There Is No Crack in The Skull, Said Dr. Rutabasibwa.

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RayhanabaiMerali from CANADA sent 4 pictures of Hatibu, a 2 year old boy in a very sad and a heart breaking condition from a very small village in Zanzibar.
Original Message ----From: ReyhanaMerali To: ReyhanaMerali Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2014 2:26 AM Salaam Alaikum: I am writing to you on behalf of Hatibu, a 2 year old boy from a very small village. I met him last night and saw his very sad and heart breaking condition.

Please see attached pictures.He has a big boil or pimple the size of a golf ball, which seems to emerge from the right side of his small head. It started a month ago and this growth is getting bigger by the day. When I looked at it closely, it looked infected. It almost seems like there is a crack in his head and the pimple is growing out of it. The doctors in Zanzibar are not able to diagnose the condition. The boy is in constant pain but has no energy to cry anymore, so he sits looking very sad. His mother Fatma does not have the $1 bus fare to town, (one hour away), so I sent them in a taxi.Few situations have moved me to this extent, and I am not asking for additional funds, only if I can use some of your already donated funds for this child.We would probably then send him to Agakhan hospital in Dar-es-salaam for a CT scan, before they decide what if anything can be done for Hatibu. I am not sure if he can be treated in Tanzania or maybe flown to India but that is a decision we can make later. For now, we need to get him to Dar for tests. Thank you for your continued support. When you find yourself in a position to help someone, be happy because God is answering that persons prayer through you. Reyhana

On the 10th February Reyhanabai brought Hatibu to Dar essalam and admitted the child to Agha Khan Hospital, The boil on the head was diagnosed as cancer and they referred Hatibu to Muhimbili Hospital Cancer ward.

Rayhanabai contacted IZAAS and AltafFazal through AkitandaGeorge and RobertRwizafrom Zamzam Oil Petrol Station admitted the child at MuhimbiliCentre for children with cancer. He was accepted as a welfare case.

The child was mal nut rated, George and Robet organized the child to be given high protein UJI and healthy diet. Rehanabai left for CANADA same day.

IZAAS contacted Dr. Nice Rutabasibwa a Neuron Surgeon who is originally from Bukoba, he was operating and had a very tight schedule but he requested that if Robert brought the child at 7am then he will see him.

The child was so mal-nut rated and weak that he could not hold his head and Doctor had to hold it for him. He also seems to have vision problem.

Dr. Nice Rutabasibwa said There is no crake in the skull, the boil does not originate from the brain, it is on the skin and hard, this does not look like cancer but if not removed early it will turn to cancerous.

The boy has multiple problems, mal nutrition, and hygiene, apart from the big boil he has 4 more on the head, it is ulcer, the whole body has skin rash. He needs antiseptic soap and Dittol.

The Doctor thanked Rayhanabai who brought the child from Zanzibar and saved his life.

IZAAS CARE AND SUPPORT PROGRAM Email: box 92 Bukoba Tanzania Prepared by Mubaarak Abdullah

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