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Project Report


Reg. No. : 111042MBA0015
Under the Guidance of
Qualification- B.Tech (Hons), MBA, DBA, (IAU,USA)
Profession-Director-Yes Education


JAN2014 Examination

Project Report


Rendered by Rendered by
Yes Education Mulund Mumbai
Submitted to


in partial fulfillment for the award of the M.B.A (Project Management)
Submitted by


Reg. No. : 111042MBA0015
Under the Guidance of
Qualification- B.Tech (Hons), MBA, DBA, (IAU,USA)
Profession-Director-Yes Education


JAN2014 Examination


Project Certificate
This is to certify that SAYED SHAKIL SAYED BABAJAN bearing the Reg. No.
11042MBA0015 has successfully completed the project work onSOLID WASTE
MANAGEMENT PROJECT under the guidance of MR.Sunil Jha.
The project report is submitted to the Karnataka State Open University for
Examination Jan2014.

Registrar (Evaluation)

I here certify that the research work embodied in the dissertation entitled Solid
waste ManagementProject has been under taken and completed by SAYED
SHAKIL SAYED BABAJAN bearing theReg. No. 111042MBA0015 under my
guidance and supervision.
I also certify that he has fulfilled all the requirements under the covenant governing
the submission of dissertation to the KSOU for award of M.B.A (PROJRCT

Name & Signature of Guide

Date :




MYSORE 570 006












:Soild Waste Management Project

:The Purpose this project is implementation
of solid waste management system at various dumping ground at mumbai for disposal of waste
and recycling waste .Mumbai is very having shortage of land available to to dipose garabage
collected daily a system is required to avoide shoratge of land and with consideration of Health.

: Mr.Sunil Kumar Jha


: B.Tech (Hons), MBA, DBA, (IAU,USA)


: 10 Years


: Managing Director








Table of Contents
1. Abstract .................................................................................................................7
2. Introduction .................................................................................................18
3. Solid Waste Management in Mumbai .....................................................35
4. The Crisis ....................................................................................................37
5. Budgetary Allocation................................................................................................41
6. PROJECT OBJECTIVES.........................................................................................43
7. Project Task.................................................................................................44
8. Technology.......46
9. Evaluating major benefits of Project ........50
10. Role of the Citizens of Mumbai ..............................................................................58
11. Business Opportunity...............................................................................................59
12. Reference ..................................................................................................................60

Waste management is the collection, transport,processing or disposal, managing and monitoring
ofwaste materials. The term usually relates to materials produced by human activity, and the
process is generally undertaken to reduce their effect on health, theenvironment or aesthetics.
Waste management is a distinct practice from resource recovery which focuses on delaying the
rate of consumption of natural resources. All waste materials, whether they
are solid, liquid, gaseous orradioactive fall within the remit of waste management.
Waste management practices can differ for developedand developing nations, for urban and rural
areas, and forresidential and industrial producers. Management of non-hazardous
waste residential and institutional waste in metropolitan areas is usually the responsibility
of local government authorities, while management for non-hazardous commercial and industrial
waste is usually the responsibility of the generator subject to local, national or international
Throughout most of history, the amount of waste generated by humans was insignificant due to
lowpopulation density and low societal levels of the exploitation of natural resources. Common
waste produced during pre-modern times was mainly ashes and human biodegradable waste, and
these were released back into the ground locally, with minimum environmental impact. Tools
made out of wood ormetal were generally reused or passed down through the generations.
However, some civilizations do seem to have been more profligate in their waste output than
others. In particular, the Maya of Central America had a fixed monthly ritual, in which the
people of the village would gather together and burn their rubbish in large dumps.
Modern era

Following the onset of industrialisation and the sustained urban growth of large population
centres in England, the buildup of waste in the cities caused a rapid deterioration in levels of
sanitation and the general quality of urban life. The streets became choked with filth due to the
lack of waste clearance regulations. Calls for the establishment of a municipal authority with
waste removal powers were mooted as early as 1751 by Corbyn Morris in London, who
proposed that " the preservation of the health of the people is of great importance, it is
proposed that the cleaning of this city, should be put under one uniform public management, and
all the filth be...conveyed by the Thames to proper distance in the country".
However, it was not until the mid-19th century, spurred by increasingly
devastating cholera outbreaks and the emergence of a public health debate that the first
legislation on the issue emerged. Highly influential in this new focus was the report The Sanitary
Condition of the Labouring Population in 1842 of the social reformer, Edwin Chadwick, in
which he argued for the importance of adequate waste removal and management facilities to
improve the health and wellbeing of the city's population.
In the UK, the Nuisance Removal and Disease Prevention Act of 1846 began what was to be a
steadily evolving process of the provision of regulated waste management in London.
The Metropolitan Board of Works was the first city-wide authority that centralized sanitation
regulation for the rapidly expanding city and the Public Health Act 1875 made it compulsory for
every household to deposit their weekly waste in "moveable receptacles: for disposalthe first
concept for a dust-bin.
The dramatic increase in waste for disposal led to the creation of the first incineration plants, or,
as they were then called, "destructors". In 1874, the first incinerator was built
in Nottingham by Manlove, Alliott & Co. Ltd. to the design of Albert Fryer.[3] However, these

were met with opposition on account of the large amounts of ash they produced and which
wafted over the neighbouring areas.
Similar municipal systems of waste disposal sprung up at the turn of the 20th century in other
large cities of Europeand North America. In 1895, New York City became the first U.S. city with
public-sector garbage management.
Early garbage removal trucks were simply open bodieddump trucks pulled by a team of horses.
They became motorized in the early part of the 20th century and the first close body trucks to
eliminate odours with a dumping lever mechanism were introduced in the 1920s in
Britain. These were soon equipped with 'hopper mechanisms' where the scooper was loaded at
floor level and then hoisted mechanically to deposit the waste in the truck. The Garwood Load
Packer was the first truck in 1938, to incorporate a hydraulic compactor.
Methods of disposal Landfill
Disposal of waste in a landfill involves burying the waste and this remains a common practice in
most countries. Landfills were often established in abandoned or unusedquarries, mining voids
or borrow pits. A properly designed and well-managed landfill can be a hygienic and relatively
inexpensive method of disposing of waste materials. Older, poorly designed or poorly managed
landfills can create a number of adverse environmental impacts such as wind-blown litter,
attraction of vermin, and generation of liquid leachate. Another common product of landfills is
gas (mostly composed of methane and carbon dioxide), which is produced as organic waste and
breaks downanaerobically. This gas can create odor problems, kill surface vegetation and is
a greenhouse gas.
Design characteristics of a modern landfill include methods to contain leachate such as clay or
plastic lining material. Deposited waste is normally compacted to increase its density and

stability and covered to prevent attracting vermin (such as mice or rats). Many landfills also have
landfill gas extraction systems installed to extract the landfill gas. Gas is pumped out of the
landfill using perforated pipes and flared off or burnt in a gas engine to generate electricity.
Incineration is a disposal method in which solid organic wastes are subjected to combustion so as
to convert them into residue and gaseous products. This method is useful for disposal of residue
of both solid waste management and solid residue from waste water management. This process
reduces the volumes of solid waste to 20 to 30 percent of the original volume. Incineration and
other high temperature waste treatment systems are sometimes described as "thermal treatment".
Incinerators convert waste materials into heat, gas, steam and ash.
Incineration is carried out both on a small scale by individuals and on a large scale by industry. It
is used to dispose of solid, liquid and gaseous waste. It is recognized as a practical method of
disposing of certain hazardous waste materials (such as biological medical waste). Incineration is
a controversial method of waste disposal, due to issues such as emission of gaseous pollutants.
Incineration is common in countries such as Japan where land is more scarce, as these facilities
generally do not require as much area as landfills. Waste-to-energy (WtE) or energy-from-waste
(EfW) are broad terms for facilities that burn waste in a furnace or boiler to generate heat, steam
or electricity. Combustion in an incinerator is not always perfect and there have been concerns
about pollutants in gaseous emissions from incinerator stacks. Particular concern has focused on
some very persistentorganic compounds such as dioxins, furans, and PAHs, which may be
created and which may have serious environmental consequences.


