Non-Invasive Versus Invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces

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Proceedings of the Fifth International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting 2013DOI 10!


Non-Invasive Versus Invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces

M. Korostenskaja1, C. Kapeller2, A. aris!, C". o-C"in#1, K. $. %ee1

Functional Brain Mapping and BCI Lab, &Comprehensive Pediatric Epilepsy Center, Florida Hospital or Children, !rlando, FL, "#$% g'tec (uger )echologies !(, #chiedlberg, $ustria% * "niversity o Central Florida, !rlando, FL, "#$

Correspondence M!(orostens)a*a+ Functional Brain Mapping and BCI ,a-+ Florida .ospital for Children+ '01 /ollins 0treet+ Orlando+ Florida 32%03+ 102! 3-mail milena!)orostens)a*a4gmail!com

Abstract. 0urgicall5-implanted+ intracranial Brain-Computer Interfaces 6BCIs7 are e8pected in the future to -ecome a radical+ game-changing modalit5 for the control of 9irtual en9ironments -5 humans :hose direct neuromotor response needs to -e augmented or replaced altogether! /ecent de9elopments in the signal processing of electrocorticographic 63Co;7 signals ha9e suggested that surgicall5--ased intrcranial 3Co; can form a more efficient BCI than non-surgical scalp 33;! In this preliminar5 stud5+ :e aimed to compare the effecti9eness of intracranial 9ersus scalp--ased BCIs! <e conclude that although surgical BCIs can -e effecti9e+ specific approaches must -e de9eloped to identif5 and e8tract the data of interest from 3Co; recordings!
+ey,ords- Brain-computer interfaces 6BCIs7+ P300 speller+ 3lectrocorticograph5 63Co;7

1. Intro&uction
Brain-Computer Interfaces 6BCI7 are po:erful tools for ena-ling communication -et:een people and the surrounding :orld using direct -rain acti9it5 recorded non-in9asi9el5 from the scalp 6electroencephalogram+ 33;7+ in9asi9el5 from the -rain surface 6electrocorticogram+ 3Co;7+ or from deep :ithin the -rain itself using depth electrodes =0hih and (rusiens)i+ 2012>! ?he non-in9asi9e @P300 spellerA paradigm is the most freBuentl5 used approach that allo:s su-*ect to spell :ords or phrases -5 direct -rain-controlled selection from menus presented on a computer screen =Far:ell and Donchin+ 1$%%>! People achie9e $1C accurac5 :ith a spelling speed of 2-3 characters per minute =;uger et al!+ 200$>! .o:e9er+ some recent pu-lished reports =0hih and (rusiens)i+ 2012> ha9e suggested that in9asi9e 3Co;--ased BCIs can -e faster and more accurate than non-in9asi9e 33;--ased BCIs! Det no studies to date ha9e directl5 compared nonin9asi9e 9ersus in9asi9e @P300 spellersA in the same indi9iduals! In this stud5+ :e performed paired comparisons of the @P300 spellerA BCI in -oth in9asi9e and non-in9asi9e settings in the same su-*ects! <e h5pothesiEed that in9asi9e @P300 spellerA :ill -e more efficient than its non-in9asi9e 9ersion!

2. Met"o&s
?hree patients 63 malesF age 2&G1H!27 diagnosed :ith intracta-le epileps5 and undergoing e9aluation for resecti9e epileps5 surger5 :ere recruited! ?he5 under:ent scalp and intracranial testing :ith P300 speller! ?:o different t5pes of P300 speller :ere used character--ased and face--ased! ?raining 3ach participant :as initiall5 presented :ith 3 :ords 6& characters each7! ?his :as done in order to train the linear classifier to distinguish the P300 response! ?he training included flashing ro:s and columns I 1& times each! Indi9idual classifier :as calculated -ased on the acBuired information! 2fter:ards a @free spellingA e8periment -egan! 2ll % electrodes :ere used for free speller -ased on scalp recordings+ :hereas % -est electrodes :ere chosen -ased on certain characteristics 6see Data 39aluation#2nal5sis section7 for free spelling e8periment from su-dural electrodes! ?he free spelling -egan :ith presenting flashing ro:s and columns I 1& times each! ?he num-er of flashes :as graduall5 decreased :hile the desired le9el of difficult5 :as o-tained! ?he gradual decrease included the follo:ing num-er of flashes 1&+ %+ H+ 2 and 1! For each le9el of difficult5+ the & character :ord :as used! ?he 33; data :ere acBuired from % electrodes 6FE+ CE+ P3+ PE+ PH+ PO"+ POE+ PO%7 using a g!10Bamp 62H Bit -iosignal amplification unit+ g!tec Medical 3ngineering ;m-.+ 2ustria7 at a sampling freBuenc5 of 2&' .E! ?he ground electrode :as located on the foreheadF the reference :as mounted on the right earlo-e =;uger et al!+ 200$>!
?he 3Co; data :ere acBuired using g!10Bamp de9ices 62H -it -iosignal amplification unit+ g!tec Medical 3ngineering ;m-.+ 2ustria7 at a sampling freBuenc5 of 1200 .E! 0u-durall5 placed reference and ground electrodes :ere used! ?he num-er of electrodes 9aried for each of the indi9iduals! ?he data :as anal5Eed :ith g!-sanal5Ee M2?,2B-ased program 6g!tec Medical 3ngineering ;m-.+ 2ustria7 and additional M2?,2B scripts! ?hree main approaches :ere used to choose -est % su-dural electrodes for free spelling 617 choosing the signal :ith
Pu-lished -5 ;raE 1ni9ersit5 of ?echnolog5 Pu-lishing .ouse+ sponsored -5 medical engineering ;m-. 2rticle ID 0$0

