WBTP 212vs Februari2014

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Wbpt212: Project Energy

Heat pump for space heating of utility buildings

2013 2014

Mechanical Engineering Mechanical, Maritime & Materials Engineering (3ME) Delft University of Technology

Wbpt212: Project Energy: Heat Pump for Space Heating of Utility Buildings

Mechanical Engineering ......................................................................................................1 1. 2. General.......................................................................................................................5 Project description.....................................................................................................7 GENERAL LEARNING GOALS...............................................................................................7 SPECIFIC LEARNING GOALS ...............................................................................................7 PLANNING AND EVALUATION.............................................................................................9 3. Heat pump project, in three stages .........................................................................10 Stage 1: REQUIREMENTS / DESIGN RESTRICTIONS ................................................ 10 Stage 2: HEAT PUMP DESIGN AND DESIGN EVALUATION ........................................ 15 Stage 3: EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ................................................................ 21 4. Organization ............................................................................................................24 SUSTAINABILITY ............................................................................................................. 24 ETHICS ........................................................................................................................... 24



Wbpt212: Project Energy: Heat Pump for Space Heating of Utility Buildings

1. General
Course code: Lecturers: (see also Blackboard) Wbtp212 Dr. ir. C.A. Infante Ferreira (mechanical engineering, HP) Dr. K. Hemmes / Ir. J. Vaessen (sustainability, SD) Prof. Dr. Ir. P. A. Kroes / Dr. J. O. Kroesen (ethics, Eth) MSc H. Zhou (experimental work, Exp) Dr. S. Sillem (safety, Saf) 10 EC (280 uur per student), 5 HP+Exp, 2 SD, 1.5 Eth, 1.5 Saf Monday 10 February 2014 08:45 u Room D, Building CT - Moran, M.J. en H.N. Shapiro, Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics, for instance 5th SI edition, Wiley, 2006. - Mills, A.F., Basic heat and mass transfer, 2nd edition/E, Pearson New International Edition, 2014 or Mills, A. F. 'Heat Transfer', ISBN-13: 9780139476242. - Touber, S., Thermische machines een compressie warmtepomp, dictaat Wbtp212, WbMT, TU Delft, 2004 (Blackboard). - White, F.H., Fluid Mechanics, 3rd edition, McGrawHill -Royakkers, L., van de Poel, I.R., Pieters, A. (editors) Ethiek & Techniek: morele overwegingen in de ingenieurspraktijk, Baarn: HB Uitgevers, 2004. Alternative: 069I0086 Reader WBTP212 Energieproject 20112012: Ethiek Versie 2011 (Leverbaar) 31,60 per stuk; In bestelgroepen: Electives & Minors en WBTP212 -Mulder, K. (editor) Sustainable Development for Engineers: A Handbook and Resource Guide, ISBN 1 874719 19 5, Sheffield: Greenfield, 2006 -Ale, B., Risk: an introduction: the concepts of risk, danger and chance, ISBN 978-0-415-49089-4, London, Routledge, 2009 - Infante Ferreira, C. A., Syllabus Compressiewarmtepompen, WbMT, TU Delft, 1998 (Blackboard) - Isso, Tapwater installaties in woningen, publicatie 30* - Isso, Warmteverliesberekeningen voor woningen en woongebouwen, publicatie 51* - ECR, Prijscatalogus, deel 1 en 2, Europe Commercial Refrigeration Nederland B.V. (http://www.ecr-nederland.nl/) See also Blackboard

Credits: Start assignment: Course material: (to be purchased)

Course material: (on line)

*ISSO-digitaal is via intranet accessible through the TU-library site, search for ISSO-digitaal, ask the Library
for username and password



Wbpt212: Project Energy: Heat Pump for Space Heating of Utility Buildings



Wbpt212: Project Energy: Heat Pump for Space Heating of Utility Buildings

2. Project description
The main goal of this project is to, through a design, make operational and extend the knowledge of the fundamental sciences that play a major role in the process and energy sectors of mechanical engineering: thermodynamics, heat transfer and fluid dynamics. A second goal is to develop knowledge and skills in the fields of sustainable development, where cycles play an important role, and of ethics and safety that have a significant impact in design choices.


