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9006 otherwise known as the FAIR ELECTION ACT

Republic Act No. 9006 otherwise known as the Fair Election Act which was enacted into law last 2001, amended and repealed Sections 67 and 85 of Batas Pambansa 881 known as the Omnibus Election Code, Sections 10 and 11 of Republic Act. No. 6646 known as the Electoral Reform Law and Section 11, paragraph 3 of Republic Act. No. 8436, likewise, known as the Law on Automated System of Election. ELECTED and APPOINTED Government Officials Previously, any incumbent elective official, national or local, running for any office/position other than the one he is holding is considered ipso facto resigned from his office upon filing of certificate of candidacy (Section 67 of Omnibus Election Code) until repealed by Sec. 11, par. 3, Republic Act No. 8436 which provides until upon the start of the campaign period. However, the Fair Election Act extended the incumbency of duly elected officials running for or seeking election to an office/position other than the ones they are respectively holding until after expiration of their respective terms of office, even after they had filed his/her certificate of candidacy or the start of campaign period. Meanwhile appointive officials are deemed resigned from their position upon filing of their Certificate of Candidacy based on a Supreme Court ruling relative to the issue. BROADCAST and PRINT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT Republic Act No. 9006 lifted also the ban on the use of political/election propaganda materials and advertisements through mass media by candidates, political parties, groups, or coalitions. The selling or giving free of charge by mass media for campaign or political purposes of print space / airtime to candidates /political parties is now allowed under Sec. 4 and 6 of said Act which has repealed Section 11(b) of Republic Act No. 6646 and Sections 90, 92 of Omnibus Election Code. However, donation, paid print / broadcast advertisements are subject to certain prescribed fixed requirements. A common requirement for both is that it must bear and be identified by the legible/audible word political advertisement paid for followed by the true and

correct name and address of the candidate/political party for whose benefit the propaganda was printed or aired. Further, mass media columnists, commentators, announcers or personalities who are candidates for any elective public office previously are merely considered on leave or required to take leave of absence from their work during the campaign period but pursuant to Section 6, paragraph 6.6 of Fair Election Act they are not only considered or required to take a leave of absence from their work during the campaign period, but also to resign therefrom if so required by their employers. COMMON POSTER AREA Formerly, Comelec has the duty to designate common poster areas in strategic places wherein candidates can post, display or exhibit lawful election propaganda materials to announce / further their candidacy. But under the Fair Election Act the Comelec can only authorize candidates, political parties, and party list groups to erect common poster areas for themselves / for their candidates in not more than ten (10) public places with a size not exceeding 12 feet by 18 feet or its equivalent, instead of the former designating common poster area. Common poster area can also be erected in any private places provided it has the consent of the owner and to any public place / property subject to the requirement of equitable and impartial allocation of said place / property among the candidates. POLITICAL BILLBOARDS In previous existing election law billboards may be installed by Comelec or nonpartisan organization authorized by Comelec in strategic places whenever that is feasible and after due notice and hearings. Presently this installation of Comelec and non-partisans organization is prohibited except billboards put up or displayed by or at the instance of candidates or political parties with the authority of the Comelec. LAWFUL ELECTION PROPAGANDA MATERIALS Lawful election propaganda materials maybe posted in Common Poster Areas authorized by the Comelec to be set up by candidates / political parties / party, party-list group themselves, to any private place provided it has the consent of the owner and in any place / property subject to the requirement of equitable and impartial allocation of said place / property among candidates.

Lawful election propaganda materials include pamphlets, leaflets, cards, decals, stickers and other written or printed materials with a maximum size of 8 x 14 inches. Posters (cloth, paper, cardboard, tarpaulin, either framed or posted) must meet the maximum required size of 2 feet by 3 feet. Formerly streamers may be displayed at the site or on the occasion of a public meeting or rally one (1) week before the date of the meeting or rally and shall be removed within seventy two (72) hours thereafter. But now streamers with a maximum size of 3 feet by 8 feet maybe posted or displayed only at the site and on the occasion of a public meeting or rally five (5) days before the holding of said meeting or rally and should be removed within twenty four (24) hours after the meeting or rally. Furthermore, those prohibited election propaganda enumerated in Section 85 of the Omnibus Election Code are now allowed to be used as election propaganda by virtue of the repeal of said provision of Omnibus Election Code by Section 14, Republic Act No. 9006. Any violation of the said Act and the implementing rules and regulations issued relative thereto shall constitute an election offense punishable by imprisonment of one (1) year but not more than six (6) years and ineligibility for probation, disqualification to hold public office and deprivation of the right of suffrage.

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