Recycling is a resource recovery practice that refers to the collection and reuse of waste
materials such as empty beverage containers. The materials from which the items are made can
be reprocessed into new products. Material for recycling may be collected separately from
general waste using dedicated bins and collection vehicles, a procedure called kerbside
collection. In some communities, the owner of the waste is required to separate the materials into
various different bins (e.g. for paper, plastics, metals) prior to its collection. In other
communities, all recyclable materials are placed in a single bin for collection, and the sorting is
handled later at a central facility. The latter method is known as "single-stream recycling."
The most common consumer products recycled include aluminium such as beverage
cans, copper such as wire, steel from food and aerosol cans, old steel furnishings or
equipment, polyethylene and PETbottles, glass bottles and jars, paperboard cartons, newspapers,
magazines and light paper, andcorrugated fiberboard boxes.
PVC, LDPE, PP, and PS (see resin identification code) are also recyclable. These items are
usually composed of a single type of material, making them relatively easy to recycle into new
products. The recycling of complex products (such as computers and electronic equipment) is
more difficult, due to the additional dismantling and separation required.
The type of material accepted for recycling varies by city and country. Each city and country has
different recycling programs in place that can handle the various types of recyclable materials.
However, certain variation in acceptance is reflected in the resale value of the material once it is
The management of waste is a key component in a business' ability to
maintaining ISO14001accreditation. Companies are encouraged to improve their environmental


efficiencies each year by eliminating waste through resource recovery practices, which are
sustainability-related activities. One way to do this is by shifting away from waste management
to resource recovery practices like recyclingmaterials such as glass, food scraps, paper and
cardboard, plastic bottles and metal.
Biological reprocessing
Recoverable materials that are organic in nature, such as plant material, food scraps, and paper
products, can be recovered through composting and digestion processes to decompose the
organic matter. The resulting organic material is then recycled as mulch or compost for
agricultural or landscaping purposes. In addition, waste gas from the process (such as methane)
can be captured and used for generating electricity and heat (CHP/cogeneration) maximising
efficiencies. The intention of biological processing in waste management is to control and
accelerate the natural process of decomposition of organic matter. (See resource recovery).
Energy recovery
The energy content of waste products can be harnessed directly by using them as a direct
combustion fuel, or indirectly by processing them into another type of fuel. Thermal treatment
ranges from using waste as a fuel source for cooking or heating and the use of the gas fuel (see
above), to fuel for boilers to generate steam and electricity in
a turbine. Pyrolysis and gasification are two related forms of thermal treatment where waste
materials are heated to high temperatures with limited oxygenavailability. The process usually
occurs in a sealed vessel under high pressure. Pyrolysis of solid waste converts the material into
solid, liquid and gas products. The liquid and gas can be burnt to produce energy or refined into
other chemical products (chemical refinery). The solid residue (char) can be further refined into
products such as activated carbon. Gasification and advanced Plasma arc gasification are used to


convert organic materials directly into a synthetic gas (syngas) composed of carbon
monoxide and hydrogen. The gas is then burnt to produce electricity and steam. An alternative to
pyrolysis is high temperature and pressure supercritical water decomposition (hydrothermal
monophasic oxidation).
Resource recovery
Resource recovery (as opposed to waste management) uses LCA (life cycle analysis) attempts to
offer alternatives to waste management. For mixed MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) a number of
broad studies have indicated that administration, source separation and collection followed by
reuse and recycling of the non-organic fraction and energy and compost/fertilizer production of
the organic material via anaerobic digestion to be the favoured path.
Avoidance and reduction methods
An important method of waste management is the prevention of waste material being created,
also known as waste reduction. Methods of avoidance include reuse of second-hand products,
repairing broken items instead of buying new, designing products to be refillable or reusable
(such as cotton instead of plastic shopping bags), encouraging consumers to avoid using
disposable products (such as disposable cutlery), removing any food/liquid remains from cans
and packaging, and designing products that use less material to achieve the same purpose (for
example, lightweighting of beverage cans).
Waste handling and transport
Waste collection methods vary widely among different countries and regions. Domestic waste
collection services are often provided by local government authorities, or by private companies
in the industry. Some areas, especially those in less developed countries, do not have a formal
waste-collection system. Examples of waste handling systems include:


In Europe and a few other places around the world, a few communities use a proprietary
collection system known as Envac, which conveys refuse via underground conduits using a
vacuum system. Other vacuum-based solutions include the MetroTaifun single-line and ringline automatic waste collection system, where the waste is automatically collected through
relatively small diameter flexible pipes from waste collection points spread out up to a distance
of four kilometres from the waste collections stations.
In Canadian urban centres curbside collection is the most common method of disposal, whereby
the city collects waste and/or recyclables and/or organics on a scheduled basis. In rural areas
people often dispose of their waste by hauling it to a transfer station. Waste collected is then
transported to a regional landfill.
In China, Plastic pyrolysis or Tire pyrolysis is: the process of converting waste plastic/tires into
industrial fuels like pyrolysis oil, carbon black and hydrocarbon gas.End products are used as
industrial fuels for producing heat, steam or electricity. Pyrolysis plant is also known as:
pyrolysis unit, plastic to fuel industry, tire to fuel industry, plastic and tire recycling unit etc.The
system is used in USA, California, Australia, Greece, Mexico, the United Kingdom and in
Israel.For example, RESEM pyrolysis plant that has been operational at Texas USA since
December 2011, and processes up to 60 tons per day.
In Taipei, the city government charges its households and industries for the volume of rubbish
they produce. Waste will only be collected by the city council if waste is disposed in government
issued rubbish bags. This policy has successfully reduced the amount of waste the city produces
and increased the recycling rate.
In Israel, the Arrow Ecology company has developed the ArrowBio system, which takes trash
directly from collection trucks and separates organic and inorganic materials through


gravitational settling, screening, and hydro-mechanical shredding. The system is capable of

sorting huge volumes of solid waste, salvaging recyclables, and turning the rest into biogas and
rich agricultural compost. The system is used in California, Australia, Greece, Mexico, the
United Kingdom and in Israel. For example, an ArrowBio plant that has been operational at
the Hiriya landfill site since December 2003 serves the Tel Aviv area, and processes up to 150
tons of garbage a day.
In Saudi Arabia there is the worlds largest AWCS now being built in the vicinity of Islams
holiest mosque (Mecca). During the Ramadan and Hajj 600,000 kilos, or 4,500 cubic meters, of
waste is generated each day, which puts a heavy demand on those responsible for collecting the
waste and litter. In the MetroTaifun Automatic Waste Collection System, the waste is
automatically collected from 74 waste feeding points spread out across the area and then
transferred via a 20-kilometre pipe network to a central collection point, keeping all the waste
collecting activities out of sight and below ground with the central collection point well away
from the public areas.
In San Francisco, the local government established its Mandatory Recycling and Composting
Ordinance in support of its goal of zero waste by 2020, requiring everyone in the city to keep
recyclables and compostables out of the landfill. The three streams are collected with the
curbside "Fantastic 3" bin system - blue for recyclables, green for compostables, and black for
landfill-bound materials - provided to residents and businesses and serviced by San Francisco's
sole refuse hauler, Recology. The City's "Pay-As-You-Throw" system charges customers by the
volume of landfill-bound materials, which provides a financial incentive to separate recyclables
and compostables from other discards. The City's Department of the Environment's Zero Waste


Program has led the City to achieve 80% diversion, the highest diversion rate in North America.
While waste transport within a given country falls under national regulations, trans-boundary
movement of waste is often subject to international treaties. A major concern to many countries
in the world has been hazardous waste. The Basel Convention, ratified by 172 countries,
deprecates movement of hazardous waste from developed to less developed countries. The
provisions of the Basel convention have been integrated into the EU waste shipment regulation.
Nuclear waste, although considered hazardous, does not fall under the jurisdiction of the Basel
Traditionally the waste management industry has been slow to adopt new technologies such
as RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) tags, GPS and integrated software packages which
enable better quality data to be collected without the use of estimation or manual data entry.
Technologies like RFID tags are now being used to collect data on presentation rates for curbside pick-ups.
Benefits of GPS tracking is particularly evident when considering the efficiency of ad hoc pickups (like skip bins or dumpsters) where the collection is done on a consumer request basis.
Integrated software packages are useful in aggregating this data for use in optimisation of
operations for waste collection operations.
Rear vision cameras are commonly used for OH&S (Occupational Health & Safety) reasons and
video recording devices are becoming more widely used, particularly concerning residential
Waste management concepts


There are a number of concepts about waste management which vary in their usage between
countries or regions. Some of the most general, widely used concepts include:
Waste hierarchy - The waste hierarchy refers to the "3 Rs" reduce, reuse and recycle, which
classify waste management strategies according to their desirability in terms of waste
minimization. The waste hierarchy remains the cornerstone of most waste minimization
strategies. The aim of the waste hierarchy is to extract the maximum practical benefits from
products and to generate the minimum amount of waste see: resource recovery.
Polluter pays principle - the Polluter Pays Principle is a principle where the polluting party pays
for the impact caused to the environment. With respect to waste management, this generally
refers to the requirement for a waste generator to pay for appropriate disposal of the
unrecoverable material.
The solid waste in all municipal corporations is rising in Mumbai Metropolitan Region. Such rise
in solid waste generation is observed in Brihanmumbai, Thane, Mira-Bhayandar, KalyanDombivali, Ulhasnagar, Navi-Mumbai and Bhiwand-Nizampur Municipal Corporation. An
increase in solid waste is observed because of increase in urbanization, population density and
income, changing food habits, taste and pattern. The growth of industry, commercial units such
as hotels, theaters, restaurants, malls are rising fast. Such units are positively contributing to the
solid waste generation. Solid waste collection, segregation and disposal capacity of Municipal
Corporations is low and inadequate with rising solid waste. Therefore municipal corporations
must adopt scientific methods for collection, segregation and disposal of solid waste. Municipal
corporations must accommodate private sector for investment and management of solid waste.
Urgent steps in this direction will reduce the water, air, soil pollutions and health hazards. It will
improve the quality life of people in Mumbai Metropolitan Region.


