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Subject: Speech Abdul Kalaam !!! Mr. APJ Abdul Kalaam's speech in A must read "or e#er! $ndian.

%uote: $

- Good One !derabad.

ha#e three #isions "or $ndia. $n &''' !ears o" our istor! people "rom all o#er the (orld ha#e come and in#aded us) captured our lands) con*uered our minds. +rom Ale,ander on(ards. -he Gree.s) the -ur.s) the Mo/uls) the Portu/uese) the 0ritish) the +rench) the 1utch) all o" them came and looted us) too. o#er (hat (as ours. 2et (e ha#e not done this to an! other nation. 3e ha#e not con*uered an!one. 3e ha#e not /rabbed their land) their culture) their histor! and tried to en"orce our (a! o" li"e on them. 3h!4 0ecause (e respect the "reedom o" others. -hat is (h! m! "irst #ision is that o" +5661OM. $ belie#e that $ndia /ot its "irst #ision o" this in 789:) (hen (e started the (ar o" independence. $t is this "reedom that (e must protect and nurture and build on. $" (e are not "ree) no one (ill respect us. M! second #ision "or $ndia is 16;6<OPM6=-. +or "i"t! !ears (e ha#e been a de#elopin/ nation. $t is time (e see oursel#es as a de#eloped nation. 3e are amon/ top 9 nations o" the (orld in terms o" G1P. 3e ha#e 7' percent /ro(th rate in most areas. Our po#ert! le#els are "allin/. Our achie#ements are bein/ /loball! reco/ni>ed toda!. 2et (e lac. the sel"-con"idence to see oursel#es as a de#eloped nation) sel"-reliant and sel"-assured. $sn't this incorrect4 $ ha#e a - $51 #ision. $ndia must stand up to the (orld. 0ecause $ belie#e that unless $ndia stands up to the (orld) no one (ill respect us. Onl! stren/th respects stren/th. 3e must be stron/ not onl! as a militar! po(er but also as an economic po(er. 0oth must /o hand-in-hand. M! /ood "ortune (as to ha#e (or.ed (ith three /reat minds. 1r. ;i.ram Sarabhai o" the 1ept. o" space) Pro"essor Satish 1ha(an) (ho succeeded him and 1r. 0rahm Pra.ash) "ather o" nuclear material. $ (as luc.!

to ha#e (or.ed (ith all three o" them closel! and consider this the /reat opportunit! o" m! li"e. $ see "our milestones in m! career: O=6: -(ent! !ears $ spent in $S5O. $ (as /i#en the opportunit! to be the project director "or $ndia's "irst satellite launch #ehicle) S<;&. -he one that launched 5ohini. -hese !ears pla!ed a #er! important role in m! li"e o" Scientist. -3O: A"ter m! $S5O !ears) $ joined 151O and /ot a chance to be the part o" $ndia's /uided missile pro/ram. $t (as m! second bliss (hen A/ni met its mission re*uirements in 7??@. - 566: -he 1ept. o" Atomic 6ner/! and 151O had this tremendous partnership in the recent nuclear tests) on Ma! 77 and 7&. -his (as the third bliss. -he jo! o" participatin/ (ith m! team in these nuclear tests and pro#in/ to the (orld that $ndia can ma.e it) that (e are no lon/er a de#elopin/ nation but one o" them. $t made me "eel #er! proud as an $ndian. -he "act that (e ha#e no( de#eloped "or A/ni a re-entr! structure) "or (hich (e ha#e de#eloped this ne( material. A ;er! li/ht material called carbon-carbon. +OA5: One da! an orthopedic sur/eon "rom =i>am $nstitute o" Medical Sciences #isited m! laborator!. e li"ted the material and "ound it so li/ht that he too. me to his hospital and sho(ed me his patients. -here (ere these little /irls and bo!s (ith hea#! metallic callipers (ei/hin/ o#er three K/. each) dra//in/ their "eet around. e said to me: BPlease remo#e the pain o" m! patientsB. $n three (ee.s) (e made these +loor reaction Orthosis &''-/ram callipers and too. them to the orthopedic center. -he children didn't belie#e their e!es. +rom dra//in/ around a three ./. load on their le/s) the! could no( mo#e around! -heir parents had tears in their e!es. -hat (as m! "ourth bliss! 3h! is the media here so ne/ati#e4 3h! are (e in so embarrassed to reco/ni>e our o(n stren/ths) our achie#ements4 are such a /reat nation. 3e ha#e so man! ama>in/ success stories (e re"use to them. 3h!4 C C 3e are the "irst in mil. production. 3e are number one in 5emote sensin/ satellites. $ndia 3e but


3e are the second lar/est producer o" (heat. 3e are the second lar/est producer o" rice.