The general learning goals are detailed as follows:

In the field of thermodynamics:

Subdivide a given physical process into sub-processes that together describe the whole process. Apply thermodynamics to come to a process design of a TS and optimize thermodynamic cycles using the second law of thermodynamics. Apply heat transfer and fluid dynamics concepts to size a heat exchanger. Design an instrumentation plan for a sub-process (a relevant but limited set of data). Execute a simple experimental investigation of a thermodynamic system. Identify and quantify the reason for differences between theory and experiments. Validate a theoretical model by experimental investigation of a physical process taking measurement inaccuracies into account.

In the field of fluid dynamics and heat transfer:

In the field of experimental techniques:

In the field of experimental investigation:

In the field of integral design:

Develop a list of requirements for a thermodynamic mechanical system (TS) taking sustainability, ethical, societal and safety limitations into account. Evaluate a design considering self-developed sustainability, ethics and safety criteria. Have a basic understanding of the main sustainability concepts and tools. Define, give concrete form to and apply (in relation to a design (process)) the following concepts: Sustainable Development (SD); Sustainable Design. Apply the SD concept to a TS and, on such basis, improve the sustainability of the list of requirements. Handle and apply SD tools (as actor- and trend analysis, LIDS Wheel and MET-matrix) to the (own) design process. Draw up an evaluation model with concrete criteria based on the list of requirements to evaluate the sustainability of a design or of possible (future) alternatives. Position a design in a broader social frame and appraise its possible contribution to a more sustainable society. -75/2/2014

In the field of sustainability:

Wbpt212: Project Energy: Heat Pump for Space Heating of Utility Buildings

In the field of ethics:

Recognize moral problems encountered by engineers during the design of technical products. Identify relevant stakeholders and their interests for an engineering design assignment Identify moral values that are relevant for a technical product and translate these into design requirements. Distinguish between normative and factual statements. Reason why engineers and other stakeholders are morally responsible or not for reducing certain risks and hazards of a technical product. Distinguish between different types of and source for moral principles (a.o. utilitarian and principles based on individual rights) and recognize them in ethical reasoning. Apply ethical analyses methods like a societal cost-benefit analysis to a proposed design and propose design alterations on the basis of such methods. Reason about and critically reflect on the suitability of such ethical analysis methods.

In the field of safety:

Be able to define, give concrete form to and apply the following concepts: danger and risk; individual versus collective risk, objective versus subjective risk and remainder risk in relation to a design process. Be able to apply directives for collective and individual risks and risk standards (such as the machine directive) and identify the problems associated with the development and application of these directives. Be able to identify the sources of faults in the interaction between men and machine (human factors) Be able to make use of analysis and modelling techniques as HAZOP (Hazard and Operability Studies) to identify the danger and risks of new designs or systems. Be able to execute quantitative risk analysis both during the design stage and during the application stage on the basis of event tree analysis and fault tree analysis and suggest improvements.



Wbpt212: Project Energy: Heat Pump for Space Heating of Utility Buildings PLANNING AND EVALUATION The project is developed along three stages, described in these guidelines: Stage 1: Technical: Requirements / design restrictions; Sustainability: mid term report; Safety: an essay; Ethics: Agora exercise. Technical: Heat pump design and design evaluation; Sustainability: final report and multiple choice exam; Safety: HAZOP analysis; Ethics: report. Experimental investigation

Stage 2:

Stage 3:

All reports should be clearly marked on the front page with at least the group ID and the names of the group members! Make use of a schematic diagram of the designed system to illustrate your calculations. The technical + experimental part of the report should not exceed 80 pages: dont be too extensive! The final grade will be based on five elements: technical aspects; experiment; sustainability; ethics; safety. Important aspects for the final grading on the technical and experiment parts will be: Thermodynamics; Fluid dynamics and heat transfer; Experimental techniques; Experimental investigation; Integral design.



Wbpt212: Project Energy: Heat Pump for Space Heating of Utility Buildings

3. Heat pump project, in three stages


Project scope Technical requirements and design restrictions
In the field of thermodynamics:
Subdivide a given physical process into sub-processes that together describe the whole process. Apply thermodynamics to come to a process design of a TS and optimize thermodynamic cycles using the second law of thermodynamics. Develop a list of requirements for a thermodynamic mechanical system (TS) taking sustainability, ethical, societal and safety limitations into account. 1. Investigate market for (new) utility buildings and select typical building size for which your heat pump will be designed.

