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November 3, 2011

Dear Friend, Family Member, CMN Tribe Member, You are cordially, warmly welcomed to LI N! " #" 2011$ ver t%e ne&t '( %our), you will meet CMN men *rom around t%e world, )%are CMN victorie), %el+ *orm CMN )trate,ie)- ur +rayer i) t%at durin, t%i) .od/ordained time to,et%er, you will )tren,t%en your commitment to your own +er)onal, individual role in mini)try to ot%er)CMN only wor0) becau)e t%e men o* CMN wor0- Men o* t%e C%ri)tian Men1) Networ0 *ul*ill .od1) +ur+o)e) in t%eir live) and ma0e C%ri)t alive, vibrant, real- T%i) i) w%y you will %ear t%e ant%em, 2I #M CMN- 34 "4!C54 M4N$6 # networ0 i) only a) )tron, a) t%e )tren,t% o* t%e men w%o are in it- 4ac% man doe) %i) +art ba)ed on w%at .od %a) +ut in %i) %eartC%ri)tian Men1) Networ0 i) a community o* brot%er), a tribe o* men wit% one %eart- For more t%an t%irty year), we %ave met, )trate,i7ed, launc%ed men1) initiative) and )truc0 )trate,ic alliance) worldwide- 3e %ave mini)tered in eac% ot%er1) c%urc%e), traveled, +rayed to,et%er, wor0ed )%oulder to )%oulder and )%ared victorie) and de*eat)- Let1) all +re)) t%rou,% t%i) wee0, dee+enin, our relation)%i+) and )tren,t%enin, t%e Networ0 a) a re)ult3%o are we8 3e are CMN- 3%at do we do8 3e "4!C54 men- 3e re)cue *amilie), )on), wive), dau,%ter), nation)To ,et t%e mo)t out o* Lion) "oar, ta0e *ull advanta,e o* t%e o++ortunity *or one/on/one mini)try, +er)onal +rayer, and t%e o++ortunity to dialo,ue wit% ,reat leader)- Ta0e note), li)ten intently, *ully en,a,e t%e ,reat )+ea0er) you %ear and t%e wonder*ul new *riend) you ma0e- Let1) roll u+ our )leeve) and wor0 to reac% men in our communitie) and around t%e world wit% t%e me))a,e t%at 2man%ood and C%ri)tli0ene)) are )ynonymou)-6 9e )ure to attend every )e))ion, and en,a,e t%e new *riend) )ittin, on your ri,%t and le*tLet1) build men, build c%urc%e), tran)*orm nation)$ T%an0 you *or your inve)tment- 3e are %onored and ble))ed you are %ere.race and :eace,

Dale C- 9ronner C%airman

:aul Loui) Cole :re)ident

;oann Cole 3eb)ter <ice :re)ident

C%ri)tian Men1) Networ0 :- - 9o& =3'>( !out%la0e, T? >@0=2 www-C%ri)tianMen)Networ0-com

SCHEDULE THURSDAY 12A30 :"#Y4" B MenC3omen 2A00 M#IN !4!!I N B Men DA00 DINN4" 9"4#E off site, make a new friend! >A00 M#IN !4!!I N B MenC3omen C MMI!!I NIN. =A30 "4C4:TI N onsite, red wristbands required FRIDAY >A30 (A00 9:00 12A00 1A00 DA00 >A00 :"#Y4"$ M#IN !4!!I N B Men Ladies Brunch at Marriott (9 for 9:30 through :30! L5NCF N TF4 ." 5ND! onsite, red wristbands, Men M#IN !4!!I N B Men DINN4" 9"4#E off site, make a new friend! M#IN !4!!I N B MenC3omen

SATURDAY >A'D 2F#MILY TIM4 3ITF " 96 9"4#EF#!T B MenC3omen onsite, red wristbands =A00 M#IN !4!!I N 11A00 #N INTIN. 12A00 CL !4A L"#$% &' ("%)*" %'M"'+"! ,:00 -.)/ . B'0 .+1 M""# .# #2" )M+ &L'B.L )'MM*+3).#3'+ )"+#"( ,405 #ennison -kw6, 7,80, )o99e6:i99e, #0 45038

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RESCUE # true witne)) re)cue) live)'

:roverb) 1'A2D, +ara+%ra)ed

I will reGoice becau)e you %ave re)cued me:)alm 13A@ NLT

1Res2ue t,e er"s,"!.3 A So!. From 4056 "e)cue t%e +eri)%in,, care *or t%e dyin,, !natc% t%em in +ity *rom )in and t%e ,raveH 3ee+ o1er t%e errin, one, li*t u+ t%e *allen, Tell t%em o* ;e)u), t%e mi,%ty to )ave)horus: "e)cue t%e +eri)%in,, care *or t%e dyin,, ;e)u) i) merci*ul, ;e)u) will )aveT%ou,% t%ey are )li,%tin, Fim, )till Fe i) waitin,, 3aitin, t%e +enitent c%ild to receiveH :lead wit% t%em earne)tly, +lead wit% t%em ,entlyH Fe will *or,ive i* t%ey only believeDown in t%e %uman %eart, cru)%ed by t%e tem+ter, Feelin,) lie buried t%at ,race can re)toreH Touc%ed by a lovin, %eart, wa0ened by 0indne)), C%ord) t%at were bro0en will vibrate once more"e)cue t%e +eri)%in,, duty demand) itH !tren,t% *or t%y labor t%e Lord will +rovideH 9ac0 to t%e narrow way +atiently win t%emH Tell t%e +oor wand1rer a !avior %a) died-


=rom -au9 Louis )o9e

#hat the &od of our Lord >esus )hrist, the =ather of g9or6, ma6 gi:e 6ou a s?irit of wisdom and of re:e9ation in the know9edge of him, ha:ing the e6es of 6our hearts en9ightened, that 6ou ma6 know what is the ho?e to which he has ca99ed 6ou, what are the riches of his g9orious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurab9e greatness of his ?ower toward us who be9ie:e, according to the working of his great might that he worked in )hrist when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the hea:en96 ?9aces, far abo:e a99 ru9e and authorit6 and ?ower and dominion, and abo:e e:er6 name that is named, not on96 in this age but a9so in the one to come@ .nd he ?ut a99 things under his feet and ga:e him as head o:er a99 things to the church, which is his bod6, the fu99ness of him who fi99s a99 in a99@A "?h@,:,4B 3

T,e 2,ur2,9 "s !ot -er"-,eral to t,e :orl;< t,e :orl; "s -er"-,eral to t,e 2,ur2,' 4+% 1A23 M%& 3e don1t *ollow a )y)tem o* t%ou,%t, reli,iou) teac%in,) or )ome +%ilo)o+%ical conce+t B we *ollow a Man- Fi) name i) ;e)u)- Fe )aid, 2I only do w%at I )ee t%e Fat%er doin,- 3%atever t%e Fat%er doe), t%e !on al)o doe)-6 3it% t%at a) our model, we do what >esus did! Fe went everyw%ere +reac%in, t%e ,o)+el o* t%e Ein,dom, %ealin, t%o)e w%o were )ic0, and )ettin, *ree t%o)e in bonda,e- 3e are *ully committed to do t%e )ame- It i) our mi))ion, motivated by our love *or .od;e)u) came a) a )in,ular )olution to com+le& i))ue)- Fe )aid, 2 T%e enemy come) to )teal, 0ill and de)troy- I came t%at you may %ave li*e, and li*e to t%e *ulle)t-6 ;e)u) came to "4!C54 a lo)t and dyin, world- Fe told u) in ;o%n 1'A12 t%at we would do t%e )ameIt%at we would be em+owered to )ucceed- ;e)u) al)o told u) t%at Fe ,ive) to u) JFi) bodyK t%e nation)- !o, a) men o* CMN B we ta0e t%em- In t%e )ame way C%ri)t came, we ,o- In Fi) name and in Fi) )tren,t% we re)cue t%e lo)t=E ARE C8N' =E RESCUE 8EN' From 1=>> until today, t%e banner %a) alway) been clearA 23%atever it ta0e)$6 .od %a) ,iven u) a mini)try maGorin, in men, to im+act men everyw%ere wit% t%e me))a,e t%at 2Man%ood and C%ri)tli0ene)) are !ynonymou)-6 3e %ave a clear and *ocu)ed mandate, to reac% men *or C%ri)t- To do our +art, we wor0 wit% allie), love our brot%er), rai)e u+ )on), *i,%t t%e ,ood *i,%t, root *or ot%er), live in +eace, +ray *or wi)dom and wor0 wit% +er)everanceT%e *oundation to reac% t%e men o* t%e world i) to rai)e u+ )tron, men w%o 7

will acce+t re)+on)ibility- Not Gu)t believer), but *ollower) B di)ci+led men o* +a))ionate +ur)uit- Men w%o )ee a need and don1t loo0 around to )ee w%at )omeone el)e i) ,oin, to do B t%ey Gu)t +ic0 u+ t%eir )word, ,ird t%eir loin) and ,et a*ter itStro!. me!9 stro!. fam"l"es9 stro!. 2,ur2,es > tra!sform !at"o!s' 3e are not +er*ect- 3e are +a))ionate- 3e are men *rom all wal0) o* li*e, every ton,ue, every color, every nation B in one tribe, *ull o* t%e Foly !+iritCommitted wit% rec0le)) abandon to be di)ci+le) o* ;e)u) C%ri)tL and to di)ci+le ot%er)- 3e re)cue men, re)cue *amilie), )on), wive), dau,%ter), and nation)- 3e are brot%er)- 3e are *riend)- 3e are #LLI4!- 3e1ve ,ot eac% ot%er1) bac0For )ome o* u), t%e )mall ,rou+ i) w%ere we connect, *or ot%er) t%e encounter- t%er) meet in a cla))room, and )till ot%er) )%are a cu+ o* Gava wit% one man- 3%atever t%e met%od, t%e me))a,e i) )ame B *ollow ;e)u), be a real manFrom Terry Mo**itt to Cameron !immon) to "ance !mit% to Fal 9in0ley, *rom Lanny McCord to Mi0e 9ower to Leo .od7ic% to Dr- Cole, we %ave lo)t *riend), brot%er), *amily alon, t%e road- 9attle) alway) %ave ca)ualtie), and t%i) *i,%t i) no e&ce+tion- t%er) %ave )trayed, )ome in di)may %ave turned bac0 B 9ut, t%e %eart o* every true warrior beat) %ard *or t%e *i,%tL 3e will not Muit- For t%e %onor o* t%o)e w%o %ave ,one be*ore, *or t%e cau)e o* C%ri)t, we are *ully committedN * every 100 men, 10 )%ould not even be %ere(0 are not%in, more t%an tar,et)- Nine o* t%em are t%e real *i,%ter)3e are luc0y to %ave t%em, t%ey t%e battle ma0e- #%, but t%e onene o* t%em i) a warrior and %e will brin, t%e ot%er) bac0-6 2erac9itus C3CB)

To "4!C54 men doe) not 2Gu)t %a++en-6 <ictory i) alway) on t%e ot%er )ide o* a *i,%t- 3e +ray *or wi)dom, +lan t%e )trate,y and *i,%t *or t%e victory- 3e are men o* )trate,y and )trate,ic t%in0in,- ur Lion) "oar meetin, i) not anot%er con*erence- It1) a )ummit *or ,lobal )trate,ic t%in0in,, +lannin,, +rayer and action9rot%er) in arm)T%e :)almi)t wrote, 29e )till and 0now t%at I am .od-6 Too many men believe t%at mean), 2,et )aved and )it-6 It really mean)A 2!to+ runnin, around li0e wild uncontrolled men, but ,at%er to,et%er in *orce*ul +ower, not *aint o* %eart, not )%a0in, wit% *ri,%t B but movin, wit% determination, ,rit and coura,e, wit% Muiet under)tandin, o* %eart, 0nowin, t%at I will be .od B .o doubtin, not%in,, wit% no )+irit o* *ear B but wit% +ower o* ,race and loveT%e role o* men in C%ri)tian Men1) Networ0 wa) *ounded u+on a 0ey )cri+tureL #imoth6 : D)ommit these words to faithfu9 men, who wi99 be ab9e to teach others a9so@A From t%at came, 2Teac% to Teac% to Teac%-6 T%e way mini)try ,row) and *louri)%e) i) w%en men not only a??9aud t%e mini)try to men, but become t%e 8

mini)ter) to men- .od only multi+lie) w%at i) in Fi) %and)3e are committed to develo+ di)ci+le) w%o are ,rounded, )tron, and ca+able o* teac%in, ot%er)- D#he cha99enge is not in the abi9it6 to obtain, but to maintain@A T%e men1) movement i) movin,- T%e *ire i) %ot$ Fowever you want to de)cribe it B t%e )+irit o* *at%erin, t%e ne&t ,eneration i) ri)in, around t%e worldT%ere i) a move o* .od1) !+irit in t%e %eart) o* men, leader), +a)tor), *at%er) and )on)- T%ere i) a *re)% anointin, on t%e men1) movement around t%e ,lobe- T%i) i) not t%e %our to loo0 bac0, but to advance on t%e )%oulder) o* t%o)e w%o %ave laid t%e *oundation.od told ;o)%ua, 29e o* ,ood coura,e6 B but it wa)n1t coura,e to )tay w%ere %e wa)- It wa) coura,e to move into t%e *i,%t, to +o))e)) t%e land- 3e are t%e men w%o will *i,%t *or t%o)e w%o are de*en)ele)), *i,%t *or t%o)e in ca+tivity, *i,%t *or t%o)e w%o are inGured, *i,%t *or t%e ne&t ,eneration, *i,%t *or our *amilie), *i,%t *or our le,acy, *i,%t *or Fi) Ein,dom B and we will embrace t%e dream, t%at ;e)u) will return *or a +ower*ul, )tron,, overcomin, C%urc%$ =E ARE C8N' =E RESCUE 8EN' 3e are in mini)try not becau)e we want +ower, +o+ularity, +re)ti,e, nor to clin, to +a)t +er*ormance o* +o+ular +ro,ram), but becau)e we want to win men to C%ri)t and di)ci+le ot%er) to become "eal Men3e do not mini)ter *or reaction, but *or re)ult)=E ARE C8N! "At whatever place you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there !ur God w"ll f"#ht for us " Nehem"ah $%&'


