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A Situation Analysis of Julie Blais Comeaus Business

ADM4325 Promotional Planning Practicum

Submitted on October 22nd, 2013

This semesters Michael Cloutier competition has given us a tremendous opportunity to create an integrated promotional plan for Julie Blais Comeaus newly published etiquette book. Our group completed an in-depth literature review from various journal and online sources, in addition to the presentation and first-hand information provided by Julie. Our research objectives were to understand the market, company, competitors, consumers, and environment in which Julie will be promoting herself and her book. These objectives were achieved with the ultimate goal of finding the most useful and relevant information for our group. The information in this report will thus be used to provide us with insight and guidance for Julies promotional plan recommendations. Throughout our research, one thing became evident: the self-improvement industry is quite vast and as such has many opportunities for an entrepreneur like Julie to thrive. Through our market analysis we can see how crowded the industry is, but can also determine areas for Julie to expand. This prospect for growth was reinforced after analyzing Julies company. We determined a few weaknesses while pinpointing her unique business strengths and opportunities. This information will be very useful for creating our marketing strategies because we must have a clear understanding of Julies vision. This vision will help guide us to creating the most customized, costefficient, and successful marketing plan. We discovered that there are many promotional opportunities for Julies target market in relation to the demographics and consumption patterns of her future consumers. Furthermore, an analysis of her competitors allowed us to focus on what Julie has that differentiates herself from the rest. Lastly, we examined various trends from the macro-environment, namely culture, society and technology. We concluded that Julie is fortunate to be in a continuously evolving industry. We believe that the rate of evolution is manageable and can therefore be used to greatly amplify her success in all future endeavours.

After conducting thorough research on Julie and her business, our group determined that she currently operates in the self-improvement industry i . Julie can also be considered a player entering the Canadian book industry, which generates over $2.1 billion in revenues, according to The Department of Canadian Heritage as highlighted in the Spring 2013 results from the Print Management Bureau (PMB). However, we will focus on the self-improvement industry given Julies array of services that stem beyond the book industry. Marketdata Enterprises, a market research publisher, conducted a study that valued the self-improvement industry to be worth roughly $9.84 billionii (See Appendix A). This industry, which provides services through individual consultations, group workshops, books, and videos, aims to enhance the overall quality of life of its target market while developing their potential and interpersonal skills. The selfimprovement industry encompasses a variety of different topics such as weight-loss,

life coaching, stress managementbut Julie is a player in the etiquette segment of this large industry. As evidenced by Julies wide array of customers, the selfimprovement industry includes both business-to-consumer and business-to-business markets. Although this industry is crowded with a variety of subjects, etiquette has become more important as people must adapt to different cultural norms (due to globalization) and act appropriately in any situation (as companies become more flat with structure and hierarchy)iii. By engaging in proper etiquette, individuals ultimately project a positive perception of themselves, and thus can establish a positive relationship with others or amplify existing relationshipsivv. While self-improvement gurus such as Dr. Phil, Oprah, and Dale Carnegie currently dominate this market, there are ripe opportunities available for self-improvement entrepreneurs to enter the market and become successfulvi. John LaRosa, research director at Marketdata Enterprises Inc., claims that entrepreneurial companies often fare better in this market than large corporations due to their ability to better understand the consumer and adoption of new technology to deliver their servicesvii. As travel costs increase and communication technology advances, successful selfhelp practitioners are embracing newer forms content delivery (e-books, audiobooks and webinars are showing the most growthself-improvement audiobooks account for about 17% of all audiobook sales, and webinars are proving to be much more cost-effective when compared with on-the-road workshops). Although personal coaching is the most popular form of self-improvement, professional etiquette books have the potential to be successful and generate revenue. Although the self-improvement industry has had a declining market valuation over the past three years, this did not translate into a decline in demandJohn LaRosa notes that the consumer will always be attempting to improve their interpersonal skills and business relationships viii (after all, according to Maslows Hierarchy, individuals will always be attempting to satisfy their self-actualization needs). Furthermore, the market is poised to grow as there is a ripe opportunity present with Gen X and Gen Y, a large market that remains untappedix. With a clearer definition of the market that Julie is competing in, our group can tailor the promotional strategy to be in sync with the self-improvement industry. Based on the findings, it is clear that the self-improvement industry is transitioning into one that must connect with its consumer through multiple mediums. By identifying the segmentation of media within the industry, we now know which alternate forms of service delivery (webinars, one-on-one consultations, etc.) can be promoted to complement Etiquette Julies book. Furthermore, the media segmentation statistics (See Appendix B) highlight the most successful and growing media. Finally, the fact that many current self-help practitioners fail to effectively serve the younger generation provides more reason for the promotion plan to focus specifically on this market.