In the field of integral design:

Course material to be studied: Heat transfer: Mills, Sections 1.1, 1.3, 1.4. Mills, Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3. Mills, Sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4.
2. Define size and characteristics of a typical building and calculate heat load requirements. Quantify peak heating power requirements. 3. Develop a (simple) Matlab/Simulink model to predict how the heat load varies for the winter season. 4. Investigate temperature level requirements for heating medium system. Select operating temperature. 5. Investigate availability / temperature level of heat sources and select a suitable heat source.

Course material to be studied: Thermodynamic cycles: Moran & Shapiro, sections 8.1, 8.2, 8.3. Moran & Shapiro, sections 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.11. Moran & Shapiro, sections 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7. (The bold printed Sections are essential, students are advised to study the worked out examples)
6. Investigate at least three heat pump working principle types. Define evaluation criteria and select a type for further design. 7. Investigate availability of / requirements for refrigerants. Define evaluation criteria and select one refrigerant for application in the heat pump. - 10 5/2/2014

Wbpt212: Project Energy: Heat Pump for Space Heating of Utility Buildings

Sustainable Development: Part I -Requirements

In the field of sustainability:
Define, give concrete form to and apply (in relation to a design (process)) the following concepts: Sustainable Development (SD); Sustainable Design. Apply the SD concept to a TS and, on such basis, improve the sustainability of the list of requirements. Handle and apply SD tools (as actor- and trend analysis, LIDS Wheel and MET-matrix) to the (own) design process

Course material to be studied: Sustainable development:

Study the literature (Mulder et al.) and videos on blackboard and use the material in your group assignment. For part 1 in particular Chapter1, 2, 8 and 10 are recommended. Videos (and other material) via blackboard

1. Describe the world energy problem 2. Define the degree of non-sustainability of the present energy supply and identify its main non-sustainability's 3. Give an actor analysis and trend analysis with a focus on chp respectively heat pump and present the actors in a schematic figure showing their main interactions. (joint assignment with ethics). An onset to this assignment will be given in the kickoff workshop. 4. What are the consequences of a large-scale introduction of chp respectively heat pump? 5. Define the criteria for a sustainable design of a chp respectively heat pump using the results of the previous assignments 1-5. 6. Write a concept report of part I. 7. Perform a peer review of the sustainability reports (part I) of two other groups.

Delivery The group submits an essay on Blackboard. The peer review protocol will be listed on Blackboard. Peer reviews should be completed in Blackboard within 1 week after the submission deadline. Feedback The groups will receive feedback on their midterm report from the peer review by two other groups. In addition overall feedback will be given by the docent team.

Safety: Part I -Requirements

In the field of safety:
Be able to define, give concrete form to and apply the following concepts: danger and risk; individual versus collective risk, objective versus subjective risk and remainder risk in relation to a design process. Be able to apply directives for collective and individual risks and risk standards (such as the machine directive) and identify the problems associated with the development and application of these directives.

Course material to be studied:

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Wbpt212: Project Energy: Heat Pump for Space Heating of Utility Buildings


Ale, B., Risk: an introduction: the concepts of risk, danger and chance, ISBN 978-0-41549089-4, London, Routledge, 2009 (Draft can be found on Blackboard) Machine Directive, see Blackboard.

Assignment1 Safety Science: Essay In an essay you combine theoretical knowledge and your own opinion. You base the essay on theory, but you have to think about and decide how you can identify risks in your own system (the combined heat and power generation of the heat pump) and how possible solutions can be implemented. Naturally, you explain your choices and decisions. Indicate why you take certain decisions, why you prefer the solutions you use. In the essay an analysis has to be given of the background and the consequences of the application of the Machinery Directive (MD). Read the directive and determine what parts are relevant for your system. In the appendix I of the MD, a number of articles is given. Describe which articles are relevant for your design and indicate how you take them into account in your design. Discuss how you would use the directive in the design of your system. The essay also serves as justification for the choices made in the HAZOP analysis (Assignment 2). It should be clear from the essay that the basic ideas behind risk, safety and how to achieve safe operation are understood and can be applied. The following elements should be addressed. Introduction In the introduction, formulate the question that will be answered in the essay or the statement that will be defended. Analysis Show why the application of the directive leads to safe operation of a machine. Also discuss to what extent there are other means that contribute to the safety of machines besides the directive. How do you deal with circumstances which are not covered by the directive? How can these risks be analysed and subsequently be assured that the machine is safe during its whole lifecycle from design to scrapheap both for the user and its surroundings. Conclusion Describe in the conclusion how the directive assure safety and which additional measures may be necessary. Delivery The group writes an essay of about 10 pages (ca 4000 words) in English to be submitted by the deadline of the first tussenrapportage in hard copy (Faculty of TPM, Secretary of Safety and Security Science, Monique Pijls, room C.3.130) and by email to dr. S. Sillem: s.sillem@tudelft.nl . Criteria for evaluation of the essay The essay will be evaluated according to the following 8 criteria: 1. Introduction / research questions Is there a clear introduction to the essay? Is it clear why they write this essay, what they are going to do? Is there a research question? 2. Machine Directive and its influence on safety - 12 5/2/2014

