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Personal SWOT Analysis is necessary to prepare your Curriculum Vitae Strengths Internal positive aspects that are under

control and upon which you may capitalize in planning Work Experience Education, including value-added features Strong technical knowledge within your field e!g! hardware, software, programming languages" Specific transfera#le skills, e!g!, communication, teamwork, leadership skills Communication$ Speaking effectively Writing concisely %istening attentively Expressing ideas Research and Planning: &reating ideas ' (athering information' Solving pro#lems ' Setting goals ' )nalyzing Human Relations: *eveloping rapport +eing Sensitive %istening &onveying feelings ,roviding support for others -otivating Sharing credit Organization, details anagement and !eadership: Initiating new ideas' .andling

&oordinating tasks Wor" Sur#i#al: +eing punctual -anaging time )ttending to detail -eeting goals Enlisting help )ccepting responsi#ility Setting and meeting deadlines /rganizing -aking decisions! o ,ersonal characteristics e!g!, strong work ethic, self-discipline, a#ility to work under pressure, creativity, optimism, or a high level of energy o (ood contacts0successful networking o Interaction with professional organizations Wea"nesses Internal negative aspects that are under your control and that you may plan to improve %ack of Work Experience %ow (,), wrong ma1or %ack of goals, lack of self-knowledge, lack of specific 1o# knowledge Weak technical knowledge Weak skills leadership, interpersonal, communication, teamwork" Weak 1o#-hunting skills

2egative personal characteristics e!g!, poor work ethic, lack of discipline, lack of motivation, indecisiveness, shyness, too emotional Opportunities

,ositive external conditions that you do not control #ut of which you can plan to take advantage ,ositive trends in your field that will create more 1o#s e!g!, growth, glo#alization, technological advances" /pportunities you could have in the field #y enhancing your education 3ield is particularly in need of your set of skills /pportunities you could have through greater self-knowledge, more specific 1o# goals /pportunities for advancement in your field /pportunities for professional development in your field &areer path you4ve chosen provides uni5ue opportunities (eography Strong network Threats 2egative external conditions that you do not control #ut the effect of which you may #e a#le to lessen 2egative trends in your field that diminish 1o#s downsizing, o#solescence" &ompetition from your cohort of college graduates &ompetitors with superior skills, experience, knowledge &ompetitors with #etter 1o#-hunting skills than you &ompetitors who went to schools with #etter reputations! /#stacles in your way e!g!, lack of the advanced education0training you need to take advantage of opportunities" %imited advancement in your field, advancement is cut-throat and competitive %imited professional development in your field, so it4s hard to stay marketa#le &ompanies are not hiring people with your ma1or0degree

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