Solid waste is an integral part of modern society. Human activities create solid waste and
it required to store, collect and dispose. If it is not properly managed then it causes risk to
environment and public health. Municipal solid waste management is a major responsibility of
local government (Schubeler P.1996).
In Mumbai Metropolitan Region, urbanization, population,
industrial, commercial unit growth is higher. Mumbai is a financial capital of country. Therefore
most of the financial institutions, corporate head quarters of number of Indian companies and
MNCs are located in city. The growth of services sector such as finance, IT, telecom, tourism,
entertainment, advertising, communication is higher in region. Services sector provides
enormous employment opportunities to people. Therefore there is continuous migration from
rural to Mumbai Metropolitan Region. Skilled and unskilled migrants do not find employment
problem in region. They easily adopt with employment opportunities and housing. Metropolitan
region has good connectivity of railway and roads. But rising population is putting pressure on
existing amenities in Mumbai and municipal corporations of Thane district. Such inadequate
civic amenities such as water supply, housing, transportation, health care, solid waste, sanitation
is affecting on quality of life. It has resulted in to traffic, illegal slums, diseases and pollution
etc. Similarly income of people, food habits, taste and pattern is changing fast. Solid waste
management required unit and ward wise collection, segregation, storage, disposable system and
scientific planning. For collection of solid waste, workers, rag pickers, ghanta gadies, vehicles
are required. Municipal corporations are required budget to pay workers salaries, maintain
vehicles and dumping grounds. But Municipal Corporations in Mumbai metropolitan region do
not have resources for investment in various activities. It results in low manpower, less vehicles
and irregular collection and transportation of solid waste. In low income or squatters settlements,

waste collection is often non existent either because the settlements are informal, unplanned and
possibly unauthorized or because the strategies and technologies adopted for service provision
are inappropriate for operating in settlements with narrow and unplanned streets and lanes (Zhu
Da. 2008). Municipal corporations do not have adequate dumping grounds for solid waste
disposal. All these factors lead to lower coverage of solid waste in municipal corporations. The
solid waste is thrown at roads, streets, common grounds etc. It leads to soil, water and air
pollution and health hazards. During monsoon, it blocks the rain water flows and leads to water
logging and floods. It also causes mosquitoes breeding and malaria in region. Health of the
adults and children gets affect due to water borne and waste related diseases. The direct and
indirect cost of visiting health care facilities is very high. Health facilities are overcrowded and
visiting to doctor, standing in queue and repeated visits are very expensive for the poor
households. Water and waste borne insects easily move from one corporation area to another
area. Therefore each municipal corporation has the responsibility to manage the solid waste in
their area. Solid waste management involves managing activities associated with generation ,
storage, collection, transfer and transport, processing an disposal of solid wastes in an
environmentally compatible manner with due considerations of the principles of economy,
aesthetics energy and conservation (Edelman D.J.1997). Clean environment increases the
economic productivity of human beings and they remain healthy for long period of time. First
section of this paper explains about the data and methodology. Second section deals with total
solid waste generated with different type in each municipal corporation. Third section explains
about the solid waste generated till 2031 in Mumbai, Thane, Kalyan-Dombivali, BhiwandiNizampur, Mira-Bhayandar, Ulhasnagar and Navi-Mumbai Municipal Corporation. Second last
section of the paper deals with ordinary least square regression results. Last section deals with


policy implication and conclusion

Mumbai city, like many cities in the developing world is a centre of economic growth and
poverty. The implications of centralised planning, administrative and financial regime in the
MCGM has manifested in poor quality of civic services, and lopsided and inadequate
infrastructure development. The Business Plan for Mumbai Metropolitan Region identifies
deficiency of infrastructure and the resultant poor quality of life, apart from the regulatory
constraints, as a limitation to the economic growth of the region. Economic growth drives the
demand for public goods, both environmental infrastructure such as water and sanitation as well
as growth inducing infrastructure such as roads and transport. These investments are long
gestation and capital intensive requiring long tenor finance if investments are not to be ad-hoc
and grant dependant. We have estimated this infrastructure gap as about Rs. 20,600 Crore.
Typically, cities of the size and significance of Mumbai (such as Joburg, Mexico City and
Shanghai, Ahmedabad, Chennai) have established relationships with debt markets allowing the
city to leverage its scarce grant resources with private finance to create long term infrastructure.
This is because the size of the infrastructure deficits makes obvious the proposition that long
term finance is needed if the scale of the infrastructure deficit is to be reduced in a short span of
time. The main purpose of this study is to identify the infrastructure gap, estimate the normative
financing requirement, and assess the borrowing capacity of the city for financing the needed
Currently a study of the capital investment profile would suggest that these are essentially
dependant on ad-hoc grants and not investments which are ex-ante undertaken with the means of
finance tied up. It is possible for Mumbai to continue this way, as it has over the past generated


substantial investible resources (Rs. 10,000 Crore)for financing its immediate investment needs,
notably the MSDP and water supply improvements (Rs. 6000 Crore) This is the business as usual
scenario. In this submission, we use the available investment plans to project the financing
requirements and match them with available resources.
However, if Mumbai needs to put in investments which address major deficits in a sustainable
fashion, by reducing dependence on grants and leveraging its resources, Mumbai would require a
medium term capital investment program with a means of finance built in. This medium term
strategic option is the subject of the next submission.
The objectives of BMC through this Project include:

improve the efficiency of SWM collection and transportation system in the

city of Mumbai;
introduce scientific treatment and disposal of the SWM;
institute a transaction structure that assures sustainability of this project
and similar future PPP projects; and
comply with the MSW Rules.
Data and Methodology:
Data for this study is collected from the census 2001 and 2011. These census figures are
providing the population and number of habitations. Similarly, census also provides the number
of units of hospitals, schools and colleges, commercial units of Greater Mumbai, Thane, NaviMumbai, Ulhasnagar, Mira-Bhayandar, Bhiwandi-Nizampur Municipal Corporation. We have
referred the city development and current environment status reports of each municipal
corporation. We have also refereed the solid waste management system of Pune, Delhi and

Kolkata. We have used the ordinary least square regression model to examine the factors
correlated to solid waste management. We used the simple forecasting method to estimate the
solid waste generation till 2031 in Mumbai Metropolitan Region.
Solid waste: An overview
Solid waste is broadly defined as including non-hazardous industrial, commercial unit
and domestic refuse including household organic trash, street sweepings, hospitals and
institutional garbage and construction waste (Zerbock Olar and M.S.Candidate 2003). In other
words, Waste is unwanted for the person who discards it. A product or material that does not
have a value anymore for the user and therefore it is thrown away. But unwanted is a subjective
concept. The waste could have value for another person in different circumstances. Domestic
waste generated during food preparation vacuum cleaning, gardening, old clothing, floor
covering and old furniture, bottles, plastic bags etc. Commercial waste produced by shops,
offices. The waste generated by hotels, restaurants, hospitals, also includes in this category.
Hotels and restaurants generate waste during food preparation, bottles, plastic etc. Hospitals
waste comprises as medicines, bottles, injections, papers etc. Street cleaning waste consist of
paper, plastic bottles, bags, small stones, dust and debris fallen from passing trucks. Industrial
waste includes construction waste and all unsalable factory waste. The material of metal plastic
wood or cardboard, textile or other materials, some industrial waste is highly toxic. The major
constituents of solid waste are domestic and commercial waste, paper and fermentable organic
matter. Solid waste is visible and politically sensitive issue. Inadequacies in the service can have
severe implications for the credibility of Municipal Corporation and council. Proper solid waste
management is important for public health, environment, economic and political reasons.
Improper waste management can have negative effects on public health, environment and natural


services. Therefore integrated solid waste management is demanded across the world.
Solid waste in Mumbai Metropolitan Region:
Solid waste generated in different Municipal Corporation is different. In a municipal
corporation, the solid waste generation depends on the population, industrial units, shops,
commercial units etc. If the population is growing then these units are also growing. It leads to
more solid waste generation in municipal corporation area. We have calculated the solid waste
generated in current year.
The solid waste in Mumbai Municipal Corporation is 8837 Metric Tones per day. Due to
higher density of population, commercial units shops, theaters and industrial units, the solid
waste generated is higher. It is 65 percent of the total solid waste generated in Mumbai
metropolitan region. In Thane Municipal Corporation, solid waste generation is only 1061.34
Metric Tones. It is 7.82 percent of total solid waste. But it is still higher as compare to Municipal
Corporation in Thane district. In Thane city, population is rising fast. Services sector growth is
higher; therefore the numbers of unit are rising. In Kalyan-Dombivali, the solid waste generation
in each day is 969.59 Metric Tones. It is 7.15 percent of total solid waste in Mumbai
Metropolitan Region. In Ulhasnagar Municipal Corporation, solid waste generation is 546.54
Metric Tones. It is 4.03 percent of total solid waste in Mumbai Metropolitan Region. It is the
only Municipal Corporation where lowest solid waste is generated. The reason is that it is a small
Municipal Corporation in terms of population and all other units. In Navi-Mumbai Municipal
Corporation, solid waste generated is 955.62 Metric Tones. It is 7.07 percent of total solid waste.
Navi-Mumbai is a modern and planned city. The solid waste generation is rising fast due to high
income, population, and number of commercial units. Solid waste generation in Mira-Bhayandar
is 612.26 Metric Tones. It is 4.51 percent of the total solid waste. In Bhiwandi-Nizampur