Wbpt212: Project Energy: Heat Pump for Space Heating of Utility Buildings Do the students correctly apply the MD? Do they choose which articles from Appendix I are relevant for their design and explain why? Do the students explain why the application of the directive leads to safe operation? Other means and their influence on safety Do the students mention any other directives, norms or models that are relevant for their design? Do they correctly apply and explain these directives, norms or models? Not covered by machine directive Do the students mention what should be done about safety issues that are not covered by the MD or any other norms and directives? Do they describe how they have analysed what will happen under normal and abnormal circumstances? Do they mention examples of issues not mentioned by the MD? Life cycle Do the students mention how they deal with safety issues in all stages of the life cycle lifecycle (design, construction, installation, use, maintenance, removal, destruction)? Do they incorporate both the user and the effect on the environment in this analysis? Conclusion Is there a sound conclusion? How does the directive assure safety and what additional measures are necessary? Do they answer the research question posed in the introduction? HAZOP For the HAZOP workshop, student have to choose a small part of their system (the combined heat and power generation of the heat pump) to practise the HAZOP method on. Do the students mention what part of their system they will look at during the HAZOP workshop and why? Safety and reliability / operability Throughout the essay, do the students show that they understand the importance of taking safety into account during the whole life cycle and do they see safety as an extension of reliability and operability? Are the students able to correctly apply the basic ideas behind safety?







The grade given for the essay that is handed in will be final. When a group wants to improve their grade, 1 point is subtracted from the grade of the improved essay.

Ethics: Part I -Requirements

Teaching goals:
Recognize moral problems encountered by engineers during the design of technical products. Identify relevant stakeholders and their interests for an engineering design assignment Identify moral values that are relevant for a technical product and translate these into design requirements. Distinguish between normative and factual statements.

Royakkers, L., van de Poel, I.R., Pieters, A. (editors) Ethiek & Techniek: morele overwegingen in de ingenieurspraktijk, Baarn: HB Uitgevers, 2004. - Chapter 1 - 13 5/2/2014

Course material to be studied:

Wbpt212: Project Energy: Heat Pump for Space Heating of Utility Buildings

Chapter 3: section 3.1 - 3.4 Chapter 5: section 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 Chapter 6: section 6.1 - 6.3. Also carefully read the example on page 127-129. Assignment - Make an overview of actors, stakeholders and their interests - Give an overview of relevant ethical values - Use this overview to formulate ethical based requirements for your design Format - assignment in Agora How to use Agora? - Surf to http://www.ethiekentechniek.nl/ - Request an account - You account will usually be activated within 24 hours. Please note that you do not receive an e-mail that you account has been activated! - Logon on to the system with your account - Enroll yourself for the course WBpt212 - Open the exercise: Requirements Heat pump for space heating of utility buildings - Make the exercise and send it in before the deadline - You will receive feedback on the exercise in Agora Feedback Each group will receive feedback on their Agora exercise which will be accessible through the Agora system. Depending on the feedback, some groups may be invited for a meeting with the ethics teacher for a more in-depth discussion of the exercise and feedback. The result of this exercise is an input for the final assignment for the ethics part of this course. You will be assessed on the degree to which you have successfully taken into account the feedback you have received.

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Wbpt212: Project Energy: Heat Pump for Space Heating of Utility Buildings


In the field of thermodynamics:
Subdivide a given physical process into sub-processes that together describe the whole process. Apply thermodynamics to come to a process design of a TS and optimize thermodynamic cycles using the second law of thermodynamics.

