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Branksome Bugle

Issue 5

Branksome Science College

Your magazine, your opinion, your school!!


Branksome Mock Election

On the 6th of May, election day, while all the adults were out voting, Branksome Science College pupils did the same. In tutor all pupils voted and at lunchtime the School Council counted the votes.

Book of the month

The London Eye Mystery

Ted and Kat watch their cousin go into the London Eye then In the School vote, the Liberal Democrats won track his pod to the as they gained the most number of seats, howtop, however when it ever by votes alone the Conservatives would comes down Salim have won. is nowhere to be By Rebecca Parkinson and Liam Pape seen. Has he been stolen, gone in the wrong direction or The election campaigns for the three main parties are over. There have got himself lost? This is by Siobhan been three debates in which the three leaders, Gordon Brown, Nick Dowd and it is great. Clegg and David Cameron, debated important issues including world

Election Update:

politics and their manifestos. But, after a hung parliament Gordon Brown has resigned as Prime Minster. The Queen has said David Cameron will be next at number 10. However the Conservatives have formed a coalition with the Liberal Democrats so they have to mix together their manifestoes to run the country together. Adam Cowley, Political Editor

(Rebecca Parkinson)

Inside this issue:

PAPERMAIL Game of the Month Science Volcanic ash cloud Formula 1 Sport The Beatles

1 entrance fee Cockerton Methodist Church

Please could you not walk your dog on the field behind Branksome Science College. Thank you

2 3 3 5 6 7 8

Car of the Month

Name: Lamborghini Gallardo Superleggera BHP: 530 Top speed: 196mph 0-60: 3.4 seconds Rating:

April is over. The best month of the year if you ask me. Partly because it is my birthday and partly because it is my hamsters birthday as well. My hamster is called Perry and he is one year old. During his first year with our family he has done loads. He has been up and down the stairs more times than anyone has counted. He has run around the living room and under the sofa many times too. But the most interesting or perhaps most disgusting thing he has done is this:

The eat-it-all Hamster

Lamborghini Gallardo Superleggera

After my birthday tea in March we let my hamster play on the stairs. There was a Moth that had got in through a window and it landed on the stairs right next to Perry. Before anyone could do anything Perry had it in sight. Perry and the moth played for a bit until he got his paws on it and ripped its head off and ate some of it, saving some for later of course. Perry also loves fruit, especially apples and he has also tasted my brothers fingers. We all love Perry, despite all the wonderful and weird things hes done or eaten.

Feature on a Teacher
Name Subject Years at Branksome Most Memorable Moment Pets Funniest Moment Advice (words of wisdom) Mr Paul Oliver ICT

Teachers pet
My name: Mr Burford Pets name: Fish 1, Fish 2 & Fish 3 Pets age: All the fish are 5 years old Breed: Goldfish Details or story: There were four goldfish in my tank

5 2007 prom Gerbils - Bert and Ernie Fire extinguisher going off Be on time

But one went a little bit rank White spots on his fin Meant he went in the bin Now theres three fish in my tank

As many of you will have seen in the news last month scientists in Maryland, USA, have successfully created the first viable artificial cell. The cell is composed of man made DNA in the nucleus which can alter the function of the cell and effectively allow it to be designed for a purpose. The purposes could potentially include medical work, studying further how bacteria function and even ways of biologically fighting pollution; something that BP could definitely benefit from off the coast of America at the moment!

In Branksome Science College, we have recently started a STEM club. This was mentioned as a possibility a few issues ago but has now become a reality. But what is it? STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths and is the development of all 4 subject areas into the advancement of our understanding and technological development. Our STEM club is currently looking at some fascinating scientific experiments including Fizzy Rainbows, Alka Seltzer rockets and making Golden Rain. They are explaining what they see and making videos to be posted on the internet for the whole world to access. Our STEM club might not yet be on the same level as the scientists in Maryland but we all have to start somewhere and the principles for all STEM activities remain the same: identify a problem or question, design experiments and technology to answer that question, use calculations to prove the answers and calculate the cost of solutions and engineer practical ways of providing the solution to as many people as possible. Without a doubt, the production of the artificial cell by the Maryland scientists is a very exciting, if somewhat controversial, development. However, our STEM club members have some fascinating ideas for experiments for us to do. Who knows what they might discover now or in the future If you want to join our STEM club, come to Mr Haylocks lab on Wednesday lunchtimes at 12:50. All are welcome

Longfields STEM celebration. On the 23rd March a group of pupils and Mr. Haylock went to Longfield to celebrate the STEM celebration. STEM is Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. We participated in designing t-shirts, designing felt squares for their survival blanket and making a bridge that would support a toy tank. STEM careers will also earn you 100,000 MORE than you would in any other subject. Some of the things you can do are Forensics, Chemistry, Engineering, making rockets and much more. If you are interested in joining, Mr. Haylock is organising an assembly to tell you more.