S(RA(EGI) RES*+(S G+!,A+ )!--*NI(.
/''0)I(. (!*R Launched at Lions (oar 004 (".)2"1: ,4CE )ities -EN !1 H!N!R .lobal tactical di)tribution o* a re+roducible two/year +ro,ram5tili7in, t%e CMN curriculum *or youn, men, a,e) 11/1>>ackson, Mississi??i and Muskegon, Michigan initiati:es SPANISH !*(REA)H ;o%n #rana B 2!:#NI!F N#6 Nort% #merican !+ani)%/)+ea0er) "obert 9arri,er B CentralC!out% #merica, "4D D4 F M9"4! ?avier CorneGo B Communication) RES!+*(E P*,+ISHING > @ooks for every ma!9 every:,ere' G+!,A+ P*,+ISHING Strate#y B 4N.LI!FA IND N4!I#C#5!T"#LI#C"!#C4#!T #F"IC# !:#NI!F C 4N.LI!F C : "T5.54!4 C F"4NCF C .4"M#N <'*( g9oba9 ?ub9ishing strateg6 B CMN aut%or) )uc% a) 9i)%o+ Dale C- 9ronner, "obert 9arri,er, "od #nder)on, ;oel 9roo0), 4ddy Leo, Dwayne :ic0ett Trainin,, evan,eli7in,, dramatic te)timonie) )!--ISSI!NING "ai)in, an army o* leader)- .enerational ,rowt%- Commi))ioned men *und t%e vi)ion$ # ,lobal recommitment to commi))ionin, leader)(HE )!RE I!frastru2tureB :ower*ul and re)+on)iveH buildin, t%e benc%mar0 *or mini)try to men.lobal Communication Center C 3eb re)ourcin, C !trate,ic de+loyment o* re)ource)I!ter!at"o!alB "e+re)ent t%e T"I94 B 94 t%e ,uy B and FIND t%e ,uy) B 3eb)ite) *or every nationA CMN5,anda-com C CMNMon,olia-com 8"!"stry TeamsB Don1t ta0e your 0id) to Di)ney until you1ve ta0en t%em to CMN over)ea)$ It ta0e) t%e team- # coo+erative networ0- 3e are t%e brot%er%ood- 3e1re all on t%e teamNA(I!N A+ER( #he -rocess emai9 b9ast, find the gu6, bui9d the website, bui9d the team that goes Mode9: #2" B"L3F" 3+3#3.#3G" March, 0,, )!2ER 3 PRA.ER S(RA(EG. Develo+ed wit% 24ncoura,in, Men to :ray6 Mini)try, "ic0 Lind)ay


NOTES Global mens movement tipping point




?LO@AL CO88UNICATION CENTER =rom -au9 Louis )o9e

3%en .od called my *at%er into a mini)try maGorin, in men, Fe al)o called you and me- 3%at be,an a) a )mall ri++le in a lar,e river, a boo0 called MaHimiIed Manhood, %a) it)el* become a *orce*ul wave carryin, a c%allen,e to man%ood, to live C%ri)tli0e---to be )tron, men in tou,% time)$ .od called u) to live live) *lowin, in re)urrection +ower- T%e C,r"st"a! 8e!As Net:ork ?loCal Commu!"2at"o! Ce!ter i) a river, a *low o* li*e, a wave o* outreac% t%at can ,at%er every man in t%e world, a *unctional, +ractical way to reac% men wit% Trut%It i) *unction over *orm- 3e %ave a buildin, becau)e we %ave a )tron, +o)ition in t%e .lobal C%urc% t%at mu)t be *ul*illed *or .reat Commi))ion +ur+o)e)You and I are called, eac% wit% a +art- 9ecau)e we are ble))ed, it enable) u) to ble))- 3e tru)t you )ee your)el* in t%e wave, and t%at you will determine %ow you may ble)) ot%er) by )u++ortin, t%i) river o* li*e3e are CMN- 3e enGoy monument) but donOt build t%em- 3e are ,rate*ul *or +a)t ac%ievement), but donOt re)t on t%em- 3e are mind*ul o* our %i)tory, our le,acy, and becau)e o* it, we +re)) *orward toward t%e 9iblical mandate to Nma0e di)ci+le) o* all men,N teac%in, t%e bedroc0 trut% t%at Nman%ood and C%ri)tli0ene)) are )ynonymou)-N ;oin u) today- Your *inancial ,i*t will enlar,e t%e ri++le into a ma))ive new wave o* li*e to men, boy), *amilie) and c%urc%e) around t%e worldT%an0 you *or )tandin, )%oulder to )%oulder wit% u)$
:rov 21AD T%e t%ou,%t) o* t%e dili,ent tend only to +lenteou)ne))H but o* every one that is %a)ty only to want2 Timot%y 2A1D !trive dili,ently to +re)ent t%y)el* a++roved to .od, a wor0man t%at %a) not to be a)%amed, cuttin, in a )trai,%t line t%e word o* trut%1 :eter 'A11 I* anyone )+ea0), %e )%ould do it a) one )+ea0in, t%e very word) o* .od- I* anyone )erve), %e )%ould do it wit% t%e )tren,t% .od +rovide), )o t%at in all t%in,) .od may be +rai)ed t%rou,% ;e)u) C%ri)t- To %im be t%e ,lory and t%e +ower *or ever and ever- #men:)- 20AD 3e will )%out *or Goy w%en you are victoriou) and will li*t u+ our banner) in t%e name o* our .od- May t%e L "D ,rant all your reMue)t)1 Timot%y @A1(,1= 1(T%ey are to do ,ood, to be ric% in ,ood wor0), to be ,enerou) and ready to )%are,1=t%u) )torin, u+ trea)ure *or t%em)elve) a) a ,ood *oundation *or t%e *uture, )o t%at t%ey may ta0e %old o* t%at w%ic% i) truly li*e-



.nd the things that 6ou ha:e heard from me among man6 witnesses, commit these to faithfu9 men who wi99 be ab9e to teach others a9so@ #imoth6 : +/>G C%ri)tian Men1) Networ0 carrie) out t%e .od/,iven mandate to reac% men around t%e world by entru)tin, t%e me))a,e o* C%ri)tli0e man%ood to *ait%*ul men w%o are commi))ioned to teac% ot%er men(he )omm"ss"oned -an i) one w%o %a) met t%e curriculum reMuirement), ad%ere) to t%e Muali*ication) o* )ervin, in t%e local c%urc%, and %a) acce+ted t%e re)+on)ibility to mini)ter to ot%er men(he )omm"ss"oned -an4s )tatement o* +ur+o)e i)A 2I am commi))ioned wit% a mini)try maGorin, in men, to witne)) to t%e men o* t%i) ,eneration and brin, t%em to identi*ication wit% C%ri)t, im+re))in, t%em wit% t%e reality t%at Pman%ood and C%ri)tli0ene)) are )ynonymou)-16 # 2commi))ion6 i) an aut%ori7ation and command to act in a +re)cribed manner and to +er*orm +re)cribed act)- It i) a c%ar,e ,ivin, aut%ority to act *or, or in be%al* o* or in t%e +lace o* anot%er- (he )omm"ss"oned -an receive) a )word, t%e )ymbol o* a trained warrior- T%e )word i) a wea+on o* battle and t%e act o* awardin, t%e )word to (he )omm"ss"oned -an i) reco,nition t%at %e i) armed *or battle and %a) a,reed to *i,%t *or t%e )oul) o* men(he )omm"ss"oned -an i) +art o* t%e elite ,rou+ o* men, a brot%er%ood, w%o %ave committed to be t%ere in t%e tou,%e)t moment), t%e %ero w%o need) no accolade), t%e warrior w%o )%ed) %i) blood *or ot%er), t%e one *or w%om )acri*ice *or t%e cau)e o* C%ri)t i) e&+ected and embraced- From :eru to Indone)ia, *rom Miami to Eam+ala, commi))ioned men %ave acce+ted t%e c%allen,e to live t%e li*e o* a warrior *or .od- T%e)e are t%e rare)t o* menIt%e men w%o c%an,e t%e worldTHE STANDARDS FOR CO88ISSIONIN? (he )omm"ss"oned -an %a) +aid t%e +rice o* trainin, and )acri*ice by com+letin, t%e reMuired MaGorin, in Men curriculum, ac%ievin, t%e )tandard) o* a *ait%*ul man, and %a) been a++roved by %i) *amily and +a)tor to receive t%i) %i,%e)t %onorT%e reMuirement) include com+letin, t%e M#; "IN. IN M4N Q Core Curriculum, *our boo0) and wor0boo0) called t%e 2M#?Tra0,6 +lu) any *ive elective boo0) wit% t%eir corre)+ondin, wor0boo0)- T%e duration o* )tudy i) ,enerally between two and *our year)- 4n,a,in, t%e material i) not an ea)y ta)0, nor )%ould it be truncated or com+re))ed, wit%out allowin, t%e time nece))ary to do more t%an read boo0) and *ill in an)wer)- T%e ,oal i) *or .od1) trut%) to )aturate t%e %eart, 14

*ollowed by corre)+ondin, action), and re)ult) in vi)ible *ruit in t%e li*e o* t%e man8ADORIN? IN 8ENE Core 18AFTrak3 1- Ma&imi7ed Man%ood 2- Coura,e 3- !tron, Men in Tou,% Time) '- Communication, !e& and Money 8ADORIN? IN 8ENE Curr"2ulum Ele2t"vesB 1- T%e :ower o* :otential 2- !e&ual Inte,rity 3- "eal Man '- Trea)ure D- Never Ruit @- T%e 5niMue 3oman T,e full reGu"reme!ts a!; ste-s to re2e"ve a 1Comm"ss"o!3 areB 1- Com+lete nine boo0) and wor0boo0) o* t%e MaGorin, In Men Q Curriculum 2- Com+lete )%ort e))ay Mue)tion) in eac% boo0 3- !ubmit an #++lication to "eceive a Commi))ion to t%e local c%urc% to be reviewed and a++roved by t%e leader)%i+'- Married men, t%e wi*e mu)t a++rove al)oH )in,le men mu)t %ave a )+on)or or mentor a++rove D- 9e a *ait%*ul and active member o* a local c%urc% @- 9e a *ait%*ul ,iver o* tit%e) and o**erin,) >- Fait%*ully and actively +artici+ate in outreac% mini)try C8N "s 2omm"tte; to ra"se u- a! army of 2omm"ss"o!e; me! arou!; t,e :orl;' 8e! :,o :"ll c%an,e t%e world by t%e +ower o* t%e Foly !+irit- Men w%o %ave +a))ed t%e reMuirement) and been *ait%*ul in t%eir *amilie), c%urc%e) and community- 8e! :,o :"ll acce+t t%e c%allen,e to +ic0 u+ t%eir )word and ,o a*ter t%e enemy, wit% a )+irit o* w%atever it ta0e)Ldarin, men- 8e! :,o :"ll ?O! You1ll *ind commi))ioned men in t%e Gun,le) o* t%e !olomon I)land), in t%e me)) %all) o* Navy )%i+), in t%e villa,e) o* t%e #nde) mountain), in t%e ca*e) o* 4uro+eL)%arin, t%e .o)+el o* t%e Ein,domL leadin, and mentorin, men, ,ivin, care to or+%an), to battered women, ma0in, a di**erence and livin, wit% a +ur+o)e-