Municipal Corporation, the solid waste generation is 583.02 Metric Tones. Total solid waste
generated in Mumbai metropolitan region is 13565.38 Metric Tones.
Type of solid waste generated in Mumbai city:
Solid waste is not only generated by the households but it is generated by the
commercial units, hotels and welfare and recreation units in city. Such units are regularly
visited by the people of same and other municipal corporation area. Therefore solid waste
is a combination of all the types of units in corporation area.
Solid waste generation by households in Mumbai city is 5615 Metric Tones. It is 63.54
percent of total solid waste in Mumbai city. It is only because of density of population which
creates more solid waste in city. The slums are generating solid waste in city, it is 1423 Metric
Tones. Large and small industries are also generating 135 Metric Tones solid waste but it is 1.53
percent of total solid waste. Shops and malls contribute 1211 Metric Tones. It is 13.70 percent of
total solid waste. Many people visit every day to shops and malls in city. Hotels are contributing
53 Metric Tones wastes in city. People of city and outside of city regularly eat food in hotels.
During food preparation and service, maximum solid waste is generated in city. Hospitals
contribute 83 Metric Tones of solid waste. Few big hospitals are located in city. Patients from all
states regularly visit to hospitals in city. Therefore everyday during treatment and prescriptions
of medicines, maximum solid waste is generated in city. Welfare/recreation and fire stations
create 1.71 percent of solid waste in city. Many people visit to welfare and recreation centers
during festivals, holidays etc. Therefore the solid waste generation is higher. The solid waste
generated is further classified according to various components.

Solid waste in municipal corporations of Thane district:


Solid waste generated in all the Municipal Corporation of Thane district is not uniform
types. The density of population, commercial units, shops, small and large industries, school and
colleges and hotels and restaurants are different. Some municipal corporations are old but some
are new and they are in developing phase. Therefore it is difficult to compare them with each
other but it is important to estimate their solid waste by different types of units.
In Thane Municipal Corporation, population contributes 774.67 Metric Tones of solid waste.
It is 73 percent of the total solid waste. It is highest solid waste generation as compare to other
municipal corporations of Thane district. In Ulhasnagar Municipal Corporation, solid waste
generated by population is only 260.54 metric tones. Ulhasnagar city has many manufacturing
units. Therefore the solid waste generated by population is low. The solid waste generated by the
large and small industry is 165.47 metric tones; it is 30.28 percent and highest among all other
municipal corporations in Thane district. The solid waste generated by industry in Thane
municipal corporation area is only 88.08 metric tones. It is only 8.30 percent and lowest as
compare to other municipal corporation. Total solid waste by industry in Thane is declining
because industries are either shifting or they are getting close. Due to pressure of urbanization
many industrial areas are converted into residential areas. Solid waste by shops in Mira
Bhayandar is 11.66 metric tones. It is highest as compare to all other municipal corporation in
Thane district. In Navi Mumbai, it is only 6.39 Metric Tones. It is lower (0.73 percent) because
of lower density of shops. Solid waste generated by the hotels in Ulhasnagar Municipal
Corporation is 5.45 percent. It is highest because many big and small hotels exist and they are
the need of manufacturing and industrial area. In Navi Mumbai, hotels are generating only 2.76
percent of total solid waste. The solid waste generated by the restaurant is higher in Ulhasnagar
Municipal Corporation (4.63 percent). The lowest solid waste generated by the restaurant is


found in the Thane municipal corporation area (2.06 percent). Restaurants are located in few
pockets of city. In Ulhasnagar city, there are many small mini theaters. Workers and other people
regularly visit these theaters. During the intervals, food, other items are consumed by the people.
Therefore solid waste generation is 2.75 metric tones. In Navi Mumbai region, solid waste
generated by the theaters is only 0.79 percent. There are few theaters available in Navi Mumbai.
Solid waste generated by the primary and secondary schools in Navi Mumbai is 2.08 and 1.97
Metric Tones. Colleges and post graduate institutions are contributing 0.25 and 0.22 Metric
Tones solid waste in Thane city. Solid waste generation by the health institutions in Thane city is
6.64 percent that is 70.5 Metric Tones. In Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation only 23.03
Metric Tones of solid waste is generated. In this Municipal Corporation, there are less medical
facilities exist. It is important to examine the component of solid waste generated by municipal
corporations in Thane district.
Collection and disposal of solid waste in Mumbai Metropolitan Region
Solid waste collection, segregation and dumping grounds are different in Municipal
Corporations. Each municipal corporation has its own workforce, vehicles and dumping grounds.
In Mumbai city, solid waste is collected from few households. Road sweeping is also done in
some part of city. Total road length in city is about 1950 kilometer. At present 67 percent of road
length are swept in one or two shifts by municipal staff. But it is inadequate and irregular swept
by municipal staff. The private contractors sweep 33 percent of roads in city (MCGM 1995).
Everyday many people visit beaches in city. They throw waste at such places. Garbage
management in the four beaches that is Girgaon chowpaty, Shivaji Park, Mahim, Juhu and
Versova outsourced to private sector. In Mumbai city, solid waste comprises as compostable
matter that is paper and card board and other materials such as plastic, metals, glasses etc. Waste


collection is done through community bins and house to house collection. There are few
households covered under the waste collection system. Kutcha slums are ignored in solid waste
management system. Some slums are illegal and they are located at hills or near railway line,
pipeline etc. The solid waste collection from community bins is carried about in three shifts and
transported either to the three transfer stations or directly to the disposed points. Solid waste is
collected from the main roads and collection points, where as the inside area is completely
avoided in solid waste collection system. The daily collection and transportation is done through
an average number of about 1000 to 1354 trips. During the monsoon, number of trips becomes
less due rain and unplanned dumping grounds. Solid waste is observed lying in various wards in
city. It is a responsibility of the MCGM to provide municipal solid waste management services.
However, the MCGM is not able to handle the increasing quantity of waste. As a result, waste
litters all over the place giving rise to health and environmental problems. (Rathi Sarika 2007).
Thane Municipal Corporation (TMC) provides door to door collection in some parts of
city. Waste is collected from common points and market. It uses collection vehicles like dumper
placers, ghanta gadies and rickshaws. The solid waste from each collection point is brought to
the dumper placers and other collection vehicles. From the total waste, vegetables, fruit market,
hotels and segregated wet waste from municipal solid waste is treated by TMC. It is in
collaboration with Enviro-vigil organization through bio-methanation process. TMC has
provided bio-medial waste facilities through MS/Enviro-Vigil, Thane. The biomedical waste is
treated and disposed through incinerator. Disposal site is located at Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
hospital, Kalwa (TMC 2006). Solid waste is not efficiently collected from different points in
Thane city. Delay in waste collection is often viewed because lack of transportation, manpower
and management etc. In Thane city, industries are getting closed. The old industrial area is


getting converted in to residential area. Integrated solid waste collection and disposal is
inadequate in Thane city. In Ulhasnagar city, solid waste generated as kitchen waste, papers,
plastics, glass, metals, rubber etc. Commercial units and markets are also generating waste in
city. The industrial waste from industries stainless steel industry mainly consists of nitric acid. It
is sometimes inflammable. The industrial waste generation is increasing in Ulhasnagar city.
Apart from the industrial waste, there is generation of inert waste from repairs of houses,
construction activities, silt generated out of cleaning of gutters and drainage. The quality of inert
waste varies and it is collected and transported to land fill sites. The collection and transportation
of solid waste is done by private agencies. They charge on daily basis in Ulhasnagar city. The
hired agencies task is to collect the waste from the collection bins kept at regular interval in city
and carry it to the dumping site. UMC is responsible for collection of domestic waste from all
household and other units. But most of the houses are neglected or remain uncovered due to
density of population, uneven surface etc. Slums are completely ignored by the civic
administration. People of slums throw waste either in drainage line, common grounds, streets and
roads. Segregation of the waste is not done at any level. It is collected in mixed form. The solid
waste collected from the residential areas, street sweeping markets, commercial establishment
etc. in bins. Town garbage is collected and dumped at two sites which are privately owned. A
landfill site at Shanti Nagar is closed. In Ulhasnagar area, 25 hector located near Manje Kamba
village has been identified for future landfill (UMC 2006). At present, there are many lacunas in
solid waste management system in Ulhasnagar city. In Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation,
the average domestic solid waste generation is rising because of population and commercial
units. But the universal solid waste collection, segregation and dumping is not exist. The solid
waste is collected partly and dumped in land fill sites and there is no treatment plant. An area of


