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Magnetorheological Ball End Finishing Process

Anant Kumar Singh , Sunil Jha & Pulak M. Pandey
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Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, New Delhi, India Accepted author version posted online: 23 May 2011.Published online: 14 Mar 2012.

To cite this article: Anant Kumar Singh , Sunil Jha & Pulak M. Pandey (2012): Magnetorheological Ball End Finishing Process, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 27:4, 389-394 To link to this article:

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Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 27: 389394, 2012 Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC ISSN: 1042-6914 print=1532-2475 online DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2011.551911

Magnetorheological Ball End Finishing Process

Anant Kumar Singh, Sunil Jha, and Pulak M. Pandey
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, New Delhi, India
Finishing of three-dimensional (3D) surfaces such as grooves, projections, or complex in depth proles on workpiece surfaces is a challenging task for the many existing advanced ne nishing processes. The advanced ne nishing processes have been developed to precisely control the abrading forces through external magnetic eld. The applications of state-of-art nishing processes are limited to specic geometries only such as concave, convex, at, and aspherical shapes due to restriction on relative movement of nishing medium and workpiece. Many of these processes are incapable of nishing of 3D intricate shaped surfaces. To overcome this problem, a new nishing process for at as well as 3D surfaces using ball-end magnetorheological (MR) nishing tool is developed for ferromagnetic as well as non-ferromagnetic materials. The smart behavior of MRP uid is utilized to precisely control the nishing forces and hence the nal surface nish. A computer controlled experimental setup is designed and developed to study the process characteristics and performance. The magnetostatic simulations of ux density in MRP uid between tool and workpiece has been done to visualize the nishing spot shape and size in contact with the workpiece surface. EN31 magnetic steel and nonmagnetic copper workpieces were nished using developed machine to validate the process concept.

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Keywords Flux density; Magnetorheological; Nanonishing; Polishing; Working gap.

INTRODUCTION Final surface roughness plays an important role in product quality, particularly in situations such as precision ts and high-strength applications, and also the polishing of brittle materials is highly demanded [1, 2]. The precise control of nishing forces is an important consideration for ne nishing with close tolerances and without damaging surface topography. In the last decade, many advanced ne nishing processes have been developed using magnetic eld to precisely control the abrading forces. To name a few, these processes are magnetic abrasive nishing (MAF) [3], magnetic oat polishing (MFP) [4], magnetorheological jet nishing (MRJF) [5], magnetorheological abrasive ow nishing (MRAFF) [6], and magnetorheological nishing (MRF) [7]. MRF is based on a magnetorheological (MR) uid synthesized using carbonyl iron powder (CIP), polishing abrasives, water, and stabilizers [8]. A magnetically-assisted nishing methodology was developed for efcient electrode gap dreg removal during electrochemical nishing of cylindrical surfaces [9]. Applications of these advanced nishing processes are limited to specic geometries only such as concave, convex, at, and aspherical shapes due to restriction on relative movement of nishing medium and workpiece. These are incapable of nishing three-dimensional (3D) intricate shaped surfaces such as in-depth pocket or projection at different angles in a workpiece. To overcome the shape limitations of existing nishing processes, a new precision nishing process for
Received November 5, 2010; Accepted December 27, 2010 Address correspondence to Sunil Jha, Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Room No. 351, Block III, I.I.T. Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India; E-mail:

nanonishing of 3D surfaces using ball end MR nishing tool is developed. In this process, a small hemispherical ball of MR polishing uid is formed at the tip of the tool and is used to abrade=erode the material from workpiece surface. The movement to the nishing spot at the tip of the ball end tool is provided with the help of computercontrolled 3-axis motion controller. The newly developed nishing process is found useful in nishing 3D surfaces of ferromagnetic as well as nonmagnetic materials using specially prepared magnetorheological polishing (MRP) uid. The MRP uid used is comprised of carbonyl iron powder particles and silicon carbide abrasives dispersed in the viscoplastic base of grease and heavy parafn liquid. The specially prepared MRP uid exhibits change in rheological behavior in presence of external magnetic eld. This smart behavior of MRP uid is utilized to precisely control the nishing forces and hence the nal surface nish. In ball end MR nishing process, the nishing spot at the end of cylindrical tool is used for nishing 3D surfaces without imposing any limitation on relative movement of nishing spot on workpiece surface. The stiffened ball end of MR polishing uid at the tip of MR nishing tool is likely to have much exibility to move over different kinds of 3D surfaces such as curved projections, grooves, or complex in-depth proles in the workpiece. This movement of nishing spot works similar to the machining of 3D surfaces by CNC ball end milling cutter. The developed process has its potential applications in aerospace, automotive, molds manufacturing, semiconductor, and optics industries. The key benets of the developed nishing process are the in-process control of tool geometry for controlled nishing operation, the intermittent replenishment of MRP uid at the tip, and the ushing away of heat and debris from the nishing zone by MRP uid. 389