Dr- "od #nder)on B London- Co/*ounder wit% wi*e ;ulie o* international +rayer mini)try, 2:rayer *or t%e Nation)-6 "v- ;o%n #rana, ;r- B #rlin,ton, Te&a)- !r- :a)torC*ounder o* Center :oint C%urc%- #ut%or, motivator, mi))ionaryDr- "obert 9arri,er B Lima, :eru- !r- :a)tor / Camino De <ida C%urc%, national c%urc% leader, director o* 2"ed de Fombre)6 JCMNK *or Latin #mericaMr- .lenn 9ollin,er B Dalla)- C4 , #lliance !+ort) .rou+, multi/national cor+oration!ecy- / CMN 9oard9i)%o+ Dale C- 9ronner B #tlanta- !r- :a)torC*ounder 3ord o* Fait% C%urc%, C%airman / 9ronner 9rot%er) Cor+-, CMN C%airman "v- ;oel 9roo0), ;r- B Ealama7oo, Mic%i,an- !r- :a)torC *ounder C%ri)tian Li*e Center#ut%or, c%urc% +lanter"v- :aul Loui) Cole B Dalla)- Foundin, +a)torC Fo+e C3 C%urc%, CMN :re)ident Dr- Eevin Dy)on B Central Coa)t, #u)tralia- :re)identC *ounder New Covenant 5niver)ity B international colle,eDr- ;im .arlow B !an Die,o- !r- :a)tor !0yline C%urc%- 9e)t/)ellin, aut%or, )+ea0er"v- 4ddy Leo B ;a0arta, Indone)ia, Foundin, :a)tor #bba Love, international men1) leader Dr- :%il :rin,le B !ydney- !r- :a)tor C%ri)tian City C%urc%- :re)ident/ C%ri)tian City C%urc%e) International"v- Dou, !trin,er B Fou)ton- Founder Turnin, :oint Mini)trie) and !omebody Care), international com+a))ion"v- ;oann Cole 3eb)ter B :re)ident rlando- Coc%airC +eration) 9illion !oul Networ0, CMN <ice



aul a!; Du;" Cole B 9e)ide) :aul1) %eavy )c%edule a) :re)ident o* C%ri)tian Men1) Networ0, :aul and ;udi *or twelve year) %ave been t%e Foundin, :a)tor) o* Fo+e C3 C%urc%, in Colleyville, Te&a)- "ecently, :aul %anded over t%e role o* Lead :a)tor) to 9randon and Meredit% Cole- ;udi i) an accom+li)%ed de)i,ner and vocali)t and accom+anie) :aul on t%e road a) o*ten a) i) +o))ibleN"les I L"!;say JColeK Hols"!.er > Nile) i) an #))ociate :a)tor at !%ady .rove C%urc% and Lind)ay i) t%e "e,ional Director *or C#"4! by #+artment Li*e, a *ait%/ ba)ed, non/+ro*it or,ani7ation w%ic% )trate,ically +lace) cou+le) in a+artment communitie) to do community outreac% )ervice)- T%ey are +roud +arent) o* "ee)e, a,e D, and Cameron, a,e 2@ra!;o! I 8ere;"t, Cole are Lead :a)tor) o* Fo+e C3 C%urc% in Colleyville, Te&a), and Meredit% i) +ur)uin, %er career in %air de)i,n a*ter com+letin, a *our/ year de,ree in bu)ine))- 9randon %a) a 2tentma0in,6 bu)ine)) de)i,nin, ,ra+%ic) and web)ite) *or notable client) )uc% a) Day)tar Televi)ion and C%ri)tian Men1) Networ0@ry2e Cole earned %i) 9# at !out%we)tern and i) wor0in, on %i) teac%in, certi*icate w%ile coac%in, ba)0etball in a C%ri)tian )c%ool- #l)o a ,raduate o* t%e Fill)on, !c%ool o* Mu)ic, in #u)tralia, %e i) t%e wor)%i+ leader at Fo+e C%ri)tian City C%urc%- Fe wor0) +art time *or C%ri)tian Men1) Networ0 reviewin, and cate,ori7in, cla))ic teac%in,)8ark a!; Lo"s JColeK Crase B Mar0 i) a mobile %ome contractor- Loi) u)e) %er law de,ree a))i)tin, at a *irm in Fur)t, Te&a), and writin, a++eal) *or t%e Federal Fi*t% Circuit and t%e 5! !u+reme Court- Loi) Gu)t received %er li*elon, dream w%en t%ey brou,%t %ome %or)e) to t%eir ranc% %ou)e out)ide Fort 3ort%He!;al @"v"!s9 Loi)1 youn,e)t dau,%ter, i) a *ormer !+ecial lym+ic) at%lete, w%o now a))i)t) teac%er) at t%e Monte))ori !c%ool owned by %er cou)in, !%amain 3eb)ter- Eendal enGoy) writin, )torie) about %er %eroe) li0e "obert 9arri,er and ot%er), and wor0in, on t%e MaGorin, In Men curriculum Jreally$KHolla!; @"v"!s9 Loi)1 elde)t dau,%ter, com+leted a Ma)terO) de,ree in Gournali)m and launc%ed a ma,a7ine career in New Yor0 City- #*ter movin, bac0 to Dalla) t%i) year, )%e edited a )+ecial i))ue o* D Ma,a7ine w%ere )%e *reelance), a) well a) wit% t%e web)ite DailyCandy- Folland i) t%e editor o* t%e 10/Year Commemorative boo0 on 4dwin Loui) Cole, to be relea)ed #u,u)t, 2012R"2,ar; a!; Doa!! =eCster B "ic%ard i) continuin, %i) !+iritual Develo+ment )tudie) w%ile wor0in, retail near t%eir %ome in !atellite 9eac%, Florida- ;oann i) 18

t%e <ice :re)ident o* CMN, and Coc%airC.lobal +eration) *or 9illion !oul Networ0, a coalition o* denomination) and +arac%urc% mini)trie)- !%e i) al)o t%e *ounder o* 3atercolor 9oo0) and "e)olute 9oo0)Dos, a!; Al"s,a =eCster B ;o)% i) an award/winnin, c%e*, at t%e ;3 MarriottC"it7 Carlton .rande La0e) in rlando- #li)%a i) a Dillard1) co)metic area mana,er- T%ey %ave *our dau,%ter), #ria, #)%ton, Coco and :ortiaSet, a!; S,ama"! =eCster B !et% i) a lead develo+er *or a real e)tate )o*tware *irm and owner o* "edFou)e!oul-com web develo+ment, w%ile !%amain own) a Monte))ori +re)c%ool in 9ed*ord, Te&a)- T%ey %ave t%ree c%ildren, Eiana, !a*ia, and 4liGa%- !et% i) active in men1) mini)try, and advi)e) t%e C%ri)tian Men1) Networ0 web)ite)Taylor @arr".er %old) t%e name o* Fonorary .rand)on S10, be)towed on %im at t%e )ervice) *or 4dwin Loui) Cole- Now married to wi*e "o))ana 9arri,er, t%ey are +roud +arent) o* t%e o*t/+%oto,ra+%ed Mi)c%a .race 9arri,er- Taylor i) a +a)tor at t%e Camino de <ida c%urc% *ounded by "obert and Earyn 9arri,er-



Be part of CMN history! The CMN family and friends will commemorate the ten-year anniversary of CMN founder Ed Coles homegoing in August, 2012. For those who knew him, it may be hard to believe its been ten years. For those who didnt, it may be hard to believe hes gone, because the Biblical truths he wrote are just as valid and powerful today as then, and pertinent to our current culture. PLEASE HELP write CMN history! Meet during Lions Roar with HOLLAND BIVINS, Editor of the Ten-Year Commemorative Book Project. The beautiful coffee table book, debuting August, 2012, will provide lessons on each page through reflections of the life and ministry of Dr. Cole. SHARE WITH HOLLAND in the Lions Roar lobby the most important reflections, stories, thoughts, or lessons you have regarding the ministry of Ed Cole, your experiences with him, or the experience youve had with Christian Mens Network. Here is an excerpt from The New York Times write up, for those who missed it:

Edwin L. Cole, Founder of Men's Ministry, Dies at 79

9y #"I L- . LDM#N :ubli)%edA #u,u)t 31, 2002

The Rev. Dr. Edwin Louis Cole, whose ex erien!e with an a"usive father ins ired hi# to "uild a worldwide Christian #inistry that de#anded sexual and so!ial res onsi"ility fro# #en, died on Tuesday in $ra evine, Tex. %e was 79 and lived in near"y &outhla'e. Dr. Cole founded the Christian Men's (etwor' in )979. The networ', a !onservative or*ani+ation "ased in Texas, has offi!es in 7, nations. -t is widely !redited with s awnin* o ular evan*eli!al #en's #inistries li'e the .ro#ise /ee ers. 0lthou*h the .ro#ise /ee ers deals lar*ely with 0#eri!an Christian #en, often throu*h e!stati! stadiu# rallies, the Christian Men's (etwor' fo!uses on "uildin* !hur!hes, es e!ially a"road, .aul Cole said. %e ex lained that stron* #en !reated stron* fa#ilies that in turn !reated stron* !hur!hes. Dr. Cole's #inistry ut #en at the head of the fa#ily, a role that !a#e with *reat res onsi"ility. %e said #arria*es were saved and relationshi s healed throu*h that a roa!h1.



C%ri)tian Fealt%care Mini)trie) i) an a**ordable, *ait%/ba)ed )olution *or C%ri)tian) to t%e +roblem) o* ri)in, %ealt% care co)t) and e&+en)ive %ealt% in)urance +olicie)- T%ou)and) o* C%ri)tian) are united in )%arin, eac% ot%er1) medical bill)In t%e +a)t 20 year), member) o* t%i) non+ro*it mini)try %ave )%ared more t%an TD00 million in %ealt%care co)t)Dave "am)ey %a) *eatured CFM- CFM %a) al)o ca+tured t%e attention o* +a)tor), c%urc% )ta**, mi))ionarie), em+loyer), )el*/em+loyed, youn, *amilie) Jbabie) are F"44$K, and C%ri)tian Men1) Networ0$ T%e rea)on i) t%at C%ri)tian Fealt%care Mini)trie) i) a 9ible/ba)ed +ro,ram t%at meet) t%e medical need) o* .od1) +eo+leNow, C%ri)tian Men1) Networ0 can receive %undred) or even t%ou)and) o* dollar) wort% o* *ree +artici+ation )im+ly by doin, w%at we1re doin, %ereItellin, ot%er) about CFM- !im+ly u)e t%e code 2CMN16 w%en you )i,n u+ wit% CFM, and your CMN team at t%e .CC receive) t%e bene*it)$ #) a lar,er number o* C%ri)tian) )%are t%e burden, medical need) can be )%ared *a)ter and more e**iciently- Mont%ly ,i*t amount) are 0e+t low- More member) mean) a )tron,er and better or,ani7ation *or everyone-CFM i) ,ood new) wort% )%arin,$ For e&am+le, %ere are )ome CFM bene*it)A 1-No waitin, +eriod 2-Maternity +ro,ram 3-No +%y)ical reMuired '-C%oo)e your own %ealt% care +rovider) D-No one i) dro++ed or denied +artici+ation due to medical condition) T%e ,reat Goy t%at come) *rom ,ivin,, 0nowin, t%at eac% ,i*t ,oe) to %el+ a *ellow C%ri)tian in need and 0nowin, t%at ot%er C%ri)tian) are *ait%*ully )tandin, by to %el+ you$ JLu0e @A3(K !ee t%e broc%ure and CD in t%e bac0 o* t%e Lion) "oar binder *or more in*ormation- "emember, u)e t%e 2CMN16 code w%en you )i,n u+, and your CMN team will receive t%e bene*it$







T4#M 120 i) and alway) %a) been 2t%e bac0bone o* t%e mini)try6I+rovidin, ,lobal di)tribution, +ri)on outreac%, .lobal Communication Center core e&+en)e) and re)ource e&+an)ion#) a member o* T4#M 120, you receiveA Di)count) on material) Invitation to travel wit% lead team) Team 120 u+date) #t CMN event), +rivate meetin,) wit% leader) :in and wri)tband :ray t%e CMN :act *or you and your *amily 9ecau)e o* T4#M 120, ot%er) receive$ Ta0e )%i++in, re)ource) a) N4 e&am+leIn Gu)t t%e la)t )everal mont%), t%ou)and) o* CMN boo0) were )%i++ed F"44 toA International location) B ceania, #u)trala)ia, #*rica, Carribbean, more$ :eo+le wit% )+ecial need) and reMue)t) 5nem+loyed :ri)on) 5! !enate


.ID4 N1! 300 are t%e army t%at +rovide) ca+ital *undin,, ,lobal center e&+an)ion and )trate,ic initiative +roGect *undin,- T%ey are ready *or battle, ready to +ay t%e +rice *or victoryIready to . $ #) a member o* .ideon1) 300, you receiveA Di)count on material) "e,ional event) are *ree Invitation to travel wit% lead team :re)ident1) mont%ly re+ort 9oard yearly re+ort .300 u+date) :in and wri)tband 24d Cole6 lo,o/branded +laMue :ray t%e CMN :act *or you and your *amily 9ecau)e o* .ideon1) 300, in Gu)t t%e +a)t *ew mont%), *or N4 e&am+le only, ,lobal initiative) were launc%ed )uc% a)A 9eli7e Model B reac%in, men o* all )+%ere) o* culture, one nation at a time .lobal Communication Center B moved in and )tarted to wor0$ ;amaica Launc% B +lantin, a new CMN o**ice to )tart Lion) "oar 4uro+e B Launc%in, a maGor 4uro+ean initiative )tartin, November 2011



.ugust 3B C, 0, +ew?ort Beach, )a9ifornia
. )e9ebration of the Legac6 of

E;:"! Lou"s Cole

10 Year Commemoration 3D Year CMN #nniver)ary
2Fame can come in a moment, but ,reatne)) come) wit% lon,evity-6 U4dwin Loui) Cole, !e+tember 10, 1=22 / #u,u)t 2>, 2002

;oin t%e 2)+iritual )on)6 o* 4dwin Loui) Cole and build on t%e le,acy B 9uildin, on t%e *oundation o* t%e +a)t, livin, in t%e *ullne)) o* t%e +re)ent, and runnin, to t%e ,oal )et be*ore u), we +u)% to enlar,e t%e Ein,dom o* Feaven to t%e ,lory o* .od, in t%e name o* ;e)u), by t%e +ower o* t%e Foly !+irit+et4s renew our comm"tment to w"n and d"sc"ple men for )hr"st5
4&cer+t *rom MaHimiIed Manhood

2I live in New+ort 9eac%, Cali*ornia, near a marvelou) beac%- T%e beac% )nu,,le) u+ to Gettie) on bot% )ide) o* t%e i)t%mu) t%at allow) t%e boat) to ,o in and out o* 9alboa 9ayT%at beac% %a) been my +rivate clo)et *or +rayer, my meditation room, coun)elin, c%amber, and +lace o* )oul t%era+y- T%e Getty i) t%e +lace o* many water)%ed e&+erience) bot% in my li*e and in t%e live) o* ot%er) w%o %ave )+ent time wit% me t%ere- 3%en "ic0 drove down *rom re,on and called me, I told %im to 6meet me at the 7etty 46
4&cer+t *rom (ea9 Man

2I *a)ted and wal0ed t%e beac% daily in t%e cool, *o,,y, +redawn %our), re*lectin,9oy%ood in Lo) #n,ele), t%e Coa)t .uard, marryin, Nancy, )alvation, t%e +a)torate, t%e mi))ion *ield- #) I cried out to .od all alone, Fi) !+irit )+o0e *ive 2word),6 wit% w%ic% t%i) mini)try wa) launc%edA V !ancti*y your)el*V :reac% t%e 3ordV .o doubtin, not%in,V 5)e t%e ,old, but don1t touc% t%e ,loryV :ray t%i) +rayerA #ct) 'A2=

