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ISGS Summer School 2014 - Paris, France - 6-10 July 2014

ISGS Summer School 2014 - Paris, France - 6-10 July 2014

The ISGS Summer School 2014 sol-gel chemistry and characterization will be the fourth edition of the International Sol-Gel Society (ISGS) Summer School. PROGRAM, REGISTRATION, AND FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT FEBRUARY 10th.

This school was started in 2008 in the sol-gel field with the goal to give our researchers an opportunity to extend their knowledge in sol-gel chemistry and also to network within our community. The three previous successful schools: ISGS Summer School 2012 - sol-gel chemistry and characterizations, organized in Paris by Prof. Graud Dubois ISGS Summer School 2010 - advanced characterization techniques for sol-gel materials, organized in Chambon-sur-Lac (Massif Central, near Clermont-Ferrand, France) by Prof. Jean-Marie Ndelec and Prof. David Grosso. ISGS Summer School 2008 - sol-gel in small dimensions: nanoparticles and thin films, organized by Prof. Plinio Innocenzi in Alghero Sardinia, Italy. The aim of the ISGS Summer School is to bring you an update on the latest advances in the field of Sol-Gel. Courses will cover topics ranging from sol-gel chemistry to advanced characterization techniques during an intensive 3-day program. This school is a great opportunity to meet specialists in the field of sol-gel science in a friendly environment. Save the date!
Some feedbacks from previous participants in the latest edition:

"I am a researcher with a multidisciplinary experience in chemistry, materials and biology who joined the field of Sol-Gel in 2011. When I decided to participate to the ISGS summer school in Paris in 2012, my idea was that it would be a good way to listen to international experts in the field and learn practical knowledge. This week brought me much more. During this intense time, I fully met my expectations on high quality courses, but more importantly, I got to know fellow scientists from all around the world. Even better, the friendly atmosphere of this event favored exchanges between students, young researchers and experts in a very casual way. To cut a long story short, I had a great time in Paris and since then I have been feeling part of the Sol-Gel community. My advice to anyone new to the field and especially students: don't miss this opportunity!" 1/2


ISGS Summer School 2014 - Paris, France - 6-10 July 2014

Laurent Mugherli, CEA, France "The experience of ISGS Summer School 2012 in Paris was amazing: a real opportunity to come in contact and create connections with other smart students working in similar topics and having similar research interests as me. Moreover, I really appreciated that professors didnt limit the relationship with students to lessons but they also involved us and had fun with us during spare time." Erika Zanchetta, University of Padova, Italy "It was a really nice experience to be participant of the ISGS Summer School 2012 in Paris. It was a really nice group of students and professors in a really beautiful city. The lectures were exciting and helpful to get an overview of the analysis, synthesis and application of sol-gel based materials. The opportunity to talk to the professors and the students about their experience and knowledge about these materials was a great chance to collect useful information and find solutions for my own research. And of course you get connections all over the world. Thank you very much for this good workshop." Christos Triantafillidis, University of Salzburg, Austria "Every scientist started his or her career one day. And in the beginning it's usually quite tough to find your individual way in the sientific field you are immersing in. I participated in the ISGS Summer School in 2012 and this event was one of my first steps as a researcher in sol-gel chemistry and materials science and perhaps one of the best experiences I got so far! At the Summer School we had the chance to hear many very interesting talks at the beautiful Cit Internationale Universitaire de Paris. It was a great opportunity for me to get a first-hand overview in the fields of sol-gel synthesis and the characterization of nanoparticles, porous materials as well as coatings and thin films from the academic and industrial point of view. I also learned a lot at the poster session, which took place in a nice and friendly atmosphere at the highest building of Paris, la Tour Montparnasse. The opportunity of showing my scientific work to other researches and looking at a perfect sunset over the skyline of Paris at the same time was completely overwhelming! After the lectures the ISGS team organized an amazing social program every day, were we had additional time for inspiring discussions with experienced scientists as well as with all the other participants. The Summer School was a great pleasure for me. I learned so much for my future scintific life and additionally I found many new friends there. So now I can say: J'aime Paris!" Konstanze Werner, University of Salzburg, Austria


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