A great promotional plan would not be possible without comprehensive knowledge of the company being represented; therefore, we have put the sole proprietor, Julie Blais Comeau, under the microscope through a SWOT analysis (See Appendix C). This analysis was conducted with the goal of uncovering Julies strengths and opportunities that can be leveraged in the book campaign, while minimizing the effect of her weaknesses and threats. Julies experience gives us a very credible base that we can use to further develop her brand as Etiquette Julie. With the limited marketing budget, it will be necessary to leverage her strong relationship with the media, network of business contacts, and existing social media presence as much as possible. A further look at her strengths reveals two unique value propositions that may provide an edge over the competition: she is bilingual, and she is a storyteller. The majority of Julies weaknesses are attributes present in many first time authors. Julie has limited awareness with her target market, has a limited marketing budget, and has little time left over (after other commitments) to dedicate to marketing. High unit costs for physical books also pose a problem since they will collect an excessive portion of her profit margins if prices need to be decreased. In light of all this, the promotional plan will need to be highly focused and stretch every dollar to its limit. One of Julies biggest opportunities is rooted in one of her strengths bilingualism. This gives her easier and more credible access to the French-speaking market than competing etiquette experts. The potential for company partnerships provides an interesting distribution possibility, while the celebrity endorsements Julie already has in the works could provide a cost-effective boost for the campaign. Finally, looking at the threats, we can see an extremely competitive market in her field. There are several similar books available from competing experts many for much lower prices. Furthermore, the Internet is becoming populated with blogs and smartphone apps that provide free etiquette advice. These facts are all the more alarming when one considers that her target market is price sensitive and very tech savvy. All in all, there are some significant challenges to overcome for this campaign to be a success, but success is achievable with careful planning. Despite the limited budget, Julie has some unique strengths that we can leverage to produce a campaign that will not only drive book sales to get her to that bestseller status, but strengthen her overall brand as a bilingual etiquette expert.

A large percentage of Julies target market includes male and female students and recent graduates in professional streams including law, business, and engineering. As Telfer students, we are lucky to have insight into this market. We have our own expectations and perceptions about etiquette, professional development, and self-

improvement books. However, research of secondary data provided further insight for our promotional plan for Julies book. According to the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC), enrolment at post-secondary schools is at an all-time high, signaling the importance of higher education. However, as stated by the CBC, the cost of a university degree in Canada is getting steeper, with tuition and other compulsory fees expected to have about tripled from 1990 to 2017. x Therefore, price sensitivities of our target demographic will be seriously taken into consideration. Research of Canadian university and college students also highlighted a notable statistic from the Spring 2013 results of the PMB, showing that 77.8% of students in Canadian universities and colleges do not read the student newspapers or magazines. While examining venues to promote Julies book and her brand, this will clearly not be an efficient medium for promotion. PMB also stated that females account for 57% of book buyers.xi However, since this is not a significant proportion, our ideas for promotions will not vary greatly for men versus women. The category of books is also difficult to generalize. In 2010, there were over 99,000 Canadian postsecondary graduates in business, management and public administration.xii The highest volumes of students in this discipline could be found in Quebec, Alberta, Ontario, and British Columbia.xiii The University of Ottawa on its own has 42,027 Undergraduate, Masters, Doctorate and other graduate students (as of fall 2012) of which 9.9% are in Telfer, excluding other relevant facultiesxiv (See Appendix E for full enrollment statistics). This information will help us suggest the optimal Canadian cities to promote Julies book to maximize her reach. The obtained data suggests that while business students are the primary targets, other disciplines should be considered as well. Consumer behaviour and learning intentions are important considerations for Julies objective to make the bestseller list. An article from the Journal of Business Ethics found that although employers emphasize the importance of professional behaviors, they often find applicants lacking in them.xv Generation (Gen) Y, also known as Millennials, make up a significant portion of this market. Some of this generation holds an interesting professional perception about themselves, as highlighted in many recent articles including one by the Huffington Post. xvi Paul Harvey, a University of New Hampshire professor has written in his article As College Graduates Hit The Workforce, So Do More Entitlement-Minded Workers that Gen Y has "unrealistic expectations and a strong resistance toward accepting negative feedback," and "an inflated view of oneself." This raises a very important point: students inflated view makes them think they do not have a need for a selfimprovement book or professional guidance. A major objective for our promotional plan is thus to promote the category need in relation to their unrealistic views about the professional world. Furthermore, the need for the very best and current information Julies advice versus another source needs to be promoted in conjunction with the need for not just any professional behaviour advice, but Julies.