Course material to be studied: Thermodynamic cycles: Moran & Shapiro, sections 8.1, 8.2, 8.3. Moran & Shapiro, sections 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 9.11. Moran & Shapiro, sections 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7. (The bold printed Sections are essential, students are advised to study the worked out examples)

Heat transfer
In the field of fluid dynamics and heat transfer:
Apply heat transfer and fluid dynamics concepts to size a heat exchanger.

Course material to be studied: Heat transfer and heat exchangers: Mills, Sections 1.1, 1.3, 1.4. Mills, Sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 (except 2.3.3 en 2.3.4). Mills, Sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5.1, 4.9. Mills, Sections 7.1, 7.2 (except 7.2.1, 7.2.2 en 7.2.4), 7.4. Mills, Sections 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6.

8. Assume driving temperatures in heat exchangers and draw your heat pump cycle in state diagrams (ln p-h, T-s). 9. Quantify mass flows in system. 10. Size heat exchangers heat transfer / pressure drop. Only water side pressure drop needs to be investigated. Calculate the amount of refrigerant required to fill the system. Predict the yearly refrigerant leakage.

The topics listed above should be included in the first progress report. The sustainability and ethics topics listed below should be submitted in the second progress report. All items including heat pump design and experiments, sustainability, ethics and safety topics must only be included in the final report.
Delivery The group writes a technical progress report with a maximum of 40 pages A4 to be submitted by the dead-line in hard copy to Infante Ferreira (Leeghwaterstraat 44, room 124). Additionally, this progress report should include as Appendix copies of the safety and sustainability essays. - 15 5/2/2014

Wbpt212: Project Energy: Heat Pump for Space Heating of Utility Buildings

11. Size compressor. Tip: select a compressor type (open / hermetic) taking into account efficiency and tightness (consult Touber for this purpose); define power and size (volume displacement) requirements. 12. Size heat exchanger in office (a force convection liquid / air heat exchanger must be used) and its feed and return lines. 13. Size pump for heating system. 14. Apply a second law analysis (both entropy production and exergy losses methods must be used) to the heat pump system including application heat exchanger. 15. Investigate the potential for further improvement of your design. Make use of the results from 14 but consider also the impact of temperature driving forces and isentropic efficiency of the compressor. 16. Make a proposal for a new design concept for which you take into account the technical aspects considered above but also economic, sustainability, ethical and safety aspects. 17. Make a proposal for on-line measurement of the performance data of the heat pump system. Select sensor specifications to guarantee a 5% accuracy of the measured performance data. Delivery The group writes a technical final report with a maximum of 80 pages A4 to be submitted by the dead-line in hard copy to Infante Ferreira (Leeghwaterstraat 44, room 124). These 80 pages include the reporting of the experimental investigation (stage 3). Additionally, this final report should include as Appendix copies of all submitted non-technical reports.

Sustainable Development: Part II -Evaluation

In the field of sustainability:
Use the LIDS Wheel and MET matrix tools in the design process, evaluate its results critically and apply it to improve the (future) design. Draw up an evaluation model with concrete criteria based on the list of requirements to evaluate the sustainability of a design or of possible (future) alternatives. Position a design in a broader social frame and appraise its possible contribution to a more sustainable society.

Course material to be studied: Sustainable development:

Study the literature (Mulder et al) and videos on blackboard and use the material in your group assignment. For part II all chapters indicated must have been read. Videos (and other material) via blackboard

Assignment 9. Describe the need that is fulfilled by the chp respectively heat pump. 10. Define and characterize alternatives technologies which fulfil the same need as your design of a chp respectively heat pump of part one. 11. Make a comparison in terms of sustainability of your design compared to the alternatives using a multi criteria analysis and the criteria defined in part 1. 12. Write a policy advise to the Dutch government about the implementation of your technology in the Netherlands and worldwide based on your design results and the results of your multi criteria analysis. - 16 5/2/2014

Wbpt212: Project Energy: Heat Pump for Space Heating of Utility Buildings 13. Write a concept report of part II. 14. Perform a peer review of the sustainability reports(part II) of two other groups. 15. Finalize the end report by combining and improving the concept reports of part I and II using the feedback. Delivery The group submits an essay on Blackboard. The peer review protocol will be listed on Blackboard. Peer reviews should be completed in Blackboard within 1 week after the submission deadline of the report. Feedback The groups will receive feedback on their concept end report (combining the results of part I and II) from the peer review by two other groups. In addition overall feedback will be given by the teaching staff team. Evaluation Each individual of a group will receive the same mark for the end report. The final grade for the sustainability part of this course will consist of 1) a mark for the group assignment (the end report), 2) an individual mark determined by a multiple-choice examination and 3) the quality of the peer reviews.