;oin *amily and *riend) at t%e Getty eac% mornin, at dawn *or communion, in +rivate in)+irational ,at%erin,) t%rou,%out t%e day wit% world leader), and at t%e *ive/)tar 3D/Year #nniver)ary 9anMuet- T%e Getty wa) t%e +lace o* 4d ColeO) water)%ed e&+erience)- Let it be your +lace o* renewal, re*ocu), recommitmentLimitA 200 .ue)t) B6 in:itation on96@ <ou wi99 recei:e 6our ?ersona9 in:itation at Lions (oar@






1COURA?EOUS3 Re."o!al 8e!As Eve!t REOUEST

1. "ill o#t e$ery space o the form as completely as possi%le 2. &a d it to the 'e(istratio des) or se d it to the CMN office %y mail or email* 3. +he CMN e$e t director ,ill %e i to#ch ,ith yo# ,ithi days.* 0* 1* 2* 3* 4* /o#r ame___________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________ City__________________________________ State _________ Zip Code_________________ Office #________________________________Cell pho e #____________________________ E!mail____________________________________________________ 5rimary dates or time of year re6#ested for e$e t______________________________________ Alter ati$e dates or time of year___________________________________________________ 7* 8* 9* .:* ..* .0* .1* 5roposed host ch#rch____________________________________________________________ Name of host pastor_____________________________________________________________ &ost ch#rch address_____________________________________________________________ City___________________________________ State _________ Zip Code_________________ S# day mor i ( atte da ce at host ch#rch________________________ Seati ( capacity of hall or sa ct#ary of host ch#rch_________________ Does host ch#rch ha$e a acti$e mi istry to me ; /______ N______ <f yes= approximate si>e of me ?s (ro#p@__________________________ .2* .3* Aill host mo%ili>e 8 to .: other me ?s (ro#ps/ch#rches to %ri ( me to the e$e t; /____ N____ Aill host mo%ili>e at least 0:: me from the re(io to %e at the e$e t; /____ N____ CMN Office@ Box 91278= So#thla)e= +X 74:90 E!mail@ e$e tsCcm ,orld*com E$e ts Director@ Da$e 5atterso 970!290!8:21



Year) a,o a )+ecial *riend, ;oy Daw)on tau,%t t%e Cole *amily t%e)e +rinci+le) o* e**ective +rayer- :rayin, t%i) way +roved to be a turnin, +oint in t%e marria,e o* 4dwin and Nancy Cole, a) it %a) been *or :aul and ;udi and countle)) ot%er)Eee+ t%i) in your de)0, your 9ible, your wallet- !%are t%e)e 0ey) wit% )omeone you care about- !end it to *riend) w%o are in tran)ition, needin, direction, +rayin, *or %ealin, or in any area o* need.@ CONFESS ALL HNO=N SIN FRO8 YOUR LIFE'
:) @@A1( I* I re,ard iniMuity in my %eart, t%e Lord will not %earI ;n 1A(/= I* we )ay t%at we %ave no )in, we deceive our)elve), and t%e trut% i) not in u)- I* we con*e)) our )in), Fe i) *ait%*ul and Gu)t to *or,ive u) our )in) and to clean)e u) *rom all unri,%teou)ne))-

B@ AD8IT NEED OF THE HOLY S IRIT TO DIRECT YOUR RAYER "om (A2@ Li0ewi)e t%e !+irit al)o %el+) in our wea0ne))e)- For we do not 0now w%at we )%ould +ray *or a) we ou,%t, but t%e !+irit Fim)el* ma0e) interce))ion *or u) wit% ,roanin,) w%ic% cannot be uttered-


:rov 3A@ Tru)t in t%e L "D wit% all your %eart, and lean not on your own under)tandin,H In all your way) ac0nowled,e Fim, and Fe )%all direct your +at%)I)a DDA(/= NFor My t%ou,%t) are not your t%ou,%t), nor are your way) My way),N )ay) t%e L "D- NFor a) t%e %eaven) are %i,%er t%an t%e eart%, )o are My way) %i,%er t%an your way), and My t%ou,%t) t%an your t%ou,%t)-


4+% DA1> T%ere*ore do not be unwi)e, but under)tand w%at t%e will o* t%e Lord i)1( #nd do not be drun0 wit% wine, in w%ic% i) di))i+ationH but be *illed wit% t%e !+irit, 1= )+ea0in, to one anot%er in +)alm) and %ymn) and )+iritual )on,), )in,in, and ma0in, melody in your %eart to t%e Lord, 20 ,ivin, t%an0) alway) *or all t%in,) to .od t%e Fat%er in t%e name o* our Lord ;e)u) C%ri)t,



:) 100A' 4nter into Fi) ,ate) wit% t%an0),ivin,, and into Fi) court) wit% +rai)e- 9e t%an0*ul to Fim, and ble)) Fi) nameD For t%e L "D i) ,oodH %i) mercy i) everla)tin,, and Fi) trut% endure) to all ,eneration)-


;ame) 'A> T%ere*ore )ubmit to .od- "e)i)t t%e devil and %e will *lee *rom you( Draw near to .od and Fe will draw near to you- Clean)e your %and), you )inner)H and +uri*y your %eart), you double/minded-


;o%n 10A2> NMy )%ee+ %ear My voice, and I 0now t%em, and t%ey *ollow Me2( N#nd I ,ive t%em eternal li*e, and t%ey )%all never +eri)%H neit%er )%all anyone )natc% t%em out


o* My %and-


:) 11=A10D Your word i) a lam+ to my *eet and a li,%t to my +at%-



"om 11A3@ For o* Fim and t%rou,% Fim and to Fim are all t%in,), to w%om be ,lory *orever#men:) =2A1 It i) ,ood to ,ive t%an0) to t%e L "D, and to )in, +rai)e) to Your name, Mo)t Fi,%H 2 To declare Your lovin,0indne)) in t%e mornin,, and Your *ait%*ulne)) every ni,%t,

More ,reat )cri+ture) on +rayerL -hi9i??ians 8: 5,4 Be anHious for nothing, but in e:er6thing b6 ?ra6er and su??9ication, with thanksgi:ing, 9et 6our requests be made known to &odJ and the ?eace of &od, which sur?asses a99 understanding, wi99 guard 6our hearts and minds through )hrist >esus@ Mark 11 8 #herefore 3 sa6 unto 6ou, ;hat things soe:er 6e desire, when 6ou ?ra6K L 8#herefore 3 te99 6ou, whate:er 6ou ask for in ?ra6er, be9ie:e that 6ou ha:e recei:ed it, and it wi99 be 6ours@ 8 8#hatMs wh6 3 urge 6ou to ?ra6 for abso9ute96 e:er6thing, ranging from sma99 to 9arge@ Deuteronomy 20:1-4 0:, ;hen 6ou go to war against 6our enemies and see horses and chariots and an arm6 greater than 6ours, do not be afraid of them, because the L'(1 6our &od, who brought 6ou u? out of "g6?t, wi99 be with 6ou@ ;hen 6ou are about to go into batt9e, the ?riest sha99 come forward and address the arm6@ 3 2e sha99 sa6: N2ear, ' 3srae9, toda6 6ou are going into batt9e against 6our enemies@ 1o not be fainthearted or afraidJ do not be terrified or gi:e wa6 to ?anic before them@ 8 =or the L'(1 6our &od is the one who goes with 6ou to fight for 6ou against 6our enemies to gi:e 6ou :ictor6@N




The Personality of Courageous Manhood

Introductory Texts .* . Cori thia s .0@.!4 D Di$ersity i the Spirit 0* . Cori thia s .3@. D Eod is a Eod of $ariety 1* 5ro$er%s .1@.7 D 'elia%le comm# icatio permits pro(ress Diversity .* Di$ersity i the Spirit 0* Eod has also (i$e #s di$erse perso alities The Diversity Found in Personalities Amon The A!ostles .* 5eter@ a ma of imp#lse a d stre (th* 0* 5eter?s stre (th or (ift ,as also his ,ea) ess* 1* Fames ,as a ma of sile ce* 2* B#t ,he Fames spo)e his ,ords carried a lot of ,ei(ht* 3* Foh ,as o e of the so s of th# der= had a temper* 4* B#t after spe di ( time ,ith Fes#s= Foh %ecame ) o, as a ma of # dersta di ( a d lo$e* 7* +hey ,ere ormal (#ys= %#t time spe t ,ith Fes#s cha (ed them i to the %est $ersio of their perso alities* 8* A dre, ,as the ma of decisio a d o e of the first e$a (elists* 9* Not o e of the apostles ,as perfect* .:* +hey all had to %e ta#(ht= tempered a d tamed* Diversity o" Lan ua es .* Di$erse la (#a(es do ?t lead to di$isio 0* G relia%le comm# icatio leads to di$isio a d stymies pro(ress H5ro$er%s .1@.7I 1* Belie$ers spea) the same la (#a(e thro#(h shared faith i the Aord of Eod #onclusion@ /o# ca choose to %e o e of Eod?s me of co#ra(eo#s perso ality a d Christli)e ess= J#st li)e the apostles= if yo# admit a d commit to it* Ae all ha$e the a%ility i side #s thro#(h the po,er of Fes#s Christ= %#t ,e fail to admit it %eca#se ,e ofte do ?t ,a t to commit to it* The Personality o" #oura eous $anhood +oday ,e?re tal)i ( a%o#t the perso ality of co#ra(eo#s ma hood* < order to do that= < ,a t to read to yo# a co#ple of $erses of script#re* < . Cori thia s .0= %e(i i ( ,ith the first $erse@ . NOA ABOG+ the spirit#al (ifts Hthe special e do,me ts of s#per at#ral e er(yI %rethre = < do ot ,a t yo# to %e misi formed* 0 /o# ) o, that ,he yo# ,ere heathe = yo# ,ere led off after idols that co#ld ot 32

spea) Kha%it#allyL as imp#lse directed a d ,he e$er the occasio mi(ht arise* 1 +herefore < ,a t yo# to # dersta d that o o e spea)i ( # der the po,er a d i fl#e ce of the K&olyL Spirit of Eod ca Ke$erL say= Fes#s %e c#rsed- A d o o e ca KreallyL say H(e #i ely sayI= Fes#s is KmyL Mord= except %y a d # der the po,er a d i fl#e ce of the &oly Spirit* 2 No, there are disti cti$e $arieties a d distri%#tio s of e do,me ts Hthat is (ifts= extraordi ary po,ers disti (#ishi ( certai Christia s= d#e to the po,er of di$i e (race operati ( i their so#ls %y the &oly SpiritI a d they $ary= %#t the K&olyL Spirit remai s the same* 3 A d there are disti cti$e $arieties of ser$ice a d mi istratio = %#t it is the same Mord KAho is ser$edL* 4 A d there are disti cti$e $arieties of operatio Kof ,or)i ( to accomplish thi (sL= %#t it is the same Eod Aho i spires a d e er(i>es them all i all* < . Cori thia s .3= a d ,e %e(i ,ith the 19th $erse@ 19 "or all flesh is ot the same= %#t there is o e )i d for h#ma s= a other for %eats= a other for %irds= a d a other for fish* 2: +here are hea$e ly %odies Hthe s# = moo = a d starsI a d there are earthly %odies Hme = a imals= a d pla tsI= %#t the %ea#ty a d (lory of the hea$e ly %odies is of o e )i d= ,hile the %ea#ty a d (lory of earthly %odies is a differe t )i d* 2. +he s# is (lorio#s i o e ,ay= the moo is (lorio#s i a other ,ay= a d the stars are (lorio#s i their o, Kdisti cti$eL ,ay= for o e star differs from a d s#rpasses a other i its %ea#ty a d %rillia ce* I %ant you to &no% that God' a ain' says there are di""erences and there are varieties and there are distinctions in our lives that ma&e us di""erent' one "rom another( God is a God o" variety( God is a God o" distinctiveness( God is a God o" diversity( Personalities' colors' !lants' s&in' !hysically' mentally' eyes' ears' hair' i"ts' talents' God is a God o" diversity' and God is a God o" individualism( That)s %hy he made all o" us individuals( A d Eod is a Eod of disti ct p#rpose* &e created #s* A d the ,he ,e si ed* &e recreated #s i Christ Fes#s so ,e co#ld %e= thro#(h Christ= ,hat &e ori(i ally created #s to %e i the first Adam i the Earde of Ede * Eod is a Eod of #ltimate possi%ilities* +hat is to say there is o limit i Eod* Eod p#ts o limitatio o faith* "aith p#ts o limitatio o Eod* +here?s o limit to Eod= either i creati$ity= a%ility= or prod#cti$ity* +hat?s also tr#e i o#r li$es= %eca#se &e?s p#t those three i #s@ a%ility= creati$ity= a d prod#cti$ity* A d there?s o limit to ,hat o#r life ca %ecome i Christ* Eod created #s i &is ima(e* A d &e is recreati ( #s i &is (lory a d for &is praise a d ho or* +al)i ( a%o#t the perso ality of co#ra(eo#s ma hood mea s that yo#?re (oi ( to tal) a%o#t the perso alities ,ho ha$e exhi%ited co#ra(eo#s ma hood* < ,e t to Matthew Henrys Commentary= a d < loo)ed #p the apostles* A d < fo# d a i credi%ly (ood o#tli e= a d yo# ca do the same= %eca#se it?s ot ori(i al ,ith me* +he ori(i al tho#(ht ,ith me to %ri ( to yo# at this partic#lar time is that Eod has created yo# as a i di$id#al* A d yo# are o differe t from the apostles that Christ chose a d called to &imself to follo, &im a d %e the ,orld leaders that ,o#ld cha (e the ,orld* Co sider this ma called 5eter* No,= ,e hear a (reat deal a%o#t 5eter* Ma y people spea) of him e(ati$ely a d some preach of himNspea) of him positi$ely* B#t 5eter ,as a ma of imp#lse* 5eter acted* 5eter did ?t ,ait* +here ,as o hesitatio * No,= a lot of times= %ei ( a ma of imp#lse or %ei ( a little too 6#ic) ca (et yo# i tro#%le* O the other ha d= procrasti atio a d slac) ess ca also (et yo# i a ,hole lot of tro#%le* Peter %as a man o" stren th and the stren th o" *ein a man o" im!ulse %as %hen he made u! his mind he acted on it( &e did ?t delay* &e did ?t ,ait aro# d* &e 33