32 hector has been located for a new land fill site and vermi composition has been proposed in
the processing of waste (NIUB 2008a).
Solid waste management in Bhiwandi-Nizampur Municipal Corporation is inadequate
and it has poor coverage. Few households, industrial units, commercial units, hotels and
restaurants are covered under waste management system. In the city, most of the manufacturing
units are of textile and garment types but waste collection system has not covered these units.
Everyday waste is not collected from these units and waste is lying on the road and common
places. Waste collection and transportation is given to private contractor. Bhiwandi-Nizampur
Municipal Corporation is not able to use the land allotted by state government at Dapode. It is
because of opposition from local villages. Municipal corporation claims of 85 percent
households are covered under solid waste collection. But hilly and highly dense areas are
ignored. At present, few rag pickers are identified and provided identity cards. Rag pickers are
segregating and recovering the recyclable and reusable solid waste. Industrialization and
urbanization led to greater generation of waste. The advent of plastics and the use of
sophisticated packaging materials provided a further boost to recyclining (Chikarmane P. and
Lakshmi Narayan 2000). The city environment of Bhiwandi-Nizampur is highly polluted due to
solid waste. Solid waste collected regularly from Kalyan-Dombivali municipal area. But the total
coverage is lower in the twin city. There is lower manpower, vehicles, instruments etc. The
waste is dumped at Adharwadi dumping ground. It is 45 acres plot developed for dumping solid
But capacity of dumping ground is full and overused. But KDMC continued to dump solid waste
at Adharwadi (NIUB (2008b).
If we observed the solid waste management of all municipal corporations in Mumbai


metropolitan region then each municipal corporation has deficiency in terms of workers,
community bins, vehicles, dumping grounds etc. Solid waste management is an important facet
of environment hygiene and need to be integrated with total environmental planning. Its purpose
is to provide hygiene, efficient and economic service to collect and transport solid wastes
innocuous without transferring pollution loads to the water system or the atmosphere (WHO
1971). Such solid waste generation will increase with increase in various components in it.
Estimation of solid waste in Mumbai Metropolitan Region
We have estimated the solid waste in all the municipal corporations in Mumbai
Metropolitan Region. The solid waste for the Brihanmumbai municipal corporation is estimated
separately. This is mainly because this municipal corporation is old and it has high solid waste
generation capacity as compare to other municipal corporations in Mumbai Metropolitan Region.
Municipal Corporation of Thane, Kalyan-Dombivali, Bhiwandi-Nizampur, Navi Mumbai,
Ulhasnagar and Mira-Bhayandar are comparatively small. We have estimated the solid waste till
2031 for all municipal corporations.
Generation of solid waste in Mumbai city (MT)
At present, solid waste in Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation is estimated as 8837 Metric
Tones. The solid waste in Mumbai city is increasing because of growth of population, health
facilities, commercial units, institutions, welfare centers etc. Municipal solid waste will be 10000
Metric Tones in 2020. After 2031, it will touch 12000 Metric Tones every day. It will be a
moderate change in the solid waste generation in city. Therefore Municipal Corporation must
develop capacity to handle such increasing solid waste with changing time. Such solid waste
generation requires planning for collection from household level, streets, carrying capacity,
segregation, dumping and process of solid waste. We have also estimated the solid waste of


municipal corporations of Thane district. Population in the municipal corporations of Thane

district is continuously rising. It further leads to the rise in the educational and health institutions,
shops and commercial units etc. Due to continuous rise in the real estate prices in Mumbai city,
population is also shifting in suburbs and in Thane district. More transport facilities and
developing infrastructure in the municipal corporations help people to move in suburbs and
neighboring areas. Municipal corporations in Thane district are not growing equally in terms of
population and institutions. It is depending on the transport facilities, real estate prices, available
amenities and other facilities etc.

Solid waste in Navi Mumbai is rising fast. It is 955.66 Metric Tones (MT) in 2011 but it
will be above 2000 Metric Tones after 2031. It is a planned and modern cyber city in Mumbai
metropolitan region. Therefore population and commercial and others units will increase fast.
The solid waste generation in Thane city in 2011 is 1061 Metric Tones but in 2031 it will be
more than 2000 Metric Tones. Population in Thane city is also growing fast. All other units will
also rising with population. Thane is an immediate proximate city to Mumbai. Therefore more
people afford and adjust to live in Thane city. The solid waste in Mira-Bhayandar, BhiwandiNizampur and Ulhasnagar is not much different. But the solid waste in Mira-Bhayandar will rise
very fast. Most of the people of western suburb will shift in Mira-Bhayandar area. Solid waste
will be close to 1500 Metric tones in 2031. In all the municipal corporations, solid waste
generation will rise with more or less number.

Policy implication:


Solid waste management is neglected issue of urban development in the Mumbai

Metropolitan Region. Due to economic growth, urbanization and population, the urban services
and amenities has fallen short. Urban municipal corporations lacks of adequate capacity,
institutional and financial capabilities and skilled manpower. Economic resources are inadequate
for collection, transportation, processing and final disposal of solid waste. The present system is
inefficient, unscientific, outdated. Population coverage of solid waste collection is very low.
There is irregular street sweeping and transportation and disposal of solid waste. The solid waste
is not collected due to financial and infrastructural, technical constraints. The accumulation of
wastes in the street increases contact of germs, insects, rats and other diseases vectors.
Uncollected solid waste also causes the stagnation of water the breeding of mosquitoes. Children
are especially vulnerable to the risks associated to solid wastes. The adverse effect of solid waste
to soil, air, water and health of human being is much higher. During the rainy season, solid waste
is not collected and transported efficiently. In recent years, solid waste management has attracted
much greater attention all over the world. Solid waste management problems are basically urban
problem (WHO 1996). Municipal corporations are expected to collect the unit level solid waste.
At the community level, solid waste has to get segregated. Community bins must be provided for
dry and wet solid waste. Dry solid waste must be composted at community level or in each ward.
The wet waste must get processed at community level. Municipal corporations can generate
electricity from wet solid waste. The Municipal Corporations must identify the new locations of
dumping grounds. The waste collection, segregation and dumping must get modernize with new
machines and equipments. Municipal corporations must involve the private sector in solid waste
management and cleanliness in cities. The services and technological innovations have opened
up new areas to the private sector. Global trends shows that the private sector has been able to


mobilize funds necessary to finance infrastructure projects and that it is willing to accept risks
provided the institutional environment meets certain minimum standards and the projects are
properly structured (GOI 2009). Private sector has economic resources and it can easily invest in
the sweeping with modern machines, waste collection and transport vehicles. Private sector can
develop scientifically managed dumping grounds in municipal corporation area. Solid waste
management cannot be left to local level initiatives as community organizations lack sufficient
resources or capacity to provide such a service in its entirety. Policy makers need to give such
areas more civic autonomy or provide via the state government, a modicum of basic environment
services (Shaw Annapurna 2005). Recent years have been cash strapped municipal bodies
gradually diverting themselves of their direct roles in provision of solid waste management,
moving towards public private partnerships as a solution to their inability to handle conservancy
operations efficiently. At the same time, there is rapidly growing awareness of the environmental
and public health, consequences of the manner in which waste has been handled till now in India
(Srinivasan K.2006). Municipal Corporations must have the broad objective of city cleanliness
and health of the people. Clean city environment adds more investment and economic
productivity of people. Immediate steps in this direction will reduce the incidence of illness and
mortality. In order to increase the standard of living of population, such policies are required on
immediate basis.

Solid Waste Management necessity

Greater Mumbai is expected to generate about 11,000 tons of municipal solid waste in 2021
(additional 3000 tons against current generation). Accordingly, a total of 397 hectares of land-fill


area would be needed to meet the demand. As on date, the municipal solid waste collected is
disposed off at the landfill sites at Deonar, Mulund and Gorai. All sites are reaching their
capacity and are expected to run-out in 1 to 4 years time period. Closure works for Gorai has
commenced and other sites are expected to commence going forward. Decentralized treatment
system like vermi-composting and aerobic composting is limited to a very small quantity.
MCGM has taken up several initiatives in the field of collection and transportation9, but it
primarily lacks necessary infrastructure facilities for processing and disposal of municipal solid
waste. Hence, developing MSW processing and landfill sites is of major concern for Mumbai to
handle the large quantity of waste generated. In order to meet the growing demand, MCGM is
setting up a new land-fill site at Kanjur (141 Ha). The site development activities are ongoing for
the same.
Under JNNURM, MCGM is undertaking improvement works to all three land-fill sites at an
estimated cost of Rs. 476 Crore on PPP model (Estimated private sector contribution is Rs. 254
Crore for setting up processing plants). The works include re-development of the disposal sites
by closure arrangements (Gorai, Mulund, Deonar, Kanjur) and reclaiming part of dump sites for
setting up MSW Process Plants at Mulund & Deonar.It is understood that the above investment
shall cater to the capital investment requirements for well upto 2021.