Another relevant finding from our research was the importance of social media among Julies target market. A summary of key findings can be found in Appendix F. This research confirms that this tech-savvy generation is more receptive to advertisements and to brands when the consumer has the opportunity to engage directly with the source. These consumers also voice their options of products very actively online.xvii In the USA, restaurants along with books are the top category of products and services that people share opinions about using the web. xviii Particularly for book sales, as highlighted in the 2013 article Five Reasons Social Media Will Always Sell More Books, the Internet provides the author access to consumers with similar key attributes, and gives insight into how the next campaign should be adjusted based on reactions and comments. More online buzz about an author or a book also helps to improve SEO (search engine optimization). xix Therefore, the digital promotions for Julies promotional plan will be emphasized, especially considering her budget constraints. We will consider that her social media tactics and website features must take into consideration the needs and wants of Gen Y.

With the self-improvement industry being so large, Julie faces tough competition from a number of different sources. Competitors in this industry include free etiquette blogs, smartphone apps, personal coaching, public seminars, as well as other etiquette books which all have the same goal to develop their target markets professional and interpersonal skills. To make the launch of Julies book a thriving success, our competitive analysis will help us determine how Julie can distinguish herself as an author and a public speaker. She has useful resources and credibility that can put her in a superior position relative to her competition. For instance, accreditations, media appearances, and rapport with organizations in the National Capital Region are all attributes that set her apart and provide Julie with ample exposure, and allow her to interact directly with her target market. These are key strengths for us to emphasize in comparison to her competition. Various competitive sources of professional etiquette were examined, as highlighted below. A simple Amazon search on etiquette in the books category generates 9,929 results. For example, the Etiquette for Dummies paperback edition sells for $16.29 CAN and is available in different formats. Julie also faces competition with the selfimprovement workshops and seminars. For instance, The Protocol School of Ottawa provides customized corporate etiquette and international protocol seminars and workshops to individuals and organizations. xx A Google search of etiquette seminars Ottawa generates five results before Julies website, including etiquette courses offered in Montreal. Consequently, even confining a search to Ottawa yields local competition; to succeed on a nationwide and global-scale, our campaign will not only have to consider the local competition, but all others as well.

After scrutinizing the competition, our group determined that bloggers and reporters compose a large majority of the free alternatives and online etiquette resources. To make Julie distinct from her competition, the promotional plan will focus on her expertise as an etiquette professional and source credibility, which is a result of her awards, accreditation, and experience. Furthermore, the plan will highlight media and celebrity endorsements, which enhance Julies source attractiveness. Finally, the research completed showed that the competition primarily creates text-based etiquette resources; with this in mind, the promotion plan will leverage the value that Julies live consultations providesomething not inherent in text.