J#st flat did it* Fes#s said= O"ollo, me=P a d he did* &e J#mped o#t of the %oat= ,al)ed o the ,ater ,he all of the rest of them ,ere still i the %oat yelli ( at him= OEet %ac) i the %oat* /o#?re ma)i ( #s loo) %ad*P A d ,he he too) his eyes off Fes#s %eca#se of ,hat they ,ere sayi ( a d p#t it o the ,aters= he %e(a to si ) %e eath it* +hat?s ,here ,e (et that old stateme t that ,i ers loo) at ,hat they?re (oi ( to* Mosers loo) at ,hat they?re (oi ( thro#(h* &e ,as the o e that= ,he Fes#s said= OAhom do me say that < am=P 5eter replied= O+ho# art the Christ= the so of the li$i ( Eod*P A d Fes#s comme ded him for it* &e spo)e #p ,hile the others ,ere hesita t= delayi ( to say a ythi ( %eca#se they did ?t ,a t to %e ,ro (* A d the he ,as the o e ,ho said= O&ey= if <?m s#pposed to for(i$e= <?$e (ot some people < do ?t ) o, a%o#t*P &e said= O&o, ofte do < ha$e to for(i$e;P &e ,a ted to ) o,* No,= there ,as a other ma ,ho ,as a ma of facts a d fi(#res* B#t 5eter ,a ted to ) o, the pri cipal of for(i$e ess= a d i esse ce= Fes#s said= O+here is o limit to ho, ma y times yo# shall for(i$e*P Se$e times se$e ty simply mea s o limitatio * <t mea s yo# are (oi ( to do it from o, o * No%' the %ea&ness o" *ein a man o" im!ulse %as that he +um!ed on a horse and rode o"" in all directions at one time( 5eter ,as the o e that # til 5a#l came ,as assem%li ( ,ith the Fe,s* &e started o#t at Cor eli#s= a Ee tile?s ho#se= a d the ,he the Fe,s protested= he sat ,ith them* A d the ,he 5a#l came= he re%#)ed him for it= %eca#se 5eter acted imp#lsi$ely= precipito#sly= ,itho#t tho#(ht= a d 5a#l had to repro$e him for it It %as Peter %ho said' ,I %ill never "orsa&e you(, And it %as -esus %ho said' ,Be"ore the coc& cro%s three times' you %ill(, Peter im!ulsively made the statement' ,I %ill never "orsa&e thee(, And yet he %as the "irst one( B#t the i teresti ( thi ( ,as Fes#s lo$ed him e o#(h that Fes#s had him preach o the day of 5e tecost* A d the reaso ,hy Fes#s had him preach o the day of 5e tecost ,as %eca#se he ,as the first o e to repe t* +oday= 5eter sta ds first o the list of all of the apostles= %eca#se yo# see i e$ery o e of o#r li$es= there are ,ea) esses a d there are stre (ths* A d <Qm tryi ( to poi t this o#t to yo# that i e$ery ch#rch= i e$ery co# try= i e$ery place= there are di$ersities* .ne o" the thin s that %e have to understand a*out diversity is that there are a diversity o" lan ua es( Ma (#a(es are as di$erse of the eth icity of all of #s* Some spea) o e la (#a(eR some a otherNs# = moo = stars= di$ersity* But diversity does not necessarily mean division and !articularly %hen it comes to lan ua e( < a atio s#ch as o#rs= i America= there is a (reat deal of co tro$ersy ri(ht o, a%o#t allo,i ( people to %ecome citi>e s ,ho do ot spea) the E (lish la (#a(e* No,= the iss#e that?s %efore #s is simply this= that at the +o,er of Ba%el= they ,ere all of o e la (#a(e a d o e pers#asio = a d they ,ere a%le to %#ild that to,er* B#t ,he Eod came do, a d di$ided their la (#a(es= it %ro#(ht disa(reeme t* A d the disa(reeme t %ro#(ht po,erless ess* <t is ot m#ltic#lt#ralism that di$ides a co# try= %eca#se ,e ha$e ,elcomed e$ery%ody from all o$er the ,orld i to America* Ae are a melti ( pot as it ,ere* Ae are a melti ( pot of di$erse atio alities all o$er* B#t ,he yo# do ?t spea) a commo la (#a(e= the the di$isio of the la (#a(e creates pro%lems for #s= %eca#se ,e ca ot comm# icate properly* +he Bi%le says i 5ro$er%s .1@.7= O'elia%le comm# icatio permits pro(ress*P No,= ,hether that?s i comm# icati ( ,ith yo#r ,ife or comm# icati ( ,ith yo#r childre or at ,or)Nrelia*le communication !ermits !ro ress( By the very same to&en' reverse that around( /nrelia*le communication stymies !ro ress( A d so ,he it comes to di$ersity= m#ltic#lt#ralism does ?t di$ide* <t?s the la (#a(e %arrier that di$ides* No,= that?s partic#larly tr#e ,he it comes to Christia ity* 34

0hen %e all s!ea& the same lan ua e that comes "rom the Bi*le that -esus #hrist is Lord and Savior and that the Holy S!irit %as !rayed "or *y Him to come into us to re*irth us into the 1in dom o" God so that %e)re *orn ane% o" God)s o%n s!irit' and %e all s!ea& the lan ua e o" the 0ord o" God' and %e all come to an a reement on %ho -esus #hrist is' thou h %e may s!ea& various lan ua es all over the %orld' yet %e are all s!ea&in the same thin ( So the messa(e the ma)es the la (#a(e o lo (er di$isi$e* +hat?s ,hy it?s importa t that ,e all spea) the same thi (* No,= the %ody of Christ is a $ariety of differe t de omi atio s= a $ariety of differe t people= a d they?re all spea)i ( differe t thi (s* A d ,hat di$ides #s is the la (#a(e that ,e spea) %ased #po ,hat ,e %elie$e= %#t ,he ,e are all %or of Eod?s spirit= a d ,e all ha$e the same Bi%le= there sho#ld %e o di$isio s amo ( #s tho#(h there are di$ersities* B#t ma y people do ?t # dersta d that* Di$ersity is ?t a pro%lemR di$isio is* OA ho#se that is di$ided ca ot sta d=P Fes#s said* A d that?s the ,ay it is i o#r life* So ,e?re ot di$ided if ,e?re all spea)i ( the same thi ( %ased #po the fact that the ,ord of Eod says= O+h#s sayeth the Mord*P See the thi ( of it is= i the Old +estame t= the profits al,ays said= O+h#s sayeth Mord*P Ahe Fes#s came= he said= OVerily= $erily= < say # to yo#*P &e did ?t say= O+h#s sayeth the Mord*P &e ,as the Mord* A d so yo# a d < m#st spea) the la (#a(e that Eod (i$es to #s %ased #po the ,ord that &e?s (i$e to #s %eca#se the ,ord ma)es o#r la (#a(e ,hat it is a d (i$es #s o#r # ity* No,= ot o ly ,as 5eter a ma of imp#lse= %#t ,e come to Fames* -ames %as a man o" silence* Fames did ?t say that m#ch* 5eter ,as a o#tsta di ( leader a d Foh ,as a ma of lo$e* 5eter= Fames= a d Foh ,ere the three that ,ere i the i er circle ,ith Fes#s* B#t Fames ,as the ma that Fes#s ,a ted %eside &im* &e ,as the o e that Fes#s ,a ted close to &im= %eca#se he did ?t do a ,hole lot of tal)i (= %#t he did a ,hole lot of ,al)i (* &e ,as the o e that ,as there= a d he ,as the o e that acted o thi (s* E#se%i#s tells that the ma de o# ced Fames to the a#thorities a d testified a(ai st him at trial %eca#se the ma sa, i Fames somethi ( that made him repe t= as) for Fames to %apti>e him %efore he died a d the ,he %oth of them ,ere o the ,ay= he as)ed Fames to for(i$e him* A d Fames said= O5ax $o%isc#m* 5eace %e ,ith yo#*P In other %ords' here %as -ames2 -ames %as as man %ho didn)t say much' *ut %hen he said it' his %ords carried the %ei ht o" his convictions' the %ei ht o" his character' the %ei ht o" his "aith( 0hen he s!o&e' every %ord he said meant somethin ( <t ,as said of Sam#el that ,he Sam#el spo)e= o e of his ,ords fell to the (ro# d* /o# a d < ) o, that idle tal)= ,ords J#st fall to the (ro# d* +hey J#st fall do, * +hey J#st (o o,here* < fact= <?$e e$e heard preachers preachi (= their ,ords J#st fell to the (ro# d= %eca#se they did ?t ha$e ,ei(ht a d s#%sta ce* +hey did ?t pe etrate* Fames= the ma of character= the ma of s#%sta ce= the ma ,ho ,he he spo)e= o e ,ord mea t a ,hole lot* A d the there ,as Foh * -ohn %as one o" the sons o" thunder( He %as a man o" tem!erament' %asn)t a man o" tem!erament as much as he %as a man o" tem!er( &e ,a ted to call fire do, from o#t of &ea$e * &e ,as the o e that called himself a apostle of lo$e i his ,riti (s i the Eospel of Foh * B#t it ,as his hot temper a d his fierce loyalty that made him= at times= $ery arro, a d i tolera t* &e re%#)ed the ma ,ho called # to Fes#s %eca#se he said= O&e follo,ed ot ,ith #s*P A d Fes#s said= O"or%id him ot*P +he la%el o the %ottle is e$er as importa t as the co te ts i the %ottle* A d the la%el that people ,ear= ma y times= is ot as importa t as the character that is ,ithi them* Character is al,ays more importa t* Fes#s ta#(ht #s that* &e said= OCommit to me of character* Commit to faithf#l me ,ho shall %e a%le to teach others also*P Commit to character* Eod does ?t commit to tale t* Eod commits to character* 35

Foh Nthe i teresti ( thi ( a%o#t Foh = he %e(a as a ma of th# der= %#t ,he yo# read < Foh = << Foh = <<< Foh = you "ind that a!ostle o" love( 3ou "ind that tem!er tamed( 3ou "ind that -ohn' the son o" thunder' has *ecome -ohn' the man o" understandin ( +hat o$er the years of %ei ( ,ith Fes#s= ,al)i ( ,ith Fes#s= his at#re= his character cha (ed* &e %ecame the $ery ame that he (a$e himself ,he he said= O&ere is the ma ,hom Fes#s lo$ed*P Varieties= di$ersitiesNthese me ,ere li)e yo# a d me* +hey ,ere as commo as yo# a d < are* But %hen they had *een %ith -esus' it chan ed them( They *ecame somethin other than %hat they had *een %hen they started %ith Him( Andre%' the man o" decision' the moment he ave his li"e to #hrist' he said' 4I)m oin to o "ind my *rother(5 &e ,e t a d fo# d 5eter a d %ro#(ht him to Christ* &e ) e, that 5eter ,as more a%le tha he= %#t it ,as precisely the reaso for %ri (i ( him* A dre, reali>ed that 5eter ,as more capa%le= more a%le= had more perso ality= more character= more e$erythi (= more pote tial tha he did* A d so he immediately ra a d (ot 5eter* +hat?s ,hy yo# ha$e the mi istry of so#l ,i i ( or the mi istry of reachi ( o#t to people ,itho#t Christ= a d yo# call them the %rethre of A dre, or the disciples of A dre, or the fello,ship of A dre, %eca#se they?re reachi ( o#t to %ri ( me i to the Si (dom of Eod* 5hillip= the matter!of!fact ma = a d < co#ld (o o do, = %#t <?m J#st (oi ( to come to the e d of this i J#st a mome t* B#t here is Matthe,= the ma of %#si ess &ere?s +homas= the ma of moods= $ery moody i di$id#al* &ere is Simo Zelotes= the ma ,ho ,as a >ealot= the ma ,ho ,as a flame of fire* &e ,as a patriot* &e ,o#ld %elo (Nhe ,o#ld fo# d the Christia Coalitio of his day* &e ,as ch#rchma * &e %elie$ed i Feho$ah* &e stood ,ith a party of protest* &e ,as a (ood citi>e = ,a ti ( (ood (o$er me t* A d o, that he?d fo# d Christ= he co#ld really pray for the peace of Fer#salem* F#das ,as the ma ,ho mi(ht ha$e %ee * Bar a%as ,as the ma of sympathies* /o# (o o do, = 5a#l= the ma ,ho made (ood* 0hat I)m tryin to !oint out is that there isn)t one o" these men that %as a !er"ect individual( +here is ?t o e of these me that had a perfect character* +here is ?t o e of these me ,ho did ?t ha$e fla,s* +here is ?t o e of these me ,ho did ?t ha$e character deficie cies* There isn)t one o" these men %ho didn)t have to *e tau ht' %ho didn)t have to *e tem!ered' and %ho didn)t have to *e tamed( +here is ?t o e of these me that?s a y differe t from yo#* Ae?re all c#t of the same cloth* Ae?re all me * Ae all p#t o#r pa ts o o e le( at a time* A d Fes#s has chose #s= called #s= e6#ipped #s to do &is ,ill= f#lfill &is p#rpose= so that &is (lory co#ld co$er the earth* Ahy do yo# thi ) yo#?re sitti ( ,here yo# are ri(ht o,; Beca#se yo# happe to %e there; Beca#se yo# J#st felt as tho#(h it ,as ecessary; Beca#se some%ody i $ited yo#; Don)t you reali6e that you)re there ri ht at this !articular time *ecause God is sayin to you' 43ou)re a man o" diversity( 3ou)re a man o" distinctive !erson( 3ou)re a man that I can use( 3ou)re a man that can o to India( 3ou)re a man that can o to 1uala Lum!ur( 3ou)re a man that can o next door( 3ou)re a man that can carry the messa e o" the Gos!el and *e the man God created you to *e(5 But you)ve ot to have the coura e to admit it( A d yo# ) o, the reaso ,hy a lot of #s ,o ?t admit it; Beca#se ,e do ?t ,a t to ha$e to commit to it* O ce yo# admit it= yo#?$e (ot to commit* A d so ,e do ?t admit it= %eca#se ,e do ?t ,a t to commit to it* A y e, le$el i life that yo# (ro, to ,ill al,ays re6#ire a (reater commitme t tha the le$el o ,hich yo# li$ed %efore a d ma y me do ?t ,a t to pay that price* +hey do ?t ,a t to %e dist#r%ed from their perso al pleas#re* +hey do ?t ,a t to %e roc)ed o#t of their cradle* +hey do ?t ,a t to ha$e to (ro, #p* Do ?t come to me or yo#r pastor or a yo e else a d say= O< ca ?t= %#t <?m a o%ody*P Eod 36

