Fitstuff Running Group Terms and Conditions (February 2014)

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Fitstuff Running Group

Name Date of birth Email address Telephone number Address

The Fitstuff Running Group welcomes you. For your own safety, we as you not to participate in running acti!ities with us unless you are sufficiently physically fit and not under the influence of any substance or medication that could affect your health. "e encourage all members to undergo regular medical chec s and to ensure they ha!e ade#uate insurance. Rules of the Group: The Fitstuff Running Group e$ists purely to offer an opportunity for li e minded runners to e$ercise together in a group. All runners should consider the group as an informal gathering of people who run together in a loosely structured format. %t is each runner&s decision alone as to whether they are fit and able to run with the group. %f a member is unsure they should consult a doctor. E!ery runner attending the group should be able to run ' miles comfortably at () minute mile pace. E!ery runner attending the group must ta e full and complete responsibility for their own actions. Appropriate clothing and footwear must be worn. *igh !isability clothing should be worn in dar conditions and a head or hand torch is strongly recommended. Group leaders ha!e the right to deny or suspend the participation of any runner for any reason whatsoe!er.

Disclaimer and Waiver of Liability % understand that participation in the group&s acti!ities is strictly !oluntary on my part and that % ta e part entirely at my own ris . % accept responsibility for my own health and well+being and % understand and agree that % am solely responsible for any accident, in,ury or loss that % sustain prior to, during or after participating in the acti!ities of the Fitstuff Running Group. Furthermore, % confirm that if such accident, loss or in,ury does occur neither % nor my representati!es, agents, estate -including but not limited to my heirs. will see to hold any member of the Fitstuff Running Group or any person associated with the group collecti!ely or indi!idually responsible or liable in any way. % understand that the group is operated by !olunteers in their free time and that these !olunteers may not ha!e underta en any training, coaching or first aid #ualifications. % will not hold these !olunteers responsible for any in,ury, loss or damage which may arise as a conse#uence of my participation in the group&s acti!ities. % understand that Fitstuff /0 1imited&s only in!ol!ement in the group is to offer a meeting point for group runs. % will not hold Fitstuff /0 1imited responsible for any in,ury, loss or damage which may arise as a conse#uence of my participation in the group&s acti!ities. % grant permission for the Fitstuff Running Group and Fitstuff /0 1imited to hold information about me on computer for the purposes of administering the acti!ities of the group, and to use my photographs or any other record for any legitimate promotional purposes of the group. % understand that the Fitstuff Running Group and Fitstuff /0 1imited will not disclose personal information to third parties e$cept with my consent or where it is necessary for legal reasons. % confirm that % ha!e read the Rules of the Group and agree to abide by them. % agree to the abo!e conditions as a prere#uisite to participation in the acti!ities of the Fitstuff Running Group.

2igned 33333333333333333333333333333333333 Date 3333333333333333333333

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