3.Solid Waste Management in Mumbai

Mumbai has a coastal stretch of 603 sq km. Geographically, the city of Mumbai can be divided
into three sections, namely, the island city (or main city), the western suburbs and the eastern
suburbs. These are also known for administrative purposes as Division I, Division II and
Division III, respectively. The total population of the city amounts to nearly 13million that is
increasing on a daily basis. Such a huge habitat obviously generates a huge amount of waste of
many kinds the management of which is a massive task for the local administration.
Waste Generation
Mumbai generates waste to the tune of approximately 7,025tonnes per day. The waste consists
5,025tonnes of mixed waste (bio-degradable and recyclable)
2,000tonnes of debris and silt.
The biodegradable waste (wet waste) is made up of vegetable and fruit remainders, leaves,
spoiled food, eggshells, cotton, etc. Recyclable (dry waste) consists of newspapers, thermocol,
plastic, battery cells, wires, iron sheets, glass, etc. Debris includes construction waste, renovation
waste, demolition waste, etc. Silt comprises earth and clay from drains and road corners. It is
estimated that by 2008 such waste will aggregate 9,000tonnes per day due to increase in the
city's population.
Average Generation of Waste by a Citizen of Mumbai
The generation of waste by an individual depends on the socio-economic conditions to which the
person belongs. For example, a rich family will generate nearly four to five kg of mixed waste
per day; a middle class family will generate between one to three kg of mixed waste per day and
a poor family, in slums, will generate close to 500grams per day.


Management of Waste
The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) is formally responsible for the
management of waste in the city. The prevailing approach has been one of collection and
disposal that is, garbage is collected from communities by the municipal authorities and disposed
off at the three main dumping sites that are currently servicing the city.
Garbage collectors employed by various housing societies manually collect the waste generated
at the household level and dump it in the garbage bin at specified street corners. There are around
5,800 community bins in the city. In case of South Mumbai, trucks collect garbage from the
garbage bins and transport it to a transfer station which is located in Mahalakshmi. A separate
transport is arranged for transferring the garbage from Mahalakshmi to the northern part of
Mumbai where the dumping grounds are situated. From all other parts of the city, garbage is sent
directly to the dumping grounds. Nearly 95% of the waste generated in the city is disposed off in
this manner. This largely manual operation involves 35,000 personnel employed by the MCGM
and is collected by a fleet of 800 vehicles, including vehicles hired from private contractors, that
work in shifts each day. MCGM spends about Rs15-20lakh per day on collecting and
transporting garbage and debris with municipal and private vehicles making about 2,000 trips
every day.


4. The Crisis
Dumping Ground
A dumping ground is, generally, a low-lying, and marshy area, which is located on the outskirts
of a city, where there is, usually, no human population. We have, in our city, three dumping
grounds which are located in the northern part of Mumbai at Gorai (Borivali), Mulund and
Deonar. A fourth one at Chincholi has recently closed down. Amongst the three, Deonar is the
largest dumping ground. All the dumping grounds are nearly 30-40km from South Mumbai
which explains the huge costs on transportation.
The increase in the population of the city has forced people to settle near the dumping grounds.
This has led to the twin problems of people living in unhealthy conditions and protesting for the
closure of the dumping grounds, as dumping causes health hazards for the people in the vicinity.
The average life of a dumping ground is 30 years. The remaining life of our largest dumping
ground, i.e., Deonar, is only five to six years and, so far, no alternative site has been found for
waste disposal. The waste, which offers an incentive after selling like paper, metal, etc., is sold to
informal dealers by rag pickers. But the other organic waste, old batteries, polystyrene
(thermocol), polythene bags, debris, to name a few, do not have such incentives and these are in
huge quantities. Also, since it takes a long time to decompose, when dumped, such waste
occupies and fills the low-lying areas. In fact, the search for a new dumping ground starts only
when the filling area of the dumping ground is exhausted. Basically, the lower the waste, the
longer the life of the dumping ground and vice versa.
The waste at the dumping ground is covered with debris and spread evenly in layers. The organic
waste undergoes natural decomposition and generates a fluid, which is known a leachate, and is
very harmful to the ecosystem, if not treated properly. The leachate penetrates the soil and, if not


prevented, pollutes the ground water. Also, flies, mosquitoes and many other pests breed on the
waste and unless properly maintained, the dumps are a public health hazard.
Debris Disposal
In Mumbai, every day 2,000tonnes of debris is generated officially, of which some part goes to
the dumping ground for spreading over the organic garbage, as earth is expensive. The remaining
debris is spread next to the roads, in the creeks, next to railway tracks and on open grounds.
Every day, somewhere or the other, in some building, some renovation takes place, generating
debris. This could be of houses or shops; it could be for repair of buildings or demolition of old
buildings for reconstruction. To give an example, if the external surface of a building of 20 floors
is repaired, the waste generated would be nearly 200 truckloads which can be used either in
filling low-lying areas or for reclamation. Presently, there is no way of monitoring renovations
and repairs because it does not need any permissions from authorities. The concerned housing
societies give the permissions for the renovations / repairs; hence, no data is available on this.
The only regulation, which has been imposed by the Corporation, is that the area where the
repairs, renovations and new constructions have happened, needs to be cleaned up from all
wastes, after the completion of work.
There are truckers who earn a livelihood by collecting this debris and transporting it for disposal.
However, disposing it off properly remains a concern, as there is very little space in Mumbai. It
has to be carted over long distances which increases transportation costs so significantly as to
make the entire business unprofitable. So it is dumped clandestinely in the creeks, thus,
destroying our valuable mangroves. As Mumbai has a coastal stretch of 603 sq. km, it has
numerous creeks. These are channels of water which occupy marshy land during high tide. The
salty water occupies the land during high tide and drains off during low tide. This nurtures plants


called mangroves. These plants, in turn, have leaves which provide oxygen to the water for fishes
to breed in the creeks. In many areas, like Versova, Gorai, Charkop and Mankhurd, the entire
eco-system of the creek has been destroyed as waste is dumped surreptitiously.
Increasing prices of land and more construction activities are forcing the demolition of old
structures and building new structures and creating more debris wastes. Debris, being very bulky
in nature, requires more space, reducing the life span of the dumping ground. Therefore,
municipalities, generally, refuse the entry of debris into dumping grounds other than what they
need to cover the garbage. Finding few viable alternatives, people just dump the debris by
roadsides. Over time, people start dumping organic waste on top of debris not only compounding
the waste disposal problem but also creating a health hazard.

Garbage Collection - Low Serviced Areas

The garbage collection activity itself has several differences amongst the localities; there are
highly-serviced areas, medium-serviced areas and very low-serviced areas.
I would like to highlight the low-serviced areas which are the slums; slums are not seen as the
rightful recipients of the formal systems of solid waste management (SWM). The local
government extends its services only to regularised slums which are declared official or
recognised under the census of slums. This step motherly treatment is, in effect, the city's own
undoing, since slums form 60% of Mumbai. Moreover, these artificial boundaries can hardly
prevent the spread of dirt and disease. A study done by Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action
(YUVA) in 1998, covering 100 communities in the slum pocket of Jogeshwari (East), found that
while residents were aware of the problems related to inadequate practices of household disposal


of waste and systems of collection and transportation of garbage in the community, there was
very little community involvement in solving the problem.

Time for Waste To Decompose

When the waste is dumped, it does not decompose very quickly and make way

3-4 Weeks

for the other waste. The nature of waste being dumped and the time it takes to
decompose, pose a serious threat to the environment as well as human health.
Given below are some examples to understand how much time it takes for
various materials to decompose. Vegetables, Fruit Skins, Waste Food
Paper Bags
Cloth Bags
Wood Pieces
Leather Shoes and Sandals
Iron Sheets
Aluminium Sheets
Plastic Bags

1 Month
5 Months
10-15 Years
40-50 Years
50-100 Years
200-250 Years
1 Million Years

5. Budgetary Allocation
Overall Budget
Budgetary allocation for solid waste management in the city of Mumbai for the year 2003-2004
amounted to Rs453.22crore compared to Rs232.71crore in 1997-1998, an increase of 94%. This


constituted 14% of the total budget of the MCGM which stood at Rs3226.52crore. Such a high
increase is a reflection of the growing concern for the waste disposal crisis in the city among the
local and regional authorities. Costs for maintenance of dumping ground, waste transportation
and hire charges come to Rs126crore and constitute nearly 28% of the total budget allocated for
The budget for schemes, like slum adoption and Advance Locality Management (ALM) comes
to Rs5crore, which is 1.1% of the total SWM budget. Nearly 60% of Mumbai's population live in
slums which cover 7% of the land area of the city. In the Municipal provisions for SWM, only
those slums which are notified and are on municipal or private land are serviced; services to
other slums are not accounted for in the budget. The budget allocation for slums forms only 12%
of the total SWM budget.
Informal Sector
The total quantity of 7,025tonnes of solid waste, mentioned by the MCGM, is the official figure
of waste being collected but the actual generation is much higher. Of the garbage being dumped
in the bins, a considerable amount is removed by rag pickers who then sort it out and sell them to
those who deal in recyclables like paper, plastics, metal, etc.
This industry is one that is large but informal where the rag pickers provide the recyclables and
the transactions run into crores of rupees. This informal industry helps in the reduction of waste
being transported to the dumping grounds.
There are people, generally known as kabadiwallas, who collect old newspapers, magazines,
metal scrap and other such items and sell them to shops dealing in the same. Besides cash
transactions, the deals also involve barter; a popular exchange being garlic against plastic.
Project Aim


Overall Aim of the project was to determine whether the Nisargruna technology,
as used by organizations in Mumbai and elsewhere, is an effective way of
processing waste and benefiting the people who operate the plant.

