Data Colected For Journal

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NO SOURCE 1 Social Influence

DATA I started smoking in high school. I remember those peer pressure from school mates (Female, age 23, Student, Non-heavy Smoker) I saw my dad smoking, then one day I stole one of his cigarette. I like it. Its still going on (Female, age 25, Student, Heavy Smoker) Friends, back in college (Male, age 23, Student, Nonheavy Smoker) Friends from high schools (Male, age 27, Employee, Heavy Smoker) I dont think circle of friends gave an influence to me smoking. However, my brother taught me how to smoke. So I blame him haha (Male, age 27, Field Engineer, Non-heavy Smoker) Group pressure from close friends (Female, age 27, Non-heavy Smoker) Seniors in high school. They told us to do so if wanting to be part of the society (Male, age 24, Student, Nonheavy Smoker) The ads influenced me so much. They gave this belief that cigarettes are for men, and those who smoke are so manly (Female, age 25, HR, Heavy Smoker) I used to see my mom smoking. Whenever she did it, she looked so cool. (Female, age 27, Student, Nonheavy Smoker) Mainly my closest friends. But it didnt happen in high school, where they started it. I started years later. Felt like it was a good thing to do (Male, age 27, Employee, Heavy Smoker) I knew back then guys were so cool when they smoked. So to get close to this girl, I tried to smoke. The habit continues. (Female, age 27, Banker, Non-heavy Smoker)

CITATION: Friends: mentioned 7 times (of 11 respondents) Siblings: mentioned 1 time (of 11 respondents) Parents: mentioned 2 times (of 11 respondents) boring (Male, age 24, Student, Heavy Smokers) not appealing (Female, age 21, Waiter, Non-heavy Smoker) The colour is simple and sad (Female, age 19, Sales Advisor, Non-heavy Smoker) The product descriptors look as boring as the colour (Male, age 22, Student, Non-heavy Smoker) It does look weird, ugly, and losing its characteristic, not exciting (Male, age 29, Cinematographer, Heavy Smoker) Certainly it is not appealing anymore (Female, age 23, Teacher, Non-Heavy Smoker) It is not cool anymore to hold the pack (Male, age 26, Student, Non-heavy Smoker) It looks boring and dull (Male, age 24, Student, Nonheavy Smoker) It is sore to the eye and very ugly (Female, age 45, Youth Worker, Heavy Smoker) It looks unacceptably weird (Male, age 24, Hospitality Employee, Heavy Smoker) The colour looks serious (Female, age 27, Banker, Non-heavy Smoker) Looks unexciting than a normal pack (Female, age 27, Employee, Non-heavy Smoker) It is too plain, not appealing at all (Female, 27, Student, Non-heavy Smoker)

Personality Traits and Brand Preference

It is embarrassing, very simple, and basic (Male, 22, Part Timer, Non-heavy Smoker) CITATION: Dull: Mentioned 18 times (Colour), 15 times (Product Descriptor), 24 times (Overall Product Appeal) Not appealing: Mentioned 17 times (Colour), 13 times (Product Descriptor), 11 times (Overall Product Appeal) Boring: Mentioned 17 times (Colour),12 times (Product Descriptor), 16 times (Overall Product Appeal) 3 Self Control I would not see any further point of smoking, if there is no way of actually relating it to any of my affection (Female, age 27, Student, Non-heavy Smoker) It makes me aware of the amount of cigarettes that I would have to smoke, thats worsening my perception towards cigarettes (Female, age 23, Teacher, Nonheavy Smoker) I will think that smoking is not good anymore (Female, age 28, Unemployed, Non-heavy Smoker) Definitely less, as it is making me bored, I will probably quit smoking (Female, age 23, Student, Nonheavy Smoker) Since we will look like an idiot if we smoke from a plain package, I will perhaps smoke less (Female, age 28, Banker, Non-heavy Smoker) It will give me extra motivation to smoke less, consequently I will quit (Male, age 26, Student, Nonheavy Smoker) Less, because most of us are attracted by the ad (Male, age 24, Hospitality Employee, Heavy Smoker) Definitely less as it is making me bored, I will probably quit smoking (Female, age 18, Call Centre, Non-heavy Smoker) CITATION:

Less: Mentioned 5 times Quit: Mentioned 3 times

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