390 MECHANISM OF GENERATING BALL-END MR FINISHING SPOT Figure 1 shows schematically the formation of a stiffened ball-end shape of MR polishing uid at the tip of the tool in the direction of magnetic lines of forces. The pressurized MRP uid at 4 bar pressure is made to enter axially from the upper end of the MR nishing tool through the rotary valve. Once the MR uid reaches the tip of the tool, the ferromagnetic carbonyl iron particles of MRP uid aligned along the direction of magnetic lines of forces and forms a chain-like structure at the tip of the MR nishing tool. This leads to the formation of a nishing spot at the tip of the MR nishing tool. The MRP uid becomes stiffened to a physical texture like a wet-clay, ball-end shape, and apparent viscosity along the direction of magnetic eld becomes very high. This stiffened ball end of MRP uid may be visualized similar to the ball end of a milling cutter movement on a threeaxis vertical CNC machine. The magnetic eld strength can be controlled by controlling the magnetizing current in real time and hence controls the stiffness of the MRP uid and the extent of the abrasion action. The schematic representation of the microstructure of abrasive and magnetic particles in the vicinity of the workpiece surface is shown in Fig. 2. The magnetic force between iron particles encompassing abrasive grain provides bonding strength to it. The nonmagnetic abrasive particles having cutting edges are tightly held between


FIGURE 2.Microstructure of abrasive and magnetic particles in the vicinity of workpiece surface (color gure available online).

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magnetic iron particles over the surface of stiffened ball end. When the stiffened ball end has relative motions with respect to the workpiece surface during the rotation of MR nishing tool, the nishing spot formed by MR particle chains with abrasive particles shears the peaks from the workpiece surface, and hence, the appropriate nishing of 3D surface is performed. The amount of material sheared from the peaks of the workpiece surface by abrasive grains depends on the bonding strength of stiffened ball end of MRP uid provided by eld-induced structure of MR uid. The nishing force developed by stiffened ball end of MRP uid on workpiece surface due to the bonding strength of MRP uid and the rotation of MR nishing tool is given by FF as follows (Fig. 2): FF q 2 F2 n Ft 1

where Fn is the normal force, Ft is the shear force, and FF the nishing force. The depth of penetration depends on normal force Fn provided by eld-induced structure of MRP uid, while the shear force Ft is responsible for removing the material in the form of m-chips during the rotation of the MR nishing tool. The resistance offered by the workpiece for removal of material in the form of m-chip is given by Freq as follows: Freq ss Ap 2

where ss is the shear strength of workpiece material and Ap is the projected area of penetration of stiffened ball end of MRP uid on the work surface. The resistance offered by workpiece (Freq) against the nishing force decreases with increase in working gap between MRP uid tool tip and work surface because of the reduction in ux density with increase in gap. MAGNETORHEOLOGICAL (MR) BALL-END FINISHING SETUP A magnetorheological (MR) nishing setup for generation of magnetically controlled ball end smart abrasive laden shape for nishing of 3D surfaces is developed and

FIGURE 1.Mechanism of formation of the stiffen ball-end of magnetoreological (MR) polishing uid at the tip of the tool.



