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About Windows 7 New Features

The Windows 7 operating system offers several new features to help you work faster and more efficiently, and enable you to access the files, folders, programs, and applications uickly that you use most! Additionally, Windows 7 simplifies how you can navigate your way around a busy desktop and you computer"s taskbar, enhance search capabilities, and backup and restore functionality to help you manage and protect your files and data! Topics in this guide include#

$sing a %umplist to Access Files Windows &esi'e# (anaging A )esktop *rinting from (ultiple Networks (anaging *ower +ettings ,-panding +earches Across Networks .acking $p and &estoring )ata Customization note: This document contains guidance and/or step0by0step installation instructions that can be reused, customi'ed, or deleted entirely if they do not apply to your organi'ation"s environment or installation scenarios! The te-t marked in red indicates either customi'ation guidance or organi'ation0specific variables! All of the red te-t in this document should either be deleted or replaced prior to distribution!

Windows 7 New Features

Windows 7 helps you become more efficient by simplifying and streamlining your everyday tasks! 1t includes several features that make navigating and working with your desktop, files, folders, and applications easier, and helps you protect your data and manage your operating system!

Navigating Quickly with the Taskbar

Windows 7 features an enhanced taskbar that simplifies how you navigate around a busy desktop, enabling you to uickly access the programs and files that you use most! The taskbar icons are larger, which makes them easier to select with either a mouse or the new Windows 7 touch features! For more information, see Intuitive User Experience at http#//msdn!microsoft!com/en0us/library/dd27373456+!748!asp-!

1f you rest your mouse over any open program"s icon, Windows 7 displays a graphic thumbnail of the program"s open instances! 1f you are using 1nternet ,-plorer, it will show each tab as a different thumbnail! Additionally, you can identify windows easily by resting your mouse over an icon"s thumbnail view! Windows 7 then e-pands the thumbnail to full0screen mode, as the figure illustrates!

The thumbnail views of open windows are helpful particularly when you install applications, as you can watch a thumbnail of the progress bar!


To close a window or thumbnail, you simply click the Close 5 right corner of the thumbnail! 8 button in the top

9ou do not have to minimi'e all open windows to view your desktop! 1n Windows 7, :ust rest your mouse over the how !eskto" button, as the figure to the right shows, and Windows 7 displays a full0screen view of your desktop!

$sing Windows Taskbar ;eyboard +hortcuts

The following Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts make it easier to do everyday tasks#

*ress +<1FT, and click the taskbar icon to launch a new instance of a program! *ress +<1FT=>T&?, and click the taskbar icon to launch an elevated new instance, which provides additional administrator privileges! *ress >T&?, and click a taskbar group to restore the group"s last active window! 1f you continue to click a taskbar group, it will restore the group"s subse uent windows!

#sing a $um"list to %ccess Files

The Windows 7 %umplist feature is a list that populates automatically to include the programs and files that you use most often! 9ou can open %umplist entries uickly, including documents and Web pages! 1f your desktop is full of open items, this is an easy way to find e-actly what you need! Additionally, you can @pinA applications to the Windows taskbar, which enables you to access your recent files uickly via the %umplist!

There are two ways that you can access your Windows 7


>lick tart 5 8, and then click the arrow ne-t to a program to see the files you most recently used, such as Windows (edia *layer files! BC&B 1n the Windows taskbar, right0click on the program"s icon for which you would like to see your most recent files, such as 1nternet ,-plorer or (icrosoft Cffice Word DEE7!

*inning Applications to the Taskbar

To pin an application to the taskbar#

&ight0click the application, and then select &in this "rogram to taskbar, as the figure to the right shows! &epeat as necessary for any applications that you want to access from the %umplist!

Windows 'esize: (anaging a !eskto"

Windows 7 makes it very easy to manage multiple windows on your desktop! 9ou can#

(a-imi'e a window by dragging its border to the top of the screen! (inimi'e that same window by dragging its border from the top of the screen! >ompare documents uickly by locking a window to the screen"s left or the right side! +imply drag the window left or right, and as your cursor touches the screen"s edge, the window resi'es to fill that half of the screen!

$sing Windows &esi'e ;eyboard +hortcuts

The following Windows shortcut keys make it easy to use the Windows Resize feature:

To ma-imi'e the active window, press the Windows 5 A&&CW!

8 logo key and the $* =)CWN

To minimi'e the active window, or restore it to its original si'e, press A&&CW!

)ock the active window to the screen"s side, press =?,FT or &1F<T A&&CW 5depending to which side you want to dock your window8!

Working with )*ternal !is"lays

Windows 7 includes improved support for any display device that you connect to your computer, including video pro:ectors and other computer monitors! 9ou can toggle your screen"s view between your laptop and an e-ternal display by pressing =*!