To understand the way waste is disposed of and processed within Mumbai
To understand role of rag pickers in waste segregation.
Have a good understanding of the Nisargruna and operation of the Nisargruna


plant at Shatabdi Hospital, Govandi.

Have a list of advantages of the Nisargruna technology that could be used by
government organization, other organization or a prospective entrepreneur in
other places
To understand role of Stree mukti sangathan in poverty alleviation
To understand the possibility of developing business else where in India.

7.Project Task
To visit dumpsite to study the current waste disposal scenario
Study the present waste handling approach by inhabitant in the city suburb by
carrying small survey work


To carry out observation work to study the operations of Nisargruna Plant

located at Govandi, Shatabdi Hospital.
To visit stree mukti sangathan
To visit other similar technology plant to evaluate merits and demerits of both
To prepare business strategy to develop Nisargruna Technology in other areas.
Review of literature and case studies available on waste management at British
Council Library, American Resource Centre and All India Institute of local self
government in Mumbai.
Nisargruna biogas plant for renewable energy is developed by senior scientist Dr.
Sharad Kale at Nuclear Agriculture and Biotechnology Division of Bhabha
Atomic Research Centre (BARC) in Mumbai.
Biomass in any form is ideal for the biomethanation concept, which is the central
idea of the Nisargruna biogas plants. Biomass such as banana plantation,
Gylricidia or any other green manure crops, finely powdered straw, biodegradable
waste materials can serve as raw materials for Nisargruna plants. Other raw
materials would include vegetable and fruit market waste, fruit and food
processing industries waste, kitchen waste from residential colonies/ schools/
colleges/ army/ big establishment canteens, hotels, hostels, hospital/ religious
places, paper, garden waste, animal and abattoir waste etc. Municipal authorities,
therefore, have to ensure of such segregated waste before putting up of the biogas
plant. Waste like Coconut shells, egg shells, big bones, plastic/polythene, glass,


metal, sand, slit, debris and building materials, wood, cloth/ clothes, ropes, nylon
threads, batteries, rubber products, hazardous and chemical industries waste
cannot be treated and is strictly avoided for Nisargruna Plants (Dr S Kale, 2005)

8 Technology
Technical details of the plant
Major components of BARCs a Nisargruna plant include a mixture/pulper with 5
HP motor(s) for crushing solid waste, a pre-mix tank, a pre-digester tank, an air


compressor, a slow water heater or solar panels, a main digestion tank, a gas
delivery system, manure pits, a tank for recycling water, a water pump, slurry
pump and a gas utilization system. The waste is homogenized in a mixer using
water. This slurry enters the pre-digester tank where aerobic thermophilic bacteria
proliferate and convert part of this waste into organic acids like acetic acid, butyric
acid, propionic acid and formic acid (Dr S Kale, 2005).
The three steps of Nisargjyoti (biogas) production
Nisargjyoti microbes consist of a large group of complex and differently acting
microbe species, notably methane-producing bacteria. The whole Nisargjyoti
formation process can be divided into three steps: hydrolysis, acidification, and
methane formation. Various types of bacteria are involved in these processes.
In the first step (hydrolysis), the organic matter is enzymolyzed externally by extra
cellular enzymes (cellulase, amylase, protease and lipase) of microorganisms in the
pre-digester tank. Converting solid waste into liquid form in the mixer stimulates
this step. Bacteria start decomposing the long chains of the complex
carbohydrates, proteins and lipids into shorter parts. Proteins are split into peptides
and amino acids. Simple carbohydrates and proteins are degraded completely.

Acid-producing bacteria involved in the second step convert the intermediates of
fermenting bacteria into acetic acid (CH3COOH), hydrogen (H2) and carbon
dioxide (CO2) in the pre-digester. These bacteria, of the genus bacillus, are aerobic


and facultatively anaerobic, and can grow under acidic conditions. An air
compressor maintains aerobic conditions in the pre-digester. To produce acetic
acid, the bacteria use the oxygen dissolved in the solution or bonded-oxygen.
Hereby, the acid-producing bacteria reduce the compounds with a low molecular
weight into alcohols, organic acids, amino acids, carbon dioxide, hydrogen
sulphide and traces of methane. The pH of the raw slurry falls from 7.5 to about
4.5-5.5 in the pre-digester
Methane formation
Methane-producing bacteria, involved in the third step, decompose compounds
with a low molecular weight. Under natural conditions, methane-producing
microorganisms occur to the extent that anaerobic conditions are provided, for
instance under water (in marine sediments), in ruminant stomachs and in marshes.
They are anaerobic and very sensitive to environmental changes. In contrast to
acidogenic and acetogenic bacteria, methanogenic bacteria belong to the
archaebacteria group, a group of bacteria with a very heterogeneous morphology
and a number of common biochemical and molecular-biological properties that
distinguish them from all other bacterial genera. It is advisable to circulate the
generated biogas back into the system using a small compressor. This would
enhance the reduction of carbon dioxide to methane and enrichment of methane
fraction in the biogas.
The separation of two stages in methane production helps in improving the purity
of methane gas, thereby increasing its fuel efficiency. However, the average
composition round the year would depend on how effectively pre-digester


temperatures can be maintained. The obtained biogas is a mixture of methane (7075%), carbon dioxide (10-15%) and water vapor (5-10%).

Merits of setup
Easy to maintain
System is designed indigenously in India; and does not consist of any
expensive imported components, thus ensuring easy availability of spares.
Most sub-operations does not require high skill. Workers can be trained for
plant operation in 3 months.
Can be more efficient when waste input is good quality of segregated waste
Demerits of setup
Most of the operations are manual and no mechanical operations involved in
the system, pre-digester system needs manual operation of feeding the slurry
further to the pre-digester from the inlet channel. Aesthetically it may not look
Hot water in the pre-digester needs to be poured manually.
There was bad odour at the plant. It might disturb neighbours and dwellers as
well as other visitors too.
Sludge holding tanks showed bubbles, which indicates that the there might be
some anaerobic conditions, which is due to incomplete digestion of the slurry.
There is no proper shredding or cutting of the waste in the mixer, it only
homogenizes with water but doesnt get crushed by the blades. Digestion will
be faster with properly crushed waste.


Some of these problems are easy to overcome. The smell from the aerobic digesters
could be removed by enclosing these pre-digesters and recycling the air around
them. The grinder could be redesigned to break up the feedstock. The aesthetic
appearance could be improved, again by enclosing the plant in a building or even
shielding it with trees.

9. Evaluating major benefits of Project

Energy in the form of Biogas: The production of an energy resource, biogas from
Nisargruna is most tangible benefit. Nisargjyoti (Biogas) use, replacing


conventional fuels like kerosene or firewood, allows for the conservation of natural
resources. It therefore increases its own value by the value of forests saved or
planted. The price of supplied energy produced by Nisargjyoti can compete with
distorted prices on the national or regional level of the energy market. A
decentralized, economically self-sufficient Nisargjyoti unit - under competitive
conditions can provide energy without market distortions (Dr S kale, 2005).
Environment: Nisargruna will contribute in saving of greenhouse pollutant
emission from unregulated dumpsites. Practicing biogas production in rural area
can have several advantages, such as relieving demand on electricity, coal, oil,
firewood and problems associated with the administrative & distribution network.
The organic matter required for biogas production is abundant and readily
available. Decreasing the demand for firewood spares the forest and furthers
afforestation efforts (Chongrak Polprasert, 1996) and helps in reducing greenhouse
pollutants into the atmosphere. According to an Indian estimation, a Nisargruna
plant of 2.8 m 3 capacity can save a forested area of 0.12 hectares (Dr S Kale, 2005)
Nutrient reclamation by using Organic manure: The nutrients (N, P, K) present
in the waste are usually in complex organic forms, difficult to be taken up by the
crops, After digestion at least 50% of the N present is in the form of dissolved
ammonia, which can be nitrified to become nitrate, for application to crops so as
to be readily available for uptake, thus digestion increases the availability of N in
organic wastes to above its usual range of about 30-60%. The phosphate and
potash contents are not decreased, and their availability of about 50 and 80%,
respectively, is not changed during digestion. Digestion process does not remove


or destroy any of the nutrients from domestic and farm wastes, but makes them
more available to plants. In addition to being used as a fertiliser, the biogas
digested slurry came out from plant act as a soil conditioner and helps to improve
the physical properties of the soil. The application of digester slurry to
unproductive soils would eventually improve the soil quality, or useless land could
be reclaimed (Chongrak Polprasert, 1996)
Landfill life and Quality: Land-fill dumps become unstable by rotting of vegetable
wastes in the dump. Rotting of vegetable wastes causes the generation of methane
and the reduction in volume of the soil in the dump. It should be possible to build
on a foundation made from inert waste (without vegetable wastes) within about 8
years, compared to the 20 years that is required before a dump normally stops
being unstable. Separation of organic waste from the prevailing dumping practice
of waste will reduce the quantity of waste going to dumpsite. It will thus increase
the life of landfill for use and also the quality of land made by filling the land.
However, by giving correct treatment to leachate and combustible gases produced
by remaining waste will also reduce the pollution and other health hazards.
Health Protection
In the health sector, benefits from Nisargruna plants arise both at the individual
level as well as at the level of society. Nisargruna plants serve as methods of
disposal for waste and sewage and in this way directly contribute to a better
hygiene situation for individual users. By centrally collecting dung and by
connecting latrines, open storage can be avoided. Apart from this, pathogens are
extensively eliminated during the digestion process. Theoretically, a reduction in


the frequency of disease leads to savings in medicine and consultation costs.

