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17th February 2014


Activist Zainab alKhawaja, jailed daughter of Bahraini human rights activist, freed
Bahraini activist Zainab alKhawaja was released from prison on Sunday after nearly a year behind bars for multiple convictions including participation in an illegal gathering. Friends and supporters greeted her in a coffee shop in a main mall hours after her release. The cafe has served as a gathering point for activists since the small island-nation's Arab Spring-inspired uprising. "One year of prison is nothing," she told journalists deantly after her release. "We have a cause... This will not stop us." Read More gathering and insulting police.

Bahraini activist Zainab al-Khawaja released

Bahraini pro-democracy activist Zainab al-Khawaja has been released from jail. Ms Khawaja had spent nearly a year in prison after being convicted on several charges, including participation in an illegal

"One year of prison is nothing," she told journalists on Sunday. "We have a cause... This will not stop us." Ms Khawaja faces two further trials on charges that include damaging police property, defacing a picture of the king and insulting a police ofcer. Read More Sunni regime have been crushed by martial law and a U.S.-backed invasion of Saudi Arabian forces. Scores of people were arrested ahead of protests on Friday, when police red bird shot and tear gas at demonstrators. Tens of thousands of people deed the crackdown to march on Saturday. Zainab Alkhawaja is the daughter of activist Abdulhadi Alkhawaja, who remains in prison serving a life sentence. Read More injuries sustained from an earlier bombing.

Bahrain Activist Zainab Al-Khawaja Released

Bahrain's pro-democracy activist Zainab al-Khawaja has been released from jail after a year on multiple charges including taking part in an illegal gathering and insulting police. "One year of prison is nothing," she said after her release. "We have a cause. This will not stop us." The activist, who is daughter of jailed human

rights activist Abdulhadi alKhawaja who is himself serving a life sentence, faces two further trials on accusations that include damaging police property, defacing a picture of the king and insulting a police ofcer, according to her lawyer Mohammed alAttiyah. Zainab, who is popular on Twitter under the!@angryarabiya!prole, said international media should focus on the 3,000 prisoners still behind bars in Bahrain on politically related charges. Read More event was an opposition-led rally that drew a reported 20,000 people. There were also several reports on social media and from the Ministry of the Interior of clashes between police and protesters in various locations. This video is described as showing Sanabis. Credit: Youtube/ Revolution Bahrain MC Watch Here

Bahraini Protesters Clash With Police

In Bahrain, human rights activist Zainab Alkhawaja has been released after nearly a year behind bars. Her release came on the heels of rallies marking the third anniversary of the prodemocracy protests that began on February 14, 2011. Protests against the

Protest leads to police clashes

Bahraini anti-government activists clashed with security forces as thousands of demonstrators took to the streets on Saturday, sending tear gas into a major shopping mall and bringing the capitals streets to a standstill on the same day that authorities said a police ofcer died of

Video: Tear gas used to disperse protesters in BahrainVideo: Tear gas used to disperse protesters in Bahrain
February 15 marked the three-year anniversary of an abortive pro-democracy revolt in Bahrain. The main

The Interior Ministry said that the ofcer was one of two injured in what it called a terrorist blast on Friday in the village of Dair, near the countrys main airport. It did not identify the ofcer. In a second statement, the ministry characterized recent attacks against security forces as urban guerrilla warfare. Read More

Bahrain jails 2 for 15 years after police attack

A Bahrain court Sunday handed down 15-year jail terms to two people convicted of trying to kill police ofcers in the Gulf state rocked by violence for three years. The ofcial BNA news agency cited acting chief

prosecutor Mohammad Salah as saying the two were found guilty of premeditated attempted murder and possessing a Kalashnikov assault rie and ammunition. BNA said the prosecution found that the defendants had intended to kill a number of policemen and waited for the victims and shot at their vehicle. Read More

Bahrain dialogue set to start again

Participants of the new-look National Dialogue will soon attend a second round of bilateral talks with the Royal Court, it was revealed yesterday. It comes after the National Assembly (Shura Council and parliament), opposition groups, headed by Al Wefaq National Islamic Society, and the Coalition of National Political Associations, headed by

the National Unity Assembly (NUA), submitted their visions and political demands to kick start the dialogue, said a report in the Gulf Daily News (GDN), our sister publication. However, it is still unclear whether the government presented its visions, which will cover key issues including the authority of Bahrain's legislative, judicial and executive branches of government, electoral constituencies and national security. Read More

Silence is A War Crime

Wednesday 5th February saw the Society for International Affairs and Diplomacy host one of its most ambitious and prevalent events to date when it held a panel discussion in the Innovation Academy concerning the political upheaval in Bahrain.

Unrest began in 2011, and has particularly affected the medical profession, but events have received little media. The guest speakers were Irish doctor and leader of a recent Irish humanitarian delegation to Bahrain Dr Damien McCormack, independent human rights activist Tara OGrady, deputy director of Frontline Defenders Andrew Anderson and Bahraini doctor Dr Fatima Hajjim. Read More

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