There are several options, as the graphic below shows#

6iew your desktop on your laptop 5default8! )uplicate your desktop on the video pro:ector! ,-tend your desktop on the pro:ector! +how your desktop only on the pro:ector!

&rinting +rom (ulti"le Networks

1f you have a printer at home and another at the office, Windows 7 makes it easy to switch between them! 9ou no longer have to select a printer manually when you change locations! 1nstead, Windows 7 enables you to select a default printer for each network location, and then uses each location automatically when you connect to its network! This is location-aware printing! To establish location0 aware printing#

>lick tart, and point to !evices and &rinters>lick on a printer from the &rinter and Fa*es section! +elect (anage de+ault "rinters and the dialog bo- that is displayed will appear! >lick the Change my de+ault "rinter when . change networks bo- to select that option! $se the drop0down arrow to elect network and elect "rinter, and then click %dd! &epeat this step to add additional default printers to other networks, and then click /0!

9ou can set up the Windows 7 location0aware printing only if you first install and connect the necessary printers to the appropriate network.

/"timizing 1our !is"lay

Windows 7 enables your display"s high resolution automatically, if you have the necessary hardware and drivers! This optimi'es your monitor"s display, provides you with the best visual e-perience possible, and reduces eyestrain! The default setting is your monitor"s optimal choice for the visual display! <owever, to change your display"s resolution#

&ight0click on your desktop, and click creen 'esolution! The Change the a""earance o+ your dis"lay dialog bo- appears! >lick the 'esolution drop0down bo-, and use slide bars to set your resolution!

>lick %""ly to confirm your settings, and then click /0 when you finish making changes!

>hanging the +i'e of Te-t That )isplays

9ou can maintain the optimal resolution that Windows 7 establishes so that your photos and videos display at full resolution, but still make te-t larger by displaying it up to 34E percent its normal si'e! At 3EE percent, te-t displays at GH dpiI at 3D4 percent, it displays at 3DE dpiI and at 34E percent, it displays at 3JJ dpi! To change your te-t si'e#

&ight0click on your desktop, and click creen 'esolution! >lick on (ake te*t and other items larger or smaller! The (ake it easier to read what2s on your screen dialog bo- appears!

+elect the te-t si'e you prefer, and click %""ly!

Windows 7 then prompts you to restart your system to save these changes!

(anaging &ower ettings

The two biggest users of power on your laptop are your display and hard drive! Windows 7 lets you manage your laptop power so that you can conserve battery power when you are not using your laptop! To manage your laptop"s power consumption#

>lick +tart, point to Control Panel, and then click System and Security. Click Power /"tions! There are two options from which you can choose, .alanced and *ower +aver! >lick Change "lan settings to change how your machine functions when it is on battery power, versus when plugged in to an outlet! 9ou can ad:ust four settings in the Change settings +or the "lan dialog bo-, including the new !im the dis"lay feature that can conserve your battery life significantly!

Additionally, you can manage more power0management settings by clicking Change advanced "ower settings! The %dvanced settings dialog bo- is from where you can control hard0disk usage and processor power management, and preset what happens when your laptop battery runs low!

1n the %dvanced ettings dialog bo-, make the changes you re uire, click %""ly, and then click /0! Windows 7 will prompt you to confirm your changes!

)*"anding earches %cross Networks

Windows 7 offers an e-panded search capability that enables you to find and take action on documents, files, and folders anywhere in your enterprise, not :ust on your computer! This capability is known as federated search!

9ou can use Windows ,-plorer to search any server that is compatible with the Cpen+earch standard, including (icrosoft Cffice +hare*oint +erver DEE7 servers! 9ou must first install a search connector that points to the server location! A magnifying0glass icon signifies an installed search connector! These icons appear, if applicable, on the left side of Windows ,-plorer, in the navigation pane, as the following graphic shows! 1f you click one of the search connectors, you then can type your search term in the search field! The link in the navigation pane is a shortcut that enables you to open the search connector again uickly!


The search results that you get with the Windows 7 e-panded search capability offer the same functionality as regular Windows ,-plorer files! 9ou can drag and drop search results, and then open, print, and e0mail them! The Windows 7 enhanced search capability works within a program"s dialog bo-es, so that you can search for items within an application, such as (icrosoft Cffice *ower*oint!

1nstalling a +earch >onnector

Windows 7 makes it easy to install a search connector! After you download search connectors, simply double0click the connectors that you want to add to Windows ,-plorer! For e-ample, in the following graphic, you could double0click msdn, and Windows 7 adds it automatically to Windows ,-plorer!

A confirmation window pops up when you successfully add a search connector to your Windows 7 operating system!

'ecording te"s +or Troubleshooting

9ou can use *roblem +teps &ecorder to capture the steps you take on your computer, including a te-t description of where you click your mouse and a picture of the screen 5screen capture8 during each mouse click! Cnce you capture these steps, you can save them in a file for use during troubleshooting issues! 1f you are having an issue, perform the following steps to use the *roblem +teps &ecorder#

>lick tart, and type &roblem 'ecord in the search bar! +elect 'ecord te"s to re"roduce a "roblem! >lick Start Record, and then proceed through the steps to reproduce your issue!

