may give D. Facio ut des __B__5. The thing speak for itself E. Facto ut facias ___________________________________________________________________ Column A = Meaning Column- B = ____1. Defamation by spoken words A. Battery ____2. Willful touching of person clothes B. Fraud ____3. Attempt to touch person unjustifiably C. Libel ____4. Falsification of documents D. Homicide ____5. Defamation by writing or picture E. Slander ____6. Killing of human being by another F. Assault ____7. One who killed his father G. Grave ____8. Killing a child less than 3 days of age H. Infanticide ____9. Those felonies with capital punishment I. Accomplice ____10. Those person who not being principal J. Parricide

ANSWER KEY 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. C 10.A 11.B 12.A

13.A 14.B 15.B 16.C 17.B 18.B 19.B 20.A 21.D 22.B 23.A 24.A 25.C 26.B 27.C 28.B 29.D 30.B 31.A 32.A 33.D 34.D 35.A 36.C 37.C 38.A 39.A 40.B 41.C 42.A 43.B 44.C 45.A 46.A 47.C 48.A 49.C 50.A Matching type A.

1. C 2. E 3. A 4. D 5. B B. 1. E 2. A 3. F 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. J 8. H 9. G 10. I

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