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Biology: Concepts and Connections, 6e (Campbell) Test Bank (1) Part (3)

Short !estions in the te"t book #ith in$erted ans#er: %&'() *%+,(- .%/01(- 23 2456,(- 7%89(- 23 :;<=>? %&@%;%5) A5<@ B6'1C :=DEF GH-IE JK L/@ Chapter (1): Mntrod!ction: The ScientiNic St!dy oN OiNe
1G1P Qhich oN the Nollo#ing le$els oN biological organiRation incl!des all others in the list: Cell, molec!le, organs, tiss!eS (Answer page: 3) 1G TP U"plain ho# the photosynthesis oN plants N!nctions in both the cycling oN chemical n!trients and Nlo# oN energy in an ecosystem (Answer page: 3) 1G3P U"plain #hy cells are considered the basic !nits oN liNe (Answer page: 4) 1GVP Qhat is the chemical basis Nor all oN liNeWs kinshipS (Answer page: 5) 1GXP To #hich oN the three domains oN liNe do #e belongS (Answer page: 7) 1G6P Yo# does nat!ral selection adapt a pop!lation oN organisms to its en$ironmentS (Answer page: 9) 1GZP Qhat is the diNNerence bet#een disco$ery science and hypothesisPbased scienceS (Answer page: 9) 1G[P Qhy is it diNNic!lt to dra# a concl!sion Nrom an e"periment that does not incl!de a control gro!pS (Answer page: 11) 1G\P Yo# do science and technology interactS (Answer page: 12) 1G1]P Yo# might an !nderstanding oN e$ol!tion contrib!te to the de$elopment oN ne# dr!gsS (Answer page: 12)

Chapter (T): The Chemical Basis oN OiNe

TG1P Qhich No!r chemical elements are most ab!ndant in li$ing matter (Answer page: 18) TG3P U"plain ho# table salt ill!strates the theme oN emergent properties (Answer page: 19) TGVP ^ nitrogen atom has Z protons, and its most common isotope has Z ne!trons_ a radioacti$e isotope oN nitrogen has \ ne!tronG Qhat is the atomic n!mber and mass n!mber oN this radioacti$e nitrogenS (Answer page: 20) TGXP Qhy are isotopes !seN!l as tracers in research on the chemistry oN liNeS (Answer page: 21) TGZP U"plain #hat hold together the atoms in a crystal oN table salt (`aCl) (Answer page: 23) TG[P Qhat is chemically nonsensical abo!t this str!ct!re YPCaCPY (Answer page: 23) TG\ Qhy is it !nlikely that t#o neighbo!ring #ater molec!les #o!ld be arranged like thisS H H O C H H (Answer page: 24) TG1]P Qhat enables neighbo!ring #ater molec!les to hydrogenPbond to one anotherS (Answer page: 24) TG11P Qhen yo! look at the beads oN s#eat on yo!r Nace Nollo#ing a hard #ork, can yo! e"plain #hat holds those drops togetherS (Answer page: 25) TG13P U"plain ho# the NreeRing oN #ater can crack bo!lders (Answer page: 26) TG16P Qhat is the relationship bet#een Nossil N!el cons!mption and coral reeNsS (Answer page: 28)

Chapter (3): The bolec!les oN Cells

3G1P Qhy do isomers, #hich ha$e the same Norm!la (same n!mber oN atom), ha$e diNNerent propertiesS

(Answer page: 34) 3GTP MdentiNy the chemical gro!ps that do not contain carbonS (Answer page: 35) 3G3P S!ppose yo! eat some cheeseG Qhat reactions m!st occ!r Nor the amino acid monomers in the protein oN the cheese to be con$erted to proteins in yo!r bodyS (Answer page: 36) 3GVP Qrite the Norm!la Nor a monosaccharide that has three carbonsG (Answer page: 37) 3GXP Oactose, as yo! read in the chapter introd!ction, is the disaccharide s!gar in milkG Mt is Normed Nrom gl!cose and galactoseG The Norm!la Nor both these monosaccharides is C6Y1Tc6G Qhat is the Norm!la Nor lactoseS (Answer page: 38) 3GZP Compare and contrast starch and cell!lose, t#o plant polysaccharidesG (Answer page: 39) 3G[P cn a Nood package, #hat dose d!nsat!rated Natse meanS (Answer page: 40) 3G\P Qhy are h!man se" hormones considered lipidsS (Answer page: 41) 3G11P Qhich oN the Nollo#ing is not a protein: hemoglobin, cholesterol, o$alb!min, an enRyme, an antibodyS (Answer page: 42) 3G1TP Mn #hat #ay is the prod!ction oN a dipeptide similar to the prod!ction oN a disaccharideS (Answer page: 43) 3G13P Qhy dose a denat!red protein no longer N!nction normallyS (Answer page: 43) 3G1VP MN a genetic m!tation changes the primary str!ct!re oN a protein, ho# might this destroy the proteinfs N!nctionS (Answer page: 44) 3G16P Yo# are the t#o types oN n!cleic acids N!nctionally relatedS (Answer page: 47)

