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INTREPID: Project Timeline, 2014

Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Emergency Medicine Resuscitation Research Center

Start January 8th

End January 8th

Objective(s) -Site Initiation Visit -Receive Site Selection Notification Prepare IRB submission Primary Review, Modify Submission prior to Full Committee Review Full Committee IRB Review: Receive Study Approval OCRICC Meeting: Study logistics/ planning OCRICC Meeting: Study logistics/ planning NICU/NPCU Nurse Education NICU/NPCU Nurse Education Site Initiation Visit

Method Neuren Rep. inhouse visit (see agenda, page 3) eBridge eBridge

Resources Needed/ Enablers MCW Research Team

January 13th Site Selection February 12th and Submission March 10th

February 12th March 10th

April 1st

eBridge and Full Committee Meeting Meeting in Cancer Center (M210) Meeting in Cancer Center (K110) Live Training Live Training Neuren Representative Visit, Site Initiation Articulate Storyline, Microsoft Word Articulate Storyline Articulate Storyline

MCW Research Team IRB Primary Reviewer, IRB Coordinator, MCW Research Team IRB Committee

January 31st

January 31st

February 8th

February 8th

Logistics/ Planning Meetings

March 8th March 18th April 8th

March 8th March 18th April 9th

MCW Research Team, OCRICC, SICU and OR staff MCW Research Team, OCRICC, NICU and NPCU, Telemetry S. Gauger S. Gauger MCW Research Team, Pharmacy, Investigators, Neuren S. Gauger

February 25th

February 28th

March 3rd March 24th MCW Research Team Training

March 21st April 4th

Storyboard protocol training module for CRCI Module Creation Coordinator Training: Self Guided Protocol & Procedures Coordinator Q&A Site Initiation Visit

S. Gauger S. Gauger

April 7th April 8th

April 7th April 9th

Live Training Live Training

April 10th


Continued Protocol Familiarity


S. Gauger, CRC I Staff S. Gauger, MCW Research Team, Neuren S.Gauger

Agenda for Site Evaluation Visit

1. Introductions a. Role and prior experience with randomized clinical trials 2. Investigator discussion a. Study Overview b. Subject recruitment c. Study roles and responsibilities d. GCP guidelines i. Study oversight ii. Data confidentiality iii. Regulatory/ adverse event reporting 3. Facility review a. Off-site facilities inspection (if applicable) b. Laboratory inspection c. Pharmacy inspection d. EEG requirements 4. Local approval process a. IRB b. Clinical service agreement 5. Monitoring procedures a. Access and storage of source documents b. Monitoring schedule 6. Closure a. Define follow up plan/ action items

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