Game of the Month

We have had to think hard about this months game but have come to a decision that it should be Bike Champ because it is very popular. You have to ride your bike to the exit, overcoming the obstacles as you go through the game trying to complete each level. Levels 1-10 are very easy. The levels get harder as you go along. By Bradlee Goldsmith and Ben Maclean.

What you think of the new Doctor Who

By far, the best doctor yet.

Issue 5 Starring:

I think the new series is amazing. Matt Smith is great!

Matt Smith is a rubbish Doctor. I loved David Tennant.

Womens Right to Vote by P Surtees. With the General Election on May 6th voting was on the minds of most of the population of the United Kingdom but did you know that women in Britain were not allowed to vote until 1918 and then only if they were over 30 years of age. Younger women were not allowed to vote until 1928. Even more astounding is the fact that women in the western, progressive, country -Switzerland didnt all get the vote until 1971 and in Saudi Arabia women are still not allowed to vote in an election. In South Africa white women got the vote in 1930 but black women did not get the same rights in their own country until 1994.

Ingredients 3 tablespoons olive oil 2 cloves garlic, crushed and chopped 2 large red onions, sliced 4 plum tomatoes, skinned and seeded 1 (2 1/4 ounce) can sliced ripe olives, drained 1 tablespoon parsley flakes 1 teaspoon dried basil 1/4 teaspoon ground black peppercorn 1 (13-inch) uncooked pizza base / dough crust 4 ounces goats cheese, crumbled 1 can anchovy filets.

Method Saut garlic and onion in oil until onion is transparent and set aside Cut tomatoes into chunks and combine with olives, parsley, basil and peppercorn. Top dough crust with onions, tomato, and goats cheese Drain the anchovies (reserving oil) and add to pizza. Drizzle with anchovy oil. Bake in preheated 200 degree F oven for 8 10- minutes or until crust is golden brown.

Scary tales, Snow White with a new twist!

For Snow White a forest was a nice place, full of nice animals, but she was wrong! As she was walking, she got lost, found a house, and decided to stay there. She met stupid, chocoholic, crazy, smart, bossy, sad and happy; the 7 owners of the house! They decided to help her. One day when they went shopping, the evil King (who wanted to get rid of the wonderful Snow White) gave Snow White a cursed apple! She hated apples so instead she made it into soup for the seven dwarves, they ate all of it and then transformed into blood thirsty gremlins! Snow White wasnt seen again after that night, because every one stayed clear from forests after that scream they heard. Now the door of the house is padlocked and the windows are splattered with blood By Alex James

By Rebecca Parkinson

Volcanic Ash Cloud

Last month a Volcanic Ash cloud caused difficulties for the UK. This distraction has come from Iceland from the Glacier Eyjafjallajokull. Because this Volcanic Ash has spread to the UK it is causing all flights to and from the UK to be either cancelled or delayed. This is set to continue for the next few days, months or maybe even years!!! The Witches by Roald Dahl Review by Katie Lawrence Description This story is about a boy who goes to live with his Grandma because his parents have died and there are witches who are out to get him. The only trouble is it is hard to find the witches because they look like ordinary women. Will he survive and not get turned into a mouse? My Opinion I think the book is very good and enjoyable.
If anyone would like to do a review of a book they have read good or bad we would like to print it in the Branksome Bugle.

Always remember it is not okay to be bullied by anyone. Tell someone you can trust like a teacher, friend, family member or have a look at some of these websites. 0800 11 11 DONT SUFFER IN SILENCE

Why do your fingertips go wrinkly in the bath? Have you ever wondered why your fingertips go wrinkly in the bath? And just as puzzling, why doesnt the rest of your body go just as wrinkly? Well its because the epidermis, or outer layer of the skin, is made up of cells which contain a protein called keratin, and keratin loves water. When your fingers are soaked in water, the keratin absorbs it and swells. The inside of the fingers, though, dont swell. So after a while theres too much skin and not enough finger, so the skin wrinkles to take up the slack. So why doesnt your whole body do that? Well it does to some extent, but the outer skin is much thicker on the hands and feet than elsewhere on your body. So theres not enough of a difference to cause any wrinkling Even your nails absorb some water. Thats why its easier to cut your toe nails after a bath.

Formula 1 races back onto our screens!

With Michael Schumacher Lotus, Virgin, Mercedes and McLaren
Formula One is back. With the return of many old heroes: Michael Schumacher driving for the new team of Mercedes and the mighty return of Team Lotus. In the 1950s Lotus used to be the ultimate winning team. But now they just fall to the back of the race (as proved by the Bahrain race). Michael Schumacher has seven stars on the top of his helmet because that is how many times he has won the world title. Formula 1 is an expensive, fast racing sport with seat gripping crashes and expert winning drivers. Driving cars specially designed to get more power and more speed is a big skill. All accessories are on the steering wheel and the gear change is in the floppy paddles at the side of the wheel too. Teams are always trying to find new techniques and equipment which will help them win the race.

