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Electromagnetic Fields Prob ch_3

D3.1. Given : E = E0 cos( 6 .108 t 2 z )a x (V / m ) find the time rate of increase of By at t=10-8s for each of the following values of z : (a) 0; (b) m; and (c) 2/3 m.

Ans :( a ) 0; (b) 2 E 0 ; ( c ) 3 E0
D3.3. Given : J = 0 and : H = H e ( 3.10 0

t z )2

ay ( A / m )

find the time rate of increase of Dx for each of the following cases : (a) z=2m, t=10-8s; (b) z=3m, t=(1/3).10-8s; and (c) z=3 m, t=10-8s.

Ans :( a ) -0.7358H 0 ; (b) 0.0733H 0 ; ( c ) 0

Trn Quang Vit BMCS Khoa in HBK Tp.HCM

Electromagnetic Fields Prob ch_3

D3.6. In a small region around the origin, the current density due to flow of charges is given by : J = J 0 ( x 2 a x +y 2 a y +z 2 a z ) ( A / m 2 ) where J0 is a constant. Find the time rate of increase of the charge density at each of the following points: (a) (0.02, 0.01, 0.01); (b) (0,02, -0.01, -0.01); and (c) (-0.02, -0.01, 0.01).

Ans :( a ) -0.08J 0 (

C C ); (b) 0 ; ( c ) 0 . 04 J ( ) 0 m3s m3 s

D3.15.The magnetic field of a uniform plane wave in free space is given by: H = H 0 cos( 6 .108 t + 2 y )a x (A/m) Find unit vector along the following: (a) the direction of propagation of the wave; (b) the direction of the magnetic field at t=0, y=0; and (c) the direction of the electric field at t=0, y=0

Ans :( a ) -a y ; (b) a x ; ( c ) a z
Trn Quang Vit BMCS Khoa in HBK Tp.HCM

Electromagnetic Fields Prob ch_3

D3.19.The magnetic field associated with a uniform plane wave propagating in the +z-direction in free space is given by:

H = H 0 cos( 6 .107 t 0.2 z )a y (A/m)

Find the following : (a) the instantaneous power flow across a surface of area 1m2 in z=0 plane at t=0; (b) the instantaneous power flow across a surface of area 1m2 in z=0 plane at t=(1/8) s; and (c) the time-average power flow across a surface of area 1m2 in z=0 plane.

Ans :( a ) 120 H 02 (W ); (b) 0; ( c ) 60 H 02 (W )

Trn Quang Vit BMCS Khoa in HBK Tp.HCM

Electromagnetic Fields Prob ch_3

P3.4. For the electric field E = E0e cos ta x in free space ( J = 0 ), find B that satisfies Faradays law in differential form and the determine if the pair of E and B satisfy Amperes circuital law in differential form. P3.25. The electric-field intensity of a uniform plane wave propagating in free space is given by:

E = 37.7 cos( 9 .107 t + 0.3 y )a x (V / m )

Find : (a) the frequency; (b) the wavelength; (c) the direction of propagation of the wave; and (d) the asssiated magnetic field intensity vector H
Trn Quang Vit BMCS Khoa in HBK Tp.HCM

Electromagnetic Fields Prob ch_3

P3.37. The electric and magnetic fields in a coaxial cable, an arrangement of two coaxial perfectly conducting cylinders of radius a and b (>a), are given by:

V0 cos ( t z 0 0 )a r for a < r < b r ln( b / a ) I H = 0 cos ( t z 0 0 )a for a < r < b 2 r E=

where V0 and I0 are constants and the axis of the cylinders is the zaxis. (a) Find the instantaneous and time-average Poyting vectors assosiated with the fields. (b) Find the time-average power flow along the coaxial cable.
Trn Quang Vit BMCS Khoa in HBK Tp.HCM

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