Proceedings of the Fifth International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting 2013DOI 10!321"#$"%-3-%&12&-2'0-'-$0

the highest amplitudeF 627 choosing the signal :ith the lo:est correlation -et:een standard and de9iant responsesF and 637 significance test -ased sample-:ise computed coefficient of determination+ testing the null-h5pothesis that target and non-target trials ha9e eBual mean amplitude!

!. 'esults an& (iscussion

2ccurac5 in scalp recordings :as reaching 100C for 1&81& presentation rate+ "0C for %8% presentation rate+ '0C for H8H presentation rate+ %0C for H8H presentation rate and 0C for 181 presentation rate! Interestingl5+ using faces 6of different popular people in this case7 instead of simple flashing letters pro9ided :ith higher accurac5 reaching $0C in most of the conditions! Differentl5 from :hat :as predicted+ intracranial recordings did not pro9ide :ith high @P300 spellerA accurac5! It :as significantl5 lo:er for all presentation rates :hen compared :ith the @P300 spellerA accurac5 achie9ed :ith scalp recordings! ?he difficult5 :as o-ser9ed in choosing the right locations for % channels needed to calculate the classifier! 3lectrode locations -ased on the proposed algorithm J1 :ere not al:a5s concordant :ith the locations determined -5 using algorithm J2! <e h5pothesiEed that the failure of intracranial @P300 spellerA to pro9ide :ith high accurac5 results :as related to the algorithms J1 and J2 used for the selection of ma*or % electrodes for calculating the classifier! ?herefore+ a ne: approach :as de9eloped+ :hich included the follo:ing processing steps 17 ?he common a9erage reference o9er all channels :as calculatedF 27 ?he triggers on each channels :ere e8tractedF 37 0ignal :as -aseline-corrected -5 using de-trend functionF H7 2ll artifacts :ere remo9ed from the recording 6all trials :ith amplitudes K 1000 LM are re*ected7F &7 0ample-:ise correlation -et:een non-target and target responses :as calculatedF '7 0ignificance test -ased on the correlation coefficients :as used! ?his ne: approach lead to the results different from those o-tained :ith pre9ious anal5sis methods 6Fig! 17!

Figure 1. E.ample o using approach /* to process intracranial P*00 responses in sub1ect /10' 2ith green is indicated response to targets and in blue 3 response to non4targets' indicates response amplitudes 6m789 and indicates response latencies 6ms9' ;egions bet,een target and non4target ,ith signi icant di erent mean value are highlighted in green'

). Conclusions
Intracranial grid placement ma5 pro9ide users :ith uniBue opportunit5 to control real and 9irtual :orlds :ith high speed and accurac5! .o:e9er+ specific signal processing approaches to achie9e this accurac5 still need to -e de9eloped! Our proposed signal processing algorithm ma5 -e of high 9alue to achie9e this goal! .o:e9er+ this is the first test of the algorithm the 9alidation of the :hole procedure is needed -efore it ma5 -e used in real settings! Ackno*le&#ements ?he stud5 :as supported -5 the internal funds of Florida .ospital for Children! 'eferences
Far:ell ,2+ Donchin 3! ?al)ing off the top of 5our head to:ard a mental prosthesis utiliEing e9ent-related -rain potentials+ Electroencephal Clin <europhysiol+ "0 &10-23+ 1$%%! ;uger C+ Da-an 0+ 0ellers 3+ .olEner C+ (rausE ;+ Cara-alona /+ ;ramatica F+ 3dlinger ;! .o: man5 people are a-le to control a P300--ased

-rain-computer interface 6BCI7N <eurosci Lett+ H'2 $H-%+ 200$! 0hih OO+ (rusiens)i DO! 0ignals from intra9entricular depth electrodes can control a -rain-computer interface+ = <eurosci Meth, 203 311-31H+ 2012!

Pu-lished -5 ;raE 1ni9ersit5 of ?echnolog5 Pu-lishing .ouse+ sponsored -5 medical engineering ;m-. 2rticle ID 0$0

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