Safety: Part II -Evaluation

In the field of safety:
Be able to identify the sources of faults in the interaction between men and machine (human factors) Be able to make use of analysis and modelling techniques as HAZOP (Hazard and Operability Studies) to identify the danger and risks of new designs or systems. Be able to execute quantitative risk analysis both during the design stage and during the application stage on the basis of event tree analysis and fault tree analysis and suggest improvements.

Assignment 2 Safety Science: HAZOP There are two (one for each group) HAZOP workshops. Check in the timetable which workshop your group should attend. During this workshop you can perform the HAZOP exercise with your group and ask the teacher questions. In the HAZOP workshop you will perform the HAZOP exercise with your group on a part of your system (the combined heat and power generation of the heat pump). The HAZOP is a brainstorm session, so make sure that as many members of your group as possible are present at the workshop. This will improve the quality of your results and report. The ten elements discussed below should be part of the report describing the HAZOP. This will also be the 10 points on which the report will be evaluated and graded, so make sure all points are covered in your report. The grade given for the essay that is handed in will be final. When a group wants to improve their grade, 1 point is subtracted from the grade of the improved essay. Preparation 1. Select a part of the system you are designing to do a HAZOP on. Indicate how you made this selection and why. - 17 5/2/2014

Wbpt212: Project Energy: Heat Pump for Space Heating of Utility Buildings 2. How did you define the boundaries of your system and of the subsystem on which you will do the HAZOP analysis? 3. Submit drawings of your system and subsystem. 4. Which parameters did you select for the HAZOP analysis and why. Give a description of each parameter. Execution 5. Give the HAZOP table in which you show all parameters and guide words and describe which cells (combinations of parameters and guide words) are important and why. 6. A combination of each parameter and guide word (for example no flow in) is called a deviation. For each combination of parameter and guide word, show what possible causes you have identified? You can do this by simply adding a screenshot of the Excel sheet. 7. What could be the consequences of each of the causes / deviations that you have found and how can they be solved? Selection of solutions 8. Often, not all solution can be implemented. Which solutions did you select and why these? 9. Describe how you decided what deviations you deem acceptable and which you deem unacceptable. Again describe how you made these judgements (use the risk matrix that is the final result shown in the excel sheet at the end of the analysis). 10. Give a short reflection of your HAZOP and describe how your opinion on your design may have changed and whether you changed the design. Delivery The description of the HAZOP that your group has performed has to be given in a report of approx. 10 A4 (ca 4000 words) in English. To be submitted by the deadline of the eindrapportage in hard copy (Faculty of TPM, Secretary of Safety and Security Science, Monique Pijls, room C.3.130) and by email to dr. S. Sillem: s.sillem@tudelft.nl

Ethics: Part II -Evaluation

Ethics: Part II -Evaluation Teaching goals: Reason why engineers and other stakeholders are morally responsible or not for reducing certain risks and hazards of a technical product. Distinguish between different types of and source for moral principles (such as utilitarian and principles based on individual rights) and recognize them in ethical reasoning. Apply ethical analyses methods like a societal cost-benefit analysis to a proposed design and propose design alterations on the basis of such methods. Reason about and critically reflect on the suitability of such ethical analysis methods.

Course material to be studied:

Royakkers, L., van de Poel, I.R., Pieters, A. (editors) Ethiek & Techniek: morele overwegingen in de ingenieurspraktijk, Baarn: HB Uitgevers, 2004. - Chapter 3: section 3.5 end - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6: section 6.4