Cells and Tiss!es Chapter (V): ^ To!r oN the Cell

VG1P Qhich type oN microscope #o!ld yo! !se to st!dy (a) the changes in shape oN a li$ing h!man #hite blood cellg (b) the Ninest details oN s!rNace te"t!re oN a h!man hairg (c) the details str!ct!re oN an organelle in a h!man li$er cellS (Answer page: 53) VGTP To con$ince yo!rselN oN the larger s!rNace area to $ol!me oN small cells, compare the ratio oN s!rNace area to $ol!me oN the large c!be and one small c!beG (Answer page: 54) VG3P Oist three that are common to prokaryotic and e!karyotic cellsG Oist three Neat!res that diNNerG (Answer page: 55) VGVP Qhich oN the Nollo#ing organelles does not belong in the list: mitochondrion, chloroplast, ribosome, lysosome, pero"isomeS QhyS (Answer page: 57) VGXP hescribe the str!ct!re oN a biological membraneG (Answer page: 58) VG6P Qhat are the main N!nctions oN the n!cle!sS (Answer page: 59) VGZP Qhat role do ribosomes play in carrying o!t the genetic instr!ctions oN a cellS (Answer page: 59) VG[P Qhich str!ct!re incl!des all others in the listg ro!gh Ui, smooth Ui, endomembrane system, n!clear en$elopeS (Answer page: 59) VG\P Contrast the Norm and N!nctions oN smooth Ui and ro!gh UiG (Answer page: 61) VG1]P Qhat is the relationship oN the jolgi apparat!s to the Ui in a proteinP secreting cellS (Answer page: 61) VG11P Yo# is a lysosome like a recycling centerS (Answer page: 62) VG1TP Ms a Nood $ac!ole part oN the endomembrane systemS (Answer page: 62) VG13P Yo# do transports $esicles help tie together the endomembrane systemS

(Answer page: 63) VG1VP Qhat is cell!lar respirationS (Answer page: 63) VG1XP Qhich membrane in a chloroplast appears to be the most e"tensi$eS Qhy might this be soS (Answer page: 64) VG1ZP Qhich component oN the cytoskeleton is most important in (a) holding the n!cle!s in place #ithin the cellg (b) g!iding transport $esicles Nrom the jolgi to the plasma membraneg (c) contracting m!scle cellsS (Answer page: 65) VG1[P Compare and contrast cilia and NlagellaG (Answer page: 66) VG1\P Qhy dose a lack oN dynein arms aNNect the action oN both cilia and NlagellaS (Answer page: 67) VGT]P hescribe the three str!ct!res that pro$ide s!pport to the plasma membraneG (Answer page: 67) VGT1P ^ m!scle tear ink!ry #o!ld probably in$ol$e the r!pt!re oN #hich type oN cell k!nctionS (Answer page: 68) VGTTP Qhich animal cell k!nction is analogo!s to a plasmodesmaS (Answer page: 68) VGT3P Yo# do mitochondria, smooth Ui, and the cytoskeleton all contrib!te to the contraction oN m!scle cellS (Answer page: 69)

Chapter (T]): lniNying Concepts oN ^nimal Str!ct!re and m!nction

T]G1P U"plain ho# the ability to p!mp blood is an emergent property oN a heart, #hich is at the organ le$el oN the biological hierarchyG (Answer page: 414) T]GTP U"plain ho# a seal, a peng!in and a shark ill!strate con$ergent e$ol!tion (Answer page: 415) T]G3P Yo# is a tiss!e diNNerent Nrom a cell and an organS (Answer page:415 )

T]GVP Upithelial tiss!es are named according to the PPPPPPPPPPP oN cells on their apical s!rNace and the n!mber oN cell PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPG (Answer page: 416) T]GXP Qhy does blood !ality as a type oN connecti$e tiss!eS (Answer page: 417) T]G6P The m!scles responsible Nor a gecko climbing a #all are PPPPPPPPPPPPP m!scles (Answer page: 418) T]GZP Yo# does the long length oN some a"ons (s!ch as those that e"tend Nrom yo!r lo#er spine to yo!r toes) relate to the N!nction oN a ne!ronG (Answer page: 418) T]G[P U"plain #hy a disease that damages connecti$e tiss!e can impair most oN the bodyfs organsS (Answer page: 419) T]G\P Qhy is it beneNicial to gro# replacement tiss!es or organs Nrom a patientfs o#n cellsS (Answer page: 419)

Chapter (31): Plant Str!ct!re, ieprod!ction, and he$elopment

31GXP mor each oN the Nollo#ing str!ct!res in yo!r body, name the most analogo!s plant tiss!e system: circ!latory system, skin, adipose tiss!e (body Nat)G (Answer page: 626) 31G6P Qhich oN the Nollo#ing cell types has the potential to gi$e rise to all others in the list: collenchyma, sclereid, parenchyma, $essel elements, companion cellS (Answer page: 629) 31GZP ^ plant gro#s taller d!e to cell di$ision #ithin the PPPPPPPP at the tip oN the shootsG S!ch lengthening is called PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPG (Answer page: 631)

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