Regarding the leakage of health services in rural areas, another approach to
savings is suggested. As a consequence of Nisargruna plants, labor productivity
would rise due to the elimination of potential disease-causing agents (Dr S Kale,
Employment: During the construction of Nisargruna plants, there are effects on
regional/local income and employment (unless these are built by investors
themselves). Permanent jobs are created for plant personnel, and indirect effects
result in contracts with local and regional companies for the service and
maintenance of a plant, including gas burners in households. The utilization of
biogas contributes to an enlarged range of energy fuels offered on the market. In
this way the local basis of energy supply can be extended and secured, and it also
simplifies the setting of additional commercial activities where the factor energy
has so far proved to be a problem. At the regional level, labor intensive,
decentralized Nisargjyoti units improve income distribution amongst income
brackets and reduce regional disparities, enhancing the attractiveness of rural life.
The design of a Nisargruna plant does not involve any imported materials and
hence is truly indigenous.
Poverty Alleviation
Some of the Nisargruna Plant located in Mumbai, is maintained and operated by
Stree Mukti Sangathan (SMS, Womens liberation organization); it has provided
employment to the poor women ( previously who were working as waste picker on


dump sites and in streets). They work on Nisargruna Plant where they are trained
initially for its operational know how by SMS. Real efforts by volunteer
organization like SMS have certainly helped poorest of poor to get better
livelihood and social status.
Financial & Economic Analysis
Municipal authorities: Nisargruna plant will be most helpful to Municipal
Authorities. Presently MCGM is said to be spending more than 1.50 rupees for
disposal of one kg of waste from community bins to the unregulated dumpsites. If
processing of organic waste is done by Installing Nisargruna Plants in a
decentralised way then it would economical and save environment to great extent.
Municipal Corporations may get different government aid and funds by National
(Example: likely to get subsidy from Ministry of Non Conventional Energy) and
International agencies for city development. (See Appendix B for detail
Corporate or Industrial use: Nisargruna Plant is ideal for processing waste in
Industries mainly in form of canteen food waste, processed food waste. Nisargruna
will be helpful in getting environmental certificates and ISO standards.
Real estate developer: Nisargruna Plant can solve solid waste disposal problems
for residential complex or commercial complex. Cost of land for Real estate
developer is compensated in the form of incentives from Municipal authorities for
getting extra floor space index (FSI) to construct. Real Estate developer can install
the system and charge partial amount to its customer for installing the plant. This
will help Developer to get project completion certificate from Municipal


Authorities. Biogas and manure can be use by residents for heating, cooking and
for gardening purpose.
Non Government Organisation: For non government organisation and volunteer
organisation, it would be beneficial to sell services based on Nisargruna
Technology. It would be beneficial to provide employment to poor people for
operating and maintaining plant.
Benefits for private venture: From venture view point, it will not be possible to
get high returns on basis of selling energy but profit from waste processing charges
is essential too. Bigger scale for 50-100 tons/day waste processing may become
viable if it is to be on long term contract basis. When requirement of processing of
waste comes from Municipal Corporation or food processing industries, selling
methane gas to the local energy companies would certainly make project profitable
business in terms of Investment. (Please refer to Appendix B for spreadsheet
Main Assumptions:
It is assumed that land will be available for installing Nisargruna plant or
will be provided rental free by concerned authority for the project.
Plant will operate for 300 days per year.
Plant operating capacity efficiency will be 80%.
Discount rate is 6% for NPV
O&M will be 15% per annum of total capital cost through out the project
Retail price of LPG is 21 Rupees (Rs)/kg (subsidized). Biogas selling price


is assumed 12 Rs/Kg.(Selling it to Energy company)

Retail price of electricity is 5 Rs/kwh. Selling price is assumed for 3
Rs/kwh. (Selling it to Energy company)
Retail price of manure is 5 Rs/kg. Selling price is assumed for 2 Rs/kg
(Bulk price)
Assuming that bank interest rates and tax rates will remain steady through
out the project life.
For Municipal Solid Waste processing projects, waste transportation cost to
the plant is assumed 0.50 Rs/kg.
Plant will be operating for at least 15 years with normal maintenance
Plant decommissioning cost amount will be adjusted by selling
infrastructure to the agencies involved in recycling.
There are no extra benefits e.g. Subsidies and carbon credits given to the
500,000 rupees will be required setup of generator for converting biogas into
electricity on every 5 tons waste processing capacity plant.
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai is spending around 1.80 Rs/kg
for transporting waste from refuse bin to dumpsite. Considering that fact it
is assumed that Operator will charge municipal authorities 1.50 Rs/kg for
waste processing where operator will be transporting waste from refuse bin
to the plant.
If Municipal Authorities process waste by installing Nisargruna then


monthly savings on processing would be 1.50 Rs/Kg

Price of 5 ton waste processing capacity plant is Rs 2.5 Million without
electricity generating equipment setup. Rs 0.5 Million is extra cost for
providing electricity generation equipments and infrastructure.
Schemes Run by MCGM
Slum Adoption Scheme
It was experienced that because of the heterogeneous population in the slums there is no sense of
belongingness and it was realised that an attempt should be made to motivate and involve the
slum population by attaching certain incentives to work in cleaning the slums and maintaining
hygiene condition. It is in this background that the Slum Adoption Scheme through communitybased organisations and public participation has been started by the MCGM.
Advanced Locality Management
Advanced Locality Management (ALM) is local management of solid waste by citizens who
organise themselves to manage their waste. Wet waste is segregated at household level and
composted locally in any available area, planters, etc., and sweepers or rag pickers take dry
waste away. There are in all 643 ALMs along with 276 vermi-compost pits spread over six zones
of the MCGM's jurisdiction. This way, approximately 20-25tonnes of garbage per day is
prevented from reaching the dump yards. An encouraging fact is that women run 80% of these
ALMs. The MCGM has also established vermi-compost projects on its own, one each in the
eastern and western suburbs, respectively, to demonstrate to the citizens, the benefits of vermiculture technology.


The success of any ALM depends entirely upon people's participation. Organisation of the
community, training and initiation is done jointly by residents and MCGM, and is initially
funded by residents and the Corporation. At later stages, the activities are completely funded by
the residents.
Recycling Debris
Debris is recycled to make new construction-related products like bricks, interlocking pavers.
City and Industrial Development Corporation (CIDCO) and YUVA, an NGO, have collaborated
on this effort to convert the debris and reduce the load on dumping grounds. Presently, the plant
in Navi Mumbai converts three tonnes of debris per day. Set up in 1999, this plant is one of its
kind in the whole of India and has been successful in developing products conforming to Indian
Standard Codes of practice of the Central Government. The plant has successfully completed
recycling 1,000 tonnes of debris till date.
ParisarVikas Scheme
Stree Mukti Sanghatana, an NGO, has initiated a scheme which focuses on uplifting the most
downtrodden section of the society -the rag picker women and children. This scheme is an ideal
solution, since rag pickers together with the ALM system manage the upkeep of their
environment. The rag pickers play an important role in managing the solid waste; they retrieve
all possible recyclable items from waste and, thus, put these materials back to proper reuse. But,
sadly the rag pickers are never recognised for the invaluable service they provide to the city's
solid waste management.


10.Role of the Citizens of Mumbai

The citizens of Mumbai have to be trained in the three 'Rs' with respect to management of
As the budget of the Municipal Corporation indicate, as much as 28% is spent only on
transportation of waste. There is an urgent need to reduce the waste by cutting down on
transportation. The reduction of waste can happen only when we, as citizens of Mumbai, reduce
waste generation in the first place.
Simple habits like carrying a cloth bag while going shopping will be helpful to reduce the need
for plastic bags. Please do not buy any products in a polythene bag and help the environment as a
To recycle, we should segregate our garbage at source. Wet garbage can be recycled by
composting or vermi-composting in your backyard or in the vicinity. This will produce good
manure that can be used for gardens and lawns. The dry garbage can be given to the rag pickers
who sell it to re-users.

11. Business Opportunity


The project benefits from high visibility, being one of the first integrated SWM project in the
state, and among the first in the country. It presents Bidders with the opportunity to
participate in a competitive and transparent tendering process, and for the winning bidder, to
benefit from the first mover advantage for future projects to be implemented in the state.



2. Barbalace, Roberta Crowell (2003-08). "The History of Waste". Retrieved 2013-12-09.

3. Florence Nightingale, Selected Writings of Florence Nightingale, ed. Lucy Ridgely

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6. National Waste & Recycling Association. "History of Solid Waste Management".

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8. City of Chicago, Illinois. Department of Streets and Sanitation. "What is Single Stream

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