Cnce the recording begins, the &roblem te"s 'ecorder dialog bo- changes, so that you can pause the recording at any time, and then resume it later!

>lick Stop Record when you have captured the necessary information!

1n the ave as dialog bo- that appears, type a name for the file, and then click Save! The *roblem +teps &ecorder saves the file with the !'ip file e-tension! To view the steps that you recorded, open the !'ip file, and then click the file labeled MHTML document! 9our recording will open in your browser!

3acking #" and 'estoring !ata

The Windows 7 .ackup and &estore features make it easier for you to back up your data! The Windows .ackup and &estore >enter provides one location from which you can manage all backup and restore options! Additionally, the Automatic File .ackup feature keeps your files safe, as it performs a complete, image0based backup of your entire computer!


.efore backing up and restoring files, remove your laptop from its docking station, and plug it into a wall outlet for power! 1f you are using an e-ternal drive to back up your data, connect it! The backup process varies depending on the type, and amount of data that you have on your machine!


)o not turn off your computer or remove your $+. device while the data backup occurs! 9ou can ad:ust your computer"s backup schedule by clicking on the Change schedule link in the 'eview your backu" settings window!

.acking $p 9our )ata

To back up your data#

>lick tart, click Control Panel, click System and Security, and then click Backup and Restore. The Backup dialog box appears. Select Set up backup. The Select where you want to sa e your backup dialog box appears.

<ighlight the location in which you want to save your backups, and then click Ne*t! 1f you have a $+. drive connected to your computer but cannot locate it in the list, click 'e+resh! The What do you want to back u"4 dialog bo- appears, from which you can choose two backup options, and then click Ne*t#

?et Windows choose 5recommended8 ?et me choose

1n the 'eview your backu" settings dialog bo- that appears, review your settings in the 3acku" ummary pane, and then click ave settings and run backu"! 9our data backup will begin, and a progress meter appears on your desktop! Cnce complete, the Windows 3acku" has com"leted success+ully window appears!

>lick Close to end the backup program!

&estoring )ata
To retrie e your data from backup, make sure you are connected to your !"S de ice, if necessary, and complete the following steps:

>lick tart, click Control &anel, click ystem and ecurity, click 3acku" and 'estore, and then in the 'estore dialog bo- that appears, select 'estore my +iles!

1n the 3rowse or search your backu" +or +iles and +olders to restore dialog bo- that appears, click 3rowse +or +iles or 3rowse +or +olders! +elect a file or folder that you would like to restore, and then click %dd! &epeat this step if necessary, and then click Ne*t! 1n the Where do you want to restore your +iles4 window, select .n the original location or browse to the location to which you would Windows 7 to save your data, and then click 'estore!

Cnce you restore the necessary data, click Finish!

(anaging 1our /"erating ystem

Windows 6ista first introduced $ser Account >ontrol 5$A>8 to prevent users from making unwanted changes to their computers! *rior to completing a change, Windows 6ista would prompt the user to confirm the change! The default Windows 7 $A> setting enables you to make changes to your computer without re uiring that you confirm the change, and the Windows 7 $A> reduces the applications and tasks that re uire specific administrator privileges! To change your account"s $A> settings#

>lick tart, click Control &anel, and in the %d5ust your com"uter settings dialog bo-, click on #ser %ccounts! 1n the #ser %ccounts window, click #ser %ccounts, and then click Change #ser %ccount Control settings! The dialog bo- appears, as the graphic illustrates (ove the slide bar to select the notification level you desire, and then click /0!

#sing Windows 7 hortcuts

+everal new Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts enable you to work uickly and efficiently, even if you have multiple windows open on your desktop! These shortcuts include

To minimi'e all windows e-cept the one in which you are working, press the Windows 5 8 logo key=<C(,! To make all windows transparent so that you can see your desktop, press =+*A>,.A&! To ma-imi'e the active window, press =$* A&&CW!

To minimi'e the active window, or to restore a ma-imi'ed window to its original si'e, press =)CWN A&&CW! To lock the active window to one side of your monitor, press A&&CW! =+<1FT= ?,FT or &1F<T A&&CW! =?,FT or &1F<T

To work with dual monitors, and move the active window to the ad:acent monitor, press
To scroll through your taskbar items, press =T!

To ad:ust your display"s presentation settings, press To 'oom in or out, press = *?$+ or (1N$+ +1FN!


To open a new instance of a particular application, press +<1FT=click the taskbar icon!

For (ore .n+ormation

Welcome to Windows 7 http#//www!microsoft!com/windows/windows07/default!aspWindows Client Featured 'esources$us#windows#default.aspx

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