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automated for performing nishing operation in manufacturing systems. The schematic and picture of developed MR nishing machine are shown in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively. The MR nishing tool is attached vertically on a vertical Z-slide so that the tip of the MR nishing tool can approach the surface of the workpiece and a required working gap can be controlled by a Z-axis stepper motor. A servo motor is used to provide controlled rotation to the tool. The MR nishing tool comprises a concentric inner core, an electromagnet coil, and an outer core. A computer-integrated motion controller is developed to precisely control the rotational speed of the MR nishing tool and the three-axis motion of the nishing spot. The ball bearing, slip ring, timing pulley, and rotary valve are mounted on the upper part of the MR nishing tool. A rectangular platform mounted on the X-Y linear movement slides is provided for holding the workpiece. Three stepper motors are used for controlling the linear motion in the X-Y-Z directions. The MRP uid circulation system comprises a storage tank (funnel shape) along with speed controlled stirrer, where MR polishing uid is prepared and stored, a

FIGURE 4.Photograph of the new magnetoreological (MR) nishing machine (color gure available online).

delivery pump for supplying the MRP uid from the storage tank to the MR nishing tool and a suction pump for recollecting the MRP uid from a nishing zone to the uid storage tank. Both pumps are peristaltic pumps, and an AC variable frequency drive (VFD) is used to control the speed of the peristaltic pump, which in turn controls the ow rate of MRP uid. MAGNETOSTATIC SIMULATION OF MR


The magnetostatic simulation has been done for the electromagnet using an axisymmetric 3D model of MR nishing tool along with the workpiece and MRP uid in the Maxwell software to check the shape of magnetic eld generated at the tip of the MR nishing tool. The workpiece materials used in simulation are ferromagnetic as well as non-ferromagnetic of relative magnetic permeability 4,000 and 1, respectively. The details of assigned parameters to the electromagnet 3D model are given in Table 1. The simulation results for ferromagnetic work material for the working gap of 5 mm to 1 mm of MRP uid between the tool tip and the workpiece surface are shown in Fig. 5. The variation of magnetic ux density at the tip of the MR nishing tool forms stiffened ball end of the MRP uid. This ball end of the MRP uid is used as a nishing tool that performs the nishing when rotated
TABLE 1.Assigned parameters to electromagnet model
Parameter Material Relative permeability Current No. of turns

FIGURE 3.Schematic of new magnetoreological (MR) nishing machine setup (color gure available online).

Electromagnet coil Inner core Outer core MR polishing uid Thin bush Ferromagnetic Non-ferromagnetic

Copper Iron Iron MR uid Brass Iron Copper

1 4,000 4,000 4 1 4,000 1





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FIGURE 6.The shape of magnetic ux density generated at the tip of the tool for the non-ferromagnetic material when the working gap is set to (a) 5 mm and (b) 4 mm to 1 mm (color gure available online). FIGURE 5.The shape of magnetic ux density generated at the tip of the tool for ferromagnetic work material when the working gap is set to (a) 5 mm and (b) 4 mm to 1 mm (color gure available online).

on the vertical axis. The freedom to take this semisolid stiffened ball end all over the surface to be nished lessens the limitations in the nishing complex proles inherent in existing MR nishing processes. Wherever the tool tip reaches the worpiece surface, it is able to nish the prole. The magnetostatic simulation results for MR nishing tool with non-ferromagnetic work material for the working gap of 5 mm to 1 mm of the MRP uid between tool tip and workpiece surface are shown in Fig. 6. Because of the non-ferromagnetic nature of the workpiece material, the magnetic lines of forces are not attracted towards the workpiece surface and does not make a ball end shape of the MR polishing uid as seen in ferromagnetic workpiece material. As most of the magnetic line of forces are turned from the inner core to the outer core at the

tip of the tool, the MRP uid stiffens along these lines of magnetic forces, forming annular ring shape at the tool tip. Because of this, the present method and device are most suitable for nishing magnetic materials as compared to the nonmagnetic materials. It can be used to nish the non-ferromagnetic work materials also by increasing the number of cycles and magnetic eld and giving feed motion. Effect of Working Gap on Process Performance As the working gap decreases, the ux density in MRP uid increases, making the polishing uid more stiff and covering large part of the nishing tool diameter. At a large gap between the tool tip and the workpiece surface, the size of nishing spot is small and can do gentle abrasion action due to weak magnetic eld. Figures 5 and 6 show the shapes of MRP uid formed at the tool tip with variation of working gap between the tool tip and workpiece surface from 5 mm to 1 mm. Due to high