ta)es o%odies to ma)e some%ody o#t of* /o# are Eod?s me * < do ?t care ,hat color the s)i is* < do ?t care yo#r eth ic %ac)(ro# d* < do ?t care the la (#a(e yo# #se* < simply do ?t care a d either does Eod* God is loo&in "or a man to %hom He can !oint to and say' 4There)s my %or&manshi!( There)s someone that I can trust %ith my Gos!el' trust %ith my anointin ' trust %ith my revelation' trust %ith the !riceless !ossession o" the &no%led e o" my Son' -esus #hrist' and commit to Him my o%n s!irit so that He can mani"est my lory and the !o%er o" the anointin o" the Holy Ghost to do the %or& o" God(5 /o#?re the ma * /o# ca ?t t#r to some%ody else a d say= O/o#?re the ma =P Tca#se yo#?re it* < do ?t ) o, ,hat Eod?s (oi ( to choose yo# to do* < do ?t ) o, ,hat )i d of ,or) yo#?re (oi ( to do* All < ) o, is that yo#?re o e of that (ra d= (lorio#s %o#6#et of flo,ered di$ersity that Eod #ses to re$eal his (lory o this earth* Choose o, to %e the ma Eod created yo# to %e= a ma of co#ra(eo#s ma hood= ,ho li)e all the other apostles a d all of these others to ,hom Eod (a$e a%ility to %e Christli)e= %e that )i d of a ma *


The Principles of Courageous Manhood

A message with various principles that help men in their walk with Christ. Introductory Texts .* +ext@ . Cori thia s .: 0* Foh 8@10 1* Foh 8@14 2* Foh .3@7 The 7 Basic Pro*lems .* Most me i most ch#rches are trai ed to hear sermo s= ot st#dy the Aord of Eod 0* Most pastors are co te t to ,i co $erts= ot ma)e disciples 1* Sermo ?s do ?t set yo# free= tr#th does 2* Mediocre me @ +hey ,a t a#thority= %#t ot acco# ta%ility Identi"ication is the *asic issue o" #hristianity .* <de tificatio D < $ol$eme t D < $estme t D < crease 0* <de tify %y ,ord= %lood a d spirit 0e *ecome identi"ied %ith #hrist *y %ay o" exchan e 89 !rinci!les o" exchan e: .* Comm# icatio is the %asis of life 0* Excha (e is the process of life 1* Bala ce is the )ey to life a* < Foh .@9 %* 'oma s .:@9!.: 2* A(reeme t is the po,er of life a* Disa(reeme t res#lts i po,erless ess %* Ee esis .: Five reasons you need to have coura e .* +o face reality* 0* +o admit eed* 1* +o %e ,illi ( to cha (e* 2* +o ma)e decisio s* 3* +o hold co $ictio s* #onclusion@ Me eed to ha$e co#ra(e i order to %e decisi$e= %ecome acco# ta%le a d ma)e the to#(h decisio s re6#ired to %ecome more Christ li)e i stead of %ei ( tra sformed %y the ,orld* TH; P<IN#IPL;S .F #./<AG;./S $ANH..D As < prepared to (o to a me ?s retreat some years a(o= Eod really dealt ,ith my heart* < had pastored for ma y years a d the tra$eled for maJor tele$isio mi istries i America= a d < had come to se$eral co cl#sio s* 38

Num*er =: $ost men in most churches are trained to hear sermons' not to study the 0ord o" God( Num*er >: $ost !astors are content to ma&e converts' not disci!les( Num*er 7: Sermons don)t set you "ree' truth does( Fes#s said= O/o# shall ) o, the tr#th a d the tr#th shall ma)e yo# free*P HFoh 8@10I &e said= O&e ,hom the So sets free is free i deed*P HFoh 8@14I +here?s a differe ce %et,ee %ei ( set free= ,hich is i sta ta eo#s= a d the ma)i ( free= ,hich is a co sta t thi (* +he iss#e ,ith Christia ity is ot i sta t %#t co sta t* Fes#s did ?t say if yo# experie ce Me a d < experie ce yo#* &e said= O<f yo# a%ide i Me a d < a%ide i /o#*P HFoh .3@7I <t?s the a%idi (* <t?s the co sta cy* +oday= yo# ha$e ma y people all o$er the ,orld a d ma y me ,ho (o all o$er the co# try tryi ( to fi d a experie ce rather tha simply a%idi (* < had fo# d these thi (s to %e tr#e i my life* Ahe < ,as i $ited to that retreat= < ,a ted to %ri ( the me a ,ord from Eod* < had come to the reali>atio that ,e are li$i ( i the era of the mediocre ma * Mediocre me ,a t a#thority= ot acco# ta%ility* O e of the years ,he ,e ,e t thro#(h the co# try a d t,o!thirds aro# d the ,orld teachi (= ,e %ro#(ht the mi istry o moti$atio = missio a d mi istry= ,hich ,ere the three thi (s that Eod prod#ced i the life of Fes#s Christ* A lot of people mista)e Fes#s? missio for his moti$atio * < heard a mi ister say the reaso ,hy Fes#s came ,as to see) a d to sa$e the lost* +hat ,as his missio * &is mi istry ,as prophet= priest a d )i (= %#t his moti$atio ,as the lo$e of the "ather* A y missio to see) a d to sa$e the lost has to ha$e the moti$atio of the lo$e of the "ather* <f it?s ot moti$ated %y lo$e a d it?s moti$ated %y o%li(atio or %y d#ty or a se se of respo si%ility= ,itho#t lo$e= the it?s li)e %#ildi ( a seco d story o a $aca t lot* <t %ecomes a le(alistic approach to doi ( the ,or) of Eod a d yo# ca (et i $ol$eme t that ,ay= %#t yo# ca ?t (et ide tificatio * $en need to understand that identi"ication is the *asic issue o" #hristianity( "rom ide tificatio yo# (et i $ol$eme t* A lot of people say they ,a t to (et people i $ol$ed i ch#rch= %#t i $ol$eme t comes o#t of ide tificatio * +he = o#t of that comes i $estme t* /o# ca ?t (et people to i $est # til yo# (et them i $ol$ed* A d= o#t of that comes i crease* +hose ,ho are i %#si ess m#st # dersta d that* Apple or +ar(et or some (reat chai of stores aro# d the ,orld ,ill ad$ertise %eca#se they ,a t people to %ecome ide tified ,ith their prod#ct* <f they?ll %ecome ide tified= they?ll %ecome i $ol$ed* A d= if they %ecome i $ol$ed %y (oi ( i to the store= they?ll ma)e a i $estme t* +he = %oth the perso a d the store ,ill (et the i crease* So= ide tificatio is the %asic iss#e of Christia ity* Ahe it comes to o#r ide tificatio ,ith o#r pare ts= %e are identi"ied three %ays: *y %ord' *y *lood and *y s!irit( +hat?s exactly ho, Fes#s Christ has made it possi%le for #s to %e related to Eod the "ather* Ae are %or of the i corr#pti%le seed of the Aord of Eod* <t is the %lood of Fes#s Christ that clea ses #s from all si a d it is Spirit that is placed i #s ,here%y ,e cry A%%a= "ather ,ith o#r ide tificatio ,ith &im* No%' the %ay you *ecome identi"ied %ith -esus #hrist is *y exchan e( There are "our *asic !rinci!les that have to do %ith exchan e: Num*er =: Comm# icatio is the %asis of life* +he leaf attached to that stem a d attached to that %ra ch a d i to that tr# )= that leaf has life as lo ( as it?s attached a d there?s comm# icatio that comes from the root* B#t ,he that leaf is se$ered a d comm# icatio stops= a% ormality sets i * +he #ltimate a% ormality of that leaf is death= # less it is someho, reco ciled a d rei serted %ac) i to that tree so that it o ce a(ai ca ha$e the comm# icatio that comes from the life of the sap of the tree* A y time comm# icatio stops= a% ormality sets i * +he ,orld li$es %y the comm# icatio of the s# to the earth= %y ,hich ,e ha$e photosy thesis= %y ,hich ,e (et food a d so o * +he moo comm# icates to the earth ,here%y the tides are set i o#r ocea s* So= e$erythi ( i 39

life is comm# icated* +here?s a comm# icatio from the %ees that (o from flo,er to flo,er* All of life is %ased o comm# icatio * Comm# icatio is the %asis of life* Num*er >: Excha (e is the process of life* /o# (et that pri ciple from Cal$ary* Cal$ary is a place of excha (e* +he Bi%le says that Fes#s came i &is ri(hteo#s ess to %e ide tified ,ith o#r si so that ,e ca come i o#r si a d %y repe ta ce a d faith %ecome ide tified ,ith his ri(hteo#s ess* <t does ?t do yo# a y (ood to %ecome i $ol$ed i a ch#rch or i reli(io#s acti$ities # til yo# ha$e first %ee ide tified ,ith Fes#s Christ* Aitho#t the ide tity of Fes#s Christ= the i $ol$eme t= i $estme t a d i crease mea othi (* So= the %asic iss#e of Christia ity the is ide tificatio * <t?s the %asic iss#e of most of o#r li$es= %#t the process= tho#(h= %y ,hich ,e had (ai ed that ide tificatio is excha (e* So= the process of excha (e is ecessary to life* E$ery%ody ta)e a deep %reath ri(ht o,* < hale* No,= hold that for te mi #tes* /o# a d < ) o, ,e ca ?t= %eca#se ,e ha$e to exhale after ,e i hale* +here is a process of excha (e that (oes o i o#r l# (s a d that (i$es #s life* Ae %reathe i oxy(e a d ,e %reathe o#t car%o dioxide* Ae %reathe i that ,hich (i$es life a d ,e %reathe o#t that ,hich ta)es life* So= there?s a process of excha (e* All o#r h#ma %odies ha$e a %asic meta%olism that?s comprised of t,o thi (s@ a a%olism a d cata%olism= the %#ildi ( #p of the tiss#es a d the carryi ( a,ay of the ,aste prod#cts* Ahe those are i %ala ce= yo#r %asic meta%olism is ormal a d yo# ca li$e a ormal life* Ahe they are o#t of %ala ce= yo# ha$e diffic#lty* "or example= a emia mea s that yo# ha$e more ,aste prod#cts %ei ( carried a,ay tha the a a%olic processes %y ,hich the %lood is a%le to carry it* +herefore= %y a emia yo# %e(i to lose stre (th* A d the yo# ha$e to ta)e somethi ( i order to %ri ( that %ac) i to li e a d %ri ( it i to %ala ce* +hat?s ,hat the medici al p#rposes are for= to (i$e yo# that %asic meta%olism i yo#r life* So= excha (e is the process of life* Num*er 7: Bala ce is the )ey to life* A y%ody ,ho has a chec)%oo) ) o,s that* Bala ce is the )ey to life* <t is tr#e emotio ally= it?s tr#e me tally= it?s tr#e spirit#ally* Ahe ships are (oi ( thro#(h the ,ater o the ocea a d their %allast shifts so that it %ecomes # %ala ced= the as it %ecomes # %ala ced= it ,ill thro, the ship o$er a d it ,ill si )* O the ocea = %ala ce %ecomes the )ey to life* Met?s loo) at %ala ce that has to do i the )i (dom of Eod* "or example= co fessio * /o# hear a (reat deal a%o#t the ,ord co fessio = %#t the Bi%le teaches #s the pri ciple of the %ala ce of co fessio * +he %ala ce of co fessio is that i . Foh .@9 ,e read i the Bi%le@ 9 <f ,e co fess o#r si s= &e is faithf#l a d J#st to for(i$e #s o#r si s a d to clea se #s from all # ri(hteo#s ess* &a$i ( the co fessed o#t si = 'oma s .:@9!.: teaches@ 9 that if yo# co fess ,ith yo#r mo#th the Mord Fes#s a d %elie$e i yo#r heart that Eod has raised &im from the dead= yo# ,ill %e sa$ed* .: "or ,ith the heart o e %elie$es # to ri(hteo#s ess= a d ,ith the mo#th co fessio is made # to sal$atio * /o# ha$e to co fess o#t the si a d ha$i ( do e that= yo# ha$e to co fess i the ri(hteo#s ess* +hat?s ho, yo# p#t o Christ* +hat?s ho, yo# p#t off the old flesh* So= yo# co fess o e o#t= yo# co fess o e i * No,= if all yo# e$er do is co fess yo#r ,ea) ess a d co fess yo#r si i repe ta ce= the repe ta ce yo# li$e i ,ill o ly lead yo# to despair* A d if yo# o ly ha$e faith ,itho#t repe ta ce the yo# are (oi ( to li$e i pres#mptio * So= ,e fi d that ,e ha$e to ha$e the repe ta ce a d ,e ha$e to ha$e the faith* So= yo# repe t of yo#r si s a d the yo# exercise faith* +hat?s exactly ,hat &e says* Ae read i . Foh .@9 that %eyo d for(i$e ess= there is clea si (* Ma y me come to the altar to pray* +hey pray # til they ha$e a me tal catharsis or a spirit#al p#r(ati$e* +he they ,al) a,ay feeli ( as tho#(h they ha$e %ee released from that hea$y %#rde of (#ilt a d they are for(i$e * B#t they (o %ac) a d do the same d#m% thi ( all o$er a(ai %eca#se they ha$e e$er ,aited i the prese ce of Eod for the 40

