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Cholchinee Nagapradip (Noon)

Essay 2 Draft 3

There are many threats to global food supplies. Explain the problem, identify possible solutions, and assess the implications of implementing these solutions.

Food resources have been significantly issued recently. Due to a dramatic increase in population in recent years there has been an inade!uate food supply to feed all the people all around the globe. "herefore the attempt to solve this problem has been concerned# many solutions have been used for trying to solve the problems. "here are some solutions that are practical and some of them are not. $t is necessary to cautiously loo%s for the most effective solutions in the impact on food resources. $t seems that sustainable process is the most successful solution in this problem.

"he population gro&th has been a significant issue that can lead to other global situations in recent years. $t has dramatically increased. Furthermore it also increases the demand of food production to fulfill people's needs. Climate change is the other situation that is caused by population gro&th and can leads to dramatic increase in &ater and lac% of land to plant food productions ((laght 2)*2). +oreover economically developed countries have import e,otic fruits and vegetables from less economically developed countries to fulfill their people's demands from foods (ibid).

Conse!uently these situations have led to many problems. First the limited of the resources have caused competition for land &ater and energy to produce food yields among food producers (-odfray et al. 2)*)). "hat is &hy food production is insufficient to satisfy human needs. (econdly animal.protein is increasing in diets. /o&ever there is a problem of inefficiency of animal.protein that is caused by farmers' ineffective practices ((laght 2)*2). "herefore it is necessary to increases animal.protein efficiency by using drugs to treat animals although this process can have an environmental impact by spreading disease. $t is caused by bird e,tinction &hen they ingest human food. Finally the importing of e,otic fruits and vegetable could affect in t&o &ays# it produces a carbon footprint

(-odfray et al. 2)*)) &hen it is delivered and less economically developed countries replace their local crops by e,otic crops that contribute to local people's malnourishment ((laght 2)*2).

/o&ever the possible solutions for these problems have been argued about. $t is necessary to produce food by a sustainable process by 0using food resources at rates that do not e,ceed the capacity of the earth to replace them' (-odfray et al. 2)*)). "herefore there &ill be sufficient food products and nourishment for all human%ind in the future. Consumers and producers of food are needed to ta%e responsibility for produced used and consumed food yields &isely. Furthermore they have to decrease their food &aste &hich also leads to increases in food security. "he government should encourage research for dealing &ith food problems &hich occurs recently &ith an innovation of technology of food production. "he genetically modified (-+) crops and animals have become the alternative choices of food supply# it is innovative technology that change crops and animal genes to reduce their defective genes that innate immunity to diseases (-odfray et al. 2)*)).

"herefore there is much discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of developing the food supply system# it appears that using high technology to producing food such as 0irrigation fertili1er machinery products and soil.conservation measures' (-odfray et al. 2)*)) can help farmers to increase their food products' !uality and also !uantity. 2n the other hand it is also increasing an environmental impact that leads to global &arming by releasing greenhouse gas that causes climate change it includes releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere soil degradation by using fertili1ations loss of biodiversity by e,panding agriculture area &ith appropriate management and ecosystem disorder as a result of the dramatic decrease in fish and other a!uatic products to produce foods. /o&ever an innovation of food technology is concerned &ith these problems and tries to solve them all by using a sustainability system to %eep the food production sustainability (ibid).

"hus it is &ise to uses food resources in a sustainable &ay &ith -+ technology to %eep people a sufficient of sustainable food resources. Nonetheless this technology should

%eep searching for better solutions to ma%e the most advantages and cause the least disadvantages. $t is the responsibility of all food consumers and producers to consume and produce it &isely &ith consideration of sustainability for opportunities to solve all food resources problems. +oreover people in the ne,t generation &ill have the sustainable food resources and eventually people around the globe &ill have an e!ual opportunity to access food nutrition.

(344 &ords)

-odfray /. 5eddington 6. 7. Crute $. 7. /addad 8. 8a&rence D. +uir 6. F. et al. (2)*)). (laught 6. (2)*2).

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