F1 Car of the Month

Bahrain Australia
What a brilliant way to open the season, brilliant weather and brilliant cars. Only thing is, since there is no refuelling everyone was driving their own race and not doing much over taking. New cars include: Hispania racing, Virgin and Lotus. The team McLaren Mercedes has split up into two separate teams so there are now more drivers for that as well. We found out in this race that the Virgin F1 cars didnt have enough space for the amount of petrol they needed to finish the race. Also, Lewis Hamilton was charged with improper use of his road car and got into a lot of trouble! In the race, Jenson Button came first, by a great lead and because of superb grip from his tyres.

A few of the races so far...

Congratulations to Jenson Button and Lewis Hamilton, racing for Vodafone McLaren, because they came 1st and 2nd. However unfortunately there have been some issues which needed to be checked up. When Lewis Hamilton came out of his pit stop he was released to almost hit Sebastian Vettle from Red Bull. Also Jenson Button was accused of slowing down and causing other cars to have to come off the track.

Name: Lotus F1 Price: Priceless Drivers: Jarno Trulli and Heikki Kovalainen Rating:

Scientists calculate who will win World Cup
Professor Metin Tolan, a German physics lecturer, has written a formula based on trigonometry which analyses results from previous World Cup finals in order to predict the winner of this summer's tournament. There have been three times where Germany has won the World Cup and those three times are 1954, 1974, 1990. He is also positive that Germany will win because they win every fifth or fourth tournament. The Professor's equations should also help England, who crashed out of the last World Cup after being defeated on penalties by Portugal, as he has a theory for shoot-outs too. He says that the weakest kicker should take the first penalty, then the second weakest then so on. Germany face the following teams in group D; Australia, Serbia and Ghana and also they might be facing England in the second round. Double for Chelsea Chelsea have successfully won the double this season. Chelsea football team lifted the premier league title at home with a rather impressive 8-0 victory over Wigan. Manchester United only lost the season by 1 point as they beat Stoke City 4-0 at Old Trafford. Chelsea also lifted the FA Cup title at Wembley. The beat Portsmouth 1-0 as Didier Drogba fired home a well deserved goal. This was an impressive year for Chelsea. Lets see what they can manage to win next season. By Carly Scott

Champions league victory - Inter Milan beat Bayern Munich in the champions league final to win the title. It was a great win as they won 2-0, Diego Milito scoring both goals.

If you have any comments or ideas please e-mail us at:


8th DARLINGTON (Cockerton Green) SCOUT GROUP

. . . 59th Annual

Garden Fete
On Saturday 19th June 2010 on COCKERTON GREEN a 2:00pm

Punch and Judy by Aunty Pat

Live music by Tin Foil Pony Rides

The Tiffany School of Dance

The Beatles
Reviewed by PAPERMAIL

Many of you reading this magazine may have heard of the Beatles but never really knew who they are. The Beatles are a rock group of 4 who changed music in the 1960s forever. Lead singers: John Lennon and Paul McCartney led the group followed by George Harrison and Ringo Starr on the drums. Until the Beatles it was rare that singers would write the songs in those days. The singers only used to perform the songs but not take credit for writing them. That all changed when the Beatles started rock. (John Lennon and Paul McCartney mainly wrote the songs.) Also, Rock bands in the 1960s and earlier all had to wear suits to make a good impression. The Beatles helped change that in the 1960s. (When the Beatles moved out of suits they made the wonderful Sergeant Peppers outfits. Below.)

The Beatles changed the Music Industry in the 1960s and they changed it forever. We dedicate this page to them.

Probably my personal favourite Beatles song is All you need is Love however I am always introduced to new Beatles songs so it is always changing.

In all the time the Beatles were together they made about 310 terrific songs.

Hey Jude Lucy in the sky... Live and Let die

Penny Lane

Ending up: The Beatles last ever single was Let it be. But that sold nowhere as near as they wanted it to so they decided to make one final album: Abbey Road. This was the road where they had recorded most of their songs. The Beatles broke up in September 1969 after a brilliant career. During the later years the Beatles has found girlfriends and were less interested in the group. Where they are now: After the Beatles broke up Paul McCartney released his first album on his own it was called McCartney. John Lennon also kept on with his singing career. However on the 8th of December 1980 John Lennon was tragically shot in New York and died. George also wrote and sung songs on his own on the 29th of November 2001 he died of Cancer. To this day Paul McCartney still writes songs.

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