clea si ( to come* Beyo d for(i$e ess= there is clea si (* <t?s ot e o#(h to %e for(i$e = ,e m#st %e clea sed* Num*er Four: A(reeme t is the po,er of life* A(reeme t is the place of po,er* +he place of a(reeme t is the place of po,er* All disa(reeme t res#lts i po,erless ess* A(reeme t al,ays prod#ces po,er* /o# ta)e some ma ,ho ,a ts to %#ild a ho#se* /o# ha$e to come to a a(reeme t ,ith the o, er of the property* < the G ited States= yo# ha$e to (et yo#r lice se from the city* /o# ha$e to ha$e appro$al from the pla i ( committee* /o# ha$e to ha$e all of these thi (s i a(reeme t %efore yo# ca %e(i to %#ild* +o %e(i to %#ild ,itho#t that mea s yo#?re i disa(reeme t ,ith them* As lo ( as yo#?re i disa(reeme t ,ith them= yo#?re po,erless to %#ild* <t?s the place of a(reeme t that (i$es yo# the po,er* <t?s the same ,ay i the )i (dom of Eod* Before yo# came to Christ= there ,as o po,er of Eod i yo#r life that e a%led yo# to li$e a o$ercomi ( life o$er si * B#t= o ce yo# came to a a(reeme t ,ith Fes#s Christ a d said= OMord < am i eed* < ha$e failed= <?$e come short of yo#r (lory= <?m ma)i ( a mess of my life* <?m d#mpi ( the ,hole thi (= < as) yo# to for(i$e me* Mord < a(ree ,ith yo# that yo#?re my Sa$ior a d my Mord*P Ahe yo# come to &im a d admit that i repe ta ce= Fes#s Christ the cha (es yo#r mi d* &e re e,s yo#r mi d= re(e erates yo#r heart* &e (i$es yo# a ,hole e, o#tloo) o life a d &is Spirit comes i to yo# to e a%le yo# the to li$e the Christ life* Ahat happe s is that yo#?re tra slated from o#t of the )i (dom of dar) ess i to the )i (dom of Eod?s o, dear So * +he life yo# o, li$e= yo# li$e %y the faith of &im ,ho (a$e &is life for yo#* +his is a ,hole e, ,ay of li$i (* So= yo# o lo (er li$e i po,erless ess= %#t o, yo# li$e i the po,er of Eod* A d e$e ,he ,e do si = praise Eod= ,e ha$e a ad$ocate ,ith the "ather= Fes#s Christ the ri(hteo#s ,ho= %eca#se of &is prese ce at the ri(ht ha d of the "ather sitti ( %efore the thro e of Eod= ,he ,e approach Eod a d ,e as) i &is ame a ythi (= the "ather ,ill do it %eca#se Fes#s paid the price at Cal$ary* +he poi t is that %efore ,e came to Fes#s= there ,as o po,er of Eod i o#r li$es* B#t o ce the Spirit of Eod came i to #s= o ce the %lood clea sed #s= o ce the Aord %e(a to d,ell i #s= the po,er of Eod came i to o#r li$es* Disa(reeme t res#lts i po,erless ess %#t a(reeme t prod#ces po,er* +he Bi%le says i Ee esis .: that the people ,ere tryi ( to %#ild a to,er #p to the hea$e s* +hey ,a ted to ma)e a ame for themsel$es* Eod came do, a d too) a loo) at them= sa, that %eca#se they ,ere all of o e la (#a(e= they ,ere all of o e political pers#asio = they ,ere all of o e mi d= they ,ere all of o e heart= %eca#se they ,ere all i # ity= they ,ere (oi ( to %e a%le to do it* So= Eod %ro#(ht to (#es a d di$ided their a%ility to comm# icate* A d ,he &e %ro#(ht the to (#es so that it %ro#(ht the disa(reeme t= it res#lted i po,erless ess a d they co#ld ot the %e a%le to co ti #e to %#ild* So the disa(reeme t %ro#(ht po,erless ess* No, %eca#se Eod?s tra sce de t (lory is Eod?s a%ility to ta)e the thi (s that are mea t for e$il a d t#r them aro# d a d ma)e them ,or) for (ood= Eod too) the to (#es of the Old +estame t that prod#ced the disa(reeme t that res#lted i po,erless ess= a d ,he the people came o the day of 5e tecost a d they ,ere all ,ith o e accord a d o e place a d the Spirit of Eod came #po them= it ,as the to (#es that released the po,er of Eod i their li$es* So= to (#es the %ecame the %lessi ( that had %ee the c#rsi ( i the Old +estame t* Eod?s tra sce de t (lory is &is a%ility to ta)e the thi (s that are mea t for e$il a d to t#r them aro# d a d ma)e them ,or) for o#r (ood* Disa(reeme t is the reaso ,hy ma y of #s do ?t ha$e the excelle ce that ,e desire* <t?s the reaso ,hy some of #s do ?t achie$e the thi (s that ,e ,a t to achie$e %eca#se ,e?re ,or)i ( i disa(reeme t ,ith o#rsel$es* /o# ta)e some (#y that?s (oi ( to ,or) o the Jo%* &e hates ,here he?s (oi ( to 41

,or)= a d as a res#lt he ima(i es %ei ( someplace else= a d his heart is %ac) home ,ith his family* &e is i disa(reeme t ,hile he ,or)s* &e ,ill e$er achie$e excelle ce there a d ,ill e$er %e a%le to do ,hat he eeds to %e a%le to do as lo ( as he?s i disa(reeme t* /o# ta)e a (#y that (oes o#t o a (olf co#rse a d J#st %efore he lea$es he reali>es o his des) is a %i( pile of ,or) a d his ,ife calls a d says the pl#m%i ( %ro)e i the (ara(e a d there?s ,ater all o$er the (ara(e floor a d some (#y ,al)s %y at the same time a d says it?s a %ea#tif#l day= let?s (o play (olf* So= he t#r s to the secretary a d says= ta)e care of this pile of ,or)= calls his ,ife says= call the pl#m%er a d (oes o#t a d plays (olf a d shoots ..:Uo the first 9* +he reaso is %eca#se he?s i disa(reeme t- &is heart?s at home= his mi d?s at ,or) a d his %ody is o the (olf co#rse* &e ca ot shoot a (ood (ame of (olf* B#t= yo# p#t him o#t there ,he the family is o $acatio a d there?s little ,or) a d it?s all do e= (et him o the (olf co#rse ,here he?s (ot his mi d= his heart a d his spirit all i # ity a d he?ll %e a%le to shoot a (ood (ame of (olf* <t?s the same ,ay i o#r home* Ahe there?s disa(reeme t or dis# ity i o#r home= there?s po,erless ess i o#r home* Childre are master psycholo(ists* +hey ) o, if they ca prod#ce disa(reeme t %et,ee mom a d dad= they ca ta)e a#thority i the home* /o# ta)e a .7!year!old %oy that?s J#st (ot his dri$er?s lice se a d he?s (ot a date* &e says= ODad= ca < ha$e the car;P Dad says= O/eah= %#t yo# (otta %e i %y ..@::*P ONo s,eat Dad= <?ll %e here*P &e (oes o#t= ..@:: comes= o %oy= o car* .0@::= o %oy= o car* .@::= o %oy= o car* Dad?s #p= he?s fid(eti (= he?s f#ssi (= he?s te se= he?s ti(ht= he?s a xio#s* "i ally a%o#t .@1: i the mor i (= here comes the %oy* Dad says= O/o#?re (ro# ded= do ?t as) for the car a(ai for a mo th= (i$e me the )eys*P +he %oy (oes off to %ed* +he follo,i ( ,ee)= the (irl he?s %ee ,a ti ( to date fi ally says yes* &e has to ha$e the car* Eot to ha$e the car- Eot to ha$e it- So= ,ho does he as); &e ,al)s i a d says= OMom= ca < ha$e the car;P She says= OS#re*P So= he ,al)s i to Dad a d says= O&ey Dad= ,here are the )eys; Mom says < ca ha$e the car*P Dad says= O< do ?t care ,hat yo#r mother says= yo#?re ot (oi ( to (et that car*P Boy ,al)s %ac) a d says= ODad says he does ?t care ,hat yo# say*P She says= O/o# tell him < said yo# co#ld ha$e that car*P &e (oes %ac) a(ai a d says= ODad= Mom says < ca ha$e the car*P Dad says= o$er my dead %ody*P +he %oy (oes %ac) a d says= OMom= Dad says < ca ha$e it o$er his dead %ody*P She says= OAell if that?s the ,ay he ,a ts it*P So= Mom a d Dad (et i a h#(e ar(#me t a d i disa(reeme t* Ahile they?re ar(#i ( a d disa(reei (= ,hat does the %oy do; +a)es the )eys a d (oes* &e prod#ced ,hat i the home; A d ,he he prod#ced the disa(reeme t %et,ee Mom a d Dad= Mom a d Dad lost a#thority* /o# see= that holds tr#e= ot J#st ,hether it?s a home= %#t it holds tr#e i a %#si ess* <t holds tr#e i a ch#rch* <t holds tr#e i a atio * < America ,he Foh "* Se edy stood #p a d said= ,e?re (oi ( to p#t a ma o the moo ,ithi te years= the ,hole co# try (ot i toUA(reeme t* A d= ,e p#t him o the moo i ho, ma y years; Ei(ht years* B#t= ,e ,e t to Viet am a d the co# try (ot i to disa(reeme t a d as a res#lt of it= ,e lost o#r po,er a d ,e %ro#(ht o#r %oys %ac) i a ,ay ,e sho#ld ha$e e$er %ro#(ht them %ac) home* /o# see= Aorld Aar << ,as the soldier?s ,ar* Soldiers fi(ht # til they ,i %eca#se if yo# ,i = yo# ha$e $ictory a d if yo# ha$e $ictory yo# ha$e peace* Ae had the Eise ho,ers a d the Bradleys* Ae had peace as a res#lt of ,i i ( Aorld Aar <<* B#t= i Viet am it ,as a politicia ?s ,ar a d politicia s do thi (s %y committee %eca#se committees do thi (s %y compromise so that o o e has to %e held acco# ta%le i di$id#ally for the decisio of the committee* +hat?s ,hy Eod e$er called a committee to lead a ch#rch* &e calls a $isio ary* So= ,e?$e (i$e yo# fo#r pri ciples* Ahat are they; #ommunication is the *asis o" li"e' exchan e is the !rocess o" li"e' *alance is the &ey to li"e' a reement is the !o%er 42

