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English Greetings: Hello Where are you from? What is your name?

Good Bye Useful sayings: Yes No Right or Correct Wrong No, thanks Thank you You are welcome Excuse me I do not understand I would like How much? Too expensive

Pinyin/ Characters n ho n cng n l li ? nn gu xng zi jin sh b sh du b du b yng le, xi xi xi xi b yng xi du bu q w tng b dng w yo du sho qin ? ti gu le Phenetics English

Phenetics English

knee how knee tzaun nar lee lei neen gway shing zi geeen

shr boo shr dway boo dway boo yong la, sheh sheh sheh sheh boo yong sheh dway boo chee wore ting boo dong wore yeow dor sheow chen tie gway la


Pinyin/ Characters tng

English Pronouns:

Pinyin/ Characters w

Phenetics English

Make Directions: Stop! ting

I / Me


Left Right Go straight There Here Toilet In the restaurant: Chopstick Knife Fork Spoon Water Settle the Bill

zu yu qin n l zh l c su kui z dao cha zi shao zi shu mi dn

zaw yo chee an nar lee

You He / She / It Numbers: 1 2

n t t t // y r sn s w li q b ji sh

knee tar

e r san sz oo leo chee bah jeo shr

jur lee 3 tsur saw 4 kwhy za dow char z sheow z shway my dan 5 6 7 8 9 10

useful Words : I woman man wife busband daughter son child children wo nvren nanren qizi zhengfu nv er er zi xiaohai er tong

businessman/woman student mr./mrs./ms.... big/small hot/cold cold(to touch) warm good/not good/bad enough free(no charge) here there this that(nearby) that(far away) what? when? why? where? who? which way? Signs: open closed entrance exit

/ // / / // ? ? ? ? ? ?

shangren/nvshangren xuesheng xiansheng/taitai/nvshi da/xiao re/liang leng nuan hao/buhao/huai goule mianfei zheli nali zhege na nage shenme? shenme shihou? wei shenme? zai nali? shui? nage fangxiang?

kai guan rukou chukou

danger emergency exit information restroom/toilet occupied free men women Money: could you change this into?please I'd like to cash these travelers'checks Do you take credit cards/travelers'checks? bank cash credit card currency exchange office dollars pounds yuan Keeping in Touch : Where is a telephone? May I use your phone? Mobile phone sim card Hello,this is.....

weixian anquanmen xinxi weishengjian/xishoujian zhanyong kongxian nanshi nvshi

..... /?

Qing ni ba ta huancheng....hao ma? wo xiang ba lvxing zhipiao huancheng xianjin Ni shou xinyangka/lvxing zhipiao me? yinhang xianjin xinyongka waihuiduihuanchu meiyuan yingbang yuan

? ? ,...

Dianhua zai nali? wo keyi yong nide dianhua ma? shouji sim ka nihao wo shi ....

I'd like to make an international call Where can i get online? airmail e-mail fax internet postcard post office stamp telephone booth telephone card Shopping: Where can i buy? How much does this cost? Too muc! I'm just looking Do you have.... May i try this on? My size? please show me that. Does it come in other colors? black browm green purple red

. ?

wo xiang da ge guoji changtu dianhua wo keyi zai nali shangwang? hangkong youjian chuanzhen hulianwang mingxinpian youju youpiao dianhua ting dianhua ka

? ? ...? ? ?

Wo keyi zai nali maidao? zhi yao duoshao qian? tai gui le wo zhishi kankan ni wo keyi shi chuan ma ? wo de chicun ? qing gei wo kankan nage you meiyou qita yanse? heise lanse lvse zise hongse

white yellow cheap/expensive audio equipment bookstore boutique clothes department store electrical store fish market folk crafts ladies' wear local speciaity market men's wear newsstand pharmacist picture postcard sale souvenir shop supermarket travel agent Sightseeing : Where is .....? How do i get to....? Is it far?

baise huangse pianyi/gui yinxiang shebei shudian shizhuangshangdian yifu baihuo shangdian dianqi shangdian yu shi minjian gong yi pin nvshi fuzhuang difang tezhuan shichang nanshi fuzhuang baotan yaojishi tupian ming xin pian lianjiachushou jinianpin dian chaoshi lcxingshe

? ? ?

zainali? wo zenme dao? yuan bu yuan

art gallery reservations desk bridge city city center free entry gardens hot spring tourist information office island monastery mountain museum palace park port river ruins shopping area shrine street temple tour,travel town village province/county

, /

meishu guan dingpiao tai qiao chengshi shi zhongxin mianfei fuchang huayuan wen quan lvyou xinxi chu dao siyuan shan bowuguan gongdian gongyuan gangkou jiang he feixu gouwu qu shendian jie si/miao lvxing zhen cun sheng/xian

zoo north south east west left/right straight ahead between neat/far up/down new old/former upper/lower middle/inner in in front of Getting around : airport bicycle rickshaw i want to rent a bicycle Ordinary bus Express bus Minbus Main bus staion Which bus goes to?