An analysis of Canadian culture was necessary to better understand the importance of Julies work and to give us insight into the material to promote for her book. Understanding etiquette in Canada will help us better conceptualize Julies vision and mission as a self-proclaimed 'leftie gauche-girl'. Canada is a very different country from any other. While it is the second largest country in the world in terms of area, it only holds 34 million peoplexxi, which makes it the 35th largest country in terms of population. Though Canada does not have a great deal of people, it encompasses several different cultures, which it holds as a point of pride. Each of these cultures are treated equally based on the constitution, but also by their cultural norms and etiquettes. Etiquette plays a very large part in any culture, specifically in business culture. The worlds many different cultures also contain a number of varying norms and etiquette practices that are dependent on the region or city. For instance, in two of Canadas main cities, Toronto and Montreal, punctuality has distinctive importance. While promptness and punctuality are valued universally across Canada, it can be much more relaxed in French speaking areas (such as Quebec or Manitoba)xxii. Moreover, the dynamics are changing as new areas are developed and new cultures are introduced. In Vancouver there has been a large influx of Asian immigrants over the past 20-30 years. Vancouver is being viewed as a "gateway to Asian economies"xxiii and as a result, a lot has to be done to accommodate. Etiquette and culture are unmistakeably mixed, and since culture is always evolving (especially in Canada) it is important to take note of the progress and continually adapt our etiquette practices. It is important to remember that etiquette varies by person, city, region and country. As such, Julie must aim to learn the slight, but significant, differences in order to reach all prospective audiences. In doing so, Julie opens herself to wider audiences while also creating an opportunity to make different editions of her book based on select regions or countries.




Etiquette is intrinsically a practice of social interactions and behaviours, but over the past twenty years there has been a gigantic shift in the way these interactions are occurring (and how they are being taught). With the advent of the Internet, the introduction of email, and the invention of social media, the landscape has persistently changed. In today's business world, graduates and employers have been using traditional hiring practices less and shifting toward online means. While the brunt of etiquette is still focused on how you interact with individuals in person, which is an important process, an emphasis must also be placed on online interactions. Julie is quite up to date with her own social media portrayal, and would therefore be an effective mentor to all graduates looking to learn. However, a great deal of today's youth are not aware of the public visibility that they display as soon as they sign up for anything online. Everything we do online has some sort of footprint that can be traced, and we need to ensure that this footprint does not scar our otherwise perfect imagexxiv. Time astutely did an article entitled "Business, Etiquette, and Social Media" where they mentioned some tips to follow based on the new landscape of cell phones and social media. In the past we would never have had to worry about profile pictures, or what we post on social sitesxxv, but in today's age this is the norm, and as such all business people, especially Gen Y, must learn to adapt. This understanding of the macro-environment helped our group discover that adapting to cultural norms and proper online etiquette are important considerations for consumers, specifically Julies target market.

Our group began with a research objective of formulating a better understanding of Julies current situation. We identified the market that Julie will be competing in, as well as the opportunities it presents; we determined her companys key strengths and opportunities that should be leveraged, as well as weaknesses and threats that should be controlled; we conducted an extensive analysis of Julies consumer, as well as defined the best methods to capture this target market; we pinpointed Julies primary competitors, as well as formulated characteristics Julie should use to distinguish herself; and finally, we identified environmental factors that Julie must leverage to promote her book. The research conducted provided a considerable amount of findings, and with a situation analysis complete, our group is now one step closer to making effective promotional decisions for Etiquette: Confidence & Credibility.


The above graph indicates the fluctuations of the self-improvements market valuation. As can be seen, the market experiences seasonal demand throughout the years, and analysts concur that this is due to external political and economic factors of the respective environment. APPENDIX B - SEGMENTATION


The above graph details the revenues generated by various forms of communication utilized by the self-improvement industry.

APPENDIX C SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHS Experience that enhances credibility:

o o Writer for Huffington Post (Sticky Situations blog) Accomplished public speaker, trainer, and consultant (500+ appearances to date) Graduate of Protocol School of Washington RFAP's 2011 Self-Employed Business Woman of the Year

WEAKNESSES Lack of credibility as an author (first book release) Limited consumer awareness
o o Some in Ottawa and Montreal Little in other parts of Canada, very little in U.S. and China

o o

Lots of exposure/good relationship with the media

o o o o o o CBC CTV TVA Radio-Canada Globe and Mail Les Affaires Will have books available in English and French Public speaking in both languages Valuable international business contacts that can be leveraged Twitter (800 followers) Facebook (280 likes) Instagram LinkedIn (500 connections) YouTube channel Domain visits (35-70 per day) Email newsletter (347 English/324 French subscribers, high opening rate of 47%)

o o

High unit cost for physical books ($10) Weak social media management/lack of strategy Weak management of relationships with media Little to no marketing budget Little time available to dedicate to marketing