o" li"e( /o# eed to # dersta d those i yo#r life as ma %eca#se those are pri ciples of the )i (dom of Eod* No,= < ,as poi ti ( o#t to yo# a little %it a(o that ide tificatio is the %asic iss#e of Christia ity a d o#t of ide tificatio the comes i $ol$eme t* +o ha$e i $ol$eme t ,itho#t ide tificatio is li)e %#ildi ( the seco d story o a $aca t lot* /o# ca %e i $ol$ed i ch#rch all yo# ,a t= %#t ,itho#t ide tificatio ,ith Fes#s Christ= yo# do ?t ha$e a ide tity that is esta%lished for eter ity* +hat?s ,hy yo# ha$e to co fess Fes#s Christ* /o# ca ot (et rid of the ide tificatio * <t?s %asic* O#t of the i $ol$eme t comes the i $estme t* 5eople that are ,illi ( to ide tify ,ith the ch#rch= %ecome i $ol$ed ,ith it= are ,illi ( to tithe* +he tithe the (i$es them a d the ch#rch %oth i crease* No,= ,he < ,as (oi ( #p to mi ister at that retreat i Ore(o = there ,ere $erses of script#re o#t of . Cori thia s .: that ha$e o, %ecome the %asis of the %oo) Maximized Manhood. < . Cori thia s .:= i the 4th $erse it tal)s a%o#t the childre of <srael ,ho ,ere (oi ( o#t of E(ypt i to Ca aa * No,= o e of the thi (s yo# ha$e to remem%er is that E(ypt ,as a type of the ,orld* Ca aa ,as the 5romised Ma d* Eod ,a ted them o#t of E(ypt a d i to Ca aa * God al%ays thin&s a*out %here He %ants us' not %here %e are( &e ta)es #s from ,here ,e are to (et #s ,here &e ,a ts #s* So= ,he it tal)s a%o#t sal$atio = ,e are ot simply sa$ed from si = ,e are sa$ed to eter al life* Ae are ot sa$ed from filthy ha%itsR ,e are sa$ed to a sa ctified life* Ae are sa$ed to, ot simply sa$ed from. Me ,ho are o ly sa$ed from ,a der aro# d i a ,ilder ess a d e$e t#ally die li)e the childre of <srael did %eca#se they came o#t %#t the e$er came i * So= it?s ot %ei ( sa$ed from= it?s %ei ( sa$ed to* <t?s ot comi ( out= it?s (oi ( in* +he iss#e the is o the positi$e a d ot o the e(ati$e* Eod e$er e ds a ythi ( o a e(ati$e* &e al,ays e ds it o a positi$e* So if yo#?re (oi ( thro#(h a ythi ( i yo#r life ri(ht o, that is e(ati$e= tha ) Eod it is ?t the e d %eca#se Eod ,ill ot allo, the thi ( to e d i the e(ati$e ,he yo#?$e s#%mitted a d committed it to Eod* &is tra sce de t (lory ,ill t#r it aro# d a d ma)e it ,or) for yo#r (ood a d &is (lory* +hat?s Eod?s a%ility to do it* +he fi$e si s that are me tio ed here i . Cori thia s .: are l#st i the sixth $erse= idolatry i the se$e th $erse= ei(hth $erse for icatio or sex si s= i th $erse tempti ( Christ a d te th $erse m#rm#ri (* +he fi$e si s that )ept the childre of <srael from o#t of Ca aa are the same fi$e si s that )eep me from %ei ( maximi>ed i their ma hood today* M#st= idolatry= sex si s= tempti ( Christ a d m#rm#ri (* +his mi istry %e(a that first Sat#rday i "e%r#ary .98: ,he < stood #p i fro t of those me a d said= sex si s ,ill %e the pro%lem of the ch#rch i the .98:s* 'e(retta%ly= that ,as a prophecy that came to pass= %#t it ,as a prophecy* No,= ,e?$e (ot a e, decade a d a e, ce t#ry ahead of #s* Eod?s doi ( e, thi (s a d (reat thi (s* B#t= it ,as this )i d of teachi ( that e a%led the mi istry to (et started= a d ,he it first %e(a < ,as comma di ( me to repe t of their sex si s a d comma di ( them to do it o#t lo#d %eca#se the pri ciple of the )i (dom is= a d it?s i the %oo) Maximized Manhood= si ca o ly (o o#t of the life %y the ,ay of the mo#th* Si ca o ly (o o#t of the life %y the ,ay of the mo#th* /o# ca ?t %eat it o#t= yo# ca ?t force it o#t= yo# ca ?t do a ythi ( except co fess it o#t %eca#se Christia ity is ot %#ilt i s#ppressio a d repressio = it?s %#ilt o co fessio * So= that?s ,hy i o#r li$es ,he ,e s#ppress thi (s or ,e repress thi (s= those thi (s remai i o#r li$es* +hey ca o ly (o o#t %y the ,ay of the mo#th= so the o ly ,ay they are (oi ( to (o o#t is %y o#r a%ility to co fess them* O e of the pro%lems ,e ha$e i o#r li$es is that ,he thi (s occ#r i o#r li$es= ,e do ?t ,a t to admit them* Ae do ?t ,a t to face them* See that?s the reaso ,hy yo# eed to # dersta d co#ra(e* +here are fi$e reaso s yo# eed to ha$e co#ra(e* "i$e reaso s yo# 43

eed to ha$e co#ra(e* Num*er =: To "ace reality( Num*er >: To admit need( Num*er 7: To *e %illin to chan e( Num*er 9: To ma&e decisions( Num*er ?: To hold convictions( "i$e reaso s yo# eed to ha$e co#ra(e* +hat?s ,hy the Bi%le says i 0 5eter .@ OAdd to yo#r faith $irt#e*P +he ,ord $irt#e mea s moral excelle ce i its primary se se* <t mea s masc#li ity i its seco dary se se a d i its tertiary se se it mea s $alor or co#ra(e* Add to yo#r faith co#ra(e* <t?s ot e o#(h to ha$e faithR yo# ha$e to ha$e co#ra(e added to yo#r faith* +hat?s ,hat Fes#s ,as doi ( i the Earde of Eethsema e ,he he prayed # til (reat drops of %lood li)e s,eat came o#t o his forehead* &e ,as prayi ( %eca#se he had faith= %#t he ,as addi ( co#ra(e to his faith i order to face Cal$ary* <t ,as reprehe si%leR it ,as hei o#sR it ,as somethi ( that ,as rep#lsi$e to him= %#t he ,as ,illi ( to face it* B#t= he had to ha$e the co#ra(e to face it to add to his faith a d that?s the ,ay it is ,ith #s* Ae?ll e$er (et rid of those thi (s i o#r li$es that are e(ati$e* Ae?ll e$er %e a%le to (et rid of those thi (s i o#r li$es # less ,e are ,illi ( to %e ma e o#(h to face reality* +hat?s o e of the thi (s ma y of #s do ?t ,a t to do is face reality* +hat?s the pro%lem ,ith a dr#( addict* +hat?s the pro%lem ,ith a alcoholic is ,hat they call de ial* &e de ies he has a pro%lem* /o# ta)e me that are dri )ers a d are alcoholics %#t ,ill e$er admit it* +hey?re i de ial* Or it?s li)e a ma ,ho is i cocai e or mariJ#a a or ,hate$er it may %e a d has to ha$e his fix a d yet he says he?s ot a dr#( addict* &e?s i de ial* A d= the first thi ( yo# ha$e to do to ha$e a y sol#tio to a pro%lem is admit yo#?$e (ot a eed or admit yo#?$e (ot a pro%lem* /o# ca ?t do it # til yo#?re ,illi ( to admit that* So= #m%er o e= yo# ha$e to face reality* N#m%er t,o= yo# ha$e to admit eed a d #m%er three yo#?$e (ot to %e ,illi ( to cha (e* Cha (e is ot cha (e # til it is cha (e* +he commo pro%lem all of #s ha$e is that ,e al,ays J#d(e other people %y ,hat they do= %#t o#rsel$es %y o#r (ood i te tio s* +hat?s the te de cy that all of #s ha$e= a d so as a res#lt of it= ma y times ,e?re ot ,illi ( to cha (e* B#t= if ,e do ?t cha (e= if ,e?re ot ,illi ( to cha (e the ,e ca ot (ro,* +he o ly co sta t i mat#rity is cha (e* So= if yo#?re ot ,illi ( to cha (e= yo# ca ?t mat#re* <f yo#?re ot ,illi ( to cha (e ,he yo# come o#t of the ,om% as a i fa t= yo#?ll e$er %ecome a child* <f yo#?re ot ,illi ( to cha (e= yo#?ll e$er %e a adolesce t* <f yo#?re ot ,illi ( to cha (e= yo#?ll e$er %ecome a ad#lt* So= cha (e is the co sta t i life* So= yo#?$e (ot to %e ,illi ( to cha (e* No,= < reco( i>e the fact that i the text%oo)s of o#r co# try today= o e of the thi (s that they?re doi ( ,ith moral relati$ism is sayi ( there are o a%sol#tes a d e$erythi ( is s#%Ject to cha (e= so therefore the o ly co sta t is cha (e* B#t= ,hat they?$e do e is ta)e a tr#th a d made it (o i to error* Error ofte times is othi ( %#t tr#th carried to the extreme* +hat?s ,hy the closer a lie is to the tr#th= the more dam i ( it is* B#t= ,he it comes to #s i o#r li$es ,here cha (e has to occ#r= that?s ,hy < p#t it i the %oo) 5ote tial 5ri ciple* < o#r li$es ,here cha (e has to occ#r= if cha (e ,ill ot come from the top= it ,ill come %y re$ol#tio from the %ottom* <f it ,o ?t occ#r $ol# tarily from the top= it ,ill occ#r i $ol# tarily from the %ottom* So= ,hat happe s is yo# (ot to reco( i>e the fact that ,here cha (e is ecessary= cha (e m#st occ#r* No,= i yo#rs a d my life as me = ,he there are thi (s that are ,ro ( i o#r families= there are thi (s that eed to %e ta)e care of a d corrected* +hat cha (e has to %e(i i #s i order for it to %e effecti$e i their li$es* +he fo#rth thi ( the is to ma)e decisio s* See= mediocre me ,a t a#thority %#t ot acco# ta%ility* So= as a res#lt of it= they ,o ?t ma)e decisio s %eca#se they do ?t ,a t to ha$e to %e held acco# ta%le* +hat?s ,hy yo#?$e (ot me that are Jo#r eyme %#t ot craftsme * <t?s the reaso ,hy yo# ha$e politicia s ot statesme * Ahat ha$e < do e to 44

yo#; &a$e < h#rt yo#; &o, ma y are liste i ( to me; Met me see yo#r ha ds* B#t= it?s o etheless tr#e* /o# ha$e to %e ,illi ( to ma)e decisio s* See that?s o e of the characteristics of a mediocre ma is i decisi$e ess a d the Bi%le says a i decisi$e or do#%le mi ded ma is ,hat@ G sta%le i a fe, of his ,ays* Did < say it ,ro (; Oh= <?m sorry* A do#%le mi ded ma is # sta%le i some of his ,ays* +hat?s ,hat < said* So= it affects his e tire life* So= if he?s do#%le mi ded i re(ard to Eod= it affects e$erythi ( i his life* Are yo# follo,i ( me; <f he?s do#%le mi ded i re(ard to his ,ife= it affects e$erythi ( i his life* <f he?s do#%le mi ded a%o#t his ,ife* &e ) o,s he?s married to her= %#t he does ?t ,a t to %e married to her* &e ,a ts to li$e li)e si (le ,hile he?s married* &e?s do#%le mi ded* <t ,ill affect e$erythi ( i his life* <t ,ill affect his ,or)* <t ,ill affect his relatio ships ,ith other people* <t ,ill affect e$erythi ( a%o#t him %eca#se a do#%le mi ded ma is # sta%le i all of his ,ays* So= ,e ha$e to %e ,illi ( to ma)e decisio s* /o# ) o, ho, decisi$e me are today= do ?t yo#; +ry it o e more time* /o# ) o, decisi$e me are today= do ?t yo#; +ho#(ht yo#?d e$er as)* +#esday* &is a i$ersary is +h#rsday* &e calls his ,ife a d says= ho ey < ,a t to ta)e yo# o#t to di er* She?s excited* +h#rsday comes= they (et the %a%ysitter= they (et the meal ta)e care of* Both of them are coiffed a d perf#med= they?re ready attired= they ,al) o#t the door= ,a$e (ood%ye to the )ids= the %a%ysitter= (o do, a d (et to the car* &e ope s the car door for her= she (ets i = he closes the car door= ,al)s aro# d to his side of the car= ope s the door= (ets i = ta)es the )ey o#t his poc)et a d p#ts them i the i( itio * B#t= %efore he starts the car= t#r s to her a d says U,here do yo# ,a t to (o; A d= she says= < do ?t care= a y,here yo# ,a t to ta)e me* A d= he says= %#t it?s yo#r a i$ersary= < ,a t to ta)e yo# ,here yo# ,a t to (o* She said= %#t yo# i $ited me= yo# ma)e the decisio * Aell= < ,a t yo# to ma)e it %eca#se < ,a t yo# to %e happyR < ,a t yo# to %e a%le to (o* < do ?t ,a t to ma)e the decisio = this is yo#r i $itatio = yo# ta)e me* <?m ot (oi ( to ma)e the decisio * /o# ma)e it* <?m ot (oi ( to ma)e it* +,e ty mi #tes later sitti ( i fro t of the (olde arches* +here i fro t of McDo ald?s ham%#r(er sta d= he t#r s to her a d says= ho ey= <?m sorry= the de$il really (ot i there* De$il did ?t ha$e a ythi ( to do ,ith that= he?s J#st d#m%* D#m% %eca#se she ,a ted him to %e decisi$e %eca#se decisi$e ess is o e of the characteristics of ma hood* A d= the the last o e of co#rse= the last o e= hold co $ictio s* < made me tio o e day that < ,as so sic) a d tired of ,ea)!,illed= soft!spirited= limp!,risted= p#ssyfooters tippy toei ( thro#(h the t#lips* Ahat < am simply sayi ( (#ys is i this day of a(e= tha ) Eod that &e is mo$i ( o the ch#rch to p#t e, co#ra(e i to the hearts of &is me to %e a%le to sta d a(ai st the thi (s that are (oi ( o i this ,orld a d to declare the $irt#e a d the ame of Fes#s Christ come ,hat may* < ,a t yo# to ) o, somethi (@ +he ,orld is fi di ( a e, (e eratio of me that are ,illi ( to sta d #p a d ta)e their sta d for Fes#s Christ a d ot care ,hat the ,orld says= %#t rather tha the ,orld cha (i ( them= for them to cha (e the ,orld* Eod ,a ts yo# to %e a maximi>ed ma %eca#se ma hood a d Christli)e ess are sy o ymo#s*



9u)ine)) blo,,er !et% .odin recently wroteA
2You canOt ar,ue wit% )ucce))-N * cour)e you can- Conventional wi)dom )ay) you )%ouldnOt bot%er- 9ut ar,uin, wit% *ailure i) dumb- Failure doe)nOt need to be ar,ued wit%, itO) already *ailedIt ta0e) ,ut) to ar,ue wit% )ucce)), ,ut) and in)i,%t- #nd itO) t%e be)t way to ma0e t%in,) better-

:lea)e t%in0 about %ow CMN can ,et better B w%at or,ani7ational %el+ do your brot%er) need, or w%at could ot%er) do to %el+ you win more men to C%ri)t8 4very )u,,e)tion, idea and ob)ervation will be care*ully wei,%ed, and +rayed overFere are a *ew out o* %undred) o* to+ic) you mi,%t want to addre))A
For Lion) "oar 2013 B i) MonB3ed ea)ier to attend8 Mini)try Team) B w%at would %el+ to ,et men to ,o wit% you over)ea)8 Catalytic Men1) 4vent) B w%at doe) a men1) event in t%e local c%urc% need to loo0 li0e8 3%at time o* day wor0) be)t *or your men8

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