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Wbpt212: Project Energy: Heat Pump for Space Heating of Utility Buildings Assignment The aim of this assignment is to compare different technical alternatives from a moral point of view. You are asked to define at least two alternatives for the design you have made. This can be alternative technologies with the same function or mere variations on your design. You are asked to compare these alternatives on the basis of the design requirements that you have formulated. If the requirements conflict, you are required to analyze the moral dilemma that causes the conflict. You are asked to argue how your group wants to deal with this dilemma and which design option the group chooses. In your argumentation, you have to use different ethical frameworks (utilitarianism, Kantianism, virtue ethics). Format The identification of one or more moral issues and the debate on how to deal with these dilemmas has to be carried out by the entire group. One or two persons can write the end report. If you cannot achieve consensus in your group, you are allowed to mention different opinions in the end report. Outline of the end report Write an end report of about 8 pages (3000-4000 words). This report should include the following: 1. Introduction (research question and outline of the report) 2. Short description of the technology and the context in which it will be used (including most important stakeholders and their interests) 3. The most important moral values that play a part in the design of this technology (including an argumentation why these values are important and why they are moral) 4. The design requirements following ethical analysis 5. The alternatives that you consider in your end report (at least three including the design elaborated in the technical part; briefly explain why you are considering these three options) 6. One or more central moral dilemmas relating to the design or the choice between alternatives, possibly related to conflicting requirements 7. A discussion of the approaches suitable for comparing the alternatives. Make reference to the approaches discussed by Royakkers et al., section 6.4. These include cost-benefit analysis and multiple criteria analysis. 8. A discussion of the approach that you find most adequate for the evaluation of your design alternatives (including arguments for choices you make while applying this approach) 9. Your arguments for why engineers are responsible for dealing with ethical dilemmas (use Royakkers et al., Chapter 1) 10. A reasoned choice between the alternatives using arguments and insights from different ethical frameworks (use Royakkers et al., Chapter 3, 4 and 5) 11. Conclusions and recommendations (also indicate whether you would change the design you have elaborated in the technical part on the basis of insights gained in this assignment) Feedback The group receives written feedback on the concept version of the end report. The feedback needs to be incorporated in the final version of the report. For those who are interested in more explanation of the feedback, an appointment with the Ethics lecturer can be arranged. - 19 5/2/2014

Wbpt212: Project Energy: Heat Pump for Space Heating of Utility Buildings

Assessment of the final report The final report will be judged on the following aspects. The relative importance of each aspect is indicated, however, if the report is not sufficient in one of the three areas, it will be judged insufficient. Content (60%) o Does the final report contain the 11 elements as detailed above? o Are the most important moral values identified? o Is the choice of alternatives reasonable and well-argued? o Has a moral dilemma been identified and analyzed? o Is the choice for an alternative well argued? Have all relevant arguments been taken into account (especially those from various ethical frameworks)? o Are the students able to translate the results from their end report to changes in the technical design? o Has the course material been used where useful or necessary? Structure and style (30%) o Does the report have a clear structure? o Is the report well-written? o Is the lay-out of the report attractive? o Are the conclusions and recommendations clear and do they follow from the rest of the report? Using feedback (10%) o Has earlier feedback been taken into account?

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Wbpt212: Project Energy: Heat Pump for Space Heating of Utility Buildings


The student will experimentally investigate the behaviour of heat pumps under different operating conditions. Tap water heat pump set-ups are available for this purpose. The set-ups allow quantification of the exergy losses of the different components of the system as also of the COP of the heat pump as a function of the operating conditions. The distribution of exergy losses through the different components as also the second law efficiency of the system can be compared with the data that applies for your own heat pump design (obtained in stage 2, although the applications are different). The experiments are also an introduction to the methods of quantification of the performance of thermodynamic systems. Be aware that, since the number of experimental set-ups is limited, that you should make use of the systems during the period assigned to your group. In principle there will be assistance for the groups that start at the time assigned in the project planning. Figure 1 is a scheme of the tap water heat pump set-ups. The figure doesnt show the position of pressure and temperature sensors (the flow meters are not in operation and are not needed for your experiments). Not all the available sensors are needed for the quantification of the system performance indicators. Before you start the experiments you should decide which sensors will provide you the required information.

Figure 1: Schematic of the tap water heat pump set up.

Start Wpboiler meetprogramma, Wpboiler spreadsheet and Allprops. Save the spreadsheet [save as!] in your own directory. The water in the boiler can be heated up in about one hour from tap water feed line temperature (depending on the season, this temperature will vary from 10 to 18C) to hot water temperature. During this process the in and outlet temperatures of the condenser will increase. For this reason it is possible to find a relation between the COP of the heat pump and the temperature driving force that is bridged between heat source and heat sink.