Network of contacts

Social media presence

o o o o o o o

Book doesnt merely focus on etiquette rules, but provides an entertaining story as well


OPPORTUNITIES Celebrity endorsements

o Chris Hadfield

THREATS Lots of competitors exist in the domains of business etiquette, selfhelp, and professional development Target markets (students and new grads) are pricesensitive and cheaper alternatives exist Free etiquette blogs and smartphone apps are becoming more widely available

French-speaking market untouchable by most competitors Potential partnerships with client companies (e.g. law firms) to conduct training and provide book to employees







Marriot Stikeman Elliot LLP Bank of Canada COSTCO Export Development Canada Deloitte Ernst & Young Industry Canada OTEC McCarthy Ttrault LLP Public Works and Government Services Canada Universit de Montral University of Ottawa S.O.S Violence Conjugale Julies enthusiasm and warm personality lent itself to helping new graduates transition from Backpack-to-Briefcase. Her tips on how to introduce yourself, dress for success, and create a presence at a corporate event were ideal for young professionals seeking to create a professional image. The results of the workshop were apparent immediately afterwards, and have proven helpful to all attendees Kelsea Beadman Compensation & Benefits Export Development Canada Julie Blais Comeau is the real-deal when it comes to etiquette! Over 80 Telfer School of Management students attended the Professional Etiquette workshop and each one walked away with knowledge about introductions, business cards, name tag placement, and more! Julies presentation was targeted perfectly to her audience of business students. A great workshop; enjoyed by everyone! Thank you! Amanda Richardson Relationship coordinator Career Centre Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa Whether it is a private coaching session or an international conference workshop, I am confident that Julie will energize, you and your team, with the necessary skills and tools to shine in the international business arena. Pamela Eyring President The Protocol School of Washington Source: Julie's Services Booklet. (n.d.). Etiquette Julie. Retrieved October 19, 2013, from 12

APPENDIX E - STUDENT EDUCATION STATISTICS Student Education Statistics University of Ottawa, fall 2012xxvi:

Public postsecondary enrolments and graduates, 2010/2011xxvii - Just over 1,955,300 students were enrolled in Canadian public postsecondary institutions during the academic year 2010/2011, a 2.7% increase from the previous year. - Enrolment increased in all 13 fields of study, but 3 accounted for nearly half of total enrolment for 2010/2011. They were the humanities (18.3%); business, management and public administration (17.6%); and social and behavioural sciences and law (12.8%). These have been the top three fields of study for over a decade.


Source: StatsCan





Gen Y/Millenials
! Active Brand Advocates ! Proactively recommend that someone make a particular purchase ! 71% said that they had liked a brand on Facebook to take advantage of an offer ! 40% check their Facebook more than 10 times per day ! 90% check their emails, texts, and social media accounts on their smartphones before getting out of bed ! 64% feel that companies should offer more ways to share their opinions online ! 51% say consumer opinion on a companys website have a greater impact on purchase decisions than recommendations from family and friends


Why Promote Books Using Social Media?xxviii

The Core Book-Buying Audience Uses Social Media

The audience data that marketers, publicists, and salespeople can gather about social media followers, fans, and general users should be invaluable to anyone marketing or selling books (demographics, psychographics, and behavior of an audience with regard to an author, a title, or a site) will grow sales and marketing efficiency. using Twitter volume and sentiment along with number of screens. They did so with 97% accuracy.

Once youve analyzed your core audience, it quite straightforward to identify key attributes of that audience and find look-alikes. much like your core.

SEO: An author or titles presence on the major networks will nearly always enter the first page of a Google search for the author, title, and even some of the longer tail terms. Ranking higher in search sells books.

A marketers ability to look at the performance indicators and underlying consumer data of past social campaigns will increase her understanding of what works, for what, and how well. Also, what doesnt work. This will speed and hone her next efforts.

Consumers engaged through social media such as Facebook and Twitter are over 50% more likely to buy and recommend than before they were engaged. This study shares both quantitative and qualitative data from a study of 1500 consumers.xxix


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McCarthy, P. (2013, July 31). Five Reasons Social Media Will Always Sell More Books. Retrieved October 17, 2013 from

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