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Appointnent #1:
Prinary lnpression

Pecord prlmary lmpresslon wltb stock tray. A prellmlnary lmpresslon ls
recorded over tbe beallng abutments or tbe temporary abutments, provldlng tbe
laboratory wltb a prellmlnary worklng cast. Tbls prellmlnary cast wlll provlde tbe
restoratlve dentlst and tbe laboratory wltb tbe lnltlal crlterla |or |lnal prostbetlc
abutment selectlon and allow |or constructlon o| a custom tray |or tbe |lnal

Allow 3 worklng days ln laboratory |or |abrlcatlon o| custom tray.

Tbe elstlng temporary brldgework or denture wlll need to be relleved ln tbe
areas o| tbe beallng abutments and lnclslon sltes, and so|t llned wltb a
conventlonal llner.

DAL lnventorles a complete llne o| prostbetlc components to ensure tbat your
cllnlcal cases are |abrlcated ln a convenlent, tlmely manner.

Appointnent #2:
Master lnpression

Place |lnal abutments or lnserts and cbeck |or proper |lt and tlgbtness.

Place trans|er components.

Make sure tbe base o| tbe abutment ls |lusb wltb tbe sur|ace o| tbe lmplant. Tbls
relatlonsblp can be verl|led radlograpblcally to ensure complete seatlng.

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Pecord |lnal lmpresslon. A |lrm body lmpresslon materlal ls recommended, l.e.,
Polyetber (|mpregum, Polygel) or a |lrm body, Polyvlnylslloane.

Once tbe lmpresslon bas been recorded, remove tbe trans|er coplng |rom tbe
lmplant and attacb to tbe approprlate analog (abutment or lmplant analog). Tbe
coplng/analog assembly ls lnserted lnto tbe lmpresslon ln proper posltlon.

Send lmpresslon wltb coplng/analog assemblles ln posltlon to DAL |or |abrlcatlon
o| tbe master stone or so|t tlssue cast. || tbe lmpresslon ls poured ln tbe o||lce,
please use quallty dental stone, l.e., Dle Keen |rom Modern Materlals.

Send to DAL |or |abrlcatlon o| tbe verl|lcatlon lnde and tbe occlusal record
bases - allow 4 worklng days ln laboratory.

Appointnent #3:
Centric jaw ReIationship/Verification lndex

A verl|lcatlon |nde ls |abrlcated to ald ln tbe evaluatlon o| tbe master cast, and
to belp ensure tbat eacb lmplant bar or brldge |ramework wlll be cast and
dellvered wltb a passlve, accurate |lt.

Walng sleeves or gold cyllnders are secured to tbe master cast and are luted
togetber wltb a llgbt cure resln. Tbe lnde ls tben dellvered |or try-ln.

Try-ln verl|lcatlon lnde wltbout |latlon screws to verl|y a passlve |lt.

vlslbly cbeck to see l| tbe lnde slts passlvely on tbe abutments, tben use gentle
|lnger pressure to determlne l| tbere ls a dlscrepancy ln |lt (rocklng, |ulcrum or
gap). || tbere ls a dlscrepancy, slmply cut tbe |ramework and reassemble to tbe
corrected posltlon.

Once tbe lndlvldual sectlons are |lrmly secured to tbe abutments wltb tbe |latlon
screws, lute tbe reassembled |ramework togetber wltb llgbt cure resln, GC
Pattern Pesln, or Duralay.

Pemove tbe assembly |rom tbe moutb and secure lt to tbe proper analogs, uslng
tbe |latlon screws. Place tbe assembly lnto a stone paddy and send to tbe
laboratory. DAL wlll tben retro-|lt tbe master cast to tbe posltlon o| tbe
corrected verl|lcatlon lnde.

Tbe |ramework can now be waed and cast wltb tbe assurance o| an accurate
master cast.

Secure tbe occlusal record base wltb tbe |latlon screws, and record vertlcal and
centrlc jaw relatlonsblp. Contour tbe rlm and relate any conventlonal landmarks,
tben record mould and sbade selectlon.

Send verl|lcatlon lnde and centrlc jaw relatlonsblp to DAL - allow 5 worklng
days ln laboratory |or wa setup |or try-ln.

Appointnent #4:
Wax 5etup For Try-in

Lvaluate wa setup |or proper estbetlc dlsplay, vertlcal and centrlc relatlonsblp.

Peturn to tbe laboratory |or |abrlcatlon o| tbe plaster matrl and tbe Spark
Lroslon prlmary bar - allow 8-10 worklng days ln laboratory.

Appointnent #5:
5park Erosion Prinary Bar Try-in

Prlor to constructlng tbe secondary |ramework wltb tbe Swlvel-Latcb and
Frlctlon Pln Attacbments, tbe prlmary bar ls dellvered |or try-ln.

Try ln bar wltbout |latlon screws and evaluate |or a passlve |lt to tbe prostbetlc
abutments. || tbere ls any rocklng or a gap elsts between tbe bar and tbe
abutment, sectlon tbe bar ln tbe area wbere tbe dlscrepancy elsts.

Secure tbe lndlvldual sectlons to tbe abutments wltb tbe |latlon screws and
reassemble wltb GC Pattern Pesln or Duralay.

Pemove tbe assembly |rom tbe moutb, and secure lt to tbe proper analogs uslng
tbe |latlon screws.

Place tbe assembly lnto a stone paddy and send to tbe laboratory |or solderlng.
DAL wlll wa, cast and mlll-ln tbe secondary |ramework and tben electro-
macblne tbe Swlvel-Latcb and Frlctlon Pln Attacbments. Allow 10-12 worklng
days ln laboratory.

Appointnent #6:
5park Erosion Precision lnpIant Restoration Try-in

Lvaluate tbe |lt o| tbe prlmary bar and secure wltb |latlon screws.

Place and evaluate tbe secondary |ramework wltb tbe Swlvel-Latcb Attacbments

Lvaluate tbe waup |or proper estbetlcs, |unctlon and pbonetlcs.

Peturn botb prlmary bar and secondary |ramework wltb tbe waup |or |lnal
processlng and |lnlsblng - allow 4 worklng days ln laboratory.

Appointnent #7:

Secure tbe prlmary bar wltb |latlon screws and seat tbe secondary restoratlon -
demonstratlng to tbe patlent bow to engage and dlsengage tbe Swlvel-Latcb

Lvaluate estbetlcs, |lt and occluslon.

|nstruct patlent on proper bome care and oral byglene conslderatlons.

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