/ ..... / / / ..... .....

dongwuyuan bei nan dong xi zuo/you yizhi xiangqian zai.....zhijian jin/yuan shang/xia xin jiu genggao/gengdi zhongjian zai....qianmian


jichang zixingche runliche woxiangzu yiliang zixingche gonggongqiche tekuai gonggongqiche mianbaoche gonggongqiche zong zhan nayilu gonggongqiche dao ......qu ?

When is the next bus? Please tell me where to get off? car ferry ferry dock baggage room motorcyde one-way ticket rutum ticket taxi ticket ticket office timetable Trains : What is the fare to.....? When does the train for....leave? How long does it take to get to...? A ticket to ....please Do i have to change? I'd like to reserve a seat,please Which platform for the train to...? Which station is this? Is this the right train for...? train station express train

xiayiliang gonggongqiche shi shenme shihou qing gaosu wo zainali xiache xiao qiche duchuan du kou xingli shi motoche dancheng piao wangfan piao chuzuche piao shoupiao chu shikebiao

....? .... ? ....? ... .... ? ....? piaojia shi duoshao huoche shenme shihou kai qu....yao duoshao shijian mai yizhang piao wo yao buyao huanche wo yao yuding yige zuowei huoche zai nage zhantai? zhe shi shenme chezhan zhe huoche shi bushi qu....? huoche zhan zhida kuaiche

fast train ordinaty train line local train platform reserved seat subway train wnreserved seat hard seat soft seat hard sleeper soft sleeper upgrade ticket Accommodations : Do you have any vacancies? I have a reservation I'd like a room with a bathroom What is the charge per night? Are the taxes included in the price? Can i leave my luggage here for a little while? Can i have a look at the room? air-conditioning bath check-out

kuaiche putong lieche xianlu difang lieche zhantai yuding zuowei ditie huoche wei yuding de zuowei yingzuo ruanzuo yingwo ruanwo shengji chepiao

? ? ? ? ?

nimen you meiyou kong fangjian? wo you yuding de fanjian wo xiang yao yige you weishengjian de taojian mei wan de shoufei shi duoshao jiage you meiyou baokuo shui? wo keyi ba xingli fang zai zheli yihui'er ma? wo keyi kan yi kan fangjian ma? kongtiao xizao tui fang

deposit double bed hair drier hou(boiled)water hotel(upscale) hotel(downscale) hostel room economy room key front desk single/twin room single beds shower standard room deluxe suite Eating Out : A table for one/two/three,please May i see the menu? Is there a set menu? I'd like.... May i have one of those? I am a vegetarian waite/waitress What would you recommend?

() /

dingjin shuangren chuang chuifeng ji re(kai)shui fangdian lvguan zhaodaisuo fangjian jingji fang yaoshi qiantai danren/shuangren fang danren chuang linyu biaozhun fangjian haohua taofang

// ..... ?

qing gei wo yi/liang/san ge ren de zuozi qing gei wo kankan caidan you meiyou taocan? wo xiang yao.... qing gei wo zhege wo shi shushizhe fuwuyuan ni jianyi na jige?

How do you eat this? May i have a fork/knife/spoon May we have the check please May we have some more.... The meal was very good,thank you assortment packed lunch breakfast buffet chopsticks delicious dinner to drink a drink to eat food full hot/cold hungry lunch set menu spicy hou(spicy) sweet mild

? // , /

zhe ge zenme chi? qing geiwo yiba cha/dao/tangshao qing ba zhangdan kaigei women qing zai gei women yixie fancai hen haochi xiexie hunhe can hezhuang wucan zaocan zizhucan kuaizi haochi wancan he yibei yinliao chi shipin bao re/leng e wucan taocan suan la la tian dan

western food Places to eat : cafeteria/canteen coffee shop Internet cafe Local bar noodle stall restaurant restaurant(upscale) tea garden vegetarian restaurant Food : apple bacon bamboo shoots beancurd bean sprouts beans beef beer bread butter cabbage cake chicken candies

xi can

zizhucanguan/canting kafei dian wang ba dangdi jiuba mianpu canguan fandian chashi sucai guan

pingguo xianrou sun doufu dou ya dou niurou pijiu mianbao huangyou juanxincai dangao ji tangguo

crab duck eel egg eggplant fermented soybean paste fish fried egg fried tofu fruit fruit juice ginger ham hamburger haute cuisine hors d'oeuvres ice cream jam Iobster mackerel mandarin orange meat melon mountain vegetables nooddles egg noodles

