Henry Moore

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Henry Moore Regarded as one of the best sculptor of the 20th century alongside Marino Marini Born in 30 July,

1898 in West Yorkshire, England Education Leeds College of Art Prestigious Royal College of Art in London Henry Moore was a talented student, but already he was experimenting with new styles and this often conflicted with his teachers who were trying to teach the classic style - of perfection in form and composition. But, Moore was also influenced by his studies of primitive art, and at the Louvre he was particularly influenced by the Toltec-Maya (Tula and Mayan) sculptural form, the Chac Mool. His works are influenced by the African and Meso-American art (primitive)

Chac Mool

Was an active member of the informal modern art movement, centered on the ideas and innovation of people like Pablo Picasso and Jean Arp. The Second World War led to more traditional commissions and Moore worked as a war artist producing memorable pictures such as images of civilians fleeing the Blitz in the London underground.

Significant Commissions hiring or purchasing an artwork




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