<oo. at 1r. Sudarshan) he has trans"erred the tribal #illa/e into a sel"-sustainin/) sel"-dri#in/ unit. -here are millions o" such achie#ements but our media is onl! obsessed in the bad ne(s and "ailures and disasters. $ (as in -el A#i# once and $ (as readin/ the $sraeli ne(spaper. $t (as the da! a"ter a lot o" attac.s and bombardments and deaths had ta.en place. -he amas had struc.. 0ut the "ront pa/e o" the ne(spaper had the picture o" a Je(ish /entleman (ho in "i#e !ears had trans"ormed his desert land into an orchid and a /ranar!. $t (as this inspirin/ picture that e#er!one (o.e up to. -he /or! details o" .illin/s) bombardments) deaths) (ere inside in the ne(spaper) buried amon/ other ne(s. $n $ndia (e onl! read about death) sic.ness) terrorism) crime. 3h! are (e so =6GA-$;64 Another *uestion: 3h! are (e) as a nation so obsessed (ith "orei/n thin/s4 3e (ant "orei/n -;s) (e (ant "orei/n shirts. 3e (ant "orei/n technolo/!. 3h! this obsession (ith e#er!thin/ imported. 1o (e not reali>e that sel"-respect comes (ith sel"-reliance4 $ (as in !derabad /i#in/ this lecture) (hen a 7@ !ear old /irl. As.ed me "or m! auto/raph. $ as.ed her (hat her /oal in li"e is: She replied: $ (ant to li#e in a de#eloped $ndia. +or her) !ou and $ (ill ha#e to build this de#eloped $ndia. 2ou must proclaim. $ndia is not an under-de#eloped nationD it is a hi/hl! de#eloped nation. An*uote: 1o !ou ha#e 7' minutes4 Allo( me to come bac. (ith #en/eance. Got 7' minutes "or !our countr!4 $" !es) then readD other(ise) choice is !ours. 2OA sa! that our /o#ernment is ine""icient. 2OA sa! that our la(s are too old. 2OA sa! that the municipalit! does not pic. up the /arba/e. 2OA sa! that the phones don't (or.) the rail(a!s are a jo.e) the airline is the (orst in the (orld) and mails ne#er reach their destination. 2OA sa! that our countr! has been "ed to the do/s and is the absolute

pits. 2OA sa!) sa! and sa!. 3hat do 2OA do about it4 -a.e a person on his (a! to Sin/apore. Gi#e him a name - 2OA5S. Gi#e him a "ace - 2OA5S. 2OA (al. out o" the airport and !ou are at !our $nternational best. $n Sin/apore !ou don't thro( ci/arette butts on the roads or eat in the stores. 2OA are as proud o" their Ander/round <in.s as the! are. 2ou pa! E9 Fappro,. 5s.G'H to dri#e throu/h Orchard 5oad Fe*ui#alent o" Mahim Iause(a! or Pedder 5oadH bet(een 9 PM and 8 PM. 2OA comebac. to the lot to punch !our i" !ou ha#e o#er sta!ed in a restaurant or a shoppin/ mall irrespecti#e o" !our status identit!. $n Sin/apore !ou don't sa! an!thin/) 1O 2OA4 2OA (ouldn't dare to eat in public durin/ 5amadan) in 1ubai. 2OA (ould not dare to /o out (ithout !our head co#ered in Jeddah. 2OA (ould not dare to bu! an emplo!ee o" the telephone e,chan/e in <ondon at 7' pounds F5s.G9'H a month to) Bsee to it that m! S-1 and $S1 calls are billed to someone else.B 2OA (ould not dare to speed be!ond 99 mph F88 .mJhH in 3ashin/ton and then tell the tra""ic cop) BJaanta hai sala main .aun hoon F1o !ou .no( (ho $ am4H. $ am so and so's son. -a.e !our t(o buc.s and /et lost.B 2OA (ouldn't chuc. an empt! coconut shell an!(here other than the /arba/e pail on the beaches in Australia and =e( Kealand. 3h! don't 2OA spit Paan on the streets o" -o.!o4 3h! don't 2OA use e,amination joc.e!s or bu! "a.e certi"icates in 0oston4 3e are still o" the same 2OA. 2OA (ho can respect and con"orm to a "orei/n s!stem in other countries but cannot in !our o(n. 2ou (ho (ill thro( papers and ci/arettes on the road the moment !ou touch $ndian /round. $" !ou can be an in#ol#ed and appreciati#e citi>en in an alien countr! (h! cannot !ou be the same here in $ndia. Once in an inter#ie() the "amous 6,-municipal commissioner