xie ya man dan qiezi jiang yu chao dan you dou fu shuiguo guozhi jiang huotui hanbaobao meiwei jiayao leng pen bingqilin guojiang longxia qingyu ganju rou gua shandi shucai mian jidan mian

wheat flour noodles rice flour noodles octopus omelet onion oyster peach peper pickles pork potato rice rice crackers rice wine roast beef salad green salad mixed salsd salmon salt sandwich sausage scallion seaweed shrimp snapper(fish)

mianfen mian mifen mian zhangyu jiandanbing yangcong muli taozi hujiaofen,lajiao paocai zhurou tudou mifan baomihua bing'gan mi jiu kao niurou sela lvcai sela hunban sela guiyu,damahayu yan sanmingzhi xiangchang jiucong haidai xia didiao

soup soy sauce squid steak sugar toast trout vegetables watermelon yoghurt Drinks : beer black tea coffee(hot) black coffee with milk filter cappuccino cola green tea iced coffee lemon tea milk mineral water orange juice soya drink(milk) tea(western-style) tea with milk water

tang jiangyou youyu niupai tang kao mianbao zunyu shucai xigua sunnai

pijiu hong cha kafei bu jia niunai jia niunai guolv kapuqinuo kele lv cha bing kafei ningmeng cha niunai kuang quanshui cheng zhi dou jiang cha(xi shi) jia niunai de cha shui

whiskey wine yoghurt drink Health : I don't feel well I have a pain in..... I'm allergic to..... acetaminophen aspirin asthma cold condom cough dentist diabetes diarrhea doctor fever flu headache hospital medicine mosquito coil mosquito netting traditional chinese medicine pharmacy

weishiji putaojiu suannai yinliao

.... ....

wo ganjue bu shufu wo....teng wo dui ....guomin purexitong asipilin xiaochuan ganmao biyuntao kesou yayi tangniaobing fuxie yisheng fashao liugan touteng yiyuan yaopin wenxiang wenzhang chuantong zhongyi yaodian

prescription sanitary pads stomach ache tissues toothache Numbers : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 20 21 22 30 40 100 101

chufang weishengjin weitong zhijin yateng

ling yi er san si wu liu qi ba jiu shi shiyi shier ershi ershi yi ershi er sanshi sishi yi bai y ibai ling yi

200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,001 2,000 10,000 20,000 100,000 1,000,000 123,456

er bai san bai si bai wu bai liu bai qi bai ba bai jiu bai yi qian yi qian ling yi liang qian yi wan liang wan shi wan yi bai wan shier wan san qian si bai wushi liu

Time : Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday January February xingqiyi xingqi'er xingqisan xingqisi xingqiwu xingqiliu xingqitian yiyue eryue

March April May June July August September October November December Spring Summer fall/autumm winter noon midnight today yeaterday tomorrow this morning this afternoon this evening for the whole day every day month hour

sanyue siyue wuyue liuyue qiyue bayue jiuyue shiyue shiyiyue shi'eryue chun xia qiu dong zhongwu wuye jintian zuotian mingtian jintian shangwu jiantian xiawu jintian wanshang yi zheng tian mei tian yue xiaoshi

time/hour minute this year last year next year one year late early soon now

shijian fenzhong jin nian qu nian ming nian yinian wan zao henkuai xianzai

100 English Equivalents of Public signs : Business Hours Office Hours Entrance Exit Push Pull Shut On Off Open Pause Stop Closed Menu Fragile ( )

This Side Up Introductions One Street Keep Right/Left Buses Only Wet Paint Danger Lost and Found Give Way Safety First Filling Station No Smoking No Photos No Visitors No Entry No Admittance No Honking Parting Toll Free F.F. Rew. EMS Insert Here Open Here Split Here Mechanical Help

/ ()

AAFilm Do Not Pass No U Turn U Turn Ok No Cycling in the School SOS Hands Wanted Staff Only No Litter Hands Off Keep Silence On Sale No Bills Not for Sale Pub Cafe Bar Laundry Travel Agency In Shade Keep in Dark Place Poison Guard against Damp Beware of Pickpocket Complaint Box For Use Only in Case of Fire

U /

Bakery Keep Dry Information No Passing No Angling Shooting Prohibited Seat by Number Protect Public Propety Ticket Office(or Booking Office) Visitors Please Register Wipe Your Shoes And Boots Mens/Gentlemen/Gents Room Womens/Ladies/Ladies Room Occupied Vacant Commit No Nuisance Net(Weight) MAN25032002 EXP25032002 Admission Free Bike Park(ing) Children and Women First Save Food Save Energy Handle with Care Dogs Not Allowed

2002 3 25 2002 3 25

Keep Away From Fire Reduced Speed Now Road Up. Detour Keep Top Side Up Take Care Not to Leave Things Behind Please Return the Back After Use Luggage Depository

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