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Wbpt212: Project Energy: Heat Pump for Space Heating of Utility Buildings

In the field of thermodynamics:
Subdivide a given physical process into sub-processes that together describe the whole process. 1. Identification of components. Indicate the refrigerant used in your experimental set-up. Recognize and name the components of the heat pump boiler (in the experimental set up!); are there components that you dont recognize from literature? Indicate them in a copy of Figure 1 and explain their function.

Apply thermodynamics to come to a process design of TS and optimize thermodynamic cycles using the second law of thermodynamics. Apply heat transfer and fluid dynamics concepts to size a heat exchanger.

In the field of fluid dynamics and heat transfer:

In the field of experimental techniques:

Design an instrumentation plan for a sub-process (a relevant but limited set of data).

In the field of experimental investigation:

Execute a simple experimental investigation of a thermodynamic system. 2. T-s and ln ph diagrams. Draw the measured process in T-s and ln p-h diagrams of the refrigerant used in the set-up. Do this for the data that corresponds to a water temperature at the outlet of the condenser of 65C. Calculate the COP of the system for these data. You can use Allprops / CoolPack to calculate the relevant thermodynamic data. Use a new worksheet of your spreadsheet program to show your experimental data and results in plots. Dont forget to include the saturation lines when plotting the T-s and ln p-h diagrams. 3. Mass flow of refrigerant, water and air. The volume flow meters are not in operation. Calculate the mass flow of water from the temperature increase of the water reservoir as a function of time and from the water temperature change across the condenser. Assume ideal insulation of the water reservoir. From this mass flow calculate the mass flow of refrigerant, again under the assumption of ideal insulation of the condenser. Use it to calculate the mass flow of air. 4. Exergy analysis. For the same experiments as above (1) calculate the exergy losses per component and the corresponding second law efficiency. 5. Impact refrigerant. Assume the refrigerant is replaced by a different one (f.i. R290 propane or R717 ammonia) while the compressor isentropic efficiency is unchanged as also the temperature driving forces in the condenser and evaporator are maintained (this results in similar condensation and evaporation temperatures). Also superheating at evaporator outlet and subcooling at condenser outlet are maintained. Draw the cycle in a ln p-h diagram of the selected refrigerant and calculate the resulting COP. Discuss the impact of refrigerant on heat pump performance. Identify and quantify the reason for differences between theory and experiments. 6. Incorrect operation of a sensor. Due to an action of the staff member, one of the sensors is not operating properly. (Not one of the volume flow meters!). Explain why the measured property does not correspond with the real value at the specific location and correct the error so that future measurements will indicate the correct value. 7. COP as function of temperature lift. Calculate the COP of the system as a function of the temperature lift (difference between the thermodynamic averaged temperature of the sink and of the source). Show this in a diagram and compare the experimental COP with the COP obtained for your design. Discuss the differences encountered. - 22 5/2/2014

Wbpt212: Project Energy: Heat Pump for Space Heating of Utility Buildings Present also the heating capacity (heat transferred in the condenser) and the compressor power consumption as a function of the temperature lift. 8. Exergy losses. Compare the experimental contributions to the exergy loss of the different components with the contributions that you have found for your design (stage 2). Do the same for the second law efficiency. Identify causes and explain the reason for these differences. Validate a theoretical model by experimental investigation of a physical process taking measurement inaccuracies into account. 9. Accuracy of the COP. The sensors used in the experimental set-up have a certain accuracy (1% of full scale for the pressure transmitters and 0.5 K for the temperature sensors) so that the measured values have a certain accuracy. Evaluate the accuracy of the measured COP taking the accuracy of the sensors into account. Make use of the worst case scenario and the best case scenario. In the calculation of the largest possible error you should sum up the individual measuring errors.

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Wbpt212: Project Energy: Heat Pump for Space Heating of Utility Buildings

4. Organization
Time planning (indication) Activity Lectures and workshop Literature study and video material Midterm report Peer review Final report Peer review Multiple-choice Examination Total Hours 10 (4 + 3 x 2 hours) 12 10 4 12 4 4 56

Time planning (indication) Study load (indication) Activity Lectures Study of literature HAZOP workshop Essay Report HAZOP Total Hours 8 (4 x 2 hours) 12 (about 125 pages) 4 12 6 42

Study load (indication) Study load (indication) Activity Lectures Study of literature Agora Assignment Essay Total Hours 6 (3 x 2 hours) 16 (about 85 pages) 6 12 40

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