o" 0omba! had a point to ma.e. B5ich people's do/s are (al.ed on the streets to lea#e their a""luent droppin/s all o#er the place)B he said. BAnd then the same people turn around to critici>e and blame the authorities "or ine""icienc! and dirt! pa#ements. 3hat do the! e,pect the o""icers to do4 Go do(n (ith a broom e#er!time their do/ "eels the pressure in his bo(els4 $n America e#er! do/ o(ner has to clean up a"ter his pet has done the job. Same in Japan. 3ill the $ndian citi>en do that here4B e's ri/ht. 3e /o to the polls to choose a /o#ernment and a"ter that "or"eit all responsibilit!. 3e sit bac. (antin/ to be pampered and e,pect the /o#ernment to do e#er!thin/ "or us (hilst our contribution is totall! ne/ati#e. 3e e,pect the /o#ernment to clean up but (e are not /oin/ to stop /arba/e all o#er the place nor are (e /oin/ to stop to pic. a up a stra! piece o" paper and thro( it in the bin. 3e e,pect the rail(a!s to pro#ide clean bathrooms but (e are not /oin/ to learn the proper use o" bathrooms. 3e (ant $ndian Airlines and Air $ndia to pro#ide the best o" "ood and toiletries but (e are not /oin/ to stop pil"erin/ at the least opportunit!. -his applies e#en to the sta"" (ho is .no(n not to pass on the ser#ice to the public. 3hen it comes to burnin/ social issues li.e those related to (omen) do(r!) /irl child and others) (e ma.e loud dra(in/ room protestations and continue to do the re#erse at home. Our e,cuse4 B$t's the (hole s!stem) (hich has to chan/e) ho( (ill it matter i" $ alone "ore/o m! sons' ri/hts to a do(r!.B So (ho's /oin/ to chan/e the s!stem4 3hat does a s!stem consist o"4 ;er! con#enientl! "or us it consists o" our nei/hbors) other households) other cities) other communities and the /o#ernment. 0ut de"initel! not me and 2OA. 3hen it comes to us actuall! a positi#e contribution to the s!stem (e loc. oursel#es alon/ (ith our "amilies into a sa"e cocoon and loo. into the distance at countries "ar a(a! and (ait "or a Mr. Ilean to come alon/ L (or.

miracles "or us (ith a majestic s(eep o" his hand. Or (e lea#e the countr! and run a(a!. <i.e la>! co(ards hounded b! our "ears (e run to America to bas. in their /lor! and praise their s!stem. 3hen =e( 2or. becomes insecure (e run to 6n/land. 3hen 6n/land e,periences unemplo!ment) (e ta.e the ne,t "li/ht out to the Gul". 3hen the Gul" is (ar struc.) (e demand to be rescued and brou/ht home b! the $ndian /o#ernment. 6#er!bod! is out to abuse and rape the countr!. =obod! thin.s o" "eedin/ the s!stem. Our conscience is mort/a/ed to mone!. 1ear $ndians) -he article is hi/hl! thou/ht inducti#e) calls "or a /reat deal o" introspection and pric.s one's conscience too....$ am echoin/ J.+.Kenned!'s (ords to his "ello( Americans to relate to $ndians..... BASK 3 A- 36 IA= 1O +O5 $=1$A A=1 1O 3 A- AS -O 06 1O=6 -O MAK6 $=1$A 3 A- AM65$IA A=1 O- 65 36S-65= IOA=-5$6S A56 -O1A2B <et do (hat $ndia needs "rom us. +or(ard this mail to each $ndian "or a chan/e instead o" sendin/ or jun. mails. -han. !ou. Jai 0harath. (ith lu#)

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