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HD Video Camera

Product Overview TOPZEN ZBRA-20 is new launched HD digital camera pr ducts! the pr ducts appl" latest de#el ped pr cessing $ernel %ased n &P'A( and D)P * image( greatl" impr #ed #erall pr cessing per* rmance * the image! t pr #ides super high clarit"( and res luti n up +,00-+200 .2 milli n pi/el0( and digital #ide *rame rate can reached +212 *rame3sec nds * image! this e4uipment can %e ad pted pr *essi nall" in securit" areas as electr nic p lice capture( and peace cit" c nstructi n( and airp rt( and Ban$( and R ad gate m nit ring and license plate rec gniti n1

eature! Real time HD #ide .5-6PE'0 Ad#anced image pr cessing %ased n &P'A( D)P c res( enhanced handling per* rmance *ull digital signal pr cessing( p wer*ul netw r$ management c ntr l *uncti n %uilt-in #ide #ehicle detecti n alg rithm )D card st rage management %uilt-in l gic decisi n *uncti ns .such as red light( re#erse0


Tec"#ica$ Parameter!

)ens r t"pe Res luti n &rame rate &ull-*rame rate High speed *rame rates 'ain AD )ampling precisi n ?ens inter*ace )D inter*ace P wer suppl" >nput single Transmissi n m de >mage utput * rmat Bide utput * rmat E r$ scene @apture m de Peripheral inter*aces E/ternal *ill 5a/ p wer c nsumpti n E r$ing temperature E r$ humidit"

+3+178 +,00 / +200 +212 *rame3) 90 *rame 3).:22;<700 0=9,d%.>)O+00 = >)O 7000 +0 digit @3@)3& 5icr )D A 92' +2B D@ TT? le#el .l w acti#e0 &TPT@P3>P Ba"er3CDB36PE' 5 ti n-6PE' )ingle lane( tw lanes( three-lane .n t rec mmended0 Ba" net snapping . ne0( snapping #er-speed .tw R)2923R)<72>3O &lashes( str %es( *i/ed light 912E -22 = :0 AF0G N *r st ( n c ndensati n

%#ter&ace De!cri'tio#


Ba" net applicati n

,( 7( +0 P>N * r e/ternal trigger inter*ace( c nnected #ehicle detecti n signal lanes used t match the captured image * lane >D( when starting lanes is set t +( ,P>N trigger captured lane >D * r +!7 P>N 2!+0 P>N trigger image lane captured >D is 9!

R)2923R)<72 inter*ace * r #ehicle speed in* rmati n input inter*aces( when a #ehicle passes thr ugh the e/ternal de#ice t calculate #ehicle speed in* rmati n thr ugh this inter*ace is passed t the HD camera1

&+( &2 * r the e/ternal &lash inter*ace( tw sets * triggers can pr #ide *ull" independent inter*aces thr ugh di**erent c n*igurati ns pr #ide di**erent light*ill st"les .ena%led &+( &2 t ena%le( such as &+( &2( used interchangea%l"01

Red lightH

2( and :( and F * r lights )tate signal * inter*ace( respecti#el" t each( ,( 7( and +0 P>N * r e/ternal triggered inter*ace( c nnected with #ehicles detecti n signal( used t distincti n capture image * lane >D( when starting lane is set * r at +( thr ugh ,P>N triggered capture * image lane >D * r +!7 P>N triggered capture * image lane >D * r 2!+0 P>N triggered capture * image lane >D * r 9

&+( &2 * r the e/ternal &lash inter*ace( tw sets * triggers can pr #ide *ull" independent inter*aces thr ugh di**erent c n*igurati ns pr #ide di**erent *ill st"les .ena%led &+( &2 t ena%le( &+( &2 used interchangea%l"01

<P>N t capture signal input inter*ace( when e/ternal de#ices t detect when there is a #ehicle retr grade( triggered thr ugh the inter*ace( HD cameras aut maticall" snap1

Note!( E/ternal signal input re4uired t pr #ide TT? le#el signal r switch( use <( 2( ,( :( 7( F( +0 inter*aces( p rts n the usual le#el .2B0( nl" n p rts * r l w le#el .0B0 signal is triggered when a #alid1

Orderi#) mode$ TOPZEN ZBRA-20


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