normal magnetic forces on abrasive particles, the projected area of penetration (Ap) of abrasive particle on the workpiece surface increases due to increased indentation. The nishing forces exerted by stiffened ball end of MRP uid on the work surface are maximum at the working gap of 1 mm. The nishing workpiece surface area is also maximum at the working gap of 1 mm and relatively minimum at the working gap of 5 mm (Figs. 5 and 6). The shape of nishing spot formed at the tool tip can be controlled by working gap and magnetic eld to achieve desired process performance. EXPERIMENTATION After the study of magnetostatic simulation results with ferromagnetic as well as non-ferromagnetic work materials, the nishing experiments were conducted on ferromagnetic EN31 workpiece of size 50 30 5 mm and non-ferromagnetic groove surfaces of copper workpieces (Fig. 7). The workpieces were held by precision vice on X Y linear slides. The initial center line average (CLA) surface roughness (Ra) of approximately 414 nm and 336 nm were found on EN31 and copper groove surfaces. The experiments were conducted to study the effect of nishing time on the surface nish. The magnetic eld produced at the MR nishing tool tip was measured by gauss meter and found around 0.2 T for all experiments. The rotational speeds of the MR nishing tool were kept at 100 rpm and 600 rpm for EN31 and groove surface of copper workpieces, respectively. Preliminary trial experiments were conducted at different speed and magnetic ux densities to observe the suitable ux density requirements at different rotational speed of the tool. At low magnetic ux densities below 200 mT, the ball-end shape of the MRP uid at the tool tip was not found stable at 600 rpm due to radially outward centrifugal force acting on CIP particles. Thus, experiments were conducted at 200 mT. The working gap was xed at 2 mm between the tool tip and the work surface. The MRP uid was prepared with 20 vol% carbonyl iron powder (CIP) of CS grade from BASF of average particle size 18 mm, 20 vol% silicon carbide abrasive powder and 60 vol% of viscoplastic base medium (20 wt% AP3 grease and 80 wt% parafn liquid). The MRP uid with 600 mesh

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FIGURE 8.Surface roughness prole of a ferromagnetic EN31 workpiece: (a) initial surface and (b) nished surface with 100 min of nishing time.

size silicon carbide abrasive powder was used for ferromagnetic work material and 800 mesh size for nonferromagnetic work material, respectively. The initial surface roughness of the copper workpiece was less as compared to EN31, so ne abrasive particles of 800 mesh size was used to nish the copper workpiece. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The surface roughness proles were obtained by Taylor Hobson Talysurf for all the experiments. The experimental results for variation in surface roughness proles with nishing time for ferromagnetic as well as non-ferromagnetic workpieces are shown in Figs. 8 and 9, respectively. The ball-end MR nishing tool is able

FIGURE 7.Sectional view of non-ferromagnetic copper workpiece.

FIGURE 9.Surface roughness prole of groove surface of a non ferromagnetic copper workpiece: (a) initial surface and (b) nished surface with 60 min of nishing time.

394 to reduce the surface roughness of the EN31 workpiece from 414.1 nm to about 70 nm with nishing time of 100 min and the surface roughness of groove surface of copper workpiece from 336.8 nm to 102 nm with nishing time of 60 min. The reduction in surface roughness for ferromagnetic as well non-ferromagnetic work materials demonstrates the nishing capability of rotating stiffened ball-end MR nishing tool. Improvement in the surface nish of EN31 and copper samples was due to bonding strength provided to abrasive particles by carbonyl iron particle chains aligned in the direction of magnetic lines of forces. CONCLUSIONS The concept of newly developed MR nishing process for 3D surfaces using the ball-end MR nishing tool is successfully demonstrated on ferromagnetic as well as non-ferromagnetic materials. Surface nish of 70 nm and 102 nm was obtained on EN31 and copper workpieces, respectively. Magnetostatic simulation of the variation of magnetic ux density in the nishing region indicates the formation of the ball-end nishing spot. The shape and size of the nishing spot in contact with the workpiece surface was found varying with the working gap for the same magnetizing current. Process performance greatly depends on magnetic nature of